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the fuck was his problem?
Everyone around him was overreacting.
advanced graphite denial
he was a model comrade if you were paying attention
Nothing. He wasn't anywhere near the problem. He was in the toilet when all that stuff went down. Besides 3.6 Roentgen isn't even that bad
you're delusional
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a daring synthesis
this meme fucks
The only sane man surrounded by old women
He was just an asshole by the looks of it. Which tends to make people dislike you whether you're right or wrong.
Physics tried to get in between a Commie and his promotion.
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you didn't see vomit
Will we ever see a character like this in a historical show, but she's instead a sassy black woman
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misrepresented by the show for the most part. I love how the REAL representation of the core issue is barely on the screen.
I hate how people latched onto "you hate her because she's a woman" as if that was the real reason. Meanwhile, Jessie Buckley was also in this one.
imagine the timeline in which the molten uranium did hit the water and caused a second explosion that poisoned most of the land in europe
someone should make some disaster kino about an alternate timeline like that
Soviet union
That wouldn't have actually happened. Local water tables might have gotten fucked up but there would be no eurosplosion.
I'm glad they didn't turn the whole show into a propaganda piece. This guy was on screen enough to represent the minority of hardline communist ideologues that would have been around. But not so much that the viewer thinks everybody was like that.
have you ever seen someone pour water on a stove fire?
>Jessie Buckley
looks great in everything
I want to hate fuck this comrade
Russian history is so much more interesting when they're all British
He was getting railroaded as a scapegoat for a massive ecological disaster which lead to international revelations of technical incompetence and corruption within the USSR, and sped up the fall of the Berlin Wall,
when he did absolutely everything they told him to.

He is not wholly responsible for lapses in maintenance and funding and lack of training which the USSR could not fully support.
Nor did he design the fatal flaw.

It literally occurred during a safety test to make sure everything is in working order.
you're not helping your case
Pretty kino show overall but they really had to do it and make up shit to create a villain. Pic related didn't have much of a choice either and every scene of him ignoring warning signs or similar is completely made up. He was just a scapegoat for the soviets, which kinda makes part of the shows conclusion pretty ironic
Parts that also made me cringe:
>If this thing explodes, MILLIONS will le die because it will explode like some giganuke (kek)
>Muh bridge of death with people playing in the ashes, nobody Le survived it (literally everybody survived it)
>Muh Soviet Union was so cheap as fuck they totally ignored blatantly important scientists advice (in reality some of the reactors were already retrofitted during the time the court procedure happened)
The rest of the artistic choices, like the heli crashing or the Chad miners were fine honestly.
Overall a solid 8-9/10
>MILLIONS will le die because it will explode like some giganuke
the explosion would have sent all the contents of the core into the air and it would all drift over most of europe, poisoning millions of people
No it wouldn't have you brainlet, it was physically impossible for it to explode even more. The thing that happened is basically the near-worst scenario for that reactor that could've happened
the apocalyptic larp around nukes is the result of governments and media lying about how powerful their bombs were during the cold war to demoralize their enemies. i am not convinced that a nuclear war would actually be all that bad for a rural chad like me. cityfags would get btfo'd but only if you live in an important city or near critical military or logistical infrastructure hubs. it would literally be not great, not terrible. in fact it might actually be great because most of the thirdies that came to my country are cityfags and would be wiped out with the rest of the urbanite scum. the world in general would be mostly fine and basically completely recovered (with a lot of shitters removed from it) within 25 years.
rewatch the show, they explain exactly how it could have happened anon
hydrothermal explosions are real >>201790348
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>Rewatch the show
>Show says some hot water will turn into a megaton explosion
Ah yes
The fallout from multiple nukes hitting the coast would send a wave of ash and radiation over every food grower
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>the REAL representation of the core issue is barely on the screen.
I think representation of the core issue was quite well exposed with plenty of time on screen
that's a prime example of "not great, not terrible". you'd obviously prefer not to be eating mildly irradiated crops but it's genuinely not the disaster that you think it is, you have been swindled
Fuck this show
Russophobic propaganda
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>White working class men portrayed as gruff selfless heroes getting shit done.
gonna cry?
Funnily enough the Russians wanted to do a heckin response movie depicting Chernobyl more realistically but in classic Russian fashion it ended up part blatant ripoff part cringe acting with even more evil depictions of the Soviet Union kek
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nice story faggot
Didn't that one have a CIA conspiracy plot?
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Anon, are you even Russian? Koszlovsky is an absolute meme here, it's if Chris Hemsworth or some other random jock decided to be a movie director glorifying himself. And the movie depicts soviets as even more evil because the literal villain of the movie is a Soviet chekist
And a key plot point is the protagonist being a deadbeat dead, I'm not even kidding
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No, not really. Here's an extended summary of the plot:
>Be me Chad firefighter (I'm also the director btw)
>Meet qt hairdresser who turns out to be my love affair from 10 years ago
>Oh btw apparently I had a kid with her who's 10 years now
>Oh well, I'm getting transferred to Kiev so who cares
>Reactor goes boom
>Start saving people (I'm also literally immune to radiation btw, while everyone dies I have literally zero symptoms aside from a headache)
>My son films the thing on camera so he gets turbo cancer
>Join the cleanup commission
>"Muh we need to pump out the water" scene 1:1 from Chernobyl
>But actually you have no choice, you have to do it OR ELSE, no heroic volunteer speech
>Also let me send my son to Switzerland (kek) for cancer treatment instead of me because they can't do it in the Soviet Union for reasons and I have these privileges now
>The fire is still there for some reason
>Other divers die, MC gets rescued after he successfully completed le mission
>Cue hugging dying lover scene like in Chernobyl but even worse with more touching kek
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But they're right. Water when turned into steam grows 1600x in non-compressable volume, when superheated, this will create a severe stream explosion.
Furthermore, substances like Zirconium and Graphite, which are present in Corium, will rip apart the water on molecular level, which sets free Hydrogen and Oxygen, which in turn explodes due to the heat. This will not only disperse the corium in a huge radius, but also damage the other 3 reactors so severely, that a meltdown in all 3 of them would have been very likely.
Cope and seethe brainlet. The reactors were far enough apart that the bubbler pool exploding and destroying these other reactors was extremely implausible. Just look at a map ffs.
The greatest danger was the possibility of the melted-down core reaching the water table and the steam explosion fears ended up being unfounded afterwards btw because the corium just cooled down and floated on the water
I think you don't know what a stream explosion by super heating water looks like. Quite ironic, calling other people retarded.
Based pro-dyatlav poster.
lmao you /pol/troons say the wildest shit
>so how much boron do we need?

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