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Every diagram has the shooter ion the roof in the Western side with the grass around the building.
But when shot he's on the Eastern side of the building where the car park is. Why the reporting of the West side shooter? Every MSM diagram shows this.
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Huh. You're right
I really don't understand why MSM are pin pointing so loosely. Copy pasta job?

If the shooter is on the East side then a tree may have blocked the snipers but why would the SS not cite this? Embarassing? Obvious? It's all embarassing and obvious so far.?
I think someone rotated it so trump as at the top of the diagram. the 3 buildings with the SS snipers were to the south east and the shooter is north.
m00t is being a tranny and won't let me post the google maps link
Dunno man, the car park side is the footage of the sniper dead. But every diagram shows sniper on the roof on the oppossite side from the car park.

It's just he's meant to be on one side of the building roof but is dead on the other side.
Thats what i cant figure.
Found it

Found what explains it.

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Law enforcement authorities have identified the man who made an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

The FBI said the shooter, who is dead, was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. A motive was not clear.

The gunman was immediately “neutralized” by the Secret Service, chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi said.

Bethel Park is a predominantly white, relatively well-to-do city in the southern reaches of greater Pittsburgh. The site of the rally, Butler, is about an hour’s drive north of Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican, though it was not clear from the records when that was put in place.

At a news conference Saturday night, law enforcement said the investigation was close to making a positive identification of the shooter, who did not have identification on him, state police Lt. Col. George Bivens said.

"The shooter has been tentatively identified," he said. "It’s a matter of doing biometric confirmations."

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Have sex
stop murdering babies for your sexual fetish, tranny
Citation needed.
I was off by 3%.
12% for health reasons
1.2% for other
87% because they have an abortion/cream pie fetish
>What percentage of registered republicans consider themselves liberal?

What percentage of LeftDems registered as Reps so they could vote _against_ Trump by picking other Rep candidates, seeing as Biden is a sitting President and is virtually guaranteed to get the Dem nomination and thus doesn't need their votes? You can change your party declaration afterward, you're not committed to that party forever.

This makes a lot more sense then "staunch conservative shooter wants to kill conservative candidate" that the Dems keep shilling, to deflect from the fact that the deranged shooter was one of theirs, just like the other political attacks; LeftDems are violent retards.

After former President Donald Trump was bloodied and escorted offstage by Secret Service following an incident at his Pennsylvania rally Saturday, the Florida political world took to social media to offer the former president their well wishes and condemn what looked to be political violence.

Details around the incident were not immediately forthcoming. A spokesperson for the Secret Service said in a statement that Trump was safe, and it would release more information when it became available.

“This was clearly an assassination attempt on President Trump,” said U.S. Sen. Rick Scott. “There is ZERO tolerance for violence. I hope this monster is already caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” Pictures of a defiant Trump, holding a fist high, quickly began to circulate on social media.

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Trump is campaigning as crazy rightwing Jesus and Biden only has to sit there and not be Trump
Sure, that too.
That's def how some democrats view it
>rightwing jesus

you mean the antichrist?
why are leftists so bloodthirsty and evil?
Not too fond of that orange fuck but damn that image go hard lol

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Anyone see the resemblance now? They tried to mock him, then they tried to silence him. They tried to jail him, and now they tried to kill him.
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Oh yeah because righties didn't dress up in stupid viking outfits and ran around the capitol looking for politicians to lynch
You guys aren't creating orgs like Patriot Front and hoarding weapons for the day where you guys will boogaloo.

Both sides are unhinged and detached from reality.
I guess its easier for you guys to disavow your right wing shooters bc they are lone wolves.
>communist trash
>You must be turned into a beast of burden to work the fields as punishment
>most of the Left are pretty ok, just as most of the Right are. It's the small minority of fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides that you should watch out for
>Come to your own conclusions when said fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides reply - with emphasis on Lie - the way they inevitably will, certain people in /news/.
Someone let a certain thing have enough political rope to hang itself when it came to dealing with 'communist trash' then when it blew up in that thing's own face resulting in said thing dying a pickled irrelevance, shunned by the rest of its party. Then the leader of that party declared that 'McCarthyism was now McCarthyWASm'.
Said leader of that party? Former Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe during WWII then twice elected President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower.
So many said 'I Like Ike'. Like I say, the pathetic remains of McCarthyWASm died a pickled irrelevance.
Eisenhower (R). In Soviet America, beast of burden was not only Tailgunner Joe, the laughing stock of the US Marines.
Eisenhower: winner against rightard thinking in WWII. Twice elected Prseident after WWII. Those who said 'I Like Ike'. All those Republican voters who did: twice.
So whose opinions are wrong: theirs (because the majority of Republican voters can't be wrong, amiirite?) or yours, >>1315575? Choose wisely.

