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United States President Donald Trump thinks the rest of the world is ripping off the U.S., when the reason for its trade deficits reflects the fact that Americans are spending more of their after-tax incomes than virtually every other country on the planet.

The personal savings rate scale is at the very low end of the global range. You cannot, at the same time, have a society where economic success depends on mass consumerism that will ever not coexist with a trade deficit. What part of this do Trump and his team not comprehend?

As part of this consumerism, the U.S. is the only major country with neither a national sales tax nor a value-added tax. It is, therefore, completely natural for a country that pursues consumer-oriented spending to be the one with trade deficits.

The balance of payments must always balance, so if Trump crushes the current account deficit, he ipso facto crushes the capital account surplus. That, in turn, means financial conditions will have to tighten.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The Trump administration could well force a voluntary debt restructuring, but that doesn’t address the underlying issue, which is that even excluding interest costs, the deficit would top US$1 trillion.

1. Blog and editorial articles are not acceptable.
tRump knows we gotta spend in Israel, to keep oil cheap, and spend in South Asia to keep chyyNese jews from disaporating everywhere, even to Greenland. The ol' fox has learned from Fox.
now apply that logic to USAID providing assistance to countries to curb immigration
think retard, think!

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Trump currently has the highest approval ratings of his entire political career, leaving CNN absolutely stunned (pic kinda related)
Even The Daily Beast agrees that Americans are aligned with his leadership in the second term and probably think he is making good on his promises.
This only further proves that the lefties will continue to have melties until their morale improves.
‘Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!’: Trump’s High Approval Rating Stuns CNN’s Harry Enten

CNN’s data analyst Harry Enten has been left stunned by President Donald Trump’s high approval ratings in his second stint at the White House.

The senior data reporter noticed that Trump’s approval numbers for his first three weeks were much higher than those during his first term, the New York Post reported.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Entire first term. Just 11 days, Donald Trump had a net positive approval rating” during his first term, Enten said during a segment of Monday’s CNN News Central with co-anchor Sara Sidner. Comparatively, the president now has enjoyed a net positive approval rating for 21 days in his second term

“Every single day of Trump’s second term so far, he has been on the positive side of the ledger. Twenty-one days, all three weeks. That’s already 10 more days than it was in his entire first term!” the CNN political analyst noted.

A new CBS poll captured the historical surge in Trump’s approval ratings, which shows that he has reached a 53 percent level, showing a majority of Americans are happy with the man in the Oval Office.

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bugman hands typed this post
Either Schumer is guilty of malicious incompetence, or so out of touch he's living on the moon. Watch any of his press briefings and the man is hopelessly uncharismatic and unable to vibe with the anxieties of his base. Between the chuckling at his own lame monotone jokes, the grinning, and the Guac and Corona display, he's clearly not taking anything seriously and completely demoralizing his own base.
>record high
His average is actually 49.3%.


President Trump warned the Hamas terror group Monday night to release all remaining hostages by noon Saturday, or he would allow Israel to cancel the ongoing cease-fire and “all hell is going to break loose.”

Hamas announced earlier Monday it was scrapping a scheduled hostage release, arguing that Israel had not lived up to its side of the deal.

Trump, 78, made the comment while signing executive orders in the Oval Office, repeating a line he has used before to directly threaten the terror group controlling the Gaza Strip.
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> Gaza’s population dropped by 6% – about 160,000 people – in 2024, according to a new report, as Israel’s war against Hamas took a heavy toll on the Palestinian enclave’s demographics.

>The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) said in a report released Tuesday that about 100,000 Palestinians had left Gaza since the beginning of the war on October 7, 2023, in addition to at least 45,553 who were killed in Israeli attacks in the strip, according to official figures by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the enclave.
And how many of those 45,553 killed were Hamas?
Good. The longer Palestinians have power the more terror keeps happening everywhere. Israel was wrong to leave Gaza back in 2005
They all support Hamas. No Palestinian is innocent.

