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Previous thread >>4164949
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Very cute
I want to live in the timeline where the option to play as a female Vagabond made it through development
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Rilliona kinda geh
>makes a girls only witch club, turns herself into a loli, and surrounds herself with big titty magicians
You forgot
>funnels everyone's skills and resources into making a replica of the glass goddess waifu
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cute weakling
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Bless Oowack
Took me forever to snag this commission, really disappointed how rare this pair is.
Based beyond belief, thanks sis
Doing God's work sis, bless you.
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I see you anon, so I may as well post my previous commission.
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I know the whole "Drancia is a girl?" revelation is old and played out, but considering how covered up she is, I do raise an eyebrow how there seems to be some consensus that she's ripped. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
Most likely to establish she's the largest of the bunch, and to have some variety among the Zoodiac girls. Possibly some influence from Meiling who is also usually depicted as muscular.
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She needs a lot of muscle to heft around that lance without her milkers throwing her off-balance.
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I like this better than LabrynthxKnight, desu.
Love the atmosphere, but the anatomy is fucking me up on this one.
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New Diabell cards
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Diabellze is getting stolen from Diabellstar

And seemingly getting turned into a dragon
Which Azamina is that on the right?
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Queen of the Azamina
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The fastest artist in the east does it again
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damn Diabellze has some sweet knockers
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