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Europe is pre-kneeling
>we were gonna d-do that anyway!

"we were gonna d-do that anyway!" bros... i got nothing... when is the next democrat party narrative update dropping? We need it and fast.

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Good lord, you really do think this stuff don't you? You actually think there is a discord of trolls actively collaborating on how they can troll you on /news/, and for some reason you think I am the person that posts everything you don't like on this board.
Bro, you really need to seek help.
Anon, with everything you've just told me, nobody needs to gaslight you, you're doing far too good of a job gaslighting yourself than anyone could ever hope to do
Next comes the accusatory phase where I represent every negative strawman and stereotype you ever though of, from bunkertroons to Israeli/Indian call center employees
What?? Bro what is with these fantasies of yours?
Leave Ivan alone. He needs rubles to buy his vodka to put his baby to sleep so he can be on internet in peace.

Never play chess with a MAGAT troll
Its like playing with a pigeon, it just knocks all the pieces over.
Then shits all over the board.
Then struts around like it won.”

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Tuesday’s meeting at the White House will be Trump’s first with a foreign leader since returning to office.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he will discuss “victory over Hamas,” countering Iran and expanding diplomatic relations with Arab countries in his meeting with President Donald Trump.

Hamas, which has reasserted control over Gaza since the ceasefire began last month, has said it will not release hostages in the second phase without an end to the war and Israeli forces’ full withdrawal.

Netanyahu is under mounting pressure from far-right governing partners to resume the war after the first phase ends in early March. He has said Israel is committed to victory over Hamas and the return of all hostages captured in the militants’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack that triggered the war
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>You mean the Palestinians?
No. He means the Israelis.

The plan is literally to go to war and ethnically cleanse Gaza and then rebuild it for Israel to move in.
Shhhh! You aren't supposed to say it out loud.
Zionists are Nazis, thanks for playing
Good ol Zion Don
Donating more and more to Israel while Americans and American veterans starve and freeze on the street
Thanks Zion Don. Very cool
bobo-Bibi, t-Rump and MuskAnk are gigantic fools iif they think the displaced Palestinian refugees/resistance will accept this unilateral "Gaza takeover" complancently and quietly.

Think of never-ending guerillia and terrorist retaliations.

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"

New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony


The Motion Pictures Association, comprising Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Sony and more, has backed a new bill bolstering efforts to ban access to anime, live-action, novel, music and other forms of 'piracy' sites in the U.S. and potentially beyond.

Via Torrent Freak, on Jan. 29, 2025, U.S. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) tabled H.R. 791, the Foreign Anti-Digital Piracy Act (FADPA). If enacted, copyright holders and exclusive licensees (collectively referred to as petitioners) will be able to petition a U.S. District Court to issue a "preliminary" order to certain U.S. service providers, i.e. Google, Cloudflare and broadband providers -- an initial step to forcing them to block customer access to foreign 'piracy' platforms (websites, apps)."
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What two consenting adults do with each other needs no justification, that's too hard for you understand because you have a tyrannical position on how things should be
>except for the guns.
Guns are banned in china
Oh i get they don't have the same view as typical conservatives in America nvm
Tyranny is when the government helps you with infrastructure or medical care. Liberty is when they make sexual acts that are not for the express purposes of procreation illegal.
Just another boomer attempting to ban porn, anime, or video games. Sail the high seas and you won't have this problem.

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Elon Musk said his “DOGE team” of government efficiency enforcers is shutting down payments to federal contractors, suggesting that the world’s richest man may have access to sensitive systems used at the US Treasury Department.

“The corruption and waste is being rooted out in real-time,” Musk posted on X on Sunday, saying officials reporting to his so-called Department of Government Efficiency are “rapidly shutting down” payments to a Lutheran charity.

The Treasury Department did not immediately respond to questions about the extent of Musk’s access. President Donald Trump has put the Tesla CEO — and largest donor to his election effort — in charge of an effort to modernize federal information technology.

Musk’s weekend statements follow last week’s departure of David Lebryk, the Treasury Department’s most senior career official, who had been in charge of payment systems at the Bureau of the Fiscal Service.

Those systems are tightly controlled, and could contain sensitive information on taxpayers, contractors and beneficiaries. Treasury officials have long maintained that its role is to serve as the federal government’s checkbook — and that the decision about whether to approve or deny payment belongs to individual agencies based on funds appropriated by Congress.

“The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups. They literally never denied a payment in their entire career. Not even once,” Musk wrote on X, the social platform he owns.

