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guys in this kind of shirt
22 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
Usually wear a cutoff tank top whenever I’m going to record myself breeding a bottom

Just gonna drop that tidbit without leaving a link, you dirty animal?
please someone tell me who is this
Vids are for me. Never posted any. Could maybe edit a few down to hide my face and then share a Google drive.
Fuck, who is this?

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Hairy pits? Hairy pits.
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His problem is that he's a disgusting fatass maladjusted dork and he doesn't know that gay men with fit, athletic, muscular bodies exist. He thinks they're all straight.

Because he has no real world experience, because, again, he's a fatass dork so he doesn't go outside. All he knows is heteronormative media bullshit.
This guy has an amazing bush, great hairy pits too 10/10
imagine the smell
He is very pretty.
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He is a god among men

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with one hand (or both hands) behind their head, gets me hard af
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that's brent corrigan? looks quite different now
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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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Anyone know who this guy is? Source?
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Does anyone have pics of guys wearing underwear with flags on it? Something about seeing guys proudly wearing their countrys flag is hot to me
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Not underwear but get a load of this

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And preferably showing hole
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There's a guy from Mike18 videos that looks like a friend of mine I want to fuck. Any chance you found videos with the chubby blonde guy?

sauce? I'm sure it's probably purged off tumblr, but goddamn if i didn't ask

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An acquired taste
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>do some guys really enjoy that feeling
Yes, you’re not a real man if you don’t
great ass, source?
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I think men with jobs are so hot
Please post occupied men
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Lucky, my PE teachers were all lesbians
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I had SUCH crushes on both my gym teachers in 9th grade, which was also the only year we all had to shower together in a big room w no dividers.
Got to see every guy in my class naked every day, but I always hoped that somehow one or both of the teachers would shower with us, like if we'd been outside doing something sweaty, but they never did :( But they sat in there shooting the breeze w the jock guys every day so they saw every one of us.

Years later, I ran into one of them in my gym. I don't think he remembered me (I was pretty much the worst one in gym, LOL) but would say hi when we'd see each other there (they were both always nice--not assholes like many male gym teachers), and finally one day--FINALLY, decades later, i got to see him naked coming out of the shower at this gym!! He still had a super body & still had the same 70s haircut & stache from before, LOL

Pic related looks a lot liked he looked back in the day
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This guy is a stud & a real fireman--or was. He was killed in the Twin towers on 9/11/01
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I finally sucked my first cock, a thai ladyboy.

Not a big deal IMO. Pretty fun. I'll probably do it again.
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I'd never have enough of this
I find that taking 5 minute breaks while masturbating causes me to produce a lot so maybe you are to fast?

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Last hit bump limit
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>Eli Shaw
I don't know how I would feel about practically everyone online with a passing chastity kink knowing my cock was locked, imagine being recognised!
What do you do to get flat stomach like that?
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>>2653538 here
Found it. Its Matthew Cooper and Eli Shaw. You can find it on boyfriendtv if you search either performers name. Really good 22 min video.

So jealous eli shaw can do that.
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good looking men and guys
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Come on, post them!
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Hi anon
Found him on Reddit
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The only thing I'm taking away from this thread is that men never clean their mirrors.

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looks like mine
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That hole is literally begging to be bred (again)
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Who is this fella? I've spotted him in at least 3 threads.

Pic unrelated

post dicks with rods in them, or other objects. vids or pics.
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I like how the sounding rods look like pocky.

Source: https://x.com/soundingdick/status/1347928474992865280
damn holy shit. ive gotten larger sounding rods in over the years ive been doing it, but thats crazy big. when i started gauging to larger sizes, i found that about halfway down my dick, my urethra seemed to narrow. took a long time and a lot of patience to expand that area.
>>2653592 I think it's Pocky actually.

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