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Trump appears to side with Musk, tech allies in debate over foreign workers roiling his supporters


You heard the man, fall in line republitards. (Side note for you idiot republicans, click the link above in order to view the article)
Paste the article text, newfag
>"We're going to bring down prices!"
>"Ok now that I'm elected, we actually can't do that, sorry. Too hard."
>"We're going to drain the swamp!"
>"Ok now that I'm elected, I'm going to put a bunch of billionaires, unqualified sycophants, and Wall Street stooges in charge. Sorry, but they always say yes to me."
>"We're going to bring back jobs!"
>"Ok now that I'm elected, we're actually importing migrants to pay them for those same jobs but cheaper and we can exploit them more. Sorry."

Repubs got so fucking scammed lmao. We tried to warn them.
They don't care. He did all that shit in his first term too.
Thanks, Obama!
Bump my thread more. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
No bumps given, not that you know how that works, newfag
Personally I don't care at all about brining in skilled laborers, it's the illegal immigration I dislike
But on course, libshits want to turn this common sense position into a win any way they can.
What happened to America First anon? I thought we were supposed to be giving jobs back to the American people instead of letting companies keep hiring foreigners who they can pay less and exploit more.
That is America first, anon. There is a shortage of skill in certain highly skilled fields, and we are putting America first by finding the required laborers somewhere rather than not at all.

American education has been failing Americans for a while now. I hope that trump corrects course by forcing them to stop teaching pronouns and gender identity and other things that don't matter and force them to spend that time teaching things that actually matter.
>Bringing in brown people to do jobs instead of white people is actually good.
Good morning sir!
>I hope that trump corrects course by forcing them to stop teaching pronouns and gender identity and other things that don't matter and force them to spend that time teaching things that actually matter.
And obviously he'll achieve that by removing the education system altogether.

Also we literally have receipts showing Musk and company doing layoffs of American workers and refilling positions with H1B1 workers they can pay less. America can't be short on both high skill and low skill positions at the same time. We know low skill IS a case of Americans not wanting to take those jobs (so when there aren't immigrants being brought in, there are vacancies), but high skill is very clearly companies hiring cheaper foreign labor over anyone who they'd have to treat and pay properly.
Our country was founded by lazy white men who brought in cheap labor. It's as American as apple pie.
bullshit. we are a service economy. parts and labor are brought in from elsewhere. would you like fries with that?
>American education has been failing Americans for a while now.
>which is why we need to give up on trying to educate Americans entirely and just import a bunch of indians who will work for slave wages
If that were true OP would have pasted the article text and not been a huge faggot about it.
>which is why we need to give up on trying to educate Americans entirely
Educating Americans more is exactly what the trump admin has been pushing. There was that tweet from the Indian dude in his admin all of you kept sharing where he said American education sucks and people have poor values and it needs to change.

You people are fucking horrendous. You want to find reasons to complain over shit you agree with just because someone you don't like wants to fix something that's broken

Fuck you disingenuous tards. I'm so glad Dems lost across the board.
>Yes sirs, white people are too stupid to work but Indians will do the needful and work for bargain prices. Won't even need restroom breaks!
Go back to your shithole country.
You don't even live here in the US, you are just shitposting
Where do you think all those Indians and Chinese are being educated dumb fuck?
Not at US primary and secondary education institutions, fuck face.
Liberals will tell you to educate themselves while they simultaneously tell you a man dressing up as a woman is science
Hoarding popcorn for the inevitable literal shit show that unfolds when Indian people and black people start slapping and shooting each other. most racist rant I’ve ever heard was from an Indian bodega owner in Brooklyn who has just got back from homedepot with a bunch of locks and chains to lock a freezer because black teens “go crazy baboon monkey at night and steal ice cream.”
The liberals telling you that don't exist off of twitter and you should go back there.
>Countries that can't stop their people from shitting in the streets and make lying a standard part of their curriculum produce better engineers than the United States
I can smell the curry on your breath from here
Now MAGA is telling me pet eating niggers being here to take jobs from Americans is actually a good thing?
Oh yeah? Watch this
Paste the article text
>Article text not posted
Now seethe about how "Not In Le Rulez"
>many such cases
Republicans want to keep voters uneducated. ignorant, poor and desperate to keep capitalism alive. White Nats are the perfect example. They chant "jews will not replace us(with Hispanics)". So their masters replace them with South Asians.
LOL If Trump/ Republicans bends down to Musk and the Corporate oligarchs CEOs, and continues to allow mass H1B Work Visas,

then their mass deportations /IKCE will essentially become useless wasted effort: as it becomes a merry-go-around farce, with the kicked-out re-entering USA over-again with fake H1B/Work Visas!
>then their mass deportations /IKCE will essentially become useless wasted effort: as it becomes a merry-go-around farce, with the kicked-out re-entering USA over-again with fake H1B/Work Visas!
you left out the part about how it will cost hundreds of billions of wasted dollars
As a white supremacist KKK member, i can no longer support trump because of this
The only work my brother can get is stocking shelves in some cheese warehouse. Thanks, Obama!
You struggle with reading comprehension I'm afraid. That other anon said he disliked illegal immigration and supports bringing in skilled laborers (note the words skilled labor, which usually weeds out a lot of immigrants as they're, statistically speaking, a detriment to productivity). At this point you're just being allergic to nuance on purpose in favor of shitposting like another anon mentioned previously.
>skilled laborers
being willing to pick produce all day in the heat is a skill that Americans lack.
So it'll just be a revolving door.
Good post
Yeah let's have all the foreigners have all the nice jobs and real americans work the shit ones.
>Repubs got so fucking scammed lmao.
But it's all of you that will foot the bill.

