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Is anywhere in blue worth living at? I work from home
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The south sucks because of the humidity, I'd rather live in the west somewhere.
East coastie detected
People from the EST time zone can’t understand how empty the western half of the country is
El Paso is nothing but dust and concrete overlooking abject poverty across the border. The ugliest city in America
I love the Spearfish-Sturgis area of western South Dakota. There are some incredibly beautiful areas out there. Rapid city is a dump tho, don’t move to rapid city
Isn't Reno on fire rn?

>getting fined $5000 and being detained for hours by border agents as a US NATIONAL under threat of car impoundment because your goddamn GPS told you to go into the privileged prick lane by mistake

Abolish this immediately.

>going to Mexico ever
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ITT: People who can't follow directions
Honestly if you found yourself in the Sentri lane it's because you weren't paying attention and looking at the myriad of signs saying which lanes are which. It should be pretty obvious that the lane that's significantly shorter than the rest is like that for a reason.
>voting dem because some cuck was stationed for the north border and most likely is a democrat

Most republicans are down south the border keeping the wetbacks out retard.
Thanks for reminding me why I had to break up with my midwestern girlfriend to escape this nigger infested shithole. Want to be there as little as possible.
Yeah you fucking slobber all over that boot you fucking faggot

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> be digital nomad™
tells everyone at home "I make money anywhere bro"
>been living in hostels for months, too broke to rent a real apartment
>spends days hopping from sketchy cafés to public libraries for wifi
>decides to take a trip to Europe, cuz "it's so easy to work from anywhere"
>ends up in Eastern European city, takes metro to save money
>squeezed into tiny metro seat, pulls out 7-year-old MacBook
>tries to look productive
two hot girls sitting next to him, chatting in a language he doesn't understand
>they glance at his screen
he's on Upwork, trying to snag a $5 job writing blog posts about "10 Best Coffee Shops in Bali"
>they giggle, probably think he's some kind of tech genius
screen suddenly goes black
forgot to charge laptop at hostel, no outlets on train
pretends like he's just done with work, closes laptop smoothly

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part of the bait.
An immigrant is someone who intends to move permanently and integrate, digital nomads are tourists working while touristing. They're not even expats who have some minor degree of permanence.
ong you really rubbed those last two brain cells together real hard to write that didn’t ya
Mental illness. Feel bad for the hookers that have to go home with this dude.
Ooshit i meant to tag this weenie here actually

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Sunset edition

Previous thread >>2667437

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
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yes rice isn't really part of Taiwanese cuisine for some reason. I think it's because all of the rice used to be exported to Japan when it was a colony, so the locals learned to eat mostly fruits and veggies and meat. the colonial government used to force the rice farmers to sell 90% of their yield to Japan.

no scams aren't very common here. as long as you take basic precautions like putting your passport and cash in a safe and not taking any random pills you'll be fine. I've never heard of anyone getting drugged or robbed here on a tinder date.
How do you take pictures of you as a solo traveler?
Will 可以帮我拍个照吗?亲不要头我的手机, 谢谢 work?
>亲不要头我的手机, 谢谢
Kek, dont say this. Also that says "Kiss dont head my phone, thanks" You mean to write 请不要偷我的手机,谢谢
What's the best small towns/villages in Taiwan? Bonus points if no whities
Any other weirdos like me not living in a major/big city? What's your life like?

Traveling used to seem like an adventure, full of promise and excitement. But now, at 25, it feels hollow—each trip another reminder of what’s missing. I’ve seen beautiful places, sure, but every city is another empty hotel room, every scenic view another moment spent alone. I watch people, couples, families, all sharing something I can't seem to find. Each return home feels lonelier than the last, with no one to share stories with, no one to miss me.

The thrill of new experiences fades fast when you’ve got no one to come back to. And the worst part is, there’s nothing more miserable than realizing it’s not the places you visit that make you feel alive—it’s the people you share them with.
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Collections of imaginative stories spun around recalled images of a transcendental experience do not fit any definition of "scholarly literature". Tens of thousands of people come close to death every day, yet very few of them have transcendental visions. Blandly arrogant religionist assumptions that everyone's dying experience is identical, when in fact every individual journey is unique and depends greatly on how you've lived life in preparation for death.
>Buy a house, find Jesus, get married, start having kids. This is the recipe for true fulfillment in life.
Plenty of people do that and end up miserable and unfulfilled. Satisfaction with life is up to the individual.

