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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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Last week I took a trip to Las Vegas, and was honestly excited to have a layover in Phoenix since I've never been there and want to move to Arizona one day. I booked a ticket through the Chase travel portal since it's my first time getting credit card reward points for flights and wanted to try SW since I've never flown them before. My flight left is for 5PM at Dulles and pre-borading is 4:30PM. I get at the gate in the email and wait for an hour only to miss my flight, since the actual gate was changed and I only would've known that if I resigned in again through their shitty app.

I never got an email update or a text that the gate was changed. When I talk to the agent about missing the flight he takes no responsibility and blames me but rebooks me to connecting flight to Denver. Keep in mind there was no visual indicator at any of the gates that they changed the gates and kids were being loud af, so there was a strong possibility that I just tuned it out do to them being so annoying.

I lose a ton of sleep due to waiting longer for the flight to Vegas, but when I actually get there they damage my items in my carry-ons and I have to look for luggage myself since one of the tags came off.

You guys can call be a retard but I will never fly this shitty airline again, unless I get a free flight.

This airline is complete garbage and needs to update their to the standard of Delta or any airline that's actually competent. They change their gates at the last second causing me to miss my first flight and damage my luggage. Fuck SW

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Hey everyone, Receptianon here
Let's start another thread for questions about hotel inner works and travel. I'll respond all your questions
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If a single male guest wants to bring his friend over to his room to hang out for a couple of hours, are you cool with that, or would you prefer the guest to let you know that he is expecting a visitor?
They're the ones who made the reservations that caused the place to be fully booked. They're just giving you a reservation that already exists.
Not op, but the policies on this vary a lot depending on the hotel and the region of the world you're in. Europe it's always fine, Asia and Latam it depends. I always just book a room for 2 and say my friend is arriving later, but that won't help if they're assholes about it and you plan to meet a lot of friends.
It has various factors, actually.
Hotels and restaurants usually keep empty tables/rooms in case they have to be used for a change or emergency. If the concierge can convince the place to let them make a reservation, we do it.
I've done it a couple of times and I can assure you is like that, but you can also take what the other anon daid
The second one, but we are usually not strict. We just ask for an ID or if the policies of the hotel don't allow it, you can just hang out in the lobby and such

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Tokyo edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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>look at thing
I'd rather interact. You know, actually do stuff. Than just to look.
go jump into fuji then
>>2690375ou d
yes I understand what you mean but Kagoshima has a unique charm and culture it's not like the rest of Japan or even Kyushu but it's a minor city if you aren't interested in going don't go no problem
They're thin and take care of their hair.
That's literally it.
Also they dress like women.
That’s always the biggest culture shock when I come back home, most women in america dress like men 95% of the time.

Japan really does truly mog and it's not even remotely a meme.
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Shame about the daddy issues though.
Japan is just sorta it's own thing.
It's asia, but has seasons.
It's asian food, but you won't shit your pants.
It's asia, but isn't corrupt.
It's asia, but has evergreens, apples, salmons, vending machines in every village.
It's what every asian nation wants to be. Western tech, quiet, clean, safe, yet very insular and preserves it's own culture without becoming western values.
the difference is japan has always been able to periodically ignore the typical asian complex of being ashamed of being behind westerners. they were like
>oh guns, well shit if we dont start copying and making these now we're gonna get colonized ourselves instead of colonizing others.
> I'm Danish
This was evident from the mental illness, the fact that you need to brag about getting stds from a bottom of the barrel hanako like it's an achievement even further shows you are not really sentient
Those all apply to Korea and China as well. And don't bother malding. It just proves you haven't visited them.

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Baking new bread. Ask questions and give advice for those interested in visiting Colombia.
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are you part of the tourism committee? I run those streets 24/7 better watch your back puto. I got putos up your putos ass, puto
What's the deal with going to Colombia as a white American that doesn't speak Spainish? Will I be able to get by? Do people speak English at all?
Sorry for the dumb questions bros, and thx.
Try to at least learn the basics. Latin America isn't like Europe, the level of education is very low for most of the population. A lot of them don't even write and read in Spanish that well except for the upper middle class type people who went to a university, they usually do understand English.
White American that was just in Colombia here. I don't speak Spanish. Outside of Bogotá, Colombians don't really speak English. You'd be surprised how easy it is to pick up on a little Spanish. There is always Google translate to fall back on. Communication isn't a huge problem, but it definitely helps to speak Spanish there. I'm sure I paid the gringo price more than once. Try to learn how to say Spanish numbers 1,000 through 1,000,000
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It's pretty easy to get coke anywhere in Colombia, they practically shove it in your face to get you to buy it out in the open, which is cool, but what're your thoughts on it? Experiences/thoughts/stories/etc

