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Spring, season of the cherry blossom!

Previous thread: >>4284191
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Post them. Pics from any series or movie welcome, as long as there is a cute girl with a cat.
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prev -> >>4306060
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hat touhou

last: >>4284399
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Happy Earth day. Here's the cutest Wakusei Gijinka specimen on the internet, once again.
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Because there's two (2) whole girls in this show and I'd like to do something with the art I have of them.
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characters that have a non-facial eye (or more) incorporated into their design. my personal favorites are the komeiji sisters
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I love the Komeijis so much, they're so cute! I wish I could adopt them.
Do half of those even count when the entire character is just a giant eye

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Girls with purple hair
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Haven't seen a thread for these girls in ages.
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Precure thread
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The darker and gloomier the better, but other kinds are fine too. Anything between gothic lolita and mallgoths to pastel goths, and they can range from moody and serious to energetic and genki.

No AI trash.
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Storytimed my gothic darling's first volume on /a/ the other day: >>>/a/268092423
Will aim to do the second volume today, hopefully.

Here's a sneak peek from it. She points to the scar on her neck to indicate she can't speak. It's cute to me somehow.
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Volume 02 now.
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Previous: >>4324979
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new thread for Maho's birthday

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We need to go wider
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made for each other
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I need to find some cool fragment from the anime put an 80s retrowave filter and this music in the background
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Post cute girls who have inanimate objects instead of human heads!
135 replies and 132 images omitted. Click here to view.
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