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Why did Kishi make medical nin cool for two characters which are orochimaru and kabuto bet then made it lame for everyone else? Somehow real life doctors are more badass than ninja doctors.
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My hero
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has anybody played this? its the first naruto game ever made and its an rpg for the wonderswan
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What do you think of Kakashi's taste in sushi?
>Like Tsunade should not be the only person capable of regenerating limbs
She reverse-engineered Hashirama's cells. If not for that, NO ONE would be able to get limbs back.
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This retard really wanted to destroy the world because of meh tier pussy he loved when he was 12? Imagine if Sasuke wanted to do the same because of his dinosaur.

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>use a voice actor from the same franchise for a different character for some fucking reason
>Ebony and Ivory look nothing like Ebony and Ivory
>Not even /v/ sees it worth
>Aparently made by a self-inserting pajeet
Nobody cares about streaming services funded animations. Go take an air hike, OP, this shit is more dead than the dignity of certain priest
Will they include the little girl? That's what I need to know.
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Do you mean Patty? She will not be born for many years.
Nero should be conceived around this time and he is like... 26 in DMC 5 while she is 18. So yeah, quite down the line.
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this seems really fucking bad
too bad they're reusing the name so i can't filter it without regret

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Chisato and Takina
Sisters, ages 17 and 16

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Our fuarking heroes, Yu and Yu.
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Manga is literally only saved if Gojo either revives or is shown happily in heaven training with powerful comrades like Goku.
That's it.
Maybe a Yuji x Nobara babies ending would somewhat make it better, but nothing else. Gege's options are limited and SHE should know it
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Eww shitbara is talking to miwa again
Fish eyes is the buff guy. His gf is the cursed one that’s how she’s been seeing him the past couple weeks.
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Mappa's character design mogs the Gege so hard it's not even funny

Shika last episode
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How many bowls of rice took to convince her
pics or didnt happen
Just one.
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Penultimate Shyday!
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We fucking won.
what is going on
An attack left them trapped under some rubble and they got close before never speaking to each other again after that arc.
Kfufu needs a fatherhusband
Kfufu needs to get aged up to where she's older than Pepesha

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Another Bakugo death Maybe this time it's real + More final war fights


Thread Theme:
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unfortunately not
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It came from the same people that hate Mineta, male feminists and roasties
>look what happened to me bitch
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ITT post your favorite fanservice scene
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Retards only guarantee more traffic.
i was never really into ass until i got into 2d
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This was better
Please tell me this is a really bad webm and it isn't the original animation that is so stuttery.

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8 years later, what's gotten it so overly hated again?

Chapters 372-373
Previous thread (368-371): >>271117220
All threads: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Hunter%20x%20Hunter/start/2024-9-3/
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Togashi actually has experience writing and drawing manga. He did YYH (which is defacto HxH's prototype) and multiple other series before doing HxH
>and bring in a new head artist from all the mangaka who love him
Murata HxH soon…
Or maybe Ishida…
Has he ever really shown the willingness to do that though? That option has been suggested for over a decade now. YYH was arguably quite rushed at the end, and that was way before now. Many creators would rather die leaving their work unfinished alongside a couple of notes than go "Oh I might die in 5 years better put together a team to help me finish!"
I'd even say a rushed ending is far more likely than him having someone else take over illustrating.
Either Ishida or Gege, only 2 young , prestigious, and die hard enough to do it. Actually, mmost artist would probably do it since I’d bet Togashi would pay hard, but I’m saying those two would be first on Togashi’s doorstep the second he puts out the job offer
>YYH was arguably quite rushed at the end,
from what I remember, Togashi wrote that he YYH quite abruptly because he wasn't allowed to take them in a darker direction. So he didn't want to repeat story arcs prior.

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Guess nanachi isn't the only dead thing nowadays...
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This, all 5 Nishafags are delusional. It's going to be Tepaste and Srajo all the way
I really hope fanart of different characters with Tepaste's clothing return with Season 3, it was a nice little trend back when she debuted
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Not a fan of Srajo's design myself. I'm hoping she'll get serious and we'll see the plague doctor outfit in future chapters.
Um hot
>no Faputa
Into the trash
The disgusting nigger goblina you're sexually attracted to doesn't even have a vagina

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The final episode of Saki and Yuuta's cute love story airs tonight. Confession soon.
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This anime is very good at making me feel how close the characters are to crying. I don't know what it was, I watched it so quietly that I couldn't really hear the music, but it just comes across somehow. Excellent.
I feel the same, it really knows how to absorb you into it. it makes me tuned in with 100% of my focus for the entirety of the episode. I think a large part of it is the slow dreamlike OST and all the soft background noises.
It's honestly not much longer? They go out for a walk at night, she randomly trauma-dumps her tragic backstory on him, then tells him he needs to stop suppressing his feelings because hers didn't go away even after 5 years.

Whole therapy session takes about 5 pages.
I think a lot of anons know Japanese and go there to shitpost, same as here. But I like to believe that retarded degeneration exists among the Japs, too
fucking kek, love the japs sometimes

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ITT awful anime food that you were trick into try
>you were trick into try
can we get english literacy tests instead of captchas?

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First 7 minutes of the movie:
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oh boy I sure am looking forward to even more adaptation slop where all the actually funny/interesting parts are cut out in favor of pure edgy action

baffling how the anime got popular enough to warrant so many seasons and a movie
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You're just mad because Ainz oneshots your favorite character.
>you in charge of reading
I guess I found the target audience
>casts instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities
>no rebuttal

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Hey everyone, the typeset for ch153 is ready! Enjoy!
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I don't know why but I feel like the Manga would make more sense if they were high schoolers.
On the contrary, it would be awful.
Ichi being a chuni would make less sense if he was older.
Intreasting thanks guessing Yamada's parents are getting a side story
I think it would be mediocre, considering that Yamada would be 17 and Ichi 16 at the start of the manga. Their personalities should be different in order to make sense of their current age in HS.

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