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>It should be noted that Hunter already paid the owed taxes and penalties and prosecution for first time offenders never occurs. This includes Trump Operative Roger Stone who refused to play twice as much in taxes as Hunter and was not brought to trial for that. So this case being brought to trial is 100% a political prosecution by Republicans.

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter pleaded guilty to not paying his taxes on time in order to avoid a second humiliating trial this year.

The guilty plea came as a surprise Thursday and marked a stunning turnaround for the president’s son, whose legal team fought the tax charges as motivated by political pressure from Republicans.

Hunter Biden’s defense attorneys initially said Thursday that their client would be willing to make an “Alford plea,” a special type of guilty plea in which the defendant maintains their innocence but accepts punishment for the alleged crime.

A grand jury indicted Hunter Biden last year on three felony and six misdemeanor charges related to his not paying more than $1 million in federal taxes on income he earned from foreign business deals from 2016 through 2019. The charges carry a maximum of 17 years in prison.

The younger Biden’s overseas moneymaking has been a major source of controversy for Joe Biden, whom Republicans accused of participating in his son’s work. Republicans struggled to substantiate the allegation, however, and gave up on an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden this year.

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>rape kids
>anally raping
He entered the plea so his daddy can pardon him before he dies of old age.
Complete and total LIE. Even Garland said as much in his presser. Of course leftists like you can do nothing but lie.
When pressed by those who prove their retarded opinions wrong, of course rightists can do nothing but lie.
Now now, rightists can do nothing but lie, regardless. Their shitty opinions have nothing to do with it.

Watch: Grinning Putin says he will support Kamala Harris


A smiling Vladimir Putin said Russia will support Kamala Harris, as he gave an interview while attending the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

The Russian president also spoke about Ms Harris's "infectious laugh" and criticised former President Donald Trump's sanctions on the country.

Mr Putin's comments have been met with criticism, with US Security Council spokesman, John Kirby saying: "Mr Putin ought to stop talking about our elections, period. He shouldn't be favouring anybody one way or another".
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It's all propaganda from the right honestly.
Or in the case of the Republitards that have infected /news/, dishonestly.
Nice excuse scamocrat
Settle down, conscript
Think about it. Putin is going to support the candidate that leads to the West being the weakest in the end. That’s Kamala.
An entry I read on the subject:

"The understanding of never dividing the enemy when he makes a mistake is the truth behind Putin's declaration of support for Kamala... Putin is not a man who will openly do reverse psychology. If he says Kamala, there is a reason for this that needs to be examined. So just because he said Kamala does not mean that he actually supports Trump.

He wasn't lying when he said he supported Biden either. Trump is a shrewd man, a man who is intimate with zionist neo-conservative cadres and a man who, unlike the democrats, is not afraid to raise his hand... The death of Qassem Suleimani, the acceptance of Jerusalem as the capital...

This is a process that is partly related to the obsession of the Jews with the order they believe to be divine in their beliefs. So whatever they do, at some point they will have to accept that their beliefs, like all other religions, are a false reality that can exist in the bubble they live in and that they do not coincide with the rationality of science. They are trying to prevent this process by constantly electing puppet democratic candidates and teasing left and right. i.e. passing the buck... The problem is that it is Russia, it is Trump, it is US, etc... But this collapse cannot be prevented.

Can we evaluate the Greater Middle East Project in this context? They may want the geography they will flee to in a possible collapse to be free from danger. A collection of countries around them inhabited by stateless masses that are unstable, have lost the ability to be a nation, whose demographics are like soup...

Every civilisation that has ever existed has collapsed because it drifted away from the realities of life. It may be on the battlefield or in civilian governance, but it all leads to the same thing. The collapse of the west is not a coincidence..."

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Donald Trump repeatedly insisted that he and running mate JD Vance were “not weird”, moments before launching into a tangent about hating mosquitoes during a town hall, where he also attacked rival Kamala Harris and promised “the largest deportation in history” if he was to return to the White House.

The former president participated in a one-hour, pre-taped event with Fox News’ Sean Hannity in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

With few interjections from Hannity, Trump repeated common refrains about Harris’ economic agenda and her record at the border. He also worked to distance himself and “JD” from the “weird” label first given to them Democratic vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz.

Hannity started asking a question about Walz, which Trump quickly derailed in favor of discussing Walz’s extended family’s endorsement of him.

“I was so honored today. His brother endorsed me — and his whole family!” Trump said. “I saw the picture. Honestly, it was a very nice looking family.”

Earlier on Wednesday, eight of Walz’s distant relatives shared a photo of them wearing grammatically incorrect “Walz’s for Trump” T-shirts while standing in front of a “Trump 2024” flag.

