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>Penetration Cum Blast
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It was funny the first dozen times, now it’s past the point of beating a dead horse and onto punching the wet spot on the ground where the horse used to be
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>now it’s past the point of beating a dead horse and onto punching the wet spot on the ground where the horse used to be
>doesn't use any opportunity to laugh and point at India
Pretty gay not gonna lie. You're not a homo are you anon?

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For you, it's guaranteed cholera.
For Mobik Conscriptovich, this is drink of the gods.
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>doesn't even filter it with a bottle full of used wet-wipes with benzalkonium chloride
Apparently Uganda can too.
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Every fucking Indian needs to be forcibly deported back to India.
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>create an amazing multirole fighter jet
>only make 2 of them per month
What did Dassault mean by this?
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He actually does know shit that /k/ users don't know.
there's a lot of shit /k/ doesn't know
some of it is because he follows the news
a lot of it is frog rumor
>trapper is gigabased
Even xir name has trap in it. The best he can be is giga-baisé
So, how many here follow frog MIC news?
Not many. They are quite difficult given they don't understand modern advertising or writing articles in English.
He also goes out to conventions.
don't laugh too hard because when I checked OECD data last time we have the lowest production rate per worker compared to many European countries including France, Germany, Spain, UK, Belgium and so on despite supposedly working more hours
we are basically fat fucks lmao

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how about you stop shitposting and get a job, you fucking moron?
I dunno, i'd put money on Scott "If there's grass on the field im staying on the bench" Ritter moving to Russia to keep doing loli-shit
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>it's a team
This is such a sad cope.
>57 AFVs
>12 motorcycles
>200 infantrymen
>11 tanks
>45 APCs
Looks like Russia are playing Generals

A few years ago while scrolling through GunBroker I found a posting for a Longbranch Arsenal Rifle No.4 Mk1 with what looked like original markings from the factory. Alongside the usual longbranch marking there was also a marking "Georgia VT" Is this an import marking or did Vermont lend some of its factories to Canadian rifle production?
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its a shame these threads don't take off.
Guess its back to a Ukraine drone thread for me!
You mean Vermont, Georgia?
No, Georgia, Vermont. They were previously located in Saint Albans, Vermont.
Was it marked “U.S. Property”?
Only Savage-made No.4s are marked "US Property". Long Branch is in Canada.

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this is just mean
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Surprise! Butseks!
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>die instantly
Only if it was a HEAT warhead aimed just right or he got luck and a big piece of drone went though his brain.
Much more likely he had a decent amount of face removed with little more than a concussion to the brain.
Unironically yes because Hitler tolerated capitalism and religion and local (Western) culture.

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Wait for canada's currency to collapse and you could probably buy a genuine G36, and from there its a couple parts from online and you have one
t.leaf with g36, not going to sell it ever though
I think it's a Monitor, a FBI BAR
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A cotton candy x-ray gun that can see into the future and then turns into my cat and says she loves me.
Nah, dude. Super controllable on full auto and quite ergonomic. Would recommend

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Why did Israel replace the M4/M16s with this abomination?
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The RPDs were mostly early war, when the US failed to supply any good MG that didn't weigh >20lbs.
Its also why the Swedish K was widely used.
By later in the war there were more popular options.
I enjoy my tavor, but I can't get over how oddly thin the area behind the grip and in front of the magazine well is. Makes me think of an ants anatomy
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Is this the first documented case of trinkets attached to a rifle? Is this where CoD took inspiration from?
there's a reason we're not even pretending to be angry at them anymore. that reason is that once we left, they basically told China to fuck off.

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don't post your overpriced scalpshit this time edition
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Trying to sell this TIG welder, AHP Alpha Tig 200x, local to Houston for $450. Got nothing but scammer pajeets from trying craigslist. You get the machine, 2 smaw whips, tig pedal, argon tank, auto darkening hood with spare lenses, tig cups, big fucking box of stainless TIG rods, small container of 6013 smaw sticks, 110v puck to convert the 220 cable coming out of it, some other shit I gotta gather up. Got no tig rig though, hose had been torn and leaked a lot of gas. Start welding G3 receiver flats eventually today!
Good fucking luck selling anything here. You're all a bunch of double standards stingy jews. I'm glad I'm making bank on gunbroker and not doing any favors to a bunch of inbreds on a jap board ;)
Ah still salty he couldn't sell his overpriced FN barrel. May as well bump the thread.
I've already sold it on gunbroker awhile back. Tongue my anus nigger jew :)
thats a good fucking deal
if i were local i would hop on in a heartbeat

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What went so right?
How did Brazil managed to be successful with them after the Engesa bankruptcy and the Brazilian defense industry getting really close to a collapse in the 90s?
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Full autism long answer to that: Bombardier sold its commercial airliner division to Mitsubishi, who promptly discontinued all its existing jets in order to go full retard with its next-gen SpaceJet project, which failed so hard that Mitsubishi quit the airliner industry entirely. This was made worse by most current Bombardier operators pre-ordering SpaceJets en masse to replace their aging Bombardiers, then getting left out to dry when big guy Mitsubishi crashed with no survivors (since they shut down the factories and laid/pensioned off all the workers except for the bare minimum for spare parts manufacture/refurbishment). Said airlines basically had two choices left: Airbus and Embraer, the last two reputable Western aircraft manufacturers still making airliners with the same passenger/range/size footprint as the old Bombardiers.
>Europe stopped making regional passenger aircraft.
As a europoor who flies domestic a lot its all A320neo all the time
I"m not sure from a business standpoint, but the last time I flew I made sure it was Embraer and an Airbus. If it's Boeing, I ain't going.


