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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>>93428687 #

Skaventide edition

>Slaughter for Hel Crown update

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Ruination Chamber has nothing to do with lightning gheists, which were a rejection of reforging.
Lord Terminos sends SCE to an after life, lightning gheists are doomed.
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>Ruination Chamber has nothing to do with lightning gheists
Yeah, it's not like our first artwork about the bleak citadels has tard wranglers keeping in check a lightning gheist or anything like that
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Ok but seriously who approved the Tzeentch wings for the new prosecutors? These are a strict downgrade. Too busy and garish for my taste. Looks like the came straight out of a Blue Horror’s dreams
>Verification not required.
>Too busy and garish for my taste
Noone cares about your taste sperg they look fine

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Where are the Dunedain Clones?
>Tolkien Elfs are everywhere
>Tolkien dwarves are everywhere
>Tolken Orcs are everywhere
>Tolkien Hobbits are everywhere
>The interesting Demi-superhumans who are heirs to a lost kingdom.... no where to be found

just seems odd they dont have the wider influence even though it seems like Middle earth buffs in general love Numinorean shit.
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how would you make them mechanically distinct from other races without make them overpowered /needing level adjustment ?
D&D which was just stealing everything from LoTR, had rangers, who are directly inspired by Aragorn. Of course it's not very recognizable nowadays, but what is?
>stealing everything from LoTR
That's not Three Hearts and Three Lions.. And Dying Earth, and a few more besides. LoTR was a minor influence at best
No. No one claims it's the only influence, but get real.
Halflings, Rangers, Balrogs, and Orcs. That's it. The elves are 3H3L elves. You are seriously overestimating its influence. Go read the things in Appendix N

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I fucking LOVE playing as a wizard, regardless of the system or whether the wizards in the game in question are powerful or not.
Even better if it's a game where it's all about wizards.
I don't really give a shit about d&d or pathfinder conventions regarding differences between wizards/sorcerers/warlocks and so on. Of course I'll refer to them with the proper terms while playing the respective game, but really I call them all wizards (although maybe "mage" could be less of a problem? "magic user" sounds stupid).
I do think wizards should be squishy, so even if it'd make sense or even if the system allows it, I don't like having them wear medium or heavy armour. Weapons are fine though, especially swords.
Latest games I've played a wizard in were d&d 5e, Frostgrave and Res Arcana.
I've played non wizard characters in short one shorts for other RPGs, but it's just not the same level of enjoyment.

Do you have a class you can't help but just strongly prefer over all others?
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Why not just remove the one outlier?
>Ars Magica
Not many wizard players want their characters trapped in medieval Earth with the local mages guild holding their leash while being menaced by praying monks.
Why would you remove the only fun class from the game? Isn't the goal to have fun?
>Why is Japan obsessed with long white haired effeminate men?
that'd make all classes worse. It'd especially make wizards worse, since they'd stop being the powerful weirdos and just become the most vanilla average joes

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Previously: >>93435854

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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Yes it came off fine, but it's the principle of the thing. I sell cards too. You don't send people damaged merchandise. I messaged the seller on ebay. Still gave them a good rating, but they should improve their product.
If you're building the deck for them, don't build it like that??
>Blasphemous Act
>Lightning Bolt
Are hyper beginner cards you can put in Kykar. You don't have to build it storm or whatever, lol. Make it baby's first real deck, with simple stapes from the colors, basic mana fixing like evolving wilds effects or signets and whatnot, and then add simple X spells to close games out and to incentivize sacrificing the spirits. Also, simple tribal stuff like Coat of Arms or Shared Animosity will help them want to combat if they draw into it. Those last two are a bit mathy, but simple as a concept.

Then, as they learn, they can add more spell slangin' in the ways they find fun. Kykar can be built as hyper beginner value deck that is very forgiving and has a lot of room to improve.
Generally speaking, are cantrips good? Do you run any?
>first prerelease I ever want to go to
>can't go out all weekend because car is getting repaired
Guys... go on without me...
walk, tubby

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Afro-Samurai edition

Last Thread: >>93431357

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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how luxurious was the Argo then, with all the shittalks about the Leopard?
>at least in MW5 it looked quite spacious, with a magic 4th dimension cargo bay
Ok tourist
I want to give a C3 lance a try, how would you guys recommend building one?
The argo's whole thing is being a star league boondoggle to make the most comfortable possible dropship. It has a swimming pool for god's sake.
As the anon who originally complained about the companies bad habit of retconning mechs into existence why are you trying to resurrect an arguement I won hours ago?

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Reposting 0.1 of my Pokémon Trading Card Game (GB) jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
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Tell me about waifus who have made your Jumper worse.
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How many of you make art for your chains? Hard Mode; No A.I slop.
Draw it.
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She made Jumper worse by making him use a WIP to get her.

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Can we have a fantasy game coins thread? E.g. how many coins do you describe in your game? I have detailed over the years at least two dozen coins. Some can be quite valuable, if the players know what they're looking for with the coins. I'm no numismatist by any means, I just love the subject.
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I'm gonna do that to my players, a little here and a little there I'm going to slip them a cursed coin this way. Heh heh heh, great idea! Thank you
Tell me more about Edna.
>100 copper -> 10 silver -> 1 gold
that's already more interesting that the groups only using one type of coin
anyway I like gemstones and jewelry as alternative currency.
And having some places have distinct looking coins, yet players still being able to use the stuff they have as it's still precious metals or jewels
Oh, it's an armortranny thread.
Autistic Touhoufag from the 4e general.