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We have videos of these so-called insurrectionists thanking the police for their service as they were basically taken on a tour through the Capitol. I don't think anyone was in any real danger, except for the protesters themselves.
>I don't think anyone was in any real danger
114 police were injured, many severely.

Meanwhile the ones outside didn't even have guns and only 6 people were arrested that day to keep from endangering the crowd.

In the better timeline they reported with live ammo, nobody made it inside breathing, and the survivors were all rounded up on the scene and taken to the hospital in cuffs.
i'm wishing the next guy who decides to try it on better luck than the last one.

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Suspected shooter is killed by Secret Service, and Donald Trump says he felt bullet rip through his ear; the Pennsylvania rally shooting is being investigated as assassination attempt.

Suspected Gunman Killed at Trump Rally Shooting, Ex-President Wounded in Ear
Suspected shooter is killed by Secret Service, and Donald Trump says he felt bullet rip through his ear; the Pennsylvania rally shooting is being investigated as assassination attempt

Last Updated:

July 13, 2024 at 10:27 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump said on social media he was "shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear' when gunfire erupted at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., Saturday. The Secret Service shot and killed a suspected gunman.

Federal authorities are investigating the shooting as an assassination attempt.

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So Trump now has an ear piercing. Does that make him gay?
Depends. Which one's the gay ear in 2024?
Pretty sure it's always been the left ear and I know Trump was shot in the right ear, because the shooter was way too far left.
I hate to say this(not really, since I have a left ear piercing from my younger days), but it's actually the right ear that's the gay ear.

Trump is a straight shooter, unlike the Democrat assassins, so it still doesn't count.
But to be fair it pierced the top of his ear, and anyone who gets a piercing there is super gay.

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Local Man almost ruins the plan.


“Probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking… we noticed a guy crawling – bear crawling – up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us,” the man said.

The man continued:

We’re standing there, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. He had a rifle. We could clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. umm, we’re pointing at him. The police are down there, running around on the ground and we’re like, “Hey, man. There’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.” And the police were like, “Huh, what?” They didn’t know what was going on.

The man said he repeatedly warned officers that he believed Trump was in danger but his warnings went unheard.
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Trump is an immortal demigod who owns this eternity. He literally drags eternity like a dog on a leash. He will live on forever
Everyone point and laugh at this soylib pretending to act normal like he doesn't want Trump dead all of the sudden.
Honestly the interesting thing is that many left wing organizations paused campaign funding and ads because of this.
Their rhetoric has literally incited someone to assassinate the former president, and they have to tone it down a notch.

Going to come back out swinging wearing the kid gloves I imagine after this
lmao is this the breaking point where cons finally start calling for unhinged ranting conspiracy losers to be shut down? it's like 75% of your platform, if you push too hard into "you shouldn't come up with violent threatening conspiracy theories" now, most of your celebrities will be in jail

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — A New Mexico judge dismissed the involuntary manslaughter case against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in a sudden move Friday.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the case based on the misconduct of police and prosecutors over the withholding of evidence from the defense. She said the case cannot be filed again.

Baldwin, the lead actor and co-producer of the film “Rust,” was pointing a gun at Hutchins during a rehearsal on the set outside Santa Fe in October 2021 when the gun went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza. Baldwin has said he pulled back the hammer — but not the trigger — and the gun fired.

He and other producers still face civil lawsuits from Hutchins’ parents and sister, which white collar defense attorney Mark Sedlander told The Associated Press are more common for workplace accidents like the fatal shooting.

“By civil law standards, it is common for someone like Mr. Baldwin to be held responsible for what happened, but it is relatively unusual in the criminal context,” Sedlander said in an interview before the case was dismissed.
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>Rehearsing by mock shooting at people that weren't part of the cast?
He fired at the fucking camera crew while rehearsing for a scene where he would shoot towards the camera. Yes. Fucking idiot.
You still killed that woman Mr. Baldwin
The armorer wasn't present and Baldwin himself was shooting live rounds out of the same pistol. If the armorer gives you the weapon and says it is good to go, you can blame the armorer. If you've been in possession of the live pistol all day, you're responsible for what's in it.

