Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.Long or convoluted questions should get their own thread.Questions about popular destinations should be asked in any active thread about them.Previous thread: >>2705061
>>2728861Picrel is a real location, by the way. It's an Austrian village that was known as Fucking until 2021. Now it's known as Fugging.
Just booked 4 days in Zurich throughout December, I just have a few questions as I have done no research at all>Do I stay in the city for 4 days>Explore the city for a day or two then go outside the city for 2 days>Do I spend 2 days in Zurich then catch a train to Geneva then fly out of there?>Is Switzerland really that expensive? I have money but I don't want to be paying 50 euro per meal, just asking out of curiosityI think I am leaving to avoid Geneva is just do some day trips to the Alps? Also has anyone been to Liechtenstein, what did you think?
I counted 33 SEA or SEA-related threads. Why is this board so obsessed with Asia? I have no interest in traveling there and standing out as a tall pale guy. Asian women do nothing for me.
>>2729608>Why is this board so obsessed with Asia?In case you haven't noticed yet, this board is swarming with coomers
>>2729615So true and the moron you responded to is another coom brain who can't imagine traveling without it involving degenerate sex....losers
>>2729615also the majority of them have never left the US, let alone traveled to SEA. they are just here to inadvertently jerk each other off over their larp stories
For the same price and length of time (6 days):Mexico City or Rome? I already went to Rome for 4 days last year, I can speak Spanish fluently, I have never been to Mexico.CDMX has me arriving Nov 24 @ 6pm and leaving Dec 1 @ 7amRome has me arriving Nov 24 @ 3pm and leaving Nov 30 @ 7pmLodging is more $$$ for Rome, but flight is more expensive for CDMX.
>>2729658Holy shit do people really spend 2 days in a plane for a six day vacation?
>>2729683I mean yeah the first day and last day are gonna be lost between time spent on the plane, in the airport, and packing/unpacking that's how it is
>>2728995Hi from Switzerland! >ZürichUm, OK. How and why did you choose Zürich? I’m not one of the normie masses who hate Swiss cities, but Zürich IS pretty dull.>Do I stay in the city for 4 daysYou could, but what did you want to do/see? It’s got a very good zoo, the FIFA museum, a handful of other museums, and a few good restaurants and cafés, but it wouldn’t even be my first choice for a city break in Switzerland, much less Europe.>Explore the city for a day or two then go outside the city for 2 daysBetter option IMO. I recommend getting a train to Thun, in canton Bern (under 90 minutes away), and checking out the old castles and towns around the lake. Weather might not be great, but there should be good mountain and lakeside scenery. Another option would be tourist-favorite Luzern/Mt. Pilatus.>Do I spend 2 days in Zurich then catch a train to Geneva then fly out of there?Maybe? Most Swiss people hate Geneva, but it’s a slightly more interesting city than Zürich IMO. But I thought you already booked your ticket.>Is Switzerland really that expensive? I have money but I don't want to be paying 50 euro per meal, just asking out of curiosityYes, restaurants are expensive. A shitty kebab shop pizza will cost you CHF15 (€16), a main dish in a normal restaurant will rarely be under CHF25 at lunchtime. >I think I am leaving to avoid Geneva is just do some day trips to the Alps? Either option above (Luzern or Thun) has accessible mountain options.>Also has anyone been to Liechtenstein, what did you think?It’s a collection of minor Swiss villages, but the car number plates are black. Supposedly some skiing and hiking options. No train stations.
>>2729781Mate that is an extremely helpful response, I am grateful. The reason I booked Zurich is because I have had friends and family visit and they said Geneva was not as exciting. And I thought why not visit Zurich. What do you think is the best thing to do in Switzerland in winter (besides skiing) I will look into your day trips and the mountain visit though, my favourite thing is scenery. I have a ticket there booked but I haven’t booked my ticket out of there yet as i am doing some travelling after Switzerland. I was unsure where to fly out from and where I am flying too afterwards.
>>2729786>What do you think is the best thing to do in Switzerland in winter (besides skiing)Well, December is, among other things, Christmas market season; these are pretty corny affairs, but if you haven’t seen them before, they can be atmospheric. Hot mulled wine (Glühwein), Raclette, fondue. It can be a good time for scenic mountain railway trips (usually the Glacier Express or Jungfraubahn), but the GE isn’t that convenient from Zürich, and they may be crowded/sold out and expensive. Some of the car-free picture-postcard ski- or ski-adjacent villages are quite pretty to look at in winter (Wengen, Mürren, a few others), but they’re mostly really expensive and arguably overtouristed… Lauterbrunnen is among the most oversaturated. It’s a beautiful place but also a pure tourist trap, with jaded/unfriendly locals. And any town that serves primarily as a ski resort (Grindelwald, Zermatt, Davos) is guaranteed to be both unusually expensive even by Swiss standards, and usually not much to look at architecturally—lots of modern “chalets” that are really just blocky condo complexes. Most ski areas also have a few winter hiking trails, Nordic/cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, and sledding runs, if you want to do something winter-sportsesque.A lot of the alpine/scenic railway action starts in or near Interlaken, at the opposite end of Lake Thun from the city of Thun, suggested above; it’s a mediocre little town with much less charm than Thun, but the natural backdrop is undeniably very pretty and it’s a convenient railway hub to some scenic spots. And because it’s both sort of meh and mostly foreign-tourism-oriented, it’s cheaper than a lot of better places.Either Thun or Luzern are easier and quicker than anything mentioned above.For your departure airport, if you’re flying into ZRH and only have 4 days, you may not want to bother with Geneva, which is ~3hrs away; the TGV train to Paris only takes an hour longer.
>>2728861I am absolutely desperate to emigrate out of the UK, I'm white and I just feel absolutely lost, ideally I'd want to move to the US but I have no clue what's in demand as formerly I was going for a marriage visa but that fell apart.Work wise I'm relatively unskilled besides some blue and white collar work.Not sure what to do or even where to start as remote work for a digital nomad visa has nearly dried up completely.
>>2729995Feel obliged to say I know about the CTA with Ireland, and whilst it will be a difference to the UK, I wouldn't say it's the right amount of change I want to see.
>>2728995>Do I stay in the city for 4 daysOne to two days is more than enough, after that explore the area around it, you have so many cool things like a cruise on the lake zurich up to Rapperswil, head to Herisau, Glarus, Baden, Schaffhausen, Zug etc ...>Do I spend 2 days in Zurich then catch a train to Geneva then fly out of there?Don't do that, Geneva is cool but it's just another Zurich. Switzerland isn't a place to hopp the big cities unless you have special interests (Basel for modern art, Bern see the Bundeshaus, Lausanne Olympic museum...) or use them as a base to venture out.>I don't want to be paying 50 euro per mealYou can expect to pay 30+ CHF for lunch at any sit-down restaurant (a good dinner with wine is about 100CHF per person) that is not a Kebab(about 9-12CHF) or McDicks (about 14CHF for a medium menu)>Also has anyone been to Liechtenstein, what did you thinkIt's a swiss canton with it's own car plates and passport. You can see most of the stuff in 1h and be on your way again.I'm a Zurich local, and traveled all around the the area, so tell me what you're interested in and I can come up with stuff to do.
