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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

i was sick of seeing the gay alien man on the 'log edition!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, which serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see significant hair regrowth on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when taken early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

Ketoconazole is an anti-androgen and antifungal that inhibits DHT on the scalp and used to treat fungal infections of the scalp that may be making your hair loss worse such as seborrheic dermattits, a condition where you exhibit severe greasy, flaky large dandruff flakes with dried yellow crystals (blood plasma) embedded in the scalp. Some people may only have traction alopecia (hair loss from scratching or friction), but it will not cure androgenic alopecia alone. Can only be taken topically.
what are some common side effects and symptoms of these drugs?
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Reminder that topical minoxidil does not work in about 1/3 of users because they lack the sulfotransferase enzymes on their scalp required to metabolize minoxidil sulfate, but 100% of people have that enzyme in their liver when taken via the oral route.

In many countries, people have trouble getting oral min tabs prescribed off label due to it's original use as a black box blood pressure medication.
Thankfully, 5% liquid min is cheaply available OTC nearly everywhere and can be taken orally, as all its ingredients (vape juice, ethanol and water) are all food safe.

Measure out your topical min dropper to the 1ml line and figure out how many drops are in 1ml, (it's usually 40.)
Each ml contains 50mg of min, so each drop is about 1.25mg of oral min, adjust to suit.
The typical dosage for low dose oral minoxidil is between 1-5mg.

Many people in these threads have trouble with the definition of "drop" and "dropper'.
Absolutely do NOT take 1ml of 5% minoxidil liquid all at once, that's 50mg of minoxidil and you will experience dangerous drops in blood pressure.
When I say drop, I mean 1 single drop of liquid from the 1ml dropper that comes with your liquid min, not the full 1ml of liquid in the dropper.
That's approximately 0.025ml of liquid, your dropper should produce 40 of these.
Thanks for the thread. Going to re-ask a few questions:
I'll put this much more compactly: can someone give testimony for what their regrowth AFTER a shedding phase looked like? I know all about the hair cycle and why shedding occurs; I'm more curious if the recovery looks like "stubble right away" or "smooth for months until it came back".

This man claimed he had a good recovery shampoo and then ghosted the thread.
I've been operating on the assumption that recovery shampoos are a meme since they don't stay on the scalp very long, and leaving shampoo sitting on your scalp is bad for it. I shampoo roughly every three days, with a basic moisturizing shampoo, but I do rinse my hair every day.
I am very open to suggestions if I'm approaching shampoo wrong.
the first few weeks, you might have symptoms of increased free T, including acne and high libedo, it will normalize as you get used to having more free T that no longer gets converted to DHT.
About 10-15% of your hairs are in resting phase at any given time, fin will cause all of these hairs to shed at the same time so they can start the growth cycle again, you will see a shed about 2-3 months in, this is how you know it's working.

In rare cases, some extremely low-T individuals, especially those on antidepressants report brain fog, low libedo, erectile dysfunction and tiredness, these symptoms can be alleviated taking a lower dosage of fin, dosages from 0.2mg to 5mg have nearly the same effect on 5-alpha reductase inhibition.

Even if you have adverse side effects, stopping fin will always undo the effects.
Post-finasteride syndrome is a hypochondriac machination that claims these effects are permanent even after fin is stopped and the body starts making DHT in full force, it's basically the male equivalent of fibromyalgia and isn't real.
PFS isn't real, you can always recover if the rare side effects don't go away with lower dosages.

at higher dosages, you may see bloating or water retention in the face or extremities as your body gets acclimated to minoxidil (both topical and oral), this is why you should start with a low dose and work your way up to the normal dose after you're sure you wont have side effects.

it might dry out your scalp where it's applied, but it will definitely kill any fungal infection, after the fungus is kill, you need to keep applying it every once in a while or your fungal problems will come back.
Minoxidil accelerates the hair growth cycle, so it will also cause a shed much like fin if taken on it's own.
This is why I tell people to get on fin and min at the same time, the initial fin shed can be brutal when you are already NW2, as it can last an entire month of you having 15% less hair volume than when you started.
Stimulating hair growth with min will make you recover from the initial shed much faster.
Regrowth after a shed looks like lots of tiny new growth hairs with pointed ends all erupting from your scalp where your old hair used to be that appear weeks (fin only) or days (fin + min) after a shed.
Friendly reminder that Post Finasteride Syndrome is real, you are gambling with the sanctity of not only your body, but your mind as well.

