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The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
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protein bros where we at
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the idea of drinking the top's cum and not letting a drop go to waste turns me on
it's like it is a reward for being such a good boy and pleasuring him
>protein bros where we at

Down the hatch soon I hope. xxx
Fucking love that look in their eyes after you unload all over their face
when a buddy is coming by for head, my throat starts feeling slimey, like it's preparing for what's to cum. i swallow. and find that a day or two later, i spit up clearish gooey blobs of ooze. pretty sure that's cum that doesn't get disgested. cool huh.
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Cute guys who are carrying extra weight in the thighs and belly, soft man boobs. Preferably clean shaving or lightly hairy.
Morbidly obese IS NOT "chubby" there's already a thread up, know the difference, it could save your life.
103 replies and 74 images omitted. Click here to view.
He's shaped very well. Could use some more muscle on the arms and his foreskin is missing but he's hot otherwise.
cock is very much perfect, what he really needs to work out are legs. you have very bad taste
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Looking very chonky
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Summer is nearly here so let's see those sexy tans.
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Oh my god. Pete Kuzak. There has never been and never shall be, for the rest of the existence of Reality, another being that can compare to his beauty. Black holes will evaporate and protons will decay, and still he will be the standard against which all else must be compared and found wanting.

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it's rly great exercise - fapping to the oldies.
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i daydream we're roomies. and he's helping me train as a fluffer.
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Ah the good old days before the Navy was Co-Ed

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Pups doing pup things edition
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@Buppy69 on Twitter

he's my bf lol
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I just wanna be a good naked dog for a good but strict master alongside another human dog. I want to be seen as a dog, treated like one, and live as one.
Shit dude, me too, even if it’s just for a weekend.

One day…
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Anyone knows who is this?

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Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
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could you imagine
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Why deep fake his stupid face onto hot guys?
thanks for revealing yourself as a slut
Hasan's body is bigger (and better) than these
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new pic dropped. gotta love his pubes reflecting in his phone camera

I think when boys get a little embarrassed its hot...

Pics, webms, and even stories and experiences would be awesome.

You can post whatever, as long as it contains some sort of humiliation...
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No, it isn't. It's a completely made up fantasy exclusive to you that you won't stop trying to turn into a thing.
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Love these
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^Where is that gloryhole pic from?
Dunno. First saw it in like 2010

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Why do half the pictures say "File no longer exists"? Who fucked up their download?
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4chan servers
Again, who is the motherfucker that is deleting previously posted pictures to /hm/ threads?

It's getting to where I'm not posting anything anymore because there's some fucker out there deleting them.

What gives, fellow /hm/ fans? Are we going to put up with this shit?
what are you on about bitch

Post cute Persian/Egyptian/Arab/etc boys. No blacks
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Last one was around for 7 months
Gd that faggots sexxy!!
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he's available for dating. has his own camel, mobile oil rig, and platinum amex.

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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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who is he?

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The ripe scent of my bf jockstrap after he's worked out, worked or played a game gets me diamonds. Can't get enough, especially when the jockstrap is soaked with his ball scent. Let's get a thread going
37 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.

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