I have like 120 hours of PTO I need to burn by the end of the year. What are some places that I can go with the least amount of planning and I won't get buttfucked by winter weather condition?
>>2729995Fly to Mexico and sneak in dumb dumb. If you were truly desperate you would have done that already
>>2730261Southern USMexicoHong KongAustraliaNew Zealand
I need honeymoon destination suggestions anons. We're in Vancouver Canada and want to spend around 2-3 weeks and up to 10k. Mostly want to spend the time I'm not putting loads in my wife relaxing so a beach is probably ideal but open to other options. Was looking at Phu Quoc Vietnam and Bali or Lombok Indonesia so far.
>>2730960Why is your gf marrying an indecisive sőyboy?
I want to get from Kuala Lumpur Airport to Malacca. Google maps says its a 2 hour drive, it also says its 6 or 7 hours of public transportation and one has to go into the middle of KL first which ia the opposite way. Surely there must be direct buses to Malacca from KL airport. Can any anons confirm?
>>2731093There are. I did that route two years ago, airport to Malacca. There are small buses that ply the route. Or at least where.
>#1 country to visit in 2025 according to Lonely PlanetNo joke has anyone here actually visited this country? I don't know anything about this country except it might not be safe & could be as shitty as most central African countries. Still, I'm piqued with curiosity.
>>2728861hi /trv/,I'm thinking of getting a TEFL certification in hopes of getting a job teaching in a foreign country. However, I do not have a college degree. I'm aware that most countries require that degree but I'm seeing countries like Mexico, Cambodia, I think Bulgaria saying you don't need a degree to get teaching jobs there.Has anyone gotten a TEFL without a college degree and if so how did you go about it? Also if you had a TEFL job how did you like it?
How do people fuck people when travelling? Isn't it against hotel policies to bring people who are not officially guests into your room?
>>2731158You just walk them in........ like the hotel is going to fucking know. Focus on getting a fuck first then focus in not looking suss when you walk into the hotel.
>>2731160I do have somebody I am chatting with and we already have a good vibe over chat... so my only worry right now is getting into the hotel with my date. I mean, wouldn't the receptionist know, if we enter together and then somebody leaves alone?
>>2731158If your bed size is Queen or larger, there's a decent chance you already paid for 2+ occupants.>>2731169>I mean, wouldn't the receptionist know, if we enter together and then somebody leaves alone?It's not illegal or even against policy to have visitors. "Oh, I made a new friend, and we were just hanging out in my room. Don't worry, she's not staying the night."
>>2729746Just leave later. Say, December 10th. Maybe the 15th. BAKA at wageslaves. It's one thing to work for a paycheck, it's quite another to not even be able to enjoy more than a week off all year because your master doesn't wish it so.>>2731093Take KLIA Transit to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan, which is accessible by the Bandar Tasik Selatan stop. From there you can catch one of many buses to Malacca for RM 12 or so.>>2731122If you are a Cheap Charlie, you can look into the buses. They are much slower than the train, but they cost less.
>>2731130It has a huge fucking mountain. That's all I know. Google Maps shows virtually zero budget hotels reservable in the country. Typical for Africa, locals might live on $2/day but good luck even finding a place to sleep for $20/day as a whitey.
>>2731158They don't stay in cheap local-tier hotels which are hyper-strict about guests because they don't want to turn into a brothel. Expensive tourist-tier places let you do what you want.
>>2731246The rail line doesn't go to Malacca hence why we discussin' buses
I want to visit Italy but I am only really interested in Sicily and Mt Vesuvius/Naples, will I be disappointed? I am also visiting Rome over christmas but only because friends are going.Also does it matter what season I visit Morocco in?
Will people actually bring up convos about me being american in europe? I figure people irl don't care but I hear people hear complaining on it. not going to uk but figure in France I can just fake a german accent or some other boring euro cunt
>>2731357Honestly nobody cares outside of bars after a couple of beers for bants or some questions about college or how OC/CC actually works out in reality outside of movies and ragtag media.
>>2731357Western Euros h8 americans because they are a conquered people and poor
>>2731357>I can just fake a german accent or some other boring euro cuntJust pretend to be Canadian. They're typically less hated than Americans and it's a lot easier than faking an accent.
>>2728861What are some decent cheap luggage options? I bought some cheap shit of walmart thinking that if I was careful I could make them last, but it hasn't even been a trip and they are starting to break. Any good recommendations that are not ridiculously expensive.
>>2731403I promise I'm not joking or trying to be a dickhead, but try asking an older relative (parent, uncle, aunt, grandparent, etc.) if you can borrow or even outright have something of theirs.Pros:>zero or low cost to you>decent chance your relatives have something for you to use>their travel days are most likely over, so their luggage finds new life through you>already used, so no one's worried about damage (some people feel shitty at first when their brand new suitcase gets scuffed)Cons:>extremely limited selection>quality depends on the quality of your relative (cheapskate dad and rich uncle will have very obvious different luggage choices)I typically travel with my own backpack, but sometimes I travel with my dad's suitcase, since he doesn't travel anymore.
>>2731405Unfortunately relatives 2 generations older have passed, and fortunately parents still love to travel as well so they are in use of their own stuff. But I might go goodwill hunting then or try to catch any estate or garage sales.Ironically my swiss everyday/travel backpack is still going strong after +10 years, it only has some minor cosmetic damage. I could really use a big duffel bag, for sports stuff and travel too.
>>2728865Do they really think they will stop someone like me, a spurdo enthusiast, from stealing their sign?
How do-able is Malaysia for baby's first Asia trip? Thinking a few days in Malacca and a few days in KLWhite, only speak English, not overly well travelled, know the type
>>2731403The go to's for that are Delsey and American Toruister. Both in the $150 region for the checked bag, quality way above cheap stuff and will hold up a long time.
What to wear in hot, humid, tropical weather with very strong sunlight, and will be sweating a lot? (men) What are some parka with excellent breathing material? Or dress like the locals? Had severe sunburn on the arms and never healed up. Going to South America Chile Argentina Bolivia in Summer
>>2731505Malaysia is not a typical babby's first Asia, but it is very much doable. They do speak English, but it'll sound kind of funny. Since you're planning on staying in major locations to start, your experience should be pretty Fuiyoh, with little to no Haiyaa.Since it is your first Asian country, you're practically getting a 3-for-1. Apart from the Malay culture, you also get some Chinese and Indian thrown in there for free.
