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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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/hm/ is for sharing porn.

People posting new threads should post several images (6+) to get the thread started. Don't just post one image and expect other people to do the work of making a successful thread.

Hookup, camwhore, and 'rate me' threads should go on /soc/.
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Discussion of LGBT topics should go on /lgbt/. (work-safe).
Requests for sources, or more images should go on /r/.

Do not post any 'rate me' or any other self shots here. If you want to post pictures of yourself, please use /soc/ - Cams & Meetups.

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Post your stories and pics of being a married man, or being with married men who cheats/cheated on their wives.

I know it’s wrong, selfish and a bit degenerate, but it happens. When I started hooking up with men, I didn’t realize how common it actually is. Probably close to 50% of the men I contact on hookup sites are married to women and cheating or have girlfriends.

Share your stories, experiences and photos of you got them. Confess your infidelity. As common as it seems to be, I know some of you have skeletons in the closet.
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I sucked a straight uber driver once, and only because he noticed I kept.looking at his crotch and advanced
A little more than a third of the guys I have hooked up with are married. If you add the ones who are divorced/widowed, the number goes up to almost 75%.

About half of the married guys actually risked hooking up at their place. That's because their wives worked during the say and I'd meet them at lunch time or when their wives went away for a few days. These guys became regulars because they take a chance when they host and if you prove you can be discreet, they want you as a regular.
There’s a straight uber driver i’m friends with, and i want to fuck him so bad. It’s been a while since he started to be my driver and we developed a friendship. He doesn’t know i’m gay and sometimes we talk about girls and i just go along with whatever he says while in my mind i’m imagining sucking him off.

Recently he started going to the gym and during our rides to my work and university he always talks about the gym and how much he likes it and how he’s seeing so much results in a short time, and idk if i was tripping but i felt like he was teasing me as he was very insistent and smiled when i said he was getting hot. He even said several times his briefs were barely fitting now because his thighs were getting big, but i didn’t know what to say.

Idk what to do because i like him and maybe i’m just thinking he’s trying to make a move while he only sees a friend in me whom he can talk about that kind of stuff because i go to the gym too. He’s quite older than me but he’s a nice guy, sometimes he compliments me and we have grabbed lunch a couple of times. I’m so confused lmao
>only homoerotic experience was exchanging handjobs and blowjobs with a friend in my teens
>been curious ever since
>wife going out of state for a couple weeks
>download grindr to test out the waters
>bunch of hot guys want to fuck/blow me
should I?
Honestly, you just have to make small subtle comments where if it gets weird you could just add a "Nah, just kidding."

Like the "my thighs are getting bigger" comment, you just have you say a cheeky "seeing is believing" type of comment and see how it goes, if he reacts badly, just add a "just kidding, man."

I mean, saying something like "yeah, you're getting hot" just does something to a guy. I'm gay and when I've said that to a straight guy, like not even meaning it or just like a glib comment, it's funny how sometimes their whole demeaner changes. Like, some have even gotten flirty.

I guess if it goes bad, you can always get another Uber driver.

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good looking men and guys
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Matt Ardell
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A man of taste, I see.

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anything bdsm, bondage or men tied up in a sexual context
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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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yum, who's that?
>Luke Lemures
he'll just delete later
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Post more photos like this pose. Triple bonus points for beach or public images!
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Posed pic therefore BORING + shitty tats anyway
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I think when boys get a little embarrassed its hot...

Pics, webms, and even stories and experiences would be awesome.

You can post whatever, as long as it contains some sort of humiliation...
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People suck, bro
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Sweaty guys, sniffing, generally musky scenarios
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Come get a sniff!
Need more used jockstraps
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Shove your face in these hairy pits & don't stop sniffing for 60 seconds
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Summer is nearly here so let's see those sexy tans.
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Nice cock youngin
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It's been a while since we had a thread of guys smoking cigarettes. Looking for reasonably flattering images of any kind of dudes getting naked or doing something fetishy while smoking. Not into cigars (that's a distinctly different vibe), and drugs have their own thread here: javascript:quote('2605076');
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Prev: >>2626133
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come back to /hm/ MONTHS later and realize these were posted by me. How dead is this board?
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Why am I attracted to heft builds like this? My husband isn't even hefty, he's beefy and build but I want him to get fatter, why bros?
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You'd have to chat with them about that. Idk how you'd like or how they are, it's all about communication
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Maybe you did look at him creepy, waiting outside and not acting on it is cringe too. Stop staring and approach them directly and get and answer instead of not having an answer

No one said you had to do or turn into that situation. Let me clarify; the bigger belly the guy has, the higher chance you'll have with him nevause of his big belly. The ones that are confident with their bellies fuck better and are into that.

Husband is built like pic and he is a muscled guy going for the muscled gut. I myself am a lean fit guy, it's all about dynamics
This is the dream, large belly and good at fucking
true, its just one of my fantasies I wanted to play out at least once. but I would want companionship or something first.
>Maybe you did look at him creepy, waiting outside and not acting on it is cringe too. Stop staring and approach them directly and get and answer instead of not having an answer
>Wink at them and make eye contact.
aight make up your mind retard

White boys getting dominated by BBC masters
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markie more
Noah Donovan, Jacen Zhu, Max Adonis
Please, does anyone know where this one is from?
>probably rightwingers who want to defy themselves, they see them as living dildo they will throw away after post-nut clarity, its straight up racist
can confirm
I like them as dark and big as possible, then go back to posting racist shit on twitter

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All time grand champions
Only solo pics and vids!
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The world suffers at the hand of amerimutts
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This absolute beer can that I just discovered today:

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Damn! Who tf is this??

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