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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>4271378
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God, please no
I could entertain your point if they actually bothered to follow their own lore, but nobody does that (thankfully) so you're left with fanart and fics, because they rarely, like once in a blue moon rare, play into it
But honestly, I just hate to see obviously straight girls acting and pretending, even if their lore is cool just no
Probably because she wishes she was a gay twink like all fujos.

God I love MiComet. BUSINESS yuri
I hate how Fubuki talks about the love fortune reading. "It's so sad that the fortunate teller said you both wont find any boyfriends, what bad luck! No man in sight."
It's like this bitch doesn't even understand who Miko is. Miko also going all quiet and not really reacting to that kinda proves the point. She feels awkward when people try to push her towards dudes.

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A thread about the breakout hit gun-slinging cupid yuri
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The booklet that will be sold here >>4310881 will include a Q&A, you can send questions at: https://marshmallow-qa.com/vqa8ek8gnwln3ij pertaining to the topic of "The Cupids' daily life", so no plot-related questions. English is fine.
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>Nana died without ever falling in love
A store claims the first volume is getting reprinted next month: https://x.com/ringring_do/status/1848642955680354522

Not long until Eigasaki is subbed, I'm sure of it!
Previous thread >>4271584
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Should have been Nutella
Yay! Let choose the shy girl as the center, nothing can go wrong, right?
Since there's always a 14-15 month gap between S1, S2, the OVA, and the movies, the last one would probably be around early 2027.

Niji is probably going to be the last Love Live anime if the new vtuber one doesn't get an anime

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Previous: >>4287267
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KittyxIllyana is canonical now.

Previous thread: >>4228137
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So Netflix made a western Gundam series called Requiem of Vengence. And Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC would this be the first lesbian in a Gundam series? The shows terrible BTW.
doesn't look like a POC to me, but that retarded haircut, not this shit again
>Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC
Can you type this again in non-terminally-online language?
Are you mixing it up with the Japanese Witch from Mercury? WfM's protagonist Suletta is a brown girl who marries another woman. Vengeance's MC is a straight white woman, assuming there isn't a plot twist in the two episodes I haven't watched yet.

Anyway, Suletta's probably bi rather than a lesbian. The first f/f Gundam couple is in Iron-blooded Orphans. The older series had some possibly gay women, like Emma in Zeta and Dorothy in Wing.
>So Netflix made a western Gundam series called Requiem of Vengence. And Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC would this be the first lesbian in a Gundam series? The shows terrible BTW.
Anon why are you trolling?
The so called buzzcut femMC has a pendant of her husband and a daughter, she isn't gay or bi, she is straight who got character development after her family was killed and she is quite girly in the flashback scene before.
She even isn't shown to be into other girl in the series fro mthe squad at all, there's zero gay or bi content in it for anyone.

Previous Thread >>4165578
This thread is a combo thread for Stable Diffusion images and AI text generation with LLMs.
For western styles, realistic styles, and DALL-E, see >>>/aco/

Stable Diffusion:

> Where do I start?

> Local UIs
Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI, node-based UI for advanced workflows: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

> Paid

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Anyone familiar with this series? It's done by yaoi artist 7menzippo, who got her pretty sizable fangirl following in Japan to enjoy some very intense yuri (and indeed they are the primary audience for it on Pixiv & DLsite, some even getting confused as to why it was placed in the "maniax" section of DLSite and not the "for women" one). The sex might not be everyone's cup of tea as a result of that context, but I think the fujoshi vibe gives it an interesting flavor.

>Why dedicate an entire thread to this?
Because believe it or not, outside of the manga itself, there's a *lot* of art to imagedump; far too much to spam a different thread with.
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That's even more dire, I thought he was gay gay

Another L for gay male oriented yaoi

That being said I'll try lesbian written yaoi over most straight women's and gay men (in your words)

To keep it mildly on topic is there any full fags who write yuri? There has to be one
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think you can draw the kinda stuff he does without being sexually attracted to it.
I would assume so if gold star lesbos can write about frotting without being attracted to it, then gold star gays can write about scissoring

I think
>Kirara is overwhelmingly "cute girls doing cute things" male otaku moe; not the best example
Nah, chibi is popular, I don't think that's the problem. The "doing cute things" part gets boring fast though. The writing needs more substance.

