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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://rentry.org/BLreq
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Thread prompt:
If you could make a dream BL anime/manga/videogame, with no limitations; what would it be about and who would you hire to do art/voices/etc?
What is a genre of BL that you flat-out refuse to read/watch, without having ever read/watched it before?

Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3051236/
All threads: https://rentry.org/bldiscussion
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!!!!!Rec List Anchor/Help Wanted!!!!!

Please reply to this post to ask for things to be added OR REMOVED from the Rec List on ControlC.
>anime, VNs, fan doujin, and academic works about BL are allowed too

NEW HERE? Check out our curated rec chart!

***NEEDED: New Rec Chart
>It has been almost two years since our last update!
>In thread 88, anons discussed making a rec chart in HTML and taking a full website screenshot via Opera browser.
>In thread 99, an anon offered to do it in Power Point. If you're still here, anon, please go ahead! Post in the thread if you need help finding previous discussions of what to remove or include.

***NEEDED: Volunteers to update the Pinboard
>We use controlc for our rec list, but help to update the Pinboard (which can't be banned as easily) is still needed
How to post to and edit the Pinboard:

Thanks to the anon who updated the All Threads list!
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>What is a genre of BL that you flat-out refuse to read/watch, without having ever read/watched it before?
Yaoi with old dudes, around their 40s and 50s. Fucking disgusting.
>If you could make a dream BL anime/manga/videogame, with no limitations; what would it be about and who would you hire to do art/voices/etc?
I will learn how to program and make the stupid pixel RPG with evil boy getting his gay harem and vanquishing cosmic horrors. I have to learn how to program first though
>What is a genre of BL that you flat-out refuse to read/watch, without having ever read/watched it before?
I've dabbled in almost everything at this point so I can't answer it properly, but I really dislike omegashit, unless it's something more normal like alpha x beta or alpha x alpha or whatever. Basically I hate the breeding fetish stuff specifically.
I thought old man yaoi was like 60-90
Silly anon. It's anime world. Anything 30+ is busted and old.
But salarymen and military guys are really common in yaoi and they're like 30-50 aren't they?
then a lot of yaoi is a no go for him, i guess
Idk ototos stuff is pretty hot.
any other BLs that make it past the 2-3 volume mark? I recently caught up on the fantrans of Blue Sky Complex and I'm really loving the story. was pleasantly surprised it has 10 volumes which I don't see a lot of in this genre
Holy shit the art style changed completely from when I last read it.
i like it in a way it shows how their relationship also progresses from high-school to college
>round glasses
i wish this wasnt in style it looks bad
I dunno, the old style may not have been as polished, but it was down-to-earth in a way that complimented the story. They just look like fashion models now.
harry potter lookin-ass mf
10 volumes? wow that sounds fucking great!
> barely half of it has been translated
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it's translated to volume 8 on bato, plus 4 chapters of indigo blue. I'd say that's a good chuck to read alone. mangadex stops at volume 5. most the story now is just a slice of life with them navigating life and college as a gay couple really and some of the challenges they may face regarding it. lot more sex scenes too
>it's translated to volume 8 on bato
ah, didn't think to look there. thanks
I'd like something really rapey. Any ideas?
"no reason" its a Korean webtoon, but its basically rape of one guy for like 50 chapters. Drugs, mindbreak, gangrape, etc. the ending sucks but it doesn't skimp on rape thats for sure. I know some people hate in korean stuff, but they sure are in their rape era rn
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Speaking of, Nakamura-kun anime trailer got released. How do you anons feel about the artstyle?
Also, I wonder how they're willing to adapt it when there's only 2 volumes out.
i'm not a huge fan of that 90s style for masculine characters in general but it's not a bad adaptation, the anime cleans up well
holy shit wheelieboi content, fuckfuckkkkfucllkk I haven't seen this yet hope it's good
actual rape or almost rape? I could post a few of the ones I liked when I get back. that bha one where he realizes he's not the main character of the story anymore and it breaks his mind was gr8. had a really neat art style.
no, I'd say that definitely secured my homosexuality. if your gonna read weird horrific straight stuff, atleast make it good, like that asymmetrical..."live insertion anal docking" comic or something
I find funny people mock yaoi hands and then jack off to deformed women

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