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We return once more
From the pits of the darkness
To built it all back
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Goodnight Haya thread

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Revival Edition
previous thread:
25 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Does she count?

the creature series
8 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
>necrobumping a forced /a/ meme
Perish, vermin.
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single cell organism called "shithead"
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Chiyo-chan's not a shithead, you rude person!
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lock her in the pit with the 100 giant sized human eating rats

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Previous >>4346501 got wiped
let's restart
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is something wrong with this thread? I can't post a new image here
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previous: >>4306698
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"You're just a poor imitation of the Third Sorcery. And I use an imitation of my Master, who travels across infinite parallel worlds. So it means I'm a copycat of the Second Sorcery...!"

-- Rin Tohsaka, being amazing, Day 16 of HF

Previous thread: >>4350885
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The absolute state of /c/ moderation

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Previous desu: >>4297782
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Thread the Forty-Eighth Redux!

Boards may occasionally die, but heroes NEVER die!

Old Thread: >>4318214
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15th Anniversary Edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4349955
155 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
>image limit
>can't delete >>4369511 image because post is too old
Fuck, i guess Swimsuit Mayuri mangan animation in next thread then
What software did you use to render the spine sprites?
Suzu is so cute
New bread

Also needs DLC
Keep in mind, it can't export as image, it's literally just renders live2d and spine as desktop wallpaper, so what i did was greenscreen screenshot workaround
Originally bought it for Amadeus Live2D which i ripped from Nakiri AI project

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Post the adorable longears.
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22 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.

In honor of 202 years of Brazilian Independence, let's post this version of Miku who conquered the entire world and regained the pride and the patriotism of what you are!
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>Previous thread

>/a/ threads archive

>/c/ threads archive


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