What's the optimal number of girls for an isekai harem?
>>275961994The blonde mage from his previous party.
>>275962036>dwarf warrior>elf wizard>halfling thief>human healslut4
>>275962029She wanted to get him to open his eyes by doing that, but they weren't giving him any room. It also didn't make much sense to put towels on everyone here for such a short time.
Slime girls are the best monstergirls and I don't understand why they are so low on the totempole. Who the fuck wants to see another dragon cloaka and why the fuck are goblin girls more popular than slimes?
>>275932904Demons die if they kill themselves.
>>275956924Is there any proof Himmel is actually a virgin?I thought he just never settled down.He was the worlds Hero after all.
>>275962116It's just hard to imagine him getting a wife after spending a decade getting blueballed by Frieren.
>>275956854can't stop the granny
Suppose the manga chapters which haven't been made into anime are divided into 4 parts:>1 random stories while traveling in northern plateau>2 time-travel block>3 golden land>4 imperial assassination plotFor me, 1 is quite weak;2 is surprisingly okay considering it's a time travel story (usually a dead giveaway authors are struggling to come up with ideas);3 unnecessarily long, Macht's personality and actions are inconsistent, and resolution is too quick and pulled out the ass (you can see the author writing himself in corner there)4 actually the strongest of these so farHow would you rate them?
Snek thread?Snek thread.
>>275853612Did you work on inferno cop?
>>275899042I see her plastered in my cum then putting her eye patch back on.
>>275957807lol you're so mad
Re Zero season 3 is pretty great. We finally get to see Reinhard in action again.
>>275954026I'm gonna reread arc 6 just for Ram
>>275960707Where is this meme from, I hate it as much as I hate "she wanted to order" one.
>>275961884Squid Game. Seems to have taken off in Japan as a weird template.
>>275953931>bad in a evil way not in the sexy waywhat's the difference?
What's the connection between golf and the sea? Why are they wearing Umi? Golf isn't played im the sea.
Protect the HAM
Haruka is so hot
why they ditched the ribbon, I loved it
guys, this anime is top funI think it's gonna be my aots
Chapter 25: Hero? (First Half)Purchase links:https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/dp/B0C4927WP3https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/person_name/%E3%81%98%E3%82%83%E3%81%8Chttps://comic-fuz.com/manga/3149https://comic-fuz.com/yell/1046https://x.com/jaga__rico_ot
I'm gonna learn to draw if it kills me
I believe in Fumi's ultimate victory. He has to win because he's literally me, and if he can be saved that means there's hope for me too. If he can't...He has to win.
>>275961783Good job anon, keep improving
>>275961783>I'm gonna learn to draw if it kills me>ayanoposterGod speed, you magnificent bastard.
>>275955746Now this is a great page.>>275956479But "where" will he "arrive"?>>275956799Thank you for the translation anon.
New Chapter dropped earlier today
>>275959666Anon it's only been like 7 weeks since we started
>>275938550This absolutely slew me and I don't know why
Any new desmos art?
>>275939141I need the volume extras
>>275938550>>275938619Ninja has been thoroughly trained which I guess shouldn't be too much of a surprise unless she was still planning to betray him
Kyon-kun, when the phone rings.
Shinji, his hand sticky
>>275954868Kaiji, with tears
You just know Kyon raped her in at least one loop
>>275946037Anon, trying to remember his nametfw there will never be another ride so wild
Disaster has arrived
>>275960666Mid 80's her rise as an independent force got interrupted by the True Demon Lord shortly after the Wurm wiped out a bunch of her autonomous "cities". The continent had a population in the billions before the TDL shitshow so the insane warlords from beforehand were all kind of forgotten or assumed dead.
>>275960844how old was nagan then to make an entire city and univercity around her giant golem?
I miss the S1 ed, I need my dose of NEMUREEEEE
>>275961774I like guitar and visuals more on this one
Stupid ass annoying mech can probably be killed permanently by invisible angel faggot
Last thread: >>275939904
>>275945402What /r9k/ wishes it could do.
>>275945572Needs an edit.
>>275962098one of the later Yukako chapters should have a good page to use
Kira when ?
>MyGO will help Mujica!They made everything worse, and it has turned into a full-blown confrontation.
>>275962042The cutest.
>>275962066She doesn't like Anon
Fated to be together
>tfw still halfway into the abyss
Chapter 38
>>275949203what isn't
>>275944446that boy needs something more potent
>>275961608>Poison that only makes you temporarily crazypseudo
>>275961608My beloved, she might survive at least 2 more years yet.
>we're gonna have a fight where Jack launches into a spiel about how teeth are the ultimate weapon and Itagaki interrupts him for a 4 chapter narration about the standing man
>february >still no df5 newsare we doomed? or is there still hope for any announcement in this quarter?
>club penguin
>club penGODS
what will the gacha have for this valentines day?
>>275962184Cute guppies
Chunin Exams Chapter 52: The Principles of Use!!Previous Chapters:>>275810523 chapter 50-51>>275742116 chapter 48-49>>275705014 chapter 47Start: https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/a.desu.meta/subject/Daily%20Naruto%20Chapter/filter/text/page/2/Believe it!Thanks for joining and reading.
>>275942114>have two specialist that can disable you from a distance>go out into the opendamn are they fucking retarded
>>275962038Good point but I'm still not sure how they handle the situation. I think Sakura is about 1 second away from getting blown to bits so Shikmaru would need to cast his jutsu on zaku, but then that leaves solo-king Dosu able to attack unless Ino cast manages to hit Dosu with her jutsu.I think trapping Zaku first and then Choji running him over might work but at the same time they had no time to even form a plan
>>275942114What was their plan if Zaku just fired here
A creative bankrupt series with ass designs
>>275961896>It's funny how I hate typing essaysare you 12? fuck
>>275962154He'll be much whiter in the Super adaptation. Like Robin tier white.
>>275962154thats not kid and teen uub its uub and majuub
>>275962177That's Base Uub on the right.
>>275962168I'm doing my college assignments anon