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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

Work in Progress, "Pile of Shame" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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It does matter. A good primer directly correlates to how well it handles knicking and scratching and rubbing because it forms a stronger bond with the surface material. You can literally rub off some acrylic primers with your fingers. Lacquer primers you have to actually be trying to take it off nails and the like won't even scratch it. Granted this isn't as important for tiny minis because there's just so little surface area. But for bigger models this does matter.
Rattlecan undercoats, at least the GW ones I've used, go off really easily. So you have to be careful when handling a mini which in itself is an argument to use primers instead
I play with metal miniatures primed with stynelrez and vallejo surface primer under 2 coats of gloss and a coat of matte. It's very hard to remove the primer without digging my nail in. I use lacquer on plastic and resin in the form of mr surfacer 1500, yes it is a harder and better finish; it also doesn't adhere well at all and has given me worse exprience. I've used cans, airbrush primers of all kinds and this shit genuinely does not matter unless you are retarded, acrylic primers get significantly stronger after sitting for a day and are fine enough for miniatures, especially plastic.
Adhere well at all to metal*
will never stop being funny that actually skilled painters are like "yeah just use whichever it doesn't matter much" but consoomerbrain retards on wip that cannot stop buying every single product that comes out need to pretend you need an extremely specific primer or your miniature will look awful and be ruined forever

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Modern Meltdown Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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You forgot a couple of cards, let me help you out.
Not a fucking way any of those cards ever see the light of day again anon, would be like asking for Lurrus back.
Don't be surprised if they unban fetches in Pioneer just before MH3 releases.
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cage bros we did it again
>Cock Cage
>Sissification in the sideboard

Rule of Cool aka "Arquitens Rule" edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92578614

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Would they be able to restore peace in the Middle East?
Does killing everyone until there's no one left count as peace?
It would be quiet.
Jabba should have forgiven Han Solo imao

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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In The Strategic Review, I forget which issue, Gary writes about why, A, the spear in Chainmail kind of sucks and, B, why "polearm" in OD&D was a single entry when there were many polearm variants with special purposes in history. Apparently, HEMA nerds in the 1970s wrote to him whining about it sufficiently for him to write a rebuttal.

It makes me wonder if the famous "polearm table" is an underhanded gratification of those nerds: a curse to give them exactly what they want - "Not satisfied with an abstraction? Here! ALL the polearms! Bathe in the complexity!"
You can be functionally illiterate and still be able to understand a stop sign. Think about your average weeabo's ability to read japanese. Still might pick up the meaning by context.

3. Struggles to write ANYTHING. Can count to potato.

6-8 Could make a stop sign that others could understand. Can figure out which tavern to go into with a nameplate alone.
I have done this - if I were to offer any advice: in an OSR backdrop, make sure there is a "town" they can get to relatively easily. The way OSR mechanics work, you kind of need one - B4 might serve as inspiration.
>HEMA nerds in the 1970s
No such thing, HEMA started in the 1980s.
Are you sure? I've always been under the impression "HEMA" was an umbrella term for the study and recreation of historical European martial arts - not a specific organization: if it is an organization, I will stand corrected - the SCA was founded in 1966, so I could amend the statement to "SCA nerds."

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Never Simping Edition

Thread Question: What other periods in Westorosi history would make for good war games?

>A thread for discussing 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. Possible topics include the original novels, Fire and Blood, Dunk & Egg, general lore and theories, characters, artwork, HBO's adaptations "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon", and various videogames.

>>Lore Resources
A Wiki of Ice and Fire – Canon wiki
The Lands of Ice and Fire - Official maps
Atlas of Ice and Fire - Fan blog with maps and speculation on geography, population, and history
1d4chan Page - A Song of Ice and Fire explained by fa/tg/uys

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I know that, still want an AoH game or more insight into what went on.
Oh look the pedophiles from /tv/ are here shitting up the board again. None of you cunts even try to keep discussion on topic, why the fuck do you come here? Go to /tv/ or /lit/ you retards, there is no reason to keep spamming this thread HERE if you're not going to talk about traditional fucking games you dipshits
Go complain also in dungeon meshi or outsider or muscle girl or slop threads.
use the filter function
Shut the fuck up you, you closeted tranny. No one forces you to be here, salty faggot.

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Olm-men Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.

