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Anyone make it to Canada to see the recent exhibit of the murder/k/ube? A friend of mine lives nearby and took some pictures.
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"Third pin" in this pic >>62514239 is an autosear blocked sporter from the 80s/90s (?); note the offset and oversized pin. It is a slabside lower though, fugggg. I do wonder what the fuck that huge mag in the carbine to the left of the reddish circular plate in >>62514213 is though. It looks almost blued.
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Another view from another site.
Some poor fucker in that museum is going to have an aneurysm wondering why the /k/ube is constantly surrounded by Pop-tart crumbs.
Wish I could have gone
Sometime along the line someone somewhere will clone her and bring her back to life


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>fantasize about fighting off a home invasion for years
>think of myself as some kind of cowboy
>home invasion attempt finally happens
>did not get a good opportunity to use my gun, I had it in my hands but I couldn't take a shot because my life wasn't in immediate danger (I would have gone to jail) and shooting people through doors isn't self defense
>now I wake up at 3 am and go check the doors and windows and have nightmares

Now I will probably go broke relocating and getting a new lease. Fuck this.
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Security film and solar powered motion detector lights are the cure, anon. Maybe upgrade your door jamb and locks(get a locksmith to do it if you aren't sure and maybe ask for a security assessment).

You did good. You kept them safe. You used restraint. Maybe get in a bit better shape if you still feel spooked. Give yourself time.
things that didn't happen
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>home invasion
>shooting people through the door is illegal
I don't think "home invasion" means what you think it means.
Shooting someone trying to break into a domicile through the door is legal in most states. It's explicitly legal in PA.

Could smaller, utility oriented mech suits like the AMP suit from Avatar ever be considered practical in the real world?
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fuck mechs give me a nanosuit
i can't escape you fucking kamen rider fags even on /k/ huh
>That would be a rolling multimillion dollar mass grave
I have never seen such a masterful description of Russia's invasion.
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wow. Almost like that has been thought of.
> mount a heavy duty robot arm on a truck bed?
You mean…like an excavator?

>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
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I weigh 125lbs and I like to do pottery and bake im not getting into fistfights when 10mm equalize
>Nobody gets beaten to death by a pack of melatonin enriched reprobates

did you come out of a coma or a time machine or something? Because current year Europe is this personified retard
Lmao you chinks think common sense is rampant corruption.
I agree with you, I’m lucky that my white ass had to go to black and Mexican schools and learn to fight and develop a personality. Americans of all colors now are just pussy asses now whether they talk tough or drive a giant truck or blacked out window sedan. Pussy asses.
This is pasta btw, didn't read all the replies to check if someone else already said that

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How did Germans screw up Stalingrad? They couldn’t dislodge the soviets from a small beach while they had MG and artillery overwatch of the river while having a manpower advantage
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>They beat French who didn't want to fight anymore after WW1 ruined them annnnnd that's it!
Read nigga read: >>62535110

The point is not that JUST Germany had a demographic hole from WWI, and if that's what you took from it then you're just as much of a fucking retard as >>62533746. The point is that Hitler and his generals intentionally pulled Europe into another major war on the utterly naive assumption that they could defeat both France and the USSR in half the duration of WWI, despite starting off from a much worse military standpoint in 1933 and the demographic loss of WWI literally being realized as they kicked the war off. The manpower to simultaneously run their industry and train and man the massive army needed for fighting the USSR did not exist, the only way such a strategy would work is if the USSR immediately collapsed.

By contrast, France built fixed fortifications along the Franco-German frontier so they could reduce the manpower needed to secure the most of the border and could concentrate the rest for a maneuver war in Belgium. The UK's primary strength had always been its navy, not the army, which required far less manpower than the kind of army Germany required to even attempt invading the USSR, and it was more than sufficient to starve Germany of any resource it couldn't procure domestically. For the USSR, they had 2.5 times the population of Germany, so naturally they had for more men that could be put under arms, and even then they mobilized a larger share of their population than Germany ever did.
Based self sacrificer
>A 5 year deficit of around 60% of the normal amount of men. That's around 1.05 million men that could otherwise be conscripted or working in factories. That's about 1/3 of the number of German troops that invaded the USSR in 1941. That is absolutely significant
the graph I posted of the Soviet Union also showed them lacking about 2 million men in the comparable 20-24 age range
in 1939, the Red Army was 5 million men strong
you argue that WW1 caused the Wehrmacht to have only 3 million out of potentially 4 million
similarly, the Red Army had only 5 million out of potentially 7 million

