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basically titel. having a few days in Porto and looking for some autistic sweet spots beside the mainstream tourism. no nightlige though, cant risk an hangover. any recommendations? also looking for some (niche) record stores and book shops.

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What's the best way to go about visiting the Lofoten Islands in Norway? Are there certain times of the year to avoid them? can you hike nearly most of it or is it a lot of private land?
Getting there can be a pain. The best is to get to Oslo (maybe Bergen or Stavanger) somehow and then fly wideroe to Svolvær or Leknes, where you can hire a car. You can fly into Narvik more easily but it’s a bit of a way off. If you’re in Europe you can just drive there if you have plenty of time (easier going up Sweden and across via Abisko)

Summer is best - 24h daylight, no snow, everything open. Some spots get very crowded now. Winter is dark and weather can be very bad. Shoulder seasons might be the best overall to minimise crowds while not having major weather problems.

Norway has land access rights, you can go basically anywhere that’s a bit away from buildings and fields no matter whether it’s private or not. There are precise rules and these are Norwegians, do some googling first.

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Sunset edition

Previous thread >>2667437

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
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Can I rent a brompton with a rack in Taipei?
Can I bring a folded brompton into restaurants alone and on trains in Taipei?
What's something fun to do in Taipei right now? A lotta rain and didn't bring my umbrella
decided to go get some El cheapo hotel/motel room so I could dump my bag somewhere, guess I'll go camp with the hobos next time
Did you just wrap a cardboard box in an Ikea bag... Didn't know that tech
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It just works
Honestly can't believe that this would survive flight luggage

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>learning Vietnamese for the past year
>speaking has gotten pretty good. solid fluency with good pronunciation, but vocab could still use some work
>listening is good about familiar topics. no problems talking to my teacher or girlfriend, but native speakers are still a little too fast

>say one single word in Vietnamese to anyone in this godforsaken country
>respond at the fucking speed of light + nonsense slang + old man dialect + mumbling
>ask them to speak slower and more clearly
>they speak even more quickly the second time + yelling

I mean I know they're not used to speaking to language learners but aren't some things just common sense? A couple weeks ago a shopkeeper asked if I spoke Vietnamese, to which I replied the equivalent of "a little, but I'm still studying and not very comfortable speaking" and she launched into a five minute old woman rant about...something, I have no fucking clue. Something about how she has to learn English to talk to customers and foreigners should learn their language too. Thank god she didn't ask any questions so I could just nod and grunt. Even my girlfriend (native speaker) couldn't understand half of what she said.

I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded but this is such a frustrating experience. It's basically impossible to use the language even after a year because of this shit. Any other travelers and language learners go through this?
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I've been working in Malaysia for three years at a MNC faggot, yeah I know how to order some fucking food.
You don't have a clue, Malaysians can somehow manage to fit three different languages into a single sentence, how locals actually speak at a conversational level is nothing close to what a textbook will teach you.
I don’t have a Reddit account, silly pinoy
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Don't get discouraged anon, the "street language" is very localized. I think you should try and continue to talk to the same handful of people throughout your week. Talk for a bit with your local tea lady, coffeeshop worker, security guard...etc. Try to talk with people who 'understand' you without much stress or misunderstanding. Like others have said, there's a big difference between the textbook and the street.
Your stupid. You cannot speak vietnamese. You sound like dog shit.

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Imagine this: You step off the plane in Greece, the warm breeze from the Ionian Sea welcomes you, and right away, you feel something different. I recently visited the western coast of Greece with my wife, and I couldn't help but fall in love with the place—the landscapes, the people, the culture—it all felt so familiar, yet uniquely special.

Coming from a Syrian-Armenian background, I’ve traveled a lot, visited over 20 countries, but Greece struck a chord with me. Have you ever had that feeling when a place just feels like home? That’s what Greece did for me. The moment I wandered through the streets, I noticed something—the faces of the people, their warmth and kindness, reminded me of the Armenians from back home in Syria. Their family values, the sense of community, even the food—it all felt so close to what I grew up with.

