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>Outperforms your $60000 American drone for $500
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Uhh… cosmic radiation?
Then why did Iraq buy the CH-5 drone?
>this ignorant 3rd world error doesn't know that the United States of America made these shit toys have a backdoor built into them so they can be tracked. Thinks they can't be tracked or controlled because other 2rd world countries haven't done it yet. L oh el.
Kek global hawk is like 15m per and costs thousands and hour to fly
You can tell there are hella little high schoolers and younger on this site who have no money and know nothing about drones.

Would you trust LeBron as your squad leader in ww3?
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I would not.
Never trust a man that desperate to keep his hair
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This is why Jordan is the number 1 wartime general in the NBA

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What are you shooting?
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try some "sharp bundaberg ginger beer"
its not common, but if you can get it, its amazing
makes for great mixers, when i was in socal i'd find it a lot
legit the best gingerbeer i've ever had,
its surprisingly rare as fucking hell though outside of whitch
try a socal bevmo or walmart, in person if you can, bevmos have it more than not, however
I just bought a 4 pack of their sarsparilla
Thats my usual one. I’m trying a new one at the moment.
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Based cram spammer

Calico Jack rum with lemon juice and homemade Demerara syrup, over ice.

Gonna take my Stoeger STR-9C, Taurus 856, and PSA AK to the range tomorrow.

Is there a bigger joke in the history of NATO?
>1 × BAE Mk 38 25 mm (0.98 in) gun
That's it's armament.
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Trudeau prob has some friends in shipbuilding biz.
This guy gets it. Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Vancouver elect. The rest of Canada gets to watch.
Oh look, the irving family ruining this country again.
The problem with the Harry Dickwolf isn't the lack of armament, it's the lack of armament for the cost. For taxpayers to get equivalent value to a normal country buying a patrol boat they'd either need to be way cheaper than we're paying or way better armed than they'll actually be.
>competent adversary
They're already in NATO. There are none.

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>just buy a suppressor anon
>completely out of stock everywhere

What the fuck /k/?
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>The people who think db reduction is the only thing that matters always struck me as people who either don't own suppressors or only shoot them at flat ranges off a bench.
100% agree with this.
>just because the dorks at pew science or whatever gave it a good score
I think it's worth emphasizing though that pew science doesn't give overall scores, they just give data for different parameters. It's up to purchasers to actually dig into the factors and weigh it all out. Higher performance in noise reduction has to be weighed against, well, weight, but also backpressure, design serviceability, warranty, company rep, just plain how much it costs, etc. Hell even for db reduction there are still details there that matter, like FRP.

It's definitely worth pushing back though on anyone who just goes there, orders by ear reduction and buys the top. That's fucking stupid. It's an ok starting point, there are designs that are simply obsolete at this point, but need to actually dig in.
some of them can buy guns its just very restricted compared to what we have here. was in france and drove past a few little rural hunting club gun ranges out a long way from things.
weight of the can is probably the most important thing and sorry to say but both the RC2 and the RC3 with pretty much every SF muzzle device (haven't tried the A2 yet) is an absolute brick
Just make one lmao
Good choice, I have been using it for 2 months now and its easily an upgrade over the RC2. Everything is cleaner and anyone who says they can hear the difference between them is full of shit, sound damn near identical.

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gay fucking editing
There's more
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Appears to be more shaping targeting of AA with HIMARS recently. Possibly in order to be able to bring in aircraft and minimize their risk.

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>extremely rare WW2 vintage DC-4 crashed in Alaska
>"""coincidentally""" captured on camera despite being in bum fuck Alaska

is it just me or does it look like a missile hit the engine?
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Then it doesn't belong in a museum. Modern parts that used to be on the same machine as slightly older modern parts that used to be on the same machine as original historic parts aren't worth preserving. It's just a replica that was assembled one piece at a time. A paper mache model would serve the same purpose in a museum.
Yeah well, no empire no need to take the fruits of civilisation out into all the corners of Oogaboogaland. Now the Oogaboogese just come and deliver ethnic takeout in your cities.
>native american; you mean indian?
the farm has cameras because it's a legal grow op and every state with legal grows mandates some kind of surveillance system. The farm is 8 miles southwest of Fairbanks international airport so they're maybe 20 minutes outside of the second largest city in alaska. they're also on the edge of a river that also passes by the airport that pilots would clearly use if flying under VFR. take your meds/this is your (you)

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British 10/22 Edition

Previous: >>61371695
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Just ordered this, why are more recent made ones only rimfire?
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How much does it weigh?
whats the best .22lr pistol goys
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Why the fuck was the M60 so big? And are there truly thousands of them in storage?
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None; they used infantry.
The commander cupola has been reinvindicated due to drones.
M10 is more like a modern take on the M8 scott

cupola is dead and buried thanks to RWS
Yeah but a modern cuppula is extra armor on top hence it being reinvidicated due to drones
the cupola isnt any stronger than the roof its replacing, and it interferes with the slewing of the MG
RWS has all the upsides of situational awareness without the drawback of having to fit both the commander and the machine gun in a tiny space