You're all spiritual plebs.
That's just because gen alpha got online and is trolling everyone
Buying a house and getting married is the worst things you can do as a man in the west because you can lose your wife and home as soon as she feels like she wants attention and to ride the cock carousel again. Finding jesus and having kids is good advice and what a lot of men are doing now anyways. My gf had 2 of my kids and is working and cooking/cleaning while I'm in between jobs and investing in crypto. No wife would ever accept such an arrangement but a gf would.
You are wrong about this. I drowned when I was 6 years old, I stopped breathing and was revived by my swim coach who was also an EMT. I had no such visions of heaven. One second I was in the pool having involuntary convulsions from lack of oxygen, the next minute I was staring at the sky and my coach’s face. There was nothing on the other side but blackness.

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Is it actually worth visiting this country or is it just being shilled on Instagram?
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good reply in good thread. it seem you need a large appetite for red tape (no pun intended kek) if you want to enjoy china these days. it's too bad because 20 years ago china had the reputation for being a kind of lawless place where you could get away with anything as long as you didn't make a big scene. serpentza talks about this. he has a good video of him showing up in Shenzhen with like $40 bucks and being homeless for a few weeks until he found a job.
dante's inferno looks better than this
main things to do in Hong Kong? I got 1.5 days there, just thought I'd wander the markets and eat some cool food
I heard WeChat requires an invite and you cannot use many things without it in China. Do you know any places that may help with that?

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I want to emigrate from Canada. Tired of the fucked up everything in this third world country. Shitty economy, shitty infrastructure, shitty people, shitty weather.
What is a good country to move to long term? I'm thinking Oman, Thailand or Malaysia. I would consider China too but one has to practically marry a Chinese national and have an anchor baby to move there. I might do that anyways. Writing off all countries with a white majority population, I'm looking to leave the west to get away from white people and their leftist woke mental disease.
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>Europeans are still desperate to move to Canada
Keep your Turdeau, your wokeness and your pajeets.
No one i know would want to move to fucking Canada, it's a really shitty version of the US, with all the problems but none of the qualities.
at least in Canada you wont get shot by some hick for accidentally stepping over some invisible squiggly line drawn on a map by some ass with a crayon
>Never being able to afford a home

That’s every Western country though
Unless you change the definition of «home» to «studio cuckshed»

Albeit I agree Canada is especially bad, even affording a rental is difficult
You're far too obsessed with troons. It says more about you than anything.
>Just ignore the fact that you can't ever have a life or a future, you fucking TRANSPHOBE
You will never be a real woman, snipdick.

I want to talk about best options for nightlife in Singapore. No, "le boring" and "le sterile" retards are not allowed, go shit up the other threads. I'm not interested in prostitution either.

When I was a student I lived in Singapore for a while and I loved Stickies Bar (literal $1 beers) but I've heard they closed down completely? Are there good alternatives?
Also, any good new rooftop bars? I've also heard that 1 Altitude permanently closed which is a shame as it was one of the less pretentious fancy bars.
What are the current nightlife hot spots?
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What's with all the demoralisation faggots in this thread?
Seriously how ugly or brown do you have to be to not get laid in Singapore, it's so fucking easy.
I'm a below average looking guy with a beer belly and do fine, get mires all the time too on the MRT.
You whiny fuckwits are either nigs or autistic, be honest.
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Congrats on the mires bro. Maybe people don't get laid in Singapore because they have standards
Those aren't mires, my dude. That would be thinly veiled disgust over your slovenly form.

I've never been anywhere less tolerant of excessive body fat except for maybe Korea.
What happens if you are brown and make 50k usd/mo?

is muir woods worth it or are there better redwoods near the bay area?
Muir Woods nAtIoNaL mOnUmEnT is mid. If your singular goal is to see Redwoods in the Bay, unironically your best bet is San Francisco Botanical Garden. If you goal is a hike, any of the areas east of Berkeley like Tilden are better and less crowded, but you just have to do some more research.

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Once while at a bar in Paris, I overheard a Canadian, whose accent was identical to mine (and most Americans), feel the need to explain to the bartender in English that he “isn’t a stupid American” while ordering his drink. Why are Canadians like this?
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>Mostly it’s because they are scared of getting their ass beat.
Nobody in Europe would even think to beat someone up if he's from X for no good reason. Where do you get this from, is this common in NA? Why do you always have to turn everything into a Nigga moment?
I just decided to replace your gay incel bunkbed bickering with my based life experience since the vocabulary could fit either way.
That's the trick to living a fun life, anon
kek, true
Chad breeds 'em, then a dorker feeds 'em (and their kids)
They have those in American Walmarts too, nearly always in stores serving heavily non-white populations

Has anyone here ever successfully went to a country where a certain commodity is cheap and abundant in order to resell it in an other country at a premium.
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wow you are literally retarded, hope you end it soon :)
Of course its possible.
But really you're probably better off just googling wholesale websites and factory direct purchases.
This is literally the business model that every retailer uses, which is buy low and sell high.
But selling is actually a full-time job.

