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What's everything I should see in Best Canada?
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I might move to the UK, but that's because I have the passport and can't think of anywhere else to go. The whole west fucking sucks these days. Europe is not much better.
>I might move to the UK

bro, UK is full of poojeets.
UK is much worse than canada. Dystopian country. Some places like sweden belgium and netherands are really bad too. You have to save 500k+ and aim for a cheap country where your money gives you freedom like Romania or something.
It will only be temporary. All western countries are dystopian surveillance states. Same shit. UK is under the 5 eyes just like Canada and Australia
>All western countries are dystopian surveillance states.

very creepy to live in 5 eye countries. anglo eyes monitor all your internet traffic o____________O

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I want to emigrate from Canada. Tired of the fucked up everything in this third world country. Shitty economy, shitty infrastructure, shitty people, shitty weather.
What is a good country to move to long term? I'm thinking Oman, Thailand or Malaysia. I would consider China too but one has to practically marry a Chinese national and have an anchor baby to move there. I might do that anyways. Writing off all countries with a white majority population, I'm looking to leave the west to get away from white people and their leftist woke mental disease.
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>Never being able to afford a home

That’s every Western country though
Unless you change the definition of «home» to «studio cuckshed»

Albeit I agree Canada is especially bad, even affording a rental is difficult
You're far too obsessed with troons. It says more about you than anything.
>Just ignore the fact that you can't ever have a life or a future, you fucking TRANSPHOBE
You will never be a real woman, snipdick.
You misunderstand the appeal of Asia. Diehard SEA enjoyers love the region because of the enormous selection of budget offerings available, as opposed to the rigid consumer discipline that accompanies frugality in America. We don't give a fuck about the luxury options, which are nowhere near as cheap as you seem to think they are. Thailand vacationers average $150/day to enjoy the luxury experience, meaning 50% spend more than that. Those who are obsessed with peak QOL and easily bothered by minor imperfections will be happiest in First World countries.
I am from Canada. I am in Thailand right now on vacation and I absolutely love it. The only reason I haven't moved here already is that my income is tied to my location. I love Canada, but I'm pretty done with it. The expense, the crime, rampant karenism/wokism, the drug ridden degenerates everywhere. It's like living in zombieland and it doesn't really matter where you go. Unless I can figure out a money solution sooner, in 15 years I will take early retirement and be gone.

Going to Rome in Nov for a week, what to do? I will not be a) looking at any historical sites b) going to any museums or art galleries. Not interested.
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I've been in Rome metro area for the past three weeks (here now) and haven't gone to a single museum or paid entrance historical site. Honestly can't be fucked dealing with the hordes of Philippinos at the Vatican or Chinese at the Coliseum.

San Lorenzo for partying with locals, Trastevere for partying with tourists and erasmus types.

Get out of the city and go hang in the villages to the north. No tourists, beautiful scenery, nice people, and much better food. I won't tell you which one because honestly you sound like a cunt and I don't want to see you here.
Op here I’ll come clean guys - i was just trolling. I love Roman history and art. It’ll be the best week of my life. It was just a mere troll
By the way, I am transgender, if that matters.
I am NOT transgender but I did dry hump my friend when I was 12
you are a fucking faggot

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Looking at buying picrel and travelling the world solo. Rough plan would be Vancouver - down the coast a bit to get my sea legs - Hawaii - Fiji - French Polynesia and all those islands - New Zealand - Australia and eventually up to SEA. Anyone have any experience? I only know how to sail little boats on lakes and even then I'm kind of shit at it but I think having a real boat would be cool.

I recently discovered how much I fucking love to travel. I want to see way more of the world, but as of right now every time I go anywhere I have to go home after two weeks, be depressed that I'm home, and wait a year for my next trip.

I work in web development and only have 14 days of PTO a year. It's difficult to find full remote jobs in my area at my level of experience. How do people actually find the time/money to do this more regularly?
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By having fucking money retard.
Put as much money into investments as you can in the US and in a few years you should have enough to last you decades in, assuming you're not working low value jobs. Just don't waste money in the US, everything is overpriced for how mid it is
People under 35 who do it are 90% from wealthy families and don’t have to worry about paying their own bills. Some are independently wealthy but that’s rare. I grew up dirt poor and it was never an option for me until my mid 30s, and even then it was one or two weeks a year at most
Trust funds
Stocks, crypto mooning
In America maybe. In Europe where you can take a two hours plane and be in a foreign country for 30€, and with 5 weeks off a year (paid) you don't need to be "from a wealth family".

