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Will the white population ever fully recover?
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who cares?
Country > race

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GIGA HAPPENING! Putin is utterly desperate for cannon fodder for his failed, botched war in Ukraine!
Russia is losing and now they have recruited 10,000 troops from North Korea to send to the meat grinder in Ukraine.
South Korea told Putin that North Korean troops must get the fuck out of Russia or Russia will face the consequences of South Korea's military support for Ukraine.
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You can tell Putin is desperate for manpower due to all of then videos of thugs snatching men off the streets and sending them to the frontlines
10k is basically 2 regiments, which is enough for them to practice field logistics and facets of modern war doctrine without needing too much special coordination with Russia.

this is more likely prompted by Best Korea, and is their attempt to modernize their military against globohomo worst Korea; Russian losses have been minimal and hasn't required additional enlistments.
Aren’t norks scared of just releasing thousands of men into a different world? They have lived in their imaginary setting until now having no idea what actually happens in their own country and have been fed contradictory propaganda their whole lives. What happens when they learn the truth?
The cope from you ziglets are unmatched in history.
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>the truth
What truth?

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Jews have completely killed gas stoves in my country
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Anon never let them take away your gas stove. I don't care what they say
Sensible in apartments where persons of hue are liable to gasplode the place through negligence.
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I'd love induction but the power company will not provide the wiring to the building. Fuck having to turn off all electroncis and the fridge so the stove can be on.

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Butter is a luxury.

St. Petersburg stores have started hiding butter from customers so that they don't steal it

In the Dixy chain of stores, customers are offered to study the range of butter by price tags, and then contact the store employees to purchase it, local media write

"There is nothing unusual or critical here. If you have noticed, some stores have long had refrigerators behind the cash registers, where various valuable products are stored - caviar, expensive alcohol, meat delicacies, butter. By the way, other chains, for example, VkusVill, also have them. Some stores the decision is being made to move the stock from the free access zone." - the store said
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Oh that's pretty much the same as here then, costs you about 15p more than me.
For 500g*, 7p for 250g.
fake notice probably

in moscow butter is freely available
cost around 2 usd per 200 gramm
google one that available on android

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>Glasgow is the "drug capital" of the world
>Grenfell mark ii
>Farage milkshake thrower pleads guilty to assault
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I'm sure there is no one itt right now...
Magpies are going mental lads I think they're going to attack
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yeah fuck that, 25%+ down from day 1 with vat and retail premium over spot

I can't do it.... do you avoid it? if so how?

I just don't buy silver now - stick to gold
Those were indeed majestic, glorious and inspiring, truly the model on which future imperial centres-of-power would be based, but that was where the entire wealth of the continent went.
surely they would put a bot here to flag key words and have someone do a quick scroll to make sure were not mentioning anything dodgy

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>40% of Moldavia's population are Russian 5th columnists
>It's still not enough
Russians can't get a single w
>Russia has to immediately deploy there
And how is Timmy going to do that?
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Ok, can you explain once again why people DON'T want to be a part of EU?

Imagine like we didn't have this conversation every time this happens.
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He is a small fish in a small pond. Now all this pond is going to be connected to other lakes with bigger criminal oligarch fishes. Of course he is afraid.
Because they probably voted it in through the parliament since it didn't meet 50%.

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>no aus/pol/

Can some ausbros give me tips for better handling the bants?

Recently moved to Australia from Canada, I love it here, it's unfathomably clean, everyone I work with is white and racist, i've got a good paying job as an electrician, people are genuinely very friendly and welcoming inviting me out to drink, go camping, fishing etc but the work culture in general has me freaking out.

I don't know when people are complimenting me, making fun of me, laughing with me, angry, happy, being serious or being sarcastic, one minute guys are incredibly relaxed and the next they're the most intense and honestly terrifying people i've ever met and it's making me second guess everything I do and say constantly and then I spend all night replaying every interaction.

What the fuck do I do? Just ride it out?
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>sticks and stones until someone does it to me

You're all like this. Soon as someone insults you back you create a passive aggressive bitch arms race until it reaches a critical mass. Shameless people.
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I'm far more bothered by his bulging fingertips showing his blood pressure was too high in utero. You are already prone to heart issues because of this and now you're keeping yourself up at night worrying about Bruces? Hmmm. Very unwise.
Or Lesboraum - have a house to lay out a munched rug.
Using pre-ground coriander seed is nigger-tier. Fucking dilettantes.
>serves king chuck great northern
That's fucking grim.

