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You're kidnapped by aliens and taught the Nahua language. The aliens use a time machine to send you back to the Aztec empire one month before Spanish conquistadors arrive, and order you to help defend to the Aztecs.

You are not allowed to bring any weapons, equipment or tools with you and arrive only with your bare hands and knowledge of weapons and chemistry.

If you fail, the aliens will do experiments on you and transplant your genitals onto your face.

What kind of weapons can you instruct the Aztecs to make?
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Gorilla warfare
your mom is sarcasm
I tell them that invaders will come from the sea pretending to be gods but are actually demons, so they should use their numbers to Then I rush to tell the Spaniards that I'm an envoy of God sent to warn them to not carry their weapons as the inhabitants of these lands already totally have heard the word of the lord and are definitely peaceful.

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What do you think about Anduril industries? is it just a joke or something real?
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Two belligerents bring their men and war machines to the fight. The war ends when one side looses enough to men and war machines that it can no longer fight, or decides it cannot absorb any more losses.

As this applies to cheap drones and other relatively cheap weapons (dumb artillery, glide bombs, ATGM), as we have already seen in Ukraine these low cost weapons attrit the other side of men and war machines faster than they can be replaced.
>Human waves
The war in Ukraine is a case study in logistics. Ukraine can sustain the fight because of American industrial might. Russia can sustain the fight because of massive industrial production during the Soviet period. Both sides are depleting their supply of troops just as fast as they can press them into service.
I think selling weapons is one of the worst business models you could aim for. Every contract requires approval from congress or something.
right right ty
fuck off logisticstard. where were your vaunted logistics when a few ambush tactics popped your tankers on week 1?

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what do you recommend?
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Sharpe or Flashman (if you want something more comedic)
It's especially interesting to read these back to back because Orwell was in a chickenshit unit with garbage equipment and funding while Camp (I could've sworn it was Kemp) was with the high speed people
Not enough Melisandre sex
>how can you have read M&C and not Hornblower?
Not anglo so when I was a tiny little autist I read whatever my granparents had in their library in French or Italian translation

Suomi is a real country that exists.

Previous: >>62126360
>image limit reached

>sound image instructions
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One MC, one delay! Yo yo!
You fell in love with this tempo.
Kissing some frogs.
That'ds nod all
As duty officer the whole night
legend of the magical sword
Man crubles apart
Northern grain

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Now that Hungary started to produce KF41 IFVs en masse. Will they sell them to Ukraine?

Also general IFV thread
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Gyurcsány wasn't half as bad as this fat fuck. But yeah, fuck him too.
>he went to a conference of the United Russia party as a part of a delegation, met with Putin and he never said a single bad word about them. He won the elections with a supermajority in 2010, changed the constitution and the election laws and he's been entrenched into the system ever since
Reminds me of Ceaușescu visiting China and North Korea in 1971, and we all know how it went
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I want to see him end like Ceausescu, in Minecraft.
Vgh... What could have been
>wheeled IFVs for quick response
the Gidran already fills that role

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Straight line stocks are dumb. It’s supposedly for muh recoil reduction but in reality was only done to accommodate for the buffer tube and just is unergonomic as hell and has lead to the retarted height over bore meta we have with risers to compensate for the stock being too high for the human body. The eye and shoulder are not on the same plane and that should be reflected in the design of rifles. Simple as.
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A better question is why hasn't someone developed a better recoil-buffer/counter-recoil system since the AR15? I refuse to believe there aren't better alternatives with modern technology.
There are all kinds of gimmick buffers and a fab recoil absorbing stock if you're into that sort of thing
Why did you post an photoshopped image of this faggot prosecutor trying to make him look cool? This is the faggot who claimed if you use FMJ for self defense you're intentionally trying to mass murder crowds because a single FMJ bullet can rip through 20 people and get 20 kills with one shot.

