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Chapter 9: >>271135466
Chapter 10
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What's with the head judges in these competitions? Focus on your job, dammit!
Thx mate.
We made it to THREE chapters!
We're unstoppable!

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yellow with 4 cartridges now, which makes way more sense than 5, seems it was a mistake
>inb4 Yumeko dies for D's sake
Pls Negi dont give angeltards that victory
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>nothing setup arc gets an intentionally unsatisfying ending, both in-universe and in-manga, with the last panel saying "get fucked' and a break week announcement
Yumeko talking with Chidori about them being the adults that have to also give way for the rest of our cast and the trio at the end of this arc being D, Hibiki and Hisui does not bode well for Yumeko's survival

Did she really fuck Kaiki?
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If you've got a best fren for that long, you are indeed lucky. Women are dumb and short sighted for that bullshit with the wedding smdh
I like short hair Nadeko and I don't care who knows.
I hated it when I saw it but it won me over.

Can't wait to see 18 year old Nadeko
It was intentional by the show runners. They definitely animate her different before and after she finally ditches the neet tracksuit, too, it's not just that the character is in a more flattering outfit. How attractive she looks to the viewer is meant to mirror how the character feels about herself. Pottery, etc.
What's with the association between NEETs and tracksuits? It crops up a fair amount

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Ep 12 out now!
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Good riddance
>1k floor dungeon
>on top of all the other shit
The devs may be unable to program a Hello World but man do they have balls of nintendium.
>1000 floor dungeon
>VR game
>buggy mess that can lock people in, ruled by a capricous AI 'goddess'
guess that confirms it's a parody of The World R2, specifically
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>procedurally generated side quests that are one and done and other players can fuck you over on them

Chapter 72:Masaru and Working
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Thanks as always anon.
Never had one.
burger flipper
shit sucked and the manager was mean to everyone and then was baffled when I quit after three months
Masaru always pops up when you least expect it
>then was baffled when I quit after three months
Did you tell him?

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Ok i'm late to the party but just started this and I have two questions
Why is this show the first work of the seiyus? They dont sound like rookies
Is the MC always that insufferable? she is a selfish cunt
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>search "alternative start" on NV nexus
>6 results
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I was hoping for something like roleplayers alternative start for TTW so I could start from a list of locations in Mojave and CW and maybe choose a background and get a set of gear related to it.

I guess I'll be the courier Benny shot........again............................
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What the sigma, I found it searching "alt" instead, let's go.
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theyre fine

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Previous Thread:
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we /m/ nao?
always has been
He's seen some shit
his name is niggerman

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>me when no onimai thread
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And a very cute one.
If you wouldn't wear a cute maid outfit you aren't secure in your masculinity.
>This chapter
Jesus Nekotoufu. I guess the Fanbox censoring didn't phase him at all.
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new anthology chapter coming from namori, looks like de-aging this time

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fug, i just remembered i'm 1 volume into yuru camp in nip, i guess that's what i'm reading this weekend
Have fun, anon.
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ITT; characters people hate for no good reason at all.
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Bleach and burn the witch?
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from a narrative prespective it makes more sense for the second panel of her looking and pondering weather or not she should delegate the pic, to be about her actually deleting it. it's also indicated by other stuff such as her thoughts and how she chose to put money into the wedding
Nope. You would have a point if we didn't saw her trying to delete the picture before. From a narrative perspective makes sense if she doesn't delete the image too. She spent 8 years whoring herself out and 8 years holding onto that same picture.
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>accidentally sends EVERYTHING to Deku instead
Also, something I just noticed.
The moment she comes back to Japan she has sex with a dude with white hair, and just so happens the only japanese dude we see having white hair is this guy >>271247177

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PSA: Digital for this is actually the 24th, just 7S doesn't say it. I had to discover it on the actual storefronts.
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Season 3 when? God I hope its good.
Roxy is stinky and hairy at this time. The doujins do a better job illustrating her than the manga.
i see. I really should find a way to buy it myself.

Will we get more Haruhi anime in two days?
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>Why is Kyon such a tsundere about Koizumi's smile?
he needs the cock
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Nothing ever happens, there will not be a new Haruhi.
Hmmm... anon... he's 100% heterosexual, and hates Koizumi.

>"This was all fueled by my love. Do you understand, Kyon? I'm so troubled deep inside. After looking for your home number in the junior high school book, do you know how long I hesitated before calling you? Even now, my body is still trembling. This is love, it's the amazing power of love that has compelled me to call you. I hope you understand."
>"But, Nakagawa..."
>I licked my lips. A cold sweat trickled down my forehead. Oh god, I should never have answered the phone...
>"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can accept your love... All I can say is I'm sorry. I really am, I just can't promise you anything,"
>I guess you could say a cold shiver just went down my spine. Now let me set the record straight, I am an absolutely normal heterosexual male. My preference for "the same team" weighs less than that of a humming bird, in other words, it's non-existent. Whether subconsciously or unconsciously, my preference has been "straight". See? Aren't I right? My body would go hot just thinking about Asahina-san. If Koizumi had called me saying such stuff, I would've hung up already. By the way, I'm not bisexual either. Do I make myself clear?

He would have hung up if Koizumi called him and began to talk about love, that's how much he hates him.
if koizumi pinned him down he wouldn't say no either, haruhi is probably a fujo and would bend the universe to make sure koizumi and kyon had sweaty sex
>everyone forgets about the Satelight anime
That's just an spin-off. I would not mind more seasons of it, to be honest.

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茶時 Eat Em All 2009
I am guitar girl
410,757,864,530 AZUNYAN HUGS
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Post it
I cant read sheet music but why not anon?
>Mugi wearing a one-piece
This is a crime. Mugi should only wear bikinis when sunbathing.
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alright here you go. i took some liberties with the ending as you can see/hear
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uhhh fuck wrong harmonics better version here
anyways good night anons
Gn musicbro
Dream of keions

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Did you know that Rimuru's voice actress was a guest at AFA Singapore 2023?
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Sex with this Dryad.
The dryads serve the spirit queen, aka Ramiris hence their obsession with her. The labyrinth is technically Ramiris' territory which is why they want to go live there and help her
They all literally become retarded when it comes to her, that becomes a recurring gag so prepare for Treni to be useless now
They don't protect the forest either, they just protect where the Treants live, and the things working in the labyrinth aren't actually them but some spiritual projection since their true bodies are trees. It's how Treni can straight up teleport everything
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So you can't molest these things? Kinda lame if you ask me.
You have to rizz them first. They're too strong to rape like the speedy guy tried to.
I like her voice. I wonder who's the VA.

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1 week left before it all ends. Time to buckle up and enjoy whatever madness Yoko Taro decides to serve up for the finale.
Emil movie when
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I don't know if I'm ready for that much suffering.

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