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Previously: >>93435854

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Favorite utility land.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Right now either Academy Ruins or Fomori Vault. I've been really enjoying how both feel to play.
Can't go wrong with good ol' Rishadan Port.
>EOT fuck your countermagic
I also have a lot of nostalgia for Gavony Township but that doesn't feel nearly as useful these days. Kessig still puts in work.
Got home with my box and deck excited to open them with the lgf
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it just works and people still get surprised from time to time
a HECKING sac outlet and a bit of a ritual on a land
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Dumb nigger taped the top loader now the card is touching the tape. Why the fuck do they do this?
Guy packaged it wrong the sleeve should be turned upside down so the card doesn't slide out like it did there
Must have been his first time selling cards
what a silly billy
oh mama your 1 dollar card now depreciated 0.6% in value, i'd sue the moment you recover from this financial disaster
Yes that's poor packaging but come on that's such a tiny bit of the tape you should be able to get it off with a little care
>the seller puts your order in a booster wrapper
what are some other kino things sellers do?
>little handwritten thank you note
>small candies inside the envelope
thank you, seller-sama
I'm thinking of buying my first deck and it's voltron, but I'm having second thoughts. Is voltron just lame? Does anybody play voltron decks at game stores or in the average pod? If I'm going to buy an expensive deck I'd like it to be one that won't make my opponents roll their eyes and cringe.
>small candies
Enjoy the back of his van.
depends, voltron is quite hard to win with. you will make an example of one piss poor soul on the table, and the others will flip their shit and move your main win condition back to the command zone. you should include alternative wincons, somehow. Also, expect your commander to get shot alot in general.
idk im not a voltron player because of this
Is Bloomburrow out yet?
Stripmine is bestmine.
august second, this friday was prerelease
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Greetings from the beach anons. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Don't you know not to take candy from strangers?
>that won't make my opponents roll their eyes and cringe
Impossible, cunts will cringe at anything and everything.
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>buy an expensive card ($500ish bucks)
>seller puts it in a perfect fit in a hard case with a little piece of styrofoam propping it up
>custom tokens from the seller included
Gay Bolas
Card Kingdom's custom hand drawn tokens
Free card
Coupon on next order
Packet of tea to brew with
Is anyone else excited for the fact that now we have real squirrel tribal commanders? Chatterfang was never squirrel tribal
>Chatterfang was never Squirrel tribal
Fuck squirrels, I'm brewing bunnies.
Which manarocks are acceptable for a power 8-9 ish deck? Signets are too slow, right? What about talismans?
Is march of swirling mist my only option to save my board in mono blue against a board wipe? I could counterspell it but I'd rather everyone elses creatures die
sol ring
mana crypt
mana vault
basalt monolith if you have an untap engine or copiers
then there's a big power gap
then there are signets
>then there are signets
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Who else is building
just a PSA
If you are going to build a deck for a newbie do not build Oloro upkeeps.
I know new players are fond of pillowforts but ffs dont build triggers: the deck for someone who barely knows untap upkeep draw

But this begs the question, what deck would you build for your friend who is super new and hates attacking?
Unironically probably a combat deck so they get over their fear of attacking/combat phase and also get better at reading the boardstate for when you attack. Lots of players want to pillowfort or durdle when they start and it's best to give them fewer resources to do that.
Probably Kykar? Cast a bunch of random fun instants and sorceries, have a bunch of flying creatures for blocking, then win at the very end with only one swing.

