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World's largest naval arms show. Nov 4–7.
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Last year the slides and recordings came out on December 5, but the conference was also a week earlier in November. We'll see. I made the mistake of forgetting that the japanese will never be rushed in posting and translating their work product once already this year, so I'll wait it out. (I made a thread on the Japan Defense Whitepaper that died looooong before they published the english version.)

>bang up job with the thread
Thank. Not sure tho - I'm trying to understand things before I post them but between work and the sheer unprecedented amount of new stuff this year, there's far too much to look into. Might be best to just poast.
I get waiting on the proper translation yeah. for this thread i think just put that shit in the tube and fire it yeah, ive just been skimming for stuff im interested in and then drilling down more or saving it
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Tekever just got a load of VC cash:
They are getting funds from the NATO VC fund and from the guys who backed SpaceX, among others. Got a bunch from the EU too.
He's a kike btw
spaniards displeased with expo aesthetics; threatening to work

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>Want to join SF
>Join the Guard
>In reception I see a bunch of other gaurd bro's trying to go SF
>Complete basic so now I have the bare fundamentals
>I have a cheap AR build with a cheap serviceable LPVO for training
>Running or doing pushups most of the week in my free time when I'm not being a wagie
>Only issue is because I live in a city the ranges are at most 60 meters
>Ranges also only let you use ammunition purchased in store
>The ammunition prices are also retarded, $1 a round for 5.56
>Barely can afford to shoot due to the economy being fucked, and needing to pay for shit that lets me live
>Realize why most SF operators are active duty

I know I fucked up not going active infantry, but I might as well make the best of my situation.

Anyone know some 300 meter ranges in my general area, preferably that let you bring your own ammunition.
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You’re a fucking moron
Don’t listen to these retards, so these are the units that have reserve components that are specialized
>army national guard
SF, long range surveillance units. Which states have them? You can Google it
>Air Force national guard
There’s a pj and combat controller wing, I forget the state so again, Google it.
>air force reserve
A pj unit
>navy reserve
I believe there’s a navy seal detachment that is reserves
>marine corps reserve
>army reserve
Psyop, civil affairs and an aviation unit that supports top tier delta bros

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I didn't even know the guard had sf units. I did 8 years active and whenever I ran into part timers they were the most unprofessional retards. If I were you I'd just not show up to anything and work in the cabbage fields with the Mexicans.
What about Ess Em Yous?
I live near Detroit and you are a faggot. If you can't figure out where to shoot more than 60 yards with your own ammo then I have no idea how you thought you were going to be special forces. I'm not telling you shit, you fucking faggots keep trying to restrict public access of state land near Camp Grayling. We have to put up with you faggots and half of the east coast national guards training in Michigan. If you think your shooting is going to put you into SF you're in for a rude awakening. You're better off rucking religiously to make it through SF selection, if you can't figure out where to do that in Michigan then you can't be helped.

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How many of you guys actually own a gun safe? It kinda seems like an unnecessary expense unless you have kids, and even then you can just get trigger locks.
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>safe safety

Things to consider (these are all based off studies):
>criminals go for soft targets
>criminals don't like resistance
>criminals don't like raising suspicion
>criminals often spend 5 to 10 min in a house

These obviously don't apply to ALL cases, but it's the knowledge we have. Be weary about who you divulge information to as well; lots of victims know their perpetrators.

There's a video trying to prove a point how consumer safes are vulnerable. In the video two guys go up to an empty safe in the middle of a warehouse, knock it over, take two 4ft pry-bars and start prying at the right points and in less than two minutes they're in.

Scary, if you assume a few things:
>your safe is light enough to be easily tipped over by two guys

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I have one because I've had it since ever and am paranoid enough as is
>I travel a lot

Have kids now too, so don't want them getting their hands on it.

But they're young, I still keep a couple guns outside the safe but well hidden and out of reach so I can fiddle with it while I work and/or use it as a nightstand gun.
Yeah but you live and sleep alone.
>he doesn't have a gun pile
NGMI. Let me guess, you don't keep your ammo in a scrooge mcduck vault pile either?
I do, requirement of my country.
At least i dont have to think if something dumb shoot into head of my kid because i've left my rifle somewhere at the home when im out

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread:
Don't have anything to start with. :(
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Anons, what body armor should I trust? I need to get some level 4 plates and don't know where to start. Atlantic Firearms sells Guard Dog ceramic plates for $300, is Guard Dog a trusted company?
So do SBRs *need* to be engraved, or is it just encouraged? What the hells the point of the stamp then
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Okay so how do we rebuild this monstrosity, chamber it in .50BMG, and market it to civilians?
What is the reason there aren't twin rotor helicopters like the chinook in combat roles?
that would just be any of the several single shot 50BMG

Man arrested on suspicion of possessing electromagnetic gun "coil gun"; manufacturing video also released

A 29-year-old suspect was arrested on suspicion of violating the Sword and Firearms Control Law for possessing a lethal electromagnetic gun, commonly known as a "really coil gun." The suspect had posted a video of the manufacturing process on a video distribution site, and the Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating the details of the incident.

