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slowed the tempo of Barbarossa and ultimately lead to the nazi defeat...
what fortresses you mongol
wasnt there one in sevastpol and Brest? thats the only two I can think of. the only other fortifications the Soviets made were in the field via entrenchments and earthern bunkers to my knowledge
also the stalin line and there were some coastal batteries near Leningrad

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it's double funny because the guy in orange vest is from the sport shooter association (the gun loicense gatekeepers) and the victim was probably being examed for the permit
Hope that retard never owns a gun again. Fuck those guys
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>the only proper response to an old fuck flagging you out of retardation
Probably because neither God nor Satan are willing to take him
>his heart had a mechanical pump installed that meant he was living without a pulse. It was just a constant flow, like a fish tank filter.
And now I'm wondering about the medical implication of a constant blood pressure.

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Steel toed boots. Is this the most inconspicuous “weapon” you can have at your disposal besides a pen?
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>he doesn't run a 5 minute mile and do kick drills with steel toes on
It's like you want to die when you inevitably get jumped by ninjas.
from most conspicuous to least
>concealed gun/knife
>heavy buckled belt
>physical fitness and martial arts training (ideally both striking and grappling)
Knife is #2. Because it’s also useful day to day
>manchild who say a metal weight at the end of their leg does not affect them at all

how come any mention of weight being a bad thing automatically revvs the engines of these dorks?
The best weapon is the one within arm's reach

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How do you get guns legally in this shithole country? Italian chavs/thugs are an actual problem here and i don't think pepper spray is gonna stop one of these pot/alchol/coke abuser shitheads charging at you. Most obnoxious thing about those faggots is that they usually stick in groups because they know they aren't worth shit in a 1vs1
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The fact that the law doesn't require you to buy a safe? There are plenty of sentences that prove that as long as you did something to keep them out of the reach of anyone who doesn't have a license it's enough. Even just putting them in a locked wardrobe or a drawer is enough. A trigger lock can be enough.
that's what I'm saying retard
I keep my ammo in a box closed by a lock
each gun is in its case (with a number-combination lock)
I asked the police and they clearly said it's enough
That by only putting it into a locker that can easily get opened with a crowbar you are gambling with the judge deciding it was enough. With a safe you are safe (eh)

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2 days ago, Croatia announced it will provide Ukraine with M-84 main battle tanks (Yugoslav model based on the Soviet T-72) and M-80 infantry fighting vehicles (also Yugoslav made, along with spare parts and ammunition
This move is part of an exchange agreement aimed at modernising Croatia’s military capabilities. The deal will see Croatia acquire discounted Leopard 2A8 tanks from Germany
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Indirect fire and defensive actions. We saw last week some Leopards being used to great effect. You're not doing thunder runs that's for sure.

The real issue is that T-72s are made of explodium, and are a real danger. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have died needlessly in BMPs and T72s.
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Leopard 2A4
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Is it possible to identify what rounds they're using
The original threads probably know better than me.



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No direct aircraft engagements occur anymore.

Everyone is just lobbing cruise missiles, standoff munitions and bombs at one another with ground based air defenses doing the interception!
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Both doesn't have functional air forces
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crazy thought. what if you use the a2a missile against a cruise missle
the fact that Ukraine still has one explains perfectly how effective the Russian one is
The Russian air force is conducting the modern equivalent of charioteer charges; rushing in to the closest safe range, launching unguided missiles, and turning back.
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So is there any information of fedorov avtomats during the Russian civil war? For now I can only find information about its development in ww1 and then it just skips over to the war with the Finnish where it was briefly used. I’ve been to several museums in Russia and done research online but for now I can barely find anything
uhhhhhhh yeah i say they prolly used em
It was complete chaos followed 70 years of state sponsored censorship unless u wanna do some deep russian language digging in the country itself we dont have anything else in the west

why hasn't this been made yet?
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With how much reinforcement you'd need on the frame and cylinder, it'd weigh at least 30lbs unloaded.
If you put a RIFLE cartridge
and the batfe faggots will NIGGER you.
>board is inundated with low-quality barely-on-topic threads on the 1000th day
There's that word again!
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>smart use of old rimmed cartridges
anon you get the sticker. good job

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>europoor typoop
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extlemely tlustwolty news fellow compatliot!
He won't ever name it because he's the real seething thirdie whose country can't even manufacture real fighters
cool, now tell me where most of the technology in your pic comes from
literally no one asked for janked f35 copies out of south korea
i have no clue why they ever even wasted the time and money on that project
its baltic cargo-cult behavior

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News of the 155th Separate Mechanized Brigade, which is close to completing its training in France. The French minister of the Armies and minister of Foreign Affairs visited the soldiers of the Brigade and their French trainers. A bunch of new pics got out for the occasion
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No, that's what the AMX-10s are for.
I wonder if these guys will be trained on how to fire in battery? Will there be a big culture shock when they return to Ukraine and have to plug into the UA command structure, ie, will they be used to officers being professional and in control of everything?
Thanks. I knew the Danish version had one more axle, but was wrong on the OG ones.
Our defense budget did go up, but the money is mainly for modernization, AI, drones and new boats and planes
Our government considers it is the job of Poland and Germany to stop russia on land if shit really hits the fan. In their eyes, it'll be more useful for France and its allies if we focus on expeditionary capabilities, air dominance and cyberwarfare. Bigger numbers isn't the priority
Yeah. Obviously there are many stories of guys who get drafted then wind up liking it and turning into career soldiers. But you still want your combat arms to be all-volunteer if possible.

