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Olaf Scholz earlier said the Bundestag should decide on additional spending on Ukraine from other sources than the national budget as soon as possible because of an urgent budget situation under paragraph 2 of Article 115 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, said on social network VKontakte.

"Has Germany decided to launch a subtle protest against the new US administration? In any case, this is how Scholz's call to the Bundestag to declare a state of emergency in connection with the situation on the territory of former Ukraine can be interpreted," he wrote.

Medvedev said Scholz’s alarmist statement was actually dictated by two factors: "the desire to extort money under the flag of resentment at the sharp reversal of the course of [US President] Donald Trump in Europe" and "the main thing, the elections to the Bundestag, where the SDP (Social Democratic Party of Germany - TASS) seems to have no chance against the CDU/CSU of [Friedrich] Merz … A disintegrating Ukraine is quite secondary here."

Drawing parallels with the fable by Ivan Krylov The Elephant and The Pug, he illustrated a further course of events.

"The offended German Pug decided to perform its best part of barking loudly at the republican Elephant in the hope of receiving domestic political dividends in the kennel: 'Here! I can do more than just wag my tail, as the head of a huge and very dangerous country figuratively said. I've got my voice back, and sometimes I even bark pugnaciously at the main Elephant. Choose me, not another yard dog. I am now barking on behalf of the entire pan-European kennel!'" he wrote.

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If they want to matter, maybe they could start paying into NATO 10% of what the US does.
But they won't. They never will. They'll just keep crying about the US while depending on them, never willing to put they money where their mouth is.
Wow we're just posting straight up Russian government propaganda now and mods leave it up.
>paying into NATO
>If they want to matter, maybe they could start paying into NATO 10% of what the US does.
Nato is no longer neccessary, as the USSR is gone. New jews chyyyNa just wants to control the world by exporting as many people as possible. India immigrants don't grub after the $ as much as the chyyNese Jewish types
Nato is tool for US MIC Imperialism, and fools like you want Europe to pay for mafia protection racket.


Terminally online "people" are having a meltdown over this.

>“Using his son as a prop. Elon Musk doesn't belong in U.S. government,” one user posted on X.

>“Elon Musk’s son stole the show in the Oval Office today. I love the pro-child message this sends. ‘Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work,’” another user posted.

>“You know Trump believes children are important work. That's why he went down to Epstein's Island so many times - you know, the place where men went to rape underage girls? Yep, important work for Donald,” one user commented.

What do YOU think, /news/? Should a nose-picking child be in the oval office?
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Lmao U SAID really is out of money
Just 48 hours ago
When even a tabloid such as the Daily Star gets it exactly right with such a credibility-obliterating image and that headline, this only demonstrates that here is a child being retarded. then there's that with autism being in the same room made to look inferior by his own son
wait what?

Elon Musk’s Oval Office appearance with President Trump showcased his growing power in Washington, as he spearheads the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). While Musk’s claims of waste resonate with many Americans, his aggressive government cuts, including shuttering USAID and CFPB, face legal challenges. His influence, combined with Trump’s reforms, is politically popular but risks backlash if key agencies like FEMA or the Education Department are targeted. Concerns about Musk’s unchecked power and conflicts of interest persist, despite his claims of transparency. His role could ultimately strengthen or undermine Trump’s administration, depending on the political fallout.

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Oh yeah, I also have a few hundred patents I've bookmarked for inventions that hold poop. When I'm depressed I like to browse all the hundreds of patents I have saved for poop holders, they remind me of elon musk so I spend idk probably 8-10 hours a day browsing old patents for anything that is meant to hold poop and I download a copy of it and put it in my elon folder, and then when I'm depressed thinking about how we have a literal Nazi in office cutting funding to the government, I generally make myself feel better by browsing my folder of poop holding inventions while watching videos showing elon musk on my dual monitor setup, and I imagine what it would be like if elon actually had a poop holder hidden somewhere around him because he is incontinent
Jealousy is a hell of a thing. Maybe you could afford your house and a trip to the doctor if you were 1% as intelligent and hard working as Elon or Trump.
>haha you must be poor if you criticize Elon
When did you become a neoreactionary asshole? Was it recently?
If only I too had a father who already made it rich through exploitation. Then I could be just like Musk and Trump.
>leftist losers hate the people who produce everything and make our lives worth living — and wants more government

Trump and Musk defend actions to overhaul federal government

President Donald Trump appears with Elon Musk in the Oval Office, a rare joint appearance between the Republican commander-in-chief and his most powerful adviser as they defended their actions to slash the federal government.

