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Donald Trump's healing well after the attempt on his life, 'cause he's not wearing the bandage on his ear anymore -- and, frankly ... it's still a bit of a mystery if he got hit at all.

The ex-Prez sat down for an audience with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Friday ... and, pics are now circulating of his uncovered right ear -- and, ya gotta see them 'cause there's seemingly no lasting damage. That, or he's healed up in record time.

Check out the photos for yourself ... it's obviously not taken right next to the ear, but there's no major scarring/scabbing to see -- surprising given his former doctor Ronny Jackson told a couple interviewers the bullet blew off part of his ear, so you'd expect some damage.

Speaking of Trump's doctor ... Jackson provided another update on Trump's condition ... and, directly contradicted FBI Director Christopher Wray.

He says there's no evidence to suggest Trump was hit with shrapnel instead of a bullet like Director Wray claimed in his testimony to Congress earlier this week ... calling Wray's comments totally out of line.

As we told you ... immediately after the shooting, a source who had spoken to the Secret Service told us a piece of glass had broken off something and cut Trump's ear -- at least, it was one possibility the Service was looking into.

But, Jackson's convinced a bullet grazed the president ... yet, no lasting damage to his ear as far as these photos go -- which certainly won't stop people online from speculating on what hit Trump during the terrifying shooting.

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good posts
>leftists going full Alex Jones after their first conspiracy about it "not being a bullet that hit Trump" was thoroughly debunked by the FBI

I haven't seen delusional cope like this from the left since 2016

Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, has sued the Biden administration over a longstanding federal program that provides teenagers access to contraception without parental consent, the state’s latest attack against the federal government’s reproductive healthcare policies.

“This suit is likely a preview of where the Texas GOP – and national Republicans – stand on attacking contraception access,” says Mary Ziegler, a professor at University of California, Davis, School of Law and reproductive health expert. “While Republicans say they don’t want to take aim at contraception, this is another sign that this is actually where we’re headed.”

Title X, created in 1970, offers comprehensive family planning and preventive health care services for low-income and uninsured residents. Texas is among a handful of states that require parental consent before a teenager can get birth control – but Title X-funded contraception was the exception. Under the program, minors can receive contraception confidentially.

Texas has the highest repeat teen birth rate and one of strictest abortion bans in the US.

In 2022, US district judge Matthew Kacsmaryk dealt a blow to Title X when he ruled that the program denied Texas father Alexander Deanda’s “fundamental right to control and direct the upbringing of his minor children”. Texas now stands as the only state that requires Title X-funded clinics to mandate parental consent before granting teens birth control.

An appeals court largely upheld Kacsmaryk’s decision in March, finding that Title X does not supersede Texas parental rights law, but left in place a Title X rule that explicitly forbids clinics from requiring parental consent before providing services.

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This is far from the first time Texas leaders have taken aim at the Biden administration’s reproductive health protections. In 2022, Paxton sued the federal government over rules seeking to protect hospitals and doctors providing emergency abortion care. The state ultimately secured an injunction from a Trump-appointee district judge in Lubbock, in a ruling upheld by the Fifth Circuit. And last year, Paxton filed suit challenging federal guidance that directed pharmacies to fill prescriptions for abortion medication.

The lawsuit comes amid a broader national push from the right-wing to strengthen so-called “parental rights,” in areas including education and gender-affirming care for LGBTQ+ students. Critics and educators say conservatives are using the term “parents’ rights” as a guise to advance a far-right agenda.

“The GOP has focused on the parental rights strategy to gain influence and control in schools and other areas of life,” says Ziegler. “Here, parental rights are used to strike up fear and create a stigma that contraception is dangerous for minors.”
Ken Paxton looks like a priest that gets moved around a lot.
Republicans are just evil. It's even a caricature of what you'd imagine an evil organization to look like in a novel.
I thought so too


>'Nuclear fusion prototype will be 'UK's Nasa moment'

A nuclear fusion energy plant being built in Nottinghamshire has been described as the "UK's Nasa moment" as it races to become the first of its type in the world.

