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i'll start with lewissurv. reminder that beauty is purely subjective
17 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
cutie desu
>getting filtered by lpsg of all places

(function() {
'use strict';

function replaceVideoElements() {
const blockerElements = document.querySelectorAll('.video-easter-egg-blocker, .video-easter-egg-overlay');
blockerElements.forEach(el => el.remove());

const posterElements = document.querySelectorAll('.video-easter-egg-poster img');
posterElements.forEach(el => {
const src = el.src;
const baseSrc = src.replace('/data/attachments/posters/', '/data/video/').replace('.jpg', '.mp4');
const videoElem = `

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Sometimes the video is not a mp4, so you have to replace the .mp4 for .mov, .m4v or .m4a. There's probably a way to make the script account for this but I don't want to bother working on it more than I already have.
Not a butterface, would be hot even with a little ween
Thank you for the script, but a noob question if I may: How do I use it? Like, where do I input it and so on?

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Fuck I’m bottom left
I worry if I would be easily recognizable too haha
I'm sorry to say this but a lot of the others are mogging you
Don’t worry you’re not special, the worst thing you may have done to yourself is for any future work when they use AI to search the internet for your likeness. Privacy is merely an illusion in todays world.

Let's get some silver fox in here.
68 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
just enjoy it before it's over, don't worry about that shit brother
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Old thread reached image limit
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I need to get this guy pregnant
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Cute belly

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No crossdressers
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star wars lost its way once it stopped centering on blonde twinks.

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Decently shot guys in a precarious and kinky position, or otherwise having a punishing time on camera. No to people's deliberately unflattering selfies, or calls to action in someone's DMs. Yes to wedgies, involuntary stripping, corporal punishment, embarrassment, force-fucking, gangbangs, bullying, foot worship, difficult insertions, piss, stress positions, or idk – surprise me...

Full image (from a great artist):

Old thread:
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cuckold thread
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LOL the one doing the sucking looks like Jack Smith...what do we know about his past??

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Post your best vintage porn from the 60s 70s and 80s. Why did guys used to so hot? What happened ;)
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Damn Logan Paul is so hot.
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why does he look like that
My skull is also shaped like that. Some people are just unfortunate.
my old friend
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Either Danny Ramirez or Gregg Sulkin

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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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Is this shit humpty dumpty ai fake porn? lol
the gun tattoo pointing at that cock is art
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Why am I attracted to heft builds like this? My husband isn't even hefty, he's beefy and build but I want him to get fatter, why bros?
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Hell yes! I want to keep getting bigger
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not bad, his belly is pretty cute
I wish I had a bottom to worship my body and cuddle with.

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It used to be that there would always be a thread going in here for these hunks, what happened? Let’s get this trend started again! Other college boys in singlets also allowed.
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Any leaks?
could you be any more of a stupid faggot
no nudies of Will huh? Y'all make me ashamed to be a fag,
You've never ever seen an uncut penis in your life, gorefag. Enjoy your dried up disgusting scar.

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Anyone have the rest? No names because of google alerts, IYKYK
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Hilarious, now back down to the basement with you
i'd kill to see his stuff. or his brother's
Didn't know his brother had stuff out there.

post dicks with rods in them, or other objects. vids or pics.
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Even without any desensitisation it doesn't hurt, what matters the most is how smooth the material of the sound is, which is why the metal ones are the most recommended
how did you train to get at that point?
Certainly but in my case without desensitization I could only go up to 12mm in diametr and with it I can push up to 14mm, and even more now.

There was no real training because from the beginning with my conical probe which is from 9mm to 16mm in diameter and it easily fit up to 12mm we can see here >>2653391 that after a while we go up to the 13mm. and in this photo my little finger has a diameter of 15mm on the last phalanx on the outside.
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Cause the old one is full already
225 replies and 129 images omitted. Click here to view.
2nd guy went by givemeawhiff on OF and twitter but his accounts have disappeared. He has/had a tiktok account going by the name of @justeoughdrafts based on what i found here (top comment). HIs face is something to behold. Hes so fucking cute https://www.reddit.com/r/upvotebecausebear/s/lsfBHqKqjm
Here is some of his OF stuff
oh wow i've seen his tiktoks here and there LOL he's super cute, yeah. thanks anon
I’m built like this but have a really small cock. Cursed to be a thicc bottom forever
as you should be
I'd suck on that dick in a heartbeat

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