Speaking about Walz, Trump said: “There is something weird with that guy. He’s a weird guy. JD is not weird. He’s a solid rock. I happen to be a very solid rock.”

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You want to know what's weird? Saying 'weird' 22 times in 36 seconds while claiming you aren't weird.
what a weirdo
Those who project more than IMAX doesn't know that there are men married to actual women and have families who refer to the orange retard and its cultists as 'Weird'.
The rightist schizo that has infected /news/ will never kiss an actual woman, least of all marry one. It is a migrant from /r9k/ that is weird
They spam american clownshow politics here to stifle any real discussion.
This post was written by a catlady.

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The Department of Justice indicted two employees of the state-backed Russian media company RT on Wednesday, saying they funded and directed the coverage of a U.S. conservative media outlet in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The indictment alleges that two Russians, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, funneled nearly $10 million into the U.S. media company as part of a Kremlin-backed effort to influence American audiences in favor of Russian government priorities, and says they failed to register as agents of a foreign government as required by law.

The conservative network is not named in the indictment. However, it is identified as a Tennessee-based corporation hosting six commentators that describes itself as a “network of heterodox commentators that focus on Western political and cultural issues.”

That matches the exact language and number of commentators listed on the website of the Tennessee-based TENET Media, a video distribution platform owned by conservative founders Liam Donovan and Lauren Chen that hosts conservative influencers including Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson and Lauren Southern. Chen did not immediately respond to an email, and HuffPost was unable to reach Donovan.

However, CNN has independently confirmed that the company mentioned in the indictment is TENET.

In a post on Twitter on Wednesday that was retweeted by Rubin, Johnson acknowledged that he was an unwitting victim of the alleged scheme.

“A year ago, a media startup pitched my company to provide content as an independent contractor,” Johnson wrote. “Our lawyers negotiated a standard, arms length deal, which was later terminated. We are disturbed by the allegations in today’s indictment, which make clear that myself and other influencers were victims in this alleged scheme. My lawyers will handle anyone who states or suggests otherwise.”
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Intrusive thoughts by rightists:
Combat veteran. I am in fact more American than you.
The nonAmerican schizo thinks that those who are military personnel in US bases in other parts of the world - and have to participate in elections using Mail-in Ballots - aren't Americans.
youre not american well democrats arent american that is for sure!
^...see what I mean, >>1339654?
Americans are educated enough to know how to spell properly. You're one who knows how. But the unAmerican between our posts clearly isn't, thus can't vote. Therefore doesn't have the right to say who is American and who isn't. Those military personnel who serve in US bases in other parts of the world are more American than this thing will ever be. The thing between our posts is a hispanic after all. It will never be an American, along with the fact it will never be a man.

They said they could not in good consciousness vote for American hater and alleged child molester and cannibal tim walz
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That's how you do it when it's a name.
There is a different rule. Walz is not a plural.
You guys WERE NOT trolling and just retarded liberal faggot trannies that kneejerk to themselves.
libtards in denial mode as they have 3 months of freedom before they're thrown to the camps and stripped from their precious social media drug.
i think you're losing it
and you have a future as a prison urinal.
russian r kelly?

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Illinois law banning concealed carry on public transit is unconstitutional, judge rules
this is a major win for mankind and a major defeat for communists and trannies
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>castrate babies
Such intrusive thoughts. Weird.
republicans can't think
They're rageposting lies because they can't defend their own positions.
No one wants post birth abortions
No one wants to castrate babies
Furries are Republican

They claimed Tanks are too expensive to own and admitted that people own tanks right after each other. Schizo can't help but BTFO themselves if they try.
>They claimed Tanks are too expensive to own and admitted that people own tanks right after each other
lmao, this bot is malfunctioning.
>castrate babies
>marry animals
>gay marry
The thing that still has such intrusive thoughts. Weird.

Donald J. Trump
republicans suck at writing scaremongering clickbait headlines
They're very good at stealing all the money collected to maintain it though.
you're next chuddie

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>3 out of 4 spambots are deployed on /news/ by the RNC
>says that which is mad at someone downvoting
I'm the one, bitter troon who could stand it when people make threads
To be fair, they probably have no idea.

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Republicans continue their long losing stream against Gavin Newsom as he maintains his flawless election record against them.


The latest effort to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom from office failed to gather enough signatures, the campaign confirmed Tuesday, the deadline to submit the necessary 1.3 million signatures.

“We’re not turning in any signatures,” Anne Hyde Dunsmore, chief petitioner with the campaign, said in an interview Tuesday. “The process is time consuming and we felt that we had done what we needed to do.”

The group’s failure to gather enough signatures means Newsom will not face a second recall election. In 2021, he defeated a recall attempt with 62% of California voters opting to keep him in office. A year later he won a second term in office with 59%. Newsom is term-limited and will leave office in 2027.

