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Resistance Surp Edition

Post what you want as long as its Halal.

>What's a milsurp.
Military Surplus is a catch all term for all ex-military equipment that is retired from service and sold to civilians. Most of the milsurp discussed here are pre-select fire infantry arms, but feel free to try to talk about whatever.

>What's a good cheap surplus rifle to buy.
Spanish, South American, Yugo Mausers

>How much should I pay for X?
Extremely common question that may get ignored so instead go on Gunbroker and search for completed auctions to get a good general price range.

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idk they are pretty uncommon though so maybe
shoot both, at the same time.
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2-groove barrels are WW2 replacements, and $1K is $300 too much IMO for a WW2 refurb M1917.

Pay for them.

>Is LSB schizophrenic when they say its worth $1500?
That's a completed listing, so someone really did pay $1501 for one. I personally wouldn't.
>$1K is $300 too much IMO for a WW2 refurb M1917.
I agree. Assuming we're doing the "hey everyone post like it's ~2018" thing in this thread.
>Assuming we're doing the "hey everyone post like it's ~2018" thing in this thread.

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What's up, gamers?
I'm working on curating and annotating a dataset of gun serial numbers, with the ultimate goal of fine-tuning an OCR model on reading those serial numbers.

If you own guns and are willing to contribute, could you consider snapping a few pics of them with the serial number visible?

I see so many posts where they're blanked out, which isn't helpful. I'll delete all the images after I'm done with training.

Pic related: Two of my own guns, so you know I'm srs
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Post social security card and a high-res photo of the pads of all ten of your fingers.
Pretend I AM an honest to God genuine fucking retard that doesn't mean harm... explain?

I'm literally just making an object detection model. Very safe; very demure. I'm using other images scraped from the internet - this thread, reddit, gun auction websites - just trying to expand the domain.

Just to identify where serial numbers are. Why ban?


Not American, and as you can probably tell from my first image, I don't have a particularly good camera. Can't make out any detail, sorry :(
You glow brighter than the nuclear boy scout. Eat a radioactive bullet, fed.
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Not a fed, lol.
I am making a glow in the dark Taylor Swift bracelet before her concert tomorrow though! though!
hey nigger you do realize that the serial numbers still carry over to your next address with your current drivers license right? its all in your paperwork. the feds are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.

Flexing Edition

Previous: >>62833998


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
http://pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed) (embed)

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (embed) (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (embed) (embed) (40 page version)

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I was talking to an officer recruiter but now with recent events I'm scared my officer recruiter called me left a voice mail but I haven't answered back, I just wanted to do a 4 year contract for job experience and to get out and get a nice corporate job. The only thing that would make me press forward with my commission is do JO's drown in Black queen poon? I love Black woman and really my main reason for wanting to commission is to find a nice Black Queen to marry who is also in the military. Also what officer job is least likely to see combat?
>and second dont you need 90 credits to commission?

In my experience at National Guard OCS, you can start and complete OCS with 90 credits, but they won't actually let you pin until you finish your degree. However I've also read that you can commission with 90 credits, but you just aren't promotable either to 1LT.

Idk though, and your experience may vary. I'd just get the whole degree instead of trying to find a shortcut because only doing 90 credits is shortsighted, and you'd be better off doing OCS without having to worry about school because being an officer is actually quite a lot of work despite what some enlisted might think.
>how is this a discovery
I'm a poorfag from a rural village 7 hours from the city. I don't know shit about college
what's the likelihood of ending up strategic vs tactical? i'd much rather sit at a desk. try and get an option 19 for fort meade?

what's your experience been like? why'd you go for 35N?
If you want a certain duty station, sign an option 19. Meade is good (but kind of a high pressure environment depending on the shop), Hawaii is good (but expensive), Texas and Georgia are probably both good but I've never been to either. I think around 2/3 of fresh AIT grads go strategic but it's entirely dependent on what Big Army needs at the time.
In my experience, every position you fill will be its own job, so to speak - every time you change shops, duty stations, or billets, you'll have to learn a new skillset and workflow. This can be good, because over time you'll get a chance to work on a wide variety of things and develop a broad skillset (and your chances of escaping a shitty position are better), but it also means some people have shallow experience levels in what they're doing and continuity is difficult.
I chose the job for a couple different reasons: because I wanted to personally ensure the chinese and russians got cucked out of their plans for a multi polar world, because I believed SIGINT would be the main driver of operations in 21st century warfare, and because I figured that if the glownigger world truly was pozzed and ran by the deep state it would be better for good people to join up and change it from the inside than to just doompost about it forever (and to my pleasant surprise most rumors about it have been off the mark so far).

how would you describe the aesthetic of this weapon
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Postmeodernism / Herman Miller
Distinctly German
Pure sex.
One of the most based guns ever made, too based for this world.
if i didnt know the context of it and that its actually real id call it ai slop
>a bunch of metal in front of the reciever for no reason other than looks
>a massive, bulky metal rail purely for the purpose of holding the bipod
>a retarded looking bipod in the most annoying position you could possibly put a bipod
>retarded looking bulky charging handle

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Why didnt 9mm stop this?
why didn't your father teach you how to ride a bike?
What's Rajesh spamming about now
hes angry the white women keep unfriending him on facebook

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Which pair?
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not enough, but it'll make more space for magazines
every mag i see, i'm taking, even if i'm stealing them
its the only way
AKM and 1911.
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Firearms development should have stopped here and gone no further

Old thread
image limit reached

>simulate schizophrenic audio hallucinations with the sound player plugin!
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Isn't this Vesna?
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Anon I am not ballistically literate enough to interpret your pencil and paper autism, but i am fully in support.
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I would rape her feet with violence
>can someone explain why their pants weren't tucked?
Tucked into what? Those shoes usually didn't even go over the ankle.