Otherwise I agree with this guy. Isshin maybe is a good idea. Basically force him to attack for his value
This is basically the only new legend I am not interested in
Sacing creatures can be a hard concept to get over
I had built a neheb deck for my sister in law that she loves but shes not exactly afraid to attack
I don't think it is in a case like Kykar. 1 guy = 1 mana is a pretty simple introduction to the mechanic. And you get a bunch of them, so they become practically worthless to a new play scared to use them. Eventually if they don;t swing with them or sac them, they will have like, 12 spirits, and want to cast spells but not have enough mana.
>Hm.. maybe I'll sacrifice just one...
will eventually trickle into them using them more liberally
kykar is still 3 colors, and spell slangan can get quite complicated, especially with chaining and sequencing. i think a more creature based commander might be a better idea for a newbie
Kykar. VEHICLES. There, problem solved for both of you
>2 color
>can play a more reactive style deck removal wise if the stack is intimidating
>only a few on death triggers to keep track of
>win without attacking
>big creatures still block well
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Woops forgot image
Yes it came off fine, but it's the principle of the thing. I sell cards too. You don't send people damaged merchandise. I messaged the seller on ebay. Still gave them a good rating, but they should improve their product.
If you're building the deck for them, don't build it like that??
>Blasphemous Act
>Lightning Bolt
Are hyper beginner cards you can put in Kykar. You don't have to build it storm or whatever, lol. Make it baby's first real deck, with simple stapes from the colors, basic mana fixing like evolving wilds effects or signets and whatnot, and then add simple X spells to close games out and to incentivize sacrificing the spirits. Also, simple tribal stuff like Coat of Arms or Shared Animosity will help them want to combat if they draw into it. Those last two are a bit mathy, but simple as a concept.

Then, as they learn, they can add more spell slangin' in the ways they find fun. Kykar can be built as hyper beginner value deck that is very forgiving and has a lot of room to improve.
Generally speaking, are cantrips good? Do you run any?
>first prerelease I ever want to go to
>can't go out all weekend because car is getting repaired
Guys... go on without me...
walk, tubby
>yeah, you tap your Creatures with that much power to crew your vehicles
>no, summoning sickness doenst apply to that, you basically just pay a cost to Crew them, you see?
>aah no, that Vehicle is a now a creature and cant attack right now, summing sickness does apply
>you can crew a Vehicle with other Vehicles, dont ask

yee Vehicles are kinda fucky
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one of my favorite cards is a cantrip
can't say I'm a big cantrip user though
i like overmaster a lot
Very good
I run at least ponder preordain and semen visions in any blue deck
No they are not good at all generally speaking. You may have synergies in your deck that care about drawing cards and they become more worthwhile there but it's still better if it's an actual draw spell or just a card with some other value
Anons how do I protect myself as a spellslinger? People keep hititng my face while I don't have any creatures...
What is your favorite removal spell? I am very partial to Tragic Slip. For non creature, maybe Nature's Claim.
they are insane in Spellslinger, especially Storm. Its great to proc your Magecraft and "cast" triggers at a low rate, draw a new card and keep the chain going. Otherwise, i dont care to much about them, i run the occasional Brainstorm, Impulse and Opt, thats about it
t.Rionya player
get yourself some tokens
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the chaddest of them all. if i want to be very efficient, Soul Shatter feels great everytime
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Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace are both colorless, so it doesn't matter what colors you are in. I have an Eruth deck that I have Ensnaring Bridge in since I exile everything- same goes for my Krark/Kydele deck, since I run song of creation and tutor it out quick to induce fun
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My friend likes to play bounce spells
Especially if they replace themselves or have other effects like cryptic command or commit//memory
As a spell caster you are playing against a clock tempo is your friend
My initial thought was that WOTC pulled Android Netrunner's IP license a few years back and how funny it would be if they released a universes beyond: netrunner set
The salt would be unimaginable
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This. I love being able to answer anything at instant speed. I used to be a beast within chad, but I'm happy it's now in the correct color.
Why waste perfectly good goad on yourself for some Clues? I'd rather just goad my opponents creatures, much more proactive
What is a more classic combination than edhg and poor reading comprehension?
Bloomburrow may be the most overrated set in magic history
Must suck to live in a village with no public transportation. Score 1 for the city dwellers.
>try to pillowfort
>doesn't work because who the fuck cares if it costs 7 mana to attack me? Table just kills everyone with non-combat targeted damage
Do I need to start running orbs of warding, leyline of sanctity, and witchbane orb or some shit?
The Wanderer?
Okay this works well.
Glad to be of assistance.
How useful is commander's plate for 3+ color decks?
It's American posting hours, don't you know?
LotR comes close
>playgroup only has CEDH-tier degeneracy decks and anyone who plays control gets targeted first
Most Americans have public transportation if they aren't hicks in the south.
No one is going to walk extreme distances. Weird to assume the guys shop is around the corner and not 10+ miles away.
Nah not even. People whined non-stop about the race swapping and there were plenty of complaints on card designs. Most of the hype was over a 1/1 card. This shit is being called the greatest set in magic history because....it has a squirrel with a sword. Doesn't matter if the set is low power and mostly focused on themes that will never again see support. HECKIN WOODLAND CREATURES AND NO UGGOS IN MUH ART.
Personally I don't find woodland creatures with middle ages weaponry to be fantasy any more than I do cowboys with magic guns and whips.