Chemically feminizing yourself for female approval is peak cringe.
>Absolutely do NOT take 1ml of 5% minoxidil liquid all at once, that's 50mg of minoxidil and you will experience dangerous drops in blood pressure.
I'd also add that you only need to use enough min to cover the problem areas. You don't need to be drenched in it. If you're a NW2, then chances are 0.25-0.3ml will suffice. Also, you can use min once a day and not have a decrease in effectiveness.
Kevin Mann faggots unironically think that messing with one of the defining hormones of maleness will have no effect because it's "after puberty".
i was talking about oral.
the amount of topical absorbed by the skin is so miniscule you need to apply it twice a day
It's insane. There are literal anime PFP chuds out there advocating for pharmaceutical castration because some Youtuber hopped up on adderall shouts positive affirmations at them.
>the amount of topical absorbed by the skin is so miniscule you need to apply it twice a day
Not true. What this:
The sides are heavily underreported because would rather contest with the sides than go bald.
>fin literally increases test

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Thyroid hair loss is the worst, gonna get my labs done and hopefully get it sorted it out.
this post is absolutely not emotionally-driven and the person who wrote it looked in mirror less than 10 times today, trust me
Sounds on par for /fa/.
healthy approaches to hair loss:
>yeah whatever, kinda sucks but what can you do
>dermatologist gave me this pill, pretty awesome, I'll get to keep my hair for longer
unhealthy approaches to hair loss:
>hair is for women, I don't miss it, now I spend less on shampoo and look like jason statham, the drugs turn you trans anyway
>fin min dut ht nw1 3 5 kevin mann balding is a choice dermaroller nizoral blackpill chad stacy female gaze tinder experiments it's over
I don't know what your problem is, more men need to be told they have the option to permanently keep away male balding with a few generic meds.
Anons, read the OP. It's ridiculously biased and people here seem fine with it. You're wasting your time.
>Reducing DHT systemically.
You're stupid.
redpill me on topic fin
Should I try Nizkor as shampoo if I have no explicit signs of fungal infection?
I've been on it for 2 years to get rid of dandruff and I have no side effects whatsoever. I have no dandruff and my hair is great. I could probably stop using keto but I'm not paying all that much for it and it's worth the peace of mind of knowing for sure the dandruff won't come back. I don't think it's done anything to save hair though.
I have diffuse thinning at my temples and the sides of my head. I've been on fin for about 7 months. No side effects, no shedding. In fact, I don't know if it's even doing anything. I think I have 50% less hair in the shower drain but it might be a coincidence because I know hair growth works in cycles.
Test isn't the only hormone contributing to your manhood
Why does fin make some people so angry? Are they just mad because it works for most people and it didn't for them? Mad because they're going bald because they're too scared to get on it?
Because it's pushed as a wonder drug when it isn't. It works but not everyone who wants to preserve or regrow their hair should take it.
Currently shopping for hair loss shampoo and conditioner.
Am I correct that hair-loss prevention ingredients really only matter for shampoo, and for conditioner I should just focus on strengthening the hair strands themselves, as long as it's not literally harming my scalp?
Ever tried using any caffeinated shampoo?
One of the shampoos on my shortlist is caffeinated. I've heard it's good for increasing scalp bloodflow and apparently has some anti-dht action in the scalp.
I don't shampoo daily though, so my priority has been more on overall scalp health. If you have suggestions I'd be very glad to hear them.
We just want to protect people from chemical castration.
Because it's part of the blatantly part of the globohomo tranny agenda
I've been on the holy trinity for 2 years and it is not stopping bros. Slowed down, maybe, but man, it is not stopping...
Go back to /fit/ with your baseless fear mongering and be sure to keep guzzling creatine so you lose the rest of your hair, you deserve it.
i think your hair is just wet man
>baseless fear mongering
LOL at the "trust the experts" crowd with their "this drug has been available and used by millions of American men for 50 years" and "there are dozens of rigorous studies and surveys showing sides to be rare and curable in near-all cases by cessation of usage" cope.
Doctor prescribed me 5% topical finasteride. Is this right? Didnt they mean 0,5%?
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Ive been using it topically for 5 weeks now, I feel like theres some difference but not much. I took some orally and it tastes bitter but doesnt last that long. It also made my tongue numb for a bit.
>When I say drop, I mean 1 single drop of liquid from the 1ml dropper that comes with your liquid min, not the full 1ml of liquid in the dropper.
Wish I read this a few weeks ago. Thanks anon, going forward I will follow your instructions.
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You know nothing. Serum DHT doesn't matter for male-pattern baldness so taking creatine won't do anything to head hair.
There's no savings mine. I'm just gonna shave it off bros, pray for me.
Most of the topical preparation gets wasted, you could use far less if you were taking it orally.
5% means 50mg of fin per ml.
they looked up fin and saw testosterone and inhibitor in the same sentence and stopped reading and started shitting up fin threads ever since, it's always the same story
No, I've been dealing with patchy hair loss for a couple of years since I began taking levothyroxine (thyroid medication), it's just now barely becoming noticeable, had a pretty bad shed last year where I lost around 50+ hairs in the shower daily and dealt with some form of fungus in my hair. Right now, it isn't noticable to anyone but me, I can just feel how much thinner my hair has gotten.
I tried fin last year and my libido went down. Then my dick lost sensitivity and I mentally started to lose attraction (seeing tits was like seeing an elbow). Scared the shit out of me, dropped it cold turkey. My libido skyrocketed, I had to jerk off every day and my skin broke out in zits all over my face, it was extremely painful and ugly. Luckily the side-effects wore off over time.