And here's something I found fascinating: you don’t need a high-paying job to enjoy life here. Greece, especially outside the big tourist hubs, is incredibly affordable compared to Western Europe. With its perfect weather, mouth-watering food, and unmatched hospitality, life there feels rich in the ways that truly matter.

If you asked me, I’d say I could easily picture myself building a family there. Greece just has that charm, that sense of belonging. Have you ever been to a place that felt like it was calling you to stay?
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Fuck off we're full
Is it really that difficult to immigrate to?
You guys are raising my expectations of a place I've always wanted to visit. I'd also like a more authentic experience outside of tourist traps, anon, which places do you recommend checking out?

What are the most BORING places you've been to? A place that's just overall tedious.
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I don't hate it but it's just so mind numbingly boring after 2 weeks. Everything is superficial, KL has all the stops and that can be done in about 10 days. The nightlife is nonexistent for the most part outside a few clubs that run scams with chinese girls trying to run you 800-1k myr tabs, any other toursts you run into are basically just passing through to singapore. The locals want to hear nothing else other than you complement their country. Public transport is largely a joke given how cheap grab is.

The biggest positive I can give it is that if you need a cheap place to visa reset, English speaking, close by other SEA countries, and dirt fucking cheap. Malaysia is good, KL is fine for a month Johor is good if you just want to minimize all costs.
Everything there is gray.
>muh city is nice during summer
Every city is nice during summer, big cope.

Who was the genius that thought that having gray roads/asphalt, along with gray buildings would complement the permagray arctic sky?

Norwegians seem to have a little touch of desperation in everything that they do. They have to hurry to get to the beach. Or hurry to go grab a beer. Hurry to drink up because their shitty little places close up early. Everything is done in haste witouth enjoyment because the place they live in is stingy. The climate is stingy. Imagine more than 6 months of winter with the darkness, no amount of long summer days makes up for it. And even during summer you're not guaranteed shit, so you might wait all winter to get a summer that never really arrives, only to go yet into another winter. Truly depressing. On the job market front, yeah it's all chill work life balance but that's because they're oil nepo babies. It's not a result of smart moves. They just happened to stumble over the oil, which was found, may I add, by an Iraqi immigrant and some Americans. Also, how the fuck did that many somalians, niggers, all kinds of muslims arrive aaaaall the way up there? The colony argument just doesn't cover this. Big cope. Food is terrible too.
The water's clean though, they got that going for them.
Imagine having all that money and all they eat is that rye bread for lunch. They don't have a culture for warm food. And the main dish of the country is ready-make frozen pizza that's a pile of low quality dough. They have "taco fridays" since not even they know what sort of food they have. To set up a biz might be easy but the taxes decentivize so much they can't build and there's no economy of scale to speak of. Compare with Sweden who's much more entrepreneurial. And it shows because they're much more cosmopolitan and know of savoir-vivre, even though the entirety of Sweden is also a shithole. Don't even get me started on the Baltics.
To categorize these people (scandis) in the same group as Germans is a complete joke.
Some scandi women look amazing though.
Norways oil money is wasted on Norwegians. All they do is invest it. Maybe some rural ferry services are generously subsidised.
Visiting Malaysia for the cities is like visiting the USA for the cities. Going to Johor is like going to Des Moines and bitching that it's boring. No fucking shit.

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I will be spending a few months in Montevideo next year. Any anons who have experience living/travelling there? I'll probably make a few trips over to Buenos Aires, but are there places in Uruguay that are worth visiting except for the capital? What is there to do except smoke weed in a park and eat meat?

>Last Thread: >>2696169

>HHN edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Stop travelling for parks. Just live near the best parks.

Park Crowd Tracker:

Roller Coaster Database:

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Queue is cool, along with the very start (if it's not raining) and end of the ride. The middle is screens and mediocre.
Have a Hall of Fame hot dog for me, champ.
>didnt even mention velocicoaster
It's like you have never even been there...
Have fun anon.