>>2731674>What to wear in hot, humid, tropical weather with very strong sunlight, and will be sweating a lot? (men) What are some parka with excellent breathing material? Or dress like the locals? Had severe sunburn on the arms and never healed up. Going to South America Chile Argentina Bolivia in SummerTechnically only the region of northern Bolivia could be called "tropical climate". The region covering most of Bolivia, North Chile and Northwestern Argentina (pic related) is very dry and desertic, with very hot days in summer but quite cold nights. Further east closer to Paraguay the climate becomes more humid, there is some jungle there, so the part to the east of pic related, could also be called subtropical.Further south from the pic the climate is more humid, but also more temperate. (Still hot summers tho...). And even further south the climate turns cold, so it depends on which regions you are planning to visit.My advice if you are sticking to the region in pic related, is to wear light fabrics that can breathe easily. Sportswear, cotton or linen t-shirts and shirts with short sleeves, football jerseys and shorts and the like are all good choices. But remember nights can get cold so make sure you pack at least one pair of long jeans, a jacket, at least one sweater.Make sure you also pack sunscreen. Regardless of your skin type, you should wear sunscreen on the Southern part of South America if you are gonna be out and about at mid day. This is due to the Hole in the Ozone Layer, which is centered on the South Pole, it causes more dangerous UV rays from the sun to filter through in this region of the world, increasing the risk of sunburns and skin cancer with long exposure.Make sure to also pack mosquito repellent, particularly if you are going east of pic related, where the climate is more humid.
>>2731674>>2731885Another pic that could be useful. Each color is a different climate. So if you are gonna move around I would treat each region as its own thing. For summer I would pack mostly light clothing but also some cold weather outfits in case you are going to visit high altitude mountains with snow cover, or just in the event of rainy days, cold nights and the like
Does anyone know of companies that do cheap one-way car rental in Australia? I'm thinking of Sydney/Brisbane to Cairns. Quotes I'm getting from kayak/ scare me
Do girls normally ask for pictures with tourists or is there some kind of scheme/trick? I was in Japan and girls kept asking for pictures with me.Should I be scared?
Is there anything to do in or near Limoges, France? My cousin lives there and we might be going to visit him next year.
Where is the best vacation location if I want to spend the entire trip on a cocaine binge?
>>2732960Pretty common in Japan in my experience. I hate to think how many pictures of my ugly mug there are floating around on the social media accounts of Japanese high school girls. They treat foreigners like zoo animals. Not that I mind, it's nice getting attention for once.
>>2733610Thanks, anon. I was worried I was being singled out for being a solo traveler or for something insidious.
>>2732960If you have one of a few select western phenotypes then you’ll look like a doppelgänger of some brand mascot or tv personality and will get stopped for selfies. Compared to most other places it’s not an attempt at robbery
>>2733555Go to Cabo if you want to be a degenerate
Has anyone travelled roughly the full length of the Borneo highway from lets say Kuching to Kota Kinabalu? Looking at Google maps it looks like you have to go in & out of Brunei twice...that's 4 passport awkward & time consuming is this? Another source says you can ferry after going into the first Brunei 2 checks, but still.Is one better off just flying from Sibu to Kota and skipping most of the highway/going into Brunei and saving hassle or is it a good trip & worth going by land?
Has anyone been to Oklahoma City recently? I haven't paid attention to it because it didn't seem like it would be worth a visit, but they announced that they're building one of the largest skyscrapers in the US. Maybe other interesting things are going on there. Thanks for the help.
How do I send money to a government branch / bank in another country in a different currency I think they gave me an address and the name of the organization and I have to include my case number with the payment
How do I cure my depression before my big Europe trip in 2 months time? I have no motivation to go at all anymore.
>>2731130once a lake killed a whole town overnight there
>>2731674>Had severe sunburn on the arms and never healed upthats why you dotn wear shorts and wifebeaters in the tropics, trousers and shirts always>but le sweatthen go to the artic lmao
>>2728861What is the best bang-for-your-buck NYE party in Europe?
Has anyone done the Heineken Canal Cruise in Amsterdam? What was your opinion of it?
How is Prague? I just played HROT and it makes me not want to go there anymore.
How cautious do I have to be transiting through Dubai / Qatar? Like do I have to nuke my phone before I go just in case there's some femboy porn in my browsing history? If I bring a Michel Houellebecq book to read on the plane will they throw me in jail? Or do they not even check? I've only there for a 4 hour transit. Maybe I'm being overly paranoid because fucking customs in Australia sometimes search your phone.
>>2734341On that pic, how can I get some sex on Cabo? I don't wanna pay for hookers, though. >t. have only 2 days
>>2731158>Isn't it against hotel policies to bring people who are not officially guests into your room?What country are you in? It's different with each hotel, and can vary between countries, depending on the culture and security situation of the area. Always book a room for 2 and say your friend is arriving later when you check-in, this should get you 1 visitor without hassle 95% of the time. If you plan on having a parade of whores come in you'll need to plan ahead by checking review sites to find a place where someone has already asked about visitors.
Which china mans wife do I need to deliver dicking too receive job offer teaching.
>>2738019They don't check shit in Qatar. I've transited through Doha before, and they did not look through my stuff.
>>2730960>BaliBali is cool, but maybe more hassle/adventure than you're looking for, because of crowding and bad infrastructure, if you guys haven't traveled much and just want to relax. You should look for a place around Nusa Dua or maybe Nusa Lembongan if you want chill comfortable areas.>Phu Quoc VietnamHaven't been there, but used to live in Vietnam and pretty sure it's a popular honeymoon place for Vietnamese and the nicest beaches in the countryIn Asia I'd also consider Koh Samui in Thailand for affordable and comfortable beachfront hotels, and maybe Langkawi in Malaysia but I haven't been there. Closer to Canada I like Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Florianopolis, Brazil for places with beaches and local culture but without most of the safety issues of their countries.
Apparently, Europeans have a knack for spotting Americans, even when the signs aren't so obvious. Even if the American isn't:>fat>speaking (which is how you would hear an accent or an opinion/belief that's uncommon in Europe)>wearing tacky/touristy clothesthey're still somehow able to tell. How do they do it?
>>2738019They just xray your bag and make you walk through a metal detector like every country. I'm pretty sure Australia is the only country on earth where they randomly go through your phone.
How despised are cthe chinese in japan? I wanna spend a semester there at the ritsumeikan asia pacific university
Has anyone here actually booked them before? I'm really fascinated in visiting those off limits countries and it seems like they're the only international tour agency that does that. On the other hand, I feel like their clients are those Carmen Sandiego philanthropist smugs who thinks they're edgy with their travels. I don't care about the price so I'd definitely opt for a private tour but I just want to know if they're worth it.. or if there's an archive of local tours who do it better than them.
>>2738229It's simple how the typical american dresses.It's either completely overdresses with no taste or homeless tier underdressed with even less taste.
>>2738340Kek, aren't these the guys that organized the North Korea tour that ended with a burger student sentenced to a labor camp and tortured to death?
>>2738359Yes. But to be fair, the burger did a typical burger thing so he totally deserved that death sentence
>>2738293Mainland Chinese = hatedHong Kong Chinese = toleratedSingaporean Chinese = toleratedTaiwanese = loved
>>2738229It’s not actually as easy as people pretend it is—although clothing and mannerisms/ways of moving around in space can sometimes be easy tells, Yanks mostly give themselves away by talking. In cities with large international populations, people can’t recognize Americans instantly by any means. >t. American resident in Switzerland for many years, often rumbled as non-Swiss, but rarely taken for an American unless I say something. Been assumed by strangers to be British, German, Dutch, Ukrainian, a few others. The fact that my clothing is almost all cheap Euro chain stuff (C&A, H&M, Swiss department stores) may help. But Americans really give themselves away mostly by how they engage with one another and with people providing goods and services. Probably the single biggest giveaway is how Americans are uniformly more effusive with waiters and cashiers than any indigenous European would be, even if they are relatively fluent in whatever the local language might be.
