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Can we have a chad inspo thread?
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Puffer chads can't stop winning
fuck off
why does he look AI? lol
Enhanced with more muscles

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I already have a gorgeous gf that endures me larping as an american blue collar worker from the past, I don't have to try much.
You are living the life millions of men dream of, never let go of her dude. Marry her in a few years. Tell her you love her everyday every morning and every night, make sure of that.
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>never let go of her dude
Most simpish shit ever. Don't fall into a onitis, it almost throw me into depression.

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Perseo Edition -

This is the place to actually discuss watches, free of avatarfagging drama, including bittercelposting, pasta spamming, pics of food or drinks, or long-ass stories about your lives.
If kofe time posts, just ignore him. He's off his meds and can't control himself.
Keep that shit in /wt/.

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, dick size, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired watch size


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It's the reflection. Hands match the dial but if they are truly original I can't say
Wrist size?
I'm like 6 and a quarter inch but my wrists are pretty flat.
Sill bigger than TGV

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I would unironically walk around dressed like a Civil War officer.
Anyone else get it? Something about old school officer uniforms and clothing from past eras.
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When would they even find the time in between working and studying for their degree?
>Northern Aggression
South attacked first and lost the fight they picked
>Glance upon the great Yankee cities and see.
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now kiss.....

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Post your watches, talk about life, food, travel, girls, nothing is off topic, we’re all frens here

>Your budget
>Preferred brand or manufacture
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot, etc
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz, etc
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, chronograph, etc
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, etc
>Wrist size or desired

Previous thread: >>18380008
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Why did you choose the cum dial instead of the paper dial? The paper dial was always the most interesting thing about that watch.
ben is not generally very smart so of course he picked the wrong dial
>paper dial was always the most interesting thing about that watch.

anon i....
someone post it

Discontinued: >>18380431

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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speaking of violet, check out Grey Flannel as well
Xerjoff Oesel is pretty masculine for something with a lot of white flowers.
Reflection Man has a ton of jasmine but I wouldn’t necessarily call it floral.
Prada L’Homme is pretty floral too.
This is true and a great point. I'm a little older so it works well for me. Dior Homme Sport 2021 is basically a Terre for the 21st century, they don't smell alike but they're constructed the same way if that makes sense. Also it's not blue, which even without spices I've come to associate with browns just from the frequency they wear blues. Allure Homme (the original one, not a flanker) might be another good one. I have an aversion to vanilla frags but that's the one exception, and its particular vanilla is way different than the diabetic sugar bombs that're currently popular
Guerlain Habit Rouge (Rose), dior Fahrenheit (violet), guerlain Coriolan (chamomile), Caron pour un homme (lavender). These are my favorite masculine floral frags.
Fahrenheit is floral to me, mainly violet
Acqua di Parma is heavy on white florals
Obscuratio 25 from L'Artisan Parfumeur has Ylang-Ylang
there's also a ton of rose scents out there

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Hygiene/skincare General #16
Previous >>18341751

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Some of the links might be outdated, post questions if you have any

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE

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What's the difference? Is that a moisturiser too or when do you use it?
The cream is kinda meh. But the snail mucin essence is one of the best-selling skincare product in the world because it's really that good.
Brush. Electric exfoliation brush. Razor/dermaplaning. Oil massage.
Basically a lot of astroturfing/native advertising on the internet, so that you'll ask your derm for a prescription.
It happens all the time with newer less popular medications.
Nevertheless, some of the before and after pictures for pitted acne scars on reddit is definitely impressive. Many people like me just want to avoid lasers, chemical peeling or other surgical procedures.
>What's the top tier product for getting rid of eyebags.
Preparation h, cream not the ointment. Active ingredient is a vasodilator that will shrink swollen blood vessels. Use a very small amount in the morning, keep that shit out of your eyes

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why are they like this
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Those both exist for men, though.
So is it that you want to wear the men's versions of those and not be judged to be a spastic?
Or is it that you want to wear the girl's versions of those?
get a pirates of the carribean costume off amazon
As long as you are cute enough to pull it off nobody really cares
Guys are just ugly most of the time
Idk but I wish it was more acceptable. I’m a woman and I love it when guys play up their femininity. Not just clothes but maybe some makeup, nails, etc.

