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This fucker makes 80k/no on OnlyFans. Has to be mostly fags right? Anyway post rare Girthmasterrs, no chicks or straight shit
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it's not even that big, he looks very plain to me
Is he bigger than Dredd, Julio Gomez or mandingo? Or is this some kinda reverse affirmative action in porn?
Appalling to be fucking honest
I actually agree with them. Just because someone is tall or has a big dick makes them automatically hot or spectacular in any way.

For a tall man, this guy is only a 4/10 at best. If he looked more attractive and I don’t just mean a ripped body - his dick would be worth more for being large. You other guys have such low standards and/or no self respect when it comes to putting “tall alphas” on a pedestal. Really need to stop being such stereotypical faggots who idolise heteronormative ideals. It’s pathetic.

This guy looks lowkey inbred. But in saying that average people around 4/10 to 6/10 are kinda relatable content for most people so that’s probably why his demographic works. Especially because he has a big dick.

This is such a preschool cop out comment. Shut the fuck up. It works both ways - if you argue that this is hot then you post yourself too? Believe it ir not some of us don’t just need a the minimal standards to be attracted to a person like you are. We’re also not the ones who are narcissistic enough to post on onlyfans so we’re exempt from that criticism. He is not.
*doesn’t make them automatically hot or spectacular

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Old thread >>2619918
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aussie bussy
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>Cherry is over, I think we were playing Forza
>my other buddy calls, asks what I'm doing
>tell him I'm busy, with someone, asks who, don't say
>tells me to call him later, wants to fuck
>Cherry asks who that was, tell him it was "Chad"
>"Wait, he's gay? REALLY?!"
>Dude is 6'5", physical specimen, big ol dick
>ugly as fuck and full gay to boot, total closet case
>Cherry says I can still fuck him if I want
>say I'm good, got what I need, he swoons hard
>asks if I can invite him over to Cherry's cousins house on Friday
>that's when Cherry tells me about their "parties"
>good chunk of family on vacation

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Any more stories you can tell? Sounds like you have a great situation going on there.

Damn that's so hot.
Tell us more stories!

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Pups doing pup things edition
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Looks like it would be great for 24/7 pups. Never have to take the tail out except for the occasional cleaning

What do I do to become a pup slave? I did just about everything in life available to me and I'm too bored to do wagie bullshit for the remainder of my life, but I'm a great pup and hung/ trained pretty well/ flexible, just want to be consistently fucked and bred, chores/ work isn't much a bother, but damn is it hard to find a good dom. I'll literally drop everything and collar up for somebody who can do it well, I got a sheath/ tail/ hood all ready to go but day to day life is such a bore
that's what I was thinking too. It's the perfect tail plug, but I never see it in use
I pretty much feel the same way. it's next to impossible to find a good, attractive dom even for just some fun let alone long term or even a weekend. Also put your gear on and show it off!

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Post them sexy cowboys cocks and assholes. Boots and hats preferred.

I recently discovered I have a thing for men in boots and cowboy hats when I started hooking up with a closeted country boy. He keeps his boots and hat on when we fuck and it makes my cock diamonds every time I think about it.
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this thread was made by Grant MacDonald

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Fuck I wish I could line these dicks up and suck the cum out of each one
Damn! That is a perfect cock! Sauce please

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All time grand champions
Only solo pics and vids!
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I want this one to rub my prostate
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Twinks, that are black.

Simple as.
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Cute. Love especially this pic.
So suckable.

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LIONS = ginger and hairy
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Two day link is gay
Source, please?
Just go to his instagram. It's filled with him doing stunts which his flop dick can be seen.
I got the video. Show me a place to upload it.

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This thread is for images of black and brown bottoms enjoying white cock.

>Previous thread: archiveofsins.com/hm/thread/2555379
>All our past threads: archiveofsins.com/hm/search/subject/bleached
>Discord: discord.com/invite/bJGWBJj
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Need source
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Fuck the bike, fuck the Nubian King nigger
Captcha: PPTT
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Big guys being fucked
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who dat?
>Muscle Bottoms
lmao all of them? Steroid abuse causes erectile dysfunction
Any pictures or videos of Muscular guys getting fucked by fat ones?
Found the sad skinny-fat bottom

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Can we get a thread for Cooper, /fa/‘s qt finance bro and VP of his frat?
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Beautiful swing. Post more action shots
does anyone know what any of his social media is? Im obsessed with him and want to see everything lol
i have a theory that he started this and that he has some kink for people talking about him online

Share it all: guilty pleasures, cheating stories, weird fetishes.The hornier the better.
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>How do you ensure safety against STIs?
nta, but this can't really be possible, can it?
Like that anon, I'm married, too, but I have another married buddy that I get with. The two of us do not play outside our marriages and us, don't have the time. Get tested yearly. He's a family friend and we'd probably both be out there slutting out for dick had we not found each other.

No one can convince me a gangbang can be done "safely."
Damn, I feel for you bro. I've run into this before, where I wanted something less vanilla and I just couldn't get my partner to do it
Not that anon, but I'll add some thoughts.
>I'm curious about procedure.
Either post or look at posts. I was on CL, DL, old yahoo groups, dating sites. Find guys, talk (ignore "no more than two emails" guys). Chat, exchange thoughts, interest, limits. Meet in person first if possible.
>Are these guys you know?
I get to know these guys a little, but they are not close friends. Everyone I have met has been outside my family/friends/coworkers circle
>How do you ensure safety against STIs?
Understand what can be transferred and how. I've hooked up with about 55 guys but only caught chlamydia once from an older guy I stupidly fucked without a condom. Other than that, bare oral and condom anal.
>How do you make this happen without your wife/GF finding out?
Depends on your situation. For most of my fooling around, my wife worked retail so she worked nights and weekends. Separate email addresses, google phone number and not fooling around with anyone in the above-mentioned circles

This guy >>2636226 has a good situation that he has a single friend, married, who needs discretion and being safe. But I'll tell you that even married guys will take chances.
im a sexless virgin too ashamed of the men im attracted to so I smother mtr paneer tikka masala on my pits, crotch, and beard then masturbate to pretend im with a musky indian muscledaddy
cheap food ready to eat from the packet, just add rice
smells like an Indian
> too ashamed of the men im attracted to
Why, anon?

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We’ve all seen those guys around who seem totally straight but end up in Cruisy spots, gay bars or on Grindr. Might be bi, who knows? Stories are good too.
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>Tyler Saint
Forever sad he never did bareback but holy shit he knows how to fuck
I finally understand how people get kidnapped by serial killers. I'd get in this car so fast!
>Might be bi

The majority of guys fucking guys are bi. Are you not all being hit up by bi fellas at the time?
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I’ve been in an under the radar total cock loving faggot my entire life. Sucked my first dick in elementary school. Then had a (sort of) friend I’d jerk and suck off when I was in high school. First guy I fucked was a fag from college who used to hang out. Last week of college before heading home, I lured him into my dorm and we fucked all night. Few years later I discovered Craigslist and eventually Grindr. I’ll find a DL or married guy and fuck them in secrecy for as long as they’re down. I’ve always had girlfriends. Even almost got married. But I’ve never stopped sucking dicks, topping ass and taking loads. I could never have a boyfriend, or be “out” that’s gross. But I sure do love fucking men, and doing it as a secret is half the turn on.
Hot anon - totally get you situation.
I’m bi I guess, not really into fucking but love cock and hairy asses. Could never hv a boyfriend but live for cock and fucking my missus

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A thread featuring cocks of all colors with very little thickness, appearing <5 inches in girth.
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That looks good
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in what world lol
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