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Chapter 2 of Yellow Tanabe's newest manga
Last chapter: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/270891406
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Thanks for the dump. I really like it so far. Tanabe was always good with world building and writing characters.
The prince's amnesia is portrayed so inconsistently I'm not sure why Tanabe even bothered with it.
Well, I like it.
Better than most I read, anyway.
Thanks, I'm surprised this is weekly, with 40+ pages and good art.
Short-ish haired redhead in vaguely chinese clothes is a somewhat established idea

When did you stopped justifying Miura's rape fetish
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Sounds right to me, you don't really get to pick what gives you pleasure.
The hardest part to believe is that Muria was invited to someone's house for dinner
The fourth paragraph is not Miura talking, that's the female author of the article. The only thing Miura said is that "'Even without considering the God Hand, I thought Casca would feel that way if the
perpetrator were Griffith." Which makes sense. Casca obviously does orgasm during the scene. But what's wrong with that? Is it wrong to acknowledge Casca had conflicting feelings? Does it justify what Griffith did? No.
it's just guts self inserters STILL mad that their guy got cucked and raped (+ they're all ESL)

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Starting Today We’re Childhood Friends by Obiya Midori (Kyou Kara Hajimeru Osananajimi; 今日から始める幼なじみ)

Previous thread >>270113217

It's that time.
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They're evolving!
This girl is going to make Kouhei go insane before highschool.
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Bon Jovi on a Mai chapter? We're really blessed today,

This is a bit confusing. You mean it's a sequel to chapter 101?
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Kirima SHARO is the protagonist of Gochiusa.
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I’m gonna meg in a little while
make it good
how old one needs to be to appreciate this series?
At least 25, better 30.
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Zoe look so motherly there...
What else did he see, I wonder?
He must have been one of the most knowledgeable people in the cast.
Everyone is growing.
So the last time we saw Guillaume was when he was seeing the group off and after he took in the mirror ramus's daughter. The end of this chapter's obviously setting Coura up, but it seems like only the popes would be capable to turning rami into objects.

Some say he is a chad while others say he's a retarded simp
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Subaru is dumb because he could have this but wastes his time trying to get with an actual retard and a vegetable instead.
This, if he went for the loli harem instead, he'd unironically be a chad
He makes the basement dwelling oni feel uncomfortable, his cringe is their cringe. Johnny Re Zero here is quite the power fantasy, since most rather love holding onto the delusion that they themselves can change.
Did you guys know that Re:Zero has so many haxs that some characters could beat Goku
Just hold shift dude

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Would you let your isekai wife command an intercontinental ship full of pent-up male sailors?
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It's just waifu Pokemon.
>Yeah I know, my Level 100 Snorlax just beat the shit out of that guy. I'm the best.
don't think about it so hard.
>nooo why don't you like my slop for having lazy character designs
Outfits should be aesthetically consistent with their purpose.
Assassins or mages can wear skimpy clothes just fine.
>they're lazy because i said so
>no argument but arbitrarily i agree with you in some cases
I accept your concession.
>a cat sleeping on you can give you nightmares
Sounds bullshit to me, passing out on a couch and waking up to cats on your lap is never dissatisfying.
stomach/chest not lap

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Canonically, she spent most of her life in a tube in the basement of Yuuko's store, forever unable to touch Syaoran and her son was replaced by a skinwalking clone of Clow Reed.
Stop smoking crack.
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Li is a literal twink

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Chapter is out. Hope you're ready for a laugh anons.
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Does Brandish shave?
I miss FT "slice of life" moments.
>when it comes to sweets like strawberry shortcake.
Would she make them big?
There’s gotta be more female dragons than Irene and Selene.
There are/were more we just don't know of them. Ignia's mother for one.

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Akari is the cutest and nicest girl on the whole world.
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I laughed

More like Rise needs to speak up
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I'm very happy to see the purity thread absolutely btfo the last abhorrent thread.
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Good morning. I love Chinachu

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Now for our continued twin shenanigans
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imagine if the last chapter is the scene from the flashforward with the daughter again, but then it zooms out and there's 4 more kids running around with all 5 moms
Big family in the future
Polygamy fags, leave. We're a monogamy series.
Riho will avenge Nino and Fumino.
The family will avenge the failed polygamists.

One Page Thread
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Just ask your local loli to bite you to find out
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But what about wood
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Previous chapter: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/270883015
Anime teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6unnNHEWuCQ

>Home 130: Just going home.

>Blurb: Boyfriend and girlfriend on their way back.



>I know this is my dating trial...
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Miwa doesn't look fat enough
>Miwa doesn't look fat enough
A shame.
I got the impression that Miwa was the author's favorite.
Thank you for posting and translating.

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bocchi the rock
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Japan is more or less America.
Well yeah she has about as much charisma as a wet rag and is only pitiable. I fail to even see her as hot anymore. Kita's the one who has my heart around her pinky, because she is beautiful and has an amazing personality
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Take this!!
It's still getting translated, just not in English

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Third cour is almost here and we know lots of content has been added. Any chance we will see more of these kids at the end of cour 4?
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he beaten a captain-level Shinigami in SS arc
he was already on Ichigo's level
How strong was Ichigo anyways when he beat Ulqui?
Nobody knows because their fight happened in a vacuum
Hell arc will be cour 4.

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