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Why can't people understand male friendship without degrading it to homosexuality?
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Griffith got paid so much that it saved his army. He didn't just starfish like a crack whore single mother, lol.
9/10, almost spot-on; only thing is she wasn't a child
interesting headcanon
Griffith is gay as fuck. Also, I'm not sure why you'd want to claim Griffith's possessiveness and willingness to use Guts as an example of heterosexual male friendship. Look at almost any shonen protagonist and his best friend/rival and you'd have an example of a relationship that is both healthier and less gay.
Griffith's bussy speedometer has some miles on it. Definitely not bussy straight off the lot from the dealer.

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Is the series too dark? Started reading when the ending got announced and just reached the part where Midnight gets beaten, gangraped and killed right after Twice got betrayed by his friend and assassinated, with his clone turning to goo in front of his kid friend. What the hell? I thought this would be like Mirko were the author likes showing people gored, but you can tell the others are saving her. There are actual consequence now. What kind of child would go away happy after reading these books?
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>Because almost the entire fandom is made up of fujos who WILL indoctrinate her into their ranks if she becomes a fan.
Her internet access is severely limited and monitored so she won't be able to get indoctrinated that easily by people online, also doesn't Inuyasha have a lotnof nudity and sex or is that just me confusing it with something else
Kagurabachi definitely is winning, sorry
he will be sold to a rich old man and kept as a sex slave. does that count as marriage?
We nees to start cutting fingers of fujos so they don't make up scnearios like>>269234916
did we get volume extras yet?

Imagine being beaten to death by this
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Dogman's victim
>clinging to nobu for relevance
next generation of luiniheads
Spiderbros, what could Togashi possibly have meant by giving them flashbacks...? I'm scared...
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why'd he give kurapika a flashback?
because he will also perish. RIP pikabros

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New episode out NOW

More Sakuya to watch
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She's an odd combo of Suzaku and Cornelia.
She's a woman of high status who isn't totally on board with her group's bullshit but goes along with it anyways and she's simultaneously an outside who thinks she can make real changes if she does good enough work fo' massa. If the series doesn't end with Ash plapping her, I'll be disappointed.
I wish we got Diethard here to explain the absolute genius that this scene is...
does xhe draws power from adams apple or what
No from her erect titties
finally after 5 eps it's good

How did you react when Maon died? How did you feel when you heard the news, and how did you find out?
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My middleschool wife
What's her bodycount again?
It will be reveal in GT or the sequel because Touma is an Aquarius
Thousands at least.
That's far too long.

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You know she had a point.
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How much does Satoru know?
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>cutest cures of all time
The Splash Stars are really cute but I'll post a few more of the cutest Cures.
Satoru knows a lot about animals.
>the violence is domestic

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A new chapter came out but flew under the radar since Kadokawa was hit by ransomware.
I’ll post from my phone and post real raws when I get home
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Asagi will be put to death on charge of corrupting the youth
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I went to check, and turns out in the original prints, Yotsuba uses more katakana and even kanji, whereas in newer reprints she hasn't used any kanji, and maybe less katakana?

I do specifically remember instances standing out where she used hiragana instead of katakana, but unfortunately I already returned volume 1 to the library so I can't check to make sure if she didn't use any katakana then.

I did however miss when she started using katakana, because she's already saying アイスクリーム in volume 4.
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I've got volume 1 with me right here, was there anything you wanted to check specifically? She uses kanji on the first page she appears in with 店 and katakana a few pages later in what I already described earlier
Here's page 92 with Yotsuba using both kanji and katakana
This print is from 2024
A kid should really know some kanji to begin with. Hell I learn 元気 in my second week of japanese classes back in high school, it wouldn't be too out of place to let Yotsuba say some kanji every once in a while
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That looks like an older printing when she still uses kanji. The ones I've been reading were printed in 2015.
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I bought mine about a month ago, along with volume 8-12 because I guess 2-7 were sold out or something

Chapter 53: The Phantom of the Haunted Housing Complex
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So they gave Rin her own Pokemon?
>Season 2 begins with hachiken thinking mikage is going around braless
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You made me do this.
Don't lewd the Napu!

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There's no fucking way Fujimoto will keep this up, is there? How can they have conversations without ears?
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Angel wasn't on his level and he managed to win. It's all about strategy and Asa's ability is very busted she just needs a ridiculously strong weapon and a distraction
>Kiga actively fheadcanon]
>Nothing even implies
It does. Read in-between the lines. The "eat death devil" line was codeword for saying "I aint gonna die in this shithole because of you". He sent Denji to hang out with Asa so she's turn the retard into a weapon and they would be let out.
>Yoshida only
Stopped reading there.
>He needs to because Pochita is stronger and faster than him,
No he doesn't. There 40 other people battling Pochita at the same time.
>Public Safety couldn't even
Keep coping. Pochita will job, it's inevitable. Yoru needs her nukes back, the characters need their ears back and Pochita is a retarded plot device set up for failure. You're suggesting Pochita will kill everyone and go eat ice-cream with Yoru. Then they'll go to a love hotel and have sex for Denji's sake. Ain't happening bud.
Because Pochita was getting nerfed in real time by Makima making Denji's actions public and turning CSM into a hero, also he took that spear attack from Angel Devil in order to protect Kobeni. Pochita is even stronger now thanks the fear of humans and devils.
I know that's why they gonna need a plan.
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>Pochita will win against everyone you'll see, PS is toast, Yoru will be raped and impregnated
>Pochita is GOD and Denji is JESUS
I wonder who's behind these posts.

Chapter 576 - The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Last Thread (572-575): >>268987184
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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for having a seemingly strong fruit Kizaru hasn't seemed to accomplish much this arc
The "mom" part of the theory was made by people who couldn't understand why Crocodile started to help Luffy during the arc, as well as shitposters who thought it'd be funny if female Croc got impregnated by Dragon.
Buggy turned his head the last second. I've seen it happen before irl.
>winpy minor character from the beginning of the story comes back 509 chapters later to have a moment in front of every major player in the series
The admirals in the war are the biggest plotholes, they teleport around the battlefield the entire war and other than Ace none of them are allowed to finish their opponents off for good.

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Naked Magia Magenta with Pasties figure!
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RTS, ideally the next Command & Conquer title
You see Azul's clit through her panties when Utena spreads her
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Oi, who are you calling a shark?
Senran Kagura. Note the transformation sequence at 0:50 and how you defeat the girls by destroying their clothes.
These games are approximately 99.9% of the way there.
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What is your opinion on this family?
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Stop spamming this garbage.
Why angry
They're adorable.
But nobody posted your mom?
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actually not
maybe yes
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Lihua sexo
Being forbidden from eating poison
Castor oil treatment.

S1 flyers were really something else, glad they pulled themselves together, usually quality drops, but this really gotten better looking.
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I-Is she okay??
If you played on easy you didn't beat the game.
Why does A2 have such massive thighs?
The story and the ost are great tho
Do you think they will show Accord?

i feel like the finns resemble finland the least, they dont even wear millitary uniforms inspired by them in any ANY way, their uniform is some tracksuit from adidas
speaking of uniforms
wtf i pravda school uniform? we only see their millitary one
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Sometimes I want to mix things up.
Earl Grey should have an appearance in DF5 and 6 like Eclair did. And receive a nice VA.
bad choice of words
This is a boy like Noriko though
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Asparagus is a girl!
And what a girl she is!

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