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Where is the cheapest fun place in america to hang out for a week?
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You can find cheap hostels in Miami, and there is a lot to do. You can find Hispanic food for great prices, I got a gut-busting portion of delicious stew and yuca for $10 from a Nicaraguan place where nobody spoke English. Nobody in Miami wants to hang out with a poorfag, however, so IDK about the fun part.
Go back to /r9k/, idiot savant and breeder of retards
whats the real name of stonetoss again, that fat garbage nazi loser?
>le nazi as an insult
i am literally trans and I have no idea why you people think that word carries any meaning at all.
I mean, people sometimes call me.tranny. Is that supposed to be offensive? Old fucks have been calling their car transmissions that for years.
Well at least you followed the only path to fulfillment. We're glad you're fulfilled!

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Holy shit! Just saw a video on cangu and its super urbanised and gentrified by whites :( And read the news that they want to build a metro around the island now! Is bali fucked and done? I was so planning to go there in a few months time but this is just sad. :( :(
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>oh no a bunch of other white people have done the exact same thing i was planning on doing before me
>its so ooooover

This is you, sexpat, this is what you sound like
Bali had some of the best clubs I had been to in Asia so I will give them that.
Bali is just full of drunk low class shit Australians that crash their scooters and die from TBI's and alcohol poisoning.

Fuck that.
Who really cares? The temples, nature, beaches are all still there. Tons of tourists there also means easy.. meeting new friends.
Sexpats are quintessential herd animals, dimwit.
>meeting new friends
I work in an American tourist town and hate the fuckin' people here. Damned if I'm gonna travel across an ocean to chat up goddamn western cucks on vacation and deal with the same old NPC status-measuring small talk bullshit I left behind in America. The only thing worse than crossing paths with another whitey in Asia is seeing a basketball American.

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Is it better for a woman to live in Norway and work as a waitress or to study to become a nurse and move to the USA?

I am single and in my later 20s and don’t want kids.

I have visited Norway, but only Oslo and Bergen, and i have been to the US but only in New York, but have had close online friends in California (unfortunately during covid).

My other option is to somehow get some sort of remote job, but this would be a possible future longer term endeavour, after moving to the US or Norway.

Norway does somehow seem more cozy for a single person , but there are many parts of the US i would like to visit as well.
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>>single childless women are the wealthiest
I know, I acknowledged that. Only broke people that think wealth is aquired from "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" would think otherwise and not realize the massive buff generational wealth, family connections and inheritance is. But just like incels they aren't truly happy. We evolved to be social and this is especially true for women.
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That's not true, there's a ton of milfs that kept their fitness up after pregnancy, they may be a bit bigger than before but still very doable, but they're always married, they aren't working full time so they have time to get fit. It's always single mothers you see terminally on tinder at 300+lbs that no one wants. God has a way of punishing evil doers who harm children.
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And don't forget about their AI boyfriends which were way more popular than AI gfs
>Also I don’t think their minimum wage is liveable.
Wait until you find out about Norway's minimum wage!
>I think most of the people who moved there are coloured and also aren’t EU citizens which makes finding work and settling in much harder
Nigga you can live here for 20 generations and then move to the neighbouring municipality and never have a single friend again. This country is anti-social on stereoids, but you seem pretty convinced so I won't argue anymore. Just don't say you weren't warned.
Norwegian men have good genes (average norge guy would be a chad lite in America) and having citizenship for a rich elite nation like Norway would be priceless for her children when America inevitably turns into the planet of the apes. Make no mistake, this whore knows exactly what she's doing.

>Last Thread: >>2696169

>HHN edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Stop travelling for parks. Just live near the best parks.

Park Crowd Tracker:

Roller Coaster Database:

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I just think it's silly to stick a coaster with a gimmick of holding you on the track before a vertical drop right next to another coaster with a gimmick of holding you on the track before a vertical drop.
That's what I mean too. Plenty of parks in the combined system that don't have one and they're adding another. Fanboys will still cream in their pants over it though
Be sure to get your rides in the first week it opens!
At least somebody has confidence in Zamperla. I don’t think anybody at Cedar Flags does. And I do think that has something to do with this last minute addition. Gets the conversation away from TT2 in the event it remains closed well into next season. I do agree that the capacity won’t be an issue as it eventually cools down as a filler coaster.

