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Correct Cover Month Edition
Old >>62007294

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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new ops core bumps ditched the molded in shroud, they use the same one as the carbon and ballistic helmets now. you can technically retrofit an ops core with the team wendy setup and I'd be replacing the pads in any helmet with 4d tactical zero g pads anyways. i don't know if you can just put ops core rails on the team wendy helmets though.
I'm doubtful, but promising to hear about the ops. They still have issues or did the shroud swap fix the flex issues?
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I would assume so, it's a screwed on metal shroud like one from wilcox
Will double check. I know an anon here was complaining about it a while back but that could have been about the molded in shroud. What would you go with if you were just starting? Right now I'll only have earpro and a pvs14 on it. Maybe a tiny admin light as a treat.
if you want to cheap out just get an FMA replica, what mounting are you using for your earpro

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The left doesn't support Russia LOL. The right/Trump doesn't want war with Russia, it's the leftists frothing for WW3 because their media told them they're no longer anti-war hippies so long as it's a war of whites against whites
Be honest now. Do you feel the same way about the US in almost every war it's been in?
Can you please fuck off to twitter or facebook where someone (might) be stupid enough to believe a word you say.
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Triggered, subhuman?
consider ropemaxxing

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Post gear. Discuss gear.
F U T U R E S O L D I E R edition.
Previous >>62088172
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Well, without a vivisection to break down ceramic composition/thickness and backer composition/thickness, Ill do what I can.

Do you know if they are meant to be used in conjunction with soft armor?

If its aluminum oxide then I would roughly classify it as SAPI-adjacent. If its SiC or B4C then it could more compellingly be labelled "IV", especially if its 5.19lbs and meant for use in front of soft armor.

Ill try digging up some info on Italian plates.
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it's part the nc4-09 vest so it's used along with soft armor in picrel
Anyone got a recommendation on soft armor? Only really concerned with stopping 9mm.
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Depends on the individual and their needs. A good belt goes a long way for a wide range of stuff, which doesn't necessarily mean a big, bulky battle belt. The rest relies on what you need and will actually use.
SPC, 6094, strandhogg all handle weight a LOT better than the JPC and cost a fuckload less than the AVS.
Apparently the JPC-R has a structural cummerbund which I would guess also makes it handle heavier weight better

In one hour, you will have to fight a vampire to the death. You can use anything at your disposal which you can prepare in that time.
The vampire is vulnerable to typical folklore things such as holy water, garlic, silver, and wooden stakes through the heart, but it is also supernaturally fast, strong, and cunning. Additionally, sunlight will only irritate it rather than instantly burn it, and it can heal from most injuries other than being staked in the heart or exorcised, given enough time. If it finds other people while hunting you, it will drink blood from them and gain buffs to its speed and strength.
When the hour has passed, the vampire will appear at the foot of your bed (or wherever you last slept) and immediately begin hunting you. How would you fare?
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>take silverware
>melt with a torch and cast some .454 ball
>load Uberti reproduction Colt Walker with 55 gr FFFG and CCI no 10 caps
send that bitch back to hell through the door, a wall, and three pieces of furniture.
whys it ok to mock italians
Round 2: Angry Wife Asking You Where All The Silverware Went

You have 1 hour until she finds out what you did to the silverware, how do you defend yourself and the marriage?
I have a boar spear an orthodox bible and a bottle of holy water

Im just blasting Sabaton and pinning it with the spear while my brother beheads it with a machete
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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

