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AK Bayonet I bought at a con. Don't know shit about guns.
the sheath would have the same electro pencil on it.
if it doesnt somebody lost the original and replaced it.
Stick it up your ass to determine build quality
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It's a serial number. The sheath will have one too. If you're a lucky duck they'll even match.
That specific bayonet is for a Romanian AKM. They're not super rare or valuable but it's still cool nonetheless.

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how is this weapon not totally OP?
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California king snake. Bought shit my self when I scared one out of my wood pile just a couple days ago.
Imagine having to clean the flesh and meat and shit off of that thing after combat.
Reminds me of a Muslim video I saw once where they were doing some event where they cut themselves and this one guy got WAY too into it.
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I think you're on to something. The less clothes you wear the better the chain looks

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Post em
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>dyed UCP helmet cover and straps
nice, it looks like yours turned out well.
Also get an optic for your AR already.
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I have one. It just shat out one day. Tried replacing the battery. It's just fucked. Not in too big of a rush to replace it cause she's a mock dissapator. So she shoots just fine with irons. That and I honestly like shooting with irons. Gonna bag another deer this year with her.
Im getting them back ;)
Beat a sbr charge
This nigga based give us a QRD

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Sunday Gunday
just put the first 200 rounds through it, and I'm happy with it.
What's making you happy at the range, /k/?
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What's your car's VIN?
If I had a picture I'd post it, but it's eepy hours. If you're going to sell your car, you include the ViN in the photos so people can look up its acccident history. Why would it matter posting it here?
Remember when you wouldnt willing post personal information on the internet?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
How long until you kill yourself
That's what I thought.

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What would be considered High Speed Low Drag in the 1950's? You can't cheat and include weapons that were technically in development at the time they have to have been commercially available.
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No one has said MP40 yet? This thing was a legitimate bad ass weapon into the 1960s.
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The MAT-49 is pretty sick.
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30 round magazine, ez as fuck to make full auto

basically same as most 300 blackout loads
I think the first battles it was used it caused 90% of enemy casualties

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>mysterious pyramids
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tip top kek


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Why do so many low quality tactical innovations get exported from Israel as compared to South Korea?
Korea is pretty close to Israel in terms of arma exports.
Valgear has been clear that all the tactical gimmicks Ukraine has received from Israel has been junk. I don't hear that being said about South Korean gear.
They killed zero blacks btw and shot one of there own.
Memes aside I kinda want a tavor and a daewo9

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Father and Son Edition

Post Wood (furniture)
Buy big boolets
Will we be saved?
For frens new and old

Thread Theme~

As always; No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>62642768
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you haven't carved your JACK O LANTERNS
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I was referring more towards the more mundane looking lower rifle in that image, but I'll definitely keep that information in mind
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I know, shoulda done it today but was busy w mummy
If I'm online and able to make a thread, this will be the OP, in your honor. Squidward anon.

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>13 years ago
Hit like a truck, I remember watching the trailers.
About 8 c4s or 3 claymores
about t'ree fiddy
According to Mythbusters you can heat your coffee by burning C4 because it's just nitrated fuel tabs with additives

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do you use SOTAR-acha as gun lube?
if so, whats your experience with it?
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Just buy 3 in 1, dumbass.

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>What you're seeing now is my normal 45 ACP state
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Sausage tips
OP might be part of the old guard. High levels of autismo. I like it
Hormel XTP
Accurate. Deadly. Delicious.
Me too
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I am being pedantic but that is not reaming. Also pic related

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>guys not legal in jurisdiction
>settles on a Smith and Wesson knife
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The law is left ambiguous, so the officer can arrest you if he feels like it, and the DA can prosecute you if he feels like it.
You mean gwubs
This, desu, everyone knows they settle altercations with topless mud wrestling over there, no need for knives.
where is it you can't have a gun but a knife that's meant for combat/actually dangerous that you can legally carry AND use for self defense. Anywhere I've seen that knife, even the guy hits you first, gets you a charge.
If you get caught with a gun where you are not allowed one it is a felony. If it's a knife it's a misdemeanor
I swear you guys are retarded

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What’s the weirdest gun I can reasonably buy (eg no absurd pre-ban transferable items that cost a million dollars). I want something that I can take to the range and the RSO goes, who’s that weirdo?
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Neat. The need to woo some Musk money. FPE is pretty weak, but 13 rounds a second and 300 shots per battery is promising.
I spent the whole FW video on them hoping he was going to load a drillbit into one. Seems to me that it might be able to spin-stabilise itself as bootleg rifling. The manual even says it can take them.
>for shooting rapists in the dick as many times as possible to deter them from raping?
Usually you only have to shoot a rapist in the dick once to stop him, unless of course your dealing with a super rapist in which case your going to need a bigger calibre.
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Holy hell, there's that many 10/22 mags? I bow sir. Saved post.
>it fits the bill lol
Is that before or after the kboom? :D
>one of their 50 rounders
>Thing's a piece of shit.
Reminds me of a 50rd stamped duckbill SKS mag I got years ago when I acquired said SKS. Total POS that would FTF on the fourth rounds, if not the second or third, first. 30 round stamped mags worked flawlessly though. Fuck I regret selling that thing.
tldr; don't ever sell your guns anons. You WILL regret it at some point.
This child is an abomination. You must kill it at once.

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Pic rel.
It's has been a thing since the 1980/90s for normal fighter radars in the west. But I can't find a similar pic of a soviet/russian radar. The closets thing is the SS Almaz SAR satellite but that's huge.
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Remember when the Reformers said radar was shit tech because it couldn't tell apart a tank from a bus full of refugees?
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Who da fook are dos guise!?
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>Pierre Spey's ghost shows up in yet another RT interview
Why is it holding an umbrella?
So that it won't fall down, silly. How do you think satelites stay that high up?

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Time for new thread, old is going down.

Since it's october...
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Not very at the moment, which is why I'm probably going to keep messing around with cheap clones until I have the budget for a real one. I've got an AR pistol purchase that's gonna eat up my spare cash in the immediate future.

I haven't held one, but I assume as far as fit and finish, the Kershaw OTFs are basically identical to the Microtechs since they look basically the same.
kershaw is also already using the 'dual fuel' spring design microtech has been teasing for a while, and right now kershaw is at a high water mark for their quality control and value.
Word. Well I guess I'll have to put aside some change and pick one up at some point.


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