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/news/ is a text board for sharing and discussing current news articles. When starting a thread you must include the complete URL of a news article from a credible news site (for instance, a newspaper, news magazine, or a news TV channel). Blogs and editorial articles are not acceptable news sources. News articles must be recent! Nothing older than 48 hours please. Threads older than 48 hours will cease to bump when replied to. Please note that 4chan's global rules are in effect. Blatant trolling and racism is not permitted.

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Then I would just imagine using a vpn or proxy if I actually cared to read them.
nah, we saw before you can't get through the great firewall of china
Which would mean they couldn't even access 4chan which means they couldn't read the >>>/news/, so it wouldn't even matter if something was pasted in a >>>/news/ thread or not.
Not true. Mossad just needs to unfuck the VPN.
Then if the VPN can get through the great firewall, there is no reason to paste the text.

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Mikhail Rogachev is the latest of nearly a dozen Russian energy executives to die in mysterious circumstances over the past two years


A former Russian oil executive has been found dead after apparently falling from the window of his Moscow flat.

Mikhail Rogachev was found outside his 10th-story apartment in Moscow with injuries consistent with a fall, Russian media reported.

Russian news agencies said authorities were treating his death as a suicide.

Telegram channels close to the Russian security services said his body was discovered by an agent of the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service, who was walking the dog of a senior spymaster in the building’s courtyard on Saturday morning.

The 64-year-old was a former vice-president of Yukos, the oil giant that was broken up and after its billionaire owner Mikhail Khodorkovsky was imprisoned after challenging Vladimir Putin.

He went on to work as executive director of the Onexim group, oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov’s investment vehicle, and later deputy general director of Norilsk Nickel, a mining giant.

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Vatniks gonna vatnik
Completely normal phenomenon.
Absolutely defenestrated.

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You will be given whatever Trump deems you deserve, and you will be happy. Assuming he doesn't just still you like he does all his workers.


Former president Donald Trump may have fulfilled his pledge to work at a McDonald’s Sunday, but he spent five minutes working at the fry station and nobody actually placed any orders, the Washington Post reported. The McDonald’s franchise Trump visited in Feasterville, Pennsylvania was closed to the public while he was there and the drivers he served through the location’s drive-thru window were vetted by the Secret Service—both not unreasonable given the security demands on the campaign trail. However, Trump’s customers weren’t even allowed to place an order, and had to take whatever the Republican candidate for president handed to them. The Post said Trump spent five minutes at the restaurant’s fry station, where he was shown how to drop, drain and salt french fries and fifteen minutes at the window handing out food—which were just bags loaded with fries—to fawning supporters.
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We get it, you're from reddit and weren't properly trained.
Go back
Uh oh, the shill is spamming threads again
This meme isn't going to catch on since cock-slurping Democrats non-stop and being for gun control are Reddit positions.
>and >>1355407's intrusive thoughts emerge
You the dude that wanted to jizz on Trump's moobs in the other thread?
You're weird.

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Tucker Carlson stunned by dystopian prediction of what could happen after contentious election

Tucker Carlson invited journalist Mark Halperin on his show to predict what the post-election future could look like for America and was horrified by what he heard.

Halperin, an author of several books about American elections and currently a reporter for Newsmax, told Carlson
>it may result in a psychological catastrophe across the country
if Donald Trump beats Kamala Harris.

'I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,' he said, adding that liberals would question their 'connection to the nation' and suffer 'trauma in the workplace.'

Carlson, flabbergasted, responded: 'Are you being serious?'

Halperin confirmed he was '100% serious' before making even more dire predictions of a second Trump term.

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All of those things already happened, after the 2020 election. Trumptards made all conservatives look like violent retards

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Rolling Stone interviewed more undecided Latino voters who took part in Univision's town hall with former President Donald Trump, and it found that they came away decidedly unimpressed.

Earlier in the week, it was revealed that 56-year-old Ramiro González, whose questions to Trump about the January 6th Capitol riots went viral on social media, said that he had firmly decided against supporting Trump in the 2024 election.

