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Chapter 1473
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If you dont watch the OVAs start from 270. I do recommend the OVAs but if you are watching from Netflix I'm not sure if they are available. If you decide to watch the following anime seasons I'd still recommend reading the manga from where the first series ended since they arent nearly as good and leave out a plenty of stuff
Its not fair...
Yeah, morikawa is totally doing a meta commentary on real life boxing everytime he talks about it in the manga, this series is definitely meant to be a nonfictional depiction of boxing as it is now
But Mashiba vs Sawamura was way better since Mashiba basically killed him.
Also because unlike Ippo who has a neck and skull made of stainless steel, the other characters are more fragile. That's why the Miyata comeback fight in Thailand was so nail-biting to me when I first read it.
Steroids aren't useful in the lower weight ranks, where almost all Japanese boxers fight.

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Weekly Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (October 7th - October 13th)
1. Jujutsu Kaisen #28
5. Kagurabachi #4
6. Blue Box #17
29. Mission: Yozakura Family #26
42. Undead Unluck #23 (11,520 / 23,792)
45. Astro Royale #2 (10,725 / 21,895)
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>Merchant slave traders
Checks out, Hakuri (((Sazanami))) will be Chihiro's Judas
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>Jannie keeps deleting TARDyuki
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Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

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Is being positive about isekai life a good thing?
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No misery porn. Just getting good and actually exploring the world. Have parts of build crafting and discussion you get from online forums between people in the summoned group. You know, actual theorycrafting where people talk and shitpost at each other over builds.
>Inu to Yuusha wa Kazaranai
trash or worth reading?
depends on the slimes form going in and out
If the slime was formless and had no push, she's a virgin. If the slime had a large "core"/pushed open her womb in anyway, she is not
>I-It doesn't count
Yes, it does.
It has to be specific. Otherwise every time someone eats something it's oral sex.

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Granny soon
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I know who you’re talking about I’m not him. I enjoyed the series for 50 chapters or so but it’s very formulaic and the formula is not good enough to stay interesting. The new characters who get added rarely amount to much more than repeating their same cringe gag. Also he is correct about the cuck stuff. The context makes it worse.
Yeah and it was good setup to emphasize that the kur aren't from the milky way so they don't know how earth magic fuckery and st germain leading them into the buzzsaw
If you agree with the turbo autist, unfortunately that outs you as one too
Do you know you have autism?
Broken clock. Sorry your manga sucks
you guys overhype the "cuckshit" to hell, the only ones who had any impact on the plot/main couple were aira and Jiji, and even those two are toothless rivals

Chapter 2 of our favorite black edgelord hedgehog dropped. Dumping
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Shadow the Hedgehog 2 is all but confirmed now
on one hand, good to know shadow doesnt fully trust the obvious black creature.

on the other, theres so obviously no reason to even listen to anything the obvious black creature says, because of course those orbs of power arent gonna help him revive maria.
A human man will fuck this and continue Shadow's legacy of human/hedgehog hybrids.
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not a human man...
Our hero...

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We all get old and we can hack it anymore.
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You'll probably be disappointed.
Depends on what you're expecting.
The series focuses more on the court drama and atmosphere than on the epic battles.
The movie is a rock concert with a funny dog.
The story followed biwa at the beginning and then she gradually falls by the wayside as the series progresses. On top of that, the climax in the final episode where everyone turns to face the camera and say the same line (which I can't even remember) fell utterly flat. Heike really needed to stick the landing to wrap the story up in a satisfying way, and at that it failed pretty spectacularly. What >>272134638 said might be true, or maybe it was just a random misfire. Either way, heike was watchable but ultimately forgettable.

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Will Goku keep his EoZ psychopathic tendencies?
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Pan doing this to me with a strap on
The only thing growing here is this FUCKING COCK, KAMI DAMN I AM SO FUCKING HARD
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could someone get an AI of Goku saying this? Thanks.
>All right, come out dragon, and grant me my wish!
>Too cool! Okay Shen long, this is gonna be a complicated one so listen up alright? First I want you to make Pan’s womb productive, you know, my grand daughter? Make her fertile. She’s only five, but I need you to make her baby maker fully mature okay?
>You did it??! Awwww man! Here we go then! I bet you’re wondering what that wish was all about huh? Well you’re gonna find out soon! For my second wish, I want you to teleport some of Bejitas sperm inside her! Ya know, the juice that’s in your balls, ehehhehehe? Get some of that in my little toddler grand daughters tiny little womb! Oh jeez this is so funny!
>Now the big finale! Almighty Dragon, for my last wish I want you to implant a memory in Pan’s head of Bejita doing naughty things to her! Awww come on Dragon you know what I mean! He’s babysitting her right now, so put in a memory of him you know… doing that thing chichi makes me do when she wants another baby! Ehehhehehehe! Awww man this is too much! Bejitas gonna be furious!
>Yep, those are my wishes, you can go away now Shen Long!
>No way they can abort it either, not a baby made of bejitas blood mixed with mine! Her belly is gonna get soooo big and Gohan and Videl are gonna be so confused! Just wait until the doctor tells them their little baby is pregnant at five! Oh man!
>And then when it’s born, it’s gonna have a suspiciously receded widows peak- and they’re gonna remember vegeta babysitting pan 9 months ago- and then little Pan’s gonna tell em that jeets put his peepee inside her!
>Bulma is gonna be furious! Oh man, this is great! This is the funniest thing i’ve ever done! I wonder how I can…
>Oh! I’ve got it! In a year, i’ll wish to wipe away my memory of doing this! That way even i’ll get fooled, and the truth can never come out! Awww man this is great! An excuse to fight Bejita at full power, to the death, all out! This ain’t gonna be our usual sparring!
>Andrew Cuck
Did not peruse.

