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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

It’s All Greek To Me Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback or post whatever relevant input you might have!

Last Thread: >>93826727

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>Are there elements in your setting (armor, weapons, monsters, etc.) that were inspired by the Greco-Roman world, and what are they if so?

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Is... Is that Yakub watch his creations wage war on the blacks?
They never were. They were simply foing what they had to. It was war. Atreides weren't squicky clean either. The books are just written from self-serving Atreides point of view
So called "flame" blades leave horrible torn bleeding wounds, but are somewhat worse at cutting. They are based used against bare skin (not even clothed), or on really large weapons, such as Flamberges
Interesting lore, but I see many races are just hiding from space elves, so as a player I couldn't really flount my tech level without getting murderized along with my tribe?
For me, iron-users sound pretty cool. Seems like they'd need a little push to settle down and really explode the riddle of iron, at which point their civilization would explode, dominating the world.
I'd play a savage raider with a vision of a stable kingdom like that.
Gunnerkrigg Court

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Pellaeon-class Edition

Previous thread: >>93870636

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

Old links

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This is what will happen:
>Cal and Merrin are now surrogate parents to Kata, Bode's daughter.
>Rope the player in with that relationship, because it can't possibly go badly?
>Tanalorr is now the main base for the Hidden Path protecting force sensitives.
>Kata will probably be threatened or kidnapped at some point (modern games sure like their dads or surrogate dads protect kids storylines).
>Cal will sacrifice himself in the end.
It's funny because the Obi Wan show took a lot from Fallen Order with the Inquisitor who turns (Trilla in Fallen Order and Reva in Obi Wan Disney+ show), Fortress Inquisitorius, etc and this last game will 100% take from the Obi Wan show with the Obi Wan/Leia relationship being replaced by Cal/Kata. You know I'm right.
The whole Tanalor shit was retarded. They can't just stay there forever. They need to fly out for supplies and shit. Their only way to get through the abyss is the compass. They just ambush them on the way out near Koboh and take the compass and fuck over the place. The whole premise is stupid. Luke and Obi-Wan chilled for two decades on Tatooine and no one ever found them. Yoda was chilling on Dagobah. This idea that the empire is so vast that it covers literally an entire galaxy (I doubt they have an understanding of the sheer scale) is blatantly false. They couldn't even find Cassian Andor, who was literally in their fucking custody building the death star. Tanalor was a stupid MacGuffin. High Republic stuff was lame as fuck and nowhere near ad interesting as Zeffo. Villains were lame, and Bode being le secret uber powerful Jedi was retarded. Survivor was just so much worse than the first game.
I agree, I hated the plot of Survivor for the most part. My speculations on the next game will probably be accurate.
>Bode betraying you was telegraphed by your literal first introduction/interactions with him.
>But hey we know you guessed that so we will twist the twist with him as a Jedi and ISB!
>Why is Tanalorr special? It's never really mentioned.
>High Republic, yawn.
It was a mess.
>Their only way to get through the abyss is the compass
Cal used the force to do it without the compass didn't he? Ultimately though you still need to go to the Abyss entrance, aka a fucking choke point for your hide out. Anyone could wait out there and the Empire is on Koboh.

I just know the next game is gonna tease more Merrin and Cal. Kata daughter stuff. Hidden Path was set up right at the end and was mentioned in Obi Wan show so will be in it.

It's a weird overall narrative when you think about it? In Fallen Order they destroyed the Holocron otherwise the Empire would keep chasing them. Then the next game sets up some hide out and ends with him contacting people about the Hidden Path to hide force sensitives, you know those force sensitives you could have found with the Holocron? I get it sure, but still.
No, they didn't really have to nuke it and they're realizing their mistake by incorporating a lot of EU stuff, just retooled slightly. Some of the recent books, the Ahsoka series, all implies that the events in-between the OT's end and the ST's start follow the exact same outline. What they should've just done is what Lucas would've done, ignore it but not say its gone outright, and have their books work with them.
>Sequel Trilogy takes place post-Crucible
>Luke is a hermit fits, because that's literally what he ends up becoming post-Crucible, or at least a role they were leaning him towards
>Han and Leia have retired and had another kid somewhere during the Vong War (Ben, who grew up not only on Vader but his brother Caedus)
>The NR/GA has greatly downsized its military following the Second Galactic Civil War, empowering sector forces instead
>The First Order is a radical force that took over the Empire of the Hand and Imperial Remnant
>What happens to the FO post-Exegol? Well the Moffs just retake control and crown Fel Emperor.

