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I’m doing a personal favor for an old friend, and he’s paying me to stay two weeks. Can anyone suggest sites for someone who enjoys fishing (both fresh/salt), natural history, regular history, and photography?

Thanks, and god bless!
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More like SMELLbourne, it stinks!
Just kidding I've never been there...
It stinks!
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Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge is an option for photo + nature. Turkey Creek in Palm Bay is comfy too.
The Indian River is a good fishing spot, definitely go hit Sebastian Inlet.
All of Brevard super sleepy but comfy. Once you get too far inland into Viera/Cocoa/Palm Bay it gets kinda soulless.

t. lived in Palm Bay
Not OP but I'm actually thinking of moving to Melbourne, anyone spent time there?
I lived down south in Pompano for 6 years before moving, but I'm starting to miss Florida.

Anybody been to Saudi Arabia? What did you think of it? Is it worth visiting?
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Anybody out there who doesn't look like a stereotypical Muslim and isn't Muslim slip into Mecca?

I have an interest in Islamic culture and like visiting mosques when I travel, but unfortunately, there's no way I can convince myself to believe in any religion. I still dream about visiting Mecca and participating in the whole ritual just for the fun of it.
People do do it. If you can larp as an enthusiastic recent convert you’ll be allowed in. I don’t know why you’d want to if you’re not actually Muslim though. This may cause problems back home if you blab about it as someone will get offended.

You do have to be careful. If rumbled they’ll probably just deport you but if you have actually done something profane or blasphemous then the penalties get serious.

I’d rather go to Lourdes. Or vegas.
well why don't you have a good cry and roll around and beat your tiny powerless fists on the ground
fortunately for me i'm not a loser-back-home and i have a modicum of self control
i have seen videos of chinese people at mecca. maybe pretend to be chinese or something. just squint and bite your bottom lip, that should do it
It's not possible. You check your religion on the Visa so if you're non-muslim you won't get anywhere close since there's multiple checkpoints on the way to Mecca. If you say you're muslim and you're from a muslim minority country (i.e. western), they'll be suspicious and probably ask you to recite religious passages. Then you'll be asked to turn around and you can get fined.
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>Saudi Arabia has culture.

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>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is
>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
>can't find anyone, everybody is travelling in packs, when I try to join someone they look at me as a weirdo, go sightseeing alone, feel miserable
>travel to chiang mai
>haha this time I will surely find some friends at the hostel
>same shit happens
>go to phuket
>same shit
actually think about killing myself in thailand. How the fuck should I get friends while travelling?
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Here's a (You).
I'm literally stating it was 7 years ago since I was in a hostel. My career is software development, just taking a small break from it. Planning on finding a new job again later this year. Funny you mention Bitcoin as I just received Mt Gox distribution two days ago. Shouldn't be bothered to share this but whatever.
Why not instead share what I should be doing as a 30 year old boomer that wants to do some city sightseeing with others in a similar transient place in their life?

I'm pretty inactive here, spending an hour or two a week. Only on /trv/ to maybe find some info you won't find on travel blogs. Anyway, 30 is still within age demographics. Hopefully for me I'll visit the site for the last time next year.
i'm almost 30 too
there are definitely a lot of traveling people that age in almost every big city

>remote work
that's exactly what I do nowadays
in big cities I stay in hostels popular with DN (also because I have to work some days too)

>but rather do some sightseeing
you can try, but i never found anyone 30+ to do sightseeing with
so I do it alone, which I like better anyway

like I wrote in my original post
most socializing I do is going out in the evening (not to party but just hit a few bars / restaurants for a few hours)

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Basically this. Travel can be soulless tourism to say "i did this", but did they did anything?
Travel can also be a journey. A pursuit. What do you like? The word "worth it" ought to be banned from this site.
Do you enjoy food? Take a food journey? Soup?? Try every soup in every backwater village you can find. Do you enjoy cycling? Cycle across a continent, that beingyour overarching goal, but talk to every cyclist along the way, chat with cycle store employees (you'll find practically none ever did what you are doing). Do you enjoy fortresses and imagining what the defenders felt like huddled behind the parapets? Go do that and Larp, just chill all day on the wall with some tea and envision the men who were ready to die for the town.
What are you interested in? Because I don't know many people who sit at home in their boring life and say "hey, I really want to hang out with broke dirty impulsive shallow broken branches in a stinkpit, maybe i'll strike gold!". Nah mate, ain't happenenin. And they'll mask up and lie, anyhow. You dodged a bullet, go find your people
>my daughter is in university and her friends have flirted with me since they were preteens.
whew lad, i wouldve indulged at uhhh "some point"
i kind of empathize with this but i tend to just put on "fucking loser blinders" these days and just tune out some of that more injurious shit like kids laughing at you for ambling aimlessly through their city streets when youre just a little too old to be doing what they know youre trying to do

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So I’m transferring to University at Buffalo because their STEM program is pretty good.