>>2738588Yeah, the dude definitely snuck out of the party they were having, tore down a poster, and went back to the party without anyone noticing
whats the best type of cruise/cruise line for a guy who want to travel solo and fuck?
>>2738662>whats the best type of cruise/cruise line for a guy who want to travel solo and fuck?The overnight party cruises in the Nordic countries
People talk about buying tickets with VPN's for b better prices. What country should I set my VPN to?
>>2738693>People talk about buying tickets with VPN's for b better prices. What country should I set my VPN to?This doesn’t really work. Prices, especially on aggregators, jump around for a lot of reasons, but not because you’re pretending to be from somewhere else or because you forgot to clear your cookies.If you don’t believe it, go ahead and give it a shot yourself; try the same itinerary a bunch of times from an array of spoofed locations, buy whatever comes up cheapest. If it doesn’t fall apart immediately, it will when you put in a billing address. Report back!
>>2738706You are correct. Nothing really changed. Estonia, India, uk, Russia, ect. Nothing significant. My trips not till oct. Anyway so most airlines don't even start booking for a while.
>>2738753Change it to the country the airline is based in, i.e. the US if it's Southwest. Also airbnb I've found is cheaper if you set the vpn to a poor US state like New Mexico.
>>2738293Does it really matter? Japan is swamped with Chinese these days I think they are used to it by now.
>>2738614I feel like Australia is one of the least fashionable countries in the world so everyone will know I'm a tourist from a mile away.
>>2738887>I feel like Australia is one of the least fashionable countries in the world so everyone will know I'm a tourist from a mile away.Perhaps. But having lived in and traveled all over Europe for the better part of the last ten years, I’ve found that most of Europe isn’t all that fashionable by default, either. The French and Italians are noticeably more stylish/more carefully put together/better dressed on average than a lot of other countries, nationwide (particularly the Italians in my experience), but elsewhere it’s a mixed bag at best. Rich people and fashion-conscious young people in urban areas make an effort in most places. But ordinary Germans or Swiss people or Nordics or Slavs (among many others) are usually as normal/basic-looking as any colonials, just wearing different brands, less often wearing shorts apart from on the beach, and sometimes being a little more careful to look tidy.I also think that being recognizable as a tourist isn’t the end of the world. If you’re not obnoxious, you and your money are almost always going to be welcome enough in most places. And for what it’s worth, I spot Australians at a distance only when they’re getting loud and drunk in their unique Antipodean style.
I'm flying into Burlington, VT on a Thursday to take the Ethan Allen Express to NYC the next day. The only reason I'm going to Vermont is to take this train trip (train autism). I'll be there for 22 hours and have an airbnb in downtown. Anything in walking/short driving distance that's worth checking out? I've tried to google maps my way around, but other than a handful of hipster dive bars and a large mall, I couldn't find much.
>>2729746>that's how it isretard AND fagget a real jobor just quitfucking loser
Thoughts on travelling to a location without any plans? That means no bookings on a hotel, and thus having to look for a place to sleep as soon as you arrive.
>>2741236Not at all difficult to do, as long as you're willing to pay higher prices for a room. Getting a hotel room without a prior booking is easy enough, it'll just be more expensive.Depending on the country, you may be required to disclose where you're staying. Usually it's "Address in [Country]" on the Arrival Card, should this particular country require you to fill one. Here are some ideas for what to do:A) Make an exception and book a hotel for the first night. Do your on-the-fly traveling the morning after.B) Book a hotel, print out the booking details, then cancel it.C) Google a random hotel, copy the address, and write that down in the "Address in [Country]" field on the Arrival Card.Do whatever you like, they seldom try to confirm your stay.C is the easiest option, but B is more convincing.
What is the best currency to bring to Malaysia to exchange on the ground - US dollars or euros?Also, do street vendors or taxi drivers accept another other than MYR?
>>2741779>What is the best currency to bring to Malaysia to exchange on the ground - US dollars or euros?USD>Also, do street vendors or taxi drivers accept another other than MYR?You're most likely gonna use MYR anyway, but they probably wouldn't say no to USD, CNY, HKD, or SGD.
>>2729781How is Habsburg castle? I heard that was in Switzerland and I'd like to see the start of the Habsburg family
>>2742396>How is Habsburg castle? I heard that was in Switzerland and I'd like to see the start of the Habsburg familyIt’s of slight historical interest, but it’s not an impressive castle; there’s not that much of it left, and it’s not in an especially convenient or interesting part of the country. There are a bunch of bigger and better looking castles (both preserved/restored and in ruins) scattered all over Switzerland and nearby. Also, the Habsburgs had pretty much moved out of the castle (and region) by the thirteenth century, so even for the most enthusiastic monarchy fetishist, all this particular warlord clan’s most important shit is in Austria.
I'm flying to Europe in May, I have dual US-EU citizenship. If I land in Spain and go through with my eu passport, when I fly from spain to france (different flights, not layover), my us information is on the ticket, will I be rejected because there is no point of origin on the us passport or can I still get through with an eu passport? It's been a while so I can't remember
>>2728861How reliable is Air Asia as far as cancellation rates go? I booked a roundtrip flight from Bangkok to Krabi, I don't want to get screwed with a cancelled flight. Does anyone have experience flying on Air Asia?
>>2742445There are no border checks inside Schengen. Any ID you show will be fine.
>>2742477>How reliable is Air Asia as far as cancellation rates go?I've flown them 10+ times and never had any issues, they're as reliable as any other decent airline
It's very unlikely to happen but it's a legitimate fear of mine: What do you do if your passport gets damaged by airport staff? Any form of staff, be they passport control officers, airline check-in agents, gate agents, security screening officers, etc. I'm worried that they'll accidentally tear a page while flipping through the passport, or spill their coffee on it.
>>2742445Europe (the relevant and semi-relevant parts at least) has the so-called common Schengen Area. There are no border controls and you can move freely around
This sounds like a very dumb question, but what is considered "six months"? Canada's site says>With a valid eTA, you can travel to Canada as often as you want for short stays (normally for up to six months at a time).Is it 180 days, 182 days or the same day in six months?
What is the general wifi availability like in Malaysia excluding hotels/ accomodation? Like is it doable to travel through Malaysia without Internet data by hijacking Wifi in public spaces, food estabalishments, etc during the day when sightseeing? Sticking to major cities on peninsula.
How dependable is in-flight wifi on major air carriers? Could one work and conduct Teams/Zoom calls/share screen etx without too much lag?
>>2743263It's a big hassle, just easier to pay like $5-10 for the sim card + data.