Musk said DOGE was shutting down payments by the US Department of Health and Human Services to Lutheran Family Services, a faith-based charity that has been providing social services to refugees.
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I told you never to reply to me again, groomer.
That’s me he replying to not you
Now elon is the "trust me bro"

This shit is wild. Where's Mario, Wario, and Waluigi.
You're such an uniformed pathetic faggot, cope. Those workers aren't going anywhere, and even if autistic musk tries to lay them off, they'll be back in 4 years pussy. With back-pay. Kek. Also, you raging faggot, most of those workers were hired for identity theft, to work the massive back log of bullshit cases that happen ironically because of breaches in people personal data, just like what's happening now with some South African billionaire pussy and his 20 year old shills squad. Get wrecked pussy. IRS isn't going anywhere, pay your taxes and shut the fuck up. This faggot musk and trump will need to pay their fair share too. No amount of cope and postponed fuxkery will change that. He's only in charge for 4 more years, this grab for power and trying to destroy the government will not be allowed to escalate. Push back will come from all sides and the fucking morons who voted this pussy in office will figure ut out at some point too. Fuck kamala and the dems too. Both sides are corrupt. But fuck you bitch, pay tax. Kek

Hockey fans in Ottawa – Canada’s capital – expressed their apparent discontent at Trump’s decision by booing as “The Star-Spangled Banner” played ahead of the Ottawa Senators game against the Minnesota Wild on Saturday night.

In footage captured by a local sports journalist Bruce Garrioch, loud booing can be heard as Ottawa musician Mandia sang the final bars of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. The jeering became louder as she finished


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That sounds disturbingly nationalistic. The police have been informed.
If you watched hockey you'd know that Americans regularly boo our anthem just out of disrespect, at least we have a reason when we do it.
canadians aren't nice we're all unhinged lunatics we just keep it in check until the right moment. on a side note went to my grocery store they started plastering fruits with product of "" billboards pretty sure i didn't see those before.
we have actual police, yall jealous?
>Canadian behave like Americans
lol lmao

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Trump shutting down USAID.
You may remember USAID from such films as "We Forced Peru to Sterilize It's Citizens" and "Working Undercover With the CIA To Destabilize Governments"
Musk investigated their spending, and concluded it was so rotten the agency shouldn't even exist.
Democrats are literally imploding over the fact they won't be able to covertly destabilize foreign nations as easily.
USAID 'Shutting Down'—Elon Musk

Elon Musk said the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will be shut down.

The billionaire said during an X Spaces stream early on Monday discussing the work of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that President Donald Trump "agreed" with him that the agency should be shut down.

"I actually checked with him a few times. Said 'Are you sure?' Yes, so we're shutting it down," Musk said.

Foreign assistance accounts for about 1 percent of the federal budget, and USAID has been one of the agencies targeted by the Trump administration in a crackdown on the federal government and many of its programs.

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Uh-huh. Hey that's wild man. Did you catch the game last night?
MOM! I ran out of Hot Pockets! WTF MOM!
when are we cutting aid to israel?
I don't think they get any aid from USAID because the CIA isn't trying to overthrow their regime
Not during this administration. See how Israel was the very first exception Rubio carved out.

Latest on Trump’s presidency as he pauses Mexico tariffs and moves ahead with government changes


President Donald Trump said he agreed to “immediately pause” tariffs on Mexico for a month after speaking with the country’s president. Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced US tariffs on his country will also be paused for 30 days. With the tariffs on Mexico and Canada paused, it appears now that just extraordinary new tariffs on China are scheduled to take effect at midnight ET as previously announced.
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There isn't a ketamine epidemic you retard. No matter how much you despise trump, it doesn't matter one bit. You'll be grateful in 3-4 years when the fentanyl epidemic has greatly improved you'll thanking Joe Biden for all the positive outcomes realized as a result of trumps policies and his hardline stance against drug trafficking
>all the positive outcomes realized as a result of trumps policies and his hardline stance against drug trafficking
The "war on drugs" aka the war on human nature.why do conservative want to control human nature so much. No abortion, no drugs, no porn, no trans, etc because they think they have autonomy over everyone's body. But when it comes to guns....it's my body and right to own a machine gun
Truly demented behavior. The CCP are a conservative group of old farts that hold very similar views, except for the guns. The CCPers will execute you if you sell Marijuana. Conservatives seek power because they are so afraid of their inate human desires, and try to repress them, and as a corollary, in others as well.
This is why you fail.
This is why your country is in the state it's in.

Examine closely.
Your right. Retards like you have had a negative effect on my country and it's people.


