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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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I don't give a flying fuck what side of politics you Septic cunts sit on you are all exactly the fucking same.
You are a septic tank, a Shit container that does nothing but get filled with other peoples shit until you become full enough with shit to spew that shit as your own opinion at every single human you encounter.
This problem runs so deep that you Seppo mutts buy political merchandise and go for your political team like it is some kind of normie sports ball game.
It is double digit IQ and you are a fucking disgrace, kys you septic retards.
If ww3 happens because of some transgender furry faggots in America then this truly is the most cursed timeline and we deserve everything the Jewish institut für sexualwissenschaft set out to do when Hitler burned their books.
Fuck you Seppo cunts.
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I read that with the heaviest Aussie accent.
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Have you considered paying attention to your own country instead of routinely licking the gooch of those you envy like a little aussie cunt? You need a tissue bitch? You gonna whinge some more OP? Tongue my anus.
you shouldn't have
probably some jeet/chink immigrant asio faggot
America was a mistake.

jesus India should be nuked. absolute animals.

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say the n-word to me in person and ill break your face
Yo free my nigga filly!
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nah man that whore got exposed for race mixing and called it regret rape.

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Great news, fellow nerds! Star Wars has just unveiled the first trans Stormtrooper named Sister.
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Not to toot my own horn, but I did it first.
incel chud thread. trans lives matter.
He will pretend to love it for virtue points but he will fully understand how little sense it makes
>Stormtroopers in Hoth, a snow planet, walk in their white armor to camoflauge their position
>This fucker gives them away
>Even more Empire casualties
Thanks. If stormtroopers could aim they'd kill this fucker for their own safety
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The bond between White people and Dogs is really disturbing. They are a relict of the Cave Dwelling Neanderthal past of Whites. There is a reason why they are considered dirty among more civilized people
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ROFLMFAO what shallow joyless
cunt. Go play vidya.
You got jabbed with Pfizer demon seed.
and also some birds
Use bug spray on yourself you dirty roach
>among more civilized people
Like who? Chinks?
Are you a mooselimb?

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What makes pajeets so universally hated?
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>They are hated universally because inferior retard incels exist universally.
Proof #67533689543 shitgolems never evolved self-awareness.
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They have no redeeming qualities, they epitomize filth.
A likely story, many such cases no doubt.
Was that not correct explanation of your "life"?

Grey = Do not live here
White = Heaven
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Apparently the Texas Hill Country is the place to be.

too bad it's filled with pot heads and lunatics.
If you actually want to live in the city you're a collosal faggot.
Fritz thinks living in Maine or the Tex/Mex border is heaven somehow.
Niggers are niggers but drawing the line at 1% is pretty negrophobic
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White goy beats another white goy for saying the n word. Maybe Jews were right about us white people
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neither of those people are white, they're both native americans, I watched the original video when it was uploaded on twatter, years ago.
Can we be certain that there aren't jews involved.
Dox that nigger?
Why the fuck would that guy just stand there while the other dude threatens to hit him with a skate board even seeing him haul it back for the swing?

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Fuck Timmy gon do?
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Shill vaccine passports
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>for some reason
Because they're full of parasites that want to procreate. Terminal stage parasitic infection is why they look like this in the first place.
Lost, good one Noah
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Timmy bros…. It’s over

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Lil zoomies are beating their meats so much they end up fucking up their dicks forever before they even have a chance to experience what actual sex is like. Pray for this lost generation and the generation after them guys. This is so unbelievably sad.

Link to xeet:

>inb4 xitter thread
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Your brain is broken
am I the only one who watched your webm
I would spank her until she cried, and then hatefuck her butt. Dumbest whore around. That said, is that an actual edit? Don't believe Ms Bathwater would do that.
I don't think you appreciate just how much a lovely chick with dick feeds the soul
>he's not just the owner, HE'S ALSO A CLIENT

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After just a little wind and rain 3 million are without power in Florida.
Why do you still have electric lines hanging out of wooden poles?
they're not wooden in Florida.
have you ever been to Florida retard?
>¡Dios Mio! No electrizar?

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Should older men be allowed to date younger girls?
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>One has literally E cup breasts, and the other has DDs
absolutely disgusting, you're a freak anon
OK Moshe, what do you think the legal age should be?
Romans were aryans, my retarded friend. The average age of marriage in Rome was in the late teens. Like all aryan cultures.
>My bloodline goes on but I will never have a real family.
>I accepted my fate.
No, you resigned because you could not rise to the occasion.

