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Any particular hikes or tours? I will be in the area a little over 24 hours in mid June.
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But what if you fall
youll bounce right back
Like chuumbawumba said?
exactly like that. chumbawumba is actually an onomatopoeia of the sound a body makes when it hits rock from a great height.
You need to go back Instagramfag

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Why did they never learn how to cook? What are some Midwest delicacies worth traveling for?
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Hormel is a brand of chili. Most Americans also keep a stock of chili in their cupboard for when they are feeling like a fancy snack. Typically eaten with at least 50% shredded cheese on top.
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Damn hey don't even use spam
Spam is "poor people food". Trailer trash might buy spam on sale, but usually it's brown people who stock up on it. Having spam in your house is like acknowledging you are struggling economically, even if your dinner is mac n cheese and a glass of milk.
Spam is better than everything you've posted besides the lettuce

The green states are the one's I've visited or lived in.
They have have no culture. Their towns are dead, their businesses are all corporate or they're just boarded up. Their universities have no social life. Their people are cold and unfriendly on the inside. Living in these places will make you horribly lonely and depressed, no matter how much outdoor activities there are to do.

Post your culturally dead states
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Who is they? The 30 people manning the gas station?

FYI I live not so far from here. Here’s the street adjacent to my apartment.
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> my rural town in the U.S.
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That's a suburb of Philadelphia. Nothing small about it. One of the most densely populated areas of the country. Not far from the coast either so definitely not souless Midwest
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Again the a Philadelphia suburb and a nature preserve

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What places have you visited, or want to, that you'd describe as a shithole, whether endearingly or not
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Sounds not too bad except for the faggy parties and hotel pools
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Nah, picrel is an amazing experience. There's something beautiful about feeling like you're right in the middle of the Nile and having one of the world's craziest cities sprawling all around you.
If it's a quiet day and the pool's empty, you'll feel as if you're at the very centre of one of history's most important cities.
fuck,I always get outdated information about cunny shenanigans, maybe I should turn to judaism so I don't miss stuff anymore
>Great gallery
>get me the fuck out after that
Too easy to go to Ghent, which is lovely.
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The definition of shithole. Couldn't even get into the tourist information center because there was shit blocking the door. What a disgrace.

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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>you're coming from a US salary
Yup, that's me.
>I came from Canada and we get to enjoy a shit-tier cost of living with third-world salaries and "free" (highly taxed and borderline inaccessible when you need it) healthcare
Glad you got out of it, man. My ex actually tried to convince me to move there because orange man bad.
How do you like living in Japan? I'm assuming being a software engineer in Japan allows you to afford a pretty good lifestyle.
Lmao did she end up moving there? Can't believe some ppl are actually like thos
I had her on social media for a little while after, and from what I saw, nope, she didn't kek
Japan is great but you’ve got to have a bit of a defeatist mindset to really enjoy it.

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How does one know if they are banned from entering a country or something?

My mates and I are looking to go to Japan come this summer to some warm beaches but we have one of our friends who caused issue last time. Problem is he had a slight bump in with the law there, basically wandered into one of those police boxes drunk and tried to hire a taxi on the phone they had. Got a big guy yelling at him in the office as I was catching up to him to walk back to our hostel. He's now scared they got his face and prints off the phone and will arrest him at the border because of issue people like Johnny Somolia and other youtubers giving foreigners a negative light. I think he's lost it a bit from the online stuff.

I've told him that they police probably get idiots doing that all the time and it wouldn't even be worth the paper work to even file something so small. I don't even think customs even would look at some small infraction since I've heard other people spending the night in a drunk tank but going back to Japan without issue. Right?

Any advice we really need a 4th person to help keep the costs down for an airbnb. Has anyone been in a situation like this?
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If he was never charged with a crime let alone convicted of a crime then it does not matter at all. The Japanese government isn’t an omniscient super being. If nobody could be bothered to arrest him and write a case report then the incident might as well have never occurred according to JPGOV.

>my mates and I
Go fuck yourself you anglo piece of shit. You shouldn’t be allowed to travel anywhere
I dunno man have you seen locked up abroad?
>My mates and I are looking to go to Japan come this summer to some warm beaches
lmao what the fuck lad? you ever heard of Spain? its about 3 hours flight for far better beaches than japan has
This, Brits are embarrassing everywhere
I was on a busy train to Odaiba last month where a British family couldn't control their kid and started fucking yelling

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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I went to Cambodia last year with my Thai gf. It was good. Phnom Penh roads are dangerous and third world as fuck tho. Worse than Thailand.

We flew up to Siem Reap and walked around Angkor Wat. It was awesome. Siem Reap is FAR more tourist friendly than the capital. Went to back to Phnom Penh and checked out Tuol Sleng the old school turned into Khmer Rouge prison camp. It was interesting. Gf could not stomach anymore Genocide stuff so we could not go to one of the Killing Fields at Cheong Ek.

