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A bit more fleshed out on the different scenarios and giving the other main cast some stuff to do, on the other hand gives a poor reason for Featherine to just give up, makes Satoko even more cruel and brutal yet is rewarded so its like presented as a good thing she did what she did, kinda weakens Satoko's whole resolve and feelings for Rika as its also presented as her actions being "forced" upon her and thus she's "not at fault". So for that reason as dumb as anime did about it, I actually still prefer the anime as it does progress from the original ending, because in the manga its even more like pointless since it ends with them again as kids instead of grown up so its basically just like the original ending except Satoshi is around and Satoko is more worried about winding up in a loop if she dies rather than how she had no qualms murdering everyone.
>Man from 19 years ago
She's valid and Umineko is inherently a pro-trans work you can fuck off now bye-bye!
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And bye-bye to that 41%, too.
Stop posting about this tranny garbage VN freak
Rika has a cute bussy and a cute boypenis

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A fat helping of pork is on the way

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If you believe in twintails, anything is possible.
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Thanks! I'll check them out in a bit.
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I'm surprised. I figured futa would be a common theme.
It's too old of a series, there just isn't much content for it of any kind. If it's not something insanely popular like Fate there's a low chance of having many doujins.
Sad because there is so much good content to draw from from the 90's-2010's but the stuff that is drawn from those times is so dated I can't really get into it.
How kind of him to lick Soji clean after using his armpit.

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Welcome back, everyone
Today, Popp and Hyunkel finish their fight against the Dragon Riders
Previous Threads:
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Noooo, not the helmet!
My body is ready.
The 5 disciples of Avan.

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Nino will fix and sanitize the manga by killing Ratby soon.
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>Rat hopes and dreams
Aqua is ojisan.
Aqua will marry Akane and oshi Ruby.
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Even if in their childhood he saw her as a sister and nothing more, they'll argue that doesn't matter from the moment they confirmed their past lives identities.

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Bear is cute! CUTE!
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i want a yes or no answer not maybe
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from what ?

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Vampire thread
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She's been schlicking for the past 20 minutes to her sister getting railed.
Uh... are you a dumdum?
Just taking a break from her sex marathon.
I'd like that!
Yes, I misread lol

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How can Evangelion ever have a happy ending if Shinji is going to destroy all humans for a chance to meet Mari again as soon as she dies? The flashbacks drove the point home that Gendo as a kid was exactly the same as his son, and then he was rescued by a girl who took unexpected interest in him. It's only reasonable to assume, then, that they're both going to react the same way to the death of their loved one, and the cycle will begin anew. There's just no getting off Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.
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Gendo was a normie until Yui sudokud
he was a social outcast getting into trouble every time he could, he wasn't exactly a normie
That characteristic was given immediately before he met Yui
just like everything we know about him desu, just little details If we don't count Rebuilds where basically he said that Yui was his everything
That was more than obvious in EoE as well

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who would win?
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Muzan was beat by a bunch of half-dead hobos with swords. Alucard beat an actual army
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the one that didn't get fucked in the ass
is that michael jackson?
>implying muzan doesn't get fucked in the ass

Chapter 576 - The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Last Thread (572-575): >>268987184
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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The guy on the left is extremely annoying
Thank you OP.
for having a seemingly strong fruit Kizaru hasn't seemed to accomplish much this arc
The "mom" part of the theory was made by people who couldn't understand why Crocodile started to help Luffy during the arc, as well as shitposters who thought it'd be funny if female Croc got impregnated by Dragon.
Buggy turned his head the last second. I've seen it happen before irl.

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Voice actress Noriko Obara has passed away at the age of 88 from an illness. She was known for her work as the voice of Nobita Nobi in "Doraemon" and Doronjo in "Yatterman".

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found the mod
The west doesn't care for doraemon or fucking yatterman, just like no fucks are given for sazae-san even if they are a thing in Japan. Not a japanese board so don't expect sticky.
If only that worked.

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Chapter 65: Mikura Manaka (1)
Pages may be out of order for some reason
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aside from looking into gods, I also make weird theory images, details pics and sometimes fan art

I haven't shared this here. Everyone must look at this
Don't unleash that curse here
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this is our 11-11-2024 near earth asteroid.
Hope the artificial warriors or takahara didn't screw with it!
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A new chapter came out but flew under the radar since Kadokawa was hit by ransomware.
I’ll post from my phone and post real raws when I get home
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When did Yotusba start being able to speak using katakana?

I've been rereading in Japanese, and she didn't use any katakana at the start.
I feel like that's not right, but I also don't remember paying attention to her katakana
I mean she calls Jumbo ジャンボ in volume 1 page 9 if that counts
and then she says とーちゃんはダメ on page 11
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all of that is in contrast to english, where "corn" ("the plant zea mays") is a direct descendant of proto-indo-european "*ǵr̥h₂nóm" ("any kind of grain in general"), and the two are still clearly related
though the exact meaning of "corn" differs between english dialects
the plant zea mays is in the us and in canada called "corn" (initially "indian corn," but by the mid-1700s the "indian" part had been dropped)
but everywhere else it's called "maize," with "corn" meaning "any kind of grain" like it always has

when the jikun is juku!
this post and its replies (i don't wanna mass reply) convinced me to watch the first two episodes of soremachi, i guess you can add one more to the overlap, that's some good shit

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Did you miss the original artstyle when watching Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club?
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don't get it either
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Here you go, senpai
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Best idol of all time

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