Incorporating Legends post-Endor as the Sequel Trilogy's backstory actually helps a lot in making the ST's premise a lot less fucking retarded.
Its far easier for a Jedi avoiding the Purge to fly around and not keep to one place, or to hide in plain sight. That weird 60s hippy Jedi from KOTOR2 knew what's up. Hide in a crowd, and they won't find you. Its essentially what Cal was doing at the start of these games.
>High Republic
You know, it would've been very interesting to have a Jedi from the Old Republic, and see how they handle seeing everything they worked for get undone by a Sith infiltrating, taking over and corrupting the Republic they swore to protect. But that's not what we got. Dagan Gera very quickly just became another stand-in Dark Jedi/Inquisitor/Sith. His lightsaber just turned an evil color, too, just in case you weren't exactly sure where he stood.

how do you do red herrings the right way? so that your players don't jump on a lead that sends them completely off the right track. or would you prefer not even using them?
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What system?
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It is a logical flaw.
The break in logic is there.
In an argument about dingos being bad, if someone says something like "dingos eat babies and are thus bad", and your reply is that snakes eat more babies and are thus worse, you've comitted a number of errors in logic, including presenting that because there is something worse that means the original topic stops being bad.
If people are trying to solve the dingo issue and you keep bringing up snakes, you're not arguing the central point and just making leap in logic.
I like to get my players in medias res presented with a couple of Chekhov's guns, one of which will be MacGuffin, the others can be red herrings.
Is red herrings just whataboutism under different name?
OP here. I suppose I mean for Delta Green and CoC

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Previous Thread: >>93839601

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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Of all the various chapters with "Eagle" in their name, which is the coolest? Has won the most battles, has the most accolades, and even has the most lore?
>Admech psykers
In all due respect, because it it fundamentally dumb for the machine cult to study the warp. The warp is
>Incomprehensible, illogical and inconsistent
>Fueled by and manifested through emotions (which tech priests abandon on their ascendancy)
The quest for knowledge says the machine god left them everything they need scattered around the galaxy, to the point invention is looked down upon but tolerated when successful. Some tech priests take it a bit too far and also study alien designs for mankind's use or to destroy them more efficiently.
Nothing can be gained by studying the warp. Only blind faith can make it work. We can argue how much unquestioned tradition counts as faith, but Admech doesn't have saints, does it?
>Using xeno-tech
Tech priests can't even question why the Omnissiah is also the God-Emperor. Can you imagine if the Inquisition learned that a forge world used alien devices that connect to the warp because it is superior to human technology? Casting doubt on the Imperium's infallible might?

Fucked up machine people is cool enough for me.
Who makes & maintains all the psyker tech in the imperium? There are plenty of warp & other psychic phenomenon research stations. Much can be gained by studying the warp.

>Using Xeno tech

It's not exactly xenos tech if I strap a bunch of wyrdvane psykers to some kind of torturous crucible designed to harvest psychic energies into a wonder material is it?
Slop and Faggery more like
There is an ebook called "The Memory of Flesh" and it is about a servitor who's original consciousness wakes up and freaks the fuck out.

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Brace For Impact edition
Previous Thread: >>93872201

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:

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my ancestor
I just copped the ITD box from a guy on ebay for 110 Bucks, did I fuck up with the new edition or are the teams and the terrain still useable?
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110 is a shockingly good deal, I hope you didn't get scammed into buying literally just the box. Yes, ITD and both teams are 100% usable in the new edition, just the datacards and books are getting discarded. If you get two copies of the terrain you can even play Boarding Actions
Alternating activations.

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread: >>93889208

>Thread Question

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combat as war is trve osr
It's fine, it's a succinct explanation of the difference between the way OSR folks view combat (a tool to accomplish goals, one of several, where stacking the deck and having it over before it began is a good thing) and how modern tabletop gamers (5e) view combat (an end in itself, where you expect a "fair" fight you can will win, and get to see your dudes do cool moves with epic powers)
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Ever used the weapon class rules from chainmail with the alternative combat rules?
Character attacks first if the wielded weapons class is two classes higher than the opponent but if it misses the lower class weapon gets basically two attacks. At least that's how I read it.
I'm a big fan of the DCC Spellburn and casting system in general; my question to you all is how can I best adapt this system into my 1e game? I feel it would fit the gritty tone of my table well.

Has anyone done this in their game?
that's nice, anyways DCC isn't osr so fuck off

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Are orcs actually popular?
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Orcs are just regular folk, just like y'all and me.
Thing is: the artist who made this might not have realized it, but there are orcs like this in the Mystara setting. So as much as Nu-DND sucks ass, this wasn't entirely without precedent.
Are orcs unironically not evil anymore?
>that pronoun haircut on the one with the axe
Dios mio.
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Dire animals have always been inherently hilarious to me.
>"It's a boar, but it's fucking HUGE, so it's more dangerous"
There's something strangely adorable about that line of thinking.
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It's more the "what if but big" line of thinking, you buzzkill.
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Would such a large pigeon be able to exist? Biolobros, help me understand this.
babies and neighboring tribes just couldn't compare to those massive drumsticks