The experimental work, based at the decommissioned West Burton A power station near Retford, is aimed at creating a new energy source.

The project, called Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP), was showcased at a launch event on Tuesday in Gainsborough, just over the border in Lincolnshire.

Nuclear fusion recreates the same process that powers the sun and if plans are approved, backers said the project was expected to be constructed by 2040.
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>just make 50 new nuclear power plants bro
>don't worry about not having a permanent place to store the spent fuel rods
>just dump it in the ocean
>dig up spicy rocks
>recycle them until they become no longer useful
>put them back when you're done with them
holy shit bros I cracked the code
>umad brooo?
Not an argument.
put them back where?
...and all part of Prime Minister Starmer's Clean Energy plan. King Charles agrees, don't bother him about it.
Once it works, those who created STEP can have exclusive licencing rights to the design that the US can buy, thus making fission obsolete. It'll be cheaper too. And infinitely safer.

MEXICO CITY, July 25 – Mexican drug kingpin Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, the co-founder of the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel, is in U.S. custody, two sources familiar with the operation told Reuters on Thursday.

Zambada founded the Sinaloa Cartel along with now-jailed drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, and he faces a litany of indictments for crimes relating to drug trafficking and organized crime in the United States.

U.S. federal prosecutors in February charged Zambada with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute fentanyl, which U.S. officials say is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.

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Meanwhile Trump let the cartels run free as an excuse to start a war with Mexico.
Yes, and all theyve done is drive up prices, now the poor junkies will have less money for food. You monster.
That's a nice start. Let's invade Mexico and finish off the rest.
They just dimed out the boomer so young guys could take over the cartel

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US VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris has signalled a shift on US Gaza policy, telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seal a peace deal and insisting she would not be “silent” on the suffering in Gaza.

Ripping up outgoing President Joe Biden’s playbook of mostly behind-the-scenes pressure on Israel, the vice president said after meeting Netanyahu that it was time to end the “devastating” war.

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time,” Harris told reporters.

“We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”

The 59-year-old — now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee after Biden said over the weekend he would not stand in November’s election — said she pressed Netanyahu on the dire situation in the “frank” meeting.

She said she “expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians”.

“And I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there.”

Biden, for his part, held Oval Office talks with Netanyahu and called on him to swiftly “finalize” a deal on a Gaza ceasefire and the release of hostages, and “reach a durable end to the war in Gaza,” according to a White House readout of the meeting.

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Harris’s comments were a stark contrast to the largely amiable greetings between Biden and Netanyahu earlier in the day, even if it masked months of tensions between the two men as well as questions over the US president’s relevance

“From a proud Zionist Jew to a proud Zionist Irish American, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said in tribute to Biden at the start of the Oval Office meeting

Harris has been more outspoken on Gaza in the past than Biden and there had been speculation that she could adopt a tougher approach on Israel. Officials earlier denied there is any “daylight” between her and the president

The White House meetings come a day after the Israeli premier gave a fiery speech to the US Congress in which he vowed “total victory” against Hamas

Biden and Netanyahu later met the families of US hostages held in Gaza, who said they hoped for a possible new ceasefire proposal in coming days

“We feel probably more optimistic than we have since the first round of releases in late November,” Jonathan DekelChen, the father of American hostage Sagui DekelChen, told reporters after the meeting

Protesters chanted slogans outside a ring of metal barriers erected around the White House, following rowdy protests during Netanyahus speech to lawmakers

While Biden has kept military aid flowing to Israel since Hamas’s 7 October attacks, relations with Netanyahu have been deeply strained by Israel’s conduct during the war and suspicions that he may be stalling on a deal

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>talks tough
>does nothing
>arms still flowing to Israel
>gaza gets crumbs
Wow! Go off kween!
Title: Suspicions about the Democratic Party in the Case of Human Trafficking in Argentina**

Amid the commotion over the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, a five-year-old boy in Corrientes, disturbing rumors arise that link the Democratic Party of the United States with alleged cases of human trafficking in Argentina. The child was last seen on June 13 in the El Algarrobal area, and the investigation, which has led to the arrest of six people, now faces new and dark accusations.

