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>be soldier in the XI Corps on May 2, 1863
>be sitting down for dinner
>suddenly rabbits and foxes come hopping through your camp from the nearby woods, first a handful, then dozens
>look out towards the woods
>there can't possibly be anything out there
>see the top of a flag start appearing over the horizon
>suddenly, autistic screeching, the likes of you've never conceived of before, echos literally everywhere
>hundreds of Confederate soldiers burst out of the trees, bayonets fixed, running right at you

What do?
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Holy cope lmao.
Being serial rapists that also raped their own allied POWs is probably why.
Winners don't need to cope, Cletus.

Pretend to be black


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It used to be popular among SOF because
>stopping power (allegedly)
>doesn't go through bodies

But out of all subsonic rounds the .45 ACP is also the loudest. In most practical cases the gun needs to be larger or you'll have less rounds. And since nowadays we have 9x19 rounds that come in all flavors, subsonic, high velocity, heavy, light, HP, standard FMJ, etc.
What is the argument for .45 ACP in 2024?
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Nope I love lobbing 230g footballs
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This is what my 1911 did to a coconut. Big ass entry hole! Looks like a shotgun slug hit it.
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This is the exit hole.
If you actually want to kill what you're shooting at use .45
no if I want to kill it I'll use 12 gauge or a rifle caliber thanks, you have fun with your toy though

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here's your all-metal bullpup with a good trigger, bro
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My buddy has one in 308. I only shot a mag through it but it seemed pretty nice.
Are theses FAMAS?
Ever had a shell deflect back into the upper?
what gelcups are those on 3M peltors?

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Is there a reason the DoE went with a 9mm ar instead of the comparable subguns of the time, or those used by other federal agencies/police?

Also: general subgun thread
the same reason i buy cucked semiautomatic '''''''pccs''''''
You're telling me a government bureau that works with 140+ iq geniuses put out an RFP and chose an expensive custom colt unit instead of getting a crate of swedish Ks/mp5s/jatimatics for like 5000$ total?
probably figured blasting a bunch of 9mm around a nuclear plant was slightly less bad than a bunch of 5.56
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Brazilian cops have a homebrew .40SW submachine gun?

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What's the life expectancy of a buggy?
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Yeah and a man in Luhansk thinks not having his asshole stretched would be nice, but its just not in the cards.
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>the road to recovery ends with a hot slavic lesbian relationship
I happen to have a funny story about a guy in Luhansk getting his asshole stretched out, circa 2016. They used to call him lawnmower man.

>bad man give information to bad people
>man gets captured, PVC pipe up butt
>Barbed wire inserted
>PVC removed
>Gloved hand of interrogator holds end of wire length like pull-motor starter

yeah just wasn't in the cards for that guy
I've heard of a similar story, about a man originally from Texas.

Was the Imperial Japan the most formidable adversary in the history of US?
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inb4 someone brings up USNS Card.
We never committed to the level of engagement that would have been necessary to win.
A unequivocal victory by military force was never our aim. We did not, at any point, seek to invade and subdue the north thus ending the war in victory.

We sought to maintain the status quo antebellum through a negotiated peace won by attrition and bombing. A plan which relies on the co-operation of the enemy, since if they are willing to take the bombing and keep feeding meat to the grinder while we are unwilling to invade and destroy them they win by default.

They beat America in a contest of political will, they were willing to send hundreds of thousands of young men into fiery death and have their infrastructure bombed to dust to have their way in Vietnam, we were not willing to spend the lives on an invasion and potential escalation and we were unwilling to engage in the genocidal bombing campaigns necessary to force capitulation.
But we never set out to win militarily it was always a political exercise, us asking "How many men are you willing to lose for this" and then answering "All of them".
We expected that after a couple years of American forces mowing down NVA and VC they'd give up but we profoundly misunderstood their commitment to the war and their willing to spend blood on unification.