>“Serial losers, losing,” Newsom campaign spokesman Nathan Click said.

The latest recall campaign set out in February to remove Newsom from the highest elected office in California but Dunsmore said their mission quickly pivoted to keep him from moving further up, into the White House.

Newsom was actively campaigning for president Joe Biden’s reelection this summer before Biden dropped out of the race. Dunsmore and other critics of the governor saw it as an attempt for Newsom to raise his national profile and leverage himself onto the presidential ticket.

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I'm angry because of democrats and I must post about it.
Why is more than Russia losing:
He’s gonna keep his governorship but to say he’s “loved” anywhere outside of SoCal is laughable.
The gun store I shop at in Solano County sells “Fuck Newsom” t shirts and I’ve seen more conservative signage and sentiment expressed in Central and Northern Cali than you’d imagine given our state’s reputation.
He’s a smarmy, two-faced shitstain, just like his mentor Jerry.
Oh and he’s not exactly a leftist darling either.
He set a hard quarantine lockdown during Covid only to then go have a big rich people party at the French Laundry where nobody wore masks, made it a misdemeanor to steal $999.99 (taking a big fat shit on local business that couldn’t just eat the theft with insurance like Walmart and Home Depot) and has recently begun using police squares to enact homeless purges despite previously calling himself their advocate (spoilers: the next Olympics is in LA and he wants to look good, he dgaf about the homeless themselves)
It'll be so fucking funny to see the cope from his supporters and other democrats when LA pulls a Brazil and kicks out all the homeless and builds over their encampments

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The survey from Emerson College Polling/The Hill showed Trump leading Harris in Florida by 5 points, 50 percent to 45 percent, and in Texas by 4 points, 50 percent to 46 percent.

The results are a bit closer than what some other polling has found on the races but not completely out of sync with recent polls that have shown a tighter race in those states.

Not much independent polling from major institutions has been done on Texas and Florida since Harris became the Democratic nominee.

A Florida Atlantic University poll from last month had Trump’s lead in the Sunshine State at just 3 points, and a poll from two Texas universities had Trump leading in the Lone Star State by 5 points.

The Emerson poll showed Harris just behind Trump in favorability rating for the states. His net favorability rating was positive 2 points in both, while the vice president’s in both was negative 2 points.

The poll also found a significant gender gap, with Trump leading among Texas men by 18 points, up from 17 points in 2020, and among Florida men by 12 points, up from 9 points four years prior. Harris leads among Texas women by 8 points, up from 3 points, and among Florida women by 2 points.

Flipping either Texas or Florida may be a stretch but would make Democrats’ path to 270 electoral votes easier and Republicans’ path considerably harder.

Democrats seeking to try to hold on to the Senate have also talked about the two states’ Republican incumbent senators as possible opportunities to expand the map.

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A Comanche Piper airplane crashed outside of Hawthorne Airport in LA County at 1 AM this morning, and burst into flames upon impact.

Gerald "Slink" Johnson, best known as the voice of Lamar Davis from GTA 5, was nearby charging his Tesla and rushed over after hearing the impact.

The 2 passengers are in critical condition, and according to Lamar, the pilot was conscious and on fire, yelling expletives and had a severe head wound and a mangled left leg.

Just another day in Los Santos.


Thread theme
he learned ems skills from everest

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Donald Trump is nearing the day he can cash out of Truth Social’s parent company, raising concerns of a potential sell-off that could hit the meme stock hard.

On paper, Trump’s stake in Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) is valued at $1.95 billion, which could help cover his mounting legal fines.

However, when he agreed to a reverse merger with Digital World Acquisition Company (DWAC) on March 25, he accepted a six-month lockup period, preventing him from selling his 115 million shares.

Trump owns 59% of TMTG, and any sale could tank the stock unless done in small batches.

With the lockup expiring in three weeks, investors are growing anxious.

Trump’s financial situation appears strained—he’s been selling Trump-themed sneakers, “God Bless the USA” Bibles, and now offering a piece of the suit he wore during his first debate with Joe Biden to collectors who purchase $1,500 worth of digital Trump trading cards.

On Wednesday, TMTG shares fell 6%, closing just below $17. This wipes out all gains for the year, while the S&P 500 has risen 16% over the same period.

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>Russian lenders said
fixed that for you, shill
its because they're not making their money back on the loans.
These are shitty coping mechanisms
You just don't understand.
The fake crimes they accuse Biden of and have no evidence for - 100% real
The real crimes Trump committed, tried in a court of law with evidence? 100% fake
See >>1339275
Were the prosecutors presenting the jury evidence from their gaping assholes?