Now three more voters who also attended the town hall also told Rolling Stone that they were not pleased by what Trump said at the event, with two going so far as to say that he had lost their votes.

Registered Republican José Saralegui told Rolling Stone he was "very disappointed" by what Trump said, adding that he was particularly disturbed that he doubled down on telling lies about Haitian immigrants eating locals' pets in Springfield, Ohio.

"I heard the things he was saying about us Mexicans," he recalled. "He’s let it go now — because now he’s going after the poor Haitians — but during the first campaign he painted us as rapists, diseased people, anything you can think of."

Saralegui also described Trump as "totally disingenuous" and said he would be casting his vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Guadalupe Ramírez, meanwhile, told Rolling Stone that she went into the town hall with an open mind but is now "99 percent" sure she's voting for Harris after she found Trump dishonest when he said that everyone in the United States really wanted the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

And participant Jorge Velázquez, although still undecided about who will get his vote, told Rolling Stone that Trump "didn’t give anyone convincing answers" during the session.

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No you aren't
Yes of course. Trump is a liar and sank this country in just 4 years.
STFU and look at your own country, Canada.
Look at this country. Trump is a liar and sank this country in just 4 years
>republicans blocking immigration
lol, they really gave everything up didn't they?

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Every progressive judge on the Supreme Court decided the government can steal your property, because they are fascist jackboot thugs
he's making threads again
Why do Democrats want you everyone except themselves to own nothing?
>mfw schizo gun nut just finds out about eminent domain, a law that's existed for almost 250 years
law enforcement can already take everything you own, legally, in all states, they just have to "suspect" that it was used for something illegal, even if there is no evidence

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump served fries to customers during his visit to a McDonald's in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. Long lines of Trump supporters surrounded the restaurant and thanked the former president for running again. Photographs of Donald Trump wearing an apron and smiling at the drive-thru have gone viral.

Social media users labeled the photographs of Trump as "iconic."

While speaking to customers, Donald Trump accused Kamala Harris of “lying” about having worked at the fast-food chain. "I've now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala," Trump said.

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Kamala to be seen mopping up a Wendys shortly.
>>1355210 is having a melty at a staged event that only makes Trump look even more retarded
This looks like something North Korea would do.
I’ve never seen him so happy before. It’s like watching a kid playing by pretending to have what they think an adult job is like.
Communist countries didn't have McDonalds until the fall of Communism.

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This comes after the heels of multiple MAGA propagandists being directly paid by Russia to push pro-Putin propaganda.


A Russian-aligned propaganda network notorious for creating deepfake whistleblower videos appears to be behind a coordinated effort to promote wild and baseless claims that Minnesota governor and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz sexually assaulted one of his former students, according to several specialists tracking the disinformation campaign.

Experts believe that the campaign is tied to a network called Storm-1516, which has been linked to, among other things, a previous effort that falsely claimed vice president Kamala Harris perpetrated a hit-and-run in San Francisco in 2011. Storm-1516 has a long history of posting fake whistleblower videos, and often deepfake videos, to push Kremlin talking points to the West.

The propaganda unit’s work has successfully reached the highest levels of the Republican party, with vice presidential candidate JD Vance repeating at least one of their narratives. NBC reported this week that the group has pushed at least 50 false narratives in this manner since last fall, which comes amid a broader Russian government effort to disrupt next month’s election with the aim of helping former president Donald Trump return to the White House.

Numerous figures in MAGA world boosted the Tim Walz assault claims, including Jack Posobiec, the Pizzagate promoter who is now a member of Trump’s campaign team, and Candace Owens, the popular right-wing podcaster. The claims went viral on Twitter last week, when an anonymous account called Black Insurrectionist posted screenshots of emails from a purported victim.
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>Admitting he's a Russian shill
It's already been proven to be a Russian Hoax pushed by Republicans. Again.
gotta love how shit americans are at arguments and english. Literally stupider then any possible media could show them.
The funny thing about McCarthy was that he was destroyed by he being given enough political rope to hang himself by his own retarded opinions ultimately blowing up in his own face. And by Dwight D. Eisenhower doing nothing.
The last decent Republican president coming out of all that with image intact, certainly he being post-WWII Supreme Commander of the Allies, laughingstock of the US Marines 'Tailgunner Joe' dying a pickled irrelevance.
It's all about legacy. Also what is known today as 'Optics'. McCarthy being proven to be a retard was far more widespread than he knew.
Actually he wasn't hard enough on commies and the commies regrouped

