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Friede suggests Liko and the others meet with someone named Sohdayo, who can help them locate Entei. When they land on the savannah, they're immediately attacked by Rikikirin... but just then, Sohdayo suddenly shows up. He introduces himself as a "truthful Pokémon journalist"... and is actually a former member of the Rising Volt Tacklers?!

And he seemingly has some history with Molly too
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Might just be an attempt to mislead us.
Sex with this Molly.
Sex with all Mollies.
the top one is fake since Dot is the top, but in general it's cute.

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Here's Tohru.

But what do you think?
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>Hasn't updated in nearly a year

She's dead, Jim.
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me on the right
i guess that's another arc done.
wonder what's next
30 chapters of SoL then Iruru's arc.

Aki Sex
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Would you sacrifice yourself to save your robot arm buddy?
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>directly below aki
>magic skirt denies panservice
Aki no sex
man, you really did a stupid right now

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>"Tokyo Ghoul" TV Anime 10th Anniversary Pierrot Stage will be held on Dec 21, 2024 during Jump Festa 2025.

Why do they refuse to acknowledge how terrible the adaptation was?
Sunk cost fallacy

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More anime girls should eat sweet potatoes
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Full-of-farts face
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Freshly steamed
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You know there’s also a Boku Yaba cover page with Ana eating sweet potato so I wonder if the author had thoughts on including a joke like this
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Waiting for the next year...
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she's quite well known
my favorites other than noel, are hibiki (symphogear), shishou (granbelm), green (color wars)
>Kino from Kino no Tabi
Also Sakura from the old adaptation.
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Better get it soon. I get a different label every time; we'll see how pic related is.
Can't get it too soon, I'll be tempted to drink it before
But my local stores are pretty well stocked so I can just walk and get some couple days before

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Everyone is Such a Pervert!

Chapter 16
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molest the kokeshi
Not enough. I need my penis inside her
Get molested by Kokeshi
What if that's her period blood?
Kokeshi only molests girls.

When was the last time an actual great show was released?

Why are we no longer getting shows like:

Kashimashi girl meets girl
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
Kimi no na wa (your name)
Ranma 1/2 (including the OVA)
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sometimes I kind of wish that I was born in the 80s so I could experience homo culture without the trannies ruining it. they really are a plague. worst part is that even if every single one of them was nice and respectful, it'd still be annoying as fuck to deal with them.
I honestly feel sorry for you faggots. At least I get to hate trannies without being ostracized by my people.
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"homo culture" in the 80's literally caused a global pandemic because you guys were just fucking hundreds of random strangers in dirty bathhouses all the time
btw here's a panel from a manga published in 1981 when there were no trannies

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It is Rikka's birthday today.
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That's just the first half of the movie desu.
Dont understand why people are saying that she has no personality when she's the ONLY character in this franchise that ever cared about the people and the collateral damage from kaiju fights. Atleast it makes sense for the Gridman characters considering it fixes itself everyday, on the other hand, there's no reason for the dyna kids to remain unfazed everytime.

Shes the only character that doesnt want Yuta to be Gridman (shown in ep 2, ep 3 and Universe). Grieves about the forgotten childrens or when yuta "died", and she made a play for Akane eventhough she doesnt understand tokushit.

She's written as a stacy that wants to live her life normally but is involved with alot of crap that she finds hard to deal with. And still, handles it like a mature person.

And here's the icing on the cake, guess whos the first character to complement Chise. Rikka. THEY ARE NOT EVEN FROM THE SAME DAMN SHOW. How the fuck is she the first?

You niggas watch anime with your eyes close.
Dyna had terrible characterisation, worldbuilding and an abrupt ending. A cute couple doesnt erase the mediocrity all over this show.

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I think Yomogi never really had a that much problem with her mother married again as much as others Gauma team problem just bothered by it and we already see him kind cope with it by getting a job then totally different with what Yume gone through we already see it in episode 8 about what he fells about it
if he never had an issue, he wouldnt have thrown away the gift money, kept savings to support himself (presumedly preparing for college and cut ties with his mum) and use his part time job as an excuse to not be home.

He had fantastic characterisation in episode 1. And in the 2nd voice drama. It was more interesting than Gauma's and the dead sister storyline they ended up focusing on. Terrible pacing and triggers attempt to create another popular waifu is the only reason it ended up playing 2nd fiddle and resolved in the bg.
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New episode coming out soon.
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post rock tits
the void girl is so fucking cute, I smiled when she got happy by holding the cat
>t. Void bastards

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Third PV revealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5WMDPjBZVw

January 4

"Dai Dai Daisuki" by Okinawan band HY


PV 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DO-YjffZZc
PV 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_TLUBjrz0
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvcjcEn2QC4


Chief Director: Itagaki Shin (IseLeve, Kumo desu ga, Ben-To, Basquash!, Teekyuu nine seasons, Berserk TV 2016 and 2017)

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Us brown lovers are eating good next season
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>Chief Director: Itagaki Shin (Basquash!)
I hope we get some bouncing brown boobs.

ITT: Dishonestly hated anime
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Which character are you in love anons? For me it's pic related. I have been madly in love with her for a good decade.
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You actually want the lore nerd explanation or is this irony
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It's Lilly from Katawa Shoujo
Did the guys who made Katawa ever made something else?
I belive not.And if they did we have no means to discover it since they are all anons like us.
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you just don't get it

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time for more dogshroom
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>Introduced as Evil Kinoko Inu.
>Somehow Out-cutes Kinoko Inu.
She can't even win again a single mom...
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Tsubaki sex.

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176# leak
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They'll have an update about the anime in next week's wsj.
Yumeka too strong.

Was it ever made clear if Saisho won the Inter-High for Saitama and made it to Nationals?

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