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NCR Rangers get all the attention in the New Vegas lore as being the quintessential badasses.

Meanwhile, Caesars elite Praetorian guard ONLY use unarmed fist weapons to kill gun wielding foes. How fucking bad ass do you have to be to kill shooters with your fists and athleticism?

Not to mention their selection is harder and more brutal than the faggot ass rangers. You only get to "Praetorian Selection" by picking one of the existing ones and challenging them to a fight to the death. Its do or die. You either make it or you get your head caved in.

Let's talk about their training.

What do you think a Praetorians unarmed and physical training would be?

I would argue they use pugilism, boxing, pankration or some other form of hand striking. You wouldn't use feet to kick when wearing armor and trying to strike as many gun wielders as fast as possible with a ballistic fist.

As far as physical training, they have to do some form of running due to them running 30% faster than other characters. I imagine some form of strength training and combatives daily would compromise most of their training.

Finally, how would a ballistic fist even be constructed in real life? The CIA apparently had one made during WW2. I wonder if a modern caestus would be better. A reinforced glove with a brass knuckle thats bladed or spiked built in or held.

Ave true to Caesar!
why didn't they stop me when i placed c4 every where in caesars tent
considering the medical tech in fallout is amazing, just from simple drugs at that (enemies heal themselves with them, so it's not a pc thing), hand to hand with powerful weapons isn't as silly as it sounds.
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They were bored and wanted to all fist fuck you like a little slave boy

NCR is so fucking gay in this game, it pissed me off how much it reminds me about the current USA
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Unarmed is the best part of this game. They did it in the most realistic way they could by focusing on mostly crazy fist weapons

Has anyone made a powerfist or ballistic fist? There has to be something. Even Atom RPG had the boomglove
>How fucking bad ass do you have to be to kill shooters with your fists
You only encounter them at pretty much two places: C's tent and the weather station. Both are tight spaces, so it's not that hard for them to rush anyone. At a distance, they go down like any other legionary.
>You only get to "Praetorian Selection" by picking one of the existing ones and challenging them to a fight to the death
Someone in the game, maybe Chief Hanlon, remarks that praetorians may not be the toughest, but the most ideologically driven. So, if what you say is also true, you might have a case of loyalty-over-competence on your hands.
Either way, none of it would even matter if Caesar didn't have the Intelligence of 4 and did think of checking up on what you actually did in that bunker.

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