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that's because you're a shameless faggot
It's liberal who defend and promote faggotry amongst children tho
It said "amongst" instead of "among", so it definitely speaks English as good(sic)as I do
He's also Russian

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KYIV — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to offer Russia a straight-up land exchange to end its three-year war if United States President Donald Trump manages to bring both countries to the negotiating table.

“We will swap one territory for another,” Zelenskyy said in an interview with the Guardian published Tuesday, saying Kyiv would yield part of the Kursk region it has held since its surprise August incursion into Russia.

As for which Russian-occupied areas Ukraine would demand in return, the Ukraine leader refused to be drawn: “I don’t know, we will see. But all our territories are important, there is no priority.”

"Zelensky makes similar statements in order to hide the true scale of the disaster for the Armed Forces in this direction."

Russian forces occupied an additional 3,600 square kilometers of Ukraine's territory last year and now control about 20 percent of the country. Kyiv's troops, by contrast, control about 500 square kilometers in Russia’s far-west Kursk region.


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you can stop talking to yourself now faggot
To be honest I was against annexation initially. Canada becoming a part of the US would give us a sizable amount of shitlibs and not-communists. But they just won't stop fucking crying about how evil America is and threatening us over what was supposed to be a shit-test by Trump.
And then there's the fucking democrats
What kind of ally talks about dumping you the moment geopolitics gets rocky? We spend a lot of money on us to keep them safe and all they do is shove fentanyl down our throats.
None of this shit would've been necessary if they held up their end of the deal.
you're not american
>Russia going into Ukraine,
Fuck off shill. The Obama administration started this war and the Biden administration pulled the trigger on it.
>Zelenskyy proposes to trade land with Putin
Ukraine gets Crimea back, Putin can have Pripyat, and the area it was originally built to serve: Chernobyl.

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California is so mismanaged they stopped paying out insurance claims for the wildfire. They are broke.
The state charges a special tax to all private insurers to fund a state operated home owners insurance provider named FAIR. FAIR has stopped paying out claims to homeowners because they have no money. Peak Democrat policy right here, another wasted useless tax.
California's insurer for people without private coverage needs $1 billion more for LA fires claims

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California's plan that provides insurance to homeowners who can't get private coverage needs $1 billion more to pay out claims related to the Los Angeles wildfires, the state Insurance Department said Tuesday.

The FAIR Plan is an insurance pool that all the major private insurers pay into, and the plan then issues policies to people who can't get private insurance because their properties are deemed too risky to insure. The plans provide high premiums and basic coverage. There were more than 452,000 policies on the Fair Plan in 2024, more than double the number in 2020.

The plan says it's expecting a loss of roughly $4 billion from the Eaton and Palisades Fires, which sparked Jan. 7, destroyed nearly 17,000 structures and killed at least 29 people. Roughly 4,700 claims have been filed as of this week, and the plan has already paid out more than $914 million.

All insurers doing business in California will have to bear half the cost and can pass on the rest to all policyholders in the form of a one-time fee as a percentage of premiums. Insurers can collect that cost in the next two years. The state Insurance Department must approve those costs.

The plan also expects to receive $1.45 billion in reinsurance to help pay out claims.
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Do you have no idea what insurance is?
One year of premiums shield you from risk of loss for the period of one year.

Seriously, are you some type of man-child or something? Are you just perpetually broke and you don't know how the world works?
Honestly, The state brought this on themselves. The actuators at the insurance companies knew this risk was increasing, it was getting worse over time, and it required a greater premium to be charged to shield their customers from risk. the state regulators denied them the ability to raise premiums due to risk predicted by future forecast models (as opposed to models which are purely historic), and this left of the insurer two options: 1) risk insolvency in the case of a large scale loss, or 2) cut losses and leave the market, it wasn't worth the risk.

Turns out they chose option 2, and exactly what they predicted would happen did happen, and now the state is experiencing the results of their own option 1)

This whole thing resulted in essentially the state of California grifting literally everyone involved.. The homeowners made insurance payments but aren't getting reimbursed for loss. The insurance companies who wanted to do business in the state and who would have shielded the homeowners from loss, had to pack up and leave.

