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what a coincidence, OP also has that
now go look up what percentage of resale properties and new construction homes are owned by investment banks and hedge funds for use as permanent rentals or to just sit on unoccupied as assets
keep in mind these corps heavily outbid every person looking to buy the place as an actual permanent residence and do so overwhelmingly 100% in cash, often sight unseen, and don't ask for costly certification or inspections. it's a deal any seller would be dumb to refuse.
How is this a federal issue when it's usually city and state level government letting/encouraging corpos and older homeowners (neither want new houses because high supply lowers the price of their rent/land) set policy.
Americans are retarded, anon. They're obsessed with national politics because they have no clue how anything works. Half of America thinks right now that the president decides global inflation and energy prices
Thanks to Trump enabler Biden and Harris this will get even worse.

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Tranni, are you okay? So, Tranni, are you okay? Are you okay, Tranni?
Tranni, are you okay? So, Tranni, are you okay? Are you okay, Tranni?
Tranni, are you okay? So, Tranni, are you okay? Are you okay, Tranni?
Tranni, are you okay? So, Tranni, are you okay? Are you okay, Tranni?
Tranni, are you okay? Will you tell us that you're okay?
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Jackson put his tongue in the anus of a 8 yr old.
Well there's your problem. I'm not op.
it's ok OP, you can take the mask off here, we're all anonymous anyway, let that freak f(l)ag fly!
not in the rules, tranni boi
Congrats! You got it half right! Now please try to copy and paste the article in your OP next time. Then you may start to begin to consider your life fulfilling.
You may not reply to this post.

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those aren't even samefags retard?
what are you talking about, retardo? there are only threads I made an a couple screaming about dumpft
>those aren't even samefags retard?
Nobody said they were? You're just a schizo retard?
What do you think the last thread you'll ever post will be?
don't forget that he's also a faggot
projected fantasies out loud like a tourettes guy.
don't grow old lads


WASHINGTON, Nov 5 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has been cleared to send lawyers to polling sites in Missouri and Texas on Election Day to monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws after those Republican-led states had sued to block it from doing so.

Both states are among the 27 that the department said it would send staff out to monitor polling locations on Tuesday to ensure compliance with federal voting rights laws, as it has done regularly during national elections.

Republican former President Donald Trump faces Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in Tuesday's presidential election. Trump continues to make false claims of widespread voting fraud in his 2020 loss to Democrat Joe Biden and has urged his supporters to turn out at polling places to watch for alleged fraud.

Judges in overnight decisions declined requests by Missouri and Texas for court orders to block the Justice Department monitors. Shortly before the judge's decision in the Texas case, the state's attorney general reached an agreement with the department regarding the conduct of its election monitors.

While some of the U.S. locations that the Justice Department will monitor include key counties in the seven battleground states expected to help decide the election's outcome, it is sending personnel to other locations such as counties in Texas, Massachusetts, Alaska, South Dakota and New Jersey.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, in a lawsuit filed on Monday accused the department of making an 11th-hour plan to "displace state election authorities" by sending poll monitors to locations throughout St. Louis.

But U.S. District Judge Sarah Pitlyk, a Trump appointee in St. Louis, denied, opens new tab Bailey's request for a temporary restraining order, saying that "the harms that the state of Missouri anticipates are speculative."
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I think the funniest part is Kyle ruined his own life. He has no education to fall back on, doesn't have enough charisma or intelligence to merchandise himself, and now everyone knows him as a right-wing shill and a dumbass. He had to ride the 15 minutes of fame right to the bottom of a cliff instead of letting the story fade so he could move on.
i spy two people who i'd be happy to feed to the sex predators.
better wash yo ass or it'll tear
damn, you ARE obsessed with rape. do you have rape fantasies? might want to talk to a therapist about that
>The definition of murder is when a state prosecutor charges someone with a crime and I disagree with that
Rape obsessed and exaggerates like a hysterical little girl
you're really weird

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oopsie poopsie, in your coprophilic daze you forgot to thank me, I now designate this thread as very poor quality until i receive proper gratitude for my acknowledgement.
they're british, how can they support harris OR trump?
most harris supporters aren't American. that's why they write dates wrong
I never kink shame consenting adults, OP. One person's bread is another's turd. And you do have my gratitude for raising our awareness of this common but misunderstood Philia.
I'm not OP retard. How are you thinking of killing yourself?

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Yes, and also still denying that he's a literal r*editor despite being the most obvious r*editor ever. Every now and then he disappears and I think we all just assume he finally killed himself, but eventually he comes back to shitpost again.
Also he's developed a bizarre obsession with trannies. See >>1359688
Based muskmon
you seem mad and gay
its not just me, there is at least one other guy
No, you're the only one who doesn't paste the article. You're just a schizo so think the other threads were made by somebody else. It's the same reason you often talk to yourself in these threads.