I saw some pictures of my hairline from a couple years ago and got the fright. Heard 0.5mg gives the same benefits but with much less side-effects. Am I dumb for trying again? To be fair, I'll stop sooner than later if side-effects pop up. Last time I tried pushing through to see if it would get better. I want to keep my hair but I don't want to lose my dick. Am I really the 2% of people who get fucked by fin?
Has anyone experienced weight gain on min?
Try a lower dose but you should also consider whether you're noceboing yourself, or hyperfixating on every weird thing you felt that week and blaming it on the fin.
Most people don't see any real measurable effects from fin until 2-3 months in, if your dick breaks 10 minutes after taking a fin tablet, it wasn't the fin, you're a hypochondirac.
How much of a meme is using matching shampoo and conditioner?
shampoo/conditioner is a scam. i only use ketoconazole because its part of the 'holy trinity' and supposedly helps with hair loss, but if i wasnt losing hair, i wouldnt use any shampoo or conditioner. i would just use bar soap to clean my hair. all that marketing stuff about making your hair 'healthy' is just nonsense. its all toxic shit.
I have three questions:
1. what concentration
2. how often do you use it
3. do you honestly think it's working?

I halfway agree with you. I shampoo every few days and for such purposes I basically think of the scalp as an extension of the face; if I wouldn't smear this shit on my face I'm not smearing it on my scalp.
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>1. what concentration
pic related
>2. how often do you use it
once a week, just a penny sized amount
>3. do you honestly think it's working?
i use it in conjunction with regaine minoxidil foam and finasteride tablets so i dont know whats working and what isnt. all i can tell you is that ive been using fin and min for around 2 years, and although my hair loss has not stopped, it certainly feels like it has been slowed down a lot. im in my early 30s now, so im happy that i at least have a decent head of hair still. i feel like if i did not use fin or min i would probably have a lot less hair by now. i avoided using ketoconazole for a long time until recently, so i cant report on whether thats had any effect on my hair yet.
Conditioner exists to replace all the sebum oils you stripped away from shampooing too much.
Now I just leave it in for 5-10 seconds and wash it out quick, and I only shampoo every other day, no conditioner.