It only takes a moment to empty the cylinder and verify the rounds loaded aren't live.
>It only takes a moment to empty the cylinder and verify the rounds loaded aren't live.
The only difference between the dummy and live rounds was a difference in color for a dot on the back of the rounds (silver vs gold) and Baldwin wouldn't have even known what real rounds for the gun would have looked like because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE SET.

>Baldwin himself was shooting live rounds out of the same pistol
This is actually just a lie. Other crewmembers were shooting live rounds on the set, but there's never been any evidence presented that Baldwin was involved in or even made aware of this. If you hadn't been lying here, you would have had a point, but you are a lying liar that lies.
the armorer got charged, he didn't load the rounds he had a gun handed to him after being told it was cold.
I hate alec Baldwin and think he's a twat for that pathetic interview post incident where he pretended to be crying. But if i had to distribute the blame it'd be 15%him 50% armorer and 35% seth kenny(guy who brought the ammunition and hired her)

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Elon Musk has reportedly donated to America PAC, a super political action committee working to elect former President Trump.

Bloomberg, citing sources familiar with the donations, said that the SpaceX and Tesla CEO donated an undisclosed amount of money to the pro-Trump PAC.

The PAC is next required to disclose its list of donors on July 17, the outlet noted.

Musk has not publicly endorsed a candidate for the 2024 race, but has increasingly weighed in on politics on X.

In the months leading up to the election, Musk scorched President Biden on X for his immigration policies and unambiguously sided with conservatives.

In September, he visited the U.S.-Mexico border at Eagle Pass, Texas, declaring the "situation is beyond insane and growing fast."

He has also criticized the Biden administration following the brutal killing of Augusta University nursing student Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia by an illegal migrant.

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>daily show ahead of cnn & msnbc
kek based

Some of Elon Musk’s closest friends have helped start a new super PAC meant to help former President Donald J. Trump, creating an avenue for Mr. Musk and his $250 billion fortune to potentially play a significant role in the 2024 presidential race.

The group, America PAC, is likely to draw significant support from Mr. Musk, according to three people close to the group who spoke on the condition of anonymity; it is not confirmed whether he has already donated. The group’s founding donors span Mr. Musk’s social circle and include a tight-knit network of wealthy tech entrepreneurs who frequently finance one another’s startups, philanthropic projects and favored political candidates.

Mr. Musk had not donated to the super PAC as of June 30, the end of the most recent disclosure period, according to a Monday filing with the Federal Election Commission. But his tilt to the right, especially in his commentary on his social media site X, has left Republicans hoping he will wade more into funding conservative candidates and causes. On Saturday, soon after Mr. Trump survived an assassination attempt, Mr. Musk went on X to issue a full-throated endorsement of the former president.

In the spring, one leader of America PAC told a friend that the group expected to have a major donor who would make donations in four batches, adding up to as much as $160 million over the course of the campaign. The friend, who insisted on anonymity, was not told the identity of the megadonor.
The super PAC, according to three people close to the organization, is led in part by Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software company Palantir and a politically ambitious venture capitalist in Austin who serves as a political confidant to Mr. Musk. Mr. Lonsdale, the people say, has played a key role in fund-raising for the group in its opening weeks, encouraging his network of influential entrepreneurs to support the super PAC. His personal company donated $1 million to the group.

The top early donors to America PAC include several powerful conservatives from the tech industry. Contributions include $1 million from Antonio Gracias, a private-equity mogul and a board director at SpaceX; $1 million from Ken Howery, an early executive at PayPal alongside Mr. Musk who served as Mr. Trump’s ambassador to Sweden; and $500,000 from Shaun Maguire, an investor at Sequoia Capital who is close to Mr. Musk.

The group has released few details about its operations and its strategy, other than that it has been running field and digital programs on behalf of the former president, mostly encouraging early and mail-in voting. People close to it say that a key operative is Dave Rexrode, a top political operative who most recently has served as a key ally to Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. Mr. Rexrode did not respond to requests for comment in recent days.

America PAC, whose existence was first reported by The New York Times, has spent about $15 million on behalf of Mr. Trump over the last few weeks, turning heads among Mr. Trump’s allies. It raised $9 million in the month after it was founded.

Because of loosened rules adopted this year by the F.E.C., super PACs like America PAC that conduct canvassing are legally able to strategize and coordinate with candidates such as Mr. Trump.