The 145 line, in charge of receiving complaints about human trafficking and exploitation, has registered an alarming increase in complaints in recent years. In 2024, 812 complaints have been recorded, of which 121 are related to the exploitation of minors. While the Justice Department investigates the possible connection of Loan's case with the crime of trafficking, theories have been presented that involve foreign political figures.

In this context, Michelle Obama's recent visit to Argentina, where she participated in various social and cultural activities, is recalled. Some critics have begun to question whether these visits by influential personalities could be related to exploitation networks in the country. Although there is no concrete evidence linking the former first lady to the Loan case, the coincidence of her presence in the country with the increase in complaints has raised suspicions.

The prosecutors in the case, Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo, have declared that they are facing a possible crime of human trafficking and have requested the intervention of the Office of the Prosecutor for Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons. Concern for the safety of children in Argentina is at its highest point, and the community demands clear and forceful answers.

Authorities urge the population to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Line 145. The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña has set off an alarm in the country,

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**Title: Suspicions about the Democratic Party in the Case of Human Trafficking in Argentina**

Amid the commotion over the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, a five-year-old boy in Corrientes, disturbing rumors arise that link the Democratic Party of the United States with alleged cases of human trafficking in Argentina. The child was last seen on June 13 in the El Algarrobal area, and the investigation, which has led to the arrest of six people, now faces new and dark accusations.

The 145 line, in charge of receiving complaints about human trafficking and exploitation, has registered an alarming increase in complaints in recent years. In 2024, 812 complaints have been recorded, of which 121 are related to the exploitation of minors. While the Justice Department investigates the possible connection of Loan's case with the crime of trafficking, theories have been presented that involve foreign political figures.

In this context, Michelle Obama's recent visit to Argentina, where she participated in various social and cultural activities, is recalled. Some critics have begun to question whether these visits by influential personalities could be related to exploitation networks in the country. Although there is no concrete evidence linking the former first lady to the Loan case, the coincidence of her presence in the country with the increase in complaints has raised suspicions.

The prosecutors in the case, Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo, have declared that they are facing a possible crime of human trafficking and have requested the intervention of the Office of the Prosecutor for Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons. Concern for the safety of children in Argentina is at its highest point, and the community demands clear and forceful answers.

Authorities urge the population to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Line 145. The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña has set off an alarm in the country,
Whu don't Republicans ever try to tone down the rhetoric?
I thought so too
Updating list of spam threads by the ban evading /pol/ppet spammer.

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I don't know sir, but I do know that the Democrats buy children here and drink their blood in rituals.

If the numbers stay its unironically jover. brandon won 87% of blacks
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Is the boyfriend still around to take care of you?
the fact that if dems thought they could win they wouldn't be running fucking harris. a rostie so hated she got btfo'd in the 2020 primary
>reddit spacing
trump was convicted in a kangaroo court on fake charges. where as rapes are up in nyc, crime is up overall and dems just let blacks force feed people shit on the subway and then go home on cashless bail
You seem really interested in this boyfriend. You looking for one?
Trump lost

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20-year-old Grace Rohloff was hiking the Half Dome Mountain at Yosemite with her father Jonathan. The weather forecast had said there would be clear that day, but as they approached the peak, it started to rain.

So they started to descend the mountain, but it's very steep and became slippery because of the rain. Grace slipped off and fell to her death.

>another missing white bitch
Wooooow, image if the races were reversed. *le sigh*

Reminder that Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel.


Former President Trump claimed Friday that conflicts in the Middle East could escalate into a third World War if he loses the 2024 election.

