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Trump's first bill of his presidency, the Laken Riley act named after a Georgia nursing student who was violated and murdered, has passed and will be in effect shortly.

The act will orders federal officials to detain any illegal aliens accused of crimes. and allow state attorney generals to sue the federal government for immigration related crimes due to inaction.

can't wait for leftists to rant about how this is a bad thing
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Cool so stay in that country then and stop stealing from mine you freeloading retarded nigger jew
biden and obongo and clinton all raped kids and ate their flesh
the shill has lost response privileges. sorry bud, you're not getting paid tonight because you're acting so retarded
why are you talking about yourself, paid israeli poster?
they must not teach shills what the highest form of flattery is


>SAN ANTONIO, Texas - A Texas jury ordered Bill Miller Bar-B-Q to pay $2.8 million to a woman who was burned after being served dangerously hot barbecue sauce.

>Bill Miller Bar-B-Q Lawsuit
Genesis Monita, a 19-year-old woman from San Antonio, was served sauce that gave her a second-degree burn.

>The incident happened in May 2023, when Monita ordered breakfast tacos with barbecue sauce.

>The sauce container was so hot that when she grabbed it from the bag, she dropped it onto her leg, causing a second-degree burn.

>Bill Miller's sauce policy states they serve the sauce at a minimum of 165 degrees.

>On that day, it was 189 degrees, according to the suit.

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Why the fuck does BBQ sauce need to be that hot?
>minimum 165 degrees
Wouldn't this burn anyone who touches it until it cools down?
The only thing is Bill Millers offered to pay her medical bills and compensate her for lost wages but she refused. They didn't do that in the "Hot Coffee" case.

Wrong link

Ridiculous, this is overkill. That said, they should pay punitive damage for their shitty bbq.

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Colombia is now using Colombian military jets to fly to America and pick up deported migrants.
A Colombian Air Force plane departed for San Diego Monday afternoon to bring back 110 Colombian citizens who were deported from the United States as part of President Donald Trump's sweeping immigration orders.

Colombian immigration officials are on board the plane to "guarantee respect for the rights of citizens," the Colombian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The country's decision comes after an agreement was reached on Sunday night regarding the return of repatriating citizens to Colombia from the United States.

Conflict ensued earlier in the day after Colombian President Gustavo Petro blocked two U.S. military flights carrying undocumented immigrants from entering the country.

In a retaliatory response, U.S. President Donald Trump posted threats against Colombia on his social media platform, alleging that Petro's decision "has jeopardized the National Security and Public Safety of the United States."

Trump said in the post that he ordered his administration to place an emergency 25% tariff on goods coming into the United States from Colombia, and he threatened to raise it in a week to 50%. Additionally, he said that his administration would issue a travel ban and immediately revoke the visas of Colombian government officials -- and those of all of the country's allies and supporters. Trump further threatened to issue visa sanctions on all party members, family members and supporters of the Colombian government. Finally, he said that he would also enhance Customs and Border Protection Inspections of all Colombian nationals and Colombian cargo.

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>backpedaling this hard
lmao, I'll accept the concession
You were wrong. Sorry bub, go cry with the Colombian President.
I see the liberal cult members in here flinging turds and crying racism. Orange power!
Columbia is now using their own air force jets to deport migrants from America back to Colombia
>that illegal immigration chart
Biden be like "line go up"

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The Trump administration is offering millions of federal workers the option to accept buyouts through a government-wide “deferred resignation” program if they resign by Feb. 6.

Those who accept the offer will receive pay and benefits through Sept. 30, according to a draft email obtained Tuesday by NBC News.

The sweeping buyouts are being offered to “make sure that all federal workers are on board with the new administration’s plan to have federal employees in office and adhering to higher standards,” a senior administration official told NBC on condition of anonymity.

“We’re five years past COVID and just 6 percent of federal employees work full-time in office. That is unacceptable,” the official said, citing a report from Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who co-chairs the congressional DOGE caucus.

The White House expects up to 10% of federal employees to take the buyout, the official said.

The emails will be sent starting Tuesday afternoon, NBC reported.

