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Do flares and chaff even work anymore? Surely in this current year even the dumbest AI installed on a missile would be all like "LMAO, nice try faggot"?
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yes they work. why would you think they don't?

you don't need a complete spoof of a missile seeker to make it miss it's intended target. often times speeds and kinetic energy demands are such even having a missile momentarily alter heading towards a decoy before reacquiring the actual target is enough to force it outside of it's lethal zone. there's plenty of real world examples of SAMs and air to air missiles coming extremely close to their target but they're just outside the range the fuze deems it should go off.
These things aren't just about tricking the missile. Chaff is there to outright block radar, and flares can be blindingly bright to IR cameras. Being blind is going to hurt the missiles accuracy no matter how smart its control logic is.
>(paraphrasing) new missiles don't give a shit about flares
I know it has an imaging seeker but does anyone know why the -9x fired by a superbug at a su22 over syria a while ago bit on flares?
I think preflaring still works, especially if you're shitting out tons of them and the missile decides to lock onto them instead of the real target from the get-go.

Pilot never mentioned anything about flares:
>By then the Su-22 was in striking distance of friendly forces and it began to dive, releasing its weapons in the process, before making a climb out after the attack. Based on the rules of engagement that were briefed to the naval aviators, Mob locked the Su-22 up from behind with an AIM-9X Sidewinder and fired.
>The missile zipped off the Hornet’s wing rail trailing smoke but quickly disappeared. It wasn’t clear why the missile failed to track the Su-22 or where it had gone. Mob quickly selected an AIM-120 AMRAAM and fired once again. He noted how long it took for the missile to fire off the Super Hornet’s “cheek” station located along the outer edges of its air intakes.
Might have been a statistical dud 9X.

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I bet when the drones arrive, they’ll just be chink EVs with wings fused on
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As a grammar Nazi this irks me.
Oh no, Russia better protect their intellectual property rights. Their greatest master better be paying royalties or at least bartering something in exchange.
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Save on a plane ticket

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Shotgun virgin here.

Want to dip into shotguns and I'm thinking about an auto like a Mossberg 940 or Beretta 1301. They're more expensive than a pump, but other than cost is there any reason to get a pump instead of an auto?
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>Looking at the bead is why I miss
I get what he's saying here. When I'm on a hot streak of 8+ clays busted with the first shot of an O/U. "In the zone" or whatever, the bead(s) don't seem to matter. The main thing is focusing on the clay and how it's moving as to where to point and when to pull the trigger.
When using the m4 I generally have the clay launcher set to just lob the clay slow and steep. With the optic, the sight picture while properly lined up has the clay halfway between the green circle and the frame of the optic
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This, I have two 870P’s and I still want one.

Intertia system says hold my beer.

Then you find out a used police SBS with stamp is about the same price.

When I was an LEfag, the meanest females could shoot “tactical” low power buck from a 14” with no problem.
You didn't refute him. Arguably he is a retard like you but if you take the time to insult someone at least provide evidence you are more knowledgeable.
Half baked but pump for a shottie newb is good because you can actually watch the carrier/lifter work. Plus cheaper and learning to CONSTANTLY RELOAD and limitations and benefits of the platform are there.
I do not own a semi, only pump (500). What is slug change-over like on a 930 or Benelli? Does 930 still need roll and extra loss?

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I like Tetsubos but can't think of why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Do they have redeeming qualities?
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Blackthorn is a traditional club wood too
1 on 1 mace gets mogged by reach, but it is a little more versatile
>why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Jury optics and giving your lawyer something to work with. A bat is by definition not a weapon so the prosecutor will have a tougher time making it look like you were out looking for trouble.
Making a kanabo is actually pretty easy. Mine lasted a few years smashing shit before I had to retire her.
>Do they have redeeming qualities?
The heavier that blunt weapon is, the more momentum when you swing. Real Tetsubos were longer and heavier than a bat is.