The Republican nominee for president made those remarks as he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort home. Netanyahu traveled to Florida to meet with Trump after meeting with President Biden and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, in Washington, D.C., earlier this week, following his address Wednesday to a joint session of Congress.

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump told reporters Harris is "worse" on Middle East issues and claimed Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza could expand into a wider regional conflict if she succeeds Biden, who announced Sunday he would not seek re-election.

"We'll see how it goes. But if it all works out, if we win, it'll be very simple. It's all going to work out. And very quickly," Trump said. "If we don't, you're going to end up with major wars in the Middle East. And maybe a third World War. You are closer to a third World War right now than at any time since the Second World War. We've never been so close because we have incompetent people running the country."
And thats a good thing!

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) apologized to Diet Mountain Dew at a press conference Thursday after criticizing Republican vice presidential candidate and Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R) for “weird” comments involving the drink.

“Folks, I’ve been a person that when sometimes I’ve gone over the line, I’ve wanted to make sure that I set the record straight, so, I do owe an apology to Diet Mountain Dew,” Beshear said at the press conference.

Beshear’s apology comes after he went after Vance for comments he made about Diet Mountain Dew at a Monday rally in Ohio. The Kentucky Governor has recently been among a few names being floated as possible vice presidential picks for Vice President Harris, and he has been targeting Vance over his connections to the Appalachian region.

When talking about voter identification at the rally, Vance said Democrats “say it’s racist to do anything.”

“I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday, and one today, I’m sure they’re gonna call that racist too but — it’s good,” Vance said.

In response to Vance’s comments, Beshear said they were “weird” in an interview on CNN Monday and questioned, “Who drinks Diet Mountain Dew?”

At his press conference Thursday, Beshear said he doesn’t “believe that government should be making your decisions.”

“So if you enjoy Diet Mountain Dew, you be you, we wanna support you,” Beshear continued. “And, to Diet Mountain Dew, very sorry, didn’t mean to say negative things about you.”

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In an emailed statement to The Hill, a spokesperson for the Vance campaign said that the Kentucky governor “is an out of touch elitist who grew up with a silver spoon.”

“His wealthy lawyer/politician daddy, secured him his first job out of law school at the law firm he was partners at, and then went on to basically gift his son his political career,” Taylor Van Kirk continued. “Beshear will never relate to working-people in the heartland because he had everything handed to him and never had to struggle.”
He, a communist, anti-capitalist, antifascist savior of all that is right Democrat, did apologize.
...to a brand of soda.
In fact, one could even say that this was completely made up, like Kamala being appointed borderczar which never happened.
Correct. Kamala was never appointed as border czar
"Do not cum"
"Do not cum"
I came though.
Diet soda is vile. Mountain Dew is already low-tier soda, but when you remove the high fructose corn syrup, you may as well be drinking piss.

Elon Musk’s Daughter Fires Back After He Says She Was ‘Killed’ By ‘Woke Mind Virus’
Vivian Wilson, who legally changed her name and gender after her 18th birthday, took to Threads to say that her father is distorting the facts around her transition
JULY 25, 2024 1:56PM EDT


In a disjointed two-hour conversation streamed live on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk discussed topics ranging from Christian imagery to the “carnivore diet.” But it was Musk’s comments about his estranged trans daughter, Vivian Wilson — whom he deadnamed and misgendered repeatedly — that caused the biggest stir.

Now, Wilson, 20, has started to tell her side of the story.

Musk had painted himself as a victim of Wilson’s gender transition and legal name change (she took the surname of her mother, Justine Wilson, in 2022), claiming that he had been “tricked” into signing paperwork that allowed Vivian to go on puberty blockers. Referring to Wilson with male pronouns and by her birth name, Musk lamented that his “son” had been “killed” by “the woke mind virus,” admitting that this family affair inspired his turn toward far-right politics in recent years.
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Conservative head cannon is wild.
Troonbot headcannon is wild
I thought so too
Those two psychopaths deserve each other.