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Last thread has reached the bump limit. Post about your favorite food, hidden towns, and things you like (or hate) about Vietnam.
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>getting filtered this hard
Here's how you do it. Be nice to the girl working the counter and banter when she wants to chat on a slow day in between your daytrips. Then, when you need a bus, tell her you are a fucking retard and can't use vietnamese apps to book a bus. Have her book you a bus through the app on her personal phone and slip her the amount in cash + a coffee. Boom, you just paid local prices for a sleeper bus.
Most people on this board shouldn't be allowed out of their home country.
I loved Malaysia but desu the food really is the main appeal. It's so reliably good that it really btfos other SEA countries, and by and large it's not funky weird stuff that westerners will get grossed out by. No bugs and shit. Penang was very comfy as was Langkawi, though both are pretty small places that you can see enough of in 4-5 days easily. KL is a very lovely city, well maintained and clean. From what I've seen Malaysia seems to be more popular with tourists from other Asian countries moreso than whities, but you'll still find plenty of the latter. It's unique in that you get the impression that the average malay actually lives decently, which gives it a different vibe as regards tourists and scams and shit. It's comfortable, tasty, but not particularly exciting.
What's the best area to stay in Hanoi for normal tourism shit? aka not cooming, but good food and neat things to see
Lol no, prices aren’t clearly marked at all in Thailand. I don’t get why you keep getting so upset about Vietnam in all these threads.
Fuck off, we're full.

what's something good to do in fresno? I'll be staying there for a week after I do a tech interview but before I go back home to spain. was told that there are a lot of spanish speakers? what are the good clubs
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valencia y alldata

solo $110k/año para empezar
I grew up in Clovis, which is basically the nice part of fresno without as many druggies or degens.
>meth heads that do the zombie walk in downtown
>highest homeless per capita in the US.
> lots of mexicans in agriculture.
>Yosemite is cool
Old town saloon is cool in clovis, well i did respond to a shooting there once but otherwise nice. I personally most recommend Crow and Wolf Brewing Co. Taproom. local craft beer lots of white people and good drinks, with local food trucks outside, sequoia brewing co is cool too but its in downtown so with friends much better there. I can answer more too about good areas since i worked in the 911 system and seen where all the crimes usually happen.
I was stationed at a Navy Air base 30 min south of Fresno and it's pretty fucking depressing

>blocks and blocks of homeless tents
>high gang activity (Bulldogs, Norteños, Bikers, Nogs)
>Surrounded by farms so it stinks

The only saving grace were the clubs full of Hmong and Chicana sluts and QTs attending Fresno State. And when I say sluts, I mean "talk some shit and prove you're not a local then take em to the telly to get your dick wet" sluts. Yes, it was that easy. I was in the Navy so in shape but it was still a joke how fast they gave it up.

I'm sure the clubs I went to aren't around anymore, but I remember them being in North Fresno

¿¿there's a nice part of fresno?
There are random like... Mexican dance halls that have pretty good live bands come through Fresno. I found out about it on Instagram and saw them performing, then looked at their flyers because it's interesting that they have this separate live entertainment that white people would never hear about, a live entertainment economy that's big enough and widely known enough in that area that they can book a show, pay a band that's like 13 band members, and all make a profit at the end of it. And haul all of that gear on to the next venue at the next farming outpost from Northern California down to Mexico.

I'd go to some Mexican/Latino bars or even the grocery and chit chat with someone friendly specifically about finding a concert hall/dance hall. Ask people at food trucks, at Mexican restaurants. To me that's easier to drop in on, enjoy yourself, see something interesting, get some food and drinks, have an experience, rather than go to a sketchy bar with music blasting out of PA systems. They play the music really loud in Mexican bars.

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India HAS to be one of the worst places on the planet after war torn countries. I was in the capital yesterday, in one of the most expensive areas and the sheer amount of ugliness was crazy. From the buildings to the animals to the people. Just dirtiness and ugliness every fucking where. I was in a cafe in one of the most expensive post codes hoping to be amongst some beautiful people. Instead, it was just a constant stream of weirdly disfigured, unfit and super ugly people. If their bodies were okay their faces were fucked. If their faces were ok, their bodies were contorted. And when you talk to them its as if they are not even at your level. Especially the tuk tuk drivers. There really is something fucked up going on in that country. Like an eugenics experiment gone bad. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there anywhere in this country where one can find mostly good looking people? Or is it time to fly out to somewhere close by with better people?
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i was totally convinced it was an amazing place with nice people
well that's what the youtuber i got recommended was saying, as you could see the feces and trash piled up on every street, and every single person he interacted with was trying to scam him
> no you cage criticize my precious website full of mentally ill retards who are incapable of not being contrarian miserable faggots
This place is literally just reddit except insufferable in the exact opposite way, instead of smug passive aggressive condescention, it's just retarded contrarian screeching
Once in a while you will be able to have intelligent discussion that's not retarded, but pretending the overall experience isn't dogshit, which you will because you are also a contrarian faggot, is completely disingenuous
Retards go to the normal spots in a third world country and get upset rofl, truly some of the most seasoned travelers
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if you go to the non "normal" spots in a third world country you 50/50 end up dead moron