You know what else works really good for healthy hair?
The surge of sebum oils you get from fapping 3x in a row.

You'll know if it's working if your scalp isn't itchy anymore and leaving flaky, greasy dandruff everywhere.
imagine being anti vax but pro fin

i took this shit for 3 days and it's fucked with my sleep since

the "studies" are bought and paid for just like your miracle covid vaccine that's totally safe and not killing young people
i havent had any side effects anon, i genuinely think the only people who get upset about finasteride on 4chan are people who are completely bald and dont want anyone else to save themselves
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How shall I comb my hair?
what hair?
>Been taking minox for 4 weeks now (topically, on hairline and beard)
>Already getting chest hair and more beard hair (although it looks like I'll never get enough beard hair to get a proper one)
>Zero noticeable changes in hairline, the part that I actually wanted to change
At least no side effects aside from feeling a bit funny sometimes afterwards. All the fear mongering was overblown i guess
The remaining hair
well they do say it takes at least 6 months to see results anon
Weird, why is it so effective on the beard and other body hair then?
because youre not losing hair there anon
My hairline hair is also losing very slowly. My hairline went like 1cm back in the span of 7 years
what's stopping you from getting a hair transplant?
id rather be bald than have someone look at me and think "hes had a hair transplant"
they never look good and all they say is "hes a pussy who was too afraid to go bald"
>what's stopping you from getting a hair transplant?
Unironically? Two things mainly:
>Risk of a botched surgery
>The months after where you look like absolute dogshit with everyone asking you what happened and having to straight up tell your friends, coworkers and family that you got a hair transplant
so basically it's you being afraid of what others think of what you do with your life? I think that makes you a pussy far more than getting a hair transplant because you don't like the bald look
people get their teeth fixed all the time, why is this any different
Nobody notices when you get your teeth fixed aside from the immediate after result
Also getting your teeth fixed is much more accepted in society
If you keep balding, it looks way worse than just going bald normally
This means being on fin for life (I'd like to go off all my routine once I'm older and don't need to give a shit about being bald anymore)
Risk of botched surgery
Recovery period, please look up some images of that.
Money isn't really a problem nowadays, you can easily do it under 5k all expenses included
But yeah I agree with the rest
>Recovery period
it goes back to looking like regular balding after 10 days to be fair, but yea the risk of botched surgery is there
I think on the long run a hair transplant might be cheaper than fin+min for life, depending on where you live anyway
I heard transplanted hair isn't affected by DHT so it doesn't fall off, but I don't know if that's true
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>after 10 days
Lol no. Best case scenario it stops looking weird after 3 months, normally only after 6 months
In the first 2 months it's VERY noticeable you had a transplant
obviously people will know you've had a transplant, I'm talking about the scarring on day 1, which seems to fade away in the first 10 days.
looking weird during recovery isn't even as bad as the look you'd have while balding, and even if there was no recovery period, people will still know you had hair surgery, because they knew you were balding.
>what will people think
>more accepted in society
why do you even care about going bald then?
>I heard transplanted hair isn't affected by DHT so it doesn't fall off, but I don't know if that's true
It's true but your remaining non transplanted hair will still fall out if you don't do fin+min.
>why do you even care about going bald then?
Women finding it unattractive and not being able to compensate it with a beard (can't grow one). If the former wasn't the case and balding was as irrelevant as eye color, then obviously I wouldn't care. Sadly, hair is like the second most important factor for your general attractiveness after physiognomy
And does this outweigh the minor shame of going the first few weeks covering up your head while your transplant heals and takes root?
Considering I haven't done it yet yes, but I'm a pussy who cares too much what others think about me anyway
>12 months
man, that looks shit. its like having a receding hairline for life. and everyone can tell youve had a transplant. why would you want that? fuck off from this thread please, hair transplants are so fucking gross
the results look good, what are you on about?
NTA but presumably hyper-focusing on the follicles to an extent that normal people won't. The hair looks fine, just a little diffuse.
Peak insecurity general, either do something about your hair and stop bitching or fuck off forever.
>>I heard transplanted hair isn't affected by DHT so it doesn't fall off, but I don't know if that's true
>It's true
No, that's outdated info. Transplanted hair will eventually miniaturize but it will take a long time to do so.
just keep taking fin and this doesn't happen
a hair transplant clinic that isn't an outright scam will force you to take fin for months before the procedure or your transplant will fail
It looks better than pre-op which is the entire point kek
>just keep taking fin and this doesn't happen
Sure, but that was not the point.
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>6 months into fin
>pecs have started hurting
>slight man boob coming on
>feel a lump
>go to doctors who are refering me to a breast cancer clinic

