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Elon Musk’s Daughter Fires Back After He Says She Was ‘Killed’ By ‘Woke Mind Virus’
Vivian Wilson, who legally changed her name and gender after her 18th birthday, took to Threads to say that her father is distorting the facts around her transition
JULY 25, 2024 1:56PM EDT


In a disjointed two-hour conversation streamed live on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk discussed topics ranging from Christian imagery to the “carnivore diet.” But it was Musk’s comments about his estranged trans daughter, Vivian Wilson — whom he deadnamed and misgendered repeatedly — that caused the biggest stir.

Now, Wilson, 20, has started to tell her side of the story.

Musk had painted himself as a victim of Wilson’s gender transition and legal name change (she took the surname of her mother, Justine Wilson, in 2022), claiming that he had been “tricked” into signing paperwork that allowed Vivian to go on puberty blockers. Referring to Wilson with male pronouns and by her birth name, Musk lamented that his “son” had been “killed” by “the woke mind virus,” admitting that this family affair inspired his turn toward far-right politics in recent years.
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Conservative head cannon is wild.
Troonbot headcannon is wild
I thought so too
Those two psychopaths deserve each other.

Gab founder claims Trump gunman had account on platform—and replied to Catturd
The claim could not be immediately verified.
Photo of Marlon Ettinger Marlon Ettinger Tech
Posted on Jul 24, 2024

Updated on Jul 24, 2024, 5:01 pm CDT

Listen to the article now
Audio by Carbonatix

Andrew Torba, the founder of alt-social media site Gab, claimed on Wednesday that the site “learned” that the attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks posted on his site.

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I agree!
Good post.
why would literally anybody who wasn't racist use gab
nah, you are just mad because you are a dickless tranny and you can't get your dick back

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Far-right National Security Minister MK Itamar Ben-Gvir endorsed former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in an interview with Bloomberg published on Wednesday.

“I believe that with Trump, Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran," Ben Gvir said in the interview. "With Trump, it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated,” he said.
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Like the modern Chinese, Israel studied and learned from the best. You'd think Europeans would be prouder.
and that is why I'm voting for Harris.
Trump: "America should OBLITERATE Iran, wipe it off the face of the Earth"
"If they do 'assassinate President Trump,' which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth — If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered 'gutless' cowards!" he wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Trump made the remarks alongside a brief video of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu bringing up alleged Iranian plots against Trump in his address to the US Congress on Wednesday.
Ask Forrestal, Kennedy, and McCarthy

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US VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris has signalled a shift on US Gaza policy, telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seal a peace deal and insisting she would not be “silent” on the suffering in Gaza.

Ripping up outgoing President Joe Biden’s playbook of mostly behind-the-scenes pressure on Israel, the vice president said after meeting Netanyahu that it was time to end the “devastating” war.

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time,” Harris told reporters.

“We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”

The 59-year-old — now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee after Biden said over the weekend he would not stand in November’s election — said she pressed Netanyahu on the dire situation in the “frank” meeting.

She said she “expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians”.

“And I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there.”

Biden, for his part, held Oval Office talks with Netanyahu and called on him to swiftly “finalize” a deal on a Gaza ceasefire and the release of hostages, and “reach a durable end to the war in Gaza,” according to a White House readout of the meeting.

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Harris’s comments were a stark contrast to the largely amiable greetings between Biden and Netanyahu earlier in the day, even if it masked months of tensions between the two men as well as questions over the US president’s relevance

“From a proud Zionist Jew to a proud Zionist Irish American, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said in tribute to Biden at the start of the Oval Office meeting

Harris has been more outspoken on Gaza in the past than Biden and there had been speculation that she could adopt a tougher approach on Israel. Officials earlier denied there is any “daylight” between her and the president

The White House meetings come a day after the Israeli premier gave a fiery speech to the US Congress in which he vowed “total victory” against Hamas

Biden and Netanyahu later met the families of US hostages held in Gaza, who said they hoped for a possible new ceasefire proposal in coming days

“We feel probably more optimistic than we have since the first round of releases in late November,” Jonathan DekelChen, the father of American hostage Sagui DekelChen, told reporters after the meeting

Protesters chanted slogans outside a ring of metal barriers erected around the White House, following rowdy protests during Netanyahus speech to lawmakers

While Biden has kept military aid flowing to Israel since Hamas’s 7 October attacks, relations with Netanyahu have been deeply strained by Israel’s conduct during the war and suspicions that he may be stalling on a deal

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>talks tough
>does nothing
>arms still flowing to Israel
>gaza gets crumbs
Wow! Go off kween!

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Monday was recorded as the hottest day ever globally, beating a record set the day before, as countries around the world from Japan to Bolivia to the United States continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

Provisional satellite data published by Copernicus on Wednesday showed that Monday broke the previous day’s record by 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.1 degree Fahrenheit).