Theme wise the set offers little if you aren't a 40+ year old who read redwall as a kid/a zoophile. Power wise it offers almost nothing at all.
>that's good
No. Sets that will never see play again and are basically garbage are BAD regardless of past FIRE mistakes.
That should be a challenge. If you're only interested in control when it's idiot proof, you get what you deserve.
>mostly focused on themes that will never again see support
this post's gonna age like a fine artisanal milk, anon
To be faaaair, WotC is just making everything Kicker with a new name.l and there's no reason to think they'll stop.
I wish wotc would just make everything kicker with the same name. Condense all fucking keywords and mechanics I can't keep track of all this bullshit anymore, ring, dungeon, monarch, radiation counters, poison counters, junk tokens, time tokens, cheese tokens
The "everything is kicker" meme needs to die
Group hug players are the most oppressed magic players
>low power
No, it's really not. You saw this posted and never thought about it and now spout it over and over pretending it's real
>themes that will never see support again
Most of the themes and mechanics in this set are pretty easy to find support for. You're a bad player and a thoughtless critic
>that one anon who calls you bad if you dont like something from bloomburrow and refuses to elaborate or discuss it

What mechanics are going to see more support? Offspring? Random tribal support doesnt count.
Your bad because half the mechanics are incredibly easy to find support for. Expend? Valiant? Prowess? Forage? At least half the mechanics can find plenty of support everywhere. If you can't see this you are bad at the game, if you needed this elaborated, you are bad at the game
All the tribes in bloomburrow are likely to receive more support
I want to run her because of the David Petersen art but this card is just objectively better
Oh what a unique and innovative bloomburrow mechanic.
You mean shitty heroic.
Definitely not. That one is for sure locked to the woodland creature plane and has very little design space.

Any other mechanics you'd like to discuss, shit-kun?
I really doubt we'll see future badger and raccoon support.
Actually retarded and you don't even know what support for a theme means.
Does anyone feel like it's always the same dude shit posting?
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Gonna build the haymaker. I wonder if I can make due without any real creature token synergy and go all in on treasures, things like Bloodforged battle axe, roles, blood, clues and food. Maybe some of red's temporary token stuff too. Exalted is interesting as well but I don't think it's got enough support to run it beyond Sublime archangel and merchant of truth.
Rats and Birds are pretty much always gonna be something (I guarantee there'll be some Rats in Duskmourn and Death Race (no way is Greasefang not gonna be in that set)). I can see Mice and Bats getting some incidental support, and maybe Squirrels or Otters, but not much for those. Lizards, too, now that Viashinos are Lizards. The rest I don't think are gonna get much overt support.
Badgers no way (they didn't even get support here), Raccoons will probably get a few things, maybe with Marvel UB.
>Mfw a new version of my waifu
I posted this grixis demons (Be'Lakor) deck a while ago but updated it, thoughts on the current iteration? I've been looking at this too long and need some outside eyes. There are some things like some more flicker spells, great unclean one, Vilis Broker of Blood, and a few other options for demons that I could add but I don't know.