Done with theme parks on my California holidays now. Random thoughts:

>Waterworld made me realise I miss good stunt shows
>all of the studio tours (Inc wb and sony) are all a bit sad now : "yeah, most movies are shooting in Canada and the uk now but at least we're shooting talk shows and game shows!"
>secret life of pets shows there is still some life on onmimover dark rides and Disney really should add some more to its parks
>California adventure is a good park now (last went when Superstar limo was there).
>Disneyland needs a shitload of work to fix the overcrowded walkways (why no path from galaxies edge to toontown?)
Footage of one of the world's oldest coasters getting derailed by debris and the safety mechanisms saving the day, ripping up the track in the process.

>missed one data point in a detailed post
Shut up, bitch.gif

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Holy shit! Just saw a video on cangu and its super urbanised and gentrified by whites :( And read the news that they want to build a metro around the island now! Is bali fucked and done? I was so planning to go there in a few months time but this is just sad. :( :(
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I fucking love gentrification.
wait till you're 100 dollars a night for a tiny ikea box.
I went there in 2012 and it was already shit
>oh no a bunch of other white people have done the exact same thing i was planning on doing before me
>its so ooooover

This is you, sexpat, this is what you sound like

I want to talk about best options for nightlife in Singapore. No, "le boring" and "le sterile" retards are not allowed, go shit up the other threads. I'm not interested in prostitution either.

When I was a student I lived in Singapore for a while and I loved Stickies Bar (literal $1 beers) but I've heard they closed down completely? Are there good alternatives?
Also, any good new rooftop bars? I've also heard that 1 Altitude permanently closed which is a shame as it was one of the less pretentious fancy bars.
What are the current nightlife hot spots?
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I'm gonna shit up your thread and come to Japan. Osaka and Tokyo are amazing. Osaka the best. Has all those old 2000s vibes
Japan is one of the few countries where life is even more depressing than in Singapore.
You sound like it's your first time outside of Arkansas. Fuck off with your tourist opinions and stop posting sideways photos like a fucking retard.
If you have an upright photo, you need to edit it in MS Paint or whatever and add a dot somewhere, then save it. It will magically post upright.
Life isn't depressing. You're depressing.
What's with all the demoralisation faggots in this thread?
Seriously how ugly or brown do you have to be to not get laid in Singapore, it's so fucking easy.
I'm a below average looking guy with a beer belly and do fine, get mires all the time too on the MRT.
You whiny fuckwits are either nigs or autistic, be honest.

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Live your myth in Greece
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I just think it's ridiculous that tourist have to pay three times the price that locals pay to live, anywhere in the world. What happened to all of these people being advocates of egalitarianism.
you realize that as a tourist you don't pay electricity water maintenence and cleaning directly right?
I pay taxes when I'm in your country. I maintain your infrastructure just as much as you.
And I don't need my sheets changed everyday. Do you change your bedding everyday in your home. If so, I guess I know why the world shut down the economy over the common cold.
Tourism ruins a country completely. Locals get lazy instead of innovating. Then they cry about it when other countries are running LAPS around them. Mid level shitty weather goes a long way.

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What's Brazil like for tourists?
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>in America, it's almost unheard of for someone to be targeted for being white.
Kneel for St. Floyd cracka.
It depends on your location if you're in São Paulo you can find some at Augusta street there are hotspots you can find some
United Staesians are so stupid

brazil like colombia is known for scopalamine so be careful. the trannies are alwys the most violent and dangerous
If you're going to Sao Paulo and anywhere south of it, just learn to look straight ahead with confidence while walking in the middle of the city. Lots of beggars and people trying to sell chargers, tech garbage and street food, ignore them and you'll be fine. The city centers are used to tourists and it's not hard to get directions, don't eat on the street, any small restaurant is better than street food. If you're going to Rio and anywhere north then nay God have mercy on your soul...except Fortaleza, good city.