The gimmick is different enough where I don’t think it matters

Plenty of parks in the chain could use it yet it last minute went to Cedar Point for some reason. Which I’m okay with since it’s my home park but it’s strange. I wouldn’t want this at KI though, they need something bigger to fill the Vortex plot
>I don’t think anybody at Cedar Flags does.
Park operators don't like setbacks like this but they expect them to happen especially when the project was 'risky' to begin with. There's no possibility CF/SF didn't anticipate a big delay back in the planning stages.

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What's that, yeah, me and the woman I put my penis in both payed 15 dollars each for a bed in a mixed dormitory even though 30 dollars gets us a private room in a more than adequate three star hotel with a private bath that isn't a 3x3 box that you shower and shit in. It won't be till much later in life that we realize that no amount of time spent on a walkabout will lead us to enlightenment, because we're just plain old-fashioned retarded. What's that? Didn't catch your name. Don't care. I don't want to socialize with anyone. Sorry for having loud discussions at three in the morning with each other. We're so used to being around Asians that hate confrontation. So getting away with murder has become second nature. That's real growth.
Schizo talking to himself again...
too many words

can someone redpill me on mexico city?
me too pls
Never been to CDMX, unfortunately. Made the wrong choice at an unsigned Y junction when leaving Morelia, tried to backtrack but got funneled onto one-way avenues and ended up going north toward Guanajuato instead of east toward Mexico.
CDMX's Jewish mayor just got elected president of Mexico. She pushed incentives to increase the number of short-term rentals for digital nomads and other gringos in the city. This made a lot of the locals mad, as now they have to ride a bus two hours to work every day from some unsafe shithole neighborhood on the outskirts like Ecatepec or Nezahualcoyotl.
>CDMX's Jewish mayor
Is she actually jewish, or are you equating her to jewish because of her policies?

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>/pol/, /int/ and /trv/ all tell me how France is the worse thing ever and will collapse any minute now
>visit France
>its the most beautiful, lively, delicious place ever

Every time
tl;dr cancel your current trip to whatever shithole you were eyeing and visit Strasbourg, Lille, Bordeaux, Lyon, Avignon …
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Every single French city has „fallen“

Visit the countryside
France IS fairly segregated.

You won’t see many nu-French in the upscale arrondissements of inner Paris, but the Northern suburbs will be nothing but them.
Brussels is just as bad as Paris, but it’s not worse.
I've been in enough seed oil threads to know it's not.
This godforsaken place is one of the very few places left on the internet for many retarded schizos, not even overhyping that, go on /out/ there are literal homeless people who have little grasp on reality posting there all the time.
>he thinks it's french ''men'' fucking british women and not the other way around
lmao, even

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Where on the planet would you go to do this, given the following

Law/Police Sciences bachelor
11 years a cop, 5 in training, 4 years being a drill instructor, 2 being in drug enforcement
3 years experience as a business startup consultant
Would ideally like to provide mentorship and help to kids and people that need it. if it was up to me id channel it through teaching BJJ, English, or working at/owning an orphanage or facility for troubled youth. Yes I know I sound like a retard but I'm shooting for the pinnacle and seeing how close i can land.
Rural, with access to the city would be perfect, but I'm sure that's also a tall ask

I'm done being the current me and would like to become what I've wanted since I was a teen. Idgaf about leaving everything. my experiences are all I need
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we'll be training out of Wellfit* not leaving it

I love 10p. I used to train at 10th planet Las Vegas when I was living in the states. Being in Abu Dhabi I can't go to 10p Dubai regularly.

When I first moved to UAE I was visiting Dubai monthly for nightlife and tourist stuff, it quickly lost its appeal, now i hardly ever go up there unless I have a reason lol. But when I do, I try to drop in for a class or open mat.
Huh. I was a day one member from when it opened in 2020. now I really think I must have rolled with you. anyway fuck it, Jake left and so did we.

Yeah fuck the nightlife, I have one or two spots i visit for the music and other than that just hit LSB or Brass Monkey for shitty food and 8-Ball.
Hope we can open our schools in the future. my main focus is being there for people.