Seek help, you are not well
I mean from all indications I've seen here, you're a textbook suicide case waiting to happen. I'm honestly surprised you haven't done it yet. I'm genuinely curious as to the reasons you have to keep living.
>inb4 trollololing you eggsdee
No, I'm just asking what you value in your life, not as a meme or attack or anything. It's fascinating to me.

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KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A white supremacist is in custody after authorities said they thwarted his plans to destroy an energy facility in Middle Tennessee and brought him into custody. Skyler Philippi, 24, from Columbia, Tennessee, faces charges of trying to use a weapon of mass destruction and trying to destroy an energy facility.

A complaint said Philippi began talking about destroying an energy facility as part of his accelerationist ideology. This kind of ideology generally calls for widespread destabilization through the rapid growth of specific systems, or through violence.

The complaint outlines a conversation Philippi had with a confidential source, where he talked about his belief that attacking electricity substations could destabilize areas across the country and further his accelerationist beliefs. He also spoke with the source about his plans to derail a train in Middle Tennessee and asked for help getting a train de-railer, according to authorities.

Later, the complaint said Philippi told another person he had written a manifesto that discussed his desire to attack "high tax cities" and industrial areas. In that conversation, he also talked about getting into a shooting involving a Black person in Louisville and said he was previously affiliated with white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups: the Atomwaffen Division and the National Alliance.

The groups have targeted racial minorities, the Jewish community, the LGBTQ+ community, the government, journalists and infrastructure. His manifesto also included references to white supremacist literature.
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>Not exceptions
So an exception in this case. Thanks for admitting that. All white rightists are terrorists. NO Exceptions.
Thus is whatTRump meant by the enemy within. The right wing terrorists, not the legal Saint George Floyd protestors
sloppy work
This, a normal person doesn't think. I'm going to use C4 on the power grid or if someone asks 'Hey, want to blow up the power grid with C4?' you at the bare minimum say 'No'
You know if a bunch of strangers on the internet can successfully convince you to bomb a power station, you probably should be locked up. Either in prison or a mental health facility.

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Some Republican-led states will not allow federal poll monitors at voting locations on Election Day, officials told ABC News on Thursday.

The Department of Justice has a long-held tradition of deploying election monitors across the country to "help assess compliance with federal voting laws," according to the department. But recently, in some states, Republicans have blocked federal authorities from monitoring both federal and non-federal elections.

In Texas, a spokesperson for the state's Republican secretary of state told ABC News in a statement that federal monitors are not authorized to be inside polling locations.

Instead, state inspectors will be deployed to "various locations" throughout Texas, the spokesperson said.

Texas Democrats have raised concerns about the decision, penning a letter to the Department of Justice in September asking federal officials to intervene and exercise its authority to monitor the state's five most populous counties.

"Recent actions by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have increased the urgency for federal election monitors in our state," the letter said of the governor and attorney general, who are both Republicans.

The group of Texas Democrats also said in the letter that the move by the state to block federal monitors affects minority voters.

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Why did the cartoonist feel the need to indicate that the official is a Republican four times?
Once in the "R" in his cap
Once in his badge saying GOP
Once in his arm with the symbol of the Republican Party
And the whole character is drawn as an elephant symbolising Republicans
Couldn't he just have stuck to one or two identifying signs? What was the need to indicate that it was a Republican four times?
This is exactly what a failed state does.
Artist could have just used a Swastika and red cap for the same effect.
why are you so obsessed with rape?
>Trump shills
"Winners". The word you're looking for is "winners". Cause you lost.

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That's some cute boys,OP! I don't blame you. But are they all legal.
boy are those gen z retards gonna feel stupid when trump wins soon, they don’t look like men, they look like sissy’s, wimps, and stop banning me all the time you faggot severely retarded mods, you all need to run out and get hit by a bus for supporting that dumb 2 faced bitch kamala and by the way taylor swift music is ass

Surprised he still bothers staying in. He's forty-eight, has no wife, no ex-wives, no kids, no known girlfriends, and just threated to kidnap and sodomize a bunch of boys half his age. Even Travolta's more subtle.
one thread for each time he's ejaculated to people covered in poop
Everybody knows this fgt is lying and if he did kill Bin Laden it was at the direction of the CIA in a firing squad situation.

I've listened to this guy tell and retell the story 50 times and he's full of shit.


Donald Trump’s speech in Kinston, North Carolina, this afternoon — which began two hours late — was toned down and seemingly less angry than his remarks earlier today in Pennsylvania.

But the speech was just as rambling, with Trump at one point seeming confused about which state he was in. Trump mistakenly suggested that Pennsylvania Senate candidate David McCormick was in the crowd.

“We have great Republicans running, and you have one of the best of all right here, David McCormick … David is here around some place, you know, we just left him. He’s a great guy.”

He also told a fictional story about the long-deceased Al Capone and “MyPillow” CEO Mike Lindell having dinner together, and Lindell offering Capone pillows.