I don’t really know much about Buffalo. What is there to do here? Nightlife, bars, etc.
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Hutch Tech, City Honors, and Sweet Home also have a lot of Asian students.
Only Asians you get around here are international students at UB who barely interact with other students outside their nationality, and the many Burmese refugees they planted here in the ghettos.
>Visiting anywhere in the US
Why dont you visit a better country like Russia, China, Finland, Austria, or...?
Did you even read the OP?

The dude is transferring to that school. I’m going to assume he’s American.
As someone who’s used Tinder and Hinge in Buffalo, this person is absolutely right.

What footwear do you recommend for spending a whole year in Thailand? My adventure sandals recently broke after four years of rugged, daily use. I would just buy another pair but I'm worried that:

A) My feet will be exposed to abrasions (or worse) and tropical bacteria. I heard the streets can be pretty dangerous, exposed rebar and such
B) It will ruin my swag. I can rock adventure sandals where I currently live because it's an outdoorsy tourist town in the desert, everyone is rocking sandals. I want to look swaggy and fit in with the Thais, but I refuse to wear n****r-flops

I'm leaning towards closed toes for comfort, but I have no experience in a tropical environment. What footwear would you rock?
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Crocs realtree is all I wear at home and abroad. Yes I am from the South. Crocs and socks all year baaybeee!
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>adventure sandals
This the new Thailand general?
How accessible are western brands of footwear in Thailand?
what is rebar

Has anyone been on a Carnival Cruise before? What should I expect?
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My cousin went on a cruise, someone smeared shit everywhere
Expect a lot of loud and disgusting children. Fucking everywhere. The pools are literal piss. Good luck!
The pools got crowded with adults and toddlers, squeezing side by side.
>What should I expect?
i wish this were true, id be cruising all day and night 24/7 365
unfortunately theres no way to actually get away from non whites

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Sup /trv/
Solo trip to Vienna coming up. Never been before.
Thinking touristy stuff during the day, bars in the evening.
Any advice?
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>those cups of Heurigen(young wine) you get are 0,25dl
*(young but fully fermented wine) you get are 0.25 Liter or 0.264 quart
Go to Bratislava, Slovakia for one night and get drunk there.
>Managed to hook up with my tour guide which might be my finest moment ever
good job anon
In addition to everything mentioned already, I'd recommend seeing two things:

Imperial treasury - has items (allegedly) from Charlemagne's tomb and a nice collection of Habsburg jewelry, including the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Imperial crypt - I almost missed this since it's very rarely mentioned in travel guides, but it was a real highlight on my trip because I got to see ornamental coffins of many Austrian emperors from the last several hundred years. Each of them is a work of art and it's worth going just to see the absolute unit of Maria Theresa's coffin. I recommend going there near the end of your trip, because by then you'll learn who each of those people are. This way, instead of just seeing names and years, you'll be able to appreciate why certain coffins look a certain way and e.g. why there are items from Mexico next to Maximilian's coffin.
If you get tired of the Austrian food, there is a Five Guys near St. Stephen’s plaza

Anyone ever take a road trip through New England? End goal is Mt Washington and Acadia. Trying to figure out my lodging, was considering camping out of my truck but I'm worried that a lot of the campgrounds, spaces, etc. will be booked out as its their busy season. Anyone have any advice on a travel itinerary, places to go, hotels, supplies, etc. for a first time traveler? I've been on many trips before, never a roadtrip or anything rustic like this. Google didn't yield many answers.
Depends on what sort of things interest you. For me one of the big draws of New England is the historical stuff. When I road trip NE, I like to stay in historic inns. It's quite expensive, but I like it

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This is a version from 2022. Is there an updated version (more cantons, more detailed etc.)

Also, higher res is also required. Most of the islands are non existent on my version.
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Is there a web version of this map? it sucks filling this out in MS paint.
It should be that I mark I visited a country like "russia" and it fills out all of russia in the correct color.
But it's supposed to be a one-time project, where you spend an afternoon filling in the map, save it on your computer, update it when you travel and post it whenever these threads are up.
Belize looks dreamy
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Went to the Swedish countryside for midsommar last month and did some extra stops along the way. The Florida honeymoon is 90% planned, Romania is still a 'maybe' as it will depend on finances.

Damn impressive map, got any cool stories to share?
>Damn impressive map, got any cool stories to share?
I'm old kek
that's ~10y of traveling with a full time job + 1y China as student + 1y camping around Europe between school and University

>any cool stories
2 scary moments I strongly remember
most vacations just go really smooth

you know how wild camping is allowed in Scotland basically anywhere?
we camped on Calton Hill in Edinburgh for like a week because we though it was allowed
we packed our tent every morning and stored it throughout the day

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Not limited to five reasons of course. Check back in your ancestral tree to see if you have a claim for one.
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>just move there and live long enough
Oh ok, I'll just get an employer sponsored visa or retrain in a skill in shortage shall I?
Not all of us are 20
easiest way is just go to study, in most western european countries your time spent studying is counted towards permanent residence and citizenship
Again, easier said than done once you're past a certain age.
there is no upper limit for studying
what's your point? you just want another citizenship without work/study/marriage in that country??
>there is no upper limit for studying
I'm not sure many universities will take 40 years old international students unless they have outstanding careers or solid references. Yes there are technically no upper limits but universities are selecting on criteria that are also correlated to age.