Did Valkyrie Drive really have a bigger female audience than Mahoako? I do agree that Mahoako's costume are very sexualized, but it's a BDSM series so what did you expect. I'd love to see some GL anime like Golden Kamuy, realistic and gritty despite being fanservice packed.
>Stuff by and for gay men is overwhelmingly virtually plotless porn
I doubt that's the reason. Most gay men just aren't into the cute things mainstream weebs love.

Lesbian who write yaoi are rarer than bigfoot. Most lesbians really can't feel invested writing male characters. You'll find lesbian leaning bi authors at best. The BL genre is doomed to pander to straight women, so you won't see much difference anyway even when the author is male.
>Did Valkyrie Drive really have a bigger female audience than Mahoako?
Again, not 100% sure, but based on my experience with observing Japanese fanbases? Absolutely.
>I do agree that Mahoako's costume are very sexualized
It's not the level of skimpiness that matters, it's whether there's more aesthetic appeal beyond skimpiness & whether said aesthetics appeals to fangirl tastes. Mirei & Mamori look way more stylish & elegant than Rinka & Ranka, for example, even if both pairings are drawn to look sexy.

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The autumn days of building gunpla

Previous thread: >>4302041

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

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Finally Eri merch. Should I get it, sisters? Smug loli is my fave
How does one purchase mechagurumi overseas? I went to Japan recently and couldn’t find the figures anywhere.
I need a link

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Come discuss Bang Dream/Bandori, Revue Starlight, D4DJ and other bushiroad series
Previous: >>4247919
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So a few days after the last AveMujica episode airs in April they will be live with MyGO!! in another band challenge.
And at the beginning of the Winter season, MyGO!! and TogiTogi have their live on Jan 5, which is 3 days after the first episode of AveMujica's anime.

Previous thread: >>4136738
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Your one-stop place for yuri of Street Fighter, KoF, Dead or Alive, Skullgirls, etc.

Previous thread: >>3997884
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Previous Thread: >>4116934


Scene0 Subs:

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

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Where Madoka?
In the Madoverse, all things gay are canon

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Previous Thread: >>4277649

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964642516390
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964638143315
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

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Is Prisma iliya yuri? Is there a lot of yuri content? I specifically want to consider this the title is separate from the general Fate universe, because I heard that there are a lot of Yuri, is that so?
It's a mixed bag. The answer you got to this same question in the general thread was pretty accurate. There's a lot of girl-on-girl action sure, even if a lot of it is overly fetishized or played as a joke. I will say though that while the whole brother-complex bit is largely a moot point as a romantic axis, as was pointed out, what they left out was that Shiro does nevertheless have a pretty substantial part in the story later on that is kinda detrimental, especially if you're looking for something "separate from the general Fate universe."

New and Nyanderful Thread

Previous: >>4244443
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I think this is the first time Yuki smile and blush in the past couple of episodes?
I remember she either looks bored or pouting whenever Mayu fangirling, but not this time.
In my head, this is because Yuki just want all the het to be over, and the moment Iroha and Komugi get blessing from Komugi's previous owner, she said (in her head) "finally, something that isn't hetshit".
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Also, is it just me, or Yuki use her human form longer and longer?
Maybe at the end of it she will just use her human form permanently (so she can marry Yuki)...
Just kidding. Unless...
Yuki is a lot less attached to her cat form than Komugi is to her dog form, true. I don't think that's indicative of anything in particular though
I remember the Maho producer has said that it's not Mirai's or Liko's love story. However, Maho2's op has a romance theme. Interesting.
And Maho2's first key visual is by far the gayest official art aside from Futago-sensei's stuff. Toei had never released anything like that before.

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