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Is solo traveling weird in 2025? I know everyone will give the basic Reddit response of “no grl go live ur life” but like deep down… your friends and family back home are wondering why the fuck you’re going places alone and the “friends” you “meet” at these places are wondering why you couldn’t find people to travel with. Is this the case?
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You can be an eccentric solitaire traveler and also possess a refined social grace that makes people treat you like someone special. Only recently, since turning 30, have I realized just how impactful it can be to develop a good "face" if you are below average in facial attractiveness, and how doing so enhances the chances of being treated like someone special. Learning how to set your jaw and facial muscles into a Zen-like poise takes some time to develop, but doing so will greatly elevate your attractiveness and garner lots of positive judgments from people you pass by.

The awkward, slack facial expression I habitually wore in my 20s has my lower teeth behind my upper teeth and my bottom lip against my upper teeth. The result is quite ugly, the chin recession makes me look like a loser and garners very few positive reactions. The muscle slump has a mental effect as well of making me unhappy and depressed.

OTOH, my poised face has the lower jaw pushed out to align the lower teeth with the upper teeth, with some separation from them. The facial muscle tone creates a self-satisfied expression that somehow carries over into my mental state as well. First impressions are much more positive. People don't give you pitying looks or avert their eyes out of embarrassment like they do when you're looking ugly and unhappy.

IMO, solo travel is only cringe when you are surrounded by foreigner couples and friend groups who are better-looking than you. It's tough not to come off as a loser when you're alone in such a setting. That's why many of us eschew the tourist hotspots.
Solo travelling is no less weirder than solo eating at a restaurant. That is to say it's not weird at all. When you solo travel, and eat at restaurants by yourself, you gradually stop caring about this stereotype that you've created in your mind, and soon you start to notice others are doing it too. The thought of not going to a restaurant I want to eat at because I don't have someone to share a table with is absurd. I think it's only people who don't go out much who have this opinion of solo travellers. Go to an airport, you'll see plenty of people travelling solo. I'm talking about backpackers, not just ordinary people.
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I solo travel for sex tourism. I love cream pieing poor browns and tossing them my pocket change.
>being attractive is the only thing that matters in life
In other news the sky is blue
> Oh no! what might other people think of me?!
How about you stop giving a flying fuck?

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where should i go and for how long? i also get 200 euro every week
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>Romania embrace our cultural festivals and traditions
i don't know, i'm religious and god forbids stealing
We don't steal though. You should experience our culture first hand and not from western euros who spend their entire life on beaches pretending to be models and anything else is living in a hell hole according to them.
that wasnt me BTW. (OP)
but romania is a beautiful country and its on the list. i settled for Alicante Spain. wish me luck anon although im staying with a bunch of zoomer students it should be fun (im an older zoomer)
>900 euros
That's what, two weeks' earnings for a menial wagie in Eire? Pretty pathetic for a travel fund.

My travel fund was at $6934 after depositing my final paycheck and boarding my flight to Bangkok. Nineteen weeks of travel later, the balance sits at $6124. And they call me a brokefag because I like to live simply. Heh. You status-obsessed negroes don't know shit about managing money for maximum freedom. Call me when the government refunds YOU more money than you paid in payroll taxes.
cool story bro
hope you had fun in thailand
thanks for replying

>ctrl+f "vegas"
>no vegas thread

Vegas thread. Post recommendations for the following
>hotels/places to stay
>casinos/gambling tips
>what to avoid
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OmegaMart is overcrowded and overrated. Might be OK off-season, but not good in March.
good luck getting a spot at sigma derby at 11pm on a Friday night.
My wife were just there this weekend, we went at about 2 in the morning on Sunday night/monday morning thinking we could get a spot, not a chance.
There was a large crowd around it and zero people moved from their seats the entire time we were there trying to get in
I've spent a lot of time at The D and never had an issue getting a spot at Sigma Derby. Longest I've waited was 25-30 minutes and that was during super bowl weekend
I've been to a couple different Meow Wolfs and never really enjoyed it. If you're into psychedelics and art you'll have fun. Wasn't for me.
Looks good to me. Id probably skip the tournament of kings and the rollercoaster. Go to red rock conservation area instead.