The arrested suspect is Nobuaki Usui (29), a man of unknown occupation from Nasu Town, Tochigi Prefecture.
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It wouldn't have to be quite that big, but given the size of it and the capacitor is that powers it? No way it's a threat. A pellet gun, slingshot, or crossbow would be a much more dangerous weapon.
You can't actually stop people with an IQ above room temperature from making firearms. They're medieval technology.

All you can do is lower the moral character of your people until most of them choose not to arm themselves, but this will cause the decay of your society until death.
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>Officer Nakadashi
hahahaha oh fuck dude
3rd gen smiths are sexy af
Why did they arrest him if it’s not prohibited yet?
Didn't check on the new law. Assuming the autotranslate is faithful and the NHK writer got their facts straight, that wording allows for a scenario where

interim rule => he needs to get a loicense
final rule => no further loicensure will be performed.

That's typical of grandfathering schemes used for new criminal regulations around the world. There are always people who their foot cemented in the door when a whole product category is to be banned. Likewise, if you already have a business, museum, or something else based around the now banned thing, you have to be able to function legally long enough to deal with the situation.

So far, it has been proven that the sukhoi jets are crap.
And all the tanks are also garbage.

Everything they had was just propaganda, because in fact they don't really work well.
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In the dying days of the Cold War, the USSR created some of the most amazing and manouverable planes of the time. The Flanker is an amazing airframe and would have given the F-15 a run for its money given equal tech and numbers.

However that's all it is these days, a pretty airframe good for airshows and tricks. They were left progressively behind the West (and now even China) in terms of missile tech, avionics, radars, and everything that matters in modern combat these days. They stuck to their hypermanouverable planes meme because it's all they have left - good airframes and engines.

They were trying to catch up in terms of radar, missiles and avionics, but yeah this war has effectively killed any chance of that. Some of these developments relied on components they can't get anymore due to sanctions, and their customer service / weapons delivery which was spotty at best in peacetime now it's gone because all their efforts are focused on the war and can't supply themselves at a rate to make up for their huge losses let alone a third party.

So yeah I think this has killed Russian arms exports at least for a very long time. IIRC "a mystery customer" made an order for Su-57 (to be completed in the next millennium lmao) but that's only if you believe Russia.
It's a really extensive list: armenia, iran and the pentagon

Bog standard classic Hornet-D vs guccied Su-30 MKM fitted with western avionics. Close in dogfights too, in case muh supermaneuverability.
Based on casual conversations with a couple Indo pilots Russia was dog shit with maintenance support and spares even before Ukraine and they where relying India to keep their stuff flying.
Vietnam just got a shipment of trucks. Algeria is on the books for Su-57...
Sanction exception should be made for Su-57 just for the lol.

Coming soon, capable of aerospace flight.

Say something nice about it.
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>capable of aerospace flight
what does this mean, can it go into space?
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They already confirmed it'll be twin engined.

Japan and the UK want something with pretty decently longer range and higher payload than the F-35.
But seriously, it kinda makes sense for them to start working on 6th gen jet now rather than 5th gen which would at best be ready when F-35 is already well aged up, right?
Yes, this isn't slated to enter service until the mid 2030s, and wont be fully in active service until the late 2030s or early 2040s.
We're literally 15+ years from GCAP being a major factor.

If you had to form a militia and didnt have access to firearms, what would be your standard squad equipment?
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>Retractable pointy stick for melee formation
>breaks the second time it gets hit hard
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This, firearms are medieval technology if you cant make one you're not white.
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Spears, just like everyone else used before they started issuing guns to militias.
We had a glimpse of what would happen between Joe and the guy on the right.
Basically, Joe wooped his ass in the first offensive, going "where do you think you are ?" by casually dropping explosive on him.
This forced a... tactical retreat.
Humungus would probably not fare better : he was a raider and nothing more.
Joe's danger was that he was trying to establish something else than a gang of roving nomads.

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Old >>62892623
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>retarded schizo is finally able to tell apart one anon from the other

Page 2 bake
Use 77 gr otms for deer instead of that boomer shit
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I have over 60 days of anime time clocked on my MAL
those are two different anons lmao

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Latin American Firearm Owners general

A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in Latin America

Mexico to ban 9mm, 22 Magnum and .357, among others

Gun sales booming in Chile due crime concerns

Argentina wants to make easier for people to register their unregistered firearms
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There is no need to be a dick. Second video feels more badass and hits harder but that's also in part because our war was more retarded.
Wish we were smarter geopolitically like the BRs desu.
To expand on this, back at the start of WW2, Argentina was THE South American power (despite its population being 5 times smaller), and Brazil was struggling. Argentina started out closer to the Allies and Brazil closer to Axis. However as the war progressed, Brazil negotiated with the Americans and in exchange for sending an expeditionary force to Italy, they got the Americans to finance Brazil's industrialization (Volta Redonda steel complex) and modernize their armed forces, kickstarting their economic growth, while we were stubborn in maintaining neutrality and even got closer to the Axis even as it became obvious they had lost, which led to us facing international isolation post-war and missing on the 1950s worldwide economic boom. Imagine what our MIC would look like today, if we had stuck with the winning side. FMA could have been like SAAB.