How effective would the 40mm be against kamikaze drones?
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Ukraine operates Bofors 40mm.
>Like ethiopian cuisine
delicious and healthy
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There's a reason Nipland invented bullet-hell.
Imagine the lesbian sex.
Based knower. That shit is good as fuck.

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Hey /k/, what would be the ideal gun for a contemporary tunnel rat clearing out abandoned mines/limestone caves? Assume potential targets are roughly man-sized and unarmored. Also assume more than one target may be encountered at one time.

My thoughts:
>ability to mount a super bright flashlight is key
>subsonic/suppressible caliber ideal for allowing hearing post-shot
>frangible or hollow point non-fmj bullets might be necessary to prevent ricochet
>design should be compact in case climbing or crawling is necessary
>design should function when exposed to mud/grit

Picrel not mine, .410 saiga SBS with big fat can
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something much short than that
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If only they could figure out a Surpressor that doesn't immediately turn it into a long ass gun
Hell is real, and you can go down their and fight demons.
A modernized grease gun shall be your weapon.
if you used subs im sure any 9mm suppressor rated for 300lbk would work.
1915s BAR in 30-06 and the gear with your ww1 gasmask on.

Considering bayonet charges and shock troops like the italian arditi, were used up to the end of ww1,
In modern(post ww2) conflicts has there ever been a use of bayonets or meele fighting?
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The British love them some bayoneting. A full-on charge has been done at least once in Afghanistan, to remarkable effect.
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Since this thread is related to bayonets: I'm currently looking into early bayonet types (plug bayonets, early socket bayonets from the 1680s, etc.) and came across this article: https://combatarchaeology.org/three-early-bayonets/
Especially interesting to me are the two sword bayonets (Oss 620 and Os 625) as I always believed such sword bayonets only appeared in the early 19th century (see the sword bayonet of the Baker Rifle for example) and I can't quite figure out how they were attached.
In the article for Oss 620, dated to the second half of the 17th century, it states: " Riveted spout for fastening". But what does that exactly meme - perhabs me being an esl shows here.
Also for Oss 620 you can see a metal slot at the very end of the hilt - I assume this is also important for fixing the bayonet, no?
I would be thrilled if somebody can illuminate me here.
During Iraq invasion a jock company performed a bayonet charge.

In Afghanistan there were a few instances. A PWRR section did one, jocks did one, and paras may have done a few.
>plug bayonets, early socket bayonets from the 1680s
Gays in the 1700?
Constantly thinking about homosexuals makes you the faggot.

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>Camo:I sleep
>Ghillie:i sleep
>Tunnels:i sleep
>Night raids:i sleep
>Stealth on aircraft:i sleep
>Submarines:I sleep
>Disguising as the enemy:Warcrime
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Incidentally, this is why tear gas is banned from offensive use but is fine for riot control. The fear was, a tear gas attack would be seen as an attack with serious weapons, and there would be retaliation in kind. It’s mostly irrelevant now, because major countries have so much red tape that by the time you get to someone who can authorize your VX or sarin or ricin or whatever other nastiness you have, it’ll be clear that it was tear gas used against you. But it’s still international law.
>what if we made rules about war?
>"can one of them be not to kill each other?"
>no, but we will restrict HOW you can kill each other!
>"ok how will it be enforced?"
>the winner of the war will decide your punishment
>commit perfidy
haha wow that was easy, stupid pigs never seen me coming!
>they commit perfidy in retaliation
how could they do this, what cowards, I cannot believe this has happened

literal nigger behavior, no future thinking just act in the moment
Some rules are better than none, /pol/.
disguising as the enemy causes problems for everyone, its not worth it.

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Book on the Su-75.

Light tactical aircraft T-75

Work on the creation of a light tactical aircraft (LTS T-75, "The Checkmate") began at the Sukhoi Design Bureau on its own initiative in 2015. Based on the results of scientific and practical work on the rational composition of the aviation group, an aircraft concept was proposed. The main aspects of which were the creation of a modern aircraft designed primarily for strike missions, but at the same time possessing high survivability rates, as well as providing a significant reduction in operating costs. In fact, an aircraft with the functionality of a fighter-bomber (similar to the Su-17 and MiG-27) was needed, but with a modern level of characteristics and new properties.

From 2015 to 2019, more than 20 alternative layout options were developed, taking into account various options for the composition of onboard equipment and weapons. The main areas of research were:

- determining the impact on the appearance of low visibility, the number of engines, the composition of the complex -
equipment and aviation weapons;
- research of alternative aerodynamic configurations.

At the first stage, institutes of the Russian Ministry of Defense were involved in joint research, based on the results of joint work with them, the main requirements for the aircraft were formed. The most rational options were recognized as those using individual properties of the 5th generation and ensuring a significant reduction in life cycle costs, which confirmed the correctness of the initially chosen development directions.
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It's from an 85th anniversary coffee table book for employees and friends of Sukhoi. OP probably only has these pages.
They didn't show the AL-51 in Zhuhai. I don't think they want to sell their best engine design to other countries so soon. But they did show the 177S engine which is a good improvement from the AL-31.
>The Checkmate
I missed it earlier, but it looks a lot more like the AL-41F1S from the Su35S than the AL-41F1 currently on the Su57. Is it maybe going to power a new Flanker variant? :)

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