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Kigo Edition

Previous thread: >>4152491
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Like self-contained graphic novels proper? Poison Ivy's solo series over the last couple years has been really pretty and really gay. I don't normally buy physical comics but I've been picking up its volumes as they come out. If I could find individual issues here easily I'd probably do that instead since Jessica Fong's covers are so nice.
Meant more standalone indie stuff rather than comics like DC/Marvel. It can be a minefield to navigate since western stuff is not often /u/ centered but occasionally I find enjoyable ones so I like to try my luck and buy a bunch whenever there are book sales. Memorable ones from recent memory: The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Camp Spirit, and What If We Were. Sometimes good ones get delayed and then end too soon (Heathen) or get less good when they continue (Cosmoknights) but it is still fun discovering new /u/.
>Meant more standalone indie stuff
Yeah, I figured. Apologies for being no help then.

Previous: >>3456716
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The biggest sin of Reflection and Detonation was that they barely showed the cartridge mechanism and when they did, it didn't have any of the satisfying "ka-chunk" reload effects. Who the hell made that creative decision?
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happy 20 years
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a television version of the film that is technically an adaptation of the original television broadcast?

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What a wonderful starting act: >>3807974
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>antique or two
Luckily for everyone, Oxygen never got a chance to drive any of 'em.

It's funny, even though there's not that much of a difference in age between them, relatively speaking, Posi would always have been firmly in the category of "adult" to Hydrogen. Like, asking her if she's married, to which Posi laughs and responds "I'm still in middle school." Hydrogen was probably pretty precocious as a child, especially compared to the more taciturn Helium. Posi would've played right along with either of those equally.
If we also wanna lean on their relationship and Posi's passions a bit more; she probably went to both Hydro and Heli to ask them how certain materials feel. Textures-wise. Although yes little kid Heli and Hydro were likely adorable alongside kid Argon and Lute.
There's no way that Helium wasn't at least a little intimidated by Lutetium and her perpetual scowl back then. Poor Lutetium can't fathom why Helium ducks behind Hydrogen's back every time she's around. After all, she's just trying to follow Argon's advice and make a new friend.
That's probably another couple of people who'd be aware of Posi. Lutetium and Argon. Perhaps Lutetium moreso than Argon given their adult inclinations. This in mind, I feel it rounds out the group's childhood pretty well. The four kids and their older sister figure keeping an eye on them in the form of Posi. I suppose in practice this would also help the Argon and Hydrogen families stay connected too.
Indeed, indeed. It's about time Lutetium knew of someone outside Argon's house that wasn't her significant other (sorry Dysprosium).
I guess we can add "good with kids" to Posi's list of skills.

Previous thread: >>4059497
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>~The story so far of the previous MomiMahi kissing manga~
>~Hozuki home~ ~Momiji's room~
>Momiji and Mahiro kissed

>I'm so stupiiid~!
>I wanted to talk to Mahiro-chan today~!
>But now it's just more awkward~!
>Uuu... How do I even face her tomorrow...
>And also...I got carried away and confessed to her...
>...I wonder what Mahiro-chan thinks about that.
>Back then... I think I heard Mahiro-chan say "I love you", but...
>I want to hear it directly... But honestly, I'm scared...
>What if...Mahiro-chan doesn't feel that way at all...

>Ah... (nervous) I'm sorry, Momiji.
>I'm happy you feel that way, but starting a relationship with you is a bit too much...
>※Momiji's imagination

>Hey, Momiji~
>It's bedtime soon, why are you being so loud...

>(She's dying...)

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thread for more than two girls having fun together. The more the merrier!
Bonus Points if one of them is getting manhandled by all the other ones
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One of the most curious OT3s

Discuss Bushiroad girls love.
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is this cn to en?
where's the original jp?
You can order them through the melonbooks
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Following >>4143905, a thread for either symmetrical docking or just any yuri focused on boobs
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Let's cope our way to a 6th ending
Previous thread: >>4180059
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>porn deleted but not the retarded comment

armpit licking /u/
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Maya deserves getting sanwiched by these two hags.
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Well she wants it. Ritsy would probably have to flip her switch into a threesome with them. She would probably be happier when the night ended if she was sweaty In Ritsoko's arms

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Couples with a distinct difference in size and attributes. Can also be age difference.
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Kano's birthday in two days (7/4)
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I've been following it. It's very close to 100k. Actually more than 100k if you combine with JELEE-chan but then again the follower base most likely overlaps.
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What the hell is Mahiru eating? An egg roll?

Archive: https://archived.moe/u/search/subject/Hidamari/type/op

Mangadex: https://mangadex.org/title/b93212ef-5d8f-4814-9e10-9237720a4057/hidamari-sketch

It's a bit late but happy 20th anniversary!
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Still waiting for its 2nd Season
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Reminder that Sayaka is actually a fucking bitch and she's 100% the 'hoes before bros' kind.
She would have killed someone without questions if Touko had asked for it even after just seeing her for the first time.
She would backstab her best friend for a chance to hold hands with whoever she's stricken with at the moment.
I love her for that. I love me a raging single-minded lesbian.
>What do you like about her?
>...? Her face?
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Koito is very tiny and cute!
Go to sleep Touko
It's 4 am
She's literally me.

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