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A fat helping of pork is on the way

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Bear is cute! CUTE!
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i want a yes or no answer not maybe
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from what ?

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Koito! I'm sick don't get near me! Koito! KOITO!!!
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Time for the Eomae isekai.
>haven't had a comfy show like this since
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These are dark times. We must pray to our local elves.
i remember that season being super comfy

Tokisaki kurumi is a rapist and serial killer
With whomst? Kissing dead Shidou lips doesn't count
>serial killer
She only kills people who deserved it like animal abusers
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I find both of those to be extremely hot character trait to be honest.

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Why did Caiman never fuck Nikaido?

He gets handed this perfect 10/10 Tomboy GF and he doesn't even try to fuck her? Is he gay?
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he gives her the ick
Same reason I also don't want to fuck my best friend, it would be unbelievably weird.
>Ebisu having a crush on Fujita
got more brother/sister vibe than a crush
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>Still till today Im not able to understand what caiman is, and i think I read the complete manga 10 years ago.
same here, I just assume he was a schizo who got tricked and turned into caiman
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>by the series creator
learn something new every day

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GetBackers Volume 13 Chapter 104
Previous chapter 103 >>269151842

Apologies for the late dump today!
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Amazing middle panel.
Thanks, OP.
Thank you for posting.

Read a couple Doujins, the plot seemed good enough. How does the actual manga hold up?
I don't really give much of a fuck about the manga/anime except that the bara doujins are good and Reimei is great.
What happened to this artist? They basically disappeared.
The manga is great, it's consistently good to the end.
honestly probably one of my favorite manga, I was thinking for a while there Japan was incapable of sticking the landing after so many disappointments. Consistently had great characters and the base premise was real interesting.
I wish they came back...

For me it's Clotho.
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Shamiko is training to defeat the evil magical girls and absorb their power to restore her clans former glory!!!
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Practicing her one-hit K.O.
This demon sure packs a punch!
>guided missiles
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Obligatory Pan appreciation thread <3
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Pan is SHIT.
The absolute state of SENILEku

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We haven't had a thread in a while since the anime ended so let's have a manga thread and talk about the last few chapters.
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That page flip effect from pages 13-15 was great. Too bad MangaSee doesn't have a double page view.
Yea, someone should do fananimation of it. It would look amazing.
That's sick.
And very sexy.

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Vol 01
>>268838606 Chapter 01
>>268869074 Chapter 02
>>268911974 Chapter 03
>>268956576 Chapter 04

Vol 02
>>268983556 Chapter 05
>>269015685 Chapter 06
>>269057841 Chapter 07
>>269088912 Chapter 08

Vol 03
>>269121589 Chapter 09
>>269164157 Chapter 10

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Im a sucker for electricity/ Speed based characters
Thanks again anon.
Thank you for posting.

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chapter 184

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Necrobumping is fine as long as you actually post something that is engaging or actually produces discussion which is unfortunately not done often
yeah, some people are fast.
It just never ceases to amaze me.
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the lewd makes artists more inspired
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We need Pokemon chapter

New episode today!

Are you ready?
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Please do it anon
NTA but maybe it means handover between two different Accords.
Will do
So Accord is starting to move? Because she said last episode that group b began to attack
I'm wondering about that too. The messages seem to be related to what's going on in the episode. Like the flashback episodes have messages that talk about the past. Makes me wonder if the attack last episode actually happened during last episode's events.
It's crazy that everything is happening at the same fucking time. I think the chances of Accord actually appears are big

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please take a moment to consider kujo karen
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Let's have another week long necro bump party again soon.
This is not the end.

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