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How do you handle seeing stray dogs when travelling?
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Bend over and pick up a big stone. No stones, just pretend you picked up one anyways. 99 out of a 100 times the pack will run away when you do this. If there is one thing street dogs have learned, it is to respect stones getting thrown at them.
Depends on their demeanour. I grew up on a reservation so I know all about aggressive stray dogs and how to deal with them. If they're just barking at me from a distance, I keep an eye on them for movement as I go past but I give them a wide berth, calmly, and just move along.
Generally speaking, if they're acting aggressive they want food you have on you or they're trying to run you out of their turf. If they approach, I try to find something nearby to be used as a weapon if need be and move out of their vicinity while trying not to turn my back to them at all. I will yell, smack sticks together or generally be aggressive back. They will try to encircle you, so you have to swing around yourself and keep moving at the same time, preferably never turning your back on any of them for an extended period of time.
If one of them does a test run and charges (never happened while traveling but plenty of times while I was growing up), you can't run and have to be prepared to hurt the dog. You don't have to kill it, but keep as much distance as you can by using a weapon (a stick or a stone if you have good aim is a good option) as it charges you. Try to swing at the dog before it reaches you and keep moving if you can. Don't get immobilized for any period of time if you can help it and if you find they won't leave you alone, try to get inside a building or climb something to get some verticality on them and wait until they lose interest.
Back home, I used to keep a bb pistol on me when I would walk at night because rez dogs are aggressive af. If I saw a group barking and getting closer, one or two bbs at the leader will usually deter them without actually killing them or even drawing blood most of the time. Probably not feasible or legal in many countries and a big risk to take, but if you think you can get away with it maybe keep one tucked in ya appendix or whatever just in case.
Hitting them isn't really the goal.
PH dogs are very passive and accustomed to human proximity, at least in Metro Manila.
Did this happen after dark? It's amazing how the same street dogs that look as lazy and passive as can be in the daytime heat turn into berserk maniacs at night.
I encountered far fewer urban street dogs in Malaysia than in Thailand or the Philippines. Every now and then I'd see one on the fringes of a populated place. I spent most of my time in KL and Johor state, didn't venture north. Yet others who spend time in Malaysia remark on the prevalence of street dogs.
Dog packs have the social dynamics of street gangs. The leaders earn their dominant position by being needlessly aggressive, toward other dogs and toward humans as well. IME after you've thrown a stone they continue barking at you, but from a greater distance.
It happened around 8 AM. Dogs in India seemed to be absolutely savage monsters from sunset to about 10 AM the next day, then they all lay down to sleep or act cute for treats from the locals. A dog that wags its tail at you around noon will try to kill you just hours later.

I went from being neutral on dogs to wanting them globally exterminated. The worst a stray cat will ever do is be a bit noisy at night. Dogs straight up kill motherfuckers.
Pet dogs, will usually learn to follow the day rythm of their owners.
However street dogs like their ancestors the wolf, prefer to be active around twilight or night. This is especially in warmer climates where street dogs will save as much energy as possible during the daytime and hunt in the cooler hours at night.

I get $1.5K per month in NEETbux (SSDI, specifically) and I am allowed to collect it in foreign countries.
What country should I move to and, specifically, what cities or regions?

Please describe what I could afford with that income.
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>>You can still get the same job even if you're in a western European country - you'll get half the work and 4X the salary as someone doing the exact same job for the exact same company in eastern Europe.
I don't understand why though, the borders are open, I can just move to another country and get 4x the money for no reason?
The borders might be open but nobody is handing out citizenship like candy. They won't give you the same job you had in Georgia or Montenegro or wherever - only for 4 times the money if you show up in Germany. That's reserved for German citizens since nobody will give you a German work permit for a job at a customer service centre. Germans are more rational than that.

If you want to work construction, be a nurse, doctor, electrician or whatever can't be done remotely - then sure, you can just take a plane/bus to Berlin and get a job. If you call ahead you can even sign your contract at a local job agency and get your travel expenses covered.