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I’m an American and I want to know about all the fun stuff Holland has to offer. Any advice on what to do?
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Holland has only been the most relevant for the last 400 years. Before that it was swamp and BRABANT was the most relevant area. Let's call the Netherlands Brabant instead.
t, butthurt Brabander
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Amsterdam is fun to visit for a day or two, just walk around the city center and get lost here and there, visit Rijksmuseum, Nemo science museum is fun if you have kids, Leischeplein if you're into nightlife, boat tour through the canals, Dam square. Enjoy the architecture. The city center of Haarlem is beautiful too, perfectly walkable and cyclable. You can visit Zaandam and for the wind mills, and the flowerfields in Keukenhof are a nice experience. Then take the train to Utrecht, enjoy the "oude gracht". Then take the train to Leiden and visit Rijksmuseum Boerhaave. Then to Den Haag, visit the Escher museum, Mauritshuis and Madurodam. Skip Rotterdam, it's full of italians. The best way to experience the Netherlands is by cycling around as much as possible. Public transport is mostly good, but there is no other country in the world where cycling is as accessible and respected as the Netherlands.

Things to eat: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFz8kMEOhZI
Visit Hertogenbosch
Helpful. I added it all to my list

Have you ever tried to live in SE Asia (specifically Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam) on a very low budget? I’m talking living in fan rooms and having a monthly budget of under $500. Basically, just a fuck it and go kind of escape from the west. Anyone currently huffing it hardcore in SE ASIA? What’s your budget like and what do you do all day?
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Someone tell me the how the visa situation works in Cambodia. Is it easy to get a tourist visa at the airport?
>Muh social status
beta cuck detected
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You can get a nice condo in Kuala Lumpur for $500 a month, not just a room. The difficult part is getting short term rental. They want 6 months minimum, preferably 12.
Even using Airbnb you can get super cheap accomodation in Malaysia.
Picrel: 756 RM per month
$170 USD per month for a basic room in a basic KL apartment.That's six bucks per night.
Maybe it's cold AF back home, who wants to sit around freezing their ass 24/7 because they can't afford heat?
Go to Wikipedia "Visa policy of Cambodia". VoA is available for nearly every country. eVisa gives you the peace of mind that comes from being pre-approved.
problem with that is that you're staying with someone who looks like he tortures animals

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what's alicante like in April?
Same as always except Easter celebrations
If you go within a week or so of Easter, expect it to be packed with Brits (not quite as bad as Benidorm though). Avoid standing under balconies.
just booked the flights.
looking to explore and pick up some español or at least try in a broken way.
there will be brits there from the beginning of april?
also how the fuck do i get an NIE number?

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

Long or convoluted questions should get their own thread.

Questions about popular destinations should be asked in any active thread about them.

Previous thread: >>2705061
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How fucked i am if for my very first trip ( Never traveled outside my country, not even to the capital ) i choose to go, ALONE, to New York ?
Should I stay 4 or 5 days in Big Island, Hawaii (not including travel days)? Not sure if I’m gonna be sick of it and ready to go on that 5th day.
Most of Europe is much more expensive than Japan. Eastern Europe, probably about the same.
Bogotá, Medellín or Cartagena, or which combination of them?
I'm going 12 days to Colombia to "study".
I know this is a low bar question, but can someone please tell me the best month to go to Iceland to see the northern lights? I'm traveling with 3 other people as well, so if you guys can give me a comprehensive guide on what to do, I'd highly appreciate that

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Now that Japan has been throughly enriched with western culture and the women are basically among the most unloyal due to the cheating culture where is the next good place for meeting sane women? China?
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>middle of nowhere/mountains
Go become an ALT. You’ll fit in over there.
Topkek, "months of N5" won't give you any communication skills.
Decently dedicated people get N1s in two years, which means N3 in 1 semester.

Truly dedicated people immersed in the culture get it in under 1 year.

