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I feel bad for these YouTubers who get very little views on their videos. I don’t know why they even bother.
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>I don't know what it is about pale, pasty, slightly yellow teeth, petite women like this. I instantly fall in love.

because she's cute and looks natural without trying hard to fit in. i love this kinda girls too. absolute waifu material
Some of those cover channels are A1. I stumbled upon this little lady who covered Cherry Colored Funk and it almost brought me to tears. Good shit.
I wish 1791L still made videos
>scooby doo collector
Does she have hairy arms?

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claire won edition

>/ftl/ News
Bitchtank has ENDED! Fishtank Season 3 starts in late August.

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank

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he lost, he didnt came back with his black lover and now he's back to fucking discord trannies like you
The chickens have left the roost
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claire probably isn't going to resurface on any social media, right? i think this will be the first and last time we see her.
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Jet is going to fuck and cum inside of Cleh

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>Jenna, I told you not to buy that domain name. Say it out loud.
Jennas-Side. Jennas-Side. I'm not hearing it Liz
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I saw this pic a week ago in a different thread and it made me finally give in and download this show. I have been watching a few episodes every night since. I have not laughed but it is comfy.
name one show where conservatives made fun of themselves
>uh oh I dont have a response.... surely this tranny wojak will do the trick!!

I'm not even the original comment. Sad!
King of Queens is great
conservatives don't make shows because they're not allowed so: none

So apparently the villains in Scream 5 were people who were so pissed off about The Last Jedi that they went on a killing spree. How the fuck did this movie come out two years ago and I never heard a peep about this from /tv/?
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this bitch literally wears a tranny flag all throughout scream 6

scream 5 and scream 6 are some of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and I genuinely hope all involved in making them have their children raped in front of them before they’re scalped
>Dey hea
This reddity piece of shit sheboon dyke solely ruined one of the best horror franchise ever
That's the most unbelievable part of the whole movie.
Stab 8 looks like a good time.

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>DJ Qualls, born on June 10, 1978 in Nashville, was an American actor, music producer, adult star, LGBTQ activist, Custom Robo Arena player, amateur physicist and model. He died on July 29th, 2024 at the age of 46.
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i am legit responsible for at least 60% of all dj qualls threads and i assure you i bear him no ill will i just find it funny as fuck
He keeps getting resurrected, that's the problem.
I can't wait for this faggot to die for real. It's gonna be glorious.
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fuck y'all
I'm still amazed his bussy broke up a marriage

When all is said and done, who has had the best career of this generation?
>Keira was previous generation
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>that sagging neck
It's over
Is that what she wears when promoting her booze with her brother?
yes, they have a... very close relationship. it's why she'll never marry
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you're on crack
ehhhhh don't even joke about this. i'm still thinking on how to break through to my parents that not only am I a lame loser but the daughter thinks she's a dyke

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From watching American tv shows and movies you would think that cheerleaders are a very big part of US culture. Has that been your experience?
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ok what about the next 1000? this is a useless chart
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All the cheerleaders at my highschool were short fat niggers/latinx's

Kek no. I’m in Idaho and it’s getting more shitskiny by the week. The feds are dropping bus loads of them off constantly. All the doordasher delivery guys are fucking spics now. This wasn’t the case even a year ago.

There are illegal spic shitskins and other mystery meat browns in small towns all across Idaho and the white girls are beginning to breed with them even though there are plenty of single decent white men looking for white wives. The country is cooked
same to you :)
well that’s depressing

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I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent. To the blood bank.
>strangles a crooked cop to death
>"now you're a good cop"
Always thought it was "Son of Detroit" instead of "Senator Trent". Needless to say I wasn't really paying attention
he got fat lol

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HOH: Chelsie
NOMS: Lisa, Kenney, Angela

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)

previously on /bb/: >>201758431
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its not that weird to peep the fucked up meds someone is on
uh yes it is? lmao are these the kind of freaks I might be dating jesus
yeah but why take pictures?
gotta know if they have herpes or some personality disorder

It's so over for chuds
Inside Out 2 and now Deadpool 3 have proved that Disney is still king.
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I guess I’ll start scoping out cancer wards to get a gf there
If I released Frozen 3 with a fire prince that was a full blown nazi Hitler portrayed as the ultimate good guy, and it performs extremely well in theaters, does that mean nazism is back? No, it means people wanted to see Frozen 3.
Normal people
>that was a great movie!

Capeshit redditors
>that was a decent movie
she's a whore
That's an outdated estimate, jewboy. The scientists pushed it back to 2050.

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prev: >>201776736
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hes literally gay tho

and this was hit best armor
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Plate armor with cloth always looks amazing
>House Tully is the most stable one in the Riverlands
It befits them.
absolutely. Feudal armies would raise levies and men at arms from various lords loyal to the king.
Centralized standing armies where rare, so there would be a great variance in armor and heraldry depending on which fief the soldiers were raised from
> generic tourney-style decoration which was depicted in manuscripts

Thats correct. Probably tourney use but possibly used for intimidation such as with wings on hussars
>It's called a Reiter Helmet

a yes you are right, more of an 13th-14th century helmet used by lancers.
> It may very well have been Eastern, because I think it was then picked up by the Polish-Lithuanian Hussars
possibly so, Hussar style cavalry was greatly influenced as by the Turkic and tatar cavalry faced around the time of ottoman expansion. Though it really was a practical design too once gunpowder and pikes warfare favored lighter armor and more mobility.
why are the riverlands the ghetto of westeros

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>good looking white leads
>nog dies in the first 5 minutes, signaling the end of the great period of nigger fatigue
>girl lead is not a raging bitch or Mary Sue. She struggles the entire movie
>villain is an incel and a Mexican
Bros…are back?
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Suck zone
Maybe I missed something but, what even happened to the superman guy and the evil cowboy business man buying the properties? Last I remember, the friendzoned mystery meat guy robs the truck from the former and leaves him in the middle of the road and decides to go help the town people, did they die by the giant tornado offscreen?
What does the cuckboy beaner do. For work now?
Demonic white hands typed this post
During the credits, there was a montage showing what the main characters do after the airport scene, the mystery meat guy joined the group, they kept working and publishing their results, and became a popular group for their work on tornadoes

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>You have (10) seconds to name a movie where no one dies
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Monsters University
No one dies in Brave.
Merida is my wife.
George of the Jungle. No one dies, they just get really big boo boos.
Wall Street
Homeward Bound

Born July 26th, 2000, our Kiwi rose turns 24! What is her best role?
the one where she showed her butt

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the fuck was his problem?
Everyone around him was overreacting.
advanced graphite denial
he was a model comrade if you were paying attention

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