Half of non-EU Europe is empty, everyone's gone to work in western Europe. I was in Munich recently and heard more of my native language than German on the streets. Once that well dries up, it's mass migration from somewhere outside the continent - or the European economy collapses harder than a Chinese school during a mild earthquake. They tried the middle east and that didn't work out, turns out eastern Euros aren't as lazy and alien as everyone in western Europe liked to complain - at least not compared to people from outside Europe. Tibet and Bangladesh looks promising - very desperate and cheap but with some basic work ethic, they're currently doing a trial run (gotta learn at least a bit from your mistakes) in some smaller EU countries first - Croatia and the like. Germany is also counting on Kenya.
Dude are you ok? I'm obviously talking about Eastern vs Western Europe in the EU?
Look at the map OP posted, half the countries are outside the EU and that's very specifically what I was talking about.

As far as Western vs. Eastern EU is concerned: many people tend to prefer to stay in their country of birth, even if they could make more money elsewhere. Plus there are barriers beyond the right to work: you need to cut your roots back home, find a job and housing to where you're going (try finding an affordable flat in Munich or Paris,) possibly learn a new language, etc. Same reason all of Idaho doesn't simply move to California. There were waves of mass migration as countries got admitted to the EU - but the most recent member was admitted over a decade ago so that, while it is still going on, has tapered down a bit. But it's more or less the same difference: EU eastern Europe is dying more slowly, non-EU eastern Europe is dying faster.
So what's stopping me from getting a job for 4x the money then? Cost of living is less in Germany than it is in Croatia.

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> be digital nomad™
tells everyone at home "I make money anywhere bro"
>been living in hostels for months, too broke to rent a real apartment
>spends days hopping from sketchy cafés to public libraries for wifi
>decides to take a trip to Europe, cuz "it's so easy to work from anywhere"
>ends up in Eastern European city, takes metro to save money
>squeezed into tiny metro seat, pulls out 7-year-old MacBook
>tries to look productive
two hot girls sitting next to him, chatting in a language he doesn't understand
>they glance at his screen
he's on Upwork, trying to snag a $5 job writing blog posts about "10 Best Coffee Shops in Bali"
>they giggle, probably think he's some kind of tech genius
screen suddenly goes black
forgot to charge laptop at hostel, no outlets on train
pretends like he's just done with work, closes laptop smoothly

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>Most "digital nomads" who do this either get a private room in a hostel since it's the same price as an airbnb

I knew a guy who was making his money online by teaching English to people in Asia, but he had to be talking ocnstantly during work hours, which for him meant the middle of hte night, since he was now in Latam. His AirBnb host obviously had a big problem with it, as did the neighbors. It turned out being really stressful for him. Poor guy. Make sure you are in the same timzone if you're going to be on teh phoen all the time.
>major pain in the ass
Sounds like you're a lazy shithead who only wants to rot away the rest of your life in Bumfuck, England, going to the same stupid pub every weekend to chat with the same crew of beer-swilling losers.
>starting over every three months
To the contrary, three months is far, far too long to stay plopped down in one location. I've stayed as long as one month in two different places, and their appeal was absolutely lost on me by the end of it. Three to four nights is ideal.
>most of which will suck
No, you suck at traveling. Hitting the streets in search of good food is peak enjoyment for a non-coomer.
>le insurance
Fuck insurance in all its forms.
>everybody already saw all over youtube
Same old zoomer excuse. You faggots live your entire lives through a screen to the point where the only authentic travel experience for you is laying in bed watching some broface traveler yapping on self-importantly for 45 minutes about his daily routine.
You have any idea what emergency care costs in America?
>inb4 it's free, just don't pay the bill
Theft of service is nigger behavior.

Okay, boomer.
This reads like a new version of how Avon and Tupperware was sold as a "career" to 1970's moms. It works out for very few people...
very defensive post, reeks of insecurity in decisions

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