fuck bros its so over
Should've taken min instead KEK
Heart attack or cancer, such a hard choice.
>Heart attack
>From dropping milligrams of minox on your scalp
Please tell me you don't actually believe this
To be fair some people (especially people with preexisting low blood pressure) can have their blood pressure go dangerously low and experience heart palpitations or even heart attack. It's rare, but it happens. That's why you should always talk to a doctor before starting medication.
Not by topical min
I really don't get this doublethink where you don't trust medication or people's experiences with it but you'll blindly accept whatever a doctor says.
Because it's an overwhelming amount of information and arbitrarily picking and choosing what you accept as solid truth and what you dismiss as shady lies is a way of feeling like you've got control. Not feeling in control is psychologically harmful and even if the end result is worse medical care at least they found a good coping mechanism for this confusing modern world.
>some people have adverse reactions to this medication
>you should see if you are particularly sensitive to these adverse reactions
>including researching adverse reactions and things that make people more sensitive to them
>including speaking to a doctor to get a professional opinion before starting a literal vasodilator treatment
>(implied):if, after all of this, you still feel confident and think it's the right move, go for it
Literally nowhere in my post did I say I don't trust people's experiences with min and literally nowhere did I say "blindly trust" a doctor. I am not the guy who said "heart attack or cancer" if that's what you think. All I'm saying is that complications can arise from minoxidil and you should assess whether you're at-risk.
Yeah, it's either complete bullshit or just has very minimal results. I've used it for close to a year and it has done nothing to stop my hair loss. People need to either come to terms with the fact that DHT is the root of the problem and take their min and fin or just accept their fate and shave it off. All these snake oils are worthless at stopping hair loss 99.99999% of the time
Love this animal... The Norwood Bird...
bald eagles have a full head of feathers though, bald is used in the old sense to mean white
oh I thought you meant oral minox
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I'm on fin for 2 years now (1.75mg). I can tell you that I had no negative side effects however balding didn't stop. I have fuller hair but temple size has increased
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Former fin user here, I would strongly recommend you do not take it under any circumstances. I have Post Finasteride Syndrome from it which is basically a collection of sides you develop from fin that do not cease after quitting. I have been off fin for 5 years now yet have the same sides I had whilst on the drug. Research into PFS is slow and has low funding but so far they've demonstrated epigenetic damage, neurosteroid deficiencies and endocrine disruption - no cure, no treatment available.

Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.
This. Better just to ride out the balding until there is a safe cure.
I was worried about it and got castrated in Mexico
Can someone post a healthy 30 year old hairline this place has me fucked up thinking im balding
You want 30yo hairline on fin or without?
A norwood 1 if you're not white. Norwood 6 if you're white.
In all seriousness there's no healthy hair line that isn't a NW1.
>Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.
Transplants are not a permanent solution. Transplanted hairs will eventually miniaturize.
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>this is a 40 year old man.
Hair is life. Never forget it. He dropped DUT and instantly started looking older. The only reason Pitt looks good in Troy is because he didn't inherit the cursed MPB genes.
>be 29
>been having multiple months long sheds every 6-8 months for several years now
>hairline really started to get to me this past few months
>finally got over my anxiety and went to the derm to get fin and topical min
>started to see some thin hairs popup already along hairline
>still getting a ton of shedding up top and in the middle though
My hair still looks pretty thick in the areas aside from my hairline, but I still feel like this is a lot of hair loss.
Should I not be worried since it's only been a month? Should I start using minoxidil on mid-scalp area?
Currently a year on fin here. I still shed about 50-70 hairs every time I shower. It's unavoidable. But my overall hair density improved over last year's baseline. Honestly if you're not shedding ridiculous amounts like 200 hairs a day or more it shouldn't be a concern. What you don't want to see is miniaturization, meaning more hairs that are small and brittle that have a very short anagen growth phase and fall out before fully developing into terminal hairs. This is what causes balding, shedding is natural. My gf has very thick healthy hair and every time she brushes it, there's enough hair collected on the brush to taxidermy a small rabbit.
Finasteride ruined my life.
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Man sometimes I look at my hair in the mirror and it looks amazing like I never even started balding and fin saved my life and the next day I'm washing my hands in a restaurant bathroom with direct overhead lighting and I see my scalp and I'm like fuuuuuuck finasteride isn't working better kill myself
Anyone else like this?
literally me
I have to confess both men who know too little or too much about male hair loss piss me off
The ones who know too little and say shit like androgenetic balding is caused by stress, lifestyle or diet and recommend stuff like herbal supplements and shampoos for hair loss and never even heard about minoxidil make me angry because they're ignorant and spread misinformation
The ones who are very invested into hair loss science and know every drug make me mad too because they're often very arrogant and unpleasant, not everyone of course but the trend is very visible
is there a happy medium for you or are you just angry that people know far too little or too much about balding?
Where would you rank me for telling you to blast topical min orally?
You belong to the former group. When you go down the rabbit hole, you understand MPB is not caused by genes; they merely make you suceptible.
yeah it's caused by microplastics, 5g towers and being an atheist, twitter rednecks told me so
You're embarrassing yourself. What I said isn't that controversial and you'd know that if you were functionally literate.
What causes it? Have you been able to reserve it based on that knowledge?
>What causes it?
I don't know. I only know the environment triggers it in those suceptible. One of the reasons I'm sure is because identical twins can lose their hair at different rates and the onset can start at different times.
>Have you been able to reserve it based on that knowledge?
No, I don't know exactly what to do yet; I only have some ideas. I can only prove through objective evidence that the fate of one's hair isn't sealed.
Fuck I just want to absolutely rape my scalp DHT with finasteride. I want to inject it with microneedles into every hair follicle and watch the fin use their BIG 4AR INHIBITING COCKS get to work on those pathetic little DHTnigglet molecules and absolutely DESTROY their little DHTussies. I want to isolate a DHT molecule and find a way to enlarge it in a lab so I could behead it and absolutely skullfuck it as its helpless electrons tickle my balls. Then I will drink a finasteride RU dutasteride cocktail smoothie and piss it in its disgusting DHT mouth. FUUUUUCKKKK.
>isolate a DHT molecule and find a way to enlarge it in a lab
Neutron stars are basically gigantic atomic nuclei, you could try to fuck one of those.
All of the elements needed to construct DHT were present in the original star when it went supernova too.
Fuck this balding shit is ruining my life
I'm on fin but my hair still looks like shit and I think the balding is still progressing
I'm about to shave that shit off and get one of those glued on toupees
How come nobody ever posts before/after on here?
Enjoy your penile shrinkage.
Enraged brainlet, whay you want to destroy is not DHT, but whatever makes your body increase scalp DHT.
ordered some fin even though it's probably too late for me
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19, I was prescribed 5% topical Minoxidil and some multivitamins by a dermatologist to stop hair loss. I'm not really balding yet, but my hair around the crown and near the hairline is getting less dense than before; it's hereditary apparently.
Is Min on its own enough to stop hair loss and keep what's left?

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