>>2731356>I want to visit Italy but I am only really interested in Sicily and Mt Vesuvius/Naples, will I be disappointed?Not if that’s what you want and you know what to expect. I go to Italy all the time and Sicily is my favorite part of the country by a lot. Like the rest of the south, it’s far more developing-world/fucked up/dysfunctional than more northerly areas, but it’s friendly and the food is good. Naples is grubby and pretty intense—I absolutely hated driving there, and I see where those who find it a shithole are coming from, even if I don’t agree. But it’s lively and cheap, and, again, there’s some great food.
Ever done one of those multi-day tours with a group?Thinking about doing one maybe somewhere in south east asia but I don't know how annoying they'd be. I imagine it really depends on the group you're with
>>2745178>Ever done one of those multi-day tours with a group?I did a boomer bus tour with my mom in an expensive euro country>maybe somewhere in south east asiathere's really no need unless it's some special thing like deep jungle hikes or diving live-aboards, it's better to just meet people as you go, I'm not very social myself and still it's pretty easy to hangout with other travelers in that region
is it hard to rent a car in America as tourist if you’re 21?
New question. Is TURO good? Or too good to be true? I can get this car for the same price as a Volkswagen Jetta with Hertz
>>2745475turo is legit ive used it before. bit suspicious about that price though unless herts is just crazy expensive?
Is 2 hours enough time to make a connection flight?
>>2745475I've used Turo once, and for me, the experience was much better than with traditional car rentals.As for why renting some random guy's 2023 Corvette costs the same as a Jetta at Hertz, I'm guessing the guy had a mid-life crisis, bought the car to cope, doesn't actually drive it very often, and is still making payments on it.
>>2745466Most car rental companies only rent to people over 25. I don't think that's even a law, I think that's just a commonly enforced policy. Some companies might allow under-25s to rent if they put down a deposit.
>>2745504>Is 2 hours enough time to make a connection flight?Almost always, yes. But some circumstances may make it tight—changing airlines, inter-flight immigration or security checks, unusually crap airports, etc. If it’s booked as a single ticket on one airline, it’s at least enough time, 99 times out of 100.
>>2745525>If it’s booked as a single ticket on one airline, it’s at least enough time, 99 times out of 100.More importantly, if it's a single ticket (booked directly, not third-party), if shit gets fucked, the airline will correct the situation, or at least compensate you.
>>2745517>Most car rental companies only rent to people over 25.Bullshit. Airport rental car agencies aren't going to care, You might have to carry extra insurance or put a larger deposit down, but they are not going to turn down business.
>>2745572It's not bullshit, and if you bothered to read the rest of my post, I do mention the exact same thing you brought up. There was never any disagreement.
>>2745575>MOSTname one that doesn't
>>2745577I said: MOST car rental companies only rent to people over 25, unless they're willing to pay extra in some said: name one that doesn'tMeaning: name one car rental company that doesn't only rent to people over 25Alternatively: name one car rental company that is more flexible with ageAnswer: Uhaul.
>>2745581No you didn't.You said most won't rent. Then you said some make you put a're a grade A tard
>>2745770>You said most won't rent.Yes I did.>Then you said some make you put a deposit.Yes I did.I see no contradiction. "Most" does not mean the same thing as "all." If "most" do things one way, that means there are "some" who do it differently. I see English is not your first language.
I'm going on a trip to Europe in late April. I'm going from Ireland to possibly as far as Austria. Would it be more wise to fly into Germany/Austria, and work my way west or start in Ireland and work my way east. The only thing I can think of is that if I start in the west it might be a bit warmer in the east by the end of the trip. It's a two week trip. Pic related is a very rough outline. Suggested points of interest and advice is all appreciated, even if not relevant.
>>2746905>Kildare, Tipperary, Clare and Limerick.What are you going to see anon?
Is it true Asian airlines are really anal about carry-on weight? I went to Korea in the past with China Airlines and I got there fine, but for the flight back they gave me a stern warning about my carry-on being too bulky (fair because it was a shitty milsurp duffel bag). Now I'm going to Vietnam on Cathay Pacific and I'm planning on taking my computer on board.I have an actual normal 21" carry-on suitcase now that fits everything fine, but this shit is gonna weigh like 14kg and their limit is fucking 7kg. The suitcase alone is like 3.5kg. Will they give a shit?
>>2745475Turo is legit. Watch out for gay hosts though I rented a M4 from a woman and she would text me every time I was speeding “I’m getting notifications about excessive speed can you please slow down” which was irritating
>>2747076>KildareNothing specific in Limerick. I just figure if I'm going that far out of my way I may as well explore a new city. I put a lot of stuff down here for [spoiler]my wife[/spoiler] and wanted to go somewhere relating to fairies. I like to add more to the map than I can complete so that I have options if something ends up quicker than others or is unavailable.
36M eurofag here looking to travel to South America, maybe Brazil. but I have no gf to go with and no friends that are interested.Are there any options to go on a 2 week trip without being forever alone there? any organisations or stuff like that i could use? or any communities that you could easily connect with over there? I'm not autistic, just a bit shy
>>2747087>Is it true Asian airlines are really anal about carry-on weight?If anything, I'd say they're usually less anal than European and North American airlines.>I went to Korea in the past with China Airlines and I got there fine, but for the flight back they gave me a stern warningChina Airlines, as in the Taiwanese airline with a confusing name? That's actually par for the course for them. Their policies and enforcement thereof is spotty, and they act like cunts the moment they decide to give a shit. kek I've even had them yell at me for something that was actually within policy.
trying to find an indian man shitting in the street on google mapsany advice?
>>2747107Ok. But I can tell you from being a native, Limerick city is one of the dullest cities to visit in Ireland. As for the places to go in that area, for a few hours you could do a wander around the Burren. Poulnabrone is a big passage tomb. If you want faery stuff, most of it is oriented around myths developed over generations about the neolithic sites and the millenia of history from then to up to a couple of centuries ago. Faeries (or Sidhe) are the ghosts of ancient history.
>>2747328Thanks for the solid advice. I'm adding those both to the itinerary. Was there anything specific you were referring to in Burren? Just the views? I took a look at limerick in street view and I think I agree with you. Not a lot of interesting stuff to wander into. I'd have to have something in mind to make a stop there worth it. If you can think of anything else in the area that is interesting I'm happy to hear that too.
belizei'm thinking about going for a bit to be in a foreign country that speaks english. didn't find anything on belize in the archivehas it been discussed on /trv/ before? is it ok/gay/gonna git stabbed there??
>>2739813I used to live in VT. Try the following:Shopping bag has a good burger - they use ribeye meat. The place is also a c-store frequented by dudes with the munchies. In fact, all food in VT is pretty good. Most places are farm to table. My absolute favorite was Black Sheep Bistro in Vergennes, but that's 40 min out of your way. Bars are filled with small batch beers.Church street is the normie thing to do, but it's pretty ok. There's a outdoors store on church street that sells consignment stuff in the basement, worth checking out. Get poutine at Halverson's if you get to church street.Were you looking for anything in particular?