Do you think it was easy for Lisa's mother to raise her alone? Do you think Lisa will turn out okay without a father figure?
Go away humbert

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this is from some anti-government exhibition in hungary. it's supposed to be a mock of our love for China, but to me this envision couldn't look more idillic. I sincerely hope this will hungary's future one day
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European culture became so shit that hungarians and finns decided they prefer being mongoloids it seems.
I love europe so much that I want to make it EVEN better by building an eurasian future. WMAF is genuinely the best thing one can do to save the white race
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Long time no see

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Is this shit legal? I have a hard time believing it.

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I have the 2012 version ever since a tranny made a big deal out of a card that said "a passable transvestite" and started toning the offensiveness down, I've been collecting all cards made before 2013, I'm willing to pay more if they're in mint condition.
I dont see the issue
Rightwingers are paying 47 usd to get votes from foreigners to try and say how broken the system is
Progressives are creating the human centipede already. Willingly.
Dems need more retards voting because they overperform with low-information voters. It’s easier to pay these retards to vote than convince the rest of the country that their shitty policies aren’t shitty.

No one votes democrat unless they stand to benefit from their power grabs or they’re so fucking dumb that Taylor Swift informs their political positions.
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this is the kind of web page the Spanish Inquisition would make if they had internet
>Cards Against Humanity
well, that makes sense

I expected more damage, what the fuck is this shit? I wanted total Florida death, thousands of dead americans but nothing happened. What a letdown
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Yes. He also has a grift gofundme going on 33k out of 100k to buy him a new boat. Like it wouldn't be cheaper to get him some actual shelter.
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she lied
that was probably closer to what happened than you want to believe. I still remember that day, there was such an eerie feeling in Seattle that day.
>jews trying to scare people into voting for them
If not for the Alliance I would gather a small band of Normans and seize your kingdom from you

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Two retired 34 yo jews on a holiday talk and get to the topic of their retirements
J1:how did you retire so young?
J2: long story, I had a big factory, one day there was a fire that destroyed everything. fortunately i had very good insurance and they payed me out with more money than it was worth.. so i just went on to retire, i do not want to work anymore... And you?
J1: similiar. i also had a factory, which was destroyed by a hurricane. insurance payed me out and now i enjoy life...
J2: oh nice. but i do have a question though.
J1: what is it?
J2: how the hell do you start a hurricane?
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>Your president is married to a tranny.
You mispelled "Granny" there m8.
It's okay, I too make mistakes sometimes.

>Some of our previous presidents were married to at the very least men in drag.
I'm not saying you're a liar, I'm just asking for you to post proof / source / links, so I can see for myself, as I'm not sure who or what you're referring to.
Please do explain yourself, preferably with a link, because there's no reason for me to believe you if you don't post a link as proof.
Its 87 or L8 depending on perspective.
Typical “humor” you can expect from redpods
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>lol, which part of french speaking africa could you be from?
The N°1 Tourist Destination in the World.
Born and raised.

Want me to talk about Paris to prove it?
Champs de Mars? Sacré Coeur?
I've gone down in the Paris catacombs mutliple times, even partied down there.
Shit was cash, although you don't want to go down there without a guide, otherwise you're fucked.
What else.
Oh the bars?
Or you want me to talk about where specifically?
I was born in Paris's 16th "arrondissment' (district 16) in the Hospital of LaMuette in 1993.
Parents moved to West Paris Suburbs.

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More coping and seething.

When are you guys going to Post Body with timestamp?
Or are ALL of you Fat Neckbeard Faggots?
Fucking kek these amerilards are so narcissistic and yet can't even see their own penis.
Hilarious shit.

>I'm gonna support open borders, gay shit, abortion, and feminist propaganda!
Why are they like this?
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republicans tell you the lies you want to hear while starting wars that cost trillions. otherwise there is virtually no difference.
good job, niggers
>The underlying spiritual nature of the universe
Prive there is such a thing
>>violent sandniggers that want to kill people beyond the kikes
>Odd how the definition of atheism changes.
Never has.
How were tachyons and quantum spiritual? They aren't explained in spiritual terms. There is no "eureka" moment of discovering the spiritual.
>adds lack of belief
Why can't atheists define atheism?

>people are coming in from the southern boarder
More news at 11

You keep avoiding the question
The genealogy of that knowledge starts pre Socratic with the first man asking what is reality, where did life come from, etc , it was another deist who invented the Scientific method :)

Redshift, relativity, both theorized by non atheist :)

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Is that milk?
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Something about these fishy "global warming" "nothingburger" shills that activates my almonds

Its almost like they want this "hurricane" memoryholed
The jews are mad the focus is on hurricane victims and not the 2nd holocaust.

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