Mr. Musk did not respond to requests for comment over the last few days about his reported support for the group.
“We believe that four more years of Joe Biden is a grave threat to the financial and physical safety of the United States,” the group said in a statement to The New York Times, its first public comment about its activities, criticizing the Biden administration’s policies on inflation, debt and the border.

Other supporters from tech circles include Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the cryptocurrency entrepreneurs who famously fought with Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard and who gave $250,000 apiece; Doug Leone, a billionaire venture capitalist at Sequoia who put in $1 million; and John Hering, a tech founder in San Francisco who put in $500,000 and helps run a fund that invested in Mr. Musk’s takeover of Twitter.

Mr. Musk, the billionaire owner of Tesla and SpaceX, had been circumspect about whether he would back Mr. Trump. In March, Mr. Musk attended a breakfast at a private home in Palm Beach, Fla., with Mr. Trump and a small group of wealthy Republican donors, at a time when the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was seeking a cash injection to his campaign.

After The Times reported on the meeting, Mr. Musk went on X, the social platform that he owns, to push back against rumors that he was giving money to Mr. Trump. “Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President,” he wrote.

However, those statements did not preclude the potential for donating to an outside group supporting one of the candidates.
So it's the 22nd
was it disclosed on their lists on the 17th as stated or what >>1313389

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A new NPR/PBS News/Marist Poll put President Joe Biden two points ahead of former President Donald Trump two weeks after his debate performance called his mental fitness into question.

The poll, published on Friday, asked registered voters across the country — “including leaners” — whom they would vote for if the presidential election was held today. Fifty percent of those polled said they would vote for Biden, 48 percent said they would vote for Trump. The margin of error in the poll was 3.3 percentage points, making the numbers basically split down the middle. Marist noted that their poll one month ago, conducted before the presidential debate, had each candidate at 49 percent.

If a third party candidate was introduced, both candidates polled slightly lower — Trump at 43 percent, Biden at 42 percent, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 8 percent, Cornel West at 3 percent, Jill Stein at 2 percent, and Chase Oliver at less than one percent. The race remained a statistical tie.

Both Trump and Biden had trouble with unfavorable numbers, with Trump’s numbers a bit higher — among voters who had unfavorable views of both candidates, Trump was seen as more unfavorable by four points (47 percent) over Biden (43 percent). That number is an improvement for Trump over last month’s pre-debate poll, which had Trump more unfavorable by 7 points.

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>I won't shed a tear when you get thrown into a furnace
This from a hypocrite that doesn't deserve a '(you)' that accuses the left of being violent.
You lost more than the moral high ground.
Goodest post
>Doesn't deserve a (you)
You're just running away when you do that, queer.
NPR??? Who did they poll, blue haired lesbians? This is laughable. Biden is as popular as runny dogshit.
Oh no you don't. We didn't forget about the chants to "Hang Mike Pence" from MAGA loonies.

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Biden just had a virtual meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (composed of 38 house democrats) and he showed up an hour late. They told Biden "Vete de aqui, puta pinche" and blew Biden the fuck out. The host panicked and scrambled to end the meeting immediately.

House Dem tells Biden directly: Time for someone else to lead
It happened during a virtual meeting between the president and the political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the host ended it shortly after

A House Democrat who has called for Joe Biden to step aside confronted the president directly on a virtual meeting Friday, telling him it was time for someone else to lead, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The host of the meeting — between the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' political arm and Biden — ended it shortly after Rep. Mike Levin's (D-Calif.) comment. Biden responded to Levin, according to a member on the call, by reiterating that he is running. The president held meetings with various factions of House Democrats anxious about his future on the ticket on Friday and has more planned over the weekend.

Shortly after the meeting wrapped up, Levin, who hails from a purple district, put out a statement calling on Biden to end his reelection campaign.

Several others in that group, however, are among Biden’s more vocal proponents on the Hill. Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) and Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) appeared to be "pre-selected" to ask questions, according to a person familiar with the call.

“He sounded very lucid, sharp, engaged,” said another pro-Biden Democrat who attended the meeting, who declined to speak about members’ private comments.

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Harris has executive branch experience and appeals to a broader demographic by being a Blasian woman, but has quite a reputation of having an unlikeable personality.
I think Whitmer might be decent. Also appeals to a broader demographic by being a woman. Seems like she has a pretty likeable personality (I guess compared to Harris). Can also garner sympathy votes from when those right-wingers plotted to kidnap and assassinate her.
Harris has never given an impression that she's in charge of anything.
>Whitmer/Kamala has broad appeal because vagina
Is this seriously how democrats think?
>because vagina
thats why its called "broad" appeal

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A man who killed two Alaska Native women and was heard while videotaping the torture death of one say that in his movies “everybody always dies” was sentenced Friday to 226 years in prison.