Although its true Airbus has been oversize replacement as well.
That's not an answer, any living aircraft manufacturer in 2024 is state-backed

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lockmart made a new version of the most popular FLIR + laser targeting pod used by 4th gen fighters. the new version - Sniper Networked Targeting Pod - adds edge computing, MANET, and F35 datalink. so now 5th gen should be able to seamlessly interact with other aircraft and ground elements on one datalink. call in hypersonic airstrikes from the comfort of your foxhole. https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2024-07-23-sniper-networked-targeting-pod-to-link-f-35s-4th-generation-jets-and-missile-systems-for-unprecedented-deterrence
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How can West still be scared of China/Russia when their military is some backwater mess compared to just a single US company in the MIC?
The boomers and Gen X grew up on pic related, and when it imploded, they thought it there would be a new world order of forever-peace so China didn't matter.
Both do. The stealthies operate their own proprietary datalinks and there have been a few rounds of kludge-transcoder-middleware concepts to provide bridging.

At one point not too long ago, the middleware was literally a box carried by a U-2 that handled interactions between F-22's IFDL and F-35's MADL. At that time – and right up til the retirement announcement this year – the U-2 was the primary dev&testing platform for Open Mission Systems. It was the first craft to fly a full suite of OMS shit, and one of the arguments in favor of keeping it in service was to continue as a test platform.

The U-2 team, in turn, had The Box (hydra OSG) talk to land and sea systems via multifarious other acronyms.

What the sniper pod iteration represents is lockmart trying to consolidate the man-in-the-middle widgetry under a preexisting product line already in use by everyone who flies F-16 and F-35. Commoditizing the complement, in so many words.

(Northrop leads Link 16 development, IBCS, and a bunch of other datalink shit. Physically colocating the hell-muxer onboard lockmart aircraft marginalizes northrop while ensuring they still do most of the real work.)

I see no obvious reason why it won't work.
Can't get complacent
Realistically they had already lost by then

I'm starting a /k/ sensha-do team. What tank should we use?
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>The UST wants to know your location
Wow, anon. I didn't know you were such a sissy fag! Don't you know that Sensha-Do is a girl's sport?
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LET FUCKING DO THIS LADS, we've got the high ground.
My dad was watching GuP himself
Normally I'd hate this idea but if GuP is donezo completely then I say fuck it, it's the only way I can even have a slight chance to get more

Is there such thing as a truly rifle-rated helmet?
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sure, you just need to either relax your definition of "rifle rated" or relax your definition of "helmet"
It would be heavy and restrict your vision, paradoxically increasing chances of death.
Sure but it'd be a titanium-foam dome directly connected to a chest plate. It needs to be able to tank penetration without snapping the user's neck.
how come nobody made a heavy ballistic helmet that rests on the shoulders instead of the head?
>doesn’t snap your neck when it takes a hit
>no neck aches from a heavy helmet on the head
>can be made even heavier than a regular ballistic helmet since it’s not on your head
>it’s pure concentrated pussy repellent
>limits vision
but that last one can be solved by adding cuts and holes, even if it compromises its protection it would still be sturdier than a regular helmet.

How mags you got for all your guns. I have 23 for my AK (10 and 30 round mags combined), 30 Glock mags (15-33 rounds combined), but I only have 2 for some of my guns, including my carry gun (LCP).

Do you have a minimum number of mags you like to have for your firearms, or would one do it for some of them?
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I was like thats a lot of mags. Then I realized I spent years buying mags and hiding them. Id say I have 50 mags total.
Buy them a tool steel wire bender and a 3D printer
I havent really counted in a ling while..but I have
An assload of G3 mags because they were dirt cheap
An assload of AR-15 mags because I kept on getting issued them in the Army=free
Enough AK mags for a combat load
Prolly like 10-12 Glock mags for my pistol/sub2k
All my pistols other pistols have 4
Hunting rifles and 10/22 only have a couple
Everything else I have is not mag fed. Mags will last a ling time if you arent treating them like absolute shit. Even my ancient steel/aluminum GI issue AR mags are still going and those were old when I started getting them like 12 years ago.
>10 mags
ngmi kid

I still can't think of anything more stupid than this entire thing.
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v-280s are slated to be $43 mil per (with R&D costs & maintenance wrapped in to the initial buy), this is cheaper than a modern Apache
The original tactic was to just rocket pod the shit out of the target area as you flew over said target area. Western and later Eastern countries resorted to distance pop up attacks specifically because of the rise of MANPAD's.
Apples to oranges. The AH64 is loaded with way more sensors and weapons. If the base model V280 is already 43 million with none of that. Imagine how much a gunship version will cost.
How does it yaw during forward flight? It has no vertical stabilisers.

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