This is literally just another example of failed California policies
you're at least saying they should be refunded the last year's premiums.
Everything I read said that the insurance companies had chosen not to renew their policies, which means no, nobody owes anybody money
good fuck californians and newyorkers. I hope they lose everything for voting blue and being domestic terrorists for the past decade

lol, https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/danes-offers-to-buy-california-from-the-us-to-rename-it-new-denmark
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most red states would be literal third world shitholes if it wheren't for blue states giving them gibs
Put your money where your mouth is then, faggot. Sell your ass to Denmark and take all the troons and brownoid leftists with you.
He's right though. Most red states take more federal funding than they give.
Cope. Put your money where your mouth is. See who really dies without the other do it faggot good luck feeding yourself with red state farmland
You can bitch and seethe all you like, anon. Reality doesn’t care.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Wednesday confirmedTulsi Gabbardas President Donald Trump’sdirector of national intelligenceafter Republicans who had initially questioned her experience and judgment fell in line behind her nomination.

Gabbard was an unconventional pick to oversee and coordinate the country’s 18 different intelligence agencies, givenher past comments sympathetic to Russia, a meeting sheheld with now-deposed Syrian President Bashar Assadand her previous support for government leakerEdward Snowden.

Gabbard, a military veteran and former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, was confirmed by a 52-48 vote, with Democrats opposed in the sharply divided Senate where Republicans hold a slim majority. The only “no’ vote from a Republican came from Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

She is the latest high-ranking nomineeto win Senate confirmationas the new administration works to reshape vast portions of the federal government, including the intelligence apparatus.

Staffers at the CIA and other intelligence agencies have receivedbuyout offers, while lawmakers and security experts have raised concerns about Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiencyaccessing databasescontaining information about intelligence operations.
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Cow milk is naturally crystalline so does not have any disease in it.
I love brown women.
Well the Libs went hardcore authoritarian with a fake disease and pushing failed and harmful vaccines. Not just COVID, but measles and polio have proven to cause far more harm than prevent. CDC & WHO were never respected, but now they are just authoritarian mouthpieces pushing propaganda over medical facts and we are not stupid. We notice. Even if it were not harmful, I would still want every vaccine and synthetic medicine stopped until they can be reassessed for dangers, not just for safety but because it would make leftists howl with rage. This is as much about making America healthy as it is about taking our vengeance.
hi shill. you're not american

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Leaders in Europe and Canada have said they will not let Donald Trump's plans to hit their steel and aluminium exports with tariffs go unchallenged.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the move would trigger "firm and proportionate countermeasures" while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also pledged to "stand up for" Canadian workers and businesses.

The comments came after the US president ordered a 25% import tax on all steel and aluminium entering the US, ending previous exemptions for allies including Canada and the EU and marking a major expansion of trade barriers.

Trump said he was "simplifying" the rules and the measures would boost domestic production.

"This is a big deal, the beginning of making America rich again," Trump said, signing the proclamation, which said the measures would come into force on 12 March.

"Our nation requires steel and aluminium to be made in America, not in foreign lands," he added.

The US is the world's largest importer of steel, counting Canada, Brazil and Mexico as its top three suppliers.

Canada alone accounted for more than 50% of aluminium imported into the US last year.

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Is this copypasted from facebook by a human or a bot?
The Spanish Empire was the primary superpower during the birth of the United States and now, for the current time, we're the superpower of the world. However, the more Trump and Musk continue to influence our economy, the international value of the dollar is going to decrease and we too are going to lose that power allowing for the enemies of America to siege the opportunity and take control. You'd want to be speaking Russian or Chinese? I didn't think so.
The minimum wage in California is around $15 currently, but what people forget is that it's different depending on state.
They forget this because they're eurotrash agitators.
what message? american centrism's made you delusional enough to think americans can produce enough to fulfill their own needs lmao.
Find me americans willing to grow crops for 4$ an hour oh wait you're deporting them all, you don't have the manufacturing to produce your own steel and aluminum to be self-sufficient. Lmao fucking retarded country.
Do you know why you have a trade surplus against the world? because americans are global parasites that have a dollar hitched to global trade, you're literally holding the world trade economy hostage then leveraging that into buying stuff on a Tab you'll never pay off.

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In a shocking turn of events, USAID's media funding in Ukraine has been exposed, revealing a sprawling propaganda network funded by American taxpayers. With Trump pulling the plug on this multi-million dollar operation, over 700 media outlets and 6,000 journalists worldwide face an uncertain future. Was this truly about "free media," or a strategic narrative control? Dive deep into the tangled web of disinformation, geopolitical agendas, and the unraveling of Ukraine’s media landscape.

Ukraine’s "independent media", a collection of small regional outlets, muckraking investigative websites and internet news platforms, have been reeling since the USAID announcement, with some organizations saying that they are just weeks away from slashing staff or closing down entirely.