And that's without even getting to 1982 where we lost in battle what we would have very likely gotten in peacetime just by waiting it out. (There had been handover negotiations in the 1970s)
I think we've learned from that. I hope at least.
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dont call me a tranny you faggot, dick n balls health is srs bsns

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I hate crackers but I really enjoy and appreciate the Vietnam war aesthetics especially the M16A1s and uniforms. I'm Korean my grandpa was in nam I think but he never talks about it.
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If you're Korean why do you hate whitey, whitey literally helped you fight off the chink invaders ("Korean War" barely had any North Korean soldiers relatively speaking, it was basically China vs South Korea & USA)
That's because the US killed millions of North Korean soldiers and civilians on their way to the Yalu, retard.
Whats the problem with killing commies?
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lower I have is sort of a place holder
all good brah, just giving you a little beef thats all. I meant 603 btw, not 601. I purposefully made mine a transitionary XM16E1/M16A1 build off a parts kit
>A1's had a full fence.
later ones did, early and transitionary Colt 603s had no or partial fence. If he's rolling with M14 pouches like he is that would be '65-68'(?) which would be more or less correct.
Because koreans are all schizo ultranationalists who view themsleves as the master race, but suffer from massive cognitive dissonance seeing as their history consists of
>Be chink vassal state
>Be Japanese colony
>Be American client state
They hate us despite all the good we did for them, just like they hate the Japanese for bringing them into the 20th century, and whoever treats them with undeserved kindness after us will be treated with the same scorn and contempt.

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>All bladed instruments welcome edition.
Starting off with epic metal
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Those are nice, where'd you get them?
>this Anon >>62877420 # went through with Karambits.
While I await an OTF karambit.
>epic memes
OTF karambit is NOT a meme.
>While I await an OTF karambit
There is nothing wrong with this knife.

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NCR Rangers get all the attention in the New Vegas lore as being the quintessential badasses.

Meanwhile, Caesars elite Praetorian guard ONLY use unarmed fist weapons to kill gun wielding foes. How fucking bad ass do you have to be to kill shooters with your fists and athleticism?

Not to mention their selection is harder and more brutal than the faggot ass rangers. You only get to "Praetorian Selection" by picking one of the existing ones and challenging them to a fight to the death. Its do or die. You either make it or you get your head caved in.

Let's talk about their training.

What do you think a Praetorians unarmed and physical training would be?

I would argue they use pugilism, boxing, pankration or some other form of hand striking. You wouldn't use feet to kick when wearing armor and trying to strike as many gun wielders as fast as possible with a ballistic fist.

As far as physical training, they have to do some form of running due to them running 30% faster than other characters. I imagine some form of strength training and combatives daily would compromise most of their training.

Finally, how would a ballistic fist even be constructed in real life? The CIA apparently had one made during WW2. I wonder if a modern caestus would be better. A reinforced glove with a brass knuckle thats bladed or spiked built in or held.

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why didn't they stop me when i placed c4 every where in caesars tent
considering the medical tech in fallout is amazing, just from simple drugs at that (enemies heal themselves with them, so it's not a pc thing), hand to hand with powerful weapons isn't as silly as it sounds.
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They were bored and wanted to all fist fuck you like a little slave boy

NCR is so fucking gay in this game, it pissed me off how much it reminds me about the current USA
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Unarmed is the best part of this game. They did it in the most realistic way they could by focusing on mostly crazy fist weapons

Has anyone made a powerfist or ballistic fist? There has to be something. Even Atom RPG had the boomglove

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Hezbollah shot down another israeli drone with an iranian made 358 missile
Drone on drone warfare

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One time I thank REDDIT

Was looking up best way to attach ear pro on my gun fighter helmet. Find gay faggot reddit thread first post is ottoman. I google it, and find this puppy on sale like 50% off. It was def in used condition, but as they say its not the trijicon that survived its the world that survived its ruggedness. I feel lucky I saw that, and snatched it. I'll put it on my Maverick 88 most probably.

With that out of the way. what is the best looking way to attach ear pro to a gun fighter cut helmet? Also what is the cheapest way?
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hes trying to sound cool for some reason
i don't know why
it doesn't matter whether what you're saying is true of not, you're just making yourself sound really gay
more like on the spectrum warrior
Not that lucky

It means he'll fight through the pain to take the whole shaft. Soldiering down to the balls to get his gravy payoff like some faggy leprechaun.
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pretty lucky :)

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