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>Be me 26 years old
>complete apprenticeship in office management
>company doesn't want to hire me because no positions available
>meanwhile 3 new people get hired from the outside for open positions in company
>unemployed since July
>job center always sends positions 1-2h away from me
>ignore their stupid recommendations and mainly apply for jobs in municipalities but also for regular companies
>wrote 85 applications in total and only got 5 interviews out of it
>3 interviews in regular companies and 2 in municipalities
>see that normal companies pay like shit and not more than 2000 € after taxes
>municipalities mainly have older people which behaved strange during my interviews
>got rejections for all 5 interviews
>go to job center but they say I need to apply for more positions
>parents also don't know what I can do better
>met friend that graduated and has a bachelors degree in economics a week ago in town

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Got it. If things don't work out I'm asking the job center for a Weiterbildung or Umschulung.
I didn't know what to do at the time thar's why I got an office job.
>didn't know what to do at the time thar's why I got an office job.

Even selling drugs would have been smarter. Ask yourself those: would you as a Boss want male Secretaries?
>apprenticeship in office management
kek but why
>the firm you did it with didn't take you in after
so you're a shit worker to boot
>I didn't know what to do at the time
same and I only had the decision between office cuck, warehouse logistics and cashier at the supermarket.
since the office cuck job seemed easier than warehouse bullshit work and no public humiliation like the cashier job I went to the office.
but boy did this suck.

actually yes you want to hire a man because the woman are literally useless.
they will gossip all day, not do the actual work, they will start all kinds of infighting with ither roasties then they will get pregnant and you have to look for a worker who will do her job.
before you know it your company goes bankrupt but at least you could state at some hags ass.
>so you're a shit worker to boot
they dont need to hire you because they can just kick you out and get a fresh apprentice to do the job you were doing but now they dont have to pay the apprenticeship the full wage.

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muslim children deserve this
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>tfw no quadraple amputee muslim child fleshlight
Feels bad
All religious zealots deserve death
>It is the only religion in Europe that is actually practiced.
Particularly in prison.
If you can't understand that children are innocent, it's because you're a psychopath.
I'd tell you to kys, but I'm sure (((they))) have already killed you. And then given you a job.
Soulless automatons everywhere.
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You literally live in a dystopia, you can't leave your country if you're unvaxxed

Also there's 40% chance you're a pajeet too lol
This is becoming painfully clear.
Which should tell everyone, (((who's))) running this cesspool these days.
Nothing sacred.
Everything permitted as far as the (((neanderthal))) is concerned.

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Especially videos of white girls being attacked please.
The more people see the true violent nature of people, the more likely they may do something to protect themselves.
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Yeah, minorities.
It's going to get far worse by election day.

This will be the week that the libs start seeing the writing on the wall and the panic starts stetting in.

My Frens, in exactly TWO WEEKS, the salt will be flowing like the salmon of Capistrano. Not just any salt but extremely fine, collector grade, limited edition salt. The kind of salt that includes a mental health crisis. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.

We Won!
Vote so you can gloat!
why would he do any of that with a 30 point lead? Just stick to rallies in swing states.

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What race? Not white thats for sure....
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God loves gays, seethe. You heteroids will never be happy lmao.
Based tripdubs, we're just going through the motions until the major bank failures and bail ins start happening. Society is already destroyed, and anyone still in a city is going to be having a really bad time when it starts to fall apart. I noticed a couple of the retards trying to bait you thinking you're personally threatening violence because they don't grasp human nature, they don't realize what people are going to do when EBT stops working, when social security stops paying, when pensions get looted. Violence is going to become a matter of survival.
>We are right because we trust the objective facts, the evidence.

The problem is you start acting hysterical and forceful towards people who point out that your evidence and data are wrong. You don't seem to grasp that you're being lied to and actually intelligent people don't have the energy to be polite to you about it anymore.
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You're what people are talking about when they say you can't be compromised with. It's gotten to where sane people physically can't inhabit a society with crazy people like you who are full blown Stockholm patients who worship lying murderers. There's going to have to be a split from the likes of you because you won't stop incessantly rooting for the destruction of everything I love while calling yourself good and reasonable. The likes have you have just become unbearable, to the point I'm just not going to bother reasoning with you. I'm just going to ignore people like you until you try to put your hands on me because I won't put on a cuck muzzle or obey whatever royal decree you're trying to force on me.