“We risk losing the achievements of three decades of work and increasing threats to Ukraine’s statehood, democratic values, and pro-Western orientation,” Detector Media(fact checker of MI6), a journalism watchdog, said in a statement on its website last week.

Many of these organizations have struggled to make ends meet in the aftermath of Russia’s full-scale invasion three years ago, which caused a drastic drop in advertising revenue and forced them to turn to foreign assistance programs to stay afloat.

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sorry amerishart. you did this same trick in 2003 with Iraq. Not falling for your bullshit again!
>you english wasn't broken
>you english
His English is full of typos and the dude want to criticize someone, the only sarcasm should be his.
Between losing the Kamala shills and now the USAID shills, there won't be any Democrat posters on the Internet that aren't literal discord troons.
Move your ass to the trenches right now, you coward.
I' m pretty sure the UN still has it's squad of Demotroons.


Would /you/ try it?
Why not?

"Two years after treatment, most of the initial improvements in gut symptoms remained. In addition, parents reported a slow, steady reduction of ASD symptoms during treatment and over the next two years. A professional evaluator found a 45% reduction in core ASD symptoms (language, social interaction and behavior) at two years post-treatment compared with before treatment began."
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>Some autistic kids improved their social abilities over 2 years
I would imagine this usually happens to all but the most serious cases in that time. Just because someone is autistic doesn't mean they can't improve their social skills over time.
>Two years after treatment, most of the initial improvements in gut symptoms remained.
This is pretty much the only type of research studying the impact of environmental factors on autism that is allowed because anything else sure as heck isn't going to be federally funded. That's true btw. You can look up the autism research grants yourself.
>In addition, parents reported a slow, steady reduction of ASD symptoms during treatment and over the next two years.
There are no ASD symptoms because ASD is the symptoms. This is similar to saying that a tumor is a cancer symptom.
In passing, both parents and school employees report all the time that ADHD symptoms are reduced once the kid is put on stimulant drugs. However, I'm aware of studies that show that independent observers unaware of the kid's medication status will judge kids as equally severely affected by ADHD regardless of the meds they're on.
>Just because someone is autistic doesn't mean they can't improve their social skills over time.
Reduction in autistic traits amounts to a reduction of autism. Everything else and you're bound to end up with logically incoherent statements like "the autistic guy who doesn't act autistic". There is no ghost in the machine, similarly, there's no autism in the machine.
All autistic kids I know have married parents
Autism doesn't exist, that's the point. It's an elementary category error committed by society to attribute conduct problems to mysterious never proven brain disorders.
The motivation behind that is clearly political and not scientifical.
>Autism doesn't exist,
As someone accused of being 'on the spectrum', I will have to respectfully disagree.
I'm one of them 'high functioning' autists. I'm not some perculiar math genius, I generally CBA, but I do seem better than most at spotting patterns. Something that takes most decades of study I tend to master in less than an hour. There doesn't appear to be a directional limit to this ability. Pick something, I can do it. Or I can learn it, most likely in less than an hour (something a little more complex like a language might take a little longer).

I've obviously posession and proficiency of sufficient diction but my social interactions are ... lacking. Somone who used me as a case study whilst playing with her psychology degree described me as 'socially retarded' - which I kinda like so stole as a descriptive term.

My brain works 'differently' to everyone elses, without even the shadow of a doubt. This is hyper-obvious to me, and generally obvious to most that interact with me for more than a few moments. I cannot possibly label this difference as a 'defect' as my mind clearly works better than most, tho many other may well try to apply such a label. From my perspective, it's y'all that's the defective ones. Almost everything you does fills me with confuddlements.

Yes, I did grow up single parent. I really don't think that impacted. I did also however grow up before there was such diagnosis to be had commonplace, and stick beatings was the general application to non-conformity. Which along with an attitude that regardless of personal comfort experiences must be gained, might explain the little social skills I do have. Had I been born a decade or two later I'd likely of been slapped with a ADHD sticker - which I believe isn't a real condition, possibly other conditions mishandled. Possibly.

>never proven brain disorders.
Proven? debateable. Disorder? I'd intensely argue. All order here. Definitely "different" at the brain level however.

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It's official: The Gulf of Mexico is no more (at least in the United States, anyway).

Workers at the federal Board on Geographic Names have formally changed the name to the Gulf of America per one of President Donald Trump's first executive orders. The change doesn't affect what other countries call it, and Mexico's president has promised to ignore it and asked others to do the same.

Trump on Sunday flew in Air Force 1 over the Gulf while attending the Super Bowl, and declared the day as the "first-ever Gulf of America Day." Traveling with the president, Interior Secretary Doug Burgum shared on social media an official USGS map image showing the new name.

