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Chapter 576 - The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Last Thread (572-575): >>268987184
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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A classic
was hoping for someone to post this
The guy on the left is extremely annoying
Thank you OP.
for having a seemingly strong fruit Kizaru hasn't seemed to accomplish much this arc

Come witness a story of courage and trust. A tale of honor among men and the strength of their bonds. A saga that depicts the inner strength and wisdom of the tenacious underdog. A righteous message to stay strong against adversity and to never ever give up on your ideals. A manga where all of Japan's virgins start dying suddenly.

Chapter 13: BLUFF
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>Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone is super hairy down there?
As long as it's well kept
>Have you ever booked a hotel room?
Only for normal occasions. I would love to book a room at a love hotel someday. Try to look some of them up, you have some of the craziest love hotels out there. Rooms with a private swimming pool, some with a slide, rooms that look like a train interior, you name it.
Japanese don't get THAT hairy compared to western countries.
Was this a Chinese to English translation or did that last panel just somehow have no kana in it?
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This panel is so sad. In the previous chapter, Shiragiku's head was held up high and now he's been defeated.
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cool ass pictures, edits discuss stuff i just want to talk about baki and look at cool shit about baki
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some jack edits/amv
i am machine

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I expected this fight to be trash but then the kino hit.
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Yujiro pushing his wheelchair as they talk was so good.

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The evolution has happened. Do you welcome Welkamo to the team?
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>In today's episode of the Pokémon anime, Dot's Kuwassu ends up...?! How will its battle against Aoki's Mukuhawk end...?! Check out the new episode on the official Youtube channel!
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>Welkamo stamps are now present at Sakuragicho Station:
>Did you all watch today's episode of the Pokémon anime? Now that Kuwassu has evolved, Welkamo stamps have been set up at Sakuragicho Station as well!
Welkamo is okay I guess, bit I really hope the duck doesn't evolve again.
>final evo shares the same type as Soublades
>wants to become as strong as Lizardon
Hogator is basically guaranteed to evolve into its final stage.
I'd really really prefer a "proving it doesn't need to evolve to be strong" story for it.
Loudbone isn't very popular either, while Hogator is one of the top 10 gen 9 Pokemon I think.

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Nino will fix and sanitize the manga by killing Ratby soon.
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Akane is the designated winner though.
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It’s really funny how resident rats are such cucks they’re even fine with Aqua supporting another woman that is not his alleged love interest
Can't wait for this novel to come out and it shitting all over AquRuby by giving more insight into their childhoods and REALLY hammering home how much Aqua sees her as a sister
Of the ojisan bowl

Why does nobody care about the show Naruto but they love the character Raikage? It's like Raikage and his artwork is keeping the franchise on life support.
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You need to spend more time studying English
/nart/ is dead
It is, when you keep bumping an NTR thread you fucking retard.
>complains about bumping
>bumps the thread himself
Narutard moment.
That's what happens when the local autist isn't banned and shits up the place

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actually not
maybe yes
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>get upset
Himself is the result of the previous emperor fucking a maid (all the concubines sons died from pest/congenital disease).
Of course that powerful clans will get upset and try to replace/kill any offspring (I'll not give any spoiler). That's why Maomao is a food taster. Those maids wouldn't have the same support of their clans.
Nyannyan is a food taster because she likes poisoning herself like a sicko
She only had a vocation, okkkkkkkk?
what is the punishment of tax evasion in ancient not!china?
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*japanese engrish* Yes. Yes. I have it. I have Sukuna's finger. How much do you want for it? I'm sure you americans will make good use of it
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No amount of RCT can make a butt baby
offscreened Uraume and fled the country (the smart thing to do)
iirc uraumes vessel is a female
Yeah but Uraume is a femboy and incarnation overwrites the host's body
not really unless the sorcerer specifically chooses to fully incarnate like sukuna did. everyone else is just basically just walking inside a different person's body

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Adaptation of the visual novel Tsukihime, following primarily Arcueid's route.

Chapter 49
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>rape compass
How does one evoke this sort of reaction from women?
Be a very average looking main character.
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The end of volume 26.
The end of the Yoshiwara in Flames arc.

previous thread

links to the arc
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>kagura can't sleep
>>kagura can't sleep
Thank you for posting.
Sweet dreams.
that's so neat

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Naked Magia Magenta with Pasties figure!
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Girl goop. That's how they reproduce.
kart racer
RTS, ideally the next Command & Conquer title
You see Azul's clit through her panties when Utena spreads her

>adults are... le bad!
>illegal immigrants are... le good!
>mc gets yurizoned cucked
What did you think of this?
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>he gets kissed on the cheek by the loli he thought was a shota so it's not all bad for him
And then the loli gets deported. I thought he would at least end up with the red-haired.
Did it really though? Considering she still leaves for Tokyo and they probably won't see each other again.
The tomboy can just join her for college later.
>cult of geriatric pedophiles
i didn't know those were children
Aya is a top student. Tomboy is dumb. They will not enter the same college. Tomboy won't even make it to Tokyo.

New episode today!

Are you ready?
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>Fortunately, lots of the big pieces of end-game revelations are already out of the way so there should be time to explain the remaining ones.
Yes that's right, the last episodes can be told much more efficiently that way.

I doubt they'll show more than one recovery unit
You're right. Gestalt will be a live action Hollywood movie.
Damn this is a great adaptation. Shame they fucked up the production in S1.
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New chapter is out, dumping
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A tried and proven strategy.
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>Post-game boss is obviously Koko herself
It has to be fully intentional at this point.
>oh that sky? it's actually a giant piece of paper we printed out
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The feeling of finishing an anime like this never gets any less devastating. How do I cope knowing I'll never see them again?
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yui is drooling again
Dayum Subaru's mom looks like THAT?
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What the FUCK did kyoani mean by this bros??
This is you.

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