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New ISV dropped. Sneed it or Chuck it?
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Canada just bought a bunch as well
Riding in the rain does in fact suck massive dick in these. No wipers, and even when tarped up the driver and TC at the very least still get soaked.
Honestly, they're meant to quickly bring grunts and their equipment close to the FLOT from their insertion point, and as a speedy GTFO vehicle if you need to fall back. They aren't meant for long haul convoy operations so I guess the DOD and GM decided not to factor in weather resistance in exchange for weight reduction
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Not even close. You can price out the parts that they use since it’s commercially available. There’s 50k worth of after market parts. In total the cost of the vehicle cost is around 70-80k. Coupled with the fact that the contract is for continued support and parts to rebuild the vehicle multiple times over 300k is pretty reasonable
Typo meant 40k of aftermarket parts
but where will you find a heavy bolter for that thing?

Offense is gay, defensive units are wear the cool things happen. Secret Service, Security Forces, post cool defense-oriented units, cool info on defensive units, and why defense mogs offense.
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>when your second-rate security police MOGS your ally's elite Panzergrenadiers
Can't defeat a good old corn fed airman. Breach this base I dare yah.
erm... secfo bros???

>Security Forces
You mean like Air Force Rifles?
Didn't cut it for the Police? Hate soldiers? Join the Feldjäger!

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What are the implications of bastardizing military history in a medium enjoyed by millions of people?
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I actually really liked BFV. I bought it on sale and after all the controversy, but who gives a shit if they have bitches in the game or not. Its a COD competitor, a FPS not a milsim.
>Its a COD competitor, a FPS not a milsim.
It's just CoD with janky cars.
That's all BF has been since BC came out.
Look at that disgusting fucking IKEA ass kitchen table mass-replanted newgrowth wood
>hates flat brown expanse of samey walls and corridors to shoot the exact same guns
>nostalgia cums over quake
You are such a fag, holy shit.
30 yr old anon here, that guy is a miserable jizzstain, and BF3 is still very much a bad ass game
>t. Played Quake 1-3 in the 90s

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Is the katana a good zombie survival weapon?
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>hospitals nationwide
This happened with like 5 hospitals.
Why do people say "a few liars? That's it, toss all 100,000 other numbers out, it's over"
>COVID overwhelmed hospitals because for every one that died >20 needed medical care.
Stfu. Covid was nothing but a constant movement of goal posts after nothing fucking happened over and over and over again. There were a very few select places where hospitals were overwhelmed and in the vast majority of cases hospitals were empty despite cases rising to previously declared apocalyptic levels.
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For me it's the kanabo, the thinking man's zombie skull smashing tool.
>hospitals were empty
I don't know why you'd think anyone would engage with you when you are so clearly completely detached from reality, or is this a directive to reject the evidence of my eyes and ears?
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remember the reefer trailer morgues during covid?

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Kontakt ERA on towed artillery?
Yes, definitely!
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also, kek
Not by fucking ukies what the fuck is this shit
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If Hitler was right about anything, it's that Russians are a subhuman Asiatic dysgenic slave race horde.
The only ones who invented anything worth a damn had some European blood in them. The rest are like the village retards from Dexter's Lab: Ego Trip.
Based DexterCHAD.
It's nothing new, that was the point of like half the late war Nazi wunderwaffe.

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It's a shooter game, but mostly focused around serious roleplay. Chatting, doing actions, etc. everything is mostly written.
The lore is a little like this: there is a war between the west and Russia/China, and Russia/China win. Europe is divided into two halves - most of eastern Europe is controlled by regimes similar to Lukashenko, there are significant repressions. The game is set in eastern Europe.
It's kind of like Half-Life 2 in some ways. So what guns would work for a setting like this? The year is 2052 or something like that.
I want to keep the amount of guns small. So what do you suggest? I was thinking USP Match because it looks cool and is iconic, HK433 because it looks futuristic.
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modern nork stuff is also great for inspiration
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Nato weapons are smuggled in and also used by mercs which is why there's 5.56 guns and molle equipment/90s-00s swat vests in the zone in the first place monolith uses home made as 74us.
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KS-23 obrez

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>An air group consisting of two Russian Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers and two H-6K Chinese strategic bombers, escorted by Su-30SM and Su-35S fighters, carried out air patrols over the waters of the Chukchi, Bering Seas and the North Pacific Ocean.
We can see how the US sent F-16's, F-18's and F-35's for intercepting them: https://x.com/MrFrantarelli/status/1816379503272247561?t=DttdpEWCuCKLWhKHYp94Zg&s=19
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How is the weather in Calgary?
They should just pull a Turkey and be done with it.
This is such cope and is very disrespectful to all the American troops who fought and died in Afghanistan for zero geo political gain for the US empire or the American people.
Head of an AIM sticking off the edge of the opposite wing I think.
Holy projection Ramesh. Good luck with those SU-75s or whatever made up shit you scribbled on a napkin this month

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Can we have a thread about improvised armor and other jerry-rigged shit? This is a Russian D-30 122mm howitzer with a comprehensive suite of seethe metal cope and ERA.
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It specifically refers to the shit Jerry is rigging up in his garage.
>jerry rigged
>zoomer lingo
the word started appearing in the late 19th century
that some old zoomers
>you have it backwards
No I do not. Thats exactly what I said. 'Jury-rigged' is sailor speak.

