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Previous thread >>4316324
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previous >>4330816
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Best girl = Cutest girl
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Why do anons keep forgetting she exists again?
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Thread for our beautiful King. Spring edition. Other variants can and will be posted.

Previous thread
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previous thread:

Official witchfag server:
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A skit show spinoff in the style of Joshiraku would be great. Just girls hanging out and talking.
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Some watermelon for the summer season.

All characters from the show Cardcaptor Sakura

Previous thread >>4343796
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Hololive, Phase Connect, Indies, etc.
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Post cute idols. Cute tomboy birthday edition.
Previous Thread: >>4333521
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Previous >>4254939
New year, new thread
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Previous: >>4310029
35 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
They look more like a fabric finish, I don't think those sort of boots need polishing do they, washing maybe.
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They look shiny to me. They look like that squishy kind of leather
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Girls from the game Project Sekai
Miku is fine if it's one of the groups.
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Previous: >>4309346
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Springtime Edition!

The new anime is here and wrapping up its first arc. How are you enjoying it so far?
Previous thread
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"Right. …It's just a reason I made up afterwards.
To confess, I've been admiring Tohsaka Rin for a long time.
And this is a problem, but I got to like you even more after I talked to you. So I didn't want you to die, and I jumped down even before I realized it."

-- Emiya Shirou, Day 12 of UBW

Previous thread: >>4309022
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Previous thread: >>4284673
4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
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