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>gun on sale cheaper than other guns of the exact same model
>wonder how
>see it comes with cucked california 10 round mags
>but the mags are the same size, flush in the magwell
>wouldnt be cheaper to buy it and buy normal mags
>would be cheaper if i can use those mags
Can someone explain to a tard nigga if theres a way to make these mags accept more rounds since theyre externally identical
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A thing that will never exist but would be cool would be .400 corbon but a .460 rowland case necked to .40 with those pressures instead of .45 acp with its low pressure. Especially from a 10" barrel in a smg or something
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Did anyone make a .357 sig smg.
I remember thinking that'd be the witch's tits in like 2014
I note that I'm talking about .357 magnum in leverguns and revolvers, not .357 SIG
I own a magnum but not the shitty autoloading copy
should be trivial to convert an FGC-9 to it
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Can one of those things even hold up to f/a in 9mm, let alone .357 sigger?
nobody who's tested one can answer because it would be illegal

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Lets have a privately made firearm thread with an emphasis on the fcg9. Jstark was a heroic guy and is missed, Ivan has also been doing incredible work. Sorry the nyt doxxed you Ivan.
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How do these work?
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Recoil rotates the drum
Similar to this
A small pin hits an impact sensitive explosive, setting off a powdered explosive in a metal container which opens to a long metal tube on one side, forcing a piece of metal a similar diameter to the tube to accelerate away from the chamber at high speed.
fuck off
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AK General /akg/
a Krink and a Drink edition.
>Thread #2040

Old thread: >>62412257
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I did, just thought I might be able to get this shit done tonight. But I guess i'll see what they have to say.
let us know what happens please
They should have allocated one for you during the layaway process, this is supposed to be how it works. But in the event they retardly oversold then AoA will give you a store credit.
If they did, I don't really want store credit in that case. It's their fuck up so I want my money back.
make sure you tell them that and don't take no for an answer and then invoke "I have retained a lawyer" even if you haven't yet. That shit spooks them into action

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Don't Let Your Dreams Stay Memes edition.

Post precision rifles. Discuss optics, rifles, cartridges, shooting tips, dreams etc.
>some basic resources
>previous thread

Another anon is working on a rentry update for the pastebin. Sorry to jump in front of him, but finally got my /k/ fueled 5 year dream about done at last.
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Is a good quality 18x enough for 6.5 PRC
Is this in the context of using what you've got vs replacing, or a new purchase? How much mag you need depends on what range you're going for and under what conditions, not the cartridge (beyond that dictating your reasonable max range of course). IIRC 6.5 PRC is effectively 6.5 CM Magnum, a standardization/commercialization of 6.5-284. Should be able to push it nearly a mile in principle, lots of mountain hunters seemed pretty positive about it. At that kind of range I think 18x would leave you wanting more. On the other hand if you got it more for the flatter shooting and less drift at shorter ranges, like 700-1k, 18x is certainly ok if you've got it (or have a good deal lined up).

However if this is a new purchase either way, then you won't go wrong with more mag particularly for a build with legs like that. You don't really want to be spending all your time in the top 1/4 mag of your scope, where fov shrinks and sometimes transmission, you want that to be just when you need it. I'd go with something in the 20s upper end.
It's not enough for a .22.
22-what? -250, -0, -creedmoor? Because if you can't possibly have meant lr. If you did
>18x not enough for 300yd
might want to schedule a visit to the eye doc anon.
If you're not aiming at the cross inside the circle inside the cross inside the circle inside the cross inside the bullseye, are you even aiming?

Yes, it's a thing. You'd know if you had a proper optic.

We now live in a world where any networked device with a lithium ion battery can be hacked and made to undergo thermal run away.
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>just a supply chain infiltration where they put PETN in the batteries.
We don't need those batteries anyway. Trashing my flagship phn now.
>Birdman Weapon Systems
Holy shit, I had forgotten about those. Years ago some California politician saw picrel, thought it was real, and actually tried to get them banned.
That's just a 90° canted sight, ahead of its time really.
>Does he think the world is America where you can sue over everything?
That shell company did cause a lot of damage to his reputation by misusing the brand. He does have a case though I don't like his odds.