“If he didn’t sleep well because he didn’t like Mike’s pillows, Mike had almost no chance of living,” Trump said. “He would dispose of Mike somewhere in a foundation of a building or something. You would never see Mike again. Mike does not want to have dinner with Scarface.” (Capone died in 1947. Lindell was born in 1961.)

The crowd in Kinston seemed confused and unsure how to react to a number of Trump’s remarks. He seemed to draw more applause when he returned to his scripted speech.
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It boggles the mind why Trump's health was never a major factor in the campaign.
Democrats stood by Biden even as his faculties declined (denied it happening even), and when he dropped out it just seemed lame when they tried to poke fun at Trump for the same because of their prolonged defense of Biden.
Thus why Melania won't have sex with him. Barron is Epstein's child
sorry bud this isn't d&d, we're playing world of darkness this week.
cringe leftists BTFO

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Some Trump aides worry Cantor CEO is talking too much in public—getting ahead of election and a more formal decision-making process
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The height of wittiness you can get from a right winger.
Billionaires don't go to jail
>Howard Lutnick
This guy is going to be White House Chief of Staff if Trump wins
Bernie Madoff did although admittedly that was a long time ago now
>Pasting a WSJ article
Very good thread

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A left wing organization was busted in PA because of its voter fraud schemes. They registered 2500 new voters, 60% of which were found to be fraudulent.
Firm tied to voter registration 'scheme' goes dark

The media and consulting firm linked to fraudulent voter registration forms in Pennsylvania earlier this week has gone dark as of Saturday.

Field and Media Corps – the website and social media accounts of which are now defunct – is an Arizona-based company that contracts with Everybody Votes to run a canvassing operation in Pennsylvania and other states that target low-income minority residents unregistered to vote.

The Monroe County District Attorney’s Office confirmed Wednesday that 30 registration forms contained fraudulent information, including an application submitted on behalf of a dead resident.

Everybody Votes runs an office in Lancaster County, where election workers recently found suspicious registration forms among a batch of 2,500 applications delivered last week. Investigators there said at least 60% of those reviewed were fraudulent. So far, the campaign has not been tied directly to the investigation.

Not so in nearby York County, where law enforcement continues reviewing another delivery from the operation leading up to the Oct. 22 deadline to register.

On Wednesday, the America First Policy Institute, a conservative-leaning research nonprofit, demanded a federal investigation into the company.

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Are you sure about that one?
The thread is about his cultists denying the election results while screaming about fake fraud.
there is no reason to use them other than fraud.

they are expensive
difficult to upkeep
prone to glitches
impossible to secure
take longer to get a final count than hand-counting

there is no argument in favor of machines, just like there is no argument against voter id.
Do you trust the post-national, WEF technocratic test bed of Canada with your elections? Dominion is Canadian. I'd want them to at least be American, with staff residing in America so that extradition and jurisdiction isn't an issue when investigating them.

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Albuquerque, a city with a democrat mayor and democrat governor. A city that voted for obongo, clinton and biden in the last 4 elections has a major problem, people won't stop shitting in public
pic related, a janitor cleaning up human shit
>In 2019, Portland residents were shelling out nearly $316 per human waste call, according to the Oregonian, and last year San Francisco residents called 311 about human waste 32,234 times despite the city having more than 280 public restrooms, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Last year, in Denver, a businessman dropped a bag of human waste he collected at city hall to show how fed up he was.

>Since April, the Albuquerque City Council and the city’s Environmental Health Department have allocated $300,000 to tackle the issue. But city spokesperson Staci Drangmeister said the city might have to spend $700,000 to keep the service going year-round.
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No wonder your brain is permanently rotted
>can't refute >>1359643. >>1359646 is reduced to pathetic excuses
No wonder. You never had a brain.
San Francisco 2: Feces Boogaloo
is there a plan to chimp out and smear poop n the walls of congress?
I'm eating cheese because I want to do my part as a patriot
harris lost

never vote dem. when you buy a gun the government should have 30 mins to run a background check and if it takes longer than that you get your gun, if you fail you get an appeal in 14 days and if the government takes longer you get your gun.
also we need to pass this law with the year long backlog for abortions
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>mfw the harris bot gets paid in zelda money, near me
>mfw the indian trump bot near me gets paid in indian money, a form of currency which existed way before videogames did, but the indian is too retarded to know this fact
what color rupee are they paying you, tranni boi, the red rupee? the green one? the blue one?
this is the system working as intended
>projecting this hard
One of the jeet's most common methods

>be jewish
>spray anti israel protesters with liquid ass
>get paid nearly $400,000
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see, harris bot can only repeat other posts
see, trump bot can only repeat the words & phrases "copy", "crackhead", "talking about yourself in the third person", "trannies", "melty", "turn your monitor on", "you could at least pretend you use this site", "fagola", "retardo", "bot" etc or it would never use those words & phrases again in /news/
>shill is posting again
you need to tell this to harris supporters see >>1359287 and >>1359582
>the bot is still having a melty
>the trump bot is still having a melty

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