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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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/hm/ is for sharing porn.

People posting new threads should post several images (6+) to get the thread started. Don't just post one image and expect other people to do the work of making a successful thread.

Hookup, camwhore, and 'rate me' threads should go on /soc/.
Advice threads should go on /adv/. (work-safe).
Discussion of LGBT topics should go on /lgbt/. (work-safe).
Requests for sources, or more images should go on /r/.

Do not post any 'rate me' or any other self shots here. If you want to post pictures of yourself, please use /soc/ - Cams & Meetups.

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Preferably with links cause Webms with sound aren’t allowed here sadly. Only the best of the best and your favorite stuff no matter what.
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damn any source video of this one
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And preferably showing hole
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nice you use the fancy TP
Como whit me https://onlyfans.com/action/trial/8eik10n23w4d2laht7uswxktmbsotund
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i am the guy in the picture

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fat,chubby, beefy or pudgy make me cum /hm/ bros
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Bigscoty on tumblr
He was posting stuff on discord as goomybare
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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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intensely sniffable anuses
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Need more BBC
Previous: >>2623391
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made for sex with yt bois
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Fat white cocks too but in my experience maybe only 1 out of every 1000 white guys is big enough. Like I said I have no racial preferences but white dick tends to be short and skinny

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how’s my bulge boys ?
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No, Reid.
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Continued from >>2617121

Thumb: "Good Politic Guy" on yt
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He's the kind of guy who you find nerdy and awkward in person but packs a big dick and gives you heavenly sex :3
Oh, I've seen his videos, he's cute. Is there nothing on him?
I bet he doesn't realize gays all over the world want to suck and fuck him
Doug is mad cute. I unironically want a husband like him
Need him more than I need air. I had to stop myself from going frame by frame in his vids to see the 1/8 of a second that you can see below his torso.
so much samefagging, when did this board get this schizo

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Apparently this guy has some content out there, anyone have vids/moar? I'll dump what I got so far
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That's all I got but there's gotta be more out there
This guy is AI-generated, last thread some schizo anon proved it. Boring
Link? Looks pretty real to me except that first pic
let a man suck some dick yall fucking sissy bitches

Str8 Irish guy needs to be exposed
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Are you not ashamed of posting those low quality screenshots? Seriously what the hell
read the name of the board, fat retard

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There’s nothing hotter than seeing a pack of photos with guys face and body and leaked dick and ass pics all side by side.
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Anyone know who this is?
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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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Fellas. Is it gay if I have been thinking about how nice it would be to cuddle with this cutie and maybe suck his cock for the past 2 days?
I've been craving for worse things so I can't really judge. And at least what you're wishing for can actually happen in real life.

Wish I could say the same, but it's never happening. Still waiting to be proven wrong.
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What are your desires son...

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Sir this is a porn board
Ignore it, the specimen is just aggressively sexually frustrated, hopefully it just bust and nut and goes to sleep. If not, it may need to be euthanized, it's unstable.
There was a certain niche website the UK that he may have been on during covid with his locked cock and balls begging for a certain something to be done
I made a new thread for this guy >>2636626
That's just what we needed

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how are they going to fly without their ear wings
Wow this guy is so handsome. I always found dudes with big ears really cute for some reason.
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woof more pls
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Handsome Men appreciating themselves in their own reflection (full body nudes preferred)
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