Are you also an N5 retard expecting people will bend over to accommodate you?
Find passion not your own
We're not racist when we are horny
is this a shinchi?

How's Boston in 2025?
Clean and white, you wouldn't understand
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Sweetie, I ...

Tampa Vs. Florida?

What's the better place to spend a whole week?
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st pete or tampa?

leaning toward st pete since there are less blacks
St. Pete, no question
cool thanks
Ruby's elixir has the best musicians in the area playing there, can hit the pier and take a trolly around. Got some good museums, the hangar is also a cool spot thats an airport by the water/restaurant/jazz bar sometimes.

Have to recommend at least going to Ybor once and go to The Castle there. Thats where all the goth bitches are and I met cr1tickal there and the area generally my preferred vibe than downtown st pete.
Tampa definitely
You're brown. Lower your tone

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I'm taking a weekend trip to Toronto next month. What is there to see and do? Best restaurants? Areas to avoid? The hotel I picked is in Yorkville, but it's not prepaid so I can change it if the area is nasty.
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>But where is the best poutine?

Actually good post.
You'll be fine in Yorkville it's a very fancy area (I live here and have no fears of druggies)
On top of the other guys post, I'd recommend walking about the area around the CN Tower which as touristy as it is is quite nice.
What if I don't want to go to a nigger faggot french larp province?
honestly I liked hanging out in Niagara better. Played poker at the casino, chilled by the falls, fucked around with some hoes at the bars, was great
>Best restaurants?

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Going to Tokyo and Kyoto in a few weeks. What are you best weeb must visit recommendations?
Nara Park for the dears
I recommend you to use /jpg/ instead of shitting up the catalog with the same generic question asked hundreds of times

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I have made plans to visit Banff Natl. Park and other bits and places in Alberta in May. Planning on getting there by car, not plane. Are there any travel restrictions? Is it still possible to drive into Canada now? I saw a post on /pol/ last night saying Canada banned travel for US citizens but is that just hearsay or true? Couldn't reply because the site went down.
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He's just fucking with you. You gonna drive your own car with a US plate? Alberta is probably the safest province to do that these day.

If you are really worry, just put a note on your dashboard saying you support Canada, or stick a maple leaf to your bumper or something.

Personally I wouldn't bother even though I am a Canadian with a US plate car, but you do you.
No shit lol. Go to /pol/ and it only proves you right.

Thank you for the coffee. Fuck Trump, am I right?

I know Ontario and Quebec would be the worst, but wasn't sure about Alberta. Are they typically conservative?
Gunna be cold as shit still, enjoy walking in a ton of mud.
Got good dirt shoes I don't care to destroy :)
Okay that's one portion of it, animals are getting their groove on I hope you got your bear spray and
> I saw a post on /pol/ last night saying Canada banned travel for US citizens but is that just hearsay or true?
Oh wait this is just a le ebin UHH US BROS?!?!? DRUMPF!!!

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Any reason to bring a DSLR or anything other than a phone with a camera nowadays?
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You would be so wrong it hurts. However, you're not going to be able to tell the true quality of the photo when you see on a smartphone screen.
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I bought a camera to take better pictures than my phone. The thing is, you have to put in a bunch of work afterward to process the photo's. If you really want to get the most out of it, you have to watch a whole bunch of youtube videos on how to use the camera, what lenses to get and how to edit RAW photo's to look better. It's a whole hobby. If you're not ready for this, just get a pocket camera.
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>put in a bunch of work to properly get the photo looking good
>want to show friends
>upload it to some place
>compressed and "optimized" to hell and looks just as good as my phone
Outside some zoom shots and late night shots, just not noticeable
Social media is a low bitrate communication platform. Where does one share their masterful pictures?
It may be a shit show but it's 90% of the way to even show things to friends these days. Maybe I will print and hang a few nice shots but overall it's not worth it and I am not making a fucking scrap book.

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tell me bad things foreigners did in japan please I want to know
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>no reason at all
Politeful is a word you stupid subhuman yank
Anti semitism
they always walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk and refuse to move so everyone has to walk around them

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