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Last: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3012747/
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>tfw you realize you forgot to turn the stove off
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Used to be one of my favorites to jerk off to
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here i made an edit to make it more palatable
lmfao, took me a second
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I need this sauce I’ve had this as a fantasy for do long
Here https://www.hentai.name/g/542399/1/
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I love how they rape this femboy wizard, the orcs drug him, corrupt him and sell him to the nobles as a sexual slave.
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Which one would you like to rape left or right?
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I drew this for this rape fic I wrote: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58663495/chapters/149475076 (Star Wars: The Bad Batch; two clones beat and rape Hemlock) Too much work for some unpopular characters of an already unpopular, niche show, but oh well.

Also, more fanfic recs:

https://archiveofourown.org/works/38154250 (Detroit Become Human; RK900 owns Gavin Reed as property and constantly abuses him)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/55677754 (X-Men 97; Bastion has Erik as a prisoner)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/25293715 (My Hero Academia; Allmight revenge rapes Present Mic)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/51558358 (Fear & Hunger; Enki gets captured by a prison guard)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/58935022 (Elden Ring; Tarnished loses against Varré, but doesn't get killed by him)
Right probably? I'm not really a fan of JJK character designs desu.
Nice art.
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I like the look on his face he looks completely humiliated with his fully erected dick against his will. Bakugou was born to be raped and humiliated.
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Ever fantasized about getting raped in front of your gf?
No but I fantasize about doing that to someone
found a link to the whole thing

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