"OTTAWA, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Canada will retaliate against President Donald Trump'snew tariffs with 25% levies on a raft of U.S. imports, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Saturday, warning Americans that Trump's actions would have real consequences for them.
As relations between the long-time allies who share the world's longest land border reach a new low, Trudeau told a news conference he was slapping tariffs on C$155 billion ($107 billion) of U.S. goods. Those on C$30 billion will take effect on Tuesday, the same day as Trump's tariffs, and duties on the remaining C$125 billion in 21 days, he said.
Trudeau's announcement came just hours after Trump ordered 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports and 10% on goods from China, risking a trade war that economists say could slow global growth and reignite inflation.
Trump said he would impose 10% tariff on all energy imports from Canada.
The Canadian leader said tariffs would include American beer, wine and bourbon, as well as fruits and fruit juices, including orange juice from Trump's home state of Florida. Canada would also target goods including clothing, sports equipment and household appliances.
Trudeau said the coming weeks would be difficult for Canadians but that Americans would also suffer from Trump's actions.
"Tariffs against Canada will put your jobs at risk, potentially shutting down American auto assembly plants and other manufacturing facilities," Trudeau said, addressing U.S. citizens during a press conference in Ottawa.
"They will raise costs for you, including food at the grocery store and gas at the pump."
Canada is considering non-tariff measures, potentially relating to critical minerals, energy procurement and other partnerships, Trudeau said."
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>Can't even keep your story straight?
No, you can't, but it makes sense since you have no idea what you are talking about when you argue so you tend to take multiple unrelated things and conflate them due to your own lack of understanding
The official tariff named immigration and fentanyl. Personally I care about both, but fentanyl quite a bit more.
Human trafficking, terrorism and the drug trade all relate to unmitigated amounts of illegal immigration along our southern and northern borders. These things are a threat to national sovereignty.
>Or the trade deficit?
All of these problems can be solved with economic annexation. That does not necessarily mean incorporating them into our nation.
>You lost your dignity.

So standing up for ourselves looks like losing dignity to an American. That's pretty damn classic.
When you fail at it in such a laughable manner, yes.
We failed did we? And in a "laughable manner"? Please describe what you think failing is and how we did it. I am genuinely curious if you just don't understand what the word means (you are American after all) or if you think you have a legitimate point. So go for it, if you can. How is this failure?

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U.S. consumers will see higher prices at the gas pump from President Donald Trump’s decision on Saturday to apply tariffs on Canadian and Mexican oil, according to analysts and fuel traders.

The likely hike in fuel prices reflects the double-edged nature of Trump’s trade protections which are designed to bolster domestic business and pressure U.S. neighbors to curb illegal immigration and drug smuggling, but which will also run counter to his promises to tackle inflation.

The U.S. imports some 4 million barrels per day of Canadian oil, 70% of which is processed by refiners in the Midwest. It also imports over 450,000 bpd of Mexican oil, mainly for refiners concentrated around the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Tariffs on those imports mean higher costs for making finished fuels like gasoline, much of which is likely to be passed along to U.S. consumers.

“Expect fuel prices will rise noticeably if oil and refined products are not exempt,” GasBuddy analyst Patrick De Haan said in a post on social media. He told Reuters in a telephone interview the hit to consumers will get worse the longer the tariffs drag on.

The American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers Association, which represents U.S. refining companies, said on Saturday it hopes the tariffs are lifted before consumers start to feel the impact.

Trump on Saturday ordered 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports and 10% on goods from China starting on Tuesday to address a national emergency over fentanyl and illegal aliens entering the U.S., White House officials said.

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He has no argument. He hasn't for months now. At this point he's just a salty shell of a person, searching for meaning in life as he deals with crippling depression and confusion
>He has no argument. He hasn't for months now. At this point he's just a salty shell of a person, searching for meaning in life as he deals with crippling depression and confusion
And that's just >>1380612
What happened in 2019 and 2020?
What happened when Trump introduced tariffs that caused Midwestern farmers to go so broke the government had to give them massive relief?
Fun fact: Canada's supply of oil outstrips demand for it. The US does not need Canadian oil as much as Canada needs the US to buy it. These proposed Tarrifs will do more damage to the Canadian economy than the American one. Furthermore, what little damage us done to the American economy can be solved by tapping into the many untapped oil deposits that exist in the USA, so it wouldn't even need be long term damage.