My gf and I are going with another couple and we have it narrowed down to: Istanbul/Turkiye or Croatia.>Better /out/?>Better food?>Better history/architecture?>Better spa stuff? If I go to Turkey I am getting a hair transplantJune
Five spare days in Paris next month. What to do? Done most of the normie/big tourist shit (ten years ago, so maybe it's worth doing again?) any off the beaten path stuff that's funky?
Is Hallstatt worth visiting just for the vibe and scenery? I'm going to be in Salzburg at the end of this month and was thinking of doing a day trip to Hallstatt. I just realised lots of the tourist stuff is going to be closed though. The Skywalk / funicular, mine and ossuary are all closed. I figure this would be a good chance to see the town with less visitors. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot else to do there. Is it worth it to just walk around old town and look at the scenery, hang out around the lake for 4 hours? It's a 5 hour round trip from Salzburg...
>>2728861Ive got a wedding to go near tacoma, WAwould it be better/cheaper to fly in and uber or rent a car for a day to get where i need to goor just rent a car and drive my ass about 14 hours to get there.Im planning this to be a 4 or 5 day stay
>>2748547and has anyone used Turo before? Its way cheaper than a car rental but I don't know car sharing sounds sketchy as fuck to me
>>2748547If that's 14 hours one way, then you're actually looking at 28 hours total to drive back. This is just me, but I don't like the idea of spending a day and some change on just driving in a 4-5 day trip.I would much rather fly in.>>2748548You gotta remember, even Airbnb used to be way cheaper than traditional hotels. Turo is essentially Airbnb for cars. It's good that you found very agreeable prices, but I assume that's not gonna last very long in the future. Those prices you're seeing are very likely legit.I have used Turo before, and I honestly like it a lot more than actual car rentals (for now).
>>2747506>Better /out/?This is the only one Croatia maybe comes close on, Turkey easily wins on all the other categories
>>2748892would i be correct in assuming though that turo has some kind of inspection that a hosts car has to meet?thats the part thats sketchy to me at least with a rental car i (assume) they get serviced regularlyand youre right about the 28 hours and change thing, when you put it that way it doesnt sound so good anymore. I might look into driving one way though, part of me does want to do it to get to see some of the PNW in person
>>2749168>would i be correct in assuming though that turo has some kind of inspection that a hosts car has to meet?Yes: the Turo car you're renting ends up being a dud, you can contact your host to correct the issue, or you can contact Turo's customer support and have them whack your host in the peepee.Also, I wouldn't assume traditional car rental businesses are better about servicing and inspections. They can afford to do it more often, but they can be surprisingly careless/lazy about it. You don't have to look too hard to find a customer with a bad experience.
>>2749176>Also, I wouldn't assume traditional car rental businesses are better about servicing and inspections.The cars are usually maintained at the minimum adequate level by a minimum wage employee. But they do follow a fleet maintenance plan. And they are newer vehicles. The big difference is if the car breaks down I can call the nearest rental car agency and they're everywhere and they'll swap the car. What happens if the turo breaks down? I get my money back but do I have to find some other loser on turo to rent me a car?
>>2749188>What happens if the turo breaks down? I get my money back but do I have to find some other loser on turo to rent me a car?If your Turo host has other vehicles (not uncommon), chances are you'll get one of those. If not, then you find another means (be it "some other loser on Turo" or even a "real" car rental) and get Turo (the company, not the host) to reimburse you.
I have dual citizenship (US and Costa Rica) and I'm thinking of traveling to Cuba but want to avoid the restrictions they have on Americans. If I were to use my Costa Rican passport would they question me? How rigorous is their customs department?
Do you have any retard tier tips on pronouncing Vietnamese? I'm only going there as a tourist and I wonder if there's anything special to those weird-ass tonal marks. I only care about the big differences from how you'd think a word would be pronounced.
>>2749640There are no restrictions on Cuba, the restrictions are imposed by the U.S., it's the U.S. authorities who can penalize you for going to Cuba if they find out.
>>2748892>You must wash and wax my car after use
Do I need to change ESTA information if I move to a different address, or is it just valid no questions asked until the two year period runs out?
How much research do you guys do before you travel somewhere. Do you plan everything out or just go in blind. I like to have a general itinerary with a few restaurant recommendations per city but sometimes it feels like I should just go in blind. So much shit on the internet is overly negative, eg, don't eat here it isn't authentic, don't eat here it's a tourist trap, don't eat here because its overpriced. It must have been nice in the old days before the internet, just going in blind. Sure you might get ripped off every once in a while but if you can afford to travel does it really matter if you're paying 20% more than a local would for that meal?
Planning a trip to Buenos Aires in November. How well can I travel without knowing the language? Is English particularly common there?
I'm going to be in Bristol for a while coming up. Is there any particular part of the city I should avoid getting a hotel in or just any Hotels in Bristol I should just avoid staying at in general?
>>2750161>How well can I travel without knowing the language?Easily enough, Buenos Aires is big but it isn't a hard city to navigate and the transit works well. Also Spanish is pretty easy to learn the basics and understand simple writing. Make sure to learn how to say how you want your meat cooked or it will be medium well. >Is English particularly common there?No, it might look like Europe in some areas, but it is not
Does anyone here, polish if possible, know when Juwenalia starts in Krakow or where I can find the events related to it?I'm going to visit Krakow in the midst of May and I might consider going later if that means I can be present during the Juwenalia' spectacles.
>>2750455Juwenalia for reference>polish students during their celebration being visited by Their pope, being blessed by him for better exam results.
>>2728861Is Oktoberfest worth it if I don't like beer?
>>2750563Do you at least like sausages, pretzels, and women dressed in historically inaccurate 19th century clothing?
>>2749656Here's all the tonal marks used in Vietnamese> /rising inflection> \falling inflection> ?like you're asking a question> ~like you tripped on something mid-sentence and are surprised> .like you're carrying something heavy or are constipatedI swear this isn't a shitpost.
>>2728861I'm going to study abroad in Ecuador this June and planned on traveling around after the program was over. What's the best way to see the Galapagos Islands? Cruise? Hotel+day trips? What's a good length of time to stay there? Anything else worth seeing in Ecuador?
>>2750563It's pretty much the equivalent to a US state faire. Just with more beer, some Tracht minus the made up patriotism.
>>2738229Europeans typically stand perfectly balanced, while Americans don't. Americans will do things like stand with more weight on leg, or lean on something, such as a countertop, a wall, etc. The CIA actually has to train their agents to stand straight to better disguise themselves as Europeans.
