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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Every major land war that Russia has been involved in over the last 120 years seems to end in demographically ruinous casualties for the Russian side:

World War I
Russian Civil War
World War II
Chechen Wars

In each case, Russia undergoes immense human suffering that takes decades to recover from. Sometimes, these effects aren't felt in full until after the war ends.

But my question is this:

Is the loss of 700,000 people in the Ukraine war, given Russia’s current demographic challenges (e.g., population decline, aging society, and low birth rates), more detrimental than the loss of 27 million people during World War II, considering the larger population base at the time (140 million people now, versus 170 in 1940)? How do these losses compare, in terms of their long-term effects on Russia’s population, economy, social stability, and ability to make war?
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>Some escaped right on February 24th, literally day one of the shitfest they said fuck it and left ... This isn't the first time the best are driven out of killed.
The guy I was listening to also did that on the first day. I found that interesting, like the moment the war started these people bailed en masse. Like there is something that is cyclical in Russian history which they felt deep down in their bones, that things were turning into a repressive society in which they would not be able to escape, and that doing so in the future would be more like running across No Man's Land and getting shot in the back, so they had to leave right then and there.
>They lost the Winter War?
Yes, they failed in their plan to get Finland
If that's actually the case, then it's either:
a) a sign that financial are way worse than people outside think;
b) a hidden way to bolster the ranks of soldiers (i.e. without a public sector job they only way to not starve would be go to the army), but that depends on whom exactly gets slashed, since a ton of those public sector positions are filled with middle aged women;
>The Americans suffered under the grand delusion of "nation building"
This was possible to do, but it would take even more time than US spent there (at least 1-2 decades more) and they'd need a slightly different approach with this.
Around a decade ago I stumbled upon a russian woman whom had two kids and wished for one of her kids to become a public prosecutor (пpoкypop) and another to become a "thief" (вop, in this case it's a specific time of high-tier criminal, not specifically some street thief), so that the family would have "connections" to both sides of the russian society. This isn't something unique and should tell you a lot about russian culture and mindset.

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>So we also got some images of the chinese J-35 which is not supposed to be an F-35 allegedly. But as you can see it's twin engine they've got the naval variant and the air force variant looks a lot like an F-35. But honestly it looks better and you know why it looks better? Because it's not obese it did not create "fat amy" in their version. Because it did not require a lifting fan so it doesn't need the big hump. It didn't need to stay modular this is what the F-35 should have been. The "B" model is the problem, that's why it's "fat amy". Because it's an ugly airplane with all the lifting fan crap, even when you take the lifting fan stuff out the they still had to keep it modular and kind of keep the basic parts together to have one joint strike fighter. But when you take that away and put two engines in it. This is what you get it looks a lot better.
>The J-35/J-31 um it looks exactly like fat amy except for it looks better right and i think it fixes you know gonky would complain hey you know i he likes two engines which naval variant now you got got two engines. So that's probably a better design for carrier operations. You get rid of the bulbous, you know, back to support the Stovall version that we have. And it's actually a much better looking airplane. But yeah, as far as capabilities go, we don't know. That's something that we'll find out down the road. But they've also unveiled some long range missiles that also be a threat. China's a threat. I mean, there's no no question about it. Don't underestimate your your enemies. Russia is a threat too, but China is a very big near peer adversary that we cannot take lightly because they have very good capabilities and they've got a good espionage program that has taken a lot of other stuff and integrated it into their equipment and they've tried to make it better. So definitely something that you got to watch out for and be careful of.
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>You also hypothetically suggest that Trump will defend Taiwan because you know that leftists want to.
No? I think Trump hates China and will defend Taiwan to interfere with China's aspiration of becoming the strongest superpower. The left has been critical of aid to Israel. If anything, leftists could oppose defending Taiwan it purely out of spite for Trump. You've got this backwards. The left is the predicable side. The right is what's chaotic, but there's a measure of guidance in their loyalty to Trump.
NIMBYism at its finest. Just stop posting.
>China isn't attacking me.
>Doesn't care about hypotheticals
>Lives in a hypothetical world where anyone gives a shit what he thinks about china

What was the NIMBYism? What do you mean?

No argument. You're just mad you can't come up with one.

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10 ounces of 38spl bay bay!

I carry a Bobcat
Steyr M9-A1
How do you fit that whole animal in your pants? Is it declawed? Or do you just have it in a sack to unleash on them?
Sig 365x
I know sig is a meme but its one of the only pistols I can comfortably conceal.

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What shotgun would a hobo have, anyway? Probably a Maverick 88 he fished out of a dumpster, would be my guess.

