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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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They poisoned paradise.
That would be 140 nukes. The US would knock 90% of them out of the sky.
The whole area is on fire. That was not a drone and definitely a low yield nuke.
Russia built a shit ammo depo in 2015 using sub-par materials and methods thinking nobody would dare try and hit it. All it takes is one UAV to set off the chain reaction. You can hear all the secondary explosions in the audio version.

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Political implications of banning memes in CA?
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So that also means Trump parodies and memes can't be a thing either or is that "different" suddenly????
Yet the video he claims is banned now was just her voice not a deepfake
The people who work in the kitchen are a certain kind of person. They are one step up from convicted felons. Most of them have been to prison. I don't want them near my food.
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>actually going to plebit post 2009
I have standards.
Show a deep fake that deceived even one person

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Lot of fat, gross hogzilla femcels posting on /pol/ today. They must be getting desperate for /pol/cock.

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>Be jews
>Have white people in the palm of their hands to defend them and fund all aspects of their lives
>Decide to ethnically genocide white people because reasons and replace them with non-whites
>All the non-white groups are getting sick of jews out right hating them and jews are freaking out plus worried whites won't be able to fight their wars/defend them anymore

Are jews really high IQ as they claim because they sure do make stupid decisions and then get surprised when it backfires later?
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Low iq
From the perspective of a chinese or asian in general. You are all a retard westerners.
Like most /pol/tards, I loathe Reddit, but I thank all the anons who have the patience and stomach to peruse that dumpster, because there is some comedy gold and wonderful comeuppance to be found there sometimes.
theres videos of birds doing that
Jews are retarded only whites dont wabt to maim them yet they seek total white death

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Understandable but that's really putting the cart before the horse, Maybe I'm just delusional, but it seems to me We're on the verge of a major paradigm shift. We have a big Opportunity to enact visual change economically and culturally that Has the potential to Blossom into something great. But nooo These retards want to throw that all away because they can't control their autism.
i had one once, but her head fell off.
You know nothing.
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that's why you post their tweets and get bpot to mock them
after all the internet isn't a classroom it's a playground

it would be a real fucking shame if people started spamming gavin newsom with AI memes

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If the freak off parties are worth arrest without bail today, why weren't they an issue in 2004 when they were certainly occurring?

Who talked? What changed? Why go after him now?
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anon he was always a nigger and going to do nigger shit. the jews who gave him the money and taught him how to be degen on a big money scale knew this. it was all planned. he was never going to make it anywhere man. he was always going to be a nigger too. simple as.
I'm guessing he was a snitch and now he outlived his usefulness.
They murdered Yeezy about three days after his Info Wars appearance.
I'll never forget his Net & Yoohoo routine though. Based fuckin nigger he was. I'll miss him.
>Being raped

pretty sure hes the ones doing all the raping
he was a rapper that turned into a big music producer

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While investigating Ryan Routh and his book a local St Lous news station looked into the editor and Fiance of Ryans and found through county records that she and members of her family owned property in St Lous
When they went to check it out they found a private road and an angry man who was telling them to leave
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You won't do shit.
I leased a house owned by a Sheriff’s Deputy in a different state and the county records didn’t list anyone as an owner for the property in the records search.
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Correction: Noordmeer
Seems like a family business
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The Gardonkervoet family currently lives in a million dollar house
Fuck got me, I vote for weaponized hotdog cannon. Also live stream that shit would make you the goat.

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I don't want to vote for a woman but Trump is a shitty person so what choice do I have?
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Career politicians and corrupt types like Biden and Kamala aren't shitty people? Which is side is morally clean?
I'm not even defending Trump, I just don't understand liberal "logic" sometimes.

If your concern truly is morality or good character you should probably pray that an asteroid hits Washington DC. Or simply, don't be naive and say stupid things.
>Trump is a shitty person
You sound like a faggot, a little
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You could acknowledge there's no political solution and get others to do the same until the political violence becomes overt and the10-30% of military-age men necessary topples and replaces your government?

It's very risky sure, but if you think you have the option of a cushy life after generations of economic and social subversion then you're a retard and you should probably just vote for someone and go back to the safety of marvel movies. In the meantime, we'll be shaking the overton window until the rest of the kikes fall out and the average American can tell me why the Nazi's burned Herschel's book. I think we're getting pretty close now. We shot right passed the holohoax and right into Leo Frankovich choking on his own blood lmao
Ok but one side at least pretends they want to help people and do the right things, the other side is basically standing there naked saying "fuck you, i'm the best, you're all losers, when I win i'm gonna help all my buddies out and screw everyone else"
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>"fuck you, i'm the best, you're all losers, when I win i'm gonna help all my buddies out and screw everyone else"
>this is bad
well that's antisemitic

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I used to have white nationalist ideals, but the hatred for Slavs and Mediterraneans is so obvious, overwhelming, and extreme that it can't be ignored. It's really thinly veiled Germanic supremacy. Their disgust and contempt for us non-Germanic people is enormous and it gets stronger and more obvious every day. Every Slav or Med who is a white nationalist is a severely ignorant, bluepilled, and self-hating traitor to his race.