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realistically speaking this is the easiest thing to fear-monger about because it sounds likely and plenty of stores would be extremely happy if their mags were all sold out.
It doesn't matter they know cucknadians will buy anything, hell 90% of what is sold in gun shops is fucking turkshit for Christ sake
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The job doesn't require chicken shit. But it's so remote that I can dump it without problems.
I ate half a rotisserie chicken. Then gave the other half to the chickens. They... love the chicken... but their diet shouldn't exceed 30% protein so they got the shits (they don't sweat so they need proper hydration to handle the heat). Landlord moved them to the garage because she saw them in distress. Thankfully.
By the lack of anyone previous being competent at work I've been made manager. But all the people who are newer than me but should have been made manager.. haven't! I got the job by time and not by skill. Embarrassing.
My very first act as manager was to let everyone go home (with full pay) at 2pm. I asked, is the work done? Yes. Ok, let's go home. "Why?". I answered honestly and maybe I shouldn't have. "My chickens are suffering from heat stroke and I don't want to ask anyone to stay later than I am." One guy at work was sick. OK! I belt out with gusto: "go home, get better, you'll be paid anyways and we will cover for you. Don't use sick days. please go home." He refused. I don't understand. Maybe he was trying to prove what a good employee he was? Fuck off. Get the required work done and go home. These sick bastards. I told one not to come in early and to come in at 10am because he was moving his family to work at the company. Our pay isn't great so why would I be a jerk to anybody unless the work isn't getting done? He came in anyways. Please, no.
They chickens have recovered. I'm worried they have given them selves an impacted crop by eating a lotof grass. I increased the ventilation and fixed their diet. Had to clean out over 20 chicken shits from the garage while I fixed the coop.
I hope I'm not crazy but if the work is done -send people home with pay. I think it's a good incentive. Maybe I'm all screwed up like a mushy hot hamburger sandwich.
Pic me walking down the street with a chicken on my shoulder letting the neighbours know I'm crazy.
People just aren't used to working for a manager that gives a crap about them. Better to ease them into it than make big changes all of a sudden, like start by sending them home 30 minutes early if there's nothing to do. Also you might accidentally make it look like there isn't enough work, which implies layoffs in the future.

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For you, it's guaranteed cholera.
For Mobik Conscriptovich, this is drink of the gods.
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It does look better than the last video though. At least this time the water looks somewhat clear instead of just being a mudsoup.
this is a repost
I was referring to the brown soup some of the other mobiks are subjecting themselves to.
Ok just watched the whole thing, and good God, they have more trannies than countries have people and they fuck dogs by the hundreds openly in the streets. What the fuck is going on over there?
Having over one billion people, a shitty caste system, rampant superstition, a horrible religion, widespread unhealthy societal practices, pisspoor infrastructure, no proper education, terrible politicians and much much more.

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Let's say you live in a normal house like pic related, what would be the best melee weapon for close quarter combat? Against 1 or many more intruders. Short simple spear? Rapier? 19th century european saber?
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>ingrained generational fear will kick in
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>At my former employers‘ bureau
VERY based
I don’t doubt he said that and believes it, but that logic has always been retarded. You don’t need an excuse to have certain items in your vehicle or home if they aren’t illegal. If you beat the shit out of someone with a bat having a ball and glove with you changes nothing. It was either an attack and is illegal, or you were defending yourself and it is legal. Even for felons.

It’s the same as “don’t use scary assault rifles for home defense because a wood stocked gun looks better to a jury”. That’s fuddlore with zero examples ever.
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lmfao this weak tard doesn't know that the bat is a battle tested weapon. Enter gonk.

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>Penetration Cum Blast
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It was funny the first dozen times, now it’s past the point of beating a dead horse and onto punching the wet spot on the ground where the horse used to be
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>now it’s past the point of beating a dead horse and onto punching the wet spot on the ground where the horse used to be
>doesn't use any opportunity to laugh and point at India
Pretty gay not gonna lie. You're not a homo are you anon?

why didn't Anakin use armor to attack the temple?
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need to bring this look back
>Their non lethal option is brainwashing you into compliance with a single sentence
This only works on the simple minded. Ignoring nu-disney bullshit, of course.
So... Anakin was just an edgelord school shooter but a weeb that used le different Lazer sword instead? I bet there's a Basilask version of Alex Jones, ranting about Sandy Temple.
There was still the Temple Guard. But I doubt tanks would be the necessary counter to them.
Just use ChatGPT to do it for you next time.

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AK General /akg/
Pirate Style Edition
>Thread #2035

Old thread here >>62066585
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High four figures if you want to save some cash for optics/accessories/aftermarket furniture.
4-5 figures
I meant 4-5k not figures lol
hmm, speshul ak or transferable mg?...
dude the Mexicans buy whatever they can get their hands on, which by and large are rifles nobody else wants. So, they end up with shitty, cheap American made rifles.

