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now that the dust has settled, what does /k/ think about the IHWCU? Was it a good Decision by the army to develop it? Why haven’t the marines developed similar uniforms than just relying on outdated Twill uniforms?
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this, I always try my shit on because the sizing can be pretty different from one garment to the next. it's kind of infuriating.
I’d say you’d do it the old fashion way through a ruler. You measure the waist straight through. Let’s say you got a 17 inch for the waist. You multiply that by 2 and you get 34 inches. That’s the waist size of the pants. The inseam is just measuring the length from the crouch to the end of the legs.
I've always bought Small-Reg and the newest set I have must be on the lowest side of that because the pants are noticeably shorter and the waste is tighter. There's also some miss-dyed and weird looking fabric on it. The jacket is fine.
Yea, it’s likely just an issue with the sizing. If possible, measure the waist through the ruler. You can compare the waist size of your old pants to the new ones. Measure straight across and multiply by 2.
Former Marine, current Army. I can in fact confirm that the individual issue equipment in the Marine Corps is better than in the Army. The MOLLE 2 ruck is complete dogshit compared to the FILBE. PC vs MSV is a toss up, ECH feels like a slight upgrade from the helmet I had in the Marines Corps (I EAS'd in 2019). My battalion started getting large quantities of suppressors (KAC NT4) right around the time I was getting out, we were in the process of fielding the M7 RCO and while we had IAR's they weren't issued to everyone being an LAR BN

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Not enough of these types of threads and I wanna see some /X/izo tier loadouts and perhaps some sp00ky innawoods tales for all all hallows eve.
I was camping in the Sam Houston National Forest when I woke up to wolves howling, not coyotes that yip and bark. My wife also heard HEAVY footsteps running down the shell rock road by our camp, which was near no one, absolutely terrifying.
Remember: silver for the otherwordly, iron for the infernal, and osmium for the extraterrestrial
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>if it bleeds, we can kill it
Why wear a plate? Do the cryptids have guns?
You would be better off wearing chainmail.
tourism and its consequences

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Let's have a powered exoskeleton thread instead. Power Armor welcome!

TQ: Let's say you could get 48 hours of power stored on a powered exoskeletons. How would you use them?
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does this count as an exoskeleton? the devs called it that but it looks like a mini mech to me
They could also have a small UGV that provides power to conserve battery life. Even then exoskeletons have always struck me as being a better tool for artillery and supply personnel. I can certainly see the application for frontline combat but given all the issues that come with trying to make it happen I think it'd be easier to have them permanently hooked up to a power grid. Even then they're worse than a forklift since you don't have the tall reach they have
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He uses the skeletons of GUR operatives as substitute exoskeletons to make the shots for him and the skeletons of russians as a exoskelton xylophone.
40 hours of servo-assisted mother fucking, with 8 hours for rest interspersed as needed.
Of course, I will be using OP's mother for this.

He wears the dead robot's armor to terrify Russian conscripts of UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGY (BLAYT)

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rate this shooting
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They kill each other or get shot. I don't see a loss.
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>If it weren't for cops Tyrone could be... instead of repeatedly arrested...
You really can't understand why one would draw that conclusion from that post?
then what happens when youve got just the gigs-prisoner left. that sounds like the backstory for a supervillain, i dunno if thats a good idea
you send in the giga guards and level them up

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prepare your anus
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Point of order: red flag laws violate the shit out of the plain English wording of the 4th Amendment. I still don't understand why there hasn't been a tsunami of class-action lawsuits yet.
I think it's because they need the perfect victim. Basically some squeaky clean rich kid who actually dindu nuffins and who(se family) is willing to bankroll the whole thing and risk media exposure that will likely be extremely negative. The problem is that this is exceedingly rare since a lot of red flagees are legitimately terrible people who did something to deserve it, and even if they didn't do anything they are otherwise very unsympathetic characters (JD Vance "weirdo" types). Then there's the last issue that in general the lawyers advise the clients to STFU instead of making a stink and risking self-incrimination, and in general the rich/high profile families just want to make the problem quietly go away so they can go back to being rich.
Being able to disappear whoever you want for any reason is also incredibly useful. Most of the 2nd and 3rd world learned that during the Cold War and our glowniggers helped some of them alone. Even those richpipo would love red flag laws to eliminate competitors, even if they're at risk. It's a lot more legal than the old fashioned blood feuds.
>clean rich kid who actually dindu nuffins
Bonus points if he's nogunz
Actually that might be essential.