Previous: >>62691564
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PoorGODS, our era is coming
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Fine coast ya got there, too bad it's on the wrong side of the country
(I am jealous of your move to a reasonable place)
I would go read the arfcom thread before getting too excited, that looks like somebody just downloaded the images and made a fake website.
There is a link to that website in the ARF thread
be sure to locktite it

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Never surrender edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62843692
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We all start somewhere. Usually with folks like that I come over and either offer a free target "papers cheaper than ammo man here take this" or offer to let them shoot my guns. Then I can help correct their form and grip and as of yet I have only had one boomer not improve, he was hitting the bottom left corner of paper aiming at the top right target cuz he flinched so bad. Having the cerakoted 509c REALLY helps with this process since the younger beginners always go "Yo it's the CAWLA DOOTY CAMO" and an enthusiastic participant is easier to teach.
Thanks anon, this was helpful. Funny about your first picture, because the gun I'm talking about is actually a P30. Good point about comparing my average group to someone else's best.

Same here.

Based king. It's always fun to meet nice people at the range - recently I showed a guy wadcutters (he didn't know they existed), gave him a handful and let him shoot my Python, and he let me shoot his Desert Eagle and Chiappa Rhino. That was a good day.
IDK but it looks really nice.
>timed screws
That's actually pretty cool and not entirely trivial to do.
People always post about seeing people who can't hit a target at like 5 or 15 yards or something.
Is this just a joke or something so people feel better about themselves?

I never go shooting, but I can count on my hands the number of times I've missed the paper when I wasn't doing something stupid like speed shooting snubbies
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H&K Mk. 23 Handgun. I want one. Any one got it? Show.

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Do you have one?
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>not best oshi
>do you have one?

Do you even speak English? Because I strongly doubt anyone installs only one side of a set of grips.
based autistic ESL trying to demonstrate he has mastered the language.
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now this is autism

This is a serious question, every time I see riots they use all sorts of makeshift stuff, the most lethal thing are the molotov cocktails they throw. So, how come they don't bring guns against the police?
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Atomwaffen were potheads running around any daddy's farm smoking dope and shitposting irl, not some super secret terrorist cell network.
The reason is political backlash, not that their pet cops got shot retard.
Shooting protesters is considered murder and political suicide.
I mean he was monstrous, a firehose can still ablate you like a sand blaster, but it is better that setting off Civil War.
Again I was hoping they'd turn them on the Jan 6 mob, because those snowflakes would have melted with a light drizzle.

>I'm a petroleum geologist and self-employed I likely have more money coming into my checking account than you each month.
And when you die alone out on a survey, no one will miss you!
Why bring a gun to a peaceful protest?
And yet you would still murder someone and rob them if you thought you would get away with it. Did you get your fucked-up morality from all of the evil Muslim Saudis you worked with?

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Old thread

>simulate schizophrenic audio hallucinations with the sound player plugin!
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I really like this tavor. I got an x95 but mines brown.
What’s it like to have a girl confess to you?
How does it feel to realize you peaked romantically in highschool?
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I've had it happen a few times
>turn them down
>their friends get mad
>reee you have to date me because I like you!
it's a pain all around honestly
that is retarded

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FN's Individual Weapon System is on version 2.2.
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god damn, this is not a word that you see often in french
>. It’s French for “tip”
it's not, méplat just means flat zone.
>It’s probably not “Me-platt”
more like may-pla
>flat zone

Not only are we speaking French, but we’re using words whose definition we don’t even know. I was drawing from a super serious gun article I read when I translated it as “tip’”.


I figured.

Kinda odd that there is a dedicated word for flat zone.

Anyway, pies de resistance, Je ne sais quoi, and so on. Baguette.
because it's technology from the 1700's that was adapted by the west as modern civilization developed? It's technical language. It's precise. Each part of a bullet matters.
>It's technical language. It's precise.
It isn't. Science and regular engineering aren't like this. You only need to use legacy terms if you're stuck with them.
>about shotguns for HD
There is no argument, shotguns rule.

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Thank a Veteran
Black Friday Soon
Old >>62790537

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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But you gained trips so it evens out.
I thought blems were birth defects from when the MCP is baking in the oven? How can one appear out of nowhere?
Last weekend I was camping innawoods and I suspect it was from the campfire after I walked back to camp from a nice night bushwalk.
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Field casualty = battle scar. Better than dying slowly unused on a closet shelf.
embarrassing post
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That is true, it’s not big enough for me to worry but should I get more I may black box it.

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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous thread >>62839966
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only one good thing to come out of it so far
LMAO, based Shilo
i tried to tell this to a group of blacks and they chimped tf out on me. i shouldve never tried to teach niggas how computers work, or talked to them really.
I've never had a problem with old chinese surplus but maybe I'm just lucky.
By Red Box I assume you mean this stuff?
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what did he do? what's all the buzz about?
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he is guilty of selling out and making video game brainrot content
He said on twitter he's hoping it reaches a "new audience"
I still like GT because he's not the cum drinker from inrange. Sorry not sorry.
Admin was a cop but did he ever actually serve?
Yeah, he served in the Chandler PD for a few years.
I mean in the military

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Detective Specials are so fucking cool holy shit
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How do we feel about shrouded Colts?
Isn’t that the gun Deckard used in Blade Runner?
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Get gud nerds

They are absolutely still out there.
Mista's gun
common where?

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