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It was really meh, just watch Infinite Ryvius.
thats pure evil

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Halt, who goes there?
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I want to grape shinka
Can you please let me though miss?
I was promised ball busting femdom by Nibutani halfway through 2nd season still disappointed
She's only femdom in the LN, the anime toned it down.
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You WILL let me through.

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kek, read before you press the magnet idiots
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They gave you MILFeet this episode but they'll never give you Misao's hebe feet.
Another enjoyable cap today
It is a bad change. It feels like they cast him just to capitalize on his Gojo popularity. He can probably do the cool and narcissistic side of Hiko well but his voice ain't deep enough to do his badass or frightening side. And of course Nakamura isn't a good fit for Hiko's poetic side either.
Who would you have chosen given they want different voice actors
The fuck do I know. I don't keep up with new VA.

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>New Porn Actress Konbini Comedy ""Tamagawa-san detemashita?" by Matsutake Ume & Matsumoto Komikan started in Young Gangan issue 24/2024!

>Ero-Comedy about a convenience store manager who's hiding his obsession for a porn actress, the only joy in his life. But when a new part-time worker starts, his life is thrown into chaos: this new girl looks EXACTLY like his beloved JAV queen. But there's no way he can ask her if she's the real deal!?

Are we gonna read this, /a/?
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I tried it for a few days. Never again.
Fandom is generally stupid, but fandom when it comes to cooming to jav actresses devolves into waifu wars and gatekeeping.
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>waifu wars over porn actresses
Fucking why
Autism. There was also this guy on there the entire time who would keep steering the thread back to mature jav.
Just imagine if you were on a forum about anime and this one guy who spends his entire time there just wants to talk about Planetes, and only Planetes.
She puts out for ugly bastards

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new raw was just published after waiting for more than a month
>the title has Hebikawa in it
fucking based
>read it
meh, waiting for the 2nd part then
Is Hebikawa getting molested by the old guy?

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everyone in this stupid manga
Those are the only parts of her movie I care about.
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Was it with katana man?
With Luke.

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Chapter 29: Things Are Gonna Get Exciting Tonight
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Hifumin is happy his kind are doing well.
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Maybe he's actually mad that he transforms into a cute dog instead of a badass wolf
Karin would explode from lust and Moka would never let him live it down.
How devastated is Hifumi going to be learning how much cooler Moka's primary is compared to his?
He will seethe so hard the Lesser Cuckoo's Egg timer will start ticking down on its own.

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"Only do good deeds."
Asura follows his late mother's teachings and always strives to do good in life. No matter how much he is bullied, he goes on with a smile, firmly believing that evildoers will receive divine punishment. Until one day, an ominous old man offers him a key that can open the doors to hell...
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That's Buddhism for you.
Drama Queen has a very interesting premisse and it obviously hinting at some twists with things not being as they seem
This seems just like a boring version of Death Note
death note was interesting because of the strategy and psychological plot and the ultimate faceoff between light and L, it was very well written and interesting to read
this manga just looks like a torture porn and I doubt the plot will have the police looking for him or any decent strategy
>everything i don't like is le globalist!
>made a deal with the devil and sent someone to hell on chapter 1
this kid is already a demon and we're only on the first chapter

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>has been out for 6 years
>29 million copies in circulation
>only has 12 episodes in a shitty adaptation
is this the worst any popular shonen has ever been treated? no wonder sales are falling off
>no wonder sales are falling off
That's on part 2 being garbage.
Didn't you already make this thread a couple hours ago? Didn't even wait half a day.
It got a lot of hype but s1 ended just before the bomb girl arc started. If season 1 ended on Reze’s death, it would’ve garnered more acclaim. Relegating it to a movie is a terrible idea
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>it's the CSM anime autismo again
CSM anime is a masterpiece and no amount of your coping, seething and sneeding will ever change that.
sales counting autism is the manga version of train otakus. stay in your containment general

Aliens are BAD! Support humanity!
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Aryan Ginger is based though.
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Based tradwife enjoyer.
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Reminder that Lum is a demon and Ran is an angel.
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Why is Japan so obsessed with crossdressing?
Because nips can actually pull it off.
because they are emasculated losers
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Because it looks super cute.

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Sorry for the time between now and the last thread but Episode 3 starts now.

In order to make new friends before they announce a new official Hamtaro project (whenever), I've decided to revive these threads with a new and fun way to watch the episodes embedded in the thread itself.

Here's the first episode, from July 21, 2000.
"Trotting Ham Hams: Lets Get Together!"
>Boss throughs out the Ham-Hams after a number of augments and Hamtaro needs to patch up their troubles in order to restore the Clubhouse.
>Meanwhile Laura gats a 100 on her test and wants to show her parents her perfect score but they're too busy working.

Watch and download: https://photos.onedrive.com/share/5115315AC18A11DE!1775?cid=5115315AC18A11DE&resId=5115315AC18A11DE!1775&ithint=video&e=01pEia&migratedtospo=true&redeem=aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3YvcyFBdDRSaXNGYU1SVlJqV19EUEd5b3lpaHEweDVWP2U9MDFwRWlh
Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/270325750/

Friendly discussions are always great, and in my experience and the experience of many others this is a great anime to make friends.
Please keep the thread wholesome and respectful so potential fans don't feel discouraged.
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kek good
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OP, not interested in this? >>273814071
If so, my bad.
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I hope lots of friends come join OP's hamtaro watch!
this isn't reddit retard no ones gives a fuck about you
I know.

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Guess whose birthday it is today?
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Just the way I felt. He felt more like a guy who had stuff happen to him and acted solely on spite rather than a guy who is part of the chaos.
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The opposite is true as well.
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Oh hi, I upgraded your Megumin.
Ideally it'd be feet for me, but beggars can't be choosers. If I'm to get blasted away I'd rather at least deserve it.
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382 replies and 179 images omitted. Click here to view.
strangely popular green and expectedly popular bear
captcha: G44Y
The snow white princess of dreams

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