Most important thing is to bring US dollars. 300 dollars to spend will get you far.
>Siem Reap is FAR more tourist friendly than the capital.
Sounds like the capital is more BASED.
I sincerely hope you're under the age of 25 because if you're just "making more than you spend" then it's gg. You need to be saving at a minimum $2k a month for a chance nowadays.
Well sure as long as you do not get killed by car. To Thai drivers, road laws are suggestive guidelines. To Cambodian drivers in Phnom Penh, they do not exist. People just park in the middle of the fucking pavement/sidewalk and you have to walk in the road to get around.

I got catcalled by Sex workers from a brothel in Phnom Penh (hello handsome man! Come to my room!) gf was not happy.
Saw a fair few old fat white guys walking around. Always feels sus. Lots of signs in the Siem Reap airport about reporting suspected child prostitution. Disturbing.

Apparently like 15-20 years ago it was absolutely fucked. Kids walking around offering foreign tourists a blowjob in exchange for dollars. Dead people in the streets. Thank god it is a lot nicer now.

If by based you mean you can do shit that you could not do elsewhere, then apparently there are Cambodian Army bases where you can pay soldiers to let you fire an RPG at a cow and shit like that. Never did that myself and tho.
>Apparently like 15-20 years ago it was absolutely fucked. Kids walking around offering foreign tourists a blowjob in exchange for dollars. Dead people in the streets.
Sounds like pure SOVL.

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What transferable skills do you have that allow you to travel so frequently? Allegedly this whole board has rich people working in foreign countries constantly. What jobs have you worked that let you live the dream?
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Anon, how do I bid on jobs?
I'm almost done a management degree, want to build a portfolio doing consultations, and escape my 80h weeks in cancer towers.

My job pays well, but I know time is against me.
Wtf did you do to make line go up like that??
What's socializing like with other truckers at truck stops and such?
Do you ever fuck the hookers who service truckers?
How do you have such a no-coiner boomer mindset despite being so young?
If you have, or soon will have, an MBA, your straightest path to building a consulting portfolio is probably enduring a few years with one of the big management consulting sweatshops—McKinsey, Deloitte, BCG, etc. They take some undergrad graduates too, as well as a handful of advanced degrees from non-business backgrounds (my wife got a McKinsey job offer after completing a science PhD, and a McKinsey survivor I know from Germany is a doctor), but it’s mostly an ass-kissing go-getter MBA club. They work the hell out of you, in a very macho, stupid grind culture, but if you produce satisfactory million-dollar slide decks for enough clients, it’s only a matter of time before one either poaches you for a full-time gig with them, or you have contacts you can approach directly with your own consulting offers. Pay as much attention as you are able to the proposals the firm puts in to client companies—look at what the consulting firm is offering to do, for whom, and figure out how much of it you can do on your own. And be as friendly as possible with as many client contacts as possible, and stay in touch with them to the best of your abilities—as with far too many professional situations, it’s largely about who you know. Nearly all of my contracts come either from people I’ve already worked with/for, or from personal referrals from former clients.

A lot of companies, agencies, government departments, and NGOs issue requests for proposals from consultants, and don’t ignore those, but I think I can count the number of “cold” proposals I have won, getting work from a new client I didn’t already have some kind of a connection with, on one hand.
>10k in savings
WOW that's not enough to travel and have anything left over! Let me guess, your retirement plan is suicide?

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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Every single time.
That comparison is like cat shit vs dog shit
>cat shit vs dog shit
Which one of these is the frogposters (the winner) in your comparison?
Probably dog shit, since dog shit generally stays outside, while people actually keep cat shit indoors and get toxoplasmosis from it.
That's a great answer since frogposters are chads who go outside and touch grass and have sex while namefags are losers and incels who don't leave the basement.

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Why is accommodation so expensive in Europe? Flight tickets can be mad cheap, but one night stay at a shitty room in some random town during low-season will cost you at least 30 dollars

The only reasonable prices are those for shitty hostels.. where you share a room with 16 other people
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Hostel prices should be as follows
>2-5 quid
Bunk style bedding, kept up shower room with private door, decent commons room
Privacy curtain or door on your bedding, private shower, bar in the commons room, breakfast included or for a 1-2 euro
proper bed+privacy door+private shower+towel included+shampoo+breakfast
Best be close to a hotel or I might as well rent

The worst part is you can't even haggle anymore for cheaper rates, I'm looking at holiday in Japan with my mates and can't even find anything below 30 a night for Roppongi. That's insane.
Where? On the beach front? I stay at hotels all the time in the Midwest. They’re like $120. More on the weekend. That includes breakfast usually. Or if in a tourist area $200-$250. Maybe $300 if it’s a holiday. $600 if it’s a Saturday at the great wolf lodge
Meant to say $600 for a great wolf lodge on a Saturday during a busy season. Otherwise it’s less than $400 and still overpriced. $300-$400 is what beach front and lake front hotels cost in the summer on a weekend
Prices in the US are very inflated but this post is bullshit
Because real estate is stupidly fucking expensive and consequently rent is stupidly fucking expensive. And if you're running tourist lodging with all the associated extra cost and effort, you want to earn more than you'd do from renting out to long-term tenants. This really isn't rocket science.

