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Chapter 129
426 replies and 88 images omitted. Click here to view.
Except demon. Demon will always die.
fair enough.

but the truth is that Serie has been built up all this time as the only mage superior not only to Frieren, who has towers upon towers of demon carcasses to her name, but to Flamme, even more, she WAS Flamme's master, who in turn became Frieren's master at some point.

we also know that decoy, illusion and clone magics exist, so it is quite hard to believe anyone, even a group of master assassins could take her down, specially should she actually had access to that kind of spells.

>the antimagic stones.
theres that, but we dont really know if theres a defense against its effects or not. perhaps there IS a way to counter them or maybe Serie's mana is so vast and high that the stone simply cant nullify that, we just dont know that. and neither do the shadow warriors. even if they had a cache of AMS in hand, at most it has to be a 50/50 shot if they work or not because for as powerful as Frieren was (and she was WAY TOO powerful), she is supposed to still be vastly inferior to Serie powerwise.
>handsome woman
you have my attention
So with the special forces pulled towards the capital, who is defending the borders?
She certainly got mine

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Current percentage of Nicolive voters that gave the latest episodes of the currently airing Spring cour shows top marks, making for a decently accurate popularity ranking list.

How do their tastes measure up to your own, anons?
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but niconico loved mygo
>has a self-insert maleshit
Fuck off
I present you Million Live which was also CG
That season it was the top in nico

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Mya-nee's fat belly would stop the cart safely.
Cute feet.
Ugly feet.
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You really hate this thread.
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DUMPING the newest chapter.
For some reason, the author forgot that this is a volleyball manga. He keeps adding romance for some reason.
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They scream "this guy is dependable"
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And done!
This is was an extremely cute chapter. Author has been on point with the romcom stuff lately.
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Cute chapter but this hussy needs to stop getting between Souta and his gf

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I really like the composition on this one.

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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Some questions are better left unanswered when it comes to evolution... Although putting them in clothes is truly questionable.

>In this world exist three species: the beasts, the humans, and the hunters. Since ages, beasts have been the prey of hunters, and humans the prey of beasts. The story follows a famous and powerful hunter nicknamed Red Hood, whom the life will change the day he comes across a young beast werewolf girl...

Chapter 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 >>265679729
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Wrong daddy incidents are pretty embarrassing on the playgrounds
Sir, stop flashing the dog!

>beautiful sakuga animation
>rich character development
>an actual original premise
>people fucking hate it because it ended on a cliffhanger and had two recap episodes due to a troubled production
I don't think I've ever seen hate this unjustified
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I think that I understood that the show was a pile of nothing when the pets were introduced for some contrived reason and then proceeded to be completely useless. It was crystal clear that they were forced in by Aniplex to have merchandise to sell even there was no point to them in the script, and that's the entire anime really, a series of checkboxes with no underlying vision mandated by a committee to create the hip new thing, "the new Madoka" as many have perceived the attempt.
At the time I think pretty much everyone agreed that the pokemon were a questionable addition.
I considered watching when it was airing because it looked cute but then it was all suffering and rape and troons so i didn't.
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your entire argument of Ai not being friends with Momo and Rika hinges on this one line said in passing, if "she left and never came back" refers to her leaving the wonder egg program it's undermined by the fact she makes up her mind to return in that very same scene. Ai regretted not picking up the phone immediately, which is why she spent the night crying to her mother. How are you arguing with me about a show you clearly don't remember? if you're going to dislike a show do it for the right reasons and not because you're too retarded to follow along.

What are your most controversial JoJo's Bizarre Adventure opinions?

For me - ever since reading through all of JoJo up to part 8 included, I haven't been able to enjoy any battle shonen fights. As if I had battle shonen anhedonia. If I had to make a top 10 best fights in battle shonen, not even 50% of the spots wouldn't be enough for JoJo. Maybe 7 out of 10 even. I'm not eve some obsessed JoJo fan, JoJo fights are just so incomparably better than the average "great" shonen fights. I wish more battle shonen attempted to recreate the quintessentially Western inspired style of post Battle Tendency JoJo.
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yooo you better be cappin now blud
I see a profound sadness in that man's eyes.
he identifies as a mus/ician but he a drummer and as we know from Joey on Trash Taste drummers aren't real musicians
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Not that controversial, but Part 9's art is underrated. Most people only read it on the usual blurry scans that mess up the art style. It actually looks very nice when you view it on good quality scans, and even better on paper.
(controversial) I wish I had a JoJo girlfriend

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Let's go to Neverland
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Season 2 isn't until July. We have a bit of time.
I love this little clown. What a good girl.
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My wife is so handsome.
Handsome boywife
I dunno if this was planned to be the final arc or not but the next 50 chapters advance the story a lot, halfway through it's a bit obvious it's not gonna end here.

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What did you get Kita for her birthday?
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>What's Hamajis excuse?
too busy flying to africa for unknown reasons
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Bocchi's cum
>unknown reasons
She's flying for sex tourism

So Annapuma or Unipuma?
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Wasnt really a fan of new dominion.
Which would you breed?
Hey, Hey Boy
fuck off moeshitter
>That would be fine to me since my girlfriend hovers around 260.
Dominion: Architect Police

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Our heroes
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I sort of feel like rewatching it soon. Is there any release that isn't an official rip with those shitty official names for the Yu-s? The fansubbed versions of the show are dead and have no batch release.
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Why must you reopen old wounds?
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that's not reopening old wounds. This is!
And Yuya.
For me it's when Shun summons Raidraptor Satellite Cannon against Dennis

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You celebrated Poporon's birthday, right?
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>20 posters
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>Reactor online
>Sensors online
>Weapons online
>All systems nominal

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There are people out there who will defend this bullshit.
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The first thing he does is try to rob Koichi. You could argue he lets the shovel guy give himself brain damage too because he could easily do more to prevent it.
>He's a noble ambitious type of Joestar
Then why does he want to run a mob?
i dont know why togashi even wrote this fucking line he couldve just had a page where hisoka lists all his regrets and shit
>didn't they establish that Jonathan's body is trying to reject Dio?
They did, it's why Dio gets even stronger when he drains Joseph's blood. He can stop time even longer after that, which directly lends credence to the Stand being Joestar explicit.
Because a mobster threatened and intimidated everyone around him into being nice to him. Giorno learns that with the power and influence of the mafia that he can force people into doing his bidding.

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We need more translators to finish old stuff that was left abandoned like pic related, too many gems lost to time.
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Your parents will never love you
Shiho didn't win, she was the consolation prize. Aki would drop her in a heartbeat if Himari all of a sudden dropped dead...
There used to be a yuri Ninja show that I loved, I forgot what its called though it's probably been a decade.
I kinda want this animated because IMHO the art looks so good, but the manga is doing so poorly and its so obscure no one on /a/ or /u/ even heard of it. Sad...
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or are actually ignorant.

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