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The general consensus seems to be that they realized they couldn’t ratfuck government employees like they wanted to and this was their replacement idea. Also nobody trusts them to actually go through with the buyout so nobody is doing it.
It helps they legally can only pay them 25k, so they know the claim is full of shit.
What DEI hires? Feds aren’t allowed to consider a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, etc when hiring. You usually don’t even see who they are, most interviews are done over the phone. Ironically the only DEI initiative in the feds is veterans preference, and those guys are almost always terrible.
and it's already been rescinded like most of his other crap he spouted in the first week.


everything Trump touches turns to shit without exception. this has always been true.
100% incorrect and has been for decades. If you are non-white, female, disabled, they add points to your test scores. They have been doing this since the '80s.

Man, you need to get off /pol/ and learn about the government. Get a job, maybe.

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>no argument
I see.
First post best post
>derek chauvin
true, although there is hope with new evidence.

tldr; George had a tumor that gave him a heart attack under stress. Derek was not made known of this since the evidence was withheld. Said he would never have taken the plea. had he known
buy an ad
Gas is more expensive too.


Former national security adviser John Bolton said he believes Kash Patel, President Trump’s nominee for FBI director, resembles a “climbing weed” in his ascension to the role.
“You have to know what your job is and what your limits are. And Kash Patel sort of like a climbing weed doesn’t show respect for the limits,” Bolton said Monday in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”
He added that despite concerning issues over Patel’s ability to maintain security protocols, the nominee is likely to be confirmed by the GOP-led Senate with a hearing scheduled for Thursday.
“The Democrats don’t know how to play the game anymore and Patel may get through it,” he told host Jen Psaki, a former White House press secretary.
Earlier in the interview, Bolton discussed new claims that Patel publicly spoke on a sensitive hostage mission while serving on the National Security Council.
Sen. Dick Durbin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he opposes the nomination.
In a Monday letter, Durbin wrote that Patel, “broke protocol regarding hostage rescues by publicly commenting without authorization on the then-in-progress retrieval of two Americans held captive by Iranian-backed militants in Yemen in October 2020” in a letter to top defense officials according to CBS.
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Not a valid news source. Not reading your slop, shill
John Bolton is just salty over loosing his security clearance. He’s no longer allowed to serve in defense or intelligence, and is now relegated to the main stream media circuit where he’s condemned to shuck and jive for idiot journos and tell them what they want in order to make a living. He’s not a trustworthy expert on the matter, seeing as he’s got a vendetta against this administration.
That's a dude
The Hill is most certainly a valid news source wtf are you talking about?
This story is over a week old btw

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Trump Medicaid freeze seems to lock 72 million Americans out of their health insurance
Lawmakers across the country have confirmed that that their state’s Medicaid payment systems have been shut off. President Donald Trump’s move to freeze federal funding for a massive number of government programs seems to have impacted Medicaid payment systems across the country, potentially locking 72 million Americans out of their health insurance.

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>DEMOCRATS 2028!!!
Watch Democunts kill hundreds of poors and olds with their poopooganda and try to blame it on dRumpf.
what do you mean? the military didn't get paused
This is completely false and has already been debunked by the white house. Cry harder shill
Oh its been deboonked? By the guy who can't help but lie?
>debunked by the white house
Yeah because I really believe them when they say payments still go through even though neither side can see them, and the only reason this wasn't for real was because a judge blocked the eo.

About 50 survivors of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau will return to the site on Monday to remember the day it was finally liberated on 27 January 1945.

They will be joined by heads of state including King Charles and other European royalty, Emmanuel Macron of France and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

But it will be the survivors - most in their late 80s and 90s - not the dignitaries, whose voices will be heard during the commemorations at the camp, where 1.1 million people were murdered, most of them Jews.

Their message is to tell the world what happened here and ensure that it never happens again.

"Every soul on this earth has the right to live," says Jona Laks, who is now 94 and arrived with her twin and elder sisters in 1944. "Auschwitz was a laboratory for killing people. This was its task and it proved itself: few survived Auschwitz."

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i can't wait for the part where the nazis lose and their leader self immolates
zero jews died during WWII
The holocaust never happened. :3
As the adage goes, if homosexuals cease to exist, then so does Nazism.
As the kike said, if nazism cease to exist, then so does Homosexuality.


>Some of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) memos sent to federal workers about firing, hiring freezes, and mandatory return to office demands were seemingly written by people who were previously employed by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative think tanks with longstanding loyalties to President Donald Trump, according to metadata on the memos posted by the government online. We know this because the senders of the memos failed to scrub the metadata from those documents, making it easy for anyone to reveal the listed authors of the memos.