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What kind of souvenirs do you bring back from your travels?
Nowadays I usually just buy postcards of artworks and thats it. In some places it can be hard to track down something fun and authentic as a gift.
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Magnets. They're a nice cheap souvenir that I can fit on my fridge.
I went to Hitler's Eagles Nest and brought back a pebble from the mountain top. It's a prized memento
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>that I can fit on my fridge
150 magnets later...
Actually based
U think uncle Aldi walked on that very pebble?

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What countries did you not enjoy visiting. Pic related, I don't regret going and there were aspects I liked, but it really is a shithole in the most literal sense.
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zoom zoom little zoomer
hope you had fun at the plastic tent drinking overpriced piss with the other tourists
Iceland was a waste of my time and money. The women are all fat and insane leftists. The tourist traps are 30 versions of the same water fall. The food is processed goyslop and reykjavik looks like a depressing soviet shit hole.
Stay in the US.
I came here to sexpat December last year, and now I'm back to just enjoy the country. Girls are easy here and they're not going to ask you for money. I don't know what >>2687831 is talking about about the food, because it's pretty good. I really like their "ginata" dishes cooked in coconut milk. It's also not that dirty, if you're not actively going to the slums. Every cuntry has a slum area, and althoughbeit Philippines has a lot of slums, it's fairly safe. The locals either think you're a vlogger and will be super nice or they will just say "Hi Joe" or some shit like that.

Since you have friends here, it will be much easier for you to get around because they will want to bring you to place they actually enjoy. Just don't go out of your way looking clueless. You WILL be robbed/pickpocketed, just like in any touristy place.
Bangkok is sweltering and everywhere you go, there's another whitoid day drinking in the streets or smoking put for breakfast. Not everyone speaks English. The narrow streets and alleys are super dark, and though it's safe there, everything closes around 11 PM. Places open pretty late in the day as well. Chinese and Indian tourists make the place even worse. They're all loud and somehow they hate you more than you hate them. Cesspool place. Outside of Bangkok, Thailand is great though.

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Anybody cruise here? I got a great deal from the casino on Carnival and booked a 7 day Caribbean cruise on the Celebration. I’m going with my wife and our two kids (5 & 3). The younger kid has autism. I’m hoping it’s great, excited to be able to drop the kids off at the kid’s club and go have some pool/dining time together etc. Should also be able to have some quality family time and also some alone time to get degenerate and gamble and drink. Tell me about your cruising experience if you have any.
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>Stay off strip in Vegas next time.

Shut up, faggot. So bored with midwit faggots like you and their eternal defense of that shit hole.

>Hurrrr durrrr I got a $20 comp back in boomer days so I'll defend it until I die

Literally kill yourself, you waste of existence.
You are so, so mad. Wow. You should not get so upset about others enjoying things anon. It’s not healthy!
how well do you know all of the administration at your kids' schools?
yes, the clubs are safe
if something has ever happened, you know it will be available online. it's fine.
if anything, it would probably be exposure to some trashy kids that would be most harmful for your kids
A kids club fucking up is the death of a cruise line.

They may differ about how good they are but they're going to make sure they're properly vetted and have good safety procedures.
Bet this hag gets her back blown out on the regular on these cruises

Hi guys,
i'm going on an exchange next year. I will be staying in Michigan (Detroit area) mostly but i will have a lot of free time to travel around the entire continent.
How is life there ? As in everyday life ?
I heard a lot of bad things about the Detroit area unfortunately, notably lots of black on white crimes. Should i take extra precautions ?
Also how is dating in the US in general ?
Any recommendations of beautiful places to visit in Michigan (or the US in general ?)
I am a 22 years old french, white male if that helps. My english is fine but i can have trouble understanding thick accents (think scottish,
welsh accents for example).
Visit Brasil, is safer than the US and you don't support a country that destroys other countries for fun
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>Visit Brasil, is safer than the US and you don't support a country that destroys other countries for fun

Spending the holiday in this little town to see some outdoor shows. I will have some time to kill afterwards , what is there to do here? I have been hearing about this place for years and its very different but has a weird feel.

Any restaurants or bars that are unique that I should see?

I am in my van and will be heading north after this so any Colorado advice would be great also.
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>The rest of the state is normal
NM normal is like easy LA normal, so no.
NM is dirt poor and culturally a really weird place.
I've noticed the Los Alamos people preface their introductions with. Yeah, I live in New Mexico but I am from X State and work at the lab."
You have terrible reading comprehension
>Alaska has more but those are eskimos
Still natives bud
>NM has the most otherwise
No it doesn’t
>it’s 12% native

Just take the L bud
Anyone who works at Los Alamos is not from NM originally and they usually leave after 2-3 years. Sandia labs has more locals
There are several sources with different numbers

And no, eskimos are not indians

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