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Anyone make it to Canada to see the recent exhibit of the murder/k/ube? A friend of mine lives nearby and took some pictures.
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I'm still wondering wtf that huge hunk of steel is. I suppose it could be a receiver for something but what?
I have a colt with the block and the hole is way larger than the one in the pic
/k/ommandos have visited in the past and prayed before it on their knees.
I doubt they would easily forget
I prefer to see it as the inevitability of violence. All that lives will be in conflict, be it against other beasts, themselves, the world, even against the immutable laws of physics that bind this reality together. And the guns, much like our attempts at destroying our innate desire for conflict, ignore destruction and still persist mostly intact, made stronger through trying to rid ourselves of them. We shouldn't fear violence, because for as monolithic as it is it's merely another facet of being alive
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They have a couple variations. Some have large pins, some are offset forward, some back, etc. Just a big fuggin' mess of sear block designs and variations on how it's drilled and pinned in. The one in >>62538273 is larger.

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Why are do most English war words sound French?


Et cetera.
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'Bomb' is French
Unbelievably based.

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Is this it?
Do we finally have something cool to replace .22LR?

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Also you can carry or store hundreds of rounds in small space with little weight. You can pack 25+ rounds of .22lr in the same space as five 12 gauge shells.
Best to have both though.
>.25 ACP
Not that you are advocating it but literally why?
.22 WM or .32 ACP with solids, preferably flat nose/wadcutter.
Yeah, I'm going to throw out $5000 worth of .22 guns and spend $12,000 to replace them with the latest meme boolit.

I don't see the point of either of those cartridges when .22lr and 9mm exist and are much cheaper. I don't see the point of a centerfire .22lr either, it wouldn't be cheap and then you might as well go with 9mm or .223.

I like meme cartridges when it lets you fit a certain bullet or amount of muzzle energy or whatever into a specific packaging constraint, for example I really like .20 Vartarg and 7.5 FK, but most fudd cartridges like .22 WMR aren't interesting, they're just old and outdated and you might as well use .22lr, 9mm, .223, .308, or 12ga depending on what particular deprecated cartridge you're looking at.
how do you even spend $5k on .22LR guns

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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: Nuked
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Might be able to find a copy. Why?
>quebecs shitters get shit on by everyone and try to take it out on literally unarmed prisoners
lol cowards
Honestly probably right. Not a lot of places to fuck up on a simple piston gat with integrated sights
I hate non integrated sights. Why tf did we have to turn everything into an AR
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Well the AR had integrated sights for a while but someone came along and wanted to stick an Acog on it and here we are.
The acog wasnt even the problem, they mount right to the carry handle no picatinny required, it was the dang aimpoints. M16a2 my beloved…

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what's stopping ukraine from just reverse engineering long range weapons and using those without having to ask permission?
>no silly it is not the atacms, we call this missile the borscht we invented it ourselves
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>what's stopping ukraine from just reverse engineering long range weapons
Those weapons need satellites. Only Nato can used those weapons.
They already had long range missiles like Tochka-U. Why should they scale back the production of those just to try and reverse engineer western missiles they recieve for free (which would be of lower quality than the western ones, arguably at the same level of Tochka-U), with the added risk of the west getting all pissy wissy and reducing deliveries of all weapons systems?
GPS broadcasts to everyone bb, that’s not the limiting factor.
They did
They wouldn't gave needed to build the bread drone if they had access to tomahawks
>GPS broadcasts to everyone bb, that’s not the limiting factor
Not the hard-to-jam military frequency.
There's also a lot of software and data involved, in theory that's why Germany won't provide Taurus.

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what the fuck is wrong with keltec
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Cute but on the off chance I do fire my personal AR in anger, I'd like to have it, and not a pistol caliber.
> tacticlol Rittenhouse setup
A t-shirt and a rifle? That’s tacticlol to you? Larpers spend thousands on plate carriers and pouches and 300 dollar crye pants and you think a hanes t-shirt is tacticlol?
The RFB is just what they made before they thought of the RDB. The RDB is just a better design, the RFB wouldn't exist

Bullpups only really make a lot of sense in big cartridges, the intermediates don't benefit as much.
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getting their shit pushed in by the absolute miracle beast that is the 10mm Hi-Piont JoggerNogger
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That thing is so ugly, it needs a bullpup stock https://www.hightowerarmory.com/High-Tower-Armory-MBS-95-10mm-Auto_p_46.html

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