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>Cute art style
>Entertaining and funny but can get gloomy and serious when needed
>Isekai slop but still pretty fun
>Shota-loli bait
>Thick thighs from everyone from the protagonist to the onee-sans

You can keep your Narugay or One Slop i have better kino here

Talk about Chainsaw Man without being fags about it
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Asa WON'T * die

He is the one that will kill her so...
Now just turn the bird into a pig.
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Two primals are down. Things are looking up for humanity
>Asa stumbled into a pig pen
>One of the pigs helps her up

Post funny Dragon Ball memes.
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Abra Ka Dabra. Yabba Dabba Doo! Watch this franchise TURN TO POO!
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If you're still wondering why the anime hasn't come back, it's because Shueisha doesn't need it to. The several Dragon Ball gachashit videotoys make far more money and are less expensive to produce than an anime.
HXH sisters….
Rukiashitters....not like this....
Winner POV

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Episode 2 released.
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Why are you retards watching this dogshit adaptation? No standards?
What about turning this into a manga discussion thread?
Apparently there are many people who have read this before
>talking about a 10+ year old manga
Unless you're a newfag, what is there to talk about?
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Nostalgia, and rereading an old serie most people should have forgotten the most of.
Sure, I guess, but there are better shows to garner my attention. To each their own.

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You're trying too hard to fit in
>5 threads in between months
Wow, you really showed him iPhone cuckold
>Japanese person from Japanese animation studio says Japanese 3D anime is anime
>Fuckwit shitstained basement dwelling american says it's actually not because uhh just trust me bro
probably the same guys who shared the same braincells that made Million Live anime
why didn't those niggas on bamco just use the mobile games asset and staffs to animate the show? call Harada or something
Fine as long as the animation itself is good.

Why are there no anime with pregnant girls?
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read more manga
>this same image was posted in a now-deleted off-topic thread on /v/
really gets the noggin joggin'
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>admitting to being a /v/ crossboarder
No, you just need to be less retarded
No u

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*throws holy water*
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Big time
role reversal and domination loss is so fucking hot bros
What an unfortunate lad.
Taki's "Ha?" Monitoring
Total: 31x
It's MyGo!!!!!:
Episode 1 00:01:56 00:21:36
Episode 2 00:08:38 00:17:43
Episode 3 00:18:18
Episode 4 00:07:46 00:07:56 00:10:11 00:11:04 00:12:08 00:12:34 00:15:47 00:17:11
Episode 5 00:03:48 00:03:58 00:07:33
Episode 6 00:14:55 00:20:53 00:21:27
Episode 7 00:07:11
Episode 8 00:00:05 00:16:12
Episode 9 00:11:04 00:14:50
Episode 10 00:10:22
Episode 11 00:07:51 00:18:25 00:19:18
Episode 12 00:17:17

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>start a new 'romance' show
>3 episodes in and it's already about getting cucked
why are 99% of romance like this?
there a lot of other things that could work for dramatic purposes it doesn't have to be jealousy and infidelity all the fucking time
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I imagine these insane reactions are because Zoomers are so comically sexless and lonely that they cannot handle anything that isn't complete bliss
I think there's a place for shows that don't have much drama (Tonikaku Kawaii, etc) but we're getting to the point now where you can't even imply that a character in the show besides the MC has any feelings for the leading girl in case it hurts these people's feelings?
I know /a/ despises normalfaggotry (rightfully) but I was always under the impression that a lot of anons had essentially accepted their lot in life and weren't too hung up on their own lack of experiences. It seems like the newer generation of /a/nons coming up are so extremely insecure about their lack of experience with women that they cannot even handle anime anymore. What exactly is going on here?
idk anon, it's already hard enough to pretend you're the only man in the world IRL and even harder for women. Disney's princess movies were panned over decades by certain women for being old school fairy tales, now some of those actually want to roleplay as prince charming, so maybe just accept it's your turn or nothing like 99% of simps /here/? Romance is in itself more heartbreaks and heaches no matter the era.
I can tell from the character designs alone that its dramacancer.
It's actually fairly drama-free up until the main couple get together. There is some drama lately, but it's the side couples experiencing it.

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Hooded Shanks design just got leaked
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Sanji? Made for Big Marimo Cock.
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Zoroko probably wouldn't pay Sanji much mind, I imagine. Sanji vs Zoro is almost always provoked by Sanji, and Sanji wouldn't be starting shit with a woman
Sanko on the other hand will probably be fully up to start shit with a man, and Zoro's protective instinct and misogyny would be a constant source of strife
I'd want to learn more about the North Blue's fallen empire.
>Zoroko probably wouldn't pay Sanji much mind, I imagine. Sanji vs Zoro is almost always provoked by Sanji, and Sanji wouldn't be starting shit with a woman
Thats wrong tho, like even recently

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Beheneko / S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu
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holy cow

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Brat time in a couple hours!
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It might be, I don't know. I said I'd never seen it before, but I have no idea what the dub logo looks like either.
> Team Rocket vs The Explorer
> Sango and Jessie start bantering and throwing tantrums.
> James and Onyx tries to hold them back while being sympathetic towards each other for dealing with troublesome girls on daily basis.
We will never see true Kino.
It's a fucking dick, of course any action is despicable.
Kinda shocked that the hat hasn't crippled anyone yet.
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Fairy Tail could be pure shonen kino if it had a proper editor/retard wrangler.
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I’d win
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You sure about that?
I'd win against Natsu's sacred rod
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I love anime figures !
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Sadly, it's not the classic Silver Armor, but as an Ys fan, you take what you get.
Alter Yunica when?
How's his face? Koto's faces have been pretty shit for their Kiseki line.
Constant image range bans buckbroke me.
This. Migus are mostly either in stock, up for a re-release, or available in the aftermarket for around new prices.
>tfw you bought one that had mooned to $60 but it gets a $20 re-release.

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I'm late, and only if you're doing boys, but I do still want to see him with Llorommanic
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Would either pic related or https://files.catbox.moe/llr4c6.gif do?
Requesting Sayuri Yukishiro, or Yukiyo if you want.

Wanna see her tucked in bed, wearing her gown https://files.catbox.moe/hsmkmi.png recovering from a fever by eating a large bowl of chicken noodle soup.

Thanks in advance!
Need waifu's warmth to keep this cold away
Office lady waifu giving a cold weather advisory report

So now that we're in chapter 31, what do we think of it? Yami's at her lowest once more and on the verge of quitting school again, but this is also the first time Yami and Hikari meet, which produce less than stellar results for their first impression of one another. Now I'm wondering what Yom will do to make them best friends before the end of the first year, since Hikari called Yami her best Friend in previous chapters.

Also, I know it's been mentioned, but Yami really likes self-destructing her life.
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Yami contacting him after a year? Maybe he realizes he fell in love with Hikari again?
Mexican TLs are always some combination of MTL and just making shit up.
Because Yuu is extremely generic and lacks any strong identifiable features other than a minor inferiority complex he basically already got over.
Lets say that Hikari talks about Taa-kun in front of her girlfriends, what about what she can say, would uniquely connect the two? That he goes to a different school than her? That he's nice? That he reads manga, casually? Yuu has no unique hobbies or talents or personality traits that you'd hear and go, "oh, this guy is that other guy too!".
Is this also why Yami never realized Hikari was Yuu's first love despite him talking about her so much? Because she is also generic, has no unique hobbies or personality traits?
No, she just didn’t want to see a happy romance when hers failed.

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