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Once again Democrats will be responsible for a government shutdown. They are promising to shutdown the government rather than meet the March funding deadline simply because they don't like Trump trying to cut back government spending and balance the budget.
Democratic senator says his party is ready to shut down government over Trump’s actions

Democratic Sen. Andy Kim (N.J.) said he and his fellow Democrats are ready to shut down the federal government over President Trump’s recent actions.

Kim joined the show on Sunday to discuss the ongoing action stemming from Trump and his administration. As Democrats grow frustrated with the changes, many are calling on them to protest.

He argued that his party is ready to shut down the federal government over the various actions, including shuttering the U.S. Agency for International Development and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) having access to federal payment systems.

Trump has received sharp criticism over the administration’s recent actions, including saying he wants to take over Gaza. Some Democrats have said the idea would amount to “ethnic cleansing” and say it’s a distraction from all of the action within federal agencies.

Last weekend, DOGE officials gained access to the Treasury Department’s federal payment system, which controls $6 trillion annually and has access to Americans’ tax records

Kim argued that Republicans need Democrats to help fund the government ahead of the March deadline.

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This better not end with this Republican SCOTUS redefining what "laws" are.
It's because Musk and his fatcats bought the election.
I want a fascist. I want liberals like you living under fear. I want the government to shove a rifle up your daughters ass while you squeal :)
Fucking based trips.
Leftists belong in camps.
i was kidding i hate you fucking rightoid freaks

At the Superbowl, Donald Trump was cheered on by the attendees, while Taylor Swift was booed.
You may recognize Donald J. Trump as "The President of the United States of America", while Taylor Swift may be recognizable as "that one famous pop star who dates that football guy and didn't support trump in 2024"
Taylor Swift booed by Eagles fans at Super Bowl – while Trump is cheered

Taylor Swift received a negative welcome from Philadelphia Eagles fans throughout this year’s Super Bowl.

The Grammy winner attended this year’s game to show her support for her boyfriend Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce on Sunday in New Orleans at the Caesars Superdome. However, the Eagles fans were quick to show support for their team as they began to boo her.

After the “Karma” singer was shown on the jumbotron, the crowd erupted in boos which she appeared to be unbothered by. Swift quickly reacted as she looked over at the people she invited into her suite — Ice Spice and the Haim sisters, Este, Danielle, and Alana — before giving the camera a side eye.

However, Serena Williams ended up defending the singer on social media as she told her to disregard the negative crowd energy.

“I love you @taylorswift 13 don't listen to those boos!!!” she wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

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>Why didn't such speakers play for others like Swift?
Taylor Swift wouldn't threaten to shut down the whole NFL if her feelings were hurt.
Neither did Trump ? It's a private fucking company anon.

Big oof.
Chiefs lost
Birds won

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PBS is closing an office dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, following Donald Trump‘s series of executive orders targeting such programs.

The announcement comes amid the prospect that public television funding will be targeted by the current administration and Republicans in Congress. In his first term, Trump sought to zero out funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, but the proposal went nowhere, as lawmakers on Capitol Hill restored it.

In a memo to employees, PBS President Paula Kerger wrote that “to ensure that we are complying with the president’s executive order we have closed our DEI office, and Cecilia Loving and Gina Leow are leaving PBS.”

Kerger added, “Our mission to educate, engage and inspire the wide variety of American communities we serve will continue to be at the center of our work, and we’ll also continue to ensure that PBS remains a welcoming place for everyone.” The New York Times first reported on the DEI office closure.

PBS is closing an office dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, following Donald Trump‘s series of executive orders targeting such programs.

The announcement comes amid the prospect that public television funding will be targeted by the current administration and Republicans in Congress. In his first term, Trump sought to zero out funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, but the proposal went nowhere, as lawmakers on Capitol Hill restored it.

