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Better get her a strap on
Tbh anything above 7" is generally more trouble than it's worth. Those guys usually don't know how to please a bottom and think they should just go as deep as they can.
Definitely small, but at least it's not ugly and you're not fat
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Angel Damien was the credit on these earliest known pictures of Brian Hawkes published in Physique Pictorial in the 1970s.

almost like a second skin that shows off the muscle and physique underneath
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Can you remind what sport it is?
wrestling, the real wrestling, not that fake "pro wrestling"
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Nick Wayne 19yo pro wrestler. love to suck him off after a match while he's all hot sweaty n horny.

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Bussy Thread
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>soluble creates movement
The intestine does that on its own
i don't mean that
you can't easily pass a bowel that's not the right consistency the soluble fiber makes the stool the right number on the bristol stool chart
plus soluble reduces cholesterol and balances blood sugar
Insoluble fiber fiber is the one that makes the consistency and bulk.

>soluble reduces cholesterol and balances blood sugar
I have nothing against it. Though it can cause bloating in a lot of people.
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For Native American Heritage Month, post hot Indigenous guys.
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I'll never forgive white people for erasing these
hot thread, is there any more?

Men tied up, handcuffed etc
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There's a couple videos of young me out there in various states of bound up taking Daddy dick. I haven't come across them in 20 years, but I blasted HARD when I watched them kek. I had some saved but that disk died long ago, sadly.
Thank god you can barely tell it's me.
who's the bottom on the left pls
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Fat men looking to get fatter
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how do i get a bigger ass?
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for me, the hour bike commute to work built up a good amount of muscle under the fat

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Looooove this guy
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ralph sepe has it good

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Post your best vintage porn from the 60s 70s and 80s. Why did guys used to so hot? What happened ;)
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Who is this
Movie called Knightriders. It's terrible but has a certain charm to it. Plus it had that hot guy in it.

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White tops and asian bottoms
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man i checked his twitter and got reminded that westernized asian fags take everthing shitty about white bottoms and turn it up to an 11
catty bitchy fake, generic mainstream pop interests, pretend to hate white people but will only date white people
im 5‘6 , 120lbs asian boy(age 20)
and wanna be fucked by superior white or black man when i go usa travel
where can i find white or black who wanna to colonise chink slave?
These famous fags are always on grindr anon
Bump for yellow bussy
weird fetishists always type like this, you're not fooling anyone.

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Post your down curved dick, only hard dicks curved down! Extra points for getting sucked or fucked
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wrong curve
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Found on Twitter

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Like this pose
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Frustratingly handsome

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cuckold thread
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916 loser
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