Fuck off from my board faggot.
Yeah 4chinz is heckign srs biznesserino dude
No one cares faggot

>20rd AR magazines are superior
>suppressors suck even if they're practical, i prefer having my guns go "BLAM BLAM BLAM"
>reliability aside, the KG-99/TEC-9/TEC-DC9/AB-10 pistols are unironically really cool engineering-wise, like the grease gun was mixed with modern polymer. it's very easy to take apart as well.
>gen 2 is the best glock generation
>detachable carry handles are disgusting
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we need to start a rumor that the forward assist in a full auto sear or something, I'm tired on seeing that dingleberry in every AR
>>suppressors suck even if they're practical, i prefer having my guns go "BLAM BLAM BLAM"
Regardless of your inner manchild enjoying loud noises, suppressors are the next thing to become a standard feature on firearms, especially service rifles.
Better muzzle velocity, less recoil, no blinding flash in darkness, more consistent gas operation, shooter is harder to locate, protects the barrel from dirt, fewer hearing damaged vets
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FN high power is better than SA35
>100% no-shit clip-loaded AR-15.
Based and correct

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Was it that good?
It would look better in brass, now wouldn't it?
schwarzlose, one hell of a shotgun
absolutely busted in Bf1

If disruptors are objectively superior to phasers in both firepower, precision, manufacturing cost, ergonomics and reliability, why did the federation adopt phasers?
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>while a max setting disruptor takes several shots to kill.
No? Just rewatched ST6 and the prison warden vaporizes the shapeshifter with a single disruptor blast.
Not on a shot by shot base, but there's more power in the pack - a lot more shots.
Depends on what you mean by 'better'. If you want something that can stun, kill, vaporize, start fires, heat rocks, excavate a cave, sweep for shapeshifters, cook a souffle, and reenact scenes from the HMS Pinafore, a phaser is your tool.

If you want something that gets dirty deeds done dirt cheap, you can't go wrong with a disruptor.
Lasguns arent that bad
Orks are just that much a problem
Dont forget that these are creatures that when shishamied still try and fight, wether by biting or ever the autonamous nerves they have
Even bolters have issues versus them
The only reliable stuff are bioweapons like the hellfire series of weapons or doom weavers or mass conflagration weapons from the phosphor and volkite lines
even meltas and plasmas have issues vs orks cause the surviving tissues still function as orks lack a shock response
And bigger orks are fully in the antivehicle side of things where you have to start cosndiering meltabomb to the forehead as the only viable strategy
Even the Emporer had issues and had to go around Ullanor with plenty of "zombie" or chunks despite hitting them with literal spirit fire

Also the lasguns were defined as readiuly scouring the galaxy, all that is left is what didnt die in the first pass, which was listed int he thousands of races erased
Basically, 40k has so few factions cause the imperial army killed the rest off

How much damage could one US Navy Arleigh Burke do to the Russian Navy in the waters off Ukraine? I know there's a powergap between burger Navy and vodka Navy but how big is it?
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What Russissy Navy?
They have VLASROC which is better in every way. They also have Helos with dipping sonar and magnetic anomaly detectors.
One Burke could probably solo
SM-2 and SM-6 have an anti surface mode. They fly a modified ballistic arc and come in supersonic from above. The newest Block 5 tomahawks also bring back the anti ship capability. The Seahawks used to Carry penguins but I think they've been retired.
>Russian Navy
Is there anything relevant left of it? At some point there's an opportunity to load VLS Tomahawks in and then toss those at whatever's left inland that was protecting the ports and adjacent airbases.

Also if Neptune can push the Russian Navy's shit in then LRASM would be super overkill.
NTA but I assume they still have ships left guarding the Kuril Islands or something.

We're not dead yet edition

post wood (furniture)
post projects
give signs of life
buy more ammo than you shoot
Frens don't give up on frens

thread theme ~ https://youtu.be/5Js0ea6yPKM?si=tTS1SMMwObxgKHEX

As always;No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>61987816
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One last visit to the milk wagon..
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>Chinese gacha game makes me want an American service rifle
Where does one find a LRB M14 for less than $3k?
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Miss America 1962 has AR-15s.
Get lucky on GB?