>The point is not that JUST Germany had a demographic hole
>The point is that Hitler and his generals intentionally pulled Europe into another major war
Fuck off, that was never the point of the discussion:
>minor Axis nations were necessary to fill out the ranks of troops at the front because (((Germany physically couldn't))) supply enough men
emphasis mine
the discussion focused on Germany's population WITHOUT the "minor Axis nations", you're moving the fucking goalposts

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Soviet generals treating their men like human beings is rare as fuck

A great hero and founder of Polivia

Previous: >>62511075
>image limit reached

>make pictures sing to you!

>Upotte!! Watch party date
09/28 18:00 est
but how are we going to watch it together? what service?
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I'm a weeb.
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>Only wars forever and ever xD
Hell fucking yes, I want war always. I don't think we have enough war, I want a lottery where we all input what country we want to bomb back to the stone age and the politicians pick one from a big bingo cage. I wanna vote for Canada, or at least Quebec. Alberta's okay though I guess, the rest of em can catch a nuke.
>I'm a man in love with women who rock short hair
My man
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As a Canadian, I would be more than okay with you guys dropping a nuke on Vancouver, Toronto, and Quebec.
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>>these allies then go and buy American military hardware, putting money into US industry and creating jobs for the US (it's funny how you mention industry as something they could be putting money into as if the MIC is not also one)
I guess the "anti-war" and "anti-intervention" and "Isolation" people believe the Military Industrial Complex is a completely separate entity from regular civilian industry. One industry is for production of consumer goods and job and the other is specifically for war, guns, weapons, tanks, jets, battleships and killing people. Which is bad and EEEEEVIILL...

I guess that's their reasoning

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Why are do most English war words sound French?


Et cetera.
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Potentially French but of Germanic rather than Latin origin. Had native English cognate.
und+til, Norse and English origin
English origin
French origin
English origin
English origin
English origin

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>Why are do most English war words sound French?
>I speak English.
Why are do French words so close to English?
No, you speak nu-English
Only 1 of the top 100 most frequently used English words is French. Despite a rather large chunk of the total vocabulary being French in origin, most of what we actually say is Germanic.

Elbit has disclosed new sales of Iron Fist APS
>$130 million for an unknown CV90 customer
>$37 million for M2A4E1 (of which the US Army is acquiring 300 to replace stocks sent to Ukraine)

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Is it me or are armored vehicles starting to resemble navy ships? Got antennas and sensors all over the place.

You know these manufacturers would love to get these systems into Ukraine for some real tests.
tank is tank
engineering is engineering
BRAT all over and add Kontakt-1 where there's none.
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>Bought thousands of pagers from Taiwan
>Put bombs in them
>Sold them to Hezbollah
>Decided today is a good day to blow off some muslim testicles
>Detonated the pagers
>Refuses to elaborate further
This is why you shouldn't buy electronic devices from the countries that aren't your allies.
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israel just made hezbollah their bitches not once but twice in a span of 48 hours.everyone that's part of hezbollah just looks like big dumb retard and the entire middle east knows it. potential recruits are gonna think a lot harder before joining them now, and their backers just might look elswhere before they give them any money.
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Daily reminder that this was an Iranian false flag perpetrated with the informed consent of Qassem's inner circle.
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>thread mysteriously dies
70% of the survivors lost at least one eye, a large percentage lost both, over 1000 lost a hand. Others had it blow up on their belt, taking their dick or their hip. The walkie talky group had about 50% blow up next to their ear. Nearly 100% of all the targets were mid to upper level terrorists in the organization. This isn't the loss of a dozen akbar-tier losers looking for martyrdom on the "front line." This was 3000 experienced terrorists got removed from the organizational flowchart and now need to be replaced. The loss of institutional memory & experience is crippling ... for a short time. Replacing them will take years, even if a number can be replaced in one year.

Yeah, but sure. Y'know. Completely pointless and zero effect.