Brian Steven Smith received 99-year sentences each for the deaths of Kathleen Henry, 30, and Veronica Abouchuk, who was 52 when her family reported her missing in February 2019, seven months after they last saw her.

“Both were treated about as horribly as a person can be treated,” Alaska Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby said when imposing the sentence.

“It’s the stuff of nightmares,” Saxby said.

The remaining 28 years were for other charges, like sexual assault and tampering with evidence. Alaska does not have the death penalty.

Smith, a native of South Africa who became a naturalized U.S. citizen shortly before torturing and killing Henry at an Anchorage hotel in September 2019, showed no emotion during sentencing.

He also displayed no emotion when a jury deliberated for less than two hours and found him guilty after a three-week trial in February.

During the trial, the victims were not identified by name, only initials. Saxby said during sentencing that their names would be used in order to restore their personhood.

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Authorities identified Henry as the victim whose death was recorded at TownePlace Suites by Marriott in midtown Anchorage. Smith, who worked at the hotel, was registered to stay there from Sept. 2-4, 2019. The first images from the card showed Henry’s body and were time-stamped about 1 a.m. Sept. 4, police said.

The last image, dated early Sept. 6, showed Henry’s body in the back of black pickup. Charging documents said location data showed Smith’s phone in the same rural area south of Anchorage where Henry’s body was found a few weeks later.

Videos from the memory card were shown during the trial to the jury but hidden from the gallery. Smith’s face was never seen in the videos, but his distinctive South African accent — which police eventually recognized from previous encounters — was heard narrating as if there were an audience. On the tape, he repeatedly urged Henry to die as he beat and strangled her.

“In my movies, everybody always dies,” the voice says on one video. “What are my followers going to think of me? People need to know when they are being serial-killed.”

During the eight-hour videotaped police interrogation, Smith confessed to killing Abouchuk after picking her up in Anchorage when his wife was out of town. He took her to his home, and she refused when he asked her to shower because of an odor.

Smith said he became upset, retrieved a pistol from the garage and shot her in the head, dumping her body north of Anchorage. He told police the location, where authorities later found a skull with a bullet wound in it.
>“In my movies, everybody always dies,” the voice says on one video. “What are my followers going to think of me? People need to know when they are being serial-killed.”
inb4 they turn this into a horror netflix series
There's already CSI episodes and other media on the exact topic of a snuff filmer.
>Smith was arrested in 2019 when a sex worker stole his cellphone from his truck

Why would you leave a whore alone in your truck
bro thought he had followers

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Biden's chances of winning the election without widespread fraud just cratered after his recent press conference where he referred to Zelensky as Putin and Harris as Vice President Trump.

He also stormed off after the debate in a fit of abrupt anger, a common tell-tale sign of dementia
Joe Biden's Chances of Becoming President Crash After Press Conference

odds of Joe Biden winning the 2024 presidential election in November collapsed from 4/1 (20 percent) on Thursday morning to 8/1 (11.1 percent) on Friday, following a series of gaffes from the president during media events, according to U.K.-based bookmaker Betfair.

Biden mistakenly called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "President Putin" and described Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump" at two separate events on Thursday during the NATO summit in Washington, D.C.

Concern about the age and mental agility of 81-year-old Biden surged following his first presidential debate against Donald Trump on June 27, in which the Democratic incumbent at several points appeared to lose his train of thought mid-sentence.

In response, several prominent Democrats have called for Biden to step down, including members of Congress and actor and Democratic fundraiser George Clooney, who wrote a piece for The New York Times titled "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee."

The William Hill odds on Biden not being the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee also surged from 1/2 (66.7 percent) on Thursday to 1/3 (75 percent) on Friday morning.

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The kind that see leftist lunatics mentally breaking.
Most leftists have been condemning the assassination attempt though? Even retards like Bernie.
It's easy to say you don't agree with it, even though you really want it.
>even though you really want it
Is this a tacit admission that MAGA types really want to see violence against Biden?
BOOOO-iden! BOOOO-iden!