They did not win a contest off arms, they answered our contest of wills with an endless tide of men and before they ran out of men and will we ran out of political tolerance for the war at home, largely because of the draft.
I think if the US hadn't used the draft support for the war would have been much more sure and the anti war movement wouldn't have gained nearly the support it did. Americans don't actually give a shit about our money being wasted fighting wars on the other side of the world but we hate to hear about Americans dying. We tolerated the GWOT for two decades, because there was no draft, just volunteers.
This guy is so pissed he has the worst view of the falls
>We never committed to the level of engagement that would have been necessary to win.
That is different to wanting to win
The GWOT was vastly less bloody than the war in Vietnam

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Rovenki, Luhansk region. There have just been three cluster arrivals at the local oil depot. Consequences on video.
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It looks like judging by the fire color and shape and explosion that's storing UDMH. Which is utterly hilarious. It's liquid rocket fuel Russians use. When it burns it's very red and orange and comes out in waves. The uks hit some things with liquid rocket fuel for sure maybe some regular. That's UDMH fire no doubt.id recognize it anywhere.
> Put lakes of oil on your bingo card
Burning, I hope
Remember that one kid who ended up having to take physical delivery of some ungodly number of barrels to his apartment because he wanted to gamble with the big boys when the price of oil was returning from whence it came? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
They imagined another promise from the US and expect it to be held to the letter even though they don't even hold to binding treaties. Just like the imaginary promise to not expand NATO even if Russia starts being aggressive.
>That is exactly how old oil wells - such as the ones Russia has - work
That's even more of a lie, old oil wells or new ones need to produce oil constantly until they dry out, shutting them down involves crippling them in semi-permanent ways that need reconstruction. Why you decided to get all confident on this nonsense is anyone's guess.
I know you need attention, but come the fuck on. Normal weight people don't do this.

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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's peacetime, WTF are they doing that's so intense it requires not 'falling out' and taking pics for later? Do you just mean field exercises or is this advice for in case ww3 happens?
>And don't ever bang any wooks.
Not him but I matched with an 18-year old 4'11" tomboy Marine Reservist on Tinder a few months ago and she didn't reply. My heart still hasn't recovered from that.
Why can't you fags pay your bills?

Also what MOS is gud
>the payout will include $10,000 plus “any lost equity” to each service member whose vehicle was repossessed
>tfw I bought a Toyota instead of a Hyundai

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Which one is actually better at stopping a hoodie from jacking your wallet while you're pumping 87 octane at 2AM, regardless of the caliber?
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>The 'extreme penetrator' is a meme, right?
Why don't you ask your mother?
Actual smartest black man in NYC
Not posting the spiciest tokerev ngm
>needing to get gas at 2am
>not having gotten it the hundreds of opportunities earlier
>If that's what he meant though it's less "cheeky" and more "totally retarded".
Post your gun bootlicker.

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Would this be possible in real life?
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This was a fine chuckle for sure, thanks anon.
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Would this be possible in real life? ;_;
So that's it? No leeway, no compromise; just stupid fuckin' jokes.
and reloading is a thing
>one woman is enough
LOL he's not pregmaxxxing IMAGINE

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Turkey's Baykar reveals 200+ km range cheap cruise missile that can be launched from random pickup truck

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Is that a cruise missile or just a fixed-wing suicide drone?
go back baitard
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i'm gonna laugh so hard if its' cost is comparable to that $95k kamikaze drone US just announced
warhead is 20 kg, that's not a lot.

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Autistic pellet rifle discussions part 2

Previous: >>61449656
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Ive never owned an air rifle besides and old break barrel slug gun from the 70s but have been getting a bush rat explosion and my dogs dont get nearly enough of them.

Any recommendations for one of these semi auto mag fed air rifles? Im going to beat it up to hell and back so doesn't have to be nice, cheaper and good enough is better.
I'd reccomend a bolt or lever pcp, preferably used so can stay between 150-300. It'll be much easier on the budget than a semi and you can still have a magazine and decent rate of fire and power. If budget isn't a big deal could check out stuff like aea sf, marauder semi, hatsan semis, huben, and other options. There's alot more choices imo in bolts/levers in a more affordable price range that will do what you need. I reccomend the pcp over co2, easier to keep always ready and very consistent shots, high power. Depending on your needs there may be some bolt pcps for as little as 170$ that may fit the bill for you. As always with ANY airgun, please read other user reviews of any given model on air gun forums, store reviews, etc.
>Any recommendations for one of these semi auto mag fed air rifles?
what's your price range?
I got a Williams sight and some new pellets in the mail today
Nice anon. Get it put on anything yet?