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Reality TV host turned convicted felon Donald Trump's third presidential campaign is surrendering in Virginia, New Hampshire, and Minnesota, and focusing entirely on stopping the bleeding in states considered safe red pre-Trump like Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina

They're hoping this will lead to a less humiliating defeat than the one Trump, the first incumbent to lose his reelection bid in 28 years, suffered in 2020 to Joe Biden


Donald Trump has quietly wound down his presidential campaign in states he was targeting just six weeks ago amid polling evidence showing that Kamala Harris’s entry into the presidential race has put them out of reach and narrowed his path to the White House.

The Republican presidential nominee’s campaign has diverted resources away from Minnesota, Virginia and New Hampshire – states Trump was boasting he could win while Joe Biden was the Democratic candidate – to focus instead on a small number of battleground states.

Money is being poured into the three “blue wall” states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which were all carried by Biden in 2020 and are seen as vital to the outcome of November’s election.

Special attention is being paid to Pennsylvania, which has 19 electoral college votes, and where a new CNN poll shows Trump and Harris tied at 47% each.

Resources have also been transferred to southern and south-western Sun belt states – namely North Carolina, Georgia Nevada and Arizona – where Trump previously had healthy leads over Biden that have been whittled away since Harris replaced the US president at the top of the Democratic ticket.

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See for yourself
>What happens if those states flip
>Here is a map where you can see the effect on the race to 270
>[mindless insult]
I could easily see it going either way. Trump has the advantage of having a religious base of supporters who basically worship him but he’s also one of the most hated people in America to everybody else and that will motivate people to show up just to vote against him. 2024 is a coin flip between Kamala and Trump.
None of that matters. If Israel wants Trump in they will get Trump. If they want Kamala, she will win. Personally I suspect they will choose Trump and crash the economy quickly so they can get on with a new cycle.
You asked what the effect of those states flipping would be. I provided a tool for you to see for yourself. You're now throwing your toys out the cot for reasons that I cannot understand.

>Trump has the advantage of having a religious base of supporters who basically worship him
This is such a mindless cope.
>You're right, DNC supporters are far more volatile and fanatic
So when Trump loses to them you're not going to be here crying about it, right?

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A convicted murderer whose sentence was commuted by Donald Trump has been convicted in Florida of an attack on his wife.

Trump commuted Jaime A. Davidson's sentence on January 20, 2021, the former president's last day in office. That month, Trump issued 143 pardons and commutations, including Davidson's. This is the second case of domestic violence by someone released by Trump to have emerged in the last week.

In July 2024, Davidson was sentenced to three months in jail for domestic violence, according to court records obtained by the news site Popular Information. Davidson's reoffending had not been previously reported.

The prosecutor in Davidson's 1990 conviction, John Duncan, objected after hearing that Davidson was released.

"If you ask me for a list of people who nobody should give a presidential commutation to, Davidson would pretty much be at the top of the list," Duncan told The New York Times in 2021.

The story was investigated by Popular Information's editor, Judd Legum.

Davidson was convicted of murdering Wallie Howard Jr., an undercover agent. Howard was shot in Syracuse, New York, and the killer stole $42,000 from him.

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I wonder what's for dinner
To win the vote of the LGBTQ community.

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NEW YORK (AP) — They have millions of followers online. They have been major players in right-wing political discourse since Donald Trump was president. And they worked unknowingly for a company that was a front for a Russian influence operation, U.S. prosecutors say.

An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.

In addition to marking the third straight presidential election in which U.S. authorities have unveiled politically charged details about Russia’s attempted interference in U.S. politics, an indictment indicates how Moscow may be attempting to capitalize on the skyrocketing popularity of right-wing podcasters, livestreamers and other content creators who have found successful careers on social media in the years since Trump was in office.

The U.S. Justice Department doesn’t allege any wrongdoing by the influencers, some of whom it says were given false information about the source of the company’s funding. Instead, it accuses two employees of RT, a Russian state media company, of funneling nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based content creation company for Russia-friendly content.
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When has the DOJ ever not been real with their charges?
He has no clue. He's just been trained to screech about fake news and the deep state without any critical thinking whatsoever.
When have they?
>One unidentified influencer’s contract included a $400,000 monthly fee, a $100,000 signing bonus and an additional performance bonus.
It was Dave Rubin I'll bet. He's the only one of them who is used to a salary.
> Lauren Chen, a Canadian influencer who has appeared as a guest in several Tenet Media videos. Chen is affiliated with the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA and has hosted shows for the right-wing network Blaze Media.
Interesting how Glenn Beck's Blaze Media fired her but Charlie Kirk's TPUSA doesn't care who is a Russian plant.
>Tenet Media’s six main influencers have more than 7 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 7 million followers on X.
How many were Russian bots?

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