>A memo with the subject line “Guidance on Presidential Memorandum Return to In-Person Work” sent from Charles Ezell, acting director at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and dated January 24, was authored by a “Peters, Noah,” according to the file’s metadata. Peters is an attorney who represented white nationalist Jared Taylor who sued Twitter in 2018 for banning him (and lost). In 2021, Peters wrote about Kyle Rittenhouse (who brought an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to a Black Lives Matter protest and killed two people), saying Rittenhouse should be able to “reap some measure of restitution now that he’s been acquitted” from the journalists who covered his case.

>A memo titled “Federal Civilian Hiring Freeze Guidance” and sent on Monday from Ezell and Matthew J. Vaeth, acting director at the Office of Management and Budget, was authored by a “James Sherk,” according to the metadata.
>Sherk’s specialty is firing federal workers. He was “a special assistant on domestic policy during Trump’s first term,” according to Politico, and he worked at both the Heritage Foundation and the conservative think tank and Trump transition project America First Policy Institute before Trump brought him back to serve in the White House Domestic Policy Council.
Project 2025
These fascist yahoo think this stuff can't be undone. But then, these freaks just want to shit on the poor and the weak, and make themselves and their rich masters richer. But OH boy, did they own the libs
where have you guys been for the last 50 years? ALEC has sent canned legislation to the states since 1973.
The difference is that ALEC was lobbyists working for a hyper conservative thinktank and Trump has now appointed the thinktank lobbyists to government positions with actual power.

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>He's the healthiest 78 year old in history
How can we reason with people when they're so delusional they believe this?
Interesting hill to die on, given the literal corpse the democrats ran in 2020
as opposed to 4 years of nap time for biden
>he was asleep the entire time
republitards can never make up their minds. The schrodinger's box of retarded conspiracy theories.
>B-b-but what about Biden!
Kek. Every time.

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fucking 39 minutes, top kek
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>they can approximate where someone
I'd love this too so that the resident board schizo stops calling everyone Russian or non American. Shit I also support random IDs so that he stops thinking everyone who disagrees with him online is one person

I doubt a latency-centric solution would be reliable given the unreliability of cellular networks and the variation on edge network infra.. someone in Russia using a endpoint in a tier 1 backbone could easily get low latency, which obviously would rule out the standard Ivan, but not any motivated state actors.
the shill's gears sure are grindin. he can always go back to pol
See 1377646
So glad we didn't sign that stupid fucking loser ass border bill. Now we get to actually solve the problem instead of some shitty half-assed "compromise" bipartisan legislation.

>inb4 define "woke"
Hating White males and thinking that men can become women. Pic-related is an example. She called herself "woke"

Trump to ink new executive orders today banning transgender service members, military DEI programs


There can be “no accommodation for anything less than resilience, strength, and the ability to withstand extraordinary physical demands,” it says.

“Individuals who are unable to meet these requirements are unable to serve in the military. This has been the case for decades,” the document says.

“It can take a minimum of 12 months for an individual to complete treatments after transition surgery, which often involves the use of heavy narcotics. During this period, they are not physically capable of meeting military readiness requirements and require ongoing medical care. This is not conducive for deployment or other readiness requirements.”