In a memo to employees, PBS President Paula Kerger wrote that “to ensure that we are complying with the president’s executive order we have closed our DEI office, and Cecilia Loving and Gina Leow are leaving PBS.”
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Big Bird is a ret*rd & a DEI, and should never gotten his own movies. Pepe prototype Kermit is Kool though.
>femboys and traps who know they are not real girls are not troons FYI)
Do you mean I did all this, make up, leg hair depilation, boob job, hormones,and just because I wanted to keep my penis, I'll never be a girl, I'm just a a, a,......HOMOsexual?
Even if you chop it off and get a vagina, you'd still be a homo, or if you still like sex with women, a freak. But I'll grant that you may have a woman's brane in a man's body. Now, Elon Musk is researching brane transplants, and if possible in the future, a female clone of yourself, with only a brane stem can be grown and your brane transplanted into it. This okay research is much further advanced than people know about. Elon Musk has already had his brane transplanted into one of these tank grown brane less bodies. And has several in storage just in case.
>. Elon Musk has already had his brane transplanted into one of these tank grown brane less bodies. And has several in storage just in case.
But this is a very expensive process, and is not available to the average person as not even the rich can afford can afford it except the very rich.
At least PBS was open to its massive funding by the department of education and usaid. Also fucking lol you faggots. I guess dei wasn't important after all.

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A major milestone in quantum computing has been achieved after researchers at the University of Oxford built a scalable quantum supercomputer capable of quantum teleportation.


The breakthrough centres on the so-called scalability problem of quantum computing, with the researchers claiming it will allow the next-generation technology to be realised on an industry-disrupting level.

The field of quantum computing has been around for decades, but only in recent years have significant advances been made towards realising them on a practical scale.
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>I don't think 'teleportation' in this case means what you think it does.
I think your new definition of "teleportation" is meaningless bullshit.
>there's a physical connection
And this physical connection prevents things like interference from random debris between the two points.

We've used things like light signaling in the military for decades. It isn't going to replace wires, it isn't teleportation and it isn't "quantum."

This is a bunch of word salad bullshit to grab attention.
>I think your new definition of "teleportation" is meaningless bullshit.
I'll agree it isn't 'teleportation' - this isn't *my* terminology, and although I don't agree with it, using the same terms as everyone else is far more productive than arguing about the terminology with random intelliwebs spastics.

>And this physical connection prevents things like interference from random debris between the two points.
I'm not sure what your point is here. Ultimately, if mastered, quantum entanglement will replace wires. Because wires have length limits and are succeptable to disconnection. It also takes time, even at the speed of light it takes time, to cross those wires. Quantum entanglement is as fast as you can take a measurement.

>This is a bunch of word salad bullshit to grab attention.
Ish. With a 70+% failure rate, it's not entirely usable as a technology. But that 30% of win proves it's possible, and research could push that up into the high 90's. Once it's over 99.9% error correction techniques it'll be almost on par with current silicon and can trivially make that reliable. As for attention, you need to spotlight the problems if you want someone to forwards a cunning solution.
>It also takes time, even at the speed of light it takes time, to cross those wires
I also forgot, wires can be intercepted. Good luck intercepting entanglement.
>Limited by the speed of light
So is the new bullshit you're calling "quantum teleportation."

Sending photons via lasers to a receiver is both limited to the same speed as fiber optic cable (you know, the speed of light) and the fact that random particles or even a large obstruction will interfere with your fancy laser trash.

How much government money went to funding this?
Would it be correct to assume this method of data processing/ computation is already active and we are somehow reading yesterday's news?

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Current and former air traffic controllers warn that the Federal Aviation Administration’s hiring practices and “immunity program” have led to problems, such as those that may have resulted in the recent midair collison near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

The FAA’s focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hiring practices has resulted in the employment of less qualified air traffic controllers (ATCs) and a staffing shortage, former ATC's say. This, in addition to an “immunity program” that fails to hold ATCs accountable for their mistakes, are likely contributing factors American Airlines plane collided with a military helicopter on Jan. 29 that resulted in both aircraft plunging into the Potomac River near the Washington, D.C.-area airport. All 67 people aboard died.

