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Greetings, /c/itizens!

Just wanted to go over a couple of guidelines for posting on /c/ if you are new here and a friendly reminder for those who aren't.

Try to avoid making single-image requests. Making a single image thread deletes a previous thread from the last page. Please include 4 to 5 similar images in your thread to get it going. Use resources like danbooru, gelbooru or even Google Image Search.

Check the catalog to avoid making a duplicate thread. This way, we can share and contribute more images more effectively and efficiently.

If bumping a thread, please include a picture instead of just writing 'bump' and please do not necrobump threads that have reached their image limit. This restricts the diversity and natural flow of the board. Threads are meant to come and go and sometimes they are even better the next time around.

Finally, as much as /a/ is a discussion board, /c/ is a board for sharing images. Please respect the threads of other users and they will do the same to yours as well!

gives you more to love
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I know its been 10 years, but I'm still mad

Since There has been no Loli thread since last Dec i decided to make one for file dump kinda thing! i saw /cm/ has several ongoing shota threads so I made one here
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I have enough squid kids to make a whole splatoon thread. But I'm pretty sure I'd be the only poster in it
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Now that I've read the text, it seems like this is actually a boy. My mistake.
Here's what I hope is an actual girl

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What? Didn't find my joke particularly funny?

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prev -> >>4306060
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Impeccable taste edition.

Previous thread: >>4331256

Previous chapter discussion on /a/: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/267642932/

Watamote Moonrune: https://www.ganganonline.com/title/29/

Watamote Translated: https://mangadex.org/title/1054/watashi-ga-motenai-no-wa-dou-kangaetemo-omaera-ga-warui

Animu Website: DEAD

Where to buy animu DVD/BD and mango: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/series_list.html?sid=3725

Older Threads:http://pastebin.com/znGvWmBA

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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no tomoko is a slut, its impossible for her
me in the middle
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Is it wrong that my first thought was to poke her neck through the small window of split hair?
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How do you guys feel about tomoko graduating from virginity? And yes this is from the official manga not a doujin.

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Previous thread: >>4345707
Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
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The staff seemed to forget about the liquid, often.
Or maybe LCL is really low density.
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Asking the questions that matter.
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>Upon Evangelion activation, an electrical current is run through the LCL and it undergoes a "phase shift", after which its density, opacity, and viscosity appear to approach that of air.
In other words, the LCL inside the Entry Plug can be controlled. That's why they don't float (like Rei inside her tank) or drown in it.
That's crap, it would have looked cooler and been cooler if the LCL was just a breathable liquid.
I always assumed that LCL was basically amniotic fluid until just now

Girls looking cute showing their sports flair or enjoying being active in them!
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Good job /c/!
First half was bad but GOD DAMN that was super fun second! Good luck next.
Not in a great spot still (need /mlp/ to not beat /trv/, and then /c/ beat /f/ to advance), but a solid showing against a strong opponent is always nice. Our last match of the group is against /f/ this Sunday around 4:30 PM EST/1:30 PM PST!
/trv/ is strong, I believe our fate is in our hands.

Why not a smile?

previous thread >>4333496
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What a shame. They're why i started playing but i guess it's my fault because i never spent any money.
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Maybe someday we will get a proper JRPG with cute kemono girls. They still own the character designs, and it's not uncommon for gacha devs to recycle their stuff for a proper game (like in reverse collapse)
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Appreciate bun artists continuing the flow of fluffy content

previous thread:
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It is summer time, and its really hot here edition!

We have a guy that does webms if you have a request!

Old thread: >>4314906
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Not mine, saiohnomich310 on Twitter
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Ohh alright, either way, very cute, thank you for posting it!
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You're welcome!
It's good for Akari
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The /a/kari birthday thread has tons of art that was not posted here.
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Thanks for pointing out this, ill save some to post for the future here

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Previous: >>4288265
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Another year goes by, another sundress thread appears.

It's summer, /c/!
Bring out the sundresses!
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Birthday Kurisu edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4323431
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We all love Kurisu to bits. She's just as captivating now as she was in 2011.
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Happy Birthday to the best girl ever
Oh my god look at this cutie
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slightly early because its bedtime edition
all versions are good! regular sakura saber, summer jets, tanned alters and summer alters welcome
previous thread:>>4274545
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