>>2750020>How much research do you guys do before you travel somewhere. Do you plan everything out or just go in blind.I average somewhere in the middle, I think. I also travel in three pretty different ways—alone, with my wife and kids, and just with my wife. If I’m flying completely solo, which I do a handful of times per year, but just for very short trips (usually 3-4 days, a week at most), I go in almost completely blind apart from usually booking a place to stay in advance (I’ve taken rooms on the fly at walk-in rates, as well, usually without noticing any substantial ripoffs, but it’s too time-consuming for a long weekend). But I don’t actually *do* much when I travel alone—a lot of walking around, sitting in cafés, maybe one or two sites in total. When it comes to restaurants, I eat in places that look good as I find them, if/when I get hungry while wandering around.Traveling with my wife, we research/plan more—she’s more particular about food than I am, so we will look up restaurants and get reservations much of the time. But we don’t do it weeks ahead or anything; it’s typically just a few hours to a day or two in advance, with rare exceptions. And it’s not every meal.With the full family we’re more likely to pre-book/ticket some things, particularly stuff that’s likely to sell out, or where timed entry can save hours in lines. But all of us prefer to keep some flexibility, so we very rarely book anything more than a day or two out.
Looking to go to Helsinki and take the ferry across to Tallinn. Is there any recommendations for must see locations/events?
Can you rent microcars in the Netherlands (or any European country, really)? Are they practical at all?Last time I was in the Netherlands, I was intrigued by these things. Europe is more friendly towards bikes than cars, and this seems like an interesting middle ground. From what I can tell, you can drive these microcars in bike lanes, and you can also park them in vehicle stalls.
>>2755252>Can you rent microcars in the Netherlands (or any European country, really)?I have not seen them for rent anywhere in Europe for at least the last three or four years, but I know at least one of the electric scooter/electric motorbike renting apps (the ones that rent what look like bigger versions of kids’ push scooters and/or little low-powered motorbikes) had them where I live for a few months. I think it was an experiment/pilot, and I assume it didn’t work. I’m also in a weird corner ofEurope (Switzerland), so what we have here may be very different from what they’ve got in the EU.>Are they practical at all?Good question. I think they’re about as useful as one of the aforementioned electric scooters or minibikes, assuming we’re talking about the tiny little one-seater things that are allowed in bike lanes (or here in Switzerland, also on sidewalks in many cantons—they’re basically mobility scooters with doors). There are slightly larger microcars with two seats, too, which are as far as I know road/motorway legal despite being slow and having small batteries; these are probably more comfortable but may be less practical because of limited inter-city capacity and the need to occupy automobile spaces despite being weak and tiny. In any case, I think they could be fun for in-town use but are unlikely to meet many serious unmet needs.
What's the state of internet like in North Korea? Specifically, mobile internet.
>>2755678>What's the state of internet like in North Korea? Specifically, mobile internet.An interesting question, although almost certainly not relevant to you as a foreign visitor. I know that anywhere you’re close enough to a Chinese cell tower to get a signal, it’s possible for locals to make use of black-market Chinese phones. But I always assumed that they were just managing calls/messaging/texts rather than data-intensive apps. As far as I know, all domestic mobile devices are still restricted to the national intranet. I also assume that they still confiscate foreign visitors’ phones and return them when you depart, but if someone’s been recently perhaps they can correct me on whether that’s changed. I don’t know anybody who’s been in the last… probably ten years, but I’ve got friends who went on business with official delegations.
>>2728861any nervous fliers have tips that don't involve drugs or alcohol? flying LA -> Tokyo in February and I'm shitting bricks. does not help seeing news of plane crashes which are not just scary but devastating
>>2755775Nothing anyone says is gonna help much. I assume you've already tried googling this, and you probably aren't fully convinced. Some autist on 4chan isn't gonna be any more convincing.The only practical advice I can give is to avoid window seats, and try to get the center seats in the very back.Avoiding window seats is recommended so you lessen the chances of a panic attack.The center seats in the very back are actually the most uncomfortable seats, but in the unlikely event of a crash, they do have a slightly higher survival rate. They're located right next to a galley and lavatories, and sometimes the seats don't even recline, so they truly are awful seats for the fearless.So there ya go. I haven't cleared 100% of your concerns, but I hope I managed at least 0.001% of it.
Any recs on Colorado mountain resorts for one guy? Don’t want to spend more than 250 a nightw/ an epic pass, and only that if it’s actually nice. The cheapest places I’m seeing are in the 170 range for weekdays, should I just do those? I’m living in Denver I just hate the drive so looking for a place I can stay at 3-4 nights a couple times a month until the season ends, have a car.
Now that the war in Ukraine/Russia may be coming to an end (I could be being optimistic) how long would it take for all sanctions to be dropped and it being a lot easier to visit either country?Were Europeans able to use their normal bank accounts in Russia beforehand? Also will it be swarming with tourists as soon as it ends and do you even want to visit an extremely fresh post-war country
Best places to travel to in March or April?
>>2759548>will it be swarming with tourists as soon as it endsDoubt it. The current mainstream view is "le Russia bad," so I doubt normies will be flocking towards it anytime soon. The only tourists they'll get are eastern Europeans, Russian diaspora, and maybe the occasional edgy westerner.
Costa Rica or Panama for baby's first trip to Latin America?
>>2759589I will be there straight away once sanctions are dropped (to visit) and I am a westener, good to visit it now because who fucken knows when the next shit will start up and it will be hard to visit again.
How do I quickly filter airbnbs in Europe to ones I can bring girls back to? A lot of the eurofag hosts don't tell you no visitors until after you've already booked
Is it really that much cheaper to travel internationally from the US vs traveling within the US? I've put together some pretty great trips within the US for under $2000. Just getting to somewhere like Chile would cost me at least $1100 in airfare. I'm sure everything else in Chile is cheaper than here, but the flight alone leaves very little room for savings. What do people mean when they say this?
>>2760318>I'm sure everything else in Chile is cheaper than herethat's where you're wrong bucko
>>2760318How much will your domestic expenses decline when you are overseas? If you are going full nomad on a 6+ month overland vagabond trip in foreign countries, either staying in hostels or going to out-of-the-way places where prices are low, then it's a toss-up whether or not you will spend less than you would living or traveling frugally in your home country. Chances are you'll still spend more because you'll want to visit trendy tourist destinations, eat nice meals, go out drinking, go on daytrip excursions, etc. It's difficult to give a straight answer because some richfags spend over $100/day on their routine living expenses in America, and wouldn't even consider taking a domestic vacation trip with less than $200/day. These people often have very high expectations for being pampered and wowed on their overseas trips, so even a month in Southeast Asia would likely set them back $150/day including flights, plus whatever they have to pay for dogsitting and garden watering and property tax and all the other goybills that don't stop when you leave the country.
>>2760345I don't have any immediate plans (besides Canada), it's just something I've heard in general. But good points.
So apparently Brazil has this weird card/tag system that their restaurants and shops use. The fuck is up with that? Do you just not pay in cash anymore? What happens if you lose the card?
>>2728861Thinking of going to Europe with the girlfriend, issue is I want to go shooting but all the sites in English are like €120 for 10 bullets in 8 guns, which for someone like me who is a gunfag, is dire. Anywhere that isn't shit and is reasonably priced? I don't mind re-learning some German so I can find a decent place to shoot.
>>2761116Look at Switzerland, Austria and Czechia for that but most are actually not for the luls and funz go brrrrrrt but rather competitive target shooting or sport competitions like obstacle courses with rifle and pistol shooting mixed in.Actual fun ranges are rare, expensive, small or run by lunatics.