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Recap from the last thread:
Ch. 6, part 1 of Nagatoro Kaidan was posted, go give it a read
pic related, senpai bags best girl
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Hey long time no see, Exercise Anon. How's being a new dad?
None for today. Decided to take a break for today. Did the usual calisthenics, hojo undo, shotokan karate drills yesterday. Found out my injury to the ribs (from a sparring match with a senpai) still hurt like fuck, so I had to endure it throughout. My performance is diminished specially in my strikes. Good thing I'm not going to the dojo this weekend since it's gonna be sparring day. Wouldn't want to be injured more when I can't even fight back properly.
Chopped up grilled squid served in 2 ways: in vinegar, raw onions, and ginger, and one with raw onions, bell peppers but a mayonnaise and onions sauce-based savory sauce.
>Naga GF
A few months after the manga ended I went with a friend to a party. Ended up getting so drunk that I hit on a girl there who owns a liquor company providing the drinks.....in front of her husband (or brother, I can't tell). Found out about it the next day. Then a week ago, I got drunk again with the same friend in a bar and I hit on the waitress. I really shouldn't be drinking.
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I try to exagerate with carbs
My job
>Naga GF
I gave up on waiting the return of the social-life in my life and tried with the fuckin love meeting apps like tinder. Spent 70 bucks and... Holy shit! Nothing happened again, most of the girls I spoke with were there essentially for just chatting and receiving life to feel realized. You can kek at me now for wasting 70 bucks like this
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Yuri girls that NEED to be corrected by dick.
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this artist understands the appeal
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>being this mad
hi friend
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Strawberry Panic is shoujoish yuri and Tamao is the nice girl. She never had a chance against Stacy Shizuma
>Sure is interesting how "all" of the "anti yuri posters" will never reply to any crack shipping yuri posts. Almost like they are all by sane* people*
FTFY. We dont react to crack yuri ships because we dont feel threatened by them and are completely content with letting people ship what they want. You wouldnt understand this since youve made your entire identity about liking gook cartoon lesbians, so when people talk about dicking them, you get triggered like a blue haired twittertard and have a meltdown schizo attack over it

Is your bote ready for Halloween?
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It's still summer. Somewhere.
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Spooky Shimakaze.
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I hope you stocked up on candy to give out. You wouldn't want to be tricked, would you?

I enjoy this manga and suspect chapter 13 TL is nigh.
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Yeah, I've been F5ing waiting for it but I was AFK when someone started the thread.
Let me give you a suggestion: next time you want to dump something, and there's already a thread with more than 300 posts, just make a new thread for your dump.
You don't even have to wait for the old one to die. This isn't /vg/.
You started your dump at post #400 (FOUR HUNDRED), and the thread died only three and a half hours after it, before Europe even woke up and got a chance to see it.
idk why I think about this manga all the time
it's becoming the most anticipated thread for me
Yeah agreed, I should have. Didn't even think about it at the time since I was underestimating just how fast the threads move and was still a little too caught up in the content of what I just read.
We still need proofreading though.

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Teekyuu is probably my favorite anime of all time
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When I last watched Teekyuu there was only 3 seasons, have I missed anything particularly interesting? I know brown-haired girl has a spinoff now, I think.
It was kinda funny. There's better random silly anime out there.
Name 365.
I can only think of 364. I think you set an unrealistically high bar and now i'm sad.

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Will titty anime/ecchi ever have a renaissance and reach the heights of the early 2010s ever again? Feels like we were so spoiled back then.
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Nipple fucking, yes or no?
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No, hate it.
If the girl is a giantess, yes.
Yes, love it.

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>that time of the year when it's too cold to fish
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What's happening to her?
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>you will never own a bit of NUTsumi's skin cancer
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absolutely brutal
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I've been fishing a lot this october.

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Mayu is watching you confess to your crush
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It's fine sometimes or even most of the time, but it shouldn't be mandatory
Thank you Inukai Komugi for finally saving my wife Manatsu from being the worst main character in the series
You could have made it you lazy bastard.
Sorry I was gooning to Mayu.
I love Shut but no, he's for Miss Shamour.

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