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/y/ is for sharing 2D male homosexual NSFW content (sex full nudity etc)

This is an image board so post fullsized images. When making a new thread check the catalog >>>/y/catalog to make sure a thread for that series/content doesn't already exist
If you do make a thread post 5-6 images to get the thread going.

Gay content that doesn't belong here
Real life gay >>>/hm/
SFW gay >>>/cm/
Strange gay (cuntboys, dickgirls etc) >>>/d/
Shota (prepubescent males) >>>/b/
Furries >>>/b/
In addition please refrain from making content-less bump posts. Such posts will be warned or even banned.

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>Last Thread
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Damn your ass would leak shit and blood for weeks after that musky hypersmegma meatstick gaped it! Sexy.
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ghostface milkies
What the

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Pokeboys Edition
*Previous Thread: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/3060106/#3060106
*Request Thread: >>>/y/airt

>To make a new thread, wait for page 8 at bump (and/or image) limit in catalog.



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NoobXL recognizes bravern characters nice

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no bitching about pairings or character
no art that looks western cartoon style
bara and feminine are OK
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Nevermind, I cracked the code.

I have the doujin. Unfortunately, those two pages were the only ones with any BDSM paraphernalia, and the rest of the doujin is pretty clean with about a half a page of mostly obscured porn. The ballgag and rotors kind of come out of nowhere, and I wish I knew what was being said. But at least now I can rest at ease.

If you want to see it yourself you can download it here:

Pic related and the last pic are from a doujinshi called "Strawberry" by Fujino Akitsugu under the circle name FLAT, and it's easily accessible on myreadingmanga and e-hentai.
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Bless you, anon!
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dang his ass is bleeding.. my nigga light needs to learn what lube is

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It’s just screenshots from BG3. With a few mods installed.
Do you think the sex scenes in Veilguard will be "explicit" as the ones in BG3? I kind of like Emmrich and Lucanis so I would not mind steamy scenes with them(especially if they turn out to be hungry bottoms)
I would hope. But I definitely doubt it especially after what we saw out of Andromeda and the treatment we got for m/m romance. The options were slim and both of their scenes were fade to black. Though they did restore Jaal’s romance with Scott. And that was fairly explicit. Nowhere near as Cora’s scene however.
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Waiting for Kazuma part 2 to leak edition
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the correct term for the east its kemono and its actually much more tasteful than the majority of sparkle dog fetish bs the west has to offer, also not truly influenced by the west to begin with like you imply.
plus him making kemoshota for kemoket feels like a one time thing because he was invited rather than a constant
either guro considering he was an art student and probably wants to put that organ knowledge to use, some weird outlandish inflation, or more weird size stuff.
before likes went private he was liking all kinds of furry trash, fastforward to now and he's just retweeting it
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I didnt really keep up with his likes but he has retweeted like three things and they are mostly related to that kemoshota artwork he did for what I can tell.
I will eat my words if this new manga he plans to do turns out to be full on bestiality but for now I dont think its likely
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Fuck off

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Post lewd yaoi-related memes here
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Just be open and honest with your partner(s). If they're not comfortable with it, respect their wishes and don't go behind their backs about it. What's important is to make sure everyone in a relationship knows what's happening and is on board with it. Polyamory may not be something you want to engage in, but if other couples have the desire, and the necessary emotional stability that it requires, that's completely fine.
Yeah but polyamory is not infidelity like that cheating meme. You should be explicitly open with your desire for multiple partners before entering a relationship, anyway. Instead of leading someone on and permanently making them paranoid when they aren't okay with it, which is a nigh-inevitable probability since the vast majority of people want a 1:1 relationship, even exclusively gay men at around 60%+. They said cheating is cringe, which it is, not informed consensual polyamory.
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can someone explain the phenomena of spastic raging over shorter men playing pitch?
someone said it was a tranny thing but i see niggas on grindr kvetch about it
No clue, I've gotten shit for not being a bottom as a 5'8'' dwarf maxxed gym bro, but I have no interest in being the fuckee. I've gotten less shit about being short from when I only fucked women.
Gays are petty, more news at 5

boys who like being fucked, even if they don't like admitting it
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fail retard
no, i was right. it was a samefag and you can't tell me otherwise
cuck seethe

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uh huh.
you’re just gonna get banned anyway, make it easier on your tired little angry self
>see dark skin
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more obsessed tranny autogynephiles

OMGXISA I LOVE DARK MEAT but im definitely not blacked ok?
mid posts step it up tranny

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/Y/ Drawthread #159

1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If you're looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging specific drawfags, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
10) No art of Fillion is allowed as "deliveries."

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Got any more of him?
Same faggot. The way you keep talking to yourself is sad. You're the reason no one can make requests here anymore.
is on topyk

Preferably no AI.
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I like how confused Bakugou looks, he doesn't believe Deku made him cum without hands.
bottom baku is so fucking good

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Last: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3012747/
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this isn't rape either
It's not "muscle growth" etiher. Not sure where you get that from it.
where did i say it was? so you're just gonna be a little jew and spam offtopic shit because you don't want to make a thread that suits your fetish, pretty femalebrained behavior
Actually that was me and it does fit for >>3067539

/fujo/ - A general Boys Love thread #147

/fujojo/ edition

>Previous thread

>Who are we
/fujo/ is a general for fujoshis to talk about their ships, share fanart, and also discuss original BL

>Sites recommended by fujoshi

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no they were posting a lot of actual guro with blood and chopped up bits, it wouldn't fly here either
honestly it's so popular right now i don't know why they didn't just make a thread on /trash/ like hazbin does
No lol. You can’t delete threads after a few minutes or so, it got deleted because she posted too many cannibal and nsfw gore images, when there’s too many “bad” images, instead of deleting those they purge threads. The mods on this site are incredibly lazy when it comes to /cm/ /cgl/ and /y/, as if you haven’t been able to tell with the pooner spamming on /cm/ and the trolling done here.
/trash/ is too fast for that, it still bumps off in an hour during daylight.
got any good bls featuring traps?
offtopic spam from a seething pooner who will never be male

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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://rentry.org/BLreq
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Thread prompt:
If you could make a dream BL anime/manga/videogame, with no limitations; what would it be about and who would you hire to do art/voices/etc?
What is a genre of BL that you flat-out refuse to read/watch, without having ever read/watched it before?

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>it's translated to volume 8 on bato
ah, didn't think to look there. thanks
I'd like something really rapey. Any ideas?
"no reason" its a Korean webtoon, but its basically rape of one guy for like 50 chapters. Drugs, mindbreak, gangrape, etc. the ending sucks but it doesn't skimp on rape thats for sure. I know some people hate in korean stuff, but they sure are in their rape era rn
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Speaking of, Nakamura-kun anime trailer got released. How do you anons feel about the artstyle?
Also, I wonder how they're willing to adapt it when there's only 2 volumes out.
i'm not a huge fan of that 90s style for masculine characters in general but it's not a bad adaptation, the anime cleans up well

and vice versa

Report and hide off-topic/spam/derailing
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are they OCs or from some shows? He (the dark haired) is living my dream btw
doomer eboy and nordic chad from the wojak comics
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goated aesthetic pairing

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