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All Color Manga No. 1
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highschool renge
Not sukeban enough.
God I want to see her grow up, following that I want a comedy anime about her work life.

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It's Akari's birthday! I almost forgot about it...
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wha.wh..what's chinatsu doing ?
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I wonder what really happened.
Is Sakurako or Himawari more accepting of her love for the other? Everybody around them is well aware and her genius sisters especially. If Himawari has some level of acceptance of her own love then drunk brat could have confessed and that's her reaction.
Chitose already did drunk rape (it was alcohol not chocolate fuck you dogakobo) years ago so there's precedent, but then it's also part of her character (even if namori forgot) so other people doing it too feels wrong.
Maybe salurako just started stripping her clothes off or something like that.
An episode with Akari clone would be amusing

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More revenge is on the menu! Dump commencing.
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everyone is incredibly retarded in this manga
not the bully gang leader, he's gonna outsmart Maria and possibly fuck her pussy
Like I don't see how anything in current chapter is stupid. Macho man wants to punish Maria for killing his friends so he chases after her in a mansion she has built to be anti said macho man.
Why all of the males bullies seems to be gay for this kid ?
He's just fucking beautiful, probably like kpop boy band beautiful

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Shibuya Near Family chapter 102: Ikko gave some thought to tax revenues

>Sign: Construction underway - Apologies for the inconvenience

>Isn't this excessive amount of municipal road construction
>Banner: Shibuya Ward Council Meeting Broadcast
>just a waste of the taxpayers' money?

>We were trying to increase our tax revenues,
>which lead to us wasting the taxpayers' money.
Pictured is Hasebe Ken, as-of-writing current mayor of Shibuya Ward.

>It's all because of the suggestion I gave to Hasebe...

>That sounds like a really good idea, Ikko-chan.
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Thanks for dumping!
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Cute dummy.

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The girls arrive at an amusement park and the animatronic is definitely not haunted.
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Oh shid
At adventure world in perth West Australia there's a sort of pedal lift track thing that goes around a lot of the park, it would be something like that
no cute Kodachi?
Is Katana autistic?
She wasn't in the chapter cover

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Previous thread (Chapters 64 and 65):
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Rude! That bear is a paying customer.
>When the games are more dangerous, there's more fun to be had, don't you think?
Keiji is a GOOMBLER.
Hopefully something quaint
Thx mate.

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Chapter 39 of super smoking. This chapter may give you a sympathy headache. And an erection.
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Have sex with fertile young girls, salaryman.
Very cute.
Tayama really should eat something besides ramen.
Like yakisoba bread.
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Sasaki you retard, she's basically yearning for your D here. Also last I read this, it was stuck in ch27 for months, I kinda expected more chapters.

Why does nobody care about the show Naruto but they love the character Raikage? It's like Raikage and his artwork is keeping the franchise on life support.
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k, b, c
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top to bottom, on top of my head
no use
see chakra points, see things at almost omni directional, see through objects <10 km
6 abilities + rinne tensei + unique ability, able to summon gedou mazou, immune to occular genjutsu, share vision if using paths
genjutsu, precog, might out-genjutsu someone, make someone do what you want, share user's memories, erase other's memories, izanagi, izanami
tsukuyomi, amaterasu, susanoo v2
kamui, no susanoo
amaterasu, kagutsuchi, susanoo v1
same but susanoo v3
no data
limited reality warping through time
same but susanoo v3
kotoamatsukami, susanoo v2
Yes but /raikage/ is alive and throbbing
Extends vision range, and gives the ability to see the chakra network
Enhanced vision, ability to see chakra, genjutsu, genjutsu resistance, apparently the ability to view people's memories, izanami and izanagi
>Mangekyou Sharingan
Two unique powers based on the users wishes at the time of awakening and a susanoo
>Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan
Apparently just not going blind from use, surprisingly you don't gain the powers of the MS you used to unlock the EMS
Whatever the fuck the writer wants it to do at any giving time
Basically the ability to manipulate blood to the point you can use people as exploding zombies
A chakra mode and some truth seeking orbs

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Why does nobody care about the show Naruto but they love the character Raikage?

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its pretty cool, Fkmt is great but not quite at the level of sako

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>this is considered adorable and hilarious in nippon
what's wrong with them?
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>japanese humor
How the fuck does that guy takes a shit shooting a beam each time?
This has the best ending I've hear in years
Your tastes are all guided by the same algorithm
Is the ED sang by the characters or is some band who the fuck are they?

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Frieren is thousands of years old and a virgin. Don't tell me the odds when it comes to anime girls.
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How much longer until the final BD comes out?
>"Sousou no Frieren" by Abe Tsukasa & Yamada Kanehito will resume in Weekly Shonen Sunday issue 37-38/2024 out August 7!

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Living Things Are Mysterious

Chapter 17
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Notice that the thought bubble is completely empty
This hole was made for me
Very useful link...
It might be nonsense to you, but she's speaking pure facts and logic.

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Welcome back, everyone
Today, Popp and Hyunkel finish their fight against the Dragon Riders
Previous Threads:
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Noooo, not the helmet!
My body is ready.
The 5 disciples of Avan.

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Why is Shouta so rude towards Lucoa??
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KyoAni finally counted to 3 this year, so it's possible
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I want to give them all kittens.

is she lesbian
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She's a slut, just a mild enough slut it gets overshadowed by her sisters massive whoredom
That said I bet she's been in a good amount of FFM stuff
Not according to my DICK
>is this yuri
>is she gay
>is she a lesbian
>time wasting question to force cancerous /u/ presence

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