While some U.S agencies immediately began using the new name upon Trump's Jan. 20 order, it's now effective across all the federal government because it's been changed in the centralized Geographic Names Information System.

Google has also updated its maps. Apple ignored a request for comment for whether it would honor the change, and had not swapped in the new name by 5 p.m. on Monday.

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo joked that she's going to start calling the United States "Mexican America" in retaliation. International practice is to use whatever place name is preferred by the country a specific geographic feature belongs to, but the gulf touches Mexico, the United States, Cuba and several other island nations.

There is precedent for different names for the same places: A contested chain off islands off the coast of South America is known by the British as the Falkland Islands, while Argentina, which also claims the islands, calls them the Islas Malvinas. Argentina invaded the islands in 1982, sparking a vicious two-month battle won by the British.
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What a complete waste of time. It means absolutely nothing.
In the rest of the World, it's still the Gulf of Mexico and always will be

The Canadian's should change the name of the Gulf of Alaska to it's proper name.. The Gulf of Canada
If their services are so important, it should be handled by the private sector. The profit motive is the ultimate insurer of efficiency.
>The profit motive is the ultimate insurer of efficiency.
lol no. It only encourages cut corners in pursuit of profit.
It's the Gulf of Mexico to most Americans too.
Efficiency in making profit, not in providing that service.
The government's purpose is to serve it's people. The private sector's purpose is to serve itself.
>b-but corruption!
That doesn't mean anything. Private business can also be corrupt and often is. The difference is that when/if a government is functioning properly, it's serving us, while the private sector is serving itself no matter what.

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Nudge nudge, wink wink.
On Monday, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth issued a memorandum changing the base's name once again, this time to Fort Roland L. Bragg.
Dropping the name of a Confederate leader, Fort Bragg is becoming Fort Liberty
Bragg, a private first class with the 17th Airborne Division, isn't exactly a household name. The DoD describes him as a "World War II hero who earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for his exceptional courage during the Battle of the Bulge."

Johnny Reb confederate General Braxton Bragg is not much to brag about, and is is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Most of the battles he engaged in ended in defeat. Bragg was extremely unpopular with both the officers and ordinary men under his command, who criticized him for numerous perceived faults, including poor battlefield strategy. The losses suffered by Bragg's forces are cited as highly consequential to the ultimate defeat of the Confederate States of America

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>They still called it Fort Bragg, we should always call it Fort Bragg
>ACTUALLY, it's the Gulf of AMERICA now, and Mount MCKINNLEY!
>wealth worship
brown behavior.
Here's a reddit-tier meme video that nails exactly how we feel about the name change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqfbesxxz2Y
Libs won’t exist in a few decades. They’ll all have been deported to the camps.
so you're telling us elon and trump will kill themselves in a bunker in a few years

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People's Deputy from the Servant of the People David Arakhamia, at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, commenting on the introduction of the National Day of Prayer, instead of the word "belated" said "zapisdala(pizda = vulgar for Vagina)", which caused laughter among colleagues. The corresponding video was published on social networks on Wednesday, February 12.

The MP, not having a perfect control of the Ukrainian language, tried to say that the parliamentarians were late with the initiative, but called him a "liar", which made the deputies laugh.

"The initiative has fizzled out a bit," said Arakhamia and continued his speech, despite the laughter in the audience.

That's Jewkraine you EAASLer dyslexic

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A Russian held in a U.S. prison will be repatriated to Russia following the release of U.S. citizen Marc Fogel, who was returned to the United States on Tuesday, Moscow said.

"In exchange for Fogel, a Russian citizen imprisoned in the United States will be returned to Russia in the coming days," Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, said on Wednesday.

With an American flag draped over his shoulders, Marc Fogel, the American "teacher" freed from a Russian prison, arrived at the White House on Tuesday night and was welcomed by President Donald Trump.

Fogel, 63, had been serving a 14-year prison sentence in a Russian prison colony after being arrested in 2021 on drug charges.

"I am not a hero," Fogel said, addressing reporters from the White House. "President Donald Trump is a hero."

At times overcome with emotion, Fogel thanked his family -- including his 95-year-old mother, who pleaded his case to Trump at a campaign rally last year.

He also thanked President Putin, who played a key role in negotiating Fogel's release.

But trading prisoners with Russia is a bad thing (when Democrats do it).
>In exchange for Fogel, a Russian citizen imprisoned in the United States will be returned to Russia
US gets a teacher, Russia gets their spy


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