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Post cute Persian/Egyptian/Arab/etc boys. No blacks.
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>no blacks
Lol what was the point in posting this? Why not add no Indians or anglos while
You’re at it? So random. You fags so combative and pathetic on here lmao must be the worms
Yeah, half of MENA is North Africa kek
That's what I thought too.
Will you be my bitch?

What are the guilty pleasure turn-one you’re too ashamed to admit?
>trashy men
>Indian body odour
>body hair
>older men
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>he enjoys woman juices
:/ why did i read and saw that
>whatcha gonna do when that 2" shriveled steroid dick comes looking for you, /b/rother?
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A genuinely guilty pleasure of mine is being really turned on by the idea of a guy subtly manipulating me. Especially if he thinks I'm stupid and easy to control and even more so if he's not particularly bright either but believes he is. Like everything he says is right and if he's wrong, he'll just convince me he's right.

My mom's best friend's husband was like that. He was pretty dumb, an absolute meathead, and just an overall loser but he would "correct" me on everything I said (even though he was usually wrong) and it made me diamonds to act like he was super knowledgeable.

>pic unrelated, just a hot guy
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I don't have a name for it but guys like Alex Jones and fedsmoker

Fat trashy dudes who do stimulants and are probably fun to good out with

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Stoners, junkies, skaters, white trash, hippies, criminals, and homeless guys. Really anyone who has that unkept “scruffy” look to them. Last thread reached the image limit.

Previous thread: >>2514712
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Someone get hunter biden he’s taking pictures on his laptop again
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Do criminals count?
who is this?
Anyone have anything else from this guy? Comments say it's "Eddie Problem," nut I'm not getting anything with that.

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Are there any Billfags left?
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Everyone still loves bill. Of course he’s older now but he’s still beautiful. His show starts on Netflix on teusday.
Is the Netflix show any good?
It was pretty good if you don’t mind reality tv and you have some interest in bill or tokio hotel. If you turn on the English dubs they made sure the voice actor for bill sounds gay. I thought it was a nice touch
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Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Do you know who the guy is?
Or perhaps you've got more of him.
I remember he used to post on pornhub, but sadly I can't remember his name and I can't find any of his older videos. They probably didn't survive pornhub amateur content purge.
He had really great videos.
This all reminds me of that meme trend where guys took certain supplements etc to increase the volume of their cum. Stuff like lecithin etc. Anyone know of that stuff really worked, and does anyone have any of those "cum maxxing" guides?
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go to r/cumbiggerloads

only the most sexy men of the past
bonus points if they’d be homophobic
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Hear me out
THANK YOU. I absolutely love Taft, I wish I could be impregnated by this adorable man.
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Handsome af
John William Polidori, British, author of the first modern vampire story.

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If possible, getting masturbated while fucking
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cops are always the most cock hungry bottoms same with military guys. They are great at sex
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I like the peace signs on the wall. It’s giving John Lennon.
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Gorilla Men

Post pics of men so hairy they could be classified as a gorilla, we have too many twink threads
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>we have too many twink threads
Which is why we need another thread for ugly expired men, amirite?
bro that fucks me once in a while
he is hairy and gets sweaty as fuck
well yes
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not hairy enough

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this build is crazy, goddamn

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Beefy asses
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iiiimagggggine the smellllllllll
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Let's have a good old fashioned story time. Tell a story nonfictional or fictional involving male on male action but with sexy male picture to accompany it. I'll begin with this tale:

This is called THE GIFT OF GAB, enjoy

Brandon was a charming, good looking man. He could win anyone over with a wink and a smile, and had friends everywhere. Everybody loved him.

But his persuasiveness was unnatural, a result of his magical lineage. Power flowed through his veins, and in the magical world he came from, the power to compel others was highly valued and sought after. They called it the Gift, and Brandon had it in spades.

Others like Brandon used the Gift to manipulate from atop positions of power, often at odds with each other. The world was their chessboard, and they constantly called on Brandon to join them, hoping to tip the scales against each other amidst their never ending power struggles. But Brandon cared for none of that.

Instead, he used his power according to his own whims, and on his terms, and those terms were all about indulging his own personal fantasies. There wasn’t anything more fascinating, and more alluring to him, than a man and his feet. Fortunately for him, no man could resist his charms, no matter how straight they were, and none ever realized they were being manipulated. Though he used his power on a much smaller scale than his peers, he was undeniably just as dangerous.

Brandon strolled through Cherub Park, a park that rivaled Central Park in size and lush greenery. He spotted an incredibly fit man in a baseball cap walking alone, his hands in his jacket. His sneakers looked brand new, and his feet fairly large. It was a perfect combination for Brandon.

“Excuse me,” Brandon said, walking right up to his next target.
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>21 years old
>take job at hotel
>basically help with afternoon check-in rush 2-9 every day
>check in this guy every Monday for a two or three day stay
>business type, older, chunky, balding, walrus mustache (pic somewhat related)
>get friendly with him
>one night, slow at front desk, he stops to chat
>quietly asks whether it would be a problem if he brought a “guy friend” up to his room for a few hours
>tell him no, but he could also sit in the lounge if he wanted
>tells me what he wants to do would get him arrested if he did it with him in the lounge
>ahhh… got it now
>”so you want to bring a stranger to your room? Isn’t that dangerous?”
>he thinks it may
>ask him what he’s looking for and he tells me he just wants to get his cock sucked since his wife isn’t interested
>tell him I can do that for him

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Seems like you're pitching you're writings lmao

Dude wrote like a novel
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May I love dressing and rubber. It's a recent think. What's more recent is I want to become a rubber sissy in a made outfit cleaning up a guy's apartment and rather than paying me he decides to have his way with my ass and mouth. Hopefully in that order.
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When I was about 30, I was married, one kid and in sales. I had several customer but one (call him John, pic a good representation of what he looked like) was 90% of my business and commissions on that customer alone was seven figures. Since he was in another city, I’d fly there once a week and wine and dine him. After dinner once, he wanted to go to a bar so I obliged. We got pretty drunk and took a cab back to my hotel where his car was.
I suggested we have some coffee but everything was closed but he suggested making it in my hotel room. Went up, had coffee and he blurted out “You ever suck cock?” I laughed thinking he was joking but he stood up, opened his pants and said “give it a try.”
I did. Can’t say I liked it, but he did. Every week after that I was his cocksucker and he was my biggest (no pun intended) customer. After a couple of weeks, I convinced him to fuck me, sort of like “sealing the deal.”

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White tops and asian bottoms
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asianed yy who the fuck are you on ph

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stinky in here
yeah it's you girl, get out
Women = onions
Men = cheese
Good thread. RIP.

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