This. It’s more socially acceptable if you’re objectively attractive. Although, I think the styling is what makes it for me… Harry styles is conventionally attractive and everyone went crazy when he wore a skirt. But that outfit was…. Not the best. And a lot of people comment on that too. If you’re gonna wear a skirt at least style it right!

PS: you look very nice.

previous >>18344270


>Blogs: https://pastebin.com/ZjRtCQNQ
>Brands: https://pastebin.com/Sb54Bsri (take a look b4 asking "what brand has good xyz")
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Good cops but you arent a fan of color? A black odd jacket especially is a strange choice.
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I'm stocking up on madras for summer. Doing my best to keep it all handwoven and guaranteed to bleed.
Got a few short sleeve popovers with nice generous collars and a few long sleeve button downs.
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Damn i mangled that picture
Let's try that again
This one is from Engineered Garments of all brands.
The large check plaid is maybe a little out there but the fit is on point and the fabric is really nice.

Post your favorite bikinis
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I have a huge fetish for women in cow print bikinis
Needs a cowbell.

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As a man, this all you need.
>straight/slim straight jeans
>relaxed fit cargo pants (preferably in lighter colors like ecru and khaki)
>regular fit crew neck long sleeve t-shirts
>some kind of a jacket (denim trucker or field jacket)
>an overcoat for the colder months
That's it. That's all you need to look great as a man, and that's how I have dressed for years and always get compliments, even though I'm wearing basic clothes from the 90's and 2000's.

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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That's a good point, I suppose what I just wanted was thoughts of people on the looks. I feel like assessing what shoes look good or not is next to impossible. A lot of shoes you can buy really look like what I call "special ed" boots. Gaudy as fuck and not "dignified" for an adult.
This is a fashion board, not an incel larp board.
What is incel larp fashion anyway?
Men wearing vintage repro gear and remaining celibate.
see that's the issue. it doesn't looks good
it has a fake welt pattern on the bright white plastic and something that resembles some sort of lugged cavity wedge. the leather is a nubuck with no real character. the pattern bad with unecessary seams. it just looks crap. there's no reason to discuss it
pull up a picture of whites chore boot and tell me you don't see the difference in quality straight away with no analysis

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Next weekend, I will paint the walls of my new apartment living room. Wanna go for the japandi style and colours. My only issue is that the centerpiece will be a large black leather couch.
Will beige/greige walls still work? Don't wanna go with boring white or black/darker colour on the wall as most dark japandi does. Or is there a brighter colour that goes well with a dark japandi theme.

Also, make living spaces thread.
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Literally me after divorce, i'm happy
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add plants and color (colorful rugs/lamps/books) and only display a few items out in the open at a time, that way you can change things up more quickly (like rotating magazines or your favorite records on top of a shelf while keeping the rest hidden inside).
this space looks very neutral like you can do anything with it
mine has a bunch of plaster moulding and texture on random walls which doesn't even go well with each other and a disgusting builtin full wall cabinet
large couches are fucking disgusting but great if you're filming casting couch porn

Okay so this might sound really stupid but I can't seem to find a proper answer on Google and this seems like the right place to ask.
I have a wedding coming up that I'm a guest at and the bride and groom are Chinese. Now I'm a poorfag so I'm going to be wearing whatever formal clothes I have on me.
Everything is fine so far except for the tie. I happened to find a black tie I bought a few years ago but it has a small image of a snake on it. 2025 is apparently the year of the snake.
I'm just wondering if this considered offensive to wear? I heard something about someone's Zodiac year being bad luck? I wasn't born in the year of the snake so it doesn't affect me but are there any other cultural nuances I should be aware of?
Honestly just ask someone you're close with that's involved with the wedding, preferably the bride or groom if they're your friends
if anyone asks, just say they call you the snake. problem solved.
wear the snake anon. It's fate.
ur overthinking it. short of wearing a rice paddy hat, scotch-taping your eyes to make them slanted, and wearing false teeth, no one will care what you wear or find what you wear offensive. The only shit that could get you is not following obvious tableside manners during the reception, like sticking your chopsticks straight down into your bowl of rice, which makes it look like funeral incense, but you already knew that.

If any of them beijing brothas notice your tie, they will say "cool tie", or "oh fuck, is that gucci?", or "haha year of snake! neat!". If anything, chinamen tend to love anything gucci, prada, etc so they'll appreciate that tie more than anyone else. Just earn brownie points by saying "Xie xie ni" when older chinese people hand you stuff.

t. rice asian

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