Climate scientists say it’s plausible that this is the warmest it has been in 120,000 years because of human-caused climate change. While scientists cannot be certain that Monday was the very hottest day throughout that period, average temperatures have not been this high since long before humans developed agriculture.

But it’s a difficult determination to make, said University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, because data from tree-rings, corals and ice cores don’t go that far back globally.

The temperature rise in recent decades is in line with what climate scientists projected would happen if humans kept burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate.

“We are in an age where weather and climate records are frequently stretched beyond our tolerance levels, resulting in insurmountable loss of lives and livelihoods,” Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.

“Deaths from high temperatures show how catastrophic it is not to take stronger action on cutting CO2,” which is the main heat-trapping gas, Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald said in an email.

Copernicus’ preliminary data shows the global average temperature Monday was 17.15 degrees Celsius (62.87 degrees Fahrenheit).

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It was the hottest day on earth ever RECORDED, not of all time. I swear a lot of you faggots on this board never read past the headline.
>hmmmm whats more pressing
>the total extinction of human life on earth, or some nigs starving
This time your dishonesty is in implying that
1. Climate change isn't a bullshit hoax to psyop the middle class into making even more sacrifices
2. That the economy being completely shit only affects third worlders

Impressive. Are you paid to be this dishonest?
Trump said climate change was a Chinese hoax created to hurt the US economy. He'd never lie about something like that, fuck China

this is why I always vote in every election and always vote straight ticket republican
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>>get thoroughly btfo'd
>>pretend to be bored
I bet this makes you furious huh. Here, take my concession. You won, you beat me. Does that help? Didn't think so. You're boring.
thanks for your concession. how does it feel to be so stupid you can't articulate an argument after you have been thoroughly humiliated? must hurt to know you can't even shill well
Not really
Get that last reply faggot, that'll help you save face on an anonymous image board for sure
Let's see, nope it didn't do that either. Wow you're bad at this

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Barbie has announced two new additions to its growing line of diverse and inclusive dolls: a blind Barbie and the first Black Barbie with Down syndrome.

Mattel announced the two new dolls on Tuesday as part of Barbie's 2024 Fashionistas Line, an inclusive range of dolls with over 175 varieties of skin tone, eye color, hair color and texture, body types, disabilities and fashions.
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Transgender Barbie comes with the Girls' Locker Room playset, accessories sold separately.
Being chuck full of disease and illness is not a good thing and shouldn't be glorified or promoted. Tongue my anus
>Black Barbie with Down syndrome.
Weird choice considering the DEI homos want to kill all Down syndrome babies.
Then again, no one ever accused extremists of having common sense.
I heard it comes with an AR-15, a raging hate for whites and Christians, and a few little kids with blow apart action.
It makes sense when you understand theyre marketing to investors not customers. The more victim group boxes they can check, the more their DEI score goes up, and the more (((investor))) cash gets shoveled their way. Line goes up.

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>2-person relay teams
>each of the top 3 teams had a male cyclist


Transgender athletes won first, second and third place at a recent women’s cycling competition held in Washington.

The annual Marymoor Grand Prix kicked off on Friday at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome with at least three transgender athletes taking part in a 2-person relay of the Elite Women’s division.

According to results made available on Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome’s website, the top three teams each had one biological male. They included Jordan Lothrop, Jenna Lingwood and Eva Lin.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome for comment.

Lingwood, who placed second, was previously referenced in an amicus brief filed by Hannah Arensman, a 35-time winner on the national cyclocross circuit, to the Supreme Court in 2023. Arensman revealed that she had retired from cycling after being forced to compete with Lingwood and another transgender athlete.
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>t. mindbroken trooncel
based, keep up the good work
>everybody who isn't a newfag from r*ddit is a tranny
nice cope
Hi samefag. No one likes you or thinks your insanity is good work.
>democrat shills when someone else posts something that isnt propaganda

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Longtime 97 Rock DJ “Slick Tom” Tiberi was fired after he reposted a meme on social media that showed former President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin lying in side-by-side coffins with text that wished for their deaths.

Tiberi said he shared the “edgy” and “dark-humored” image on his personal Facebook page before the attempt on Trump’s life earlier this month and took down the post soon afterward.

But he said “far-right” users of Facebook and other sites successfully orchestrated a campaign to press Cumulus Media, the owner of the radio station, to fire Tiberi. He learned of the company’s decision on July 16 and shared the news with his Facebook followers last week.

“I upset a small group of people and they blew it out of proportion and took it out of context – misrepresented me. And the company folded under the pressure,” Tiberi said in an interview Monday. “And that’s just the way it happens these days.”
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I am American but I know how inflation works unlike you.
>i have no principles when it's my side doing the oppression
Thats not even close to what was said. If strawmanning is the best 'argument' your porn addicted brain can come up with, its no wonder your side resorts to terrorism so much. Sad!