There were some rabbit cards leading up to this set. They probably just join elves, saprolings, soldiers, spirits, insects, plants, dryads and so on for when they need a WG token making card depending on flavor.
Most already do besides bunny mouse and badger. And I don't really see that changing, maybe bunnies which would be cool i like bunnies
Is this bait? Read the card again
Yeah, there were a few 'seeded' cards for Bloomburrow. Eldraine had some mice, I think there was a raccoon somewhere, and Elusive Otter, etc. They'll probably try and keep BLB in mind whenever they make a creature that's 'just a normal animal' flavourfully.
I'm pretty sure this bloomburrow guy only plays standard, oathbreaker, edh and limited so he has tremendous difficulty talking about the game.
It's an anti-goad card, not an incentive to goad yourself.
I genuinely can't think of any single character more likely to show up for the Death Race set. Maybe Samut, just running on foot, but who knows. I fully expect Tezzeret to be the Planeswalker for the set, because... It just kinda seems correct.
Anon is suggesting its a silly card to play if you're not goading yourself because 99% of the time it will be useless as goad isn't super popular.
Sure. It's a card you put into a deck when you know you're up against that asshole with a goad deck, I suppose.
Anon is a retard
Is naya group hug viable?
My pod has been amping up from chill casual and I got sick of it. I said lemme know if/when some low power games were on. They kept saying we were and then blew through their decks to drop fucking eldeazi titans against budget decks. Was I a dickhead for making a W/B stax deck to get them to cut that shit out?
behead those who play group hug
Not at all. Stax is the proper way to deal with that shit. You did nothing wrong. In fact, go harder. What stax pieces are you running?
Are magiccons fun? I'm thinking of going to the one in Las Vegas.
If "w/b stax" and eldrazi titans are viable, you might be in a low powered meta.
Is your idea of fun a bunch of overweight trannies?
I don't know since they only seem to do events in florida, vegas, and every random country in Europe.
That does sound funny to watch.
If he didn't want to play with overweight mentally ill people he wouldn't be playing magic
What are some good colorless utility lands?
Look at an Omo decklist since they run like 30 utility lands
I worry about the high cmc of your creatures. You should explore some more low toughness board wipes. Decree of Pain, Anger of the Gods etc. could really help you not get booted before your threating tribe comes online. I would skip flicker here personally if you don't go all in on the theme. Only your commander really cares about etbs so if he's not out they're really just occupying the same slot as a counterspell to protect your creatures. Put together a package of flicker spells and test with and without them.
They're all in on storm and free spells, so I went gentle. Rule of Law, trinisphere, Drana and Linvala as the CMDR, Hokori, painful quandary. The easy stuff. No full lockouts.
Good thoughts, thanks.
I run this in my hazezon list and there are quite a few good deserts that tap for colorless. There's also a cycle of deserts that tap for C or one of their colour for one life. If you're in blue there's a handful of colourless mana dorks and green has one as well
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On second thought, ignore nightscape familiar entirely. Your commander is the only thing that double dips with it lol.
Interesting, I didn't know that anything could double dip with it.
Would you like paying for a vegas vacation to play magic? Buying a badge to play edh or a different format? Buying a badge to buy entry to draft?
I have a couple of friends who play who are interested in going and we don't live too far away from Vegas. Also, I have family there so we can stay with them for free. Yes, I would essentially be paying to play edh in Vegas. Which does sound fun. Is anybody else going?
They actually ruled that stuff can't double dip a couple of years ago actually. Shame. I like all your 2 cost reducers better.
>wort is a legendary edhg meme.