>barely mentioned in popular culture
>whitests white people
>mormons everywhere
>CIA/NSA headquarters

how is living here outside the big cities?
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Euros give us crap for not being "well travelled" and not knowing specifics of all the European countries, but the US is bigger than all of EU combined, with just as much diversity of nature and culture, so we don't even need to travel outside our own country to see a lifetime of new stuff. We are free to roam and move wherever we want, without a passport.
>with just as much diversity of nature and culture
Oh shut the fuck up lmao
Mate, your culture can't be school shootings and healthcare
There's diversity of nature, but as an American, culture is surprisingly uniform these days. 50 years ago it was different, but now people are basically the same whether you're in Appalachia or a big coastal city. The only difference is how religious they are and what party they vote for.

In Italy alone you can go 30 minutes in any direction by train and the average phenotype is completely different, food is different, architecture is in no way similar, and sometimes they'll even speak a different language.
Diversity of nature is 100% true. USA has almost every climate on earth

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you have 1 teleporter pad at home, and can place 3 more anywhere in the world to travel to and from. Where do you place them?
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Tokyo, Germany, Los Angeles.
Those about cover anywhere I want to visit with a 6 hour tops travel time. (I'm in Florida)
>my gfs house (when I get one)
>randomly teleports me under any occupied bed in the world so I can shake the bed and scream and then teleport out
>uninhabited tropical island
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>You are mom's house
Somewhere in USA with good connectivity. I don't know, perhaps Dallas.
Somewhere in Europe to save me the 2h drive to the airport from home - maybe Milan for the Ryanair hub.
>Tel Aviv
and I'll put mine in the National Mall in Washington DC

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Beautiful Boracay Edition

Discuss your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.

Philippine Travel Guides:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEk6W_7_P9w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLi2L1udDN4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m57KaHerG0 [Embed]

Philippine e-Travel requirement before Arrival:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve43uk2cn0Y [Embed]
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There is literally nobody on /trv/ or /pol/ or /g/ more mentally ill than you!
Sure. Ok. You're just brown retard mutants who call white people "whiteoids" by coincidence and like to namefag and samefag.
>How can one person be so wrong and absorb so much humiliation
Idk. Come get rejected in PH and show us
Thing is, ypu don't know who I am because I don't bring reddit to 4chan like this fat mutant
>Also, most of these places are probably going to be boring as fuck. People don't go there for a reason
Why people don't go there? (Apart from the islamists ofc)
I'm sure these places have nice beaches, volcanoes and stuff as well.
Are there places where flips go on beach holidays? I'd imagine they'd choose places to go on holidays without many tourists since those places are expensive.

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What's the best way to get to Quemoy Island, Taiwan?
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ww3 is gonna be awesome
What would be awesome, is if China got back to their roots of taoism, and didn't interfere, try to dominate others. Then, nature, wouldn't correct the inequality.
>trained chink PTSD response
Back to /pol/, Alex.

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Where is the best spot to travel if you just want to workout for months with a super low cost of living? America is good but a nice house rental is too expensive. Somewhere with raw lifting gyms and trails to run and lots of protein food and 500 usd or less a month for a rental.
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Two cups, times 4. That's half a galleon. That's enough, if you're not consuming 3500mg of sodium a day. I never get cramps. And do 15 thousand steps per day. My lactate threshold used to be really low and it almost felt like cramps, but that's because I was consuming around the recommended amount of iron aday. I've since boosted that way up to about 30 mg a day and perform like a pro athlete.
Thailand, Mexico, Russia.
Where's a good country to learn traditional boxing?
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Some Irish ghetto.
the quads have spoken

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If you had 2 weeks in Spain, what cities would you prioritize staying in?
Cathedral and city center
Prado, Retiro, Segovia, Toledo
Cathedrals, parks, gothic quarter
depends on what you want to see
>more history focused?
>hiking? (Spain's national parks are criminally underrated compared to the rest)
>city vibe?

my favorite regions of Spain are either
>Basque country
San Sebastian - Bilbao - Santander
is a cool tour
don't forget to go inland
and best food in Spain!
Almeria - Malaga - Granada is an awesome tour too

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Toledo is very cool too.
Thank you anons.
I guess I should have mentioned, I want to travel to Spain since I'm in my mid 20s and it will be the last time I can stay in party hostels without looking creepy, but I also want to see beautiful architecture and explore beautiful cities. So Spain seems like the right choice for my next trip.
I would definitely be interested in a day trip to a national park.
It's difficult to plan a trip since it's so large. I want to go to Madrid for just a couple days to see museums, and then spend more time in other places.
Is Ibiza cool?

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