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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Am I going to have a heart attack? It was all that was in the fridge
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Take vit k and you'll be fine.
You’re fat
Do you look like your frog picture? Do you have severe leg and feet swelling? If not you're probably ok. Either way all you can really do is sit back and relax with some water. If you're genuinely concerned I would not move around at all. If that's feasible. That and sleep are the two leading triggers of an imminent cardiac emergency.
An egg is like 70 calories and sauerkraut is basically zero. He ate like 500 calories nigger.
Thanks Hans


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She took a swing at the cop. Cops in America treat violent terrorist supporters with kid gloves.
zogbots and their golem enablers strike again
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The Land of the free and home of the brave

my schadenfreude is satisfied because i remember these people getting in my face about not wearing a mask outdoors four years ago

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Previous: >>466302148

▶Day: 782 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>USA announced a new long-term assistance program for Ukraine worth $6 billion - the results of Ramstein
>Denmark increased military aid to Ukraine by 590 million €
>Smooking in an oil base in Omsk
>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN
>UK will provide an additional £500m to Kyiv: more than 1,600 missiles are being provided, 162 armoured vehicles and 78 all terrain vehicles, etc
>USA will supply ATACMS missiles to Ukraine - Zelenskyy

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Why didn't Putin save him?
does posting these help you cope with the fact your are losing your country?

you personally are likely going to live the rest of your days in siberia.
And now in english
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>no u
Kek nice defense of your nigger lead
Look deep into his nigger eyes, the product of a Ukranian mom and nigger American father. This is the future of Ukraine under Jewish leadership and this is what /uhg / shills for.
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>Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
What happens here? Would you live here?
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>Would you live here?
I live in deep southern Ga where it's still legal to fly Confederate flags and nobody has the balls to come do anything about it
Atl is trash like any libshit city infested with niggers
>But in some Midwest cities I noticed a tendency to play around a lot
Southerners tend to be more honorable in personal money transactions. Maybe not when it comes to banks and financial institutions but in face to face small time transactions they are. That's been my experience in NC
Sounds like a nice dream, anon.

To contrast or compare, I have about learned to hate doing business with people say from St. Louis. Atlanta, you do the job they pay you. St. Louis, they'd try to low-ball you and play dog ate my check tricks. Pay you $20 an hour 'cos its a small town with a low cost of living' but secretly billing your services to their customers as if they were based in New York City.
Honor cultures find overt money to be dishonorable generally.
By the time you haggle over money, you're debased.

>invalidates billions of dollars of western military aid
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Dunno, looks kinda stationary to me
Who would have thought that cucksheds dont protect against landmines
>the killdozer ends up being the wonderwaffe that nafo was looking for the entire time
Nothing can touch the turtle

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have you never heard the phrase with great power comes great responsibility you Machiavellian demon

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On a boat built by North Koreans. That failed inspections in multiple countries.

Who do we send the bill to?
Also don't fall the cost meme. I now take the train to work (except for when the network is down for it's twice monthly total collapse) and it actually works out to about the same cost as petrol. The only reason I switched to the train is because it is faster and I can do shit on my phone on the way in. Although looking at Jew York subways, I wouldn't want to relax for a second.
>the carbon footprint
I didn't even bother touching on the massive environmental friendliness of trains over cars/planes because /pol/ mostly doesn't believe in climate change and starts shitting their pants if you so much as mention it
Awesome. We'll all be dead twice over by the time it's complete and they'll need to add another ten networks to account for the extra 20 million jeets on the way.
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usa's population density is concentrated into certain urban centers (like europe) that would be great for high speed rail to link them together, ie:
Houston to: Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, New Orleans
Chicago to: Detroit, Indianpolis, Cleveland, St. Louis & KC, Milwaukee & Twin Cities
Atlanta to: Charlotte & the Research Triangle, Chattanooga & Nashville, Birmingham

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I want to go back
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y0ou guys remember playing with me? a guy who would run back and forth all night on one team, basically taking the falg with me. i knew were all the stuff was located, could watch zip ac ross the whole map. would spawn camp the enemy for a few minutes before id capture. id have like 7 on my team with 9 on the other.
did this for a like around almost a year.

it was fun. played shitty on my old celeron but..
Jagged Alliance 2 will always hold special place in my heart. The nostalgia kills me inside. Same for Metal Gear Solid and Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Used to play and obsess over these games with my friends. Being a millennial was the best time for video games.
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>Is higher fidelity than a 2023 Bethesda character
Same brother.

