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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Oh no! Are people discussing a weapon on a board specifically for discussing their thoughts and opinions about weapons?! SAGE SAGE SAGE! THIS BOARD SHOULD ONLY TALK ABOUT POLITICS!
Oh Look, a Nigger makes Nigger observations.
Nobody cares, Nigger.
How is it that the rest of the world not only got better LMG than us, but also got better BAR than us?
>plainly reads
You just put that tgere!
>Wasnt as good as it should of been and wasn't as bad as it could've been.
Like ur mom.

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Imagine thinking the left was better than the right.
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>There were about 5x more MG34/42s than 1919s in a rifle company, 1 per 20 guys vs 1 per 96.
What's a Weapons Company? What's a doctrinal difference? Are you being deliberately misleading?
>all the graph proves is that German weapon production was focused on the eastern front
How does it do that?
It's merely a casualty report
It proves nothing about doctrine and strategy, unless you're a follower of the Wimp Lo art of war

The US military lost most casualties in the past 22 years to Iraqi insurgents. Does this mean the US military is mostly designed to kill insurgents?
It's a Medium Machine Gun. Like the MG42
>There were about 5x more MG34/42s than 1919s in a rifle company, 1 per 20 guys vs 1 per 96.
Yes, but it's not an either/or thing, because the US had both BARs as well as M1917s, M1914s and M2s. A Garand is more firepower than a Kar 98 and a BAR is more firepower than either. So it's not 10 M1919s vs 64 MG42s, it's 45 BARs, 12 M1914s, 8 M1917s and 6 M2s vs 64 MG42s.

While we're on that, the Germans were using MG34/42s for their LMG, MMG and HMGs just on different mounts, while the US fielded true HMGs (water cooled and .50 cal) so they could do true SMFG and anti-materiel with their MGs. The US also fielded more mortars per battalion (15 vs 10 by Normandy), had snipers at the platoon level instead of battalion (at best) and more of them, etc.
>water cooled
What was the US water cooled HMG?

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Found this tank buried in the middle of nowhere
Anyone know what it could be?
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fuck, it's late
''really close to limburg near hasselt, some random ass forest i was driving though''
i need to take meds
anyways will be updating tomorrow around 17:00 western euro time
you won't be able to melt steel with MAPP gas. you expand the metal with heat to free it up. it's something like 1 thou per 100 degrees F or there abouts. take it to a dull red and you should be able to work the hinge loose with a prybar.
if anything melts it would be a bronze bushing on the pin if it has one. it probably doesn't though.
gib coords. i live in Flanders and want to see
You will never convince me that language isn't made up because I can understand 95% of it every single time.
geen probleem, neem je tijd het we weten hier allemaal dat het wat langer duurt met limburgers
het belang van limburg is de rest van de mensheid geduld bijbrengen

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>Video reportedly from a Russian command post in Bakhmut. It shows operators watching a UAV feed and Discord.
Thoughts about using Discord for C2?: https://x.com/RALee85/status/1816978111759790510?t=clOnZCTbRBWYHCIta7MPng&s=19
if it works who cares
When will Ukrainians start raiding their discord servers?
>UAV feed and Discord
so the russians are just discord troons
American authorities have warrantless access to all discord servers
Why are they so retarded?

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Looks like they're moving on the 'sovereign barrels' promise, starting with 105mm and 155mm blanks. https://gov.uk/government/news/uk-government-and-defence-industry-stepping-up-support-for-ukraine
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>something happens for reasons completely unrelated to Trump
>wow truly 4d chess!
literally the other side of the TDS coin
I work in a sector that has a decent part to play in a lot of defence and manufacturing and I work on the contracts and logistics.
The amount of money and manpower that has flooded in over the past 7 or so months is absolutely fucking insane.
IDK how they can call that crude steel production, its arc furnaces using recycled metal or imported pig iron as shown in your diagram. Recycling <> production. Downstream also <> production.
Conversion of iron to steel could be considered genuine production I guess. UK imported 25,000 tonnes of iron feedstock in 2022. So technically production (with blending) up to perhaps 100,000 tonnes in future?
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nazi nato is reactivating these bad boys

Boeing is actively studying whether it can turn the F-15EX Eagle II into a platform similar to an EA-18G Growler, the Navy's electronic warfare jet, according to company rep Rob Novotny. The study remains in the "nascent" stage. But Boeing is already eyeing opportunities for NATO members, with Poland evaluating the F-15EX. And Boeing considers F-15 operators in the Indo-Pacific region as another candidate for such a Wild Weasel version of the F-15EX. "The Growler line has ended. […] Modern aerial combat requires command of the electromagnetic spectrum, and this platform would lead the way into the next decade or two," Novotny said.
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that's what you do when you have neither shells nor rockets
Jesus christ shut the fuck up malayfag
it's an indog trying to falseflag
Another pack of Malay lies.

