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Previous thread: >>4283192

One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
Boku no Hero Academia thread: >>4337437
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237 replies and 198 images omitted. Click here to view.

Another woman for Vertin's harem coming soon in patch 2.2 -

Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is English/Chinese, it also has full Korean and Japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuu.
>Version 2.2 PVs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5QQwKKb7lw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfC7rGu7T4U (JP)
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread: https://archived.moe/u/thread/4236355/
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Post ProjMoon yuri. Limbus, Lobocorp, and Ruina.
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ill complain too, ishmael is not black

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Previous: >>4223757
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Previous Thread:
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Need more rage/hate fucking
Caitvi is my otp but I like Cait x Maddie. There should’ve been a sex scene
CaitVi spinoff WHEN
Agreeed. Would have loved to see some dynamic between them. But Maddie was a late add on that someone sold to Amanda Overton and went with it because she purposefully wanted to enrage the caitvi community. Not going to lie, i loved pissing off the "big" accounts with the spoiler image of Cait and Maddie in bed, but the rage would have been historic if the leaks never happened. They got a soft landing.

As you may or may not be aware /u/, Japan (like America) has gotten to the point where they have decided to
>cash in on nostalgia

By making a bunch of sequels/remakes of anime that are 10 years older, maybe more.

Call it a lack of fresh ideas, perhaps a need for cheap money but; good or bad, it is happening.

So with all that said, which Yuri Classic you think should be getting a remake?

I'll start


But with a few changes
>Tamao wins

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Bko was winning tthat fight, landed more punches and got Ako in a headlock.
Curiously enough, the director says he doesn't understand why some people see B-ko as a lesbian. To be fair, both A-ko and B-ko fell in love with a guy later so maybe it was supposed to be a phase. It was the 80s
The only stopani thread left
>gotten to the point
Japan has been remaking its most popular franchises for decades now.
>Shizuma looks too tomboyish
She looks about as "tomboyish" as picrel.

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what's even the official name of this ship i swear there's a like a dozen of them when i try to look up art of it
There isn't one.
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Top is good, bottom is good, but middle is better

Thread of pics of hentai females with strapons anally penetrating lolicons, milfs, or young girls. The best and the greatest invention since the discovery of wheel.

Yuri action with dildos, anal beads or any other related toys are also welcome. Extra bonus for hot anal sex.

Fill this thread with delicious strap-on action pics!
Be the filling of this lesbian Oreo, between hot black goddesses who fuck like cats or bunnies in heat!

Previous thread:>>4308793 (Midnight Edition)
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We need more posts with commentary like this...discussion is really cozy and way hotter than just plain images.
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saki midareru wa yuri no hana (Lilies Are in Full Bloom)

I'm only ever able to find chapters 1-9 in english. Does anybody know where I can find the rest?

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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>4300584
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Sick comeback. Are you 12?
You write and act like a faggot from reddit, which is an observational statement, not a “comeback.”
Your delusions are not a comeback, true. You are just the generic low IQ retard from /vt/. Typical crossboarder.
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Aosamu still good.

Your faggotry is a fact and not welcome here redditor.

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Personally I love Supergir & Lena Luthor from the CW show, Wednesday & Enid from Wednesday, Kate & Yelena from Hwakeye/the MCU, and either Alice or Rosalie with Bella from Twilight. I'm just curious what others are interested in.
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Lumity forever!
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Mirandy from The Devil Wears Prada
BlackHill from Marvel
Cass/Steph from DC
Also Tori and Jade from Victorious.
That girl on the right looks like one of the Bogdanoff twins, just saying.
>looks like one of the Bogdanoff twins
You do realize they are making silly faces, yes?

Continued from >>3757965

Ongoing manga:
New releases: http://michinoakio.blogspot.com/
Read Saki here: https://mangadex.org/manga/160/saki
Download Saki 0-60 here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/kk870ig01a85tx3/Saki_Chapter_0-60_%5Bnull%5D.rar
Download Saki 61-104 here: https://mega.nz/#!FiQmAAiB!cnbiS5NaLqD4a1ADx4HIkWsw7vo2NXv6k_kQA7zipy8
Download/read Saki 105-current here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki
Download/read Saki Achiga-hen here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_achiga_hen_episode_of_side_a
Download/read Saki Biyori here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_biyori_bg
Download/read Saki Shinohayu here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_shinohayu
Download/read Toki (or don't) here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/toki
Yen Press Saki: the usual place

Completed anime:

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Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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