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Well there you go, sounds like fun. Conventions can get pricy. I enjoy a random draft or two during gen con but they hilariously charge 12 bucks for an on demand commander pod that gives prize tickets to the winner.
Wort is bad but people keep building her
Hipster pick even though it's just a spell doubler with extra steps even though this general claims to hate "do thing twice" card design.
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>white can't draw cards
I'm definitely mentally ill, but I put all my points into charisma over a decade or so, and it's great fun interacting with weirdos at cons. I'll frequently invite random people out for drinks and a smoke between rounds or at the end of the day, and I've met a ton of interesting people. One of my favorite stories was from an eternal masters draft at a random store. I brought a 26 of rum in my backpack, and me and a couple of the regulars were having a few drinks and a smoke between rounds. One guy called over his buddy, a greasy emaciated horse faced edgelord we'll call Tim, and of course he wanted a drink and a smoke. And another. And another. Tim drank like 4 shots and smoked about a gram in the 15 minutes before we had to go back for the next round. The organizers were fucking around before posting the pairings and all of a sudden I hear this retching sound. Everyone turns and sees Tim chipmunk cheeked with vomit, eyes bulging out of his head, stumble to the trashcan at the front of the store and chuck his buckets. Eventually, after his friend helped him to the washroom and we played the round, Tim's parents had to be called to pick him up and take him home.
>Tim's Saga
You should make that into a golgari saga card.
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>when the opponent plays a turn 1 temple of the false god
I refuse to ever use this land. Utter fucking garbage
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I really don't want to run this card over Cloud Key because I feel it misrepresents my deck too much.
The main thing I want it for is the fact that it works on instants and sorceries unlike Cloud Key which only works on 1. Building charges every turn feels like massive overkill that makes my deck appear to have more of a threat in its back pocket than it actually does (by 2 charges 70% of my deck costs 1 mana and at 3 charges that's 90%)
What should I do?
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I stopped playing Temple of the False God a decade ago.
cloudkey is a way better card a way huger threat
Flash it in only when you're ready to utilize the cost reduction to it's fullest and/or as a red herring if it's getting removed on sight often. Aim to win before you need more than a charge. Or just stick with cloud key because it's cheaper and we know you're picking instants every time.
I love my land ramp and I've never been unhappy to see it.
Just treat it like a ramp piece, not a land. If you see it in your opening hand, it's ramp, not a land. And never keep a hand with less than 3 lands.
No it's not
>deliberately make your opponents stronger
>complain that you lose too much
Or a regular land and a karoo.
It's time for Rat Colony, but I'm stuck on the Commander. Vren, the Relentless seems good and gives me blue and actual rats, but Wick has a stronger and more consistent ability (though he doesn't create rats himself).

Wick or Vren?
Not sure how anyone thinks wick is stronger than vren desu
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In what possible way?
Neither. Rats are mono black if you aren't doing mono black rats you aren't a true rat enjoyed
Marrow gnawer or bust.
everyone who sees this is going to read
>Wick, the Whored Mind
What were they thinking?
My sides. That's exactly what I thought. Then I started thinking about juni ito spirals, before settling on what the fuck were they thinking with the flavour. What do rats and snails have in common?
Honestly wick seems fun, vren seems... Better.. but more of a threat. I think vren will get hated in a lot of pools while wick is a bizarre novelty. I would probably build wick
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Wick just sees the bigger picture
Who are you quoting?
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Dunno I think it's cute. A rat becomes obsessed with snails. There's also this card which has an inexplicable flavor text but hints that the snails are important to the rats somehow. I do wish we got another bloomburrow set but alas they don't do blocks anymore so this might just be a mystery for awhile
That... a rat makes a big snail to be feasted on when his rat friends come over? Is he french? Also what the fuck is going on with that salamander boy? What's the lore on him?
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>we want the dark souls audience
basically the conspiritards are right about literally everything
I love this guy but whenever I try to play him everyone just destroys Muldrak then beats me to death with my own salamanders, or they just beat me to death with their other creatures while using my salamanders as blockers so the only juicy target is me.
Wick gives me some guaranteed damage and card draw, and with a lot of potential single B cost RatCs, it'd be pretty easy to start flooding the board once I got UBR. Worse case scenario I'm stuck with a big chungus snail.