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Will be receiving a 2022 model aug at my lgs saturday, and am wondering what some telltale signs of a defective stock are. Also, are the cracking issues overblown?
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i want one of these so bad i just dont want to pay 2k for it
This anon is right. I had a 2021 Austrian version which developed a crack at one of the corners of the takedown pin, probably only 1K rounds down range. I sent it back to SteyrUSA and they sent me a new stock, I had a few aftermarket items like shell deflector, mag release and charging handle that they swapped over for me, I talked with them first about it. The new stock had rounded corners instead of square ones around the take-down pin, literally looks like someone pushed a drill press or Dremel in at each corner: almost like how you'd relief cracking in automotive glass.

Couple thousand rounds later no issues. Who knows if it'll come back but you should be able to tell if you're good by seeing the corners around the takedown pin, if they're rounded you're probably good to go, if it's square and you bot from the affect date ranges you might wanna give them a call before it happens to you.
I believe the issue was basically a hoax from day one. Just another commercially motivated shill campaign like the glocknade. Most of the evidence was pre production test models and grunts who tried to use their rifle as a club, or who had a squib.

Trying to undermine infantry confidence in the standard service rifle has been a fixture of enemy properganda since the bronze age.
>your sword will break
>your commander is a gay
>your wife is unfaithful
>There's poison in your food
>glorious leader is stealing your livestock
I mean come on.
the one im looking at has rounded corners on both sides where the takedown pin is, thoughts?
t. James Reeves, Steyr shill

I'm buying this next and no one can stop me
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It comes with one in the box.
You should, it's an excellent gun. Definitely the best snub I've ever owned.
Source? It's easily in same quality range as the vintage colts.
How does it compare in size and weight to an LCR and model 642? Especially in the pocket
I started to miss S&W Model 10 autist. He would know what you should buy.
>only modern six round revolver is a kimber

oof. its phillpino shit or bust i guess.
unironically, pistol magazines can be a fucking pain to reload over and over again at the range while revolvers are piss easy, and thats one thing that they're better at

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If I want to defend myself against unarmed attackers without catching a felony charge is a pepper gel like this the best option?
Anything you can store in a truck or a backpack with stopping power?

A gun
sabre red is extremely nasty
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I have trees.

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Thank a Veteran
Black Friday Soon
Old >>62790537

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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Laserspeed FL5.
Just use a separate white light and laser
t. FL5 user
The only reason I got one is because I just got into guns and this board was hyping it up but it honestly sucks.
Get the laser you want and get the light you want I promise you will be so much better off in the long run or you can buy mine for $500
If it's anything past the Gen 1, I'll take that action.

new to the NVG thing, its just a NV reflex optic I have. I jsut want to be able to illuminate further targets. I haven't seen any ir lights that arent gigantic, was looking at doing a tube offest mount with the goonbeam that was suggested eariler plus one of the many white lights I have on the other side. Do you know of a dedicated IR only light?

I guess I'm also differentiating between a laser and a light/illuminator, which some manufacturers seem to use interchangeably. I don't really need a laser, I'm not marking targets in a team setting.


"muh mini" study was garbage
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Fortunately most juries seem to understand that it's the use of lethal force and whether it's justified which counts. ARs, except in the minds of people who think they're as heavy as ten boxes, do not constitute some kind of stratospheric "extra-lethal" force category that requires extra justification.
What load?
I’m not even talking about convicted. I mean just brought to trial at all.
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>plastic iron sites
>spartan helmet
Post gun, faggot, or GTFO.

>overweight (3.7kg empty)
>awful ergonomics
>hideous sights
>buttstock breaks easily
>fixed ejector prone to jams
>hideous recoil
>18" barrel
>gas piston*

How could they fuck it up so badly? Why did they make M16 worse?
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you use a French system of measurement. Opinion disregarded.
It's manufactured with the exact same methods retard
>any of these
Post gun.
>make M16 worse
Funny how they wanted to get rid of the M16 because of reliability issues...
At least, it uses STANAG mag and not some proprietary shit.

How does the military convince their personel to go in places like 'Nam, 'Nistan, 'Nland,...where living condition are absolutly horrible and anything could off them at any moment?
Also how do they convince to participate in suicide charges like those of ww1?
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strangely, this.
I miss my chaotic youth.
This. I am intrinsically motivated by the opportunity to kill people
Go, or we send you to prison
Go, or I shoot you.


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What's the most "lethal", hardest hitting gun I can buy for under $800? Are shoulderable cannons a thing?
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>hurr durr im big recoil man post gun
>gets btfo
>akshually i have nods so neener neener

you better post a massive firearm asap or ur ghey
I'm guess a dedicated rifled slug gun with suped up fagot obliterator slugs such as>>62891995

Lot of people saying 45-70 rifle ITT but I don't think you'll get a decent one for less than $1000.
Yea a lot of second hand 338 that was used once, bruised a shoulder, put in a shed. Good one to W2B or swap.
They're perfect for cryptids.
You are not only a lying faggot, you are a fucking retard as well.

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