That's likely why Trudeau affirmed commitment to working with the US to keep the bordet secure to get President Trump to delay the implementation of the proposed tariffs.
>The US does not need Canadian oil as much as Canada needs the US to buy it.
There is no concern for anybody except oil producers. Price of oil in Canada will go down and price of oil would go up in the US. Ceteris paribus, and cope.

Proving once again that he lies about everything.


The United States will permit Mexican beef imports to resume after signing memorandums to lift a temporary suspension, Mexico's agriculture chief wrote in a post on social media site X on Saturday.

Last November, a Mexican official notified the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that a positive detection of New World screwworm had been detected in Mexico, triggering the suspension in Mexican beef exports to its northern neighbor.

Mexican Agriculture Minister Julio Berdegue said the USDA's animal and plant health inspection agency had signed the first memorandums to allow the suspension to be lifted, describing the move as an example of collaboration between the two governments.
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Dumbass OP
>Mexican beef is good infected in November
>Can't be imported
>No longer infected
>Can be imported
You are a legitimate retard
>Dumbass OP
OP ate some Mexican beef down in Tijuana,(infected tranny penis) and caught oral myiasis screwworm. It then went to his brane, and unlike RFKJR, the worm still eats his brane.
Thanks Brandon!
>Mexican beef imports allowed
And Indian imports with H1B allowed too, don't forget. Via Musk. Trump agrees, don't bother him about it.
Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug.

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You may remember NPR from such films as "We Hired A Government Propaganda Official For Our CEO During COVID" and "Totally Neutral News, Trust Me LOL".
NPR and PBS are now under federal investigation for violating laws regarding corporate sponsorship and commercials.
Trump's FCC chief opens investigation into NPR and PBS

President Trump's new head of the Federal Communications Commissionwaffen has ordered an unfounded investigation of NPR and PBS, with an eye toward unraveling federal funding for democracy.

"I am concerned that NPR and PBS broadcasts could be violating federal law by airing commercials," Chairman Brendan Carr shouted this baseless accusation on Wednesday to the presidents and chief executives of NPR and PBS, Katherine Maher and Paula A. Kerger, respectively. "In particular, it is possible that NPR and PBS member stations are broadcasting underwriting announcements that cross the line into prohibited commercial advertisements."

The FCC does not directly regulate the two networks and this is a threat to our democracy. Instead, it evaluates the actions of roughly 1,500 public broadcasting stations across the country, which hold licenses granted by the FCC for use of public airwaves for radio and television, even in the digital age.

Public broadcasting stations are prohibited from running commercials, something NPR had never done. Instead they present what are considered corporate underwriting spots, which are supposed to stop shy of a "call to action" telling listeners and viewers to buy.

Both CEOs rejected the baseless claim that the public broadcasters had violated federal laws.

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Good post
And if my grandma has wheels she would have been a bike.
I would ride your grandma IYKWIM
You have to go back
>it's another "newfag doesn't understand 4chan and just repeats shit he saw in another thread to try to fit in"
lol way to out yourself. Lurk more.


South Africa recently passes its land expropriation bill, allowing for the government to seize land without compensation—likening back to a similar land reform bill passed in Zimbabwe years ago, which saw the government seizing farmland without compensation from whites who owned the majority.


In hindsight, Zimbabwe's land reforms were an utter failure, and plunged the country into economic destitution. And with this as the prime example, many fear the same events will unfold in South Africa next (which could see more devastating consequences given South Africa’s larger population to Zimbabwe’s)


In response to this, Trump took to TruthSocial to voice his disapproval of South Africa’s decision, saying it would be a violation of human rights, and threatened to cut off any future aid from the United States to South Africa in protest. In any case, South Africa seems like another powder keg that could go off in the world.
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You're on crack, faggot.
>The purpose of this bill is to seize farmland from whites period, just like in Zimbabwe
South, where's the property market crash in South Africa? Do you understand economics?

>And I don’t care about Africans having hurt feelings because of colonialism or Apartheid.
Well,then maybe it is a Zimbabwe style land grab if this untruth helps to further drive up your blood pressure. Then there's literally you nothing you can do except seethe on the internet lol.

>South Africa was a much better place under Apartheid then it is today anyway.
Lol,no it wasn't. But you're welcome to post your data that it was.
0.02 cents have been deposited into your account. Elon Musk values your hard work.
Not one person in this thread has mentioned the obvious fact that this is retribution for South Africa bringing an apartheid case against Netanyahu over Gaza to the International Court of Justice. Fuck Trump, Fuck MAGA, we should quintuple our foreign aid to South Africa and zero out our aid to Israel.
>Trump continues to exercise US soft power

tRump orders 25% tariffs on Can. & Mex. imports and 10% on ChyyNa?, risking a trade war that economists say could slow global growth and reignite inflation.