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im finally buying another hunting rifle this christmas after 8 years

any recommendations for a rifle that fits the christmas spirit?
>a rifle that fits the christmas spirit
Something that'll bag a reindeer with certainty. .30-06 or .300 Win mag. If you want to get exotic, the 7mm Rem mag accounts for itself quite well.

You are going to bag a reindeer, right ..?
>You are going to bag a reindeer, right ..?

that depends on my mood on the 25th
To me Jezails and Tanegashimas reminded me of candy canes with their strangely shaped stocks

Post ACTUAL female operators
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All men getting raped are getting raped
She's cute
>8+ years
What the fuck am I looking at, I genuinely can't place this. Group shot almost looks ai if ai knew how to do weapons and natural wear of clothes well.

Old thread:

image limit reached

>make the pictures sing to you
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What a meme that was. Particularly costly too.
Finland is in the EU, russia would have been fucked (eventually, after the red tape has cleared).
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no weebs allowed under this line please

>your favorite anime characters (you can select as many as nine, enough for a full chalk, but they have to be from the same universe) have now been teleported into Mogadishu, Somalia on the afternoon of October 3, 1993 wearing the uniform and gear of a US Army Ranger and armed with either an M16A2 M727, M16A2 with an M203, M249, or M60 (your choice), M67 hand grenades, and an M9 pistol
>Super 61 just went down, the situation is rapidly falling apart, and the Somalis are out for blood

How do they survive?
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I LOVE the Antichrist (Aion from Chrono Crusade)

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without any racism, what was really their biggest problem during the war? was it morale? Their army was starving so soldiers surrendered.
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>Everything in the State, nothing outside the State
Which is literally communism in practice you fucking moron. State ownership and administration of everything in the country.
Leadership at every level.
yes? there is nothing wrong with what I said dude.
Mussolini saw during WW1 how willing people were to die for their nation, and decided to rework communism to make people rise up in revolution for the good of the nation, rather than "the people"
And he convinced a bunch of guys who were supposed to be about NOT trusting big government to DO it with him.
>Hitler main reason behind invading Russia was because he had extremely low fuel supply for it's vehicles and industry.
Lol no. Hitler invaded Russia purely due to his ideological hatred of Russians and Communists. All the other reasons were just window dressing. He was literally seething at them. Remember, part of the deal with Stalin to divide Poland is for Russia to provide critical raw materials to Germany. Stalin couldn't believe that Hitler was stupid enough to throw this away just for ideological reasons, especially when Britain was not yet defeated. Stalin even thought Barbarossa was a false flag ops by the Western Allies to trick him to break his NAP with Hitler and commanded the trains carrying the treaty raw materials to continue delivering them for several days after Russia was invaded.
Communism is a stateless society

No socialist country ever claimed to have achieved communism unironically

Then you can claim Stalin was a fascist all along and i'd tend to agree

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Have any autists actually compared these pieces of shit combat skills to IRL weapons?
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>so he convinced the CIS council to rebel sporadically rather than in a single united surge
We see the formation and execution of the council and little else between (outside Filoni slop, that is)
>For the hundredth time Palpatine put his finger on the scales of war and basically sabotaged them. There are plenty of droids NOT participating int he war that will absolutely wreck your shit, those droids also have a habit of costing a lot more than B-1s and aren't actively being covertly sabotaged.
Again, cite the source that states Palps directly and specifically stifled development and/or production of B1s. So far this entire argument hinges on a "Duh, it's obvious!".
>cite the source
Republic Commando: Odds states that the CIS are producing far fewer droids than claimed
Republic Commando: True Colors goes into the Republic's GWOT-style counter-insurgency strategy and directly states that it is Palpatine's policy
the Revenge Of The Sith novelisation states that Palpatine did it in order to spread the Jedi thin and whittle down their numbers
>the ones in the Phantom Menace were remote controlled from orbit
But they also talked to one another for some reason.
Well the armour obviously isn't designed to defend against fruit.
The remote control waa just enough to keep them running but not enough for complex tactical manoeuvres or even communications; they had regular holo receivers for that (shown in the invasion scene)

Now, while we all know that was a plot gimmick, it's also true that early prototypes data links are limited in capability. Today we are talking about cruise missiles (and drones) which can report back where they are precisely, show imagery, and which we can order to travel a specific convoluted route and then target a specific spot or even take control of the weapon ourselves. Half a century ago all we had was a weapon that we could order to go to ONE grid reference and then set to kill anything inside it, and it went haywire if its camera missed an important terrain feature or if the signal was interrupted, and it would just go on and on and on in a straight line until it hit something unintended, trees if you're lucky, an orphanage if you're really not
So it's reasonable