This is why I will never vote democrat
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you are the one who is too retarded to click a link, tranni boi
archive ph/Tww7h
archive ph/D9zx8
archive ph/9J8Xi
archive ph/bPsYG
>of course they don't
if you don't know someone's gender you write "he or she" tranni boi. they is third person plural, not singular, retardo
>they're a non-american
unlike you, harris, walz and obongo I am an American citizen
> opposes gun background checks and red flag laws because they're the exact sort of scum that the laws are written for.
I passed a background check multiple times, own multiple guns and will never get red flagged. I still oppose those lose because they are unconstitutional tyranny used by dems to murder gun owners and grab guns from innocent people
>/news/ is where they impotently wail and rage about it
you are literally seething in everyone of my threads. also "he or she", esl
How much do they pay you?
>they mad
>he or she is so fucking retarded he or she doesn't know how to link posts
what a newfag

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>In 2018, Dougherty called for a ban on “assault weapons” in New Jersey.
New Jersey has had an "assault weapon" ban since 1990, it is the second oldest state AWB in the country, only after California and predates the federal AWB
>When it comes to stricter gun control laws, Dougherty said, “We will push for this until the end.”
this is why anti gunners only act in bad faith. this massive gay retard wants to ban something that had at the time already been banned for 28 years and wants a complete gun ban. no compromise, no quarter. for every gun law they pass we pass 2 anti abortion and anti troon laws
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why do you think people you hate are not human? that's not normal or healthy
they aren't people
To be fair some are fully demoralized people.
Others are literally demonically possessed.
And I'm an Atheist, but it's become obvious over the past decade demonic possession is a real phenomenon that's only been documented and explored by religions in the past.
Seek mental help before you hurt someone you love.
they aren't humans because they are demonic ghouls who rape and eat children
good post

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$25 sin tax per gun to go directly into the pockets of michael bloomberg in exchange for all the bribes he has given.
$250 fine for not having "gun liability insurance" which doesn't exist because insurance doesn't insure intentional criminal acts.
>Active and retired police officers - along with people who have concealed carry licenses - are exempt from the liability and fee requirements.
we need to tax abortion and homosexuality as much as dems try to tax guns
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post medical credentials, tranni boi
what is it like being on welfare and smoking crack?
Bill Clinton ended welfare, so I wouldn't know what it was like to live as a black person before the 90s.
you sure are one mentally unstable seething russian
nope. I am American, unlike you, obongo, walz and harris and post medical credentials, troon
keep being mad and gay though. I will continue posting and making threads since it upsets you

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Russian Wagner transport plane shot down in Sudan by RSF. All Russians on board w were killed.


UAE Il-76 transport aircraft carrying Russians was shot down by the RSF

Russian Embassy has confirmed the reports.





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Russians have been shot down multiple times over both Sudans for years now.

A Russian pilot was killed by JEM rebels over Omdurman in Sudan in 2008.



South Sudanese shot down a UN helicopter in 2012, killing all 4 Russian peacekeepers on board.


South Sudanese shot down a UN helicopter with Russian peacekeepers killing all three Russian peackeepers in 2014.

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> CIA agents kill innocent civilians once again
>Russian Wagner transport plane shot down in Sudan by RSF
ftfy Russian bot

I hope they get AIDS and Hep from the rape
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I'm not aware of the bergen record reporting on your homosexual rape obsession
It's probably the same Latvian cripple queer that posts 24/7 on all boards.
its the link in the OP, but you can't read it since you aren't in America
the commie troon is latvian?
No paste no read
yeah, we know you can't access American news sites in china

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