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Jewelpet thread
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You are a woman

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this was so weird to me


It just show up one day
In this web, there is the complete series in french I think, if this helps you

the english speaking manga market seems to want to read bottom of the barrel trash
fuck off retard
deido was so kino

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Chapter 143 is up: https://championcross.jp/episodes/c402c0075627c

Mangacross messed with their site in a way that's making my usual way of pulling the raws down harder so it'll be a bit before I can get the full dump in here.
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And her chest size.
Yamada canonically has the same kind of jacket Ichi does, IIRC
That's a common issue. Many (fan) artists have a poor sense of proportions.
Isn't she a minor? Doesn't tiktok has regulations for that like youtube? Did her parents let her do this since she's quite sheltered considering her model/acting career.
That mean if every manga release date same time we will get chapter faster than usual time 10 hours

Chiho, a middle school girl teased for not having a smartphone goes to the seaside to vent her anger, there she meets the strange creature, Q!! Chiho takes a liking to Q, who feeds off human's negative emotions, then decides to secretly bring back and adopt Q, what mysteries does Q hold...? Thus begins, in the port city of Numazu, the "invader life" of Chiho and Q.

(Q011): Surprise Attaq
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Thanks OP!
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Get out of here, Guu!
Thanks for the dump, like always, OP.

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>When they see an unsucked cock
What does it make you feel to know that flat girls are in extinction...
Which one of Nini, bros....?
pai paizuri
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I haven't kept up, what's happened in the yanmaga manga since the anime ended?

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This counts as a pretty anime girl that the whole school is in love with, huh.
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But what about personality traits? It's not like she's a flirt.
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Yeah, she has a good personality.
that's a boy
Why? And what if she turned you down?
with those fat tits?

I've already watched the show, but for first time watchers, OVAs or S2 first?
Also, I heard there was some event for the ten year anniversary where the staff all said that they wanted to do more and it was just the director Tensai Okamura that didn't. Does anyone have a source for that?
I also vaguely remember Okamura saying something like "Anyone who thinks there needs to be a Season 3 didn't understand the ending." Did he ever say that or am I making this up/thinking of someone else?
DtB thread
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Watch the OVA and skip S2, it completely shifts the direction of the show and sidelines the old cast in favor of a donut steel and haphazardly discards most story points from S1 in support of that before definitively ending the show.
Doesn't S2 have ponytail alcoholic MC and that hime cut girl that uses her powers by kissing men? Sounds like its pretty worth it to me. I tried watching the first episode after binging S1 and the OVA but the Engrish was giving me too much cringe.
The hime cut girl is a dyke though
Watched it after a Tiktok recommended me cool boomer anime.
Hated S1, it's mostly a bunch of disconnected adventures that go nowhere, the chinese mafia, the firemancer school girl, Hei's past. the whole heaven's gate bs. It honestly felt like a soap opera.
S2 was way more enjoyable even if that rifle looks stupid af.
Don't ever watch season 2

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>all dubs are ba-
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Most of the dialogue is perfectly fine and they don't really mess with the more dramatic scenes but every few episodes there's an attempted funnyroo that misses the mark
dubbing japanese things into english is bad
dubbing english things into japanese is bad
without exception ripping out half the audio of a show and having it replaced by a studio in a foreign country is bad
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Don't conflate me with that faggot.
>HEY! Earth to toddler BITCH!
During plane and space flights, "ground control to pilot" is what the ground control center says over the radio when they're making contact with the pilot.

From that, "Earth to (insert person)" became a way to get someone's attention when they're daydreaming, also called "spacing out". Like they've left Earth in their imagination and you're calling them back to Earth.

"Earth to toddler bitch" is a further play on that, Yusuke is on Earth and Koenma is in another dimension, he's literally not on Earth and so Yusuke is calling him from Earth and calling him a toddler bitch as an insult.
please be ai

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Which way Isekai onii-chan???
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>Past 4 MT images he's done are Nokopara with Eris and Pax raping Roxy

I just want the Vanilla back
Thinking about this from Ars' pov, I think it's hot. Thinking from Rudeus pov makes me angry, specially the fact that Aisha kidnapped 10 year old Ars. Rudeus lets her get away with it too, though i guess it's only fair, considering the niece thing.
Earthdeus never actually physically raped his niece though, Aisha 100% is raping Ars in that very scene, I think it would've done the chapter justice if Rudeus commited a little violence, maybe even a hard slap to Aisha and some hurtful words. Would also be better if everyone else didn't just accept it(Outside of Lilia). The only attempt at violence on Aisha was when Lilia tried to kill her with the knife, they could've at least let Eris or Sylphie punch on her a bit in a fit of rage, but no instead Eris just beats the shit out of her 10 year old statutory rape victim son.
The biggest problem with it is him being 10 years old, at least make him 13/14/15, him being 10 makes Aisha being forgiven stupid.
Aisha saying "Welcome back Onii-chan" comes off as too comedic, her then saying "It was practice" just made the entire thing absurd.

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Sxarp tries very hard but her efforts often come up flat.
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>Sxarp tries very hard but her efforts often come up flat.
I made this post.
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I want Sxarp to set me on fire.
i want chino to kiss me

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Current percentage of Nicolive voters that gave the latest episodes of the currently airing Spring cour shows top marks, making for a decently accurate popularity ranking list.

How do their tastes measure up to your own, anons?
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but niconico loved mygo
>has a self-insert maleshit
Fuck off
I present you Million Live which was also CG
That season it was the top in nico

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Mya-nee's fat belly would stop the cart safely.
Cute feet.
Ugly feet.
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You really hate this thread.
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DUMPING the newest chapter.
For some reason, the author forgot that this is a volleyball manga. He keeps adding romance for some reason.
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They scream "this guy is dependable"
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And done!
This is was an extremely cute chapter. Author has been on point with the romcom stuff lately.
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Cute chapter but this hussy needs to stop getting between Souta and his gf

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I really like the composition on this one.

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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Some questions are better left unanswered when it comes to evolution... Although putting them in clothes is truly questionable.

>In this world exist three species: the beasts, the humans, and the hunters. Since ages, beasts have been the prey of hunters, and humans the prey of beasts. The story follows a famous and powerful hunter nicknamed Red Hood, whom the life will change the day he comes across a young beast werewolf girl...

Chapter 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 >>265679729
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For capital investment, right?
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And that's all for today. The Wolf of Border Villages is just a little enthusiastic about potential realized return, surely.
Good day/night, everybody.

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