There are no current accounts of how many transgender service members are currently active duty or reserve, but estimates from 2014 suggested there are as many as 15,500.
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cool so can you provide me your evidence that a feminine man is biologically identical to a feminine woman? Since that is actually what you are claiming because "man" and 'woman" have historically been BIOLOGICAL terms.
When women couldn't vote, it was based on biology. When men were forced to be drafted, it was because of biology. When inheritance went to first-born sons, it was determined by biology. When there were laws requiring men to provide for their wives, it was based on biology. When pregnancy was covered by "women's health" it was because of biology.
So since it is undeniable that "man" and "woman" have always been BIOLOGICAL terms, please show me your evidence that a feminine man is BIOLOGICALLY the same as a feminine woman. And show the proof that a tomboy is BIOLOGICALLY the same as a masculine man. Otherwise fuck off and stop gaslighting.
This is peak retard gibberish
Stay away from doctors (wo)man. They'll put you on lists.
>doesn't know that his micropenis is an elongated clitoris
>doesn't know his prostate is the same as the gspot
>doesn't know the seam on his scrotum is where his vagina fused together during his fetal stage
>doesn't know gender is due to the brain being sexed as well
>doesn't know transpeople are intersex people, but the congenital development was in the brain, not genitals
Literally the only difference between male and female is the activation of the Y chromosome.
When you go to the bathroom, and see a big buff bro, do you ask to see if he can produce semen for you, before you let him in? Or do you instantly recognize this transman, as a man? You really think we should send this big buff transgender man into the bathroom with your little cisgender daughter/niece? Should we send the sexy little transgender women into the bathroom with your cisgender son/nephew?
In addition to this, intersex people are any people who have development that was inappropriately sexed, including the brain. So, intersex/trans bodies and minds are literally sexed in a fashion that inherently makes no sense to you.
Republicans are huge consumers of tranny porn and gay hookup apps
>REal SOLDiEr hERe. OiF/oeF. sHut YOuR fuCking MOUtH FaggOT. you Think i'm TRuSTInG SoME MeNtALlY-ill ChilD FuCKeR BEHinD my BACK, you're ouT of yoUR GODdaMn mINd.
>what thE FUCk Did YOu JusT FUcKINg SAY AbouT Me, You lItTLE bitch? I'Ll haVe YOU knoW i gRADUAted TOP OF MY cLaSS iN the nAvY SEaLS, aND I'vE bEEN InvolvED In nUMeROUS SeCREt RAids oN AL-qUAEDA, And i HAVE oVeR 300 CONfIrmeD KIlls. i aM tRAiNeD in GoRilla WarFAre AND i'M The tOp snIper In THe EnTiRe Us aRmeD FoRcEs. YOU aRe NoThInG to me BUt jUst ANoTHEr TArGet. i wIlL wiPe YoU THe fuck oUt With PreCISIon THE LiKEs oF WHIcH HAS NEver beEn sEEn BEFORE oN tHIs eartH, maRk my fuCKinG WORDs. YOu THINK You caN GEt awAy WiTH saYInG thaT ShIt TO me OVer THe intErNet? ThiNk AgAiN, FuCKeR. AS WE sPeaK i Am CoNTActiNg My sEcret NEtWoRk of SpIes AcRoSs thE Usa aND yOur Ip Is BEInG TRaCEd RiGht NOw so YoU beTTEr PRePARE foR THE StorM, magGOT. THE stOrM ThAt wIpes Out THe PaThEtIc litTlE thing YoU call yOUR LIFe. you'RE FuckiNG DEad, KiD. I caN be aNywHErE, anYtIMe, aNd I can kILL yOu In oveR SEVEn hundRED WAYs, ANd ThAt'S just WiTh mY bare HaNDs. nOT ONLY Am i EXTeNSiVeLY TrAiNed In UNaRMED COmBaT, BUt i hAvE ACCesS To THe eNTiRe arseNaL of THE uNiTeD statES MarIne COrPS And i WILl uSe iT to iTs fuLL extENT To wipE yoUr misERABLe asS ofF tHe faCE OF ThE COnTinENt, YOu LittlE shIt. If onLY you cOULD HavE kNoWn wHAT UNHOlY rETriBuTion yOuR lIttLE "CLEveR" comMenT wAs About TO BrING DoWn upOn you, mAybE yOu woulD hAvE HeLD yoUr fUckIng TongUe. but you CoULdn't, You dIDN'T, anD now You're PAyInG THE pricE, YOU goddamN iDIOT. i WiLl sHiT FUrY alL oVer YoU and You wilL DrOWN in It. yOu'Re fUcKinG dEaD, KiDdo.
I swear to God the biggest faggots are NOT the troons but the military