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reddit and 4chan riddled with bot farms of anti trump trolls
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Uh, no. It'll be proven wrong within 24 hours.
I guess one of those pedophile hunters i hear about finally found a target
Didn't Shinzo Abe get killed because he helped / protected an evil religious organisation?
Shinzo Abe had a lot of shitty positions and did a lot of evil/stupid bullshit, but yes, that was some of it.
Trump and Putin are going to rule the world and Russian is going to be the official language in the US Fuck the libtards

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Former President Donald Trump has tried to distance himself in recent days from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, despite telling the group in 2022 that they were crafting the “groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will.”

NBC News’s Vaughn Hillyard shared a clip from Trump’s keynote address at Heritage’s annual leadership conference, in which the former president said, “Our country is going to hell. The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork.”

“And Heritage does such an incredible job at that. This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America. And that’s coming, that’s coming,” Trump declared.

The Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 have been front and center in the 2024 presidential campaign as Democrats sound the alarm over the plan.

Project 2025 is a sweeping 920-page plan that would reshape the U.S. government and institute many of the hard right’s long-sought-after desires, including more limits on abortion, abolishing the Department of Education, ending workplace protections for LGBTQ people, limiting the U.S. role in NATO, and a dramatic build-up of nuclear weapons.

NBC News reported on Project 2025’s designs for reshaping the federal workforce:
"The proposal’s most dramatic shift would be to reclassify thousands of federal jobs, allowing Trump to fire career employees and replace them with his picks. This would be the most dramatic shift in the federal workforce since the 1880s, when reformers ended the partisan “spoils system,” which led to incompetence, graft and corruption within federal agencies."
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Can't believe Turmp faked an assassination attempt just to get Project 2025 out of the news...
did he actually praise project 2025 specifically, on ame, in 4k, or just the foundation group behind it?
Just like Benedict Arnold.
all of you are lowkey retarded
"he has 240 employees working for him" - the source on that is wikipedia! and their source is a political blog with **no outside sources linked**
"his press secretary worked for them" - his press secretary that was fired after 9 months and he publicly said was a dumbass? wow! im moved!
"trump talked about them at a speech" - trump spoke at an event he was invited to during midterm season and thanked the hosts!! this must mean he loves them, definitely not a political move that politicians make all the time
"but.. but... they made project 2025 and he took their money to speak!!" - do you not know how think thanks are organized?!?! childlike view on politics
"he praises them 24/7" - he mentioned the foundation once before project 2025 then condemned project 2025 on truth social!!
you guys have drank so much blue koolaid you look like the blueberry man from Charlie and the chocolate factory!!
You seem desperate. Cognitive dissonance does that I suppose.


Days after former President Donald Trump sought to distance himself from Project 2025, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller is following suit, aiming to distance himself and his organization from the controversial plan for Trump's potential next term.

As Democrats intensify their efforts to spotlight the connections between Trump and Project 2025 ahead of next week's Republican convention, Miller's organization, America First Legal, reached out to Project 2025, requesting removal from the website's list of advisory board members, sources familiar with the situation told ABC News.

As recently as Thursday, America First Legal was among the numerous conservative groups listed on the advisory board webpage for Project 2025, a 922-page plan to overhaul the federal government led by the Heritage Foundation.

In a statement to ABC News, Miller said, "I have zero involvement with Project 2025. Zero. None. I made an advice video a long while back for students. I have no involvement with the project whatsoever."

Project 2025 representatives did not respond to request for comment from ABC News.

Despite Trump's public attempts to distance himself from Project 2025, reports continue to highlight their intertwined relationship. Miller, who recently assisted Trump with his debate preparation and served as a surrogate in the spin room following the CNN presidential debate earlier this month, was also featured in Project 2025's educational "presidential administration academy" video.
America First Legal was first approached by the Heritage Foundation to join Project 2025 over a year ago, according to a source familiar with the matter. Miller, who publicly denied involvement with the group despite appearing in the video, was surprised to find his organization listed on Project 2025's website, the source said.

But even as Trump and Miller seek to distance themselves from Project 2025, the connections remain abundant. As ABC News previously reported, when Republicans gather in Milwaukee next week to vote on the first new Republican Party platform since 2016, the platform will have been shaped and influenced by individuals with deep ties to Project 2025.

Both the RNC platform committee's policy director Russ Vought and deputy policy director Ed Martin have notable connections to Project 2025.
Heritage foundation and their "project 2025" are the most milquetoast basic bitch conservative ideas. They're a conservative thinktank, that's what thinktanks do.

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