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Is he /ourguy/?
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Blame Capcom, I think they wanted her to have a more subdued voice rather than a foxy one
>"Hey Ashley, wanna ride me harder than this jet ski until I fill you like a doughnut until we have enough kids to run a farm? My dick is breaking my zipper right now."
Very faithful to the games, desu.
>I did not save enough ammo for the final boss
>completely run out of all ammo, used up all the environmental hazards
>all I got is the knife
>fuck it, knife does damage and this boss has a health pool. I can win.
Happened to me on multiple occasions. A very relatable moment.
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Was the removal of tail turrets from bombers a mistake? In this intercept had this Badger retained Its tail 23mm autocannon all those three jets could have been shredded
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Nah, it's unnecessary weight.
Most modern militaries have fighters that can deal with a bomber from BVR, and the bomber won't even know they're going to be taking a trip to pound town until they light up.
Might be cool to have a couple of deployable MALD-J decoys on a B-52
Coming soon with those datalinks in B-52J package. The H model can already launch them as MALD-"B+" thanks to the 1760 IWBUs.
If those fighters wanted to kill that bomber they'd use A2A missiles and snipe from outside the gun's range.
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You are brown
>bomber won't even know
radar warning receivers are thing since ww2...

Anything coming out of the rimfire market?
Whatever happened to 17hmr/wsm?
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Postin' my .22 loadout. I like skinner peep sight on my RAR. Also I fucked up my MkIV upper finish trying to polish some small rustlike stain, whole gun looks almost light greyish instead of deep dark now. Would /k/ recommand cerakoting it or should I let the half gone finish ?
bump it (louder)
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Armi/Adler Jager AP85
They're a bit rare in the United States, enough that prices aren't consistent at all. I've seen as many go for $200-$300 as I have $1000-$1500. Mags and whatnot are getting expensive and harder to find too, no surprise there. They're CRAP, made by a company that stopped making guns because they didn't have employees competent enough for it, not a great legacy. If you come across one for cheap and it includes at least one mag, jump on it, it'll be fun and if you get bored some jackass might pay you 2x-4x what you bought it for.
They're not euro exclusives, but they're very rare. They were made as training rifles, it's a Unique X-51bis inside, and they're extremely well made for what they are. I've read mixed reports of how many were made, people mix them up with other rifles from Unique, but it seems there are likely 1000-1200 in existence, maybe 200 or so in the United States. In France, expect €1500-€3000; in the United States there is no pricetag, fear the deep-pocket French collectors.

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i don't mean breaching the US nuke stockpile, that is basically impossible, but for example the pakistani warheads. an unstable country run by shitskins. how large would a unit/organisation have to be to start nuclear war and what would they have to have? would it be possible to spoof dead hand sensors?
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For some decades? Just enter 000000000 and TURN THE KEY, SIR!
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>it is more like hijacking a small siberian outpost because of negligence (using sarin or some other bio weapon to kill the garrison)
I remember accounts from burger nook inspectors going around puccia in the 90s as part of their hand wringing campaign on inspecting nook arsenal. One time they happened upon a base that was completely abandoned, the fire control bunker door unlocked with nobody in there yet the missiles/machines etc will still there usable.

Turns out the crew had not been payed in x amount of time so they just went home drinking
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I wonder how long this "responsible nookage" cope will last. Time to face the fact that humans are retarded apes willing to throw everything at their enemies just to win. Just look at monke in ukraine.

With the advent of mass cheap tonnage to LEO with spacex showing the way its high time to kick into gear mass orbital satellite constellations that have cheap interceptors which detect unauthorized launches and destroy the icbms before they can even properly stage. Anywhere on the planet.

Hard counter to unrestrained nook spam which most fueled the fear of the cold war
can you even do much with them without the arming codes? (which are somewhere in moscow)
It's a lot harder than you think. Do you know how many times during the Cold War the order was given to launch the missiles but generals and soldiers went "naw"?

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