Gab founder claims Trump gunman had account on platform—and replied to Catturd
The claim could not be immediately verified.
Photo of Marlon Ettinger Marlon Ettinger Tech
Posted on Jul 24, 2024

Updated on Jul 24, 2024, 5:01 pm CDT

Listen to the article now
Audio by Carbonatix

Andrew Torba, the founder of alt-social media site Gab, claimed on Wednesday that the site “learned” that the attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks posted on his site.

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Good post.
why would literally anybody who wasn't racist use gab
nah, you are just mad because you are a dickless tranny and you can't get your dick back
>source is Andrew Torba
Yeah no, this guy is invested in getting Trump reelected because JD Vance is in his network:
>“What you guys need to realize is that Vance is influenceable,” wrote Andrew Torba on X. Torba is the founder of Gab, a social network popular with conspiracy theorists and Christian nationalists. He has long promoted antisemitic content on his social media accounts. “We have plenty of people in his orbit. Plenty of our guys can be put into positions of power because he’s there.”
Any proof it's him other than this guy's word?

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Far-right National Security Minister MK Itamar Ben-Gvir endorsed former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in an interview with Bloomberg published on Wednesday.

“I believe that with Trump, Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran," Ben Gvir said in the interview. "With Trump, it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated,” he said.
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Like the modern Chinese, Israel studied and learned from the best. You'd think Europeans would be prouder.
and that is why I'm voting for Harris.
Trump: "America should OBLITERATE Iran, wipe it off the face of the Earth"
"If they do 'assassinate President Trump,' which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth — If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered 'gutless' cowards!" he wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Trump made the remarks alongside a brief video of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu bringing up alleged Iranian plots against Trump in his address to the US Congress on Wednesday.
Ask Forrestal, Kennedy, and McCarthy

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Monday was recorded as the hottest day ever globally, beating a record set the day before, as countries around the world from Japan to Bolivia to the United States continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

Provisional satellite data published by Copernicus on Wednesday showed that Monday broke the previous day’s record by 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.1 degree Fahrenheit).

Climate scientists say it’s plausible that this is the warmest it has been in 120,000 years because of human-caused climate change. While scientists cannot be certain that Monday was the very hottest day throughout that period, average temperatures have not been this high since long before humans developed agriculture.

But it’s a difficult determination to make, said University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, because data from tree-rings, corals and ice cores don’t go that far back globally.

The temperature rise in recent decades is in line with what climate scientists projected would happen if humans kept burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate.

“We are in an age where weather and climate records are frequently stretched beyond our tolerance levels, resulting in insurmountable loss of lives and livelihoods,” Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.

“Deaths from high temperatures show how catastrophic it is not to take stronger action on cutting CO2,” which is the main heat-trapping gas, Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald said in an email.

Copernicus’ preliminary data shows the global average temperature Monday was 17.15 degrees Celsius (62.87 degrees Fahrenheit).

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It was the hottest day on earth ever RECORDED, not of all time. I swear a lot of you faggots on this board never read past the headline.
>hmmmm whats more pressing
>the total extinction of human life on earth, or some nigs starving
This time your dishonesty is in implying that
1. Climate change isn't a bullshit hoax to psyop the middle class into making even more sacrifices
2. That the economy being completely shit only affects third worlders

Impressive. Are you paid to be this dishonest?
Trump said climate change was a Chinese hoax created to hurt the US economy. He'd never lie about something like that, fuck China

this is why I always vote in every election and always vote straight ticket republican
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>>get thoroughly btfo'd
>>pretend to be bored
I bet this makes you furious huh. Here, take my concession. You won, you beat me. Does that help? Didn't think so. You're boring.
thanks for your concession. how does it feel to be so stupid you can't articulate an argument after you have been thoroughly humiliated? must hurt to know you can't even shill well
Not really
Get that last reply faggot, that'll help you save face on an anonymous image board for sure
Let's see, nope it didn't do that either. Wow you're bad at this

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