(You) fucking underage tard.
>not even a tenth of Hezbollah's forces
Now tell us how many of them were mid-to-upper tier terrorists. The 12 year old children being sent against IDF with stones were unaffected. But feel free to promote them to being the President of jizzballah. It's not like any of these pigshit eaters ever had the intellectual capacity of a 12 year old anyway.

Switchblade 600 is a weapon. We finally have a cross-section view of it's inside.
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Imagine being so assraped you're afraid of tagging posts lmao
"Break down US homicide by race. White Americans have a lower rate than several European countries.
why would you exclude, other races? they are apart of the the US and exist within its borders. you are just coping.
nobody is going to point out how wrong this guy's math is?
I ignored his maths entirely because that's not how i interpret the graph
>also why dudes in US vs other are so different
You mean fat?

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A Very Wise Man Edition

Previous thread: >>62477651

Lying about medical record: GOOD (YMMV)
Lying about criminal record: BAD


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

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Nuke, submarines. You’ll make a lot of money, probably the most you can out of every branch but… well…
Usaf or navy for solid IT certs. Then contract after your enlistment to make easy money. Or just work in the civilian sector.
Well what ??
Your gonna come out with a prolapsed asshole.
You should ask if there are any linguist openings in whatever your first language is. Guaranteed TS/SCI, mediocre signing bonus, and you get to skip most of the absurdly long A school.

Obviously getting an IT job in the military helps tremendously, but you're not screwed if you do your enlistment as a different job... well in this economy you kind of are, but say four years from now the job market gets unfucked. You'd be fine as like intel or something if you get a clearance, certs, and a degree to back up your lack of direct experience. Look up DoD 8140, which recently replaced (not that recruiters seem to have noticed) DoD 8570, to see how certs factor in to jobs and shit. Remember that DoD jobs will typically require a clearance, like a TS or something, and an 8140 qualification, which you can get with a bullshit cert like Security+. Doesn't matter if you have Google, Netflix, OpenAI, and two PhDs on your resume, if you don't meet the qualifications you legally can't work it (well there are waivers and shit but)
>I want the full scoop
nah nigga I'm going to bed

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Is it truly an excellent gun or just an overrated and overpriced meme?
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>full-auto is a cqb no-go
>full auto is only an advantage in cqb
Which is it?
Cops are fucking retarded. People who listen to cops' anecdotes uncritically are even more retarded.
Hope this helps.
Doesn't seem like a contradiction to me, last guy is saying basically the same thing as the first guy.
>full auto generally isn't useful
>if you're stuck with a popgun cartridge it helps to be able to dump 50 rounds into a guy and hope one of them gets lucky
The first guy says auto is bad in CQB. The last guy says auto is only good in CQB. It's a direct contradiction.
Since when is 50k not high pressure?

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Post em' anons
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Oi vey goyim my Hebrew brethern are blowing holy fia tonight
This was on a hunting trip with the boys. Good times.
Based USGI outfit

You look like me from 10 years ago. Its uncanny

Nice clean rig. If you can get bigger binos you'll love hunting a lot more. Vortex 8xs are awesome for the price
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Are you me?

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When it comes to war logistics and trying to disrupt it, why aren't railroad tracks hit more often? Ukraine and Russia relying on railroads for resupply got me wondering about that as well as historical wars prior to this one.
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Good to see that even today Sherman is remembered for his real go getter methods of rail interruption.
Better if you have a drone loiter till it sees a train then attempt to land it on the train…. Do it with a sizeable drone on a train carrying something explosive or flammable then program it to go boom a minute or two after the train comes to a stop at a presumably important train station…
Because drones don’t have any jet fuel and therefore can’t melt steel beams…
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>destroying railroad tracks


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Show your ww3 loadout
>main gun
>melee (OHHH YEEAAH)
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Barrel is lightweight but durable and accurate enough. Light is on its way
No it isn’t lol, a cold hammer forged chrome lined barrel is. That barrel would make sense with a magnified say 2-10 but not that optic setup (which is perfectly adequate). Its just a strange mix of parts that don’t go together
don't get it twisted, the gun is my backup.
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Counterpoint, 18” barrel inside 200 yards chews shit up

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