The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are investigating the incident.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Thursday that the helicopter’s advanced tracking system was turned off at the time of the crash. As for the FAA, an ATC tried unsuccessfully to contact the helicopter less than 30 seconds before the collision, according to audio from air traffic control.
Warned about dangers

The FAA was warned in a 2023 report that air traffic controllers were increasingly making last minute flight adjustments to deal with traffic and shortages of controllers in a trend that raised safety concerns. The safety expert report that warned America’s air traffic control system is suffering from quality-control issues and staffing shortages that put safety at risk.

The November 2023 report also warned that personnel shortages among air traffic controllers were forcing people to work longer hours and make sudden, last-minute changes to flight plans that increased risks.

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you’re hired!
but im a black woman.
who cares, we all know this is all getting rolled back in 2 months.
OK but I've also never flown a helicopter.
Yes, I am not qualified because I be on mah sail foam yapping bout olive oil, honey and shit, baby.
NOTE: Colleges literally ended their ATC degree programs because FAA preferred to hire minorities with 3 years of unemployment and no education.

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U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday said his administration was examining U.S. Treasury debt payments for possible fraud and suggested that the country's $36 trillion debt load might not be that high.

Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump said administration officials who have been combing through payment records in an effort to identify wasteful spending have turned their attention to the debt payments that play a central role in the global financial system.

"We're even looking at Treasuries," Trump said. "There could be a problem - you've been reading about that, with Treasuries and that could be an interesting problem."
He added: "It could be that a lot of those things don't count. In other words, that some of that stuff that we're finding is very fraudulent, therefore maybe we have less debt than we thought."

It was not clear whether Trump was referring to debt service or other government payments made by the Treasury Department.

The United States currently has $36.2 trillion public debt outstanding, according to the U.S. Treasury, equal to more than 120% of GDP. Because the U.S. government spends more money than it collects, Trump and his fellow Republicans who control Congress will have to authorize more borrowing sometime this year to avert a debt default that could have catastrophic consequences.

Trump's proposed tax cuts would add trillions of dollars more in debt, independent budget watchdogs say.
Trump has tasked Elon Musk with an ambitious overhaul of the federal government, sparking street protests in Washington and accusations that the Trump administration is breaking the law.

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I understand how facts make you angry.
Trump froze all the funds for controlling bird flu. What the fuck did you expect?
>literally no argument + denial of reality
Biden gave the order to slaughter scores of chickens, not Trump, leading to low supply. You're citing something impossibly being the cause, chronologically speaking.
No he didn't. The prices rose after Trump became president.
Anon culling is the only way to properly deal with a avian flu outbreak. The problem is we will need to keep culling because any other way of preventing further outbreaks is now on hold due to Trump's funding freezes.

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ON THE MORNING of January 28th April Mullins-Datko, the director of ADVOCAP, a social-services provider in Fond Du Lac, a city of 40,000 people in Wisconsin, put in her usual request to draw down $250,000 to pay staff salaries and other expenses connected with Head Start, a federal programme that provides child care, education and food to families on low incomes. Every other time ADVOCAP has done this the money has arrived within 48 hours.

This time it did not. As of February 9th ADVOCAP has received just $44,000 of the $250,000 they were expecting. To pay their workers, they have had to use bank credit. If the money does not materialise soon, they will have to begin laying off staff and shutting down their Head Start programme. The result will be 202 children without services and 80 staff members without jobs.

ADVOCAP appears to be a victim of Donald Trump’s seizure of the federal government’s payment systems. Its money should not be missing, according to the White House. A memo that froze much government funding, issued late on January 27th, was quickly rescinded after an outcry and a court ruling. Yet ADVOCAP’s money has not turned up and nobody seems able to explain why.

