Sanjichads wonScopperchads wonUltibros wonZorofags lostShikifags lost
It's amazing how Carrot feels more like a strawhat than Robin does.
>>275930778Reserved for Nika.
>>275930860Nika is for Bonney
>>275930856You wish
>>275930820Perhaps they were all too busy? I would have liked to have checked in periodically throughout the day but sometimes things just don't go your way.
What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.There's really no end to the flavors of trouble that comes with girls, but to what manner can men keep comprehending on a short renewing cycle?>Each of this manga's chapter features a new girl. The first chapter starts out with Ichikawa, who mysteriously has a shounen manga show up on her torso each week, a malady she shares with her male classmate, manga-fan Aoi. The second girl, Kawamura, notices that a boy in her class is suddenly being duplicated!girl. 25 >>275891377
>>275923381Every time the TL means 'tranquility' they say 'tranquil'
>>275923414>keep coming and I'll keep rejecting you Not very romantic
>>275923501Thanks OPGood morning
>>275926002she is clearly not made of gelatin
Will SLEEPYgeta finally get 8 uninterrupted hours of REM sleep?
>>275930528love this pasta
>>275928174Poor J, is there any hero that can save him?
>>275928843Can't judge, I grew up with the original so anything else looses hard. The nostalgia is massive with that ost.
>>275930766Toriyama was right. Comical adventure short stories and vignettes > multi year punch and beam fests.
>>275930799The CHADnolah arc is the most beloved part of CHADper and it's nothing but a year-long uninterrupted punch and beam fest with GODLY new transformations, and everyone would have loved for it to get an anime instead of FLOPpa
New raw chapter out, dumping it now.
>>275908101I love all the new Clara art
>>275924237There are also men in the harem
>>275927674>Flaming homo doesn't like Iruma learning heterosexuality
>>275917626Its to control men through seduction, make them belive your a hot girl.
>>275925743>corset that shows off her curvaceous figuresex sex sex
Favorite Theme? Subs or Dubs? Tenchi Muyo thread.
>>275929358>OVA 1 (six episodes)>OVA 2 (six episodes)Yeah, okay, this explains my confusion. I'm used to OVA X being the episode , not group of episodes. So when I heard "six OVAs" I thought it was six episodes, not 23 or whatever.
>>275930651Washu wanting to "shake the dew off the lily" will always make me have a soft spot for the dub.
>>275925583All these years later and countless anime watched....and still nothing tops Ryoko in a black dress with her hair tied up.This is literally the only thing I remember about Tenchi in Tokyo.
>>275928670>washu.orgwow no way this is still up
They should have give Anon's screentime to the other Mujica members like Uika, Nyamu and Umiri. Only MyGo that should have screentime are Tomori and Soyo, Taki during the Umiri Arc.
Tomoricky will reign true
>>275930323Anon is straight garbage>force herself and Tomori inside Saki's limo>they enter her mansion>gets kicked outThanks for nothing, Anon
Need my couples to fight.
>Sakiko will tell Taki that she leaves Tomori in her careExpect more gay panics before Ave Mujica ends.
Asuka has way too much ass. This is why white men prefer Rei.
>>275930678Asuka's ass is perfect the way it is!
It's THIS thread again. I thought you were dead, a shame.
Have you picked up any new romcom recently?
>>275930647I literally started this by calling out unoriginal shonenslop.>GravityNot a freaking trope, you autistic. You think people wearing clothes or drinking water is also a trope?>Rapey love interest isn't common in shoujo LolLmao even You're straight up delusional.
>>275930702>I literally started this by calling out unoriginal shonenslop.No, you started by “name a worse romcom setup”, you at no point talked about orginality, or about “shounen”. You talked about the quality of the setup.>Rapey love interest isn't common in shoujoI said /more/ common. Don't misquote me.You just don't care about it apparently outside of it.
>>275930643Mass quantities of edible food that may not be good for you and kind of run together. Often delicious if it hits the spot. There is nothing wrong with it, I mean who here is actually a patrician and only enjoys anime/manga for those with tastes as elite as their own?
>>275930566Same here
>>275930744And why else did I challenge anyone to name a worse setup than point out how this was the bog standard Shonenslop? And if you actually think rapey love interest isn't more common in shoujo, I don't think there is anything there to be said to just how fucking delusional you are.
She got her win stolen from her by a retarded bitch.
>>275930051THIS THIS THIS. All she did was look sad while being pretty and won. No working on herself. No working on her relationships. No self reflection and searching. She didn't even like Hachiman and just latched to the first guy she was mildly attracted to. Hachiman isn't even dedicated to Yukino and freely dates other girls while have a "girlfriend" so it's gonna fall apart anyways.
>>275928276It is.For a wacky harem-ish romcom about a delinquent with a handpuppet sized girl fused to his right hand, that page goes pretty hard.
>>275900233>>275911417Fucking japs and their obsession with European appearance. The only thing that consoles me is that anime MCs are mostly hardly retarded.
>>275924868Seriously I don't get why he is always this angry and mad like this. His girl fucking WON, yet he still cannot be happy over this for some reason.
Lucky is back for revenge
>>275930758What happened with CSM? the anime was clearly well done
>>275930822Really, newfag?
>>275930758>early stages of pre-production for KGBNo chance, they've definitely been working on it since like May at least, maybe June
>>275930846That's still early and CSM's anime cames out in 2022 so they should have seen the backlash.
>>275930859No I 100% think that's why they haven't done any voiced stuff past the vomics, I'm just saying they've definitely had it for a bit
Yhwachbros... not like this, not like this...
>>275867037>>275869305Very canon! Legit dialogue!
>>275927763In your headcanon, maybe.
I want to be her
burn everyone in this thread
Force-feminize everyone in this thread
Kiss everyone in this thread
>>275896296Don't forget being molested on trains or followed home
I don't want to be Taiga, but I'd totally stuff any anon who'd become here.
>>275926445>>275930005Americans won't shut the fuck up about this
>>275930810It's new to them, just leave them be. They'll get used to it.
>>275930077It's from CBP, not a new order. Second page, second paragraph:>...CBP hasdetermined that, in accordance with 19CFR 145.12(a)(1), it is necessary torequire formal entry for all mailshipments from China. Without regardto their value, no mail shipments fromChina will be cleared or released by CBPunless and until formal entry is properlyfiled.Formal entry info: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>275926501I think she's very cute.
Pocket Monsters: Spinel Rising
>>275870613Total domination?
>>275929721A lot.
>>275930252Oh god...
>>275859811>the main factors being whatever Spinel is planning with the Rakurium/Terapagos and whether or not Zygarde gets a new feature or gimmick from ZA.I am sure that a feature from ZA makes a sneak peek appearance but to what extent is another matter.
>>275929687>>275930252Someone needs to tell Nanjamo that desperation isn't sexy.
Kazuma is probably the first Asian guy Megumin has ever met. He’s probably only seen a couple white people in his life too, mostly online. Surprised this is never a factor in the story.
>>275928691weird to think i jerk it to cats. im much more depraved than i thought i was.
>>275928339Aqua is asian?
>>275928308Japanese are white. That's why they fit in so easily in isekai and look just like French and Russian people and nothing like Koreans. Ancient Chinese were also white but current ones aren't. At least this is what you would conclude based on anime
>>275928838Terrible bait