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>As the war stagnates, both sides began using voodoo rituals to increase their numbers. Many armies have voodoo zombies on them (though they are not fit for modern combat, they are either mindless melee soldiers who slowly walk towards the enemy soaking bullets, or they are used to carry materials across the island). As the world is too fixed with the Napoleonic wars in Europe, and as the zombies are too few in number to be meaningful, they are ignored by the outside world.
>The polish population, seeing that the war is bleeding an already wounded nation, offers to serve as intermediaries for peace negotiations, but they are ignored by the leadership of both. Seeing this, the polish get closer to voodoo priests and practitioners in search of a solution. They manage to become a third option in the civil war, though they do not partake in the fight. The Church of Vodoo begins growing in popularity, begins streamlining voodoo rituals and mixing it with catholic customs, some of the heroes of the Haitian Revolution become canonized as saints.
>1810. The mysterious death of both Alexandre Petion and Henri Christophe during the same night grinds the civil war to a bloody halt. Their bodies appear to have a mark in the shape of a fly on their necks, rumors begin to spread that the spirit of François Mackandal had returned to the land and punished both leaders due to their ambitions.
>As both sides of the civil war began infighting, the Church of Voodoo appears and begins preaching for the end of the war. Peacefully at first, but as the Church of Voodoo begins gaining more influence in society, they can use more force to pacify the island.
>1813. The Church of Voodoo wins the civil war, the nation is renamed as the Holy Empire of Haiti. The nation is ruled by a council of voodoo priests, the Holy Council, which begins trying to fix the nation’s economy. The figure of the Emperor is a mysterious man who never appears in public but it’s said to have the wisdom and power to keep Haiti free and prosperous. In reality, the emperor is just a zombie of one of the original voodoo priests from the Church of Voodoo.
>Many polish try to go back to their home during the years after the war, and they are all universally rejected, both as traitors during the war and as practitioners of heresy and witchcraft. This sentiment will strengthen as Catholicism in Europe becomes more belligerent due to the crisis with the Papacy. Only a few radicals wanting to revive the Duchy of Varsaw give them the time of day, and even then, they are looked down as shameful savages.
>The Church of Voodoo is seen by the rest of the world as a dangerous cult, and unanimously isolate Haiti, not even offering recognition in exchange for money as per real world timeline. The US is especially harsh on them, as many of the slaver-owning states vote to blockade the island to prevent it from spreading its religion (and the idea of a successful slave revolt) outside of Haiti. This blockade last until the beginning of the US Civil War.
>The eastern side of the island begins rejecting voodoo and the Haitian rule, and begin a war of independence. Between 1822 to 1844, the population of Santo Domingo fights against the Haitians with help from Britain, the US and Spain. In 1844, they become independent, causing great turmoil in Haiti.
-With Haiti completely isolated from the rest of the world, an economy in tatters, unable to trade for basic supplies and defeated against their neighbors, Haiti grows poorer and poorer, with many violent mutinies and revolts needed to be suppressed. Hunger is the common state of the island, and the Church of Voodoo is running out of options. Half of the Holy Council begins to seek people with knowledge of agarthan sorcery to seek mystical solutions to the growing poverty and misery. The other half begins preaching that the only solution for the survival of the Holy Empire is the return to Mother Africa.
-The preaching of a return to Africa becomes more and more strident, and with the start of the US Civil War, the slacking blockade allows multiple Haitian boats to sail into Africa, to seek a new start in Africa. Multiple Haitian settlements are created, but fights with the local population limit their growth, being just coast outposts and nothing more.
-The Church of Haiti is also used by the Union during the Civil War to weaken the southern states, with Union ships and contrabandists sending voodoo priests into the southern states to spread rebellion and dissent between the slaves and the black population. This was heavily suppressed by the Confederacy, but the New Orleans Uprising caused shockwaves into confederate-controlled America. Once the Union wins the Civil War, however, they quickly begin persecuting the Church of Voodoo, as they see its growing influence in the south as fuel for further tensions.
>After the Panama War and the birth of PACT, Haiti is forced to sign the treaty, which in Haiti’s case includes a much stricter control over them. In fact, the US will establish a permanent outpost in La Hispaniola, from which a series of military police units will keep vigilance over Haiti’s affairs. After a failed rebellion and the murder of the US ambassador, the US officially takes over Haiti with the blessing of Britain and France, since they feared the spread of the Church of Voodoo into their Caribbean territories. The Holy Empire of Haiti is dissolved into the Republic of Haiti, with most of the Holy Council detained and/or executed.
>The US’ control over Haiti cuts off the ties between Haiti and their African outposts, which are left to fend for themselves. The western powers take a long time to take action against them, since agarthan affairs have left Africa in the background. Many priests of the Church of Voodoo go underground, while others try to create their own little fiefdoms in Africa, and some others begin preaching for the union of all Africans against the white devils.
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Here's my WIP Atlan force.
2 Immortals, 1 Warmaster, 1 Spring Gunner.
Gonna use some spare heads from a pack of Tzeentchian cultists I have for Reclaimers, the weapons may be a bit too fiddly however.

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You can choose anyone from the real world to add to your party, for dungeon exploration. Who would you pick?
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I would pick Bill Gates, so I could push him into a trap and use his body as a meatshield for the rest of the adventure.
this, but Hiroyuki Nishimura
You can pick several people to form a party
Steve Irwin.
Croikey, I hope there'nt any cunty sting rois down under that dungeon, mate!