It's possible we rolled before, I moved here in 2022, ive been to 10p Dubai like 4 or 5 times while Jake was there. Where is he now? I saw way back on social media that at 10th Planet Dubai Downtown location was supposed to be opening, I was wondering if he was involved in that?
He was.
Then some drama happened, so it's on hiatus.

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Sup trv, /g/ here just got news we will be 100% remote starting 2025. Wondering what other nomads have done for travel. I'm worried about being stuck overseas with something that doesn't work or having to use a foreign PC. I've done some remote work when I travel as my boss basically makes coming into the office after thanksgiving to the new year optional, but planning to go full 12 months abroad.

So far looking to travel with
>Work laptop Inspiron 16 inch (we have have local admin and can install games though it's only an APU)
>work phone + personal/travel phone (still looking for something)
>65W 74 watt hour power back for power outages (heard power reliability is iffy in SEA at nights)
>wireless noise cancelling headset and mouse
>150w USB c wall multi port charger w/ plug adapters
>A9 tablet e-sim version w/ keyboard cover for all personal use
>multiboot usb drive w/ linux windows isos if I need reinstall
>9020m Optiplex at my parents place to remote desktop into

Wondering what you guys have recommendations for laptop bags or if forgetting anything. Mostly worried about my phone working abroad and how to keep my number active for 2FA. What other equipment do you guys bring along, thinking about getting a smart watch too just to help me stick on schedule with the time differences. Something you wish you remembered to bring, doing Japan first so I don't think it will be that hard to find electronics I forgot.
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>ask the front desk for scissors
a pocket knife, scissors, and a bottle opener are absolutely essential digital nomad travel gear, faggot. i also recommend a headlamp, raincoat, and rock climbing pants
I can think of China and Laos. But I think any country whose railroad is built (and partially owned) by China uses the same security rules. So that might include Indonesia and some countries in Africa.
Get a waterproof carry on size bag for SEA. Waterproof is a must.

Phone with multiple physical sim card slots. You will need it for buying cheap local SIM that doesn't have esim option
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>physical sim
this meme needs to end
Laos is the only country that I've heard is extremely strict with knives in baggage for their Chinese-operated rail line. I had no issues whatsoever in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines or Taiwan.

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I spent a month in the US and it's not a hellhole as I was led to believe. To be fair I was only in costal or near costal regions.

>Baltimore County
Suburbs, lots of black people in comfy looking areas. Everything was relaxed and chill. Massive lawns and houses. Went into Baltimore city inner harbor for a few things. Not bad, but not like the wire. Way more white people in whitemarsh. Nightlife in the area is not really my scene. Morning jogs were eerie and quiet which I kind of liked.

Drove from MD to NY.

>New York City/Long Island
I hated Long Island, it was like Baltimore county but not welcoming. Cars on Long Island were surprisingly massive, also more pickup trucks (some laden with Trump flags) than anywhere else in the US I went, which makes no sense and they all drive like assholes. That said, Fire Island was fucking kino. I like NYC a lot, but I only spent time in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. I really enjoyed the night life. I could live in Queens or Brooklyn. Manhattan looked nice, but it's actually too busy for me to live in, maybe work in. Jogging in central park was nice.

Annoying to drive in. Annoying to bike in. Hills everywhere. People seemed nice, I couldn't shake off how performative they seemed to be though, like they were pretending. I could live there but I'm not sure I'd have an easy time finding people I didn't thing were pretentious.

All in all, I had a good time. The roads are massive, and I enjoyed driving on them, though Long Island drivers are assholes, and nobody obeys the speed limit anywhere I went that was not NYC. I don't get the fat American memes. Most people I saw weren't fat, most women I saw were not bad looking definitely a shit ton of outright attractive women in NYC. Most of the fat people I saw were Europeans on holiday in NYC.

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There was nothing in New Jersey I wanted to see.
Staten Island is not in New Jersey. And New Jersey has often better food than New York itself. Especially sandwiches.
>Staten Island is not in New Jersey
It should be.
Because I had no interest in anything regarding Staten Island. Same with The Bronx, though I'm not sure I could find a way to mentally lump The Bronx with upstate like I do Staten Island and New Jersey.

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