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What is the ideal breast size for anime girls?
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The fate of most brown girls
Beautiful shape
I dunno, but I love it anyway.

Man I'm gonna need a Saya folder at this rate.
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>Hidamari Sketch
I love art girls
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Surely we'll reach the bump limit, right?
Maybe. We'll likely run out of images soon so that will leave the thread in an awkward spot.
Oh no, we have to actually talk about stuff.

I'm surprised we only got the "big 3" of art girls though, and there hasn't been really anything new. I thought manga was infamous for borrowing ideas.
These big 3 require talent to replicate.

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Honestly, the fight outcomes aren't even what annoys me about any of these.
I don't care about who wins or loses in Kengan anymore, I care about a good fight, and right now I'm just not seeing it. Legit, Alan vs Raian could've had the same outcome but if the pacing and choreography was good I wouldn't really care
Masaki managed to win because he immediately fucked off and didn't stay in the story in any meaningful capacity.
Basically he used the same technique that noname jobbers use to win against other jobbers.
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>Judo Micheal Myers
Judo Leatherface
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>Play a gacha game
>New patch comes out
>Check achievements
"It's" "spreading".
It's insanely funny how much fanart this literal three panel jobber got.

OK so what is it about Ochako in particular that makes her such prime NTR bait??
Even compared to other Shonen girls she gets an absurd amount of cuckshit pairing her up with just about any character in her series other than Deku
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What's up with you guys deku already said what he thought of romance and he already did it with ochako.
The duality of man
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Imagine if Kacchan is the sub of the couple teehee

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New toss
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I'm fine with that.
What is this, 2019?
Why don't English people have a phrase for thanking someone for cooking a nice meal for them? And no bon appetit obviously doesn't count lol
You misspelled "literal" in the third one, anon!
yes it's called praying you fucking heathen

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Previous Thread:
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Is this that crazy gay manga with a manwoman who's a full woman until his hormones run out?
Um, what?
No, I'm pretty sure I'd know if that was a thing in this, and I don't think it is.
It has unnecessarily-sophisticated mecha designs, one of which looks very similar to the one on this chapter's cover.
Does it also have ancient aliens who designed life on Earth to be weapons but fucked off when they accidentally made one they couldn't control?
Because this has that, and I can't think of anything else that does.

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get back in the volcano, wimp
You now remember that one time Starscream possessed Waspinator in Beast Wars.
Jetfire exists. If he doesn't count, they eventually do get them past S1. First Powerglide (A-10), then the entire Aerialbot team (one Concorde and four fighters) and Cosmos (flying saucer)
logically I would assume his gun form allows him to both use all of his power to attack while also being a smaller target, it is still an usual form to take when he is a decepticon and doesn't even trust his second in command who is usually the one who fires him.

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I finished Attack on Titan. It was my first anime. I’m not really sure what I think - in fact, no, I shouldn’t be afraid in stating firmly that it was possibly the most disappointed I have ever been in a piece of media. God. What a disaster. Everything is a sort of daze. What the fuck were they thinking?
lurk more newfaggot
Everyone universally agrees that the ending of AoT is shit and this whole board had a meltdown when it happened. I don't know who recommended it to you if you started watching it after the ending was revealed they were idiots.
You weren't there then... When the first two seasons were airing it was a new age of anime. And then it ended... like this.
>Everyone universally agrees that the ending of AoT is shit and this whole board had a meltdown when it happened
Most people liked the ending, sweetie. Sorry your precious self-insert didn't end up being this cool basedjack you imagined.

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茶時 Eat Em All 2009
I am guitar girl
410,757,864,530 AZUNYAN HUGS
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first time viewer of k-on here
mio is literally worst girl
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That's not ok to say. All keions are best keions.
You could've just posted
>I'm retarded
And it would have been less effort to get across the same point bro

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Previous Thread:

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Is it sinking in how absurd it is for you to be this much of a faggot?
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>Another who has seen the light.
Sasuga our NUMBAH WAN
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Hori knew the Fujo bucks would dry up if he stayed dead
This is why I really thought the second one would stick when it happened...
Deku doesn't even say that

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Loli is back on the menu
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It will. Someone’s going to license something that crosses a line eventually and I suspect it’ll cause more issues for ecchi content overall (not just loli).
I hit some local stores that stock English translations of stuff not too long ago. It was kind of wild how much utter fucking slop they had. A wide range of the kind of shit you wouldn't even give a passing glance as a seasonal show.
They had a couple of the Haruhi LNs which was nice to see, though. Some other odd choices too. Ghost in the Shell, but only one of the weird interquel entries nobody likes. Not the original manga or Man/Machine Interface, both of which would've made more sense. Only the second half of the Dark Horse release of Planetes.
It's kind of wild how the sort of shit that the average person here would've died to get a few years ago has been kind of bypassed, almost. It's out there now but also been sprinted straight past for the slop.
We're never getting a good Marimite translation are we
JNC mentioned they considered it and chose Earl & Fairy over it as they thought it would sell better. That was probably the only chance of it happening.
>I know someone’s been submitting The Rapeman in the survey for about 3 years now.
Holy mother of based. I kneel.

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Yaku was the best
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The cutest ninja, Chiyo-chan
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RIP Okoi

A fun ninja girl with big tits, a great ass, and DSLs. I get that Basilisk's whole point was to make you upset but her death still pisses me off.

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Is she a Mary Sue?
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>admit he's a cuck
>also admits he has a small flaccid dick
Nonono you're mixing it up.
You're supposed to say lies about me rather than truths about yourself.

Why's a steel hymen to diamond dick?
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That's why I don't watch One Piece, Dragon Ball Super, or most long running series, actually.
When pic related was airing, I DID NOT expect that shit
Ah yea that's a great example
If your dick is made of diamond you might want to have a doctor look at it. There's a pretty good chance your actual dick got sold on the black market.
>the recent stuff is better written than the old stuff
no shit
it's almost as if nasu improved over the years

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Here are the finalists for the Winter Cup, and the main characters for DF5 and 6. One of them just celebrated her birthday.

Did you buy her some cucumbers?
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You are welcome.
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Which vampire girl do you consider wife material?
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That aesthetic looks familiar.
It's a shame her show is one of those cursed low budget adaptions that skip and rush the plot to the point major moments can fail to deliver, regardless Komari is perfection.
who else but best Shinobu?
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Yes, especially if your harem anime is not rated for kids. In fact, i'm a little disappointed there isn't more cheeky scenes of Shinobu-chan teasing Araragi-kun, coz we all know they love each other, and a bit of teasing is the pepper and salt of any loving relationship. So pucker those beads and clutch those pearls harder, "sis".

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