Vren relies on other creatures dying consistently to trigger, and he has a potentially huge pay off, but I feel like most turns he's just going to sit there doing nothing.

I play mostly kitchen table and a local normie nerd scene.
Vehicles aren't noob friendly. But yes, kykar vehicles is sick. Love my brew, even though it's essentially a neutered artifacts deck
You can run Vren in Wick but not the other way. Rat colony is boring though. This is a blink deck. Blink Burglar rats until no one has a hand and sac your snail when ready to kill. Blink Ichor rats a bunch and then finish everyone off.
What does this have to do with dark souls
Cuck Master
Legendary fat bastard
Creatures your opponents control are cucks, and lose all other creature types.

If a token creature with power or toughness 1 would enter the battlefield under your opponents control, instead a create a a 1/1 copy of this creature, except it isn’t legendary.
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>one (1) wolf in the animal focused set

Lack of new wolves is almost as disappointing as Voja being naya
Oh damn, never noticed that. Neat.

Is the mcguffin a snail shell? I know nothing about the lore for this set, but heard something something goreclaw steals something.
I HATE this. Please dont...

The fuck? Why would you get a copy of a token?
>Vren relies on other creatures dying consistently to trigger, and he has a potentially huge pay off, but I feel like most turns he's just going to sit there doing nothing.

I don't understand this attitude. You are the one who can make creatures die! Vrens deck can be removal heavy and the he provides you with tokens that grow exponentially.
He steals an egg from some elemental owl pissing off all the elemental predators or something.
Because it’s his offspring :)
So I read the flavor text from every card in the set, and outside of pithy one liners and weird call-to-action monologues I couldnt figure any of it out. I also found maybe the worst flavourtext ever. Worse than smash smash song. Worse than avacyn's collar.
Another snail reference
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is the new rabbits on proper token production level i feel like Leonin warleader is my standard
There are quite a few rabbit tokens. But one set of support really isn't enough
Once the set comes out i'm buying 15 copies of Fabled Passage, the price has already dropped so much
Not entirely true. Cost reducers templated separately add up. afaik the only ones are Grand Augustin and a planechase card, so they are very much exceptions. But nothing is stopping them from printing other cards that reduce as such.
Print him*
He's not legal in commander anon :^)
But he's also not banned. If printed, he would almost certainly not get banned.
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Had some decent pulls from my box.
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Lumra went into my bear deck. Built a jeskai deck with Baylen and Finneas and Mabel, working on a spellslinger deck with Alania and kitsa, and want to build a Vren rat deck.
>$1.50 fabled passage
It's a fun card but 5 mana just feels like a lot. What do you guys think? Worth it just because it's fun, or should I just run a board wipe or something useful like that?
Feels like I only get a lot of use out of this card when it's lategame enough that I can cast it alongside a bomb. It feels like a wasted turn if I'm just playing this by itself.
>was so starved for magic while I wait for next friday for the best magic set of all time to release I redownloaded arena
>built Phelia Exuberant Shepherd "Brawl" deck
God every time I think about Brawl just being a form of Commander with lower power levels I just get mad we never got any more budget and afforable 100 card decks like these
Imagine if MH3 had Brawl decks and you could just pick up Phelia and upgrade it to EDH standards. God that would be so much more fun than just piecing the deck together like it's a goddamn model kit. Why does Wizards HATE selling you ready to play product and put garbage precons on shelves? Where is the fun for new players gambling $150 on a play booster box for a 1/4th of a decent deck?
wotc writers devolved into pre pubescent teenage jokes long long ago anon.
Displacer slaps in my Rasputin deck
You're in green. It's not like this should normally be cast on turn 5 when you should already have ramp.
>I also found maybe the worst flavourtext ever.
Not even inn the top 100
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She seems fun. I'm thinking cheerios. I guess you could go artifact tokens but that's boring as fuck.
>avacyn's collar
that doesn't have flavor text anon
Well it's not exactly ramp. I'm running it more for the cascade. Deck has some cascade, exile, etc. synergies.
On the other hand, I usually have to attach it to a land (only 3 artifacts outside of treasure and food tokens) so it's only netting me one mana of ramp in most cases. I can play it early(ish) if I draw it early, but it's a fast deck and a BotI into nothing on turn 4 feels like a bad loss of momentum, especially if I have creatures in hand that need to hit the field.

