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Usawa Reisa edition
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Newfags gonna newfag
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We need to go wider
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It's 5/5!
Happy Birthday to the cutest and most widest Hidamari!
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Miyako is the sunshine in Sunshine Sketch!
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So cute!
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She's not dumb! She has an incredible capacity for kindness and is very compassionate. All very high qualities for a woman
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I love her.
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TL note: Kagami means mirror

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Previous thread:
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Previous thread:
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Previous thread:
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Happy Earth day. Here's the cutest Wakusei Gijinka specimen on the internet, once again.
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Real knigga hours.
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<3 edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4299023
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If Haruhi has a thread, then why wouldn't our supreme queen have one too?

Post Yuki, in all shapes and universes.
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Yes, it's a BOCCHI thread!

Which one? Yes.
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Girls and blood!
85 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.
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True, PM doesn't miss with any of their character designs
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Fucking hell life sucks
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