Ms Mullins-Datko says she has been calling anyone she can, but “they’re not responding. I’ve heard nothing from them.” She has received only one insight: “I called the Office of Head Start central office in DC and they said, ‘Oh, we’re sorry. This isn’t an Office of Head Start problem. This is a Treasury Department issue.’” Guidance sent to NGOs by the National Head Start Association, which represents service providers, confirms they too have been told that the problem is with the Treasury.
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Trump is still sending Ukraine aid.
He's Jewish. Always point this out whenever he starts his diatribes and you will instantly win
You are not Russian, tranny
Found the actual Russian

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>"A grant for $25,000 was awarded in 2021 to a university in Colombia “to raise awareness and increase the transgender representation” through the production of an opera, with an additional $22,020 coming from non-federal funding."
To be clear, the article states that USAID did not fund the opera, though the taxpayer did fund such an opera. I'll post more below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdw31c6HPCI
Where can one obtain this transgender opera? Was it ever written? Does an English translation exist?
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I don't believe you, though.
Emilia Perez was in a tranny musical that seems like it was directed by /pol/ even though it was nothing but Hollywood. (I only know of it thanks to Tim Dillon)
Defund /pol/
you'd have to be comptroller of a foreign government to defund pol


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Who's had their security clearances revoked this week?
Joe Biden? Check.
Biden's Secretary of State Antony Blinken? Check.
New York Attorney General Letitia James? Check. (Note: she also lost her membership cards to The Waffle House and Golden Corral)
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg? Check.
former national security adviser Jake Sulivan? Check.
Biden's deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco? Check.
Lawyers Andrew Weismann? Mark Zaid? Norm Eisen? Triple check.
Donald Trump said in an exclusive interview with the New York Post on Saturday that he revoked the security clearance for some former Democratic officials and current legal authorities, following his decision to do the same for former President Joe Biden earlier this week.

Newsweek reached out to the White House for comment by email on Saturday afternoon.

Why It Matters
Trump announced on Friday that he had revoked Biden's security clearance and discontinuing the daily intelligence briefings that Biden had been receiving—retaliation for Biden doing the same to Trump in 2021 due to "erratic behavior" and the concern he would disclose sensitive information.

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sooooo he lied and resigned to lie further.
All the people who stayed home and didn't vote seemed to care.
If they did, they would've voted.
On the contrary, It's considered a protest to not vote because both of the candidates sucked.
But only one of the candidates provably sucked.
The other won.
And of course fraudulent voters would protest in 2024.


Christian School Teacher and Conservative Writer Who Accused LGBTQ People of 'Grooming' Kids Charged with Molesting Student
The man described himself on X as "Christian, Conservative, Educator, podcaster, Writer."

A Christian school teacher and conservative writer who accused LGBTQ+ people of "grooming" kids was arrested and charged with molesting a child.

Aaron Craig Gleason, 39, was arrested on Tuesday in Okaloosa, Florida, and charged with lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under the age of 12, according to jail records.

In addition to being a teacher and a soccer coach, Gleason was also a writer who had pieces published in conservative news outlets, such as The Daily Wire, The Federalist and The Imaginative Conservative, as reported by LGBTQ Nation.

Gleason's author page still remains active for The Federalist, but has since been taken down from The Daily Wire, the outlet reported citing internet archives.

The 39-year-old described himself as "Christian, Conservative, Educator, podcaster, Writer," according to his X account. In one tweet from June 2024, Gleason appeared equate posting the Ten Commandments in a classroom to hanging a pride flag.

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trump pardons pedophiles so you obviously don't care. at this point it's glaringly obvious all your qtard delusions are just a smokescreen to help you sexually abuse children
Fake shit, all fabricated.
A Civil code must be imposed to reduce judges from petty tyrants to powerless bureaucrats.
You are not very angry at your own GOP - Gang Of Pedophiles - not making child marriages illegal in certain states, so the fact they won't makes you happy. This makes you a chomo if you're not angry at your Chomo-in-Chief Trump the pedo not issuing an EO to make illegal what his own party allows.
The fact you keep proving you're a pedo makes me happy. Because the fact I'm not what you hypocritically accuse others of being ensures I'm superior to you.
Because it is a singular person and not a trend. You are just rage reacting. The gay people who are adopting kids are overwhelmingly sexually abusing them.
wdym by again? there was another cases of this?