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The New Jersey senator had been chairman of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee before he was charged with accepting bribes on behalf of Egypt and Qatar.

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., will resign next month after he was found guilty on all 16 counts in a federal bribery and corruption trial.

Menendez officially informed Gov. Phil Murphy of his decision in a letter Tuesday.

"This is to advise you that I will be resigning from my office as the United States Senator from New Jersey, effective on the close of business on August 20, 2024," Menendez said in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News.

He said he chose that date to "give time for my staff to transition to other possibilities, transfer constituent files that are pending, allow for an orderly process to choose an interim replacement, and for me to close out my Senate affairs."

Murphy, a Democrat, said in a statement that he’d received the letter and that he will “exercise my duty to make a temporary appointment to the United States Senate to ensure the people of New Jersey have the representation they deserve.”

Two sources familiar with the matter said earlier Tuesday that Menendez had informed some of his staff members of his plans. The New Jersey Globe first reported his departure date.

As NBC News first reported last week, Menendez had begun telling allies in calls that he would step down from the Senate after a jury convicted him on July 16 of accepting bribes, including gold bars and cash, for official actions to benefit Qatar and Egypt. He is set to be sentenced Oct. 29 and has vowed to appeal.

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remember when the brandon/harris admin did not force illegals and "refugees" to get the jab but did make them take horse paste?
democrats and only democrats take bribes
good post
That depends, how many jabs in are you?
Vaccine induced myocarditis IS a real thing. Myocarditis can be caused by an overreaction of your immune system and vaccines are designed to cause immune system reactions so your body remembers the threat and prevents you from getting diseases later.

Pretty much all vaccines, including the ones for COVID, list myocarditis as a possible side effect just like Bell's palsy (another overreaction of the immune system) for that reason.

That you're talking with a fuckwit doesn't mean you have to deny reality.

On a very related note, COVID causes myocarditis at a much higher rate than vaccines. You know...cause diseases trigger greater immune system responses than vaccines.

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Donald Trump slammed Fox News on Tuesday for inviting Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz onto their program, where he said the Republican Party was “stuck with Donald Trump.”
“Why did Fox News put up Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, where I am leading? They make me fight battles that I shouldn’t have to fight!” the former president wrote in a post on Truth Social.

Walz hit back on X that Trump “knows nothing about rural America” and will lose “Minnesota. And Wisconsin. And Michigan. And Pennsylvania.”
A Fox News spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from POLITICO.

Minnesota has not gone for a Republican for president since Richard Nixon in 1972, but Trump has become fixated on the idea that he can flip the state to expand his map. He lost Minnesota to Hillary Clinton in 2016 with a close 2-point margin — one that President Joe Biden only widened in 2020.
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I agree
lol nigga wut??
>where he said the Republican Party was “stuck with Donald Trump.”
The idea of Republicans electing their leader in primaries and then sticking with said elected leader confuses the Democrat.
>working hard manual labor
>Jimmy Carter built affordable homes, involved in actual hard manual labor until he was too old to continue
Has Trump ever put on overalls, hard hat and gotten his hands dirty in working hard in being physically involved in the construction of any of his buildings?
>down to earth christian conservative who values law and order and an intact family unit
Jiust like anything said by that vile immoral orange subhuman, retarded opinions such as yours only have the right to be destroyed.


A Russian man has been arrested in France on suspicion of plotting acts of "destabilisation" during the Paris Olympics, prosecutors have said.

Local media reports that a 40-year-old man was arrested on Sunday and an investigation opened into the possible passing of "intelligence to a foreign power in order to arouse hostilities in France".

The alleged plot is not believed to have been for a terror attack.

It comes just days before the games get under way, with the opening ceremony set to take place in central Paris on Friday.

Prosecutors said a search had been carried out at the man's Paris apartment at the request of the French interior ministry.

A source close to the investigation told Le Parisien agents had discovered evidence that suggested the man was preparing "pro-Russian operations" to destabilise France during the games.

Another source said the alleged plot was a "large-scale project" that could have had "serious" consequences.

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Pathetically transparent samefag. Theyre not sending their best anymore. Quite frankly, im insulted!
What other phrases do you come with?
*pulls your string*
So true!

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Elon Musk is not spending $45 million a month to elect former President Donald Trump, though he has created a new super political action committee (PAC) to fund the Republican candidate, the billionaire told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson during an interview Monday evening.

During the interview, which was hosted on Musk’s platform, X, Peterson asked Musk if he had “shocked” himself by donating a substantial amount of money to Trump’s campaign. Musk – who has previously criticized Trump, calling him a “bull in a china shop” – paused to correct the “media.”