United States Coast Guard Edition

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Coast Guard Eligibility Standards

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Bridge is burned with the Coast Guard now, can’t turn back.
>Navy/Air Force
I also can’t fuck over my Army recruiter now, who’s been pretty helpful in getting this shit figured out. Army bullshit is more tolerable to me if it means I get to start sooner and have access to opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.
I'd highly, highly encourage trying to get an option 19 contract for Hawaii, Meade, Eisenhower, or JBSA if you are trying to go 35N.
Option 19 for Meade was the plan, but I’ll be waiting for this discharge to go through before I can pick anything. My recruiter had 35N last time I went over there, only had a few option 4 slots though.
lmfao I'm looking at some YouTube channels that specialize in VA claims content. What a bunch of scumbags.

honestly, only combat arms with real combat experience should get benefits. and perhaps some minor benefits for those injured during training exercises.

$235 billion for VA is absolutely insane. no wonder this country is going broke

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This should be required watching to understand both the Russian mindset and military methods
>recruits are from Siberia, Chechnya etc, another main character is Ukrainian, message is clearly that in the good old days everyone was PUCCYAN and stood together
>Immediately start fighting amongst themselves during training
>Instructor is a traumatized alcoholic
>Training consists in part of trying to bumrush a steep sandy hill, perfect training for the slag heap
>flatten Afghan village with grads after one of the VDV gets shot by a local
>stealing from other units
>final battle features the VDV at their best: Getting wiped out by irregulars who don't even bother with cover
>a trooper demonstrates true dedication to the motherland by blowing himself up with a grenade
>the gunships that show up ensure that not only is the enemy defeated but also make sure to get enough friendly fire in to make sure the VDV unit is brought down to the literal last man
>colonel informs him that there was a fucky wucky and all his friends died for nothing since they are pulling out
>as they leave Afghanistan, the survivor has a cope monologue about how they actually won
>whole film romanticizes the entire mess
What's some more vatnik kino?
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cultural appropriation
9th Company was meh. Way too overdramatic and a shit annoying soundtrack.
Based Blithe redemption arc.

Nigga the whole movie is on yt

I can't recommend this one enough

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Much ado about nothing
Old >>62639480

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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>power knob stripped and its stuck on illuminator on
It was fun while it lasted bros
Shit, that sucks. My friend's PVS-14 power knob also broke on him and he only owned it for like a week, he contacted the retailer he bought it from and they paid for shipment to get it back and repair it and then send it back free of charge also.
Hopefully the retailer you bought it from will fix it, if its still under warranty anyways.
The sticker fell off and it was traded for my old ar upper, fuck
Also fuck whoever bought the AGM NVM50 housing on ebay I was gonna buy that you fucking doublenigger
why would anyone want to buy that piece of shit housing?
Whats wrong with it? Did I make a good choice in not buying it?

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What projects are you working on /k/?
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They've been doing that for decades, just less efficient with lists of key words and terms.
Get you a piece of steel and you're set
what did you move from and to?

308/high pressure springs are not the answer since closing pressure gets too high and causes bolt bounce which can result in OOB detonations at worst but at the very least will result in more sight bounce/choppiness.

most factory ar9 configs use a carbine extension tube which is limiting but the baseline "its an ar9 that runs" config is a standard carbine strength and length spring, 9mm length buffer with reciprocating internal weights and make sure your total bolt + buffer mass is 22+oz for use with saami pressure ammo.

to get better you need weight and additional mechanical delay on recoil without increasing bolt closing speed.

better budget setup with A5 length extension tube:
k-spec 9.5oz buffer, 1x 2.5oz kynshot spacer weight, flatwire spring

better expensive setup with A5 length extension tube:
kynshot RB5000HP buffer, 2x kynshot 2.5oz spacer weights, flatwire spring

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are flat wire springs really better than sprinco?
sprinco makes good traditional round wire springs and are perfectly fine when appropriate, in the case of the more specialized ar9 configs with extra spacers and varying buffer lengths though a flat wire spring ensures you don't hit solid height/coil bind where a round wire spring is likely to.

there are minor benefits to a flat wire spring in a traditional di ar, but not enough to go out and replace what works.

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