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>What is the Ukrainian equivalent to Allahu Akbar?
Canonically it's Slava.
In practice we here a fair bit of бляти cyкa but also a lot of English like "yes yes!"
Holy shit! Did he walk away from that!?!?!?
>in fact he did not walk away from that
>I don't think Su-25 has any MAW that would work against IR missiles
Su-25SM3 has a UV-based MAWS to detect missile launch signatures but at this point with Russia we have to question
>Whether it still works after years of sanctions
>How well it even worked to begin with
>Whether it was an SM3 or an older Su-25 variant
>How available consumables like countermeasure flares are when there's a shortage of just about everything else
Can you blow up downed pilots with a drone or is that unbecoming?

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Vaski, the sweetest kitty like gunspirit edition

Previous: >>62140517
>image limit reached

>sound image instructions
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My wife
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Found this tank buried in the middle of nowhere
Anyone know what it could be?
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nee, gwoon in het bos op oud militair terrein
Where in Flanders? I will be there next month.
really close to limburg near hasselt some random ass forest i was biking driving trhough
fuck, it's late
''really close to limburg near hasselt, some random ass forest i was driving though''
i need to take meds
anyways will be updating tomorrow around 17:00 western euro time
you won't be able to melt steel with MAPP gas. you expand the metal with heat to free it up. it's something like 1 thou per 100 degrees F or there abouts. take it to a dull red and you should be able to work the hinge loose with a prybar.
if anything melts it would be a bronze bushing on the pin if it has one. it probably doesn't though.

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What's the best cartridge for buck breaking? For me, it's .35 Remington.
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I'm working on a 45 super load to take one this year. Will be my first attempt with pistol hunting so we'll see how it goes
I am going to buy a hunting rifle for deer/elk/bear, mountainous area. Looking at the Tikka superlight. Leaning heavily on .30-06 since it’s one action size anyways.
>double lung a deer with a 1 1/4th inch fixed blade broadhead riding on a 16 inch 400 brain bolt with a 110 grain insert
>deer makes it less than 20 yards before bedding down to nap it out

I swear people who talk about muh best ammo have bad shot placement or take shots they shouldn't take. It really doesn't take much to ethically bring a deer down. My friend hunts with a 10mm glock because he's a fat fuck that has to sit in a ground blind and even then doesn't have the range of motion to use a rifle. He still harvests his limit each season because he doesn't force a shot. Well that's a lie... he forces insulin shots because he can't put the fork down. Alex if you're reading this lose some fucking weight buddy we want to bring you duck hunting again like the old days.
I have been watching a lot of hunting YouTube, and have been trying to figure out why so many animals get lost. I think a lot of people don’t factor angle into longer shots. A lot of it is people not practicing for field shooting positions.
>A lot of it is people not practicing for field shooting positions
It's 100% this. Buck fever either takes over and they feel obligated to shoot the first buck they see or they just didn't practice for the conditions they will be shooting in.
Siting in the stall at your range with your rifle in a mount really doesn't mean shit when you get out in your tree stands in your 5 layers of clothing because it's fucking freezing and you're trying to shoulder a rifle in the condition you're not prepared for.
It's why I almost exclusively hunt with bows and crossbows now because I can practice all day in my back yard without throwing 2 dollars into the void every time I pull the trigger. More practice means more ethical harvesting.

How many uniforms did other militaries donated to Ukraine? I know the U.S. donated OCP stuff from their own stockpiles. How does Ukrainians using American/western uniforms make you feel? They even use obscure camos like digital tiger and flektarn.
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I don’t know, it’s probably just someone trying to get the thread deleted by detailing it.
Not how it works. It literally looks like the Russians just slap the uniform on him and call it a day. Even if he hasn’t sawn much action, the uniform would still shown some wear
Basically everyone has either multicam or MM14 now. Ukraine is well past the "wear whatever the fuck we can find" stage of the war
Yellow armband + camo uniform sticks out significantly less than non camo uniform and no armband
Armbands don't fuck with camouflage effectiveness IRL, hence why every single swinging dick in Ukraine today still wears camouflage
>American SOF "advisors"
>this nigga thinks American SOF are doing shit in Ukraine outside of escorting politicians in Kyiv for meetings
>pic is just dudes wearing uniforms you can buy on the internet or at any tactical store in Kyiv/Lviv
Reddit completely shattered your mind anon
>First Spear jacket
Much more likely a 70$ Helikon Windpack jacket bought online. First Spear uses olive zippers, these are black.
Why do those patches look like they're fresh out the box hmm

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