What Im saying is you should stop using it, it's retarded and makes no sense.
the infamous one
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T-90M with a spoiler

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Fun times.
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I know. Shit looks cash
shit is cash. the more of a psycho the recruits platoon sgt is the better, once you get free reign to maneuver its just back to back tongo tongos on the poor fiends all week long. its cathartic
Yeah im seeing the benefits.

Get to shoot cool shit, experience all the shit on a nerd level without any of the stupid death.
Death is fuckin stupid. And i want no one on the earth to die.
why is the guy at the beginning of the video & in op pic such a twink?

I dunno. I guess the best soldiers in combat aren't going to be Ramirez bodyfat dei recruit.

I could be wrong.

yugoslav war photos

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I've only seen 2 zigger supporters, and both were the /pol/-tier retards
I noticed they are people who are in a very bad spot in life very unhappy
It's easier to blame some shadowy boogeyman than admit personal failure, and a lot of people would rather make some faustian deal with zigger propagandists selling them a lie than to work on themselves
maybe not grenades, but do people, even normies have a pistol or rifle?
not ai just off and new becasue it is, theyre reenactors

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why does canada need nearly 90 of these? how could we ever use them?
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You pay for the maintenance and storage until we can ship them to ukraine or taiwan or israel.
>God willing that stupid sticks and stones fighting in the mountains blows up into something serious
Honestly I quite respect them for that. It's almost chivalrous how they defined RoE that far exceeds Geneva Convention in scope and keep to it aggressively even at cost of lives.
They'll reinvent trial by combat and duels between champions next.
he's also a pretty good dancer
This schizo is among the most hilarious considering that less than 0.2% of Gazans are Christian. Reminds me of another guy here that insisted that Muslims are uncircumcised.
Fuck off shadman

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Soviet 152mm howitzer D-1 manufactured in 1944 in service with the russian army.
After it was damaged, due to lack of parts, it was just abandoned at the repair depot for 1.5 months.

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It’s like putting down a rabid animal. They’re a danger to others as well as themselves, and risk spreading that same disease.
I remember in AIT at Fort Sill, there was a snowstorm and we didn’t have enough shovels to clear snow. So we had two guys each grab a pallet use them as makeshift plows.
>he thinks Puccia uses cruise missiles on anything except civilian targets
Stfu bitch post spoon
Just like with ole ronnie: any holes a goal lads

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don't post your overpriced scalpshit this time edition
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I've got a working Surefire M951 with IR filter and clicky/wired tailcap in near new condition. its not a chinko fake, i got it from a yardsale by bragg with old fart army guy's wife selling his shit on him.

shoot me an offer. sputnik1pathsofglory@proton.me
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Trying to sell this TIG welder, AHP Alpha Tig 200x, local to Houston for $450. Got nothing but scammer pajeets from trying craigslist. You get the machine, 2 smaw whips, tig pedal, argon tank, auto darkening hood with spare lenses, tig cups, big fucking box of stainless TIG rods, small container of 6013 smaw sticks, 110v puck to convert the 220 cable coming out of it, some other shit I gotta gather up. Got no tig rig though, hose had been torn and leaked a lot of gas. Start welding G3 receiver flats eventually today!
Good fucking luck selling anything here. You're all a bunch of double standards stingy jews. I'm glad I'm making bank on gunbroker and not doing any favors to a bunch of inbreds on a jap board ;)
Ah still salty he couldn't sell his overpriced FN barrel. May as well bump the thread.
I've already sold it on gunbroker awhile back. Tongue my anus nigger jew :)

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>Be Morocco, uses AK
>Be Algeria, uses AK
>Be Libya, uses AK
>Be Egypt, uses AK
>Looks to Tunis, standard issued AUG
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You're raging anon, very poor form
Kek, fucking retarded and a schizo
Neighbors can’t use their weapons against them, smart. Or at least won’t be practical
AUGs and SCARs are cheaper to make than a basic bitch M4, it's only the artificially limited supply that gives them boutique status in the US
You are a total tard.

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Is dat a holosun AEMS?
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Nigga, Joe Biden doesn't have the mental acuity to order a fucking pizza.
I prefer Biden over Harris any day.
Yeah I'm sure. Fed jobs are such rackets
President has to work within his constitutional powers and US code of laws. There are multiple ways this could be accomplished.
Thanks for telling us you don't know shit about how SS works. They get services for life, doesn't matter if they run against current president or not.

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