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in a live action adaptation of Naruto by Lionsgate studios?
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Reminder Tsunade canonically makes herself look like she's in her 20's

>Goddamn the art style of one piece is fucking ugly

My first thought too when that pic opened up. Unless you draw the girls completely off-model, they look like total shit, like everything else in that series
Because girls don't have tits until they start hitting puberty? Do you hear yourself?
>reads half the post
I want to shove my dick between Sydney Sweeney's tits. If you know what I mean.

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How based was the Penguin during this scene?

Previous: >>205596896
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i was kinda hoping he'd keep the old one but >>205618295 this sounds way cooler
the old one still flooded so it would freeze in the winter would be best but it isnt flooded anymore
i was one of the first to say that the negroid was a really poor match for Oz and their scenes felt stiff, however him being so integral and helpful by the finale and then saying "all right Oz you're my man" only to be killed in the worst way short of torture was unpleasant, compare Tony killing Chris, still hard but less out of the blue
But Oz was a Kid, he probably has deep psychological traumas from it.
Why is Penguin just suddenly rich after his mushroom lab got blown up?

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>we began to hunt the enemy day and night
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Our aircraft carriers out number them as well
That and then most people who have heard of ARVN shit-talk them pretty hard. They weren't very good on the whole but had some very solid elements too. Most VC gorilla warfare noble savage ewok superpower techniques were done better by the PRUs eventually.

If America actually exercised direct control over South Vietnam the war would have wound down before the end of the 60s.
>The air war was even more civil
yeah jewish lapdog amerimutts firebombing german civilians by the hundreds of thousands is really civil
the so called south vietnamese government was basically a colonial puppet regime
for example less than 3 percent of the country was christian at that time
yet south vietnamese government was predominantly occupied by christians in positions of power
so much so that they started persecuting Buddhists and native animists faiths so much so that they would rather have commies than these american funded christian terrorists
Given recent political shifts I would anticipate very imminent eruptions of hostilities in SEA in particular. The region has multiple civil wars going on already and American economic policy moving forward is very tenuous... UNLESS something happens to China. China being an export market that prices out American goods, any attempt by Americans to reclaim industrial production would be greatly aided by wasting large portions of China's economic strength.

And this could be easily accomplished by forcing the Chinese to fight a Hellish COIN operation in Indochina. Add drones and you've got something on the same order as the Ukraine but with ten times as many troops and even less air power.

I'm Ivan
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Looks like rain.
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> "I know who you are."
>Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.

Would Timmy have been good in the Blade Runner movies?
Would Christian Bale with the same BMI he had for his role in The Mechanic be a good fit for Batman? No.
any truly known actor doesn't fit in it, i'm fucking sick of the same fucking three actors in everything; there's no immersion in "oh it's chalamet again but he's now a poet, now he's a farmer, oh now he's some pirate"

i miss when you didn't recognise actors in fucking everything and had little else to attach them to so it's easier to really see them as their characters in the worlds they're portraying

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Ratatouille (2007)
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Me on the right
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>Oh and also

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this is the true meaning of Veterans Day. thank you for your service

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What is the comfiest film of all time?
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The retard this movie was based on lied and hassled everyone including people who spent time and money to help him then wrote a book with even more bullshit, the online documentary is infuriating. He died homeless and alone still living in the airport in 2022

I like when they hire a guy to bring back all the carts and he gets all cocky about it to Hanks
you dont know the meaning of the word or are an edgelord
the short history of Yugoslavia is really cool especially their part in WW2
I love this movie.
Went and saw it in theater with my mom.
Good memories.

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This really was one of the best Star Wars movies and easily the best of the prequel trilogy. Why does it get so much hate?
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>Jar Jar, Maul and Qui-Gon are more iconic than 90% of OT characters
Cram it, Zoomie. Jar Jar is INFAMOUS, not iconic. Maul's a walking fight scene, and Qui-Gon isn't even one of Liam Neeson's more noteworthy roles.

Han, Luke, and Leia effortlessly mog the shitty Prequel cast.

>muh RLM
Prequelshitters will use any excuse to avoid admitting that the movies that gave us "I HATE SAND" and "NOW THAT WAS PODRACING!" were shit.
"The Force is actually just microscopic bacteria that affect the universe!!" is a shitty explanation that kills the mysticism of the Force.

Ok there, Mr plunkett.
But in all honesty I could pick 5 tracks each for episodes 1-6. I can't pick any tracks I like for any sequels or spin off movies.
>Boomer nonsense
If that's the best refutation that you can come up with then that means on some level you knew you were wrong


Why did that guy at the beginning just walk past that other guy who was on fire and didn't even give a shit?
This was never explained

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For real tho I'm out here tryin to fuck Skye Riley.
that's a man

Lol liberals are such pussies they can't even direct an exciting war movie. These battle scenes were bland as fuck
I mean the elite special operators were of course black women. Pretty much tells you everything you need about the staff's knowledge of battle and warfare.
Whole thing was shot on this “state of the art” new camera which is permanently attached to a gimbal, so it just ends up looking like the whole thing was shot with a drone and it’s a somewhat nice looking youtube vid. Oh, and also the movie was boring.

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How does he wreck the Hulk in a fist fight even before he has the power stone?
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I got a much better question for you:

How the fuck do they fight on a spaceship without ripping it to pieces?
They were very careful.
Because he grew up fighting other bullshit strong people and then conquered the universe which was full of more bullshit strong people. Collecting the stones was just his retirement plan, he was already in charge of everything, he already won before the story even started.
Am I missing out for never watching either of these movies? Haven't seen any marvel movies past iron man 2.
Just watch Winter Soldier and maybe Guardians of the Galaxy

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>MAGPIE is a stylish neo-noir thriller centered on married couple Anette (Daisy Ridley) and Ben (Shazad Latif), whose lives begin to fracture when their daughter is cast alongside a glamorous movie star, Alicia (Matilda Lutz). As Anette's suspicions of Ben's infatuation with Alicia intensify, their secrets and lies threaten to burst to the surface and destroy them all.



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Pretty sure she has no personal assistants left and just props up the phone with a stand. The career -- not going so good. She's waiting for that call from Disney.
vegetarian food looks more crazy and gross than any star wars food
is that plate half off the table
I think that is Ethiopian food.

Ethiopian food is just a famine with catering.

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what went wrong?
Megan Fox not being on my dick.
Why are these niggas green?
Megan Fox is a man.

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