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What would a firearm need to displace all current firearm classifications the same way the MBT made most other types of tank redundant?
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>A general purpose machine gun would qualify.
GPMG was intended to replace squad-level LMGs and platoon-level MMGs
and while it initially did so, it has since been reversed

squad level LMGs chambered in intermediate roles have displaced the GPMG leaving the GPMG in the same role as the MMG
Not him.
For a .50 BMG the capacitor would be 40 to 100 KJ (50 to 20% efficiency). That's 0.05 cubic meter/50 liters for a modern capacitor, ignoring anything else required. Small because a .50 BMG isn't powerful per round but the capacitor life isn't far better than a heavy barrel so it's a consumable.
The Marines replaced their assault rifle, LMG, and DMR with the M27. If you were to make a bullpup version in a full-power cartridge you could maybe call it a PDW and GPMG as well. Add a UBGL and include ammo with frangible breeching slugs and with buckshot and it's a shotgun.

That's probably the closest you'd get, but my prediction is it would be pretty shit at everything. Too heavy and too much recoil for a PDW, not enough ammo for an assault rifle, either closed bolt and compromised as an MG or open bolt and compromised as a DMR, no magazine for your shotgun.
What model of CAT generator is that?
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>another dream where I have cool guns that I don’t own IRL
Does this happen to any of you guys? What guns tease you in your dreams? Have you ever had a cool dream that inspired you to buy a certain weapon?
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recently had a dream that felt like it gone on for hours, longest feeling dream i've ever had, it was extremely vivid too
i was basically at the top of a luxury apartment complex, and had to fight my way down from terrorists, gunning them all down, picking up their guns after i ran out of ammo, ambushing them, hiding, and tactically choosing which ones to shoot first
i then had to go all the way back up to the top, to get to the security station, because they locked the doors, and then had to fight my way back down again because opening the doors let more back in
when going down the stairs, a lot of guys had swords & knives, so in between running out of ammo, i'd have sword fights, cutting heads & limbs off, and stabbing people in the heart
once i finally got out of the building, there was one last guy that tried attacking me from behind, but i used cover to get above him, and then splattered his brains across the concrete with my shotgun
at the end, after killing like 100 people, i felt super accomplished, and the moment i woke up i immediately thought "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS THE COOLEST GOD DAMN THING EVER!"

though, the weird thing is
after going back to sleep, i had a weird blurry sort of dream where i had wires & tubes attached to my arms & body, and i was carrying what looked like a big fake gun, and there were people in front of me that were dressed like doctors talking about something
as the dream got more & more obfuscated, it finally ended, it only felt like it was a 30 seconds or some shit
after waking up from that i was immediately wide awake, thinking "what the fuck was that shit?"
after that i gone back to sleep & nothing special happened
>in a bathroom at a bank
>hear a robbery in process
>take gun out
>magazine drops and spills out all the bullets across the floor
>gather up bullets and start reloading the
>now the bullets are all different calibers and won’t fit
I hate it
Anytime a gun stops working in one of my dreams, I whip out my Buck 119 and get back to killing.
It’s funny, I used to have these dreams a lot.
>wrong caliber bullets
>gun ridiculously hard to manipulate
>bullets ridiculously slow & weak
Now for some reason I don’t have those dreams and my dream guns work all of the sudden. But I never actually shoot anyone, always wake up before I pull the trigger. Have no idea why

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>double-layer net covering
What are we calling this one, and how effective would it be?

Video from here:
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Thinking purely in the context of suicide drones, I think it'll work great.
In the context of everything else about it, it's absolutely hilarious. My first thought was "what happens if it gets caught in the tracks" and then I kept thinking and there are countless ways this could go wrong, not to mention it won't do a fucking thing against projectiles.
hope we will find out the fate of this
belt and suspenders

I read that in his voice.

>how effective would it be?
It will contain all the macaroni within the netting, thus saving the crew's future meals.

Hey Caius you still around?
Still have not gotten an answer from my father regarding Russian Communications-Equipment and have now some time for k/ again.
>>61161801 >>61163818

Still while we wait you said you knew a lot about mines.
Can the following Object be repurposed into a real mine or an IED?

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>while we wait you
Waiting on me to tell you something, or your father?

>Can the following Object be repurposed into a real mine or an IED?
I don't see why not. But is it economically attractive to do so? Milsim devices are usually more expensive than, and at least as complex as, their non-sim counterparts.
Might interest you: Himera radios are going to be distributed internationally. US and EU, is what I heard.

>..with anti-detection..
lolwut. you emit an RF signal, you're getting detected. Even sprerad-spectrum.
Context: >>61494963

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Why is Russian aesthetic so hot bros?
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Cause you can't put out dat fire, nigga.
Armatard is back his “aesthetic” threads again? When it was found OP to be the lolcow himself who was soft doxxed while making vatnik aesthetic webm threads for spam times over because his got mindbroken.
Calm down

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Imagine using this thing to clear a bunker.
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Imagine using this thing to clear a bunker
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Imagine using this thing as a fucktoy
How about a real flamethrower
I want one in a pregnant anne franke suit that I can chase around the house in my SS uniform

what year is this?

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