I'm heading to an on-site hotel at PortaVentura World, booked in as half-board - wondering if I can employ bribery for a better room, all-inclusive wristbands, or anything really.
given that those places are usually staffed by minimum wage immigrants, yeah probably

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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>Where should I stay in NY for a couple days this summer?
Arthur Avenue, Bronx. Cheap, near fordham U/little italy so it has a variety of stuff to offer without breaking the bank. Close access to all major transport hubs like the subway, metronorth, bus lines
shut up
in big cities it's very common to be out and about past midnight
I would rather see random street art than those old ass bricks
"The demoralization worked"

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Burger wants to visit Cuba, is it reasonable or am I retarded? Also, only basic Spanish knowledge - can I cheese my way through a two week visit with Google Translate?
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yeah i didnt even get into the food. really its the worst part and in the end the issue that will destroy any vestiges of a positive impression. the food is depression tier - western prices & literally a step above mud pies.
>Puerto Rico
there are too many other rational options available to justify wasting time, money, and peace of mind in cuba.
I forgot to mention it's also because I heard they only have two kinds of beer and both are piss poor
I want to see how bad it is firsthand and then never think about it again
Yeah cause I really want more of my tax dollars going towards Israel and gibs for nigs. Kill yourself kike
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Does Cuba have a decent internet connection yet ? I would LOVE to digital nomad there but apparently it's slow as fuck. Why can't they invest in some decent internet? Even shitholes like the Philippines have good internet now.
>Does Cuba have a decent internet connection yet
lol, no. its slow, very expensive, only available in a handful of hotspots in the blazing sun, and most sites are blocked. nothing works there...NOTHING.

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Going to Japan with my GF this winter, what are some notable things to do? I've already got a few things noted

-Super nintendo world
-Eat nice food

What are some other notable things to do? Thanks
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Japan has literally everything. If you like lively city stuff, move around on google maps and find stuff. If you like quaint, but culturally alive, little towns, go to a random one and stay for a day or two. If you like nature, take local trains in less-urban parts like the very north or inland mountains.
Most of all, look up things related to your specific interests. Anime, sex, booze, transit, skiing, animal cafes, shark-eating, monkey-meeting, palace-wandering, racism-exuding, pick your poison, figure it out yourself. It's this decade's biggest tourist destination for a reason.
hope your plane crashes now get the fuck off my website normalfaggot
>first time
Yea we can tell. Are you a retard by chance?
>Hey yall! Ive got a few things down! We are gonna eat nice food! What else can we do in japan?
reddit is more your speed
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Visit Japan before it turns into India or Canada
This isn’t even a meme, I forget which station it was at but I swear to god I saw 100’s of jeets swarming around in various small groups, it was appalling. Such a hilarious contrast between japs and jeets, they are truly fucking subhuman in comparison. They are literally being used as a bio weapon to devalue entire countries and the japs are absolute idiots for letting that shit happen to them. Fuck jeets forever, TJD.

>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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If you look up Canada or any Canadian city on Reddit you see the Redditors praising every little thing.
Vancouver? CECI UN VRAI PARADISE! Yes, ignore the shitty culture, nothing to do, the fact you can't afford anything, the ridiculous rent, the 0 social cohesion, the lack of jobs, the shit weather. Because in CANADA you can be TRANSGENDER!!!
I hate this country and the people that live in it so fucking much. Canada is LGBTQIA2+DISAJ North Korea.
I remember once being treated to japanese food from my friend's dad for helping him move (they were jewish and he wasn't my friend but for brevity I'll call him that) and the bill came, it was like $100 and the jewish dad tipped 5$ and the asian girl server started crying and exclaimed "5 dollars on a hundred dollar bill?!?!" He just shrugged in his jewish manner and we all walked out
she should be grateful the customer tipped at all. Sometimes I don't feel like it, but still throw 10% at them just to avoid the feeling of faux pas
Chad genes within her
Canada can be nice, but it has problems. Urban cities like Vancouver for example while nice to visit with tons of transportation are extremely expensive, to where people are moving out to the surrounding suburbs if not leaving the province altogether. Homeless population in parts of BC can be a problem, though they seem mostly harmless, save for some on Hastings/Gastown that can pester you for change. Drugs are a main problem though.
Personally I would recommend visiting the suburbs of Washington. Lynn is nice for a day trip if you really love that quaint, small town feel, and there’s enough in Bellingham and it’s surrounding zones to keep you happy. You’ll be basically experiencing some of the better aspects of the Pacific Northwest anyways.

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