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That's nice, but the chinks have already copied that idea with the J-16D

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this is just mean
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Fuck off scum
Mobik was all happy he got the unique AK variant
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Get fucking lost, stinky commie incel.
I thought the traditional insult is nigger commie jew lover.
I am beginning to think that storing ammo inside the fighting compartment is a bad idea
Dunno what you're whinging about.
Wouldn't even call the former a quip.

Weekend /arg/

OLD: >>62147047
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Build it out if you want.
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swap geissele and dogshit defense and it's an alright list. You can buy a fully assembled rifle but it'll just show up and sit there in your closet since shtf is always 2 weeks away and you're a consumer target market for people who never shoot. You'll miss out on the fun, knowledge, and sometimes savings of building shit out part by part

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Is he /ourguy/?
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I feel like Umbrella should have invested in A-10s instead of Tyrants.
I thought it was “not Belarus”?
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>the Tyrant's feel when he is challenged to a knife fight
>USP in a leather shoulder holster
>M9 Bayonet
>N’Sync haircut without being gay, cut as fuck, turns into a turbo Dadcore scruffy type later with a jawline that makes John Wick look like a femboy
My fiance is obsessed with him, and it’s hardly fair lmao.

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Who's cooler?

>Fighter pilots
>Gunship pilots/gunners
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I read from /k/ that Apache pilots are just cope rejects who failed fighter pilot school
That sounds more like you read it on r*ddit kind of thing because that doesn't make any sense at all. You're dealing with entirely separate branches all together along with very different types of aircraft. I'm sure in the Airforce if you prove to be kind of shit, they probably wont put you in an F-22 but rather something like a C-130 or a Globemaster. They're not gonna tell you to change branches all together where the Army then happily receives all of the Airforce's rejects.
Low tier loyalty
With hundreds of gurkhas ready to bail his ass
Only flew "safe" combat missions, not the ones where he has a real chance of getting shot at much less shot down
Admirable but he was more badass when he was with a recon team where he's actually out in front
What the hell are you even talking about?
low tier royalty? Wasn't Harry a prince?

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yet another stick vs drone episode
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Swing away Merrell, swing away!
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I never expected this song to have been about WW3.

Y'see ... we've reached an age where it is very reasonable to assume that your own death is being recorded on video. Therefore, people will (more and more) try to make an attempt at the end so they don't become a laughingstock Internets meme. Better to go out epic.
if you have enough time to pick up a stick and are able to fight or flight effectively why not shoot the drone?

How big of an army would you realistically need to take a planet, let alone police a galactic polity?
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Just one guy
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Reminder that the very first scene of the first star wars movie is stormtroopers taking on the wrong end of a fatal funnel and winning. A dozen rebel guns with cover all pointed at a single doorway only one man can pass through at a time, at the end of a hall, and they not only win they take less casualties doing so just two troopers downed vs 6 or so rebels while the rest flee deeper into the ship and surrender a minute later.
The Rebels were demoralised ship's crew and the stormtroopers' armour probably helped a lot
/k/ - fairytales and kid's toys
Not demoralized till after that initial engagement nor would that have any effect on your ability to shoot down an empty hallway. The "ship's crew" were also wearing official rebel soldier uniforms as we see later on the Yavin base and you'd think the guys assigned to guard one of the most important VIPs in the alliance would be among the most elite.

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>Chinese PLA continues to conduct exercises involving the transfer of troops and military equipment over long distances using both ferries and civilian Ro-Ro vessels.
What are the tactical advantages of using civilian vessels for transporting troops and military equipment?: https://x.com/clashreport/status/1817092813919518795?t=BpvX2ai3_VicjzVn0JKWkw&s=19
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Tactical advantages? It's pretty normal for expiditiary forces to have a fleet of civilian cargo vessels they can use on hand.
All logistics is warfare. All warfare is logistics.
>What are the tactical advantages of using civilian vessels for transporting troops and military equipment?
Having a seafaring traffic jam akin to Russia's logistics clusterfuck near the beginning of the 2022 part of the Russian invasion.
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>loading boats onto a ferry is now worthy of a heavily edited propaganda video
It's Chinese and weren't any fatalities though so maybe they are learning.
There is large fleet of such ships with very high capacity. Comparing to dedicated build military landing ships. You can move MUCH with civilians ships.
do artillery-launched sea mines exist? what range do they have?

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