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The cute and lovable Thorn Princess, mama griz and occasional blushing wife.
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Wait there is a witch now????
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Camilla is cute but was being a total jerk in this scene.
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Mama Yor is cute! CUTE!
She certainly hasn't skipped Leg day!
>POV: Loid entered the room while she was changing
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HA! Yor Wong is delicious.

>implying Loid extending the Kennedy bloodline doesn't make this image even better
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Sorry skelly.
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The look on Annette's face when she finds Ada's website is priceless. That actual website was online for many years and was like Ada's Livejournal.
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Yor's design is so good. It's amazing how effortlessly and naturally she switches between cute, intimidating, motherly, and sexy.
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