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Stories, anecdotes, discussion welcome
My favorite sight
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I had a piss kink before I ever had awareness of sex. As a kid I loved it when guys had to piss. I only got into porn when I first realized you could search for videos of guys who had to pee
I have pissed on guys and been pissed on.
I don't like it on my face or in my mouth, but hit me in the chest or piss on my back and ass and I'm marked, you own me. Never thought I'd like it but Daddy started pissing on me when we showered together as a joke and I got diamonds. used to ask for it after that kek
any pics vids of a guy pissing while getting fucked?
There's a strong lack of guys pissing with an erection in porn. I love how liberating it is to piss with a hard-on, without any care on where or how it lands.
I love that, it feels so good
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I know Japanese studios like to do this, I'm shocked at how difficult it is to find western porn that features this. It's so hot. Watching a guy get fucked so good that his body can no longer control itself.
Got any gif or video for this?
check out these pages and you'll see a lot of it:


japan calls this fetish 潮吹き
I used to love sucking dick then getting drenched. I would suck, then go right to the shower for a watering. I'd drink it with my mouth open and jerk myself off with piss running down my cock and balls.

Sometimes I'd drink right from the tap. I remember one time the guy I was blowing couldn't get hard because he had to pee so bad. I told him to just start pissing right there in the living room, me on my knees in front of him. I had to chug it all right from the tap or risk him making a mess. It was so hot, I busted my nut while chugging him. Then I finished him off to thank him. My full belly and the lingering taste of his piss and cum turned me on so much, I jerked off again a few hours later.
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Man I miss xtube.
There was a video on there that I really liked. Simple but nice; just two dudes out in the woods kissing and pissing.

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