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/m/ here, I just wanna say a big thank you to all the Warhammer 40,000 fans for giving us such an amazingly new Mobile suit Gundam show.
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Melan Blue from Brigadoon has a shota form.
>and the same guy some how managed to get his own gundam spinoff on netflix.
This thing looks like absolute ass, though. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're not /m/ at all!
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>requiem for vengeance

How do you fuck up that bad.
Gundam has some great titles.
Endless Waltz. War in the Pocket. Stardust Memory.

How do you even pitch "Requiem for Vengeance" and not get laughed out of the room?

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Back from the dead edition.

Welcome to /usgen/
It is dedicated to discussing universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.
We discuss Basic Role-Playing, Fudge, Genesys, Open D6 and Savage Worlds, but other systems are also welcome.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal systems and related settings, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system write its name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player-made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal systems that were published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off-topic discussions to minimum.

Player resources (so far):
Fudge - https://pastebin.com/R4gk2t95

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Yes. Plus a LOT of people played d6SW.
Yes, but no. D6 ain’t a monolith. It’s fragmented into several editions that look similar, but aren’t. Legends is cleaner, until it suddenly isn’t etc. P&P and Mythic are probably better yet.
>AFMBE is zombie survival done well. Absolutely not universal, but technically it can do other stuff, but in the same way zombies operate computers.
It's based on Unisystem, which is kind of a generic system (although never released in universal form, but instead a bunch of different games using similar mechanics).
Yeah, it was stretched pretty far from its roots with every sufficiently different game — and with good effect. Conspiracy X let you do very bizarre X-Files/Stranger Things shit with the system, but the extension beyond normal limits wasn’t scaled or ordered. The lack of a base frame terminology (a la GURPS) or a universal set of game stats (a la HERO) is lacking in a system with the mechanical flex to build so wildly. Still, as you note, the stretches to make it fit genres made the results incompatible.

Maybe we’re being too autistic on system inter-compatibility? Asparagusfags can play non-compatible games using shared terminology to compare vastly different results (but with similar base mechanics), Conversely HERO is the exact same basic structure across genres — the variance is solely on the extension from normal using the same common structures.

What’s universal, really? Endpoint or method?
In what way?

Attack of the Minis (again)
Previously on /slop/: >>93406446

Thread Task: Post your character as tabletop miniature

News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.


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I'll have to disagree.
Do the needful.
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Race: Half Orc
Class: Sorcerer (Draconic)
Background: Gladiator
Random Oddity: Demigod. You believe divine blood runs in your veins.
>The frenzied crowds surged forward, trampling over each other in their desperate rush to catch a glimpse of the Son of Tiamat in the arena. They didn't come to bet on his victory - that was already a foregone conclusion. No, they placed their wagers on which of the five elemental powers of the dragon goddess he would unleash to vanquish his opponent and sate their bloodlust. Would it be the acid, today? Or perhaps the flame?

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93435274
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Your auctor´s a sicko. Who cares about their gender.
Sicko man = bad
Sicko woman = good
>he doesn't know
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Hand of Heavens
Rising Dragon Technique
Lightning Flash Steps

The ultimate dodge-tank with very nasty forms of attack. I'm quite curious what will happen to VBS users if I increase their already high temperature even more.
SBT is an interesting option for the concept, but those conditional 10 meters are laughable when we're talking about speed of sound.
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I don't consider myself the best GM but I try to make sure everyone has fun and have everything prepared ahead of time, but I'm not the best at dealing with problem players before its too late. I could be good in every aspect but fuck me for refusing to be daddy for a bunch of adults when an easily avoidable tantrum happens. I'm just the retard who puts the maps together I shouldn't have to be managing other people's interpersonal skills.
Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?
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Death spirals are anti fun. Any other system tied to HP loss would be more interesting, but that seems to be the only thing devs can come up with.
To each their own. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to play death spiral games.
wound systems seem interesting as an idea, but I don't think I have found any that wasn't creating a failing feedback loop
3 is peak players since each person can have a clearly defined third of the party's roles which means less overlap. It also means the group is less likely to split up since that will mean someone is being left alone and thus vulnerable.
There is a reason why Magic-User, Thief and Fighter is so ubiquitous in TTRPGs and media that inspired it.
As a fellow aphantasia person the goal is to rely on your other senses and/or rely more on maps you've made. Your projector is broken so do not rely on theater of the mind.
When you GM talk about sounds, smells, scents. Using three senses locks people in more and paints a broader picture.

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I'm part of a game i really, REALLY hate thats been going on for a long time. My friend is running a game in a setting she made that she is super proud of. Issue is it's boring as hell. Nothing happens and the setting is High Guardian Spice X Power Rangers.

I tolerated this because the company was good, but it's getting harder. Friend A is also bored as fuck while friend B loves it. The GM and friend B have recently started ERPing with B's character and the GMPC. Last session was the break with A and I playing cool math games for several minutes in one discord channel while B and the GM were ERPing in another chat.

The end of last session was a sign that this is only gonna get worse. The GM went into detail about all of us getting wet dreams because of a shapeshifting succubus visiting us in our sleep (This was portrayed as a good thing) followed by a group of demons arriving arriving that the GM spent 20 MINUTES describing. I can tell this is quickly becoming a fetish game for B and the GM that A and I are being dragged along for.

I want to preserve the friendships here is possible but the GM is extremely... fragile? as a person and doesn't respond to things going wrong well. I know if I leave then A will also leave and it's just B and the GM solo, which i suspect won't last.
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This thread isn't real. OP is just roleplaying as a retard.
That’s a good backup plan for later
I wish i was larping legitimately. I just don't want to dynamite my bridges with her and B. But it's looking like i just need to leave the game
The more you explain the worse it gets. What is even positives to play and be friends with such a textbook wreck of a person?
You aren't even playing RPGs.

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