What are some alternative sources for travel inspiration? I want ideas for future trips.>YouTubeToo basic>4chan (/trv/)Good if you're interested in Japan or SEA, not much else>RedditNo.>social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.)Same problems as YouTube
>>2761116I've done one of those tourist shooting deals in Krakow. I think I've paid about 80 euros but shot more than 6 weapons (some about 20 shots, other about 6). AFAIR Ak47, walther ppk, shotgun (few shots in this), some other rifle, a pistol, a revolver, P90...As I'm not a shootingfag it was worth it. But I guess you could contact one of those ranges and get a better deal since you' know what you're looking for. I doubt they only cater for tourists.>>2761123>Actual fun ranges are rare, expensive, small or run by lunatics.It was indeed small and the guy seemed a bit lunatic but in a good way. like /pol sense of humour.
>>2761116I can only suggest that you might have more luck in Czechia or Switzerland than the rest of the continent, since those are the most gun-friendly parts of Europe. If you have connections (which you probably don't) then eastern Europe can be absolutely insane for it from what I've heard though.
I'm booking a two-week vacation somewhere on earth during late February to mid March. Any recommendations? I've done a ton of countries in Europe, Argentina and Chile around this time last year, but I've never done Africa, the middle east, or anywhere in Asia. I'm thinking Asia, but the flights are expensive and complicated (changing airports in Tokyo? no thanks), and I know some places have weird soft requirements (someone in another thread was saying Taipei has some areas where a Chinese phone number is necessary). I guess, to narrow it down, tl;dr where would be baby's first Asia trip?
>>2762162Hong Kong is perfect for babby's first Asia. I will always recommend it to anyone who wants to visit Asia for the first time (if for some reason Japan is not an option).I don't know exactly what you mean with Taipei. I've been to Taiwan multiple times, and I've never needed a Chinese phone number.
>>2762169Thanks for the recommendation! If I do one week HK and one week elsewhere, where's your number 2? My girlfriend really wants to go to Vietnam, but she can't make it, so I kind of want to avoid doing Vietnam without her. Alternatively, do you think there are two weeks of things to do in HK? I have more fun just aimlessly walking around cities than most.
>>2762170> If I do one week HK and one week elsewhere, where's your number 2?If you really have to visit a second country in such a small timeframe, I would probably go with Japan or Taiwan.>Alternatively, do you think there are two weeks of things to do in HK?Absolutely yes. The first time I visited Hong Kong, I stayed there for two weeks, but by the end of it, I was wishing for at least a third. Most other travelers typically recommend 1-2 weeks.If you decide to just double up on Hong Kong, also consider taking a day trip into adjacent regions. Lots of people who visit Hong Kong also end up visiting Macau and Shenzhen.
>>2762176>ShenzhenGetting into real China can be a visa hassle depending on your nationality, they've started to make it easier and there's some 5 day stopover thing most people can use without any of the bullshit, but you can't go HK-Shenzhen-HK with it, just know to plan ahead if you want to go into China
I'm autistic and have a really hard time connecting to people. Last weekend I was in London and spoke to strangers all over the place, even when I was sober. Why is it easier to do that when you are on holiday but not in your hometown?
>>2762199Well, okay then. I was fully aware of Shenzhen requiring a visa, but I didn't think going back into Hong Kong would be difficult. However, it actually is true that there are people who do short trips to Shenzhen, so I trust that anon will do the research IF he's even interested.
>>2762201>Why is it easier to do that when you are on holiday but not in your hometown?You've probably heard the expression "Don't shit where you eat."You have difficulty connecting with people in your hometown because you're worried about screwing it up somehow. If you do screw, there is a decent chance you will see them again. You are worried about embarrassing yourself and you are worried about being constantly reminded of it.You're more confident around people in unfamiliar areas because it is very unlikely you will see them again. If you screw up, oh well, you're gonna leave their country anyway.
>>2762202>but I didn't think going back into Hong Kong would be difficultIt's not, HK doesn't have a problem with it, but China won't let you in in the first place with the stopover program if that's your itinerary
>>2762206I really don't think that is it. I do sometimes connect with locals but it never sticks. The London underground might be something of a holy grail because your phone doesn't work. I don't wanna be 'THAT' boomer but sitting in carriage without internet really opens up people. Or English people are just more open to it.
>>2728861>>2731479fugg :-D
Anyone got any good March destinations ? Im wanting something kind of warm . Im considering Portugal, Italy or possibly Japan but I know it will be busier in March which is not cool
>>2762220>AlbaniaBut probably still too early.>Indonesia is great in March, its not going to be the high season for tourism yet. >Floridabest time to visit, a lull from the winter travelers in their stead will be the more vibrant spring breakers. You also have basically no chance of cold temps, but it also won’t be too hot yet.>Spring skiingAlways a hit>Seasonal climates that get crazy busy in shoulder seasonParis, Chicago, NYC, Boston, Berlin, Rome, Venice etc. could be a good time to knock one of those off the list.
Kinsale, Ireland good?
>>2762176Thanks, dude. I pulled the trigger on Hong Kong and I'm leaving in a few days. Any recommendations for things to do? I know I have to visit the peak, take an antique boat tour, and see the stalls in Mongkok. Might do Macau. Sounds like fishing in the area is trash.
>>2763219Don't sleep on Lantau Island. Major highlights of my own trip came from here.>Tian Tan Buddha>Po Lin Monastery>Tai O Fishing Village>Disneyland, if you're into that sort of thingAs for other things that come to mind right now, there is the Nan Lian Gardens and Chi Lin Nunnery in Diamond Hill. Inside the Nan Lian Gardens there is a restaurant that is surprisingly good for a place that serves vegetarian food. Even the tea was better than what I'd expect from a typical Chinese restaurant.In Hong Kong Island, there's Ocean Park, which is like an amusement park, water park, aquarium, and zoo rolled into one. I noticed you've done some research, so you probably knew about this one already. I think you're gonna have a great time.
Is Europe more expensive than Japan? Planning to do a workation there
>>2764143It'll largely depend on the country, but if you're thinking of the typical countries it'll be about as expensive, if not more. Countries like Germany and the Netherlands, yeah, it'll be about as expensive. Switzerland and Norway, it'll be more expensive.Of course, it CAN get cheaper, but I highly doubt you were seriously considering moving to Albania or Moldova.
How fucked i am if for my very first trip ( Never traveled outside my country, not even to the capital ) i choose to go, ALONE, to New York ?
Should I stay 4 or 5 days in Big Island, Hawaii (not including travel days)? Not sure if I’m gonna be sick of it and ready to go on that 5th day.
>>2764143Most of Europe is much more expensive than Japan. Eastern Europe, probably about the same.
Bogotá, Medellín or Cartagena, or which combination of them?I'm going 12 days to Colombia to "study".
I know this is a low bar question, but can someone please tell me the best month to go to Iceland to see the northern lights? I'm traveling with 3 other people as well, so if you guys can give me a comprehensive guide on what to do, I'd highly appreciate that