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ITT: unsafe fantasy art
By 'unsafe' do you mean 'teeny-tiny'?
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I know it's been discussed to death, but the "controversy" still pisses me off. Necromancer babe is (iirc) in-context super fucking evil, and also quite literally armed. She's got a damn magic fireball in her hand. Her expression is somewhere between indignant and enraged, rather than fearful or submissive. I'd say that the work is actually fundamentally egalitarian: we're juxtaposing the barbarian dude's sheer size and strength with the necromancer's sophistication and magical skill.
The only things, if I'm being generous, that I could see as being in potentially poor taste are the position of her legs straddling his and her general sexy femme-fatale outfit. The exposed bit of thigh is potentially sexually suggestive, but frankly nothing about the barbarian character's pose/design/attitude suggests that he's sexually interested in her, nor is her pose meant to be seductive. The necromancer babe, for her part, does seem to be a femme fatale (hence her outfit), but that's actually what makes this conflict interesting: here we're seeing her "mask off", any attempt at trickery or seduction is out of the window, and now she has to demonstrate her raw power, or die. Lucky for her, and us the viewers I think, this looks like an even, exciting contest. The barbarian's winning, but only for now. We'll see just how well his claw-thing does against sorcery.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Jeana Clay edition

Last Thread: >>93913131

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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well for example HBK 4g and HBK 5m
5m is a straight upgrade of everything except ammo
it has double heat sinks pulse laser instead of the regular one but it has only 5 20ac ammo instead of 10
and they have 15 bv difference in 5m favor
5m can only generate 15 heat with all its weapons and yet can disapate vopping 26 so its clearly unoptimized compared to 4g 14 heat and 13 sinks
is that taken in the account
or is it just a formula based on armor and equipment
If by "accurate" you mean "balanced" then yes it's more balanced than C-Bills or tonnage or whatever else anybody chooses to set their game to.

Still not perfect. Clan mechs and gear are still probably undercosted, expensive as they are. Pilot Skill is easy to game, but that's more a core rules problem than BV itself.
Yeah. It's cute how much the fluff for the Champion overlaps with the Gunslinger program and therefore the later Clan dueling obsession.
>why do the clans love 5/8 heavies?
>probably because of this one 5/8 heavy they adored while they were SLDF because it was good in duels, even if it didn't have the armor necessary for a real battlefield
Heat is notoriously part of the BV formula that isn't calculated well. The Nova is a great example. In BV it's overcosted because you're getting charged for all those weapons you cannot possibly use unless you're suicidal.
To keep it short: BV 2.0 has flaws but there's nothing better to balance by. BV 3.0 would be nice but will also never happen.
>Leviathans you might say.
Keep off topic conversation out of this thread.

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Previously: >>93916409

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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I hate that they got a new card but it's the most generic slop of a card ever.
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all according to plan
the one in the middle is cute
at least it isn't 3 nasty hags anymore
How are these hags? >>93925553 they barely look mid 20's.
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The middle one looks like shemale shrek.. the right one looks like a 45y old gym mom and the left.. I guess she looks alright.
These are real waifus. Adorable little fucks.

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Is Sigil a safe place to live?
How would one gain citizenship.
>Is Sigil a safe place to live?
So long as you aren't stupid, you should be fine
>How would one gain citizenship.
Yeah you can just show up and that's enough
Compared to most D&D settings, it's among the more stable ones. All those high level figures in one place leads to a kind of equilibrium out of fear of escalation.
>Is Sigil a safe place to live?
Probably about as safe as St Louis.
>How would one gain citizenship.
Doesn't exist. You just show up and live there however you can.
There isn't a state power expect for the authority of the LoP and she doesn't give a shit about anything, average schmucks sign up with devil mafias, extraplanar orgs, or one of the 15 relatively static factions. So you become a "citizen" by either being powerful enough that no one fucks with you, or you go find a gang whose badge you like and ask em if they're recruiting.
I don't know jack shit about Sigil but what is the deal with the Lady of Pain?

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What are the defining elements of "Tolkienian" and "Moorcockian" fantasy settings?
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Tolkien was an optimist that believed in the power of community.
Moorcock is a pessimist who believes all systems are corrupt and will eventually crumble.
Depends on whether "Tolkienian" means inspired by Tolkien or inspired by Tolkien's works. For example, >>93925142 says language was very important to Tolkien, which is very true. But I'd say that language isn't all that important to most things inspired by Tolkien's work. What this anon says >>93925186 speaks towards that style of "Tolkienian".
Did op mention anything about games though?
You need to go back
>le slide thread
whatever shit board you've just blown in from is probably faster than /tg/ because the final thread in the catalog's last reply was 21 hours ago so if people are posting slide threads they aren't doing a good fucking job
if your thread gets pushed off the board after nobody replying to it for a whole day it was a shit thread
and if you want to police the board so much apply to be a janitor you stupid cunt

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