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>tfw you realize you forgot to turn the stove off
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Used to be one of my favorites to jerk off to
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here i made an edit to make it more palatable
lmfao, took me a second
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I need this sauce I’ve had this as a fantasy for do long
Here https://www.hentai.name/g/542399/1/
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I love how they rape this femboy wizard, the orcs drug him, corrupt him and sell him to the nobles as a sexual slave.
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Which one would you like to rape left or right?
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I drew this for this rape fic I wrote: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58663495/chapters/149475076 (Star Wars: The Bad Batch; two clones beat and rape Hemlock) Too much work for some unpopular characters of an already unpopular, niche show, but oh well.

Also, more fanfic recs:

https://archiveofourown.org/works/38154250 (Detroit Become Human; RK900 owns Gavin Reed as property and constantly abuses him)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/55677754 (X-Men 97; Bastion has Erik as a prisoner)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/25293715 (My Hero Academia; Allmight revenge rapes Present Mic)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/51558358 (Fear & Hunger; Enki gets captured by a prison guard)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/58935022 (Elden Ring; Tarnished loses against Varré, but doesn't get killed by him)
Right probably? I'm not really a fan of JJK character designs desu.
Nice art.
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I like the look on his face he looks completely humiliated with his fully erected dick against his will. Bakugou was born to be raped and humiliated.
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Ever fantasized about getting raped in front of your gf?
No but I fantasize about doing that to someone
found a link to the whole thing
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that's not rape
Got a better thread for this then?
Ew. That’s cuntboy, the bulge is the dick hitting its womb.
We don’t want it.
fairly sure it's just a regular dude getting a perforated colon and the artists' anatomy sucks, not cuntboy
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Definitely not a "cunt boy"
this isn't rape either
It's not "muscle growth" etiher. Not sure where you get that from it.
where did i say it was? so you're just gonna be a little jew and spam offtopic shit because you don't want to make a thread that suits your fetish, pretty femalebrained behavior
Actually that was me and it does fit for >>3067539
>that head turn and series of expressions in the bottom panels
holy shit anon, A+.
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jhbjbhbvdbj Thanks anon. It means a lot.
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Fantastic art and fic. I could live in the despair in those last three panels. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the second chapter, I love when stoic and frigid characters end up cracking a little but not all the way.
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Thank you so much anon. I'm really glad you liked it. Stoic characters getting it against their will is one of my favorite flavors.
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>Stoic characters getting it against their will is one of my favorite flavors.
Excellent taste, please carry on.
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>Stoic characters getting it against their will is one of my favorite flavors.
>Excellent taste
based anons. especially the drawfag <3 thanks for the excellent content. fucking saved.
Some manga recommendations I thought ppl here might appreciate too:
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Nvm, I'll just post my personal rape manga recs in this thread; more fitting anyway...

Original BL:

>Yoru to Asa no Uta by Harada
There are ofc all the Gintoki x Hijikata noncon doujins Harada drew, which are great and all, but this Manga actually has a drama cd, so you can also listen to the brutal rape scene, which even got its own spin-off called Aru Otoko no Higeki, although the spin-off didn't get a cd to my knowledge

>[Sachimo] Kirei ni Shiteyo
Janitor helps bullied high schooler

>[Haikei Pass / Jougi] Yugami
Homophobic rapist won't admit to himself he's gay

>[Seikatsu Seshishou (.tt)] Kyuuso Neko o Kurau
Molester becomes rape victim. If you read the prequel, it's: former rape victim becomes perpetrator.

>In These Words
>Maiden Rose
>Ore no Shita de Agake
>Kichiku Megane
They all have manga adaptations and are described in the Rec List >>3066620
...Actually, Kichiku Megane isn't, but it's in the picrel.
Togainu no Chi also has some manga stuff, but I forgot if they were doujins or manga adaptations because there's so much rape already in the game

>[SHIMESABA (Isaki)] Inu no Shitsuke | Dog Training 1
Hired mob x high school bully. It has scat and watersports which I hated, but otherwise it was extremely brutal and it left me emotionally scarred, 10/10 will only read this oneshot after the scat is edited out again. I liked it because it felt like the consequences of the brutality were depicted more seriously and the victim didn't just shrug it off. Made me question my reading interests.
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So idk if you were looking for stuff with plot exclusively, but anyway...


>Get me Out by 3745HOUSE
A Mob x Gintoki Gintama doujin, with two different happy endings

>[Goendama] Yu-Gi-Oh dj – Gross Darkness
Yami Bakura in ancient times is imprisoned and raped by mob but he finds a friendly snake companion

>[Inufuro] The Story Of the Last Person, the Obsession Jake
Michael x Jake, Dead by Daylight doujin, barely any words, just quiet uncensored action. Picrel. Has some gore as explained in >>3069450

>[Inukare/ Inuyashiki] MobDivi Series
Old man mob x 18 hypnosis mic main characters, noisy panels and juicy angles, no story, just porn

>Yowamushi Pedal Doujinshi by Hone Shaburi Tei (Nakaore poukubittsu)
Yasutomo Arakita, a high schooler being raped by different mobs in various scenarios; it's just porn, no continuity between the doujins I think

>[TSUBO (bov)] Rental Kamyu-kun Series
Camus/Erik from Dragon Quest XI being raped, but by the same creepy guy; there's continuity and it's basically a kid being groomed and horribly tortured, so it was too depressing for me, I just skipped to the ending and wished I didn't read any of it.
Thank you! It'd be neat if they made a continuation...
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yes. damn shame there aint pages of fun panels following it. show me this godly asshole broken already
Anyone know where i can get some webms?
[spoiler]Anyone know where i can get real life examples?[/spoiler]
>where i can get real life examples?
Shock websites like liveleak, or sometimes rekt or rape threads on /gif/.. you won’t find real rape videos on porn websites.
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Very nice!
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Thank you all for some good fucking food. I love seeing male characters hurt and humiliated.

Do you have any more pics where someone is forced to watch another get raped?
Um rape is wrong motherf****s

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