AK General /akg/
Have A Drink Edition
>Thread #2025

Old thread here >>61561948
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It's a beautiful day to magdump piles of trash.
Why no barrel pin?
WBP never have canted sights. There are other super expensive brands that can sometimes have canted sights which is hilarious
I used it once then put it in a box for some reason. Now the box is in a hard to reach place and I'm vary lazy.
eye relief: no

>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread>>61560601
It is humanities destiny to wage war across the stars. Total ayy Death, breathe void space fags
Mass nuclear bombardment from orbital warships fuck yeah, fuck your biosphere. In space you cant commit war crimes because they only apply to earth and arent real anyway. I would genocide multiple alien cities myself
I WILL become humanities strongest soldier and kill all the ayys i find, anything that can build anything close to civilisation is getting a bullet
No environmentalist fag will stop me, ayys will be shot, ayy sympathisers will also be shot
I would create a nuclear crater so large it would be a noticeable geologic feature from space for the next 100 million years, at the least, so that planet never forgets who owns these stars
100000000000 burning worlds crushed under the boots of humanity as we march towards eternity, just imagine it, isnt it beautiful?
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One of the most painful things is that alien life is practically guaranteed not to look like this. It's more likely to be silicon-based creatures that live in far-below-freezing temps that would simultaneously melt and suffocate in our atmosphere (and you would freeze solid instantly in theirs), and they'd look like something you wouldn't even recognize as life at first.
Our descendants might enjoy similar mutant pussy if a human colony is in a place that makes them adapt to look that way somehow, but we're not getting any sexy colorful space girls remotely close to our lifetimes, even if we made first contact tomorrow. We aren't even getting something like bug pussy, we're getting sentient frozen rocks that eat and breathe poison who have zero reason to visit us or even talk to us beyond swapping any scientific nerd info. There's not really any reason to kill them either since we'd be waging war for the privilege of living in a poisonous unlivable hellscape. It'd just be "oh, you guys exist, that's neat and utterly useless, nothing changes for us except some shit only nerds care about"
Reality is gay
I actually do think the 25 round mags for a gun that fires in 3 round bursts is a neat thing. When the gun fires a single round, you know the magazine is empty. Or a 2-round burst if you've topped it off.
A lot of different groups have lived in Ukraine over the ages. In another thread recently, I detailed how the Romans believed that Ukraine was one of the ends of the earth due to the mud season. The liquid mud made them believe the laws of physics were breaking down there and causing the solid ground to become liquid. It didn't help that the center of Ukraine was sparsely populated for a long time. There were Greek kingdoms in the south, such as the kingdom of Pontus in Crimea, who were leftovers from Alexander's conquests and whose king, Mithridates IV, had cultivated an immunity to poison. He seemingly used Roman beliefs about Ukraine to his advantage and Pompey's army was pretty much unable to follow him eastward.
Ukraine was de-facto a territory of Poland for a long time and into the early modern period, but de-jure it was kind of this wild west (or wild east in this case) area where people could just escape the law or live free without taxes or anything. About half of modern Ukraine was also part of Khazaria for some time, the Khazars being a Turkic people who conquered much around that southern Russian area and converted to Judaism in the 8th century, though in a similar fashion to the Mongols (they were a Khaganate), there was always a fairly lax view of religion and everything from Christianity to Islam to Buddhism to Tengrism to various kinds of Paganism were practiced, and there was some degree of overlap between all of these too. Some sources from the time described them as irreligious.
It's one of those places that has a complicated history.
>It's more likely to be silicon-based creatures
Name 1 silicon based lifeform fag, meanwhile there is literally over 1 trillion carbon based ones
Silicon based life is fake and gay, carbon chads WINNING
All life that we know of is currently on this little ball we all inhabit. We have absolutely nothing to compare against because we haven't found any other little balls like the ones we live on, they've all been barren and lifeless.
What we can compare against is all of the many twists and turns life has taken to evolve here. Think of all the mass extinctions. The very first one is the sole reason you and me breathe oxygen, and why the plants breathe carbon dioxide, and it occurred when all life was single-celled. One little random change and something as fundamental as what we breathe changes, as does the trajectory of all life. Even if we do assume they're carbon-based, they very likely will still inhabit a ball of poison gas, whose lifeforms are utterly alien to us. The chances of them being oxygen-breathing humanoids is nearly impossible. The silicon thing, or any other elemental basis for that matter, is just icing on the cake. Carbon-based is the best case scenario, because that means you could probably walk on their planet in a hazmat suit rather than being flash frozen or vaporized instantly. But again, little reason for that, because why would you ever want to do that?

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Post /k/ino photographs from any era, though early GWOT would be preferred.
Sidenote: can someone identify what those tan plate carriers these PMCs are wearing?
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>After dealing with those "people" at Ramstein during OAR/OAW I hope that's true
We had them at Rota, they were 50/50 split of very thankful and very entitled. Some of them had nicer phones than I did

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