“What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,” Musk said. “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”

The Wall Street Journal first reported on the claim, citing sources “familiar with the matter.” The outlet has not yet issued a retraction or follow-up article altering its reporting.

Musk did note that he created a super PAC, called the America PAC, to help support Trump. A super PAC is a group that can raise unlimited amounts of money for a campaign’s independent expenditures—such as for ads, or for day-to-day operations— but doesn’t donate directly to the campaign. They have become prominent among both Democrats and Republicans since a 2010 D.C. appeals court decision that authorized the existence of the super PACS. For a normal PAC, donors are limited to gifts of only $5,000 a year.

Several tech company leaders have donated to America PAC, including Ken Howery, an early executive at Paypal along with Musk, Antonio Gracias, a private-equity leader, Sequoia Capital’s Shuan Maguire, and the Winklevoss twins.

The super PAC is also led in part by Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software company Palantir and politically ambitious venture capitalist in Austin who is close to Musk, according to the New York Times.

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>openly declaring intent to persecute your political opponents and their supporters
>equating an election to a coup
Woooow imagine the outrage if the roles were reversed. *roll eyes*
Trump opened the door to this, so you can't complain.
>Trump opened the door to this
A witty comeback during a debate means you're allowed to engage in politically motivated prosecution of your political opponents?

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JD Vance ignited uproar from a particularly vocal fanbase on the internet this week, as some Taylor Swift fans say the Republican VP nominee might "need to calm down" after a video resurfaced of him slamming childless women who own cats.

"Hell hath no fury like a certain childless cat lady who has yet to endorse a presidential candidate," one X user posted in response to Vance's prior comments, which have recirculated after he and Vice President Kamala Harris have emerged as opponents on the 2024 presidential campaign trail.

Resurrected footage, shared Monday by the editor-in-chief of MeidasTouch Network, shows Vance on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in 2021, criticizing multiple Democratic figures as "childless cat ladies" and saying people without children don't have a "direct stake" in America's future. Vance made the TV appearance while he was running for the Ohio senate seat he eventually won.

The video had more than 25 million views on X as of Wednesday and Vance's "childless cat ladies" comments had sparked an uproar from Swiftie fans and beyond.

Swift, who endorsed now-President Joe Biden and Harris back in 2020, has not yet endorsed anyone for president in 2024.

"When it hits you that Taylor Swift is childless and has cats... The armageddon is coming for him," one X user posted Tuesday night.

Another user posted: "Vance attacked childless women who love cats. Taylor Swift would probably like a word. Release the kraken (meowww)."

One fan suggested she use his comments "right back at him" if she were to endorse Harris, while another lobbied for Swift-inspired "Democratic fundraising merch."

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Top kek at 1320836
Weird extremist rightist that needs to be on /news/ is what gives it away
I'm not right wing though, samefag.
>poster IDs in a certain board
Curious how 'samefag' doesn't exist in that board. Gee, I wonder why...?
They should wonder why I'm not opposed to post IDs added to /news/.
>childless cat ladies angry about vance's childless cat lady comment prove vance correct

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In a virtual event last week that was billed as a “Latino Town Hall,” presidential candidate and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. unveiled his plan to overhaul addiction treatment programs. Speaking during a live recording of the Latino Capitalist podcast, Kennedy described opioid, antidepressant, and ADHD “addicts” receiving treatment on tech-free “wellness farms,” where they would spend as much as three or four years growing organic produce.


How to pay for these farms? Kennedy had an answer. With money generated through a sales tax on cannabis products, Kennedy said, “I’m going to dedicate that revenue to creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country,” he said. “I’m going to make it so people can go, if you’re convicted of a drug offense, or if you have a drug problem, you can go to one of these places for free.”

On the farms, he said, residents would grow their own organic food—which would help them recover from addiction, “because a lot of the behavioral issues are food related. A lot of the illnesses are food related.” The idea that addiction is connected to consuming non-organic food is not backed by robust science—but it’s in line with many other unfounded claims that Kennedy has made in the past about pesticides and non-organic food causing chronic disease, behavioral problems, and autism.

Cell phones and other screens, he said, would be prohibited. “We’re going to re-parent people and restore connection to community,” he promised. “We have a whole generation of kids who are dispossessed, they’re alienated, their marginalized, their suicide rates are exploding; the second largest killer for young people is drug addiction.” Kennedy has suggested in the past that 5G cell phone technology could cause health problems.

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Every congressman has an AIPAC guy that has to approve everything they say
Liberals think libertarian literally means cartoon villian style CEOs of corporations running the government and there are weekly Purge events without any rule of law
And that moron Trump who thinks for a moment that a single Democrat could possibly vote for Kennedy :')
The jewish vote has abandoned you. Democrats will pay for stalling arms shipments to Israel in her time of need. Know your place.

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