>We tried to warn them.
But surely you cannot doubt god emporor trump and his genius?

>it's the illegal immigration I dislike
But is that worth the 300bn crutch to prop your economy up? Think about what things look like without it. Also, most of your illegals are visa overstays meaning there's gonna be a decent number in on h1b thus, skilled.

>I hope that trump corrects course
By installing the lass responsible for the farce of a soap with ballet mis-sold as wrestling. There's nothing about this pool of variables that should be concerning at all.

>force them to spend that time teaching things that actually matter.
Things like god empror trump is always right. Installing the good ethics of informing on dissenters and wrong-thinkers to the proudboi praetorian guard.

>You want to find reasons to complain over shit you agree with just because someone you don't like wants to fix something that's broken
He's not 'fixing' it, tho, is it? He's actively crippling it. The key issue is your lack of educational standards - I see not a single variable in play that holds potential for improvement. In fact the precise opposite. So not only now, but for the foreseeable future you'll be needing to hire in serious talent.

>I'm so glad Dems lost across the board.
You all lost. Red and blue. Across the board. Well done. Give yourself a goldfish. If you can still afford one.

Me too. It's gonna be the rekt thread of the century.
>Yeah let's have all the foreigners have all the nice jobs and real americans work the shit ones.
If you don't want americans working shit jobs, you should be for immigration.
Literally the NPC in the OP pic. Kek
>There is a shortage of skill in certain highly skilled fields

There isn't though, this is about Wall Street corporations filling white collar positions with much cheeper H1B Indians.

Now granted, I'd MUCH rather have legal, educated Indian immigrants over illegal Mexican and other 3rd world peasants (as well as native Black-Americans) but the fact is we don't need ANY immigration.
>the fact is we don't need ANY immigration.
Objectively false. Even leaving aside the role they play in stuff like the agricultural district, the idea that there are skilled foreigners who we should be trying to attract to the US is absolutely true. The problem is that Musk is clearly bullshitting to cover up the fact he can pay immigrant/visa workers less and treat them worse.

Bringing in the best is fine. Replacing actual citizens with foreign ones because it's cheaper and easier to exploit the latter is not. The only thing that benefits from that is CEOs like Musk.
Good luck, you stupid fucks. I know how to live off 20 grand a year. Might have to budget for a few respirators due to the environmental protections getting rolled back and the mass influx of poos but I'll be fine. You, on the other hand are cooked for believing Trump after he did the same thing last fucking time. Also, fun fact: Most economists agree we wouldn't have been fucked nearly as hard as we were if it wasn't for the republican financial policy leading up to it.
The "tradewar" with China during his first term lead to our farmers getting fucked, with an estimated 92-120% what was earned from the tariffs going to bailing them out. So the tradewar was either of almost no benefit to the US or losing BIGLY and he's going to do the shit again.
Yeah but that's the complete opposite of what Trump and Musk want. They want to round up all the illegal immigrants, the ones doing under the table work doing shit jobs like picking crops, meat packing, cleaning, etc. And then they want to import immigrants to replace Americans in skilled jobs, because immigrants on H-1B visas are easier to keep on a tight leash.
anon most illegal immigrants initially come here via visas then stay when they run out. So even in the "oh but they'll cut down on illegals!" argument doesn't hold water.
Oh, so this is the /leftypol/ I heard about.
You guy are just as faggoty as they said you'd be.
Okay but where do you think they're working?
The mantra a MAGAt will say to himself as he digs through the dumpster for a half eaten ring ding.
>/news/ is /leftypol/ now
the absolute state of indoctrinated cultists
>Said the man wearing a dress with 4 booster shots for a virus with 99.9998% survival rate
I'd pay money to know how you formed these strawmen in your head. My guess is looking at troonjaks for the last 5 years solid.
Rightoids hate this place cause they can't spam troonjaks to derail a discussion they don't like. They still try with text though.
They seem to see this board as an extension of the so called mainstream media, which is why anytime they see a news story critical of their worldview they automatically think those people are libshits or trannies from leftypol or chapotraphouse. In reality the lefties on those sites wouldn't touch 4chan with a 20ft pole, but that never gets in the way of an argument based on the boogeymen living rent free in their heads.
>Bringing in the best is fine. Replacing actual citizens with foreign ones because it's cheaper and easier to exploit the latter is not.

Sure, if we're talking about the sub-1% of the immigrant population who are nuclear rocket engineers and such but other than that, we don't need more people. This is true for the U.S. and for the planet in general; the more people there are, the less valuable each of us is.
>The "tradewar" with China during his first term lead to our farmers getting fucked, with an estimated 92-120% what was earned from the tariffs going to bailing them out.

Why is this a bad thing? Better the money goes to American farmers than the Chinese.
They should ban retards from posting here.
>Objectively false. Even leaving aside the role they play in stuff like the agricultural district, the idea that there are skilled foreigners who we should be trying to attract to the US is absolutely true. The problem is that Musk is clearly bullshitting to cover up the fact he can pay immigrant/visa workers less and treat them worse.
>Bringing in the best is fine.
exceptionally skilled workers aren't H-1Bs, they are O-1s

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