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An obama-appointed judge and New York Attorney General Letitia James conspire to stop DOGE from reducing government spending.
The judge ordered that DOGE cannot access the systems until another judge reviews the case of Feb 14, and orders them to destroy all of their work
US judge temporarily blocks Musk's DOGE from accessing payment systems

A federal judge early Saturday temporarily blocked billionaire Elon Musk's government efficiency team and Trump administration political appointees from accessing government systems used to process trillions of dollars in payments, citing a risk that sensitive information could be improperly disclosed.
U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer in Manhattan issued the order, opens new tab after a coalition of 19 mostly Democratic-led U.S. states filed a lawsuit late Friday arguing Musk's Department of Government Efficiency has no legal power to access the U.S. Department of Treasury systems.
The lawsuit said Musk and his team could disrupt federal funding for health clinics, preschools, climate initiatives, and other programs, and that Republican President Donald Trump could use the information to further his political agenda.

The judge, an appointee of Democratic former President Barack Obama, said the states' claims were "particularly strong" and warranted him acting on their request for emergency relief pending a further hearing before another judge on February 14.

Engelmayer's order bars access from being granted to Treasury Department payment and data systems by employees outside the Treasury Department.

The judge also directed that anyone prohibited under his order from accessing those systems to immediately destroy anything they copied or downloaded.
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How fucking god damn deranged do you have to be to think 4chan posters would make good politicians? Like holy fucking shit, what is WRONG with you?
a certain someone just let Tailgunner Joe: the laughingstock of the US Marines give himself enough political rope to hang himself, thus an alcoholic that was McCarthy died a pickled irrelevance. But before that subhuman slowly put himself out of our misery, said certain someone said that 'McCarthyism was McCarthyWASm'. Do you know who said that?
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Before then, Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe during WWII. A general who helped in the elimination of another subhuman that hated communists. After that, so many Republican voters said 'I Like Ike'. Twice. In the 1950s. When the highest tax rate was 90%.
So who's right? It's not you or McCarthy
Judge had every right to do it. I am not American, just read up on the rules.

Now I wonder why Musk doesn't do the prep work before wading in.
The absolute seething crack head post seems to point to McCarthy being right.
Good. Plans that will surely kill thousands built on lies and deception

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‘Students at public institutions of higher education who are members of religious student groups will be free to select their own leaders’

A federal court recently ended a four-year-old court battle waged by an atheist advocacy group seeking to reverse a Trump-era regulation barring universities from restricting students groups’ religious freedoms on college campuses.

The U.S. District Court for the District Court of Columbia on Jan. 15 ruled in favor of Trump’s 2020 “Free Inquiry Rule,” which allows student groups to have leaders who reflect the organization’s beliefs.

The Secular Student Alliance had sued Biden’s Department of Education in 2021 seeking to overturn the rule, arguing it is discriminatory.

“The rule gives religious student clubs the absolute right to use religion to discriminate while still receiving official university recognition and funding,” the alliance previously stated.

“The rule thus undermines the nondiscrimination policies that many colleges and universities have enacted to ensure that clubs don’t reject students from membership or leadership positions on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other protected characteristics.”

The lawsuit had been placed on hold in the courts as the U.S. Department of Education considered revoking the Free Inquiry Rule through the proper administrative channels, but still had not concluded that process at the time of Trump’s reelection.

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Anon that is what college's already teach.
>Anon that is what college's already teach.
It's too late Net & Ya-Hoo....Himmler:"give me the child, and I'll give you the Nazi adult "
Thank fucking God. I remember the Christian clubs at my university were overrun with trannies and faggots that were just showing up to be assholes.
>meanwhile China doesn't allow religion to exist in their schools/colleges/universities
And that's why China will ultimately become superior to the Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville Christains want the US to become.
Good luck in praying that your nonexistent god can stop PRC from raping your financial/industrial/military/security databases because your universities churn out christain retards that don't have the education to prevent that from happening. You could always ask id Software to help, I guess. That in Dallas: the 'Buckle in the Bible Belt'. A company founded by an atheist.
China can only exist off the stolen knowledge and technology of white people.

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