Previous thread >>4276563
I can't stop watching dungeon meshi this is probably my third watchthrough
>We are so back edition.Anime : 12 episodesOP : nano.RIPE - Azalea : on Dynasty :>> booklet short stories : >> are done by Chaosteam (CT)Drama CD volume 9 (enable closed captions for subtitles) :Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
What the fuck happend to citrus why is the first random page i clicked from newest about a man ?I thought this was about really horny lesbians or did i misake the series with another ? explain
>>4386358Saburouta is a hack who can't write anything else, so she exhumated Citrus to keep paying bills.>I thought this was about really horny lesbiansI doubt you even read the original series when it hasn't been about that since the very first chapter.
>>4386358Yuzu met one of Mei's childhood acquaintances and after having a small jealousy period now she just wants to make sure he doesn't get screwed over by Mei's plans. I don't think is a bad direction to take the story. And in the subplot we have Harumin either deciding to not attend college or going overboard and not knowing how to break the news to Yuzu
>>4386718The thing is no one cares about that. Why should we care about a richfag teenager that we just meet? And the whole "drama" , if it can even be called that, it's about a school for richfags that's about to change its owners. It isnt closing, it isnt dissapearing just changing the people managing it. That is. It's literally a nothing burger for everyone except maybe that guy who wanted a free job on his daddy's school. >Read yuri manga>The yuri stops to focus on a random guy's school
Previous Thread: >>4264338 Subs: [Embed] [Embed]TV Subs: subs: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4384454>>4386208Nahikoate fics. Good or not?
How many years would it take Homura and Madoka to fuck if the magical girl stuff never happen
Previous thread: >>4152897
Another woman for Vertin's harem coming soon in patch 2.2 -Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.Although the game's primary language is English/Chinese, it also has full Korean and Japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuu.>Version 2.2 PVs (EN) (JP)>Download (PC & Mobile):>Community Resources:>Kornblume (THE database) thread:
Previous Thread: >>4200458
All Adventure Time yuri is welcome, but I need a place to dump the cute bubbline I find
Continued from >>4310958TL archive: Post if there's a TL you want to work on with dead pastes/RAWs./u/'s scanlations: ripping service (outdated):!LOJz2SpL!3o_LhDgUuqKM8k35iDAubQRSS: downloader: Search "red squirrel manga downloader" or "hakuneko"Tips for learning Japanese: (kanji reader tool): reference guide: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>4390296p2>who I've very interested inwho I'mp14>a card readya card readerp15>You shouldn't done thatshould've
>>4390296p18>our housemy house
>>4388550With Your Love, Someday in the Future (Kirara Forward 2025-03) retranslated
>>4387933Uninvited Wife vol1 extras
>>4390368p5>pork and gingerginger pork
Previous:>>4183339Less than 24 hours until the final episode. Will there be a yuri miracle?
Girls selling themselves to other girls.
I like the one where you can really feel how degrading it is to sell yourself for money
Murciélago raws: version: raws:!ltABSAoB!FZsNZx35fNT9RjN6JEbk0gEnglish version:’s Twitter: too long. Click here to view the full text.
mercy mercy me
next volume doku....
>>4358124Oh my GOD heavens no EUUUUUGH
>>4357982I've stopped reading, but I check in on these threads every now and again because I'd come back if she ever started something with Hinako
Looks like chapters are back to being bi-weekly. I still need this boring as fuck VR arc to be over asap though
This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.Useful links: for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.Previous: >>4336911 is the biologic purpose of handholding?
>>4390259>actually defending a samefagger
>>4390271To keep your gremlin close and within punching distance manga is this one? Don't tell me it's a ShuuKura's spoiler. Yena is /u/
Previous >4308677
>>4390241It got delayed until March 27th. What the fuck
>>4390254No, that's when the last chapter will be available to read at the website.
>>4390256Yes. Chapter 230, part two. The most recent chapter released through the mobile app, which was Feb 19th. It will be available on the website March 27th, as stated in your image.
>>4390241Someone on futaba said it was delayed to March 13.
Looks like there's no active LWA threads in the catalogue-changing that
>>4361045Akko and Barbara competing to see who has the biggest ass in Luna Nova
>>4376343It’s been like what again, 6 years?
>>4361045>>4361563>>4386306I’m like 90% sure this is fart/scat stuff sis
>>4386450Then imagine it’s the other 10%Let your mind wander to Akko being bullied by Barbara’s big bouncy butt
Akko introduces some Japanese culture to her friends, which makes Amanda find out about kanchos and now she deliver them frequently to Akko