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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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Drop your homescreens. Rate, hate, appreciate.
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>>8072505 nice
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just bought the new nothing phone yesterday, still have some work to do
Where is a good place to get new mobile papers since the ricing general is dead, and zedge is unusable since it became ad infested?
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Is this the new homescreen thread
>Mobile legends

U filipino?
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Oh boy a home screen thread!
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very cool
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how do u achieve this?
what the weather app.?
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Oh boy, my time to shine.
Been a while since there was a /HSG/
Curious if anybody gets the reference of my rice. I updated it a bit after but you'll get the idea.
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nerdy tel launcher
NothingOS built in weather widget
What icon pack is that?
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TFW you will never find a good wallpaper
It’s the iOS 18 beta.
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Original photo I took and made my homescreen
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Older layouts
Feels wierd but ok


Very cool


Sexooooo best in this thread


Very nice, clock seems aliased though. Idk if intentional or not but looks good anyway

SEXOOOOOOO but how do you use it when people are around?
>but how do you use it when people are around?
I just use it, it's not that explicit.
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This has been mine for a while, thinking of changing up the background
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Can't wait for Christmas
I see you are a man of culture as well
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ifags not so bad these days
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how do you achieve this look? or what phone are you using?
8/10 Cool idea!
4/10 idk look weird to me
Keep it up/10
6/10 folders folders folders
>>8079046 2 clocks...
7/10 Is that just stock? Looks good
8.5/10 Nice
8/10 Not my style but cool
6.5/10 Never seen Niagara used with no fav, also 2 clocks... ew
7.5/10 if u actually use all its functions otherwise it's a 5
8/10 fix your icons, also 2 clocks
Stock/10 2 clocks again, cool pic btw
9/10 That's pretty good!
7/10 2 clocks...
8/10 but 2 damn clocks!
8.5/10 that's nice and you gave me an idea
nothing has changed since the last thread. I would like to have another Mariko wp
Yes, it is just stock
Is there a general resource list for this niche?
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Switched from a Galaxy ZFlip 3 to an brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max. I like it a lot :)
Pls can post the wallpaper? Thank in advance
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wallpaper, please?
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This is probably less of a concern outside /g/ but are there any good widgets/widget makers and custom options that are free/open source?
>2 clocks...
I can't get rid of the small one.
how bro
Use Nova launcher, i think almost any launcher can hide the notification bar, or System ui tuner or Good lock if you have a Samsung
I have a Motorola. I like the big clock because it's right there and tells me the date. The small clock is good for when I'm lying in bed shiposting. I can see how too late I've stayed up.
Will peep Nova launcher and see what's up.
8/10 my favs so far
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Just in the homescreen it will be hidden


What launchers are you guys using?

Smart launcher or Niagara
has really cool aesthetics to it. I like it
What's the icon set?
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( the ones I like w/ A Ton of personality)

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