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Rohirrim ride to war edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (very much still a WORK IN PROGRESS, feel free to suggest more links to be added!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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>bootleg knock off
I don't think this really applies to any of the Warcry warbands, does it? None of them are the cheap off-brand version of their parent faction, they're just a more specialized/specific group from that wider faction. Like the Wildercorps guys are an actual part of the armies of the Cities of Sigmar, they're the rangers that scout things out ahead of the main force.
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Because they are more interesting than the aos army
>Thondia mezo american meets byzantine master stoneworker civilisation, makes the finest crafts in all the realms and even in Azyr their work is demanded
>age of chaos happens, survivors walled off in city carved into/under massive ayers rock type locale
>all seems lost till a giant jade obelisk starts glowing and vomiting out blue/pink bird creatures called Idolarcs and a voice within offers them a deal. Sacrifice a portion of the population to the obelisk and be saved
>Desperate they do it and a wave of jade energy rings out like a bell, everyone is in agony as their flesh and muscles transmute to something closer to jade
>From young to old everyone is as strong as a Kroxigor and they march to war and destroy the demon army
>The twist, of course, is "The Speaker in the Stone" is the greatest demon of of tzeentch, sealed in the jade by the great old ones in the days before WHFB and now everyone is starting to crack and crumble. They don jade masks to stop their faces turning to dust
>The only way to stay whole is more sacrifices and the entity drives them to seek out and tear down all Seraphon works and erect more jade obelisks in their place that shit out more Idolarcs the speaker can use as its eyes, ears and mouths and can also see things like chameleon skinks to alert the priests and desecrators on the hunt.
>They are driven into the gnarlwood to destroy a statue hosting the soul of an ancient slann
>Beastmen and all sorts of mutant creatures of chaos follow them, hypnotised by the ringing of the jade and the lure of the speaker of the stone
>Now a people reborn as a grand cult known as "The Masons of the Jade Obelisk" spread more jade obelisks like anti-blackstone radiating out from their capital city of

Meanwhile tzeentch in aos is just losers in bird masks that look like bootleg slaanesh cultists that just love magic because reasons lmao.
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I wouldn't go too heavy into bonepickers, maybe have 3-4. They're great for the price but you need gangers in order to get some range. Autoguns/autopoles are great for getting some pinning in, and too many blunderpoles is seen as a dick move. I wouldn't go for more than two or three in a given list. But good luck with objectively the best house, and I am not biased.
They're definitely exaggerating, the have mounts which are pretty good, and if they're playing in an Ash Waste campaign/scenario, they get access to cool abilities. They do lose a lot in 'in-hive" games, but they're far from being terrible in my eyes.
Autopole is pure trash, 2 slot and now you can't take buss or a 2 weapons for CC loadout anymore. The pole was never the reason people take it, it's the cheap flamer and only gang in the game that can effectively use flamer weapon. Want a pole with autogun? Grab a pistol + autogun, it's even cheaper.

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What does she do with all those young Bretonian mage boys?
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It's a tradition
Of rape
The Lady is heterosexual.
>t. 500lb 35yo heliozoa
Murders them and drinks their blood. Later other elves make footballs out of their skin.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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are there any good worthwhile mass teleportation / gate charms and spells across the game though? something like what raven branwen does
>slightly bumped up Bull God. They’d be shredding Third Circle Battlegroups it’d be so bad.
Ahlat is notorious understated
To my knowledge, no. Closest are some charms that can speed up the travel speed of a group who's magnitude scales with some trait or another, or a few gate style artifacts that are described in the text as big enough for that use, but have no mechanics for how much throughput they'd have other than the ST going "I guess that sounds reasonable"

It's a problem when the best point of reference for how powerful something should be only exists in Grabowski's head and not in the mechanics given for it
>Ahlat is notorious understated
Wait, so is Merela a 2e invention then? I recall that she choked a primordial to death barehanded.

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I don't like sand Edition

>Last Thread:

>Thread question
What is your hobby guilty pleasure?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Tundra works has always been a gay canadian liberal twink with an obsession with Asian immigrant woman (Asian preference just means you can't secure a white girl)
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Does anyone at all have the PDF for Nevermind the Bill hooks deluxe version? I can't find it in the trove
Sorry Chud, but you WILL be forced to play with the woke moralists, segregation is illegal. And no, you will NOT be allowed to play Germany.
>conflict featuring millions of men
>but there were DOZENS of female combatants!
Same cucks that didn't do a ACW range because the college they shill their minis at would get mad.
keep flipflopping with what scale to do imaginations stuff in
I already have thousands of 1/72s and was gonna use them

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Four feet and below edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Weak bait.
Post more blancheshit scribbles, that'll show me
>Warhammer fan
>hates blanche
lol lmao even
There are 4.5 factions I like the look of. I'm gonna pick whichever one seems least cucked in the index.

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>Armoury Edition

>Previous Heresy

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Yes. This too is a lie.
Odds that we are actually getting melee weapons next month?
Nobody fucking likes Lorgar
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Looks amazing anon! Please do more!
Thanks for the guide anon, saving this.

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