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Gay Shipping
Previous: >>3815577
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Continued from >>4199643
TL archive: https://rentry.org/atwekbsa
Note: Post if there's a TL you want to work on with dead pastes/RAWs.

/u/'s scanlations:

Raw ripping service (outdated): https://mega.nz/#F!LOJz2SpL!3o_LhDgUuqKM8k35iDAubQ
RSS: https://rawanon.github.io/rss/feed
Manga downloader: Search "red squirrel manga downloader" or "hakuneko"

Tips for learning Japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
KanjiTomo (kanji reader tool): http://kanjitomo.net/
SFX reference guide: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/

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I Love Oni Princess ch1 (Kirara Carat 2024-09)
My Vtuber Self ch37

My Vtuber Self ch38
>but Draco-san she still took
but Draco-san still took

>through nothing collabs
through nothing but collabs

Also here's a quick TL summary for the yet to be translated 1-page stuff/illustrations

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1st Class Yuri Appraiser
Rock In Soul ch3-2

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Previous thread: >>4063321

Anon’s folder with RAWs and translated chapters: https://mega.nz/folder/BOxGnYhQ#mT8TH7X9vYItwV3pHA1fKA
Translated chapters uploaded to https://dynasty-scans.com/series/virgins_empire
and https://mangadex.org/title/d4d43c50-ce1a-4751-b474-e239cf862f2a/otome-no-teikoku
Mangadex is a bit behind atm
10th Anniversary ASMR video by Kishi: https://youtu.be/2jVkMeWTLqw
Three voiced chapters with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgyTEebxtfzep0Ty-BvkzdNqf0Wn00ob

Kishi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/kishitorajiro
Kishi's AlterEgo Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_toraziro
Twitter for Otome: https://twitter.com/jplus_otome
Kishi's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/14974201
(Please note that Kishi doesn't exclusively do Yuri, so you may not necessarily like what he posts)
Read originals online at https://shonenjumpplus.com/series

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Is this NTR?
Everything with Miyoshi is. She is the maiden killer.
Who are the ntr maidens? Che has a lover that plays with everyone.
Ai, Miyoshi, Shizuka, Kaoru and Hibiki have straying hearts.

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Previous thread >>4213399
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>The animation in the voiceover video is actually better than in the anime
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the volume 10 cover is cute. The stage play starts tomorrow so various merch and videos have been shown today, as well as confirming it'll get a bluray.
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The anthology comes out Monday, they already showed the lineup for it but I'm shit at remembering author names so here's who's done what.
>Aotsubaki Toto - Love Live doujins and some oneshots
>Aonoshimo - I'm in Love with the Villainess
>Itou Hachi - Isn't The Moon Beautiful?
>Inui - Idolmaster doujins and some oneshots
>Utatane Yuu - The Skirt Sings at the Landing
>Shikushiku - The Best Ending in the World
>Tori - The Public Moral Committee Member and the Delinquent Who Will Be Together in the Future
>Nekotarou - The Fed-Up OL Wants to Serve the Great Villainess
>Haruhana Aya - Kiss the Scars of the Girls
>Mukunoki Nanatsu - Wataten
>Yuama - The Summer You Were There
>Yukiko - A Room For Two
>Itou Hachi
Wow the queen of yuri has stopped tending to her loli farms to put out a one shot
A blessed day
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Takeshima Eku posted for the first time since May when the anime started to have all its production issues. She seems really happy with the play so I'm glad it went over well with her. I hope it gets fansubbed like how Blooms did but plays are kind of niche so I'm not holding my breath.

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Previous thread >>3893210
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>Miho teaching Alice about sex using bokos
very lewd
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Previous Thread: >>3911737
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Peel the Momo and eat the Momo
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Ruel 1: You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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on twitter
@___lloli as the cosplayer's main
@_loliguna is the couple account? they have more pictures like that on the second account
oh thanks.
>using a dildo to pretend that there's a guy with them
It's shit.
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Different age thread:
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Classical one
I too often pick up a thought exactly where I left off a decade later.

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10 Years to 2034 from this very special day. Time for a dump.
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Is this a new kind of yuri? What's the tag for this?
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Love the 2053 girls.
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Surprisingly no incest of these three.

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What's your favorite GL manga? Tell me about it!
>Shōjo Sect is about a popular high school girl who beds many women. But none of them can fill the hole left by the fleeting memory she has of a girl she met when she was a child. Will her memories become clear enough to discover the girl's identity? What effects will her loving manipulation have on her fellow classmates? Will Matsuri ever get Kirin's love? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z
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For me, it's Machikado Mazoku. A seemingly simple 4koma that actually has some of the best characterisation and continuity you could expect from a manga.
It's a girl-meets-girl story about a poor girl descended from demons who is fated to defeat a magical girl, but they end up becoming soulmates. Bonding, adventures, and surprisingly deep lore and well set-up mysteries ensue.
It's just too bad that the author is always on the verge of death but repeatedly baffling Christendom by continuing to live.

I like chocolate and vanilla mix, it's the finest of the flavours.

Previous thread: >>4058654
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Following >>4143905, a thread for either symmetrical docking or just any yuri focused on boobs
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Thread of pics of hentai females with strapons anally penetrating lolicons, milfs, or young girls. The best and the greatest invention since the discovery of fire.

Yuri action with dildos, anal beads or any other related toys are also welcome. Extra bonus for hot anal sex.

Strap yourselves on, all aboard the strap-on girl train!

Previous threads: >>4047168
>>3211670 (2B edition)

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The dildo can barely be seen through the pixels, but it's there.

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thread died and nobody noticed edition

Discuss, request, and recommend /u/-related /lit/ works!


ulit Archives 2020 torrent (10,058 books with release dates up till December 2020):

>How to find books:

Mobilism Search for Lesbian, FF, WLW, LGBT, and GLBT keywords:

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I think the only way that would make sense would be to have Baker stay closeted, and then have her apologise after they had drifted apart at college, or something similar. Considering how close they were, if Hannah truly forgave her, why wouldn't they try being together? I will give that Changing Majors book a read, thanks for that.
I remember listening to this audiobook, it had some fun concepts but the MC went a few steps too far beyond the psycho line for me.
Cameron Darrow - Death has Golden Eyes
Nazis somehow had access to necromancy in WW2, so the US decided to nuke them. Unfortunately, this destroyed some sort of reality-barrier, so now Europe is a mess and werewolves, vampires etc are running around.

British heroine "retires" to a small villages and tries to run a sanctuary for those supernaturals now stranded in our world, but of course, finds a dead werewolf instead so has to get involved in figuring out who did it, and why ...

It's supposed to be a bit of a mystery, but it's not a great mystery. It's solid urban fantasy though. Nice characters, interesting setting.

Probably worth keeping an eye on, though nothing too outstanding.

Check out the author’s tumblr and tag, it’s pretty good and the one-shots are worth reading.

The author once said that their main regret was not showing the closeness of the best friend relationship between Hannah and Baker, as well as thinking that if they were to rewrite the book Baker would have never let it get as bad as it got in the book. (From what I remember)

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Anyone read translated Chinese Baihe (yuri) stuff? Recently started Female General and Eldest Princess. It's kind of a slow burn, but so far I like it a lot. It's fully translated and the translation is decent.

Previous thread >>3940005
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