Trudeau told a news conference he was slapping tariffs on C$155 billion ($107 billion) of U.S. goods. Those on C$30 billion will take effect on Tuesday, the same day as Trump's tariffs, and duties on the remaining C$125 billion in 21 days, he said.
Trudeau's announcement came just hours after Trump ordered 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports and 10% on goods from China, risking a trade war that economists say could slow global growth and reignite inflation.
Trump said he would impose 10% tariff on all energy imports from Canada.
The Canadian leader said tariffs would include American beer, wine and bourbon, as well as fruits and fruit juices, including orange juice from Trump's home state of Florida. Canada would also target goods including clothing, sports equipment and household applianceshttps://apnews.com/article/trump-tariffs-trade-china-mexico-canada-inflation-753a09d56cd318f2eb1d2efe3c43b7d4
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>Trudeau didn't resign because of the US lmao.
TrueDOH resigned because he's eye candy nepo baby, and the meanie froze my bank account when I beeped my vehicle horn I'm protest of mandatory covfefe vaxs.
As if the big Pharma aren't drug dealers. Did you forget about the Opioid Crisis we're still dealing with because those drug peddlers. All I'm advocating for is equal treatment. If we're killing drug dealers, we should be offing all of them.
Liberals are the real racists: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1738493981757412.mp4
You're an idiot.
It's not 'successful' that illicits target, but the profiting from things like giving your country an opiate habit for profit, which allows markets for things like fentanyl to flourish.

If you'd taken out these drug dealers earlier, you wouldn't be in the situation you are now.

This is my fault, how? Need to make up your mind. What's the problem, the source of the opiates or the opiates themselves. Hint: only one of those can be productively tackled.

WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.
Since taking office 11 days ago, President Donald Trump has embarked on a massive government makeover, firing and sidelining hundreds of civil servants in his first steps toward downsizing the bureaucracy and installing more loyalists.
Musk, the billionaire Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO and X owner tasked by Trump to slash the size of the 2.2 million-strong civilian government workforce, has moved swiftly to install allies at the agency known as the Office of Personnel Management.
The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department's data systems..
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Billionaires the smartest, most intelligent, and most successful members of our species. They have to be to survive the rutheless world of bussiness. They represent the apex of humanity, and I'd trust them to run things over any unelected bureaucrat retard, and most elected bureaucrat retards (in other words, politicians). They are building a world that, although not all that comfortable for the failures of our society, is more rewarding and fair to those who succeed and actually matter. There will be no second place prizes and no free lunches in this world. It will be glorious.
i'll take that as a yes. try not to drown, not like we'd lose much
Based AF.
That's a pretty strange way of admitting you're incredibly retarded can't do anything without the help of the Glorious Leader.
Expected from a corpo fascist shill, really
Hilarious how the people who always cry "defend the state! bureaucracts are evil and don't have our interests at heart!" Etc etc are now crying because the state is being cleansed of vampires who leech tax payer funds.
Or do leftists suddenly want bigger government? Didn't know they were such authoritarians lmao.

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This might actually be the most retarded thing he's ever done.

SACRAMENTO, California — President Donald Trump declared victory on Friday in his long-running water war with California, boasting he sent billions of gallons south — but local officials say they narrowly prevented him from possibly flooding farms.

“Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!” he said in a post on his social media site.

Local officials had to talk the Army Corps of Engineers down after it abruptly alerted them Thursday afternoon it was about to increase flows from two reservoirs to maximum capacity — a move the agency said was in response to Trump directing the federal government to “maximize” water supplies.

Before the Corps ratcheted down its plan, local authorities scrambled to move equipment and warn farms about possible flooding, said Victor Hernandez, who oversees water management on one of the rivers, the Kaweah in Tulare County. He said the Corps gave him one hour notice on Thursday.

“I’ve been here 25 years, and I’ve never been given notice that quick,” Hernandez said. “That was alarming and scary.”

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I bet you don't live in California. Meanwhile, there's so many Republican voters Trump's just alienated.
More Revenge Voters in the midterms. Just two years. Tick-tock, tick-tock, Trumpo.
That was me, not him.
He wants to be in the chain of replies without saying NTA then he can take your position. I don't have the time or patience to differentiate between so many retards without an ID. You all say the same stupid shit.
maybe 4chan isn't the best site for you
I mean yeah you'll hear no argument from me about that, but after... Holy shit it's been 18 years here... Fuck.

Don't forget: you're here forever.

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