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Always love when mangaka throw it back to the beginning whenever they end a manga
Shame this isn't a good show.
Terrible comparison. All Might was a national hero, not a janitor.
>That lame-ass kid who has no idea who Midoriya is got in the cover

unless they fully fix the last chapters, this manga is already dead.
It’s still surreal that Hori caved in to the Fujoshis and didn’t resolve a single relationship. So he would not get death threats from weird women who wanted their gay couples.
Dekubaku won
He knows who deku is. He literally narrates that deku was one of the heroes his gen of kids looked up to in school
Yeah that’s the weird part, I thought no relationships confirmed would have been total femgooner death. But they are like lol he didn’t confirm anything so my head cannon is real.
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We know LaBrava and Gentle got their happy ending, thats all of the shipping i ever could care for.
Was Hori influenced by the mcdonalds meme?
Bakugo became deku's sugar daddy, that's all you need.
They had the perfect opportunity to put deku in one of his shitty description shirts and they didn't do it. Hell I'm surprised they didn't contact deku to do a collab with him after the war
Even Oricon provided WSJ examples https://x.com/oricon_anime_/status/1859069096761192672
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I love HQ's
>hinata is taller
>more muscular
>visibly aged
And uglier
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How did her boobs get smaller?
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It's not over
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I guess that bra squishes them
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The contrast between the first and the last covers perfectly encapsulates the message of MHA that many (westerners mostly) seem to miss: it’s not a story about one shining brighter than others, but about giving everyone a chance to shine. Look how Allmight stands out compared to the other pro-heroes painted in red. That kind of separation doesn’t exist on the final cover. They are all colorful. In Allmight’s era, symbols and power rankings were what mattered, in Deku’s era, collectivism is what matters.
gang's all here
>throw it back
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>8 years have passed
>Nobody recognizes Deku
>He ended up sad, cuked and alone as a normal teacher

I think that 99% of those who hated the ending didn't even actually read it.
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people know who he is, the weird thing is that some people apparently thought he wasn't real, I guess since he disappeared from the public spotlight.
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Left is better
kek based and factual
FUCK boku no wageslave cuckademia
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There were 6 volumes left after Vol 32, but this is basically the same as the other ones ITT.
Stopped when he introduces a bully as a hero.
Who? Bakugo?
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Still ongoing, but
He changes a lot.
>still on-going
It'll never end at this rate.
I mean I see your gripe about him, but he has okay character development and even ends up being a pretty crucial player in the final battles
Every one deserves a chance to change but it doesn't erase what he did before.
I don't care about the ending, this shit is kino.
A reminder Japan was fine with the ending and have no idea why the fuck gajins are talking about shit like McDonalds and cucking.
To be fair, all volumes followed the same format and now I'm mad again they only released first 3 volumes here
>why the fuck gajins are talking about shit like McDonalds
imagine being at computers
They actually understand that Deku and Ochaco were never in a relantionship (and let's be honest, Ochaco had a bigger crush on Deku than the other way around) so the cuckold thing doesn't make sense and come from shitposters addicted to porn or people who never touched the series but want to be part of the threads shitting on the ending just like the AOT one.
Problem is how heavily pushed their romance was with her crush also being a major part of her characterization.
Maybe Hori didn’t want her to seem like Deku’s trophy and show that teen love doesn’t always last but the issue is western shounenfags having specific expectations for an ending.
>some people apparently thought he wasn't real
I'm pretty sure that was just an awkwardly worded "OMG it's Deku Superhero in the flesh"
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>no supersuit
>showing how everyone achieved their goals but him
nips and their obsession with bloodlines I swear
and he and the story know that. one of the best thing of mha is that the consequences of the characters' actions are not erased just because they want to redeem themselves. they have to deal with it.
did he deal with it by mating pressing ochako?
Deku would be Ochako's trophy more than anything. Unfortunately, going back to hiding her feelings after Toga died on her and Deku lost his powers is very in character for her. Western shounenfags are irrelevant when it comes to the story Horikoshi wants to tell with his characters.
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the previous chapter deals with that very point which makes the whole thing even more stupid. Obviously the final vol. is going to fill in the gaps, but not updating their relationship or addressing it all in the last chapter is just shitty writing and I'm not sure how anybody could pretend to be satisfied by it
if by dealing with it you mean doesn't get his face blown apart by Deku then it doesn't count
>All Might was a national hero
And because of that quirkless people were excluded from society and villains like Dabi and Shigaraki were born. Leaning on a symbol, a number 1 ruined everything. Deku is the one who changed that. He showed that a hero should be more than rankings and fame.
go back faggot
There is the small detail of the desks getting closer every volume
So they banged in the class with no one noticing?
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Mushoku Tensei.
Why does the last one look like it's AI?
It was released 2 years ago already, so probably not. Artist can just deliver when he actually try.
It's a good watch up until Season 3
>it’s not a story about one shining brighter than others,
>the story of how i became the greatest hero
Yeah the greatest hero is everyone put together.
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Hirotaka Akagi pulled a Nisio.
I stopped halfway through season 2. It just didn't clicked.
>And because of that quirkless people were excluded from society
Hasn’t changed, Deku furthered the idea that quirkless people are worthless and evil quirks are villainous and only being handed strong heroic quirks makes you a worthwhile person
>and villains like Dabi and Shigaraki were born
Hasn’t changed, Deku shilled the Pro Hero system more than anything before him
Deku didn’t change shit, he doubled down and indulged everything wrong with the setting
jesus christ deku is hideous
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It doesn't seem like something developed or progressed
Just looks like the vol1 cover but in their updated style.
It was actually ok until then for me too. It just.. didn't have interesting character dynamics. It was the same old cliches. Same old rival. Same old baddies. Same old MC. Same old Kamina (though not nearly as good and not dead).