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Imagine thinking your skin color matters and you are not just a mix of many races throughout hundreds of generations of war and rape


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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Poland and Lithuania are planning/considering respectively to send back military age Ukrainian men - https://archive.today/6EeJH
>Drone attack on Minsk has been prevented by KGB - https://archive.today/zcMRX

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Sensi, do you have any guides on using screentones? Like patterns, how to use it properly to imply shading? Im kinda unsure as well on the color, normally im assuming i go one shade darker as if I was rendering color with a normal pallet.
That looks amazing.
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are you a gypsy?
real Hungarian would have enough balls to respond directly
Go home Jadnigga.

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Fauci's public hearing?
June 3
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>the royal elites are behind it all!
still, the weird thing about this is total media silence, which cannot be said from Ghislaine case
Would be a shame if the stress all these terrible consipracy theorists nazi's are putting on Saint Fauci resulted in a heart attack before he could be implicated in anything. Shame on the far right anti-vaxxers! This issue of covid origins and related conspiracy theories should be put to rest with Fauci, what difference, at this point, does it make?
he can just say trust the science men can give birth now and the room will clap
Still weird nobody bumps

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>destroys religion
Why are atheists intellectually superior?
The 2024 godtard is on average stupider than godtards of centuries past. Our knowledge of the universe is now at a point where only the most feeble of minds still entertain a floating faggot in the sky

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Why doesn't /pol/ support Ukraine? They are the protectors of Western civilization.
>a nigger and two kike homosexuals walk into a bar ...

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Politically speaking, what keeps you going?

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Quick run down on why it sucks to be an Indian/Paki/other type of Curry Nigger:

>Uglier than actual Niggers and almost as ugly as Australian Aboriginals
>That annoying head bobble when they talk that makes me want to shoot them with an RPG
>The most disgusting to the vast majority of women
>The most repulsive accents
>Shorter and weaker than Chinks on average
>Unhygienic and stink of rotting curry
>No admirable genetic characteristics
>Both stupid (low IQs) and non-athletic (nearly no unmixed world champion athletes from the Indian subcontinent + https://www.unz.com/akarlin/strength/)
>Either an inbred incestuous Muslim or a cow piss drinking retard
How do they keep coming up with the most deranged cult practices? It appears they just look for the filthiest thing around in order to mass worship it
Because they are subhuman
They’re pretty bad, I’d take a chink over an Indian. What’s funny is all major call centers have now moved to the Philippines because Indians are notorious scammers and steal your info for nefarious reasons. So it’s all in Filipino land. Filipino women are actually pretty nice and trad.
I agree on everything but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a loser faggot who likes ugly brown monkey women because he can’t get a white girl

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I worked in the hospitality business for the better part of a decade, and as anyone who's done the same will confirm, the three worst nationalities to deal with are:
It's karmic to see how the /pol/ consensus has arrived at hating these three specifically. It's like everyone in the world knows they're shit because they really are fucking shit and doesn't hesitate to make it known whenever they interact with other people.
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>insect speak
Monkey, go away.
I always find Indians quite polite and friendly but I hate dealing with the low cast ones because they can't speak english, chinks are okay a little weird but it's mostly egirls with their simp and Jews are fairly stand offish but we don't get that many here
Japanese. Being polite and pleasant is ingrained in their culture.

Finns. Their autism makes them wonderful to work with. Same for Icelandic people.

There's probably more, but the nice people rarely stick in memory the same way shitty people do.
Brits aren't that bad. The French are way worse. But they're nothing compared to the ones I listed.
Yep, that’s been my experience every time. My condolences.

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if he picks her, I will vote for biden
Fucking what
Americans have feral niggers and jews doing whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.
But feel good about themselves for killing a fucking dog!?
fuck this whore. she pushed a law against badmouthing jews.
looks like someone is gunning to be trumps vp and will take down any other candidates
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The dog refused to mount hehr so she killed it in seething rage
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I do agree with her, some dogs are just born inept and retarded and need to be put down.
If you're on a farm and your work dog is attacking the herds constantly then you just need to kill it.

It's sad but it's reality and happens all the time, i wouldn't write in a book about killing my dog though kek, that's a bit weird unless there's more context and she was sad about the situation, from what i've read here it seems like she was happy to kill her dog which is odd unless she geuinely had some hellhound shithead dog.
she lives 20 minutes away from over a half dozen vets in Watertown, South Dakota.
never starved?
>Nooooo, you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money
>you can't just kill it yourself
Get the government's dick out of your ass.
Can somebody explain what this tranny did ?

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