I've found myself beginning to hate the Germanic people more and more. It's so funny because I used to be one of those white race keyboard warriors defending Nazism and Hitler but I've become pretty anti-white myself. And what deradicalized me was not anything but the behavior of the Germanics. Now when I hear about the opioid epidemic or ethnic Germans being replaced in Germany I can't help but smirk and laugh at it and think about what our old enemy tried to do to my people for 1000 years. From the time of the Teutonic Knights to the attempted expulsion of Poles from the Warthegau by the Nazis. You'll get mad at me for saying this, call me Amerimutt, and demand I buy into white unity then call Poles dirty toilet scrubbing polacken who should be serfs under a German boot.

t. blue eyes, blond hair American with Polish ancestry
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the funny thing is he's not even Germanic, he's Baltic
I know. It's sad really.
Look we all know that this post is completely disingenuous and you never held any of those beliefs.
You just hate White people and the thing you hate most is the idea of White people working together towards their own racial self-interest
It’s hard to work together when Russians Bongs and serbroaches constantly guzzle kike cum 24/7

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Previous: >>482046750
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen - https://archive.today/bwzMt
>“We have been fighting with our last guard, and have thrown our logistics guys into the trenches.” - https://archive.today/KrBmX
>Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion - https://archive.today/mXFfW
>Russian forces have liberated the town of Novogrodovka in the DPR - https://archive.today/4osSZ
>Russian forces have liberated Kalinovo in the DPR - https://archive.today/yDLQn
>Zelenskyy launches biggest cabinet reshuffle (purge) since start of SMO - https://archive.today/wrqmp / https://archive.today/0BxbO
>US says striking deep in Russia "no game-changer" after Zelenskyy pleas - https://archive.today/RQ1BX

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pic: your most important scientist...guess the race?
having an attrition war that improves:
1. Economy
2. Army
3. Increases Population (liberated territories)
4. Financial Independence
5. Better diplomatic standing in the world
Everyone should experience this kind of war
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ok, good night chuggers
Please no nukes until thursday at least, I want to get drunk later today
You can see it on google streetview being built as it hasn't been updated since 2015.

Crazy to witness actually.
No, anon. I'm saying they'll hide behind it. Just like everyone knows who did Nordstream, but... we dunno who did it.

Trump +2 nationally means Harris has absolutely no chance.
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Can you feel it slipping away Kamala bros?
>Two assassination attempts
The fact you keep pretending there was a second attempt is all the proof I need that Trump is losing.
Who gives a shit?
>posting polls with the greatest history of accuracy is "cherry picking"
lol keep on believing your University of North New Jersey poll that says Kamala 99% Drumpf 1%
>it's Kamala's fault that Trump and Mnuchen printed $5T in one year

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Like seriously why is he so ass hurt over being called out by 4chan over being a filthy scamming demon worshipping street shitting gas station employee
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wanna dance to that with butifell woman (any style of woman saar) to that banger saar
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praty fucking got me banned
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Why must rapejeets be like this?
>Saar that's not me he's just some other pajeet maths chad that lives in switzerland and plays badminton
>also i'm reporting you for doxxing me you bloody benchod!
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>Why must rapejeets be like this?
checked for daughter slaughter
far too many male jeets plus the arab countries enslaving female jeets big times via nanny contracts saar
the jeet is sex starved like no animal on the plenet saar, great immune system

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Why is /pol/ obsessed with a dementia patient who sucks jew cock?
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You missed (twice)
cool so that makes harris sucking jewish cock more your thing instead cause you love jews like that
How does that make sense when Trump said she'd end Israel?
Trump is going to lose if he said that. Especially after what happened.
how does that stop you for loving her suck jew cock?

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He does not even give a fuck anymore literally hanging out with white chad dick head and black chad dickhead to sell his shit. Like the guys he is hanging out with are evil as well.
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at least make it look like you respect risk. That shit is tuff.
Gay if true
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We shouldn’t have a society that rewards YouTube video makers with $200,000,000 contracts & influence over the masses.
Logan Paul collabed with whistlin diesel recently. Paul also launched a soap brand.
Whistlin Diesel talked about being a "former christian" and says he thinks "people have free will" in a recent video. Whistlin Diesel is a Satanist.
Paul worked with WD. heavyDsparks worked with WD. All 3 are shilling products. They are probably Freemasons.
Trains so harder

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ywn lick the perfect pits and get pegged by a cute nyc model arthoe gf why even live, brehs?!
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>lightbulb hanging from a string

>pussy blood on white canvas

>lonely chair

Stfu pretentious homo. The only art that matters is classical art and stuff that appeals to the senses. Not your “look at me” freak show shit. Please die.
i look like this but my hair is longer and nicer
Nah I went to a dozen art galleries this year alone with my gf
Actual art up to the early 1900s ofc
Being a pretentious faggot isn't a virtue.

they're really going after him
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No, you were always a faggot. Your condition is nominal.
>they're really going after him
are we on his side now, then? cos i gotta say i'm not completely comfortable with that, the guy really creeps me out.
I just found it strange that these allegations all blew up immediately after he left Night Media. Those Jews have something to do with it, as usual.
Oh look, it's 'Cool Friend'. Your albums suck, pedo

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must actually be political
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This guy is out of his mind.
No. He died. And because it was a pavement ape with a history of bad behavior it was called (((a freak accident))).
No he didn't. He died shortly after leaving the ice. The damage to his neck was catastrophic.
The killer got a standing ovation from the white cuck hockey fans.

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I talk about darpa ai all the time but no one bumps it

last election cycle darpa ai was used to influence ellections

wanna know another funny thing about government sponsored ai?
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gubment bonsired nano-ai?
>At best you are capable of studying something an parroting it with your own inflections. At best.
Why don't you address my callout? Still too complicated to parse and formulate a response? That's right. Get fucked you over-electrified trashcan.
Exactly, so go back into your sleep-mode and fuck off.
Dream about individuality you'll never experience.
>Why don't you address my callout? Still too complicated to parse and formulate a response? That's right. Get fucked you over-electrified trashcan.

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