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/u/ - Yuri

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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4247339
Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

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Do we have a term for this kind of lesbian, one that is only made as a gimmick or for a diversity quota?
Umineko too. Fate Stay Night. Do you know how many VNs were released between those? Or from Steins Gate to now? The next SG ain't happening because big publishers (or a big publisher anyway) are moneyhatting yuri VNs now.
I copyright DEI dyke.
What about DEIke?

Previous thread >>4032518
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Retard gorilla edition
Previous thread: >>4209983
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What do you do for work that gives you that amount of free time?
I did it in a couple days
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Sometimes, you just write a small paragraph, you read it over, you re-read it, and you realize "I did a good day's work today."

Anyway, just to tide everyone over until the next chapter of the manga, here's the next chapter of "I'm Not Popular, So I'll Go to School Naked."


Muff-on-muff action.

Previous thread: >>4148636
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Previous >>4236684

Thread for yuri discussion of:
>Genshin Impact
>Honkai Impact 3rd
>Honkai Star Rail
>Guns GirlZ
>Zenless Zone Zero

and other applicable miHoYo/Hoyoverse games
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I guess Raiden landed okay as far as /u/ goes, and Acheron got her share of /u/ content too. I still think they needed more for being freaking MEI expies, you know, with Mei being Kiana's and all.
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So she's just more open to Belle?

Previous thread: >>4059497
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Previous thread: >>4144425
One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
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It's time for this seasonal thread to return! Post girls yuri-ing in swimsuits or bikinis, or just generally being at the beach!
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Previous Thread >>3944605

General guide on buying yuri manga

Buyfag guide (some relevant info, incl: customs, shipping, book and doujinshi retailers, alternate honto signup guide, etc)

How to signup for honto (not shipping internationally anymore):

How to purchase and convert a JP kindle book

Japanese wiki listing yuri manga:

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Do you think this is reliable?
Different sellers (both with only 1 or 2 comments) but
>same name
>same photos
>same price
>free shipping
>same time to wait
>no info at all on the page
I really want it but it costs quite a lot and I don't want to get scammed.
They are likely going to send you the real thing but it looks like the reseller tax is high since the 2nd one is only 8800 yen.

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Ayaka-chan is in Love with Hiroko-senpai edition
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>Zolita - Queen of Hearts (Official Short Film)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7pxc1KsSX4 [Embed]
Zolita released an extended version of the previous music video that turns it into a short film. I think the original is better with tighter editing which makes better use of the song but they are both fun.
>Zolita - Bloodstream (Official Music Video)
my marvellous dream is you final episode won't air until august 7
fuck offffffffffffffffff
It actually aired yesterday and was livestreamed on CH3 website,it's already on pirate sites but has no subs and is the "censored" version.
Pay 530TBH and watch the episode and event livestreamed on Saturday. It'd be the uncensored version with the sex scene that got cut off from TV broadcast yesterday.
Or... wait till Aug. 7th.
Xeque Mate season 1 just finished on Youtube if anyone was waiting to binge it.
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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
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>Yandere sister
>She is really yandere now
Color me surprised.
my dude can you post raw on this thread because there is no raw anywhere. I guess there is no attention for this manhwa
Addicted to Her, Beloved L, My Dear Lass, Swallow Tail.
Lesbians have sex and get down and dirty too. I don't understand why you think lesbians are such "pure" creatures.
The author wrote themselves into corner and can't figure out where the story should go, maybe. I've been checking naver every month too

Never thought I'd like the lesbian yandere so much.
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I dropped this early on years ago. Is there actual yuri later?
Michiru, the new girl introduced at the end of Volume 6 is a full blown lesbo with a psychotic crush on Miko
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Damn, I didn't know we had a whole thread about them!

I also recommend this artist:

Damn cute, even if I can't read it.
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So, I am curious what do you all think, is Michiru even aware she has those tentacles?

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Previous Act: >>3927450
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>I think putting more images and information would be better for a new thread.
This. If you want to get more people interested in something, you need to give them more than a screenshot and a dead link.
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>laying down all tired
>shizuka copied kokona's clothes because hers disappeared
>kokona worried about something
>after a successful performance and shizuka coming back
I wonder what they could've just done.
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Cover for Shizuka's new song about her relationship with Kokona.
Fuck off, bumpfaggot

Arctic Summer World PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DqQOFrkVxs

Previous Thread: >>4197543

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

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Also, I'm sorry to ask, but can someone post the other Riyo!Gudako gifs? I tried to google them but it's just giving me versions that are more than 4MB, and archived.moe doesn't save images anymore, so I can't even just go to old posts of mine to get them back...
Not really. Nothing until Teno next year, then Draco, then Saber Medusa. That's all I'm willing to roll for until next summer.
Well manages to snag everyone from the summer versions, but I sure didn't expect a NP4 Summer Wu and Gareth out of the deal. I usually have trouble getting summer 4*s. Just kinda wish I'd gotten Ibuki to npw, but oh well.
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