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Because Albania could use more criminals
The "East Europeans" came here to Toronto, and get welfare, and steal my bike, and stand outside local Walmart with sign saying,"Please help to feed my children by giving". The more tech savy ones have a QR code to scan and donate, since very few people carry cash anymore. It's been calculated that one of these "refugee" families make 100k a yr each. This is why the kerchiefed women sneak out to the back of the Walmart to get into the family BMW. I talked to one woman, and she set me up with her daughter, whom i married, and now I make her and our little 3yr old dance and I turn my organ grinder and we make 200k a yr. Incels need to talk to these ladies outside Walmarts, $$$$$(and garlic scented pussy)
I smelled a gyppers vagina ONCE, after paying her $25 US for a BJ, and it smelled strongly of cabbage. I changed my mind about paying an extra $25 to put my penis in her. She was about 50 yrs old though, and we'll used, so she may have had a cabbage stuffed up her vagina, as it was winter and she wanted to keep it unfrozen for dinner that night.
Here’s one: two Albanians are driving down the road when they come across a police checkpoint on the road. The Albanians stop their car and the police officer comes to the window and tells them, “we’re looking for two child rapists,” the one Albanian looks to the other Albanian then both look back to the officer and say, “we’ll do it.”

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US President Donald Trump has said Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has done a "very good job thus far" and that the pair have a "very good relationship".

Asked by the BBC on board Air Force One about his relationship with Sir Keir, Trump added that they would be having a call "over the next 24 hours".

Trump and the Labour leader have met on a number of occasions, including a visit by Sir Keir to Trump Tower in New York during the presidential campaign.

Tech billionaire and Trump ally Elon Musk, however, has been strongly critical of Sir Keir and has repeatedly called for his removal from office.

"I get along with him well. I like him a lot," Trump said of Sir Keir.

"He's liberal, which is a bit different from me, but I think he's a very good person and I think he's done a very good job thus far.
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So you're saying the British will try to appease Trump like Neville Chamberlain did to Hitler?
Keir Starmer is possibly the only person standing in between the status quo and a Europe swept away by alt-right parties

UK will, or rather might, save Europe once again and they are not even in EU anymore, lmao
>British Independence means Independent from foreign interference
There are Brexshitards already damaged by their wrong opinions. Others can say to them 'Don't blame me, I voted Remain'. Those whose businesses etc are ruined because of Brexshit will thank Starmer for restoring relations with the EU. Reversing Brexshit.
And destroying Farage. Good
Trump uses that to color his skin
He may get killed before then. Plus I doubt he has the power to stop the momentum of Poland, Hungary, Norway, and Germany. France is already 50/50.

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I understand why nobody wants to accept a plain full of criminals. So what's the solution now? Do we do what el Salvador did and just throw imprison every single gang leader and criminal? Nayib Bukele tried that and el Salvador went from being the murder Capitol of the world to having one of the lowest crime rates in the western hemisphere, and Nayib has 90%+ approval rate by doing this.
Colombia turns away two US military flights with deported migrants, official says

WASHINGTON/BOGOTA Jan 26 (Reuters) - Colombia on Sunday turned away two U.S. military aircraft with migrants being deported as part of President Donald Trump's immigration crackdown, a U.S. official said, in at least the second case of a Latin American nation refusing U.S. military deportation flights.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro condemned the practice, suggesting it treated migrants like criminals. In a post on social media platform X, Petro said Colombia would welcome home deported migrants on civilian planes, saying they should be treated with dignity and respect.
Colombia's decision follows one by Mexico, which also refused a request last week to let a U.S. military aircraft land with migrants.
"The U.S. cannot treat Colombian migrants as criminals," Petro wrote, noting that there were 15,660 Americans without proper immigration status in Colombia.
Petro's comments add to the growing chorus of discontent in Latin America as Trump's week-old administration starts mobilizing for mass deportations

Brazil's foreign ministry late on Saturday condemned "degrading treatment" of Brazilians after migrants were handcuffed on a commercial deportation flight.
The plane, which was carrying 88 Brazilian passengers, 16 U.S. security agents, and eight crew members, had been originally scheduled to arrive in Belo Horizonte in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.
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Are you implying that border crossing attempts will be at legal points of entry using legitimate identification documents?
Anon if they're being deported, what the fuck do you think happened?

They got caught. Anything relevant to if they try to jump again is recorded. Then they get sent back.
>Anon if they're being deported, what the fuck do you think happened?
They obviously crossed illegally somewhere that wasn't an authorized port of entry which requires legitimate identification.

Although I agree, now that trump closed biden's open border it's going to be *much* more difficult to pull that off again
Oh man I just read the news.
America is winning.
No matter how much you kick and scream that doesn't change the fact that America is winning, from sea to shining sea.

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