Lets say for example you did go to africa and bought some salable diamonds. You would still have a pain in the ass selling them, because local diamond stores are buying them at wholesale prices for 10-20% of retail cost - and you probably couldn't compete with that.
They are a special kind of scam where you are simply overpaying because of your own greed. They aren't fake. This is why the government (in Thailand for example) does not shut them down. You just got greedy thinking you would make a profit, but in fact there is no profit to be made and you will most likely have a loss if you sell it back home. They are not necessarily bad quality gems either and if you bought it to keep you wouldn't have any reason to complain.
I've heard about people bringing cheap car alternators (usually Lada ones since those were Russians, but Cubans can ghetto rig pretty much anything) into Cuba and flying back with the usual stuff like cigars, making both flights work in their favor.
I'd be tempted to pick up cheap gemstones overseas for personal appreciation (I just like them) but I'm getting mixed messages here if I would be getting decent gems or not.

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I would rather be waterboarded than fly. Getting to the airport on time, getting through security, boarding, the take off, the landing, the NOISE, everyone around you coughing, the fact that you're in a little tube thousands of feet in the air, the waiting HOURS on the tarmac because the airport is understaffed or because another plane hasn't left yet, the delays, the handicapped people adding hours to your travel, the shitty seats even when you buy an upgrade, breathing in the shitty air.
Call me a pussy but I don't think air travel is worth the hassle if you're going anywhere for less than 1 month. You have to assume that you'll be sick for at least 2 weeks.
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'Twas the same way until I really preferred the smaller, more chill environment of the lounge. I try to always fly later in the evening so the lounge tends to be pretty empty.
There are plenty of cards that give you access to the generic Priority Pass lounges unless you're saying you prefer the airline lounges. PP can be pretty crowded now because of all the cards offering it.
I know what the stats say, I just don't believe them.
Oh I know, but I rarely use the lounges enough as it is already so changing from my current rewards card to some airlines card to me is mainly a moot thing. I rarely even use my CC for anything as the rates on my Chime card abroad make up for the fee's/exchange rates a CC will often incur.

If I am flying in the evening there is a 100% chance I am at some cheap bar or the like getting fucking hammered prior to. Lounge is great for booze sometimes, but nothing like a local place
Its not just the airline cards. I'm talking about something like the Chase Sapphire Reserve.

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What's the appeal of traveling?
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Whats the appeal of posting demoralisation threads on /trv/ with all the pedo anime pictures you have saved on your computer?
they cant make it on the big boy boards so to have to come here to get their daily (You) quota.
Scarcity and fomo
IMO, touristy things (museums, tours, sight seeing), a change of scenery to mentally reset and find new inspiration, as well as just mentally unwinding by setting aside several days where you have absolutely nothing to do but relax and enjoy yourself.
IMO, if you're lonely, then traveling isn't fun.

Are there places good for that, or do you just have game? I find women tourists in my town are easy to get with, but being a tourist yourself somewhere makes everyone ignore you.

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How do you handle seeing stray dogs when travelling?
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It happened around 8 AM. Dogs in India seemed to be absolutely savage monsters from sunset to about 10 AM the next day, then they all lay down to sleep or act cute for treats from the locals. A dog that wags its tail at you around noon will try to kill you just hours later.

I went from being neutral on dogs to wanting them globally exterminated. The worst a stray cat will ever do is be a bit noisy at night. Dogs straight up kill motherfuckers.
Pet dogs, will usually learn to follow the day rythm of their owners.
However street dogs like their ancestors the wolf, prefer to be active around twilight or night. This is especially in warmer climates where street dogs will save as much energy as possible during the daytime and hunt in the cooler hours at night.
>Xylitol doggie treats
My neighbor has an insane giant dog that tries to kill everything that comes within 50 feet of his house and is barely contained by the fence. He's too old to look after it. How would I find some xylitol to take care of this?
>>appreciate them
For being beautiful creatures in an ugly world.
Amazon sells bags of xylitol.

Don't do something obvious like mixing it with meat. Make some cookies with xylitol instead of sugar. If by some chance you get caught, you can play dumb and say you just made some cookies and didn't realize it was poisonous to dogs. You just wanted to give the dog a little treat.

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Redpill me on Upstate NY

Best town/city?
Fun things to do?
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What's the best county?
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Also, this is what I consider upstate
I stopped in some small town just off of I-90 once that had a cabin restaurant to the side of a waterfall. That was a cozy dinner.
Whereabouts on the 90?

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