The problem was it was too standardised and conforming to the same shit I see over and over again.
It's not like... Denji v Barem, or v Miffy. Most of the character dynamics in CSM are rather complex compared to most shounen manga. It's more interested in the idea of how characters manipulate and fuck over each other. It feels more like actual people but in exaggeration and less like a mere character trope or archetype that is typical for most media.

Then there's the setting of having tournaments and shit like that. If you do that, you gotta make it interesting. Make the character a slave trying to escape death, not trying to be a superhero. Even as a kid I found most tournament arcs in anime lame because there was no gravity. No death to avoid. It was just play and not a gladiator fight to the death. I stopped watching pokemon because it got like that and because yu gi oh happened and immediately - "oh you better not fuck up yugi boy" or to the shadow realm for you!
He could have done that without making deku look like a total cuck by introducing a huge timeskip. If it was only a 1-2 year timeskip then it wouldn't be unbelievable for ochako to not confess to deku in that period but 8 years? Either they got together or she had moved on from him, no inbetweens.
I like how consistent Murcielago's is at Volume 23. It still looks like it's Volume 1, the artist is enthusiastic, there's energy.
Left pic: SOUL
Right pic: soulless
Nobody knows who Midoriya is.
All Might saved society. Yes it wasn't perfect, but he literally did what Kira in Deathnote did without killing a single person. If "Oh noes, some people get bullied" is the extend of your criticism, then that is a good society
had nothing to do with Allmight, just an insecure fag. "Dude, Allmight should have been omniscience and step down from the no.1 spot so that the second guy can stop abusing his family"
was the result from the person before Allmight
That lame-ass kid is 100x cooler than decuck because he didn’t need to be a parasitic pathetic nepobaby handed the best quirk on earth to be a hero
What’s wrong with being a bully?
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This is actually its first Jump cover and the CP of the special chapter (last publication in wsj).
I miss this one desu
Not last but vol 1 and vol 50.
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>character development haircut
It's shit. Shit!
Deku is gonna win

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