It's a fun card to use but it sits around in my hand if I have anything better to play, which I usually do. Some extra spot removal would at least benefit from sitting in my hand until I need it.
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They're referring to this
This flavor text is great.
I bet you don't even like Rakdos.
How was your pre release
I went 3-1 with gruul raccoons and ended up pulling 2 lumras and the green and back seasons, and a borderless sword of fire and ice
Raccoons were actually really fucking fun to play
I haven't been to a pre-release since corona
Zero interest in the set.
This is the first time in 10 years that I've been tempted to attend a prerelease, but then I thought about recent events and decided that I'd rather see Hasbro die sooner rather than later, it will be better for everyone.
how is your current build going? either constructing a new deck or how is your main playing?
>how is your main playing?
My group has started targeting my main deck like I am the biggest threat to ever exist, which might kill me playing it anymore. It's not fun to have people hitting me for 20 on turn 3 when I have 3 lands and nothing on the board.
Might just try making it the least fun deck ever and overloading with the most obnoxious stax, since it would work with the deck and I want to punish everyone.
I never go to a pre release. I only play commander.
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Post em
What does this represent how much fast mana all your artifacts and other sources can pump out cards without lands? Or is this just the average curve of a card's cost?
>had space but they didn't make it a rat otter wizard
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Would you ?

Gerrard didn't
Post list?
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thoughts? seems kinda fun but idk if I can make it work it a high power pod
gerrard was gay then
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pretty much anon
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is it gay to like tomboys?
She's good. I just crammed rocks and shit like howling mine in her. She's surprisingly fast
you deserved it
Post legends with incompatible strategies. I'll start.
>flicker + counters
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>get friendzoned by your capachen childhood friend heartthrob
>agree to join his adventure voyage anyway
>turns out he shacked up with the capation of the ship
>with your acute feline senses you can't not overhear every time they go at it
>also the ship is alive
>comfort yourself this isn't the worst possible timeline, at least you're not a vampire
I'm thinking of including Mirrorpool, Vesuva, Thespian's Stage, and Petrified Field in mono-G as a land package to make token copies of a specific permanent. All my other lands would be Forests except for one Command Beacon.
How many other ways to make the one colourless needed for Mirrorpool do you think would be necessary for this to be realistic?
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>creature + noncreature
Depends, how many ways do you have of tutoring any of those particular lands? If it's less than 10, than try to add enough sources to create Colorless to make it so that, including tutors, you have 10 different ways of making that 1 colorless you need.
>Implying a deck with creatures wouldn't run noncreature spells, nor want to gain benefit from them.
>with lands
I keep seeing this posted. What site is this that thinks lands are at all relevant to avg cmc? Idiocy.
Moxfield, which most people use. Tappedout is for boomers too lazy to move from a site more out of date than MTGO. And architekt is hipster shit
That's my point. I was hoping that anon would discuss the difference between design tension and "incompatible strategies".
As if it matters at all what site someone decides to put their decklists on. Stop caring about such things.
it's been a while since Secret Lair put out a decent product, what the hell is going on? Last time I bought something was the mystery box with several booster packs and mana rocks.
Hmm yeah not many nonbasic tutors. I have other ways to make the token I want, so it might not be worth cutting more e.g. some of my Regrowth effects just to have these. Thanks
Anyone building or looking at Bello, got some lesser known enchantment/artifacts they think would work well in the deck?
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enjoy your opponents having little to no creatures to block with
>asks what others think about card
>"kinda usesless"
>"you are a retard"
this fucking board, eh?
this is incredible

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