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Arab Muslim men are hairy, low iq, inbred, ugly, unkempt manchildren, the only reason Muslim women aren't dating out is because they're scared of being honour killed or disowned for being with a non-muslim.

So just pretend to be Muslim, most of you know enough about Islam from/pol/ to easily fake it. Fake being Muslim, put 3 children in them and raise them atheist or Christian or Italian whatever, women are weak minded its not difficult to change their entire belief system after dicking them
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this is a common perspective from ghetto people, not understanding there are literally 2 entire classes of humans above them. (middle & upper class). It's like when blacks in the US say white people can't cook food because all they ate were prison food served by white guards.

white race mixers:
(choose at least 2)

>Very low IQ
>Mentally ill
because they want to be with their own, they want their family to be their own people, it's not rocket science
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I have been to Georgia but found no woman like her
I would deport the Arabs even females from Europe and then just send Iberian men to impregnate North Africa until it reaches 25% Moor 75% iberian
So did the Natives at first but then Iberia chads got to them

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Trump had a good photo op, but that doesn’t really matter. Millions of people have already “voted.” The fix is in. Kamala will be the next president; all you can do is wait for the mail-in ballots to confirm this.
i said trump looked good in that white shirt and with the sun shining, some leftist ask me if i was gay for trump and I went full woke karan... "what did you mean by gay, are you using gay as an insult",,, I know understand how fun it is to be woke , that little nigger started backpeddling and i reported him and started harrassing the mods about allowing this kind of hate sit on their board for 15min after i hit the report button lol.

Webm when?
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>that damages the economy
Too late for that, this isn't pure politics here. This is desperation. Your country and China need more resources, period. Remember Germany was enemy #1 and now they lead Europe peacefully. If you stop acting like niggers, you could be on our side and do the same AKA you can go about your daily first world life with no worries of war with only technological innovation on your roster, and your bloodthirsty men will still be able to willingly sign up to go kill shitskin dictators in third world countries. But you and China never stopped acting up, and so you are still "developing". The reason is because you are ruled by dictators, like all third worlders. There is no other discussion around it, that is quite literally your only problem and only your citizens can solve it really. Thus, us first worlders shall come to kill you, and that's the end of it.
>Europe's identity here is be geopolitically allied with America, or to be swallowed whole and lost anything that makes them unique as they're killed and forcefully assimilated, as is the tactics the Ruskies use.
Delusional. The Soviets never even assimilated their satellites during the Cold War. The Warsaw Pact countries were essentially ethno-states. And they still would be if not for America.

The greatest danger to Europe is its alliance with America. It is America who is destroying Europe. Not Russia.
I'm completely on board with this.
kek based

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Soon there will be millions of Jewish refugees trying to flee Israel.. where will they go?
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>Tatarstan (40% Christian) colored green
>Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya (90+% Muslim) not colored
>Sri Lanka is Muslim somehow?
>Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo not colored
what a retarded map
Ethiopia looks fucked
Mostly America. Most of them already have dual citizenship. Israel economy is already failing with wars.
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>where will they go?

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I think we need to keep the Union Jack there, even if we changed out head-of-state from a royal one to some other kind of one. Hear me out:

Britain will be a caliphate by the end of the century and New Zealand is like our Canada - it's doomed. We might be doomed too, but we also might not be. If we keep the current flag - for the next 250 years, say - we will be the only country that flies the Union Jack within its standards and colours (apart from a few pacific island former-colonies, potentially. Maybe the Faulklands).

It will become this arcane heraldic symbol that will puzzle foreigners. Staid academics will write earnest but ultimately false essays about why it is there and what it means.
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When Belize got rid of the Union Jack they went all in.
we weren't allowed to vote on a plain silver fern because it would have won. Which doesn't make much sense, if it would have won that meant it would have been the right one
There's more online racism, sure, but the only guy who has promised to do anything will be lucky to get a single seat next election. Canada is jeeted beyond repair, years ago even
You should have a picture of a kiwi bird...isn't that your national bird?
I dunno man, India suddenly kicking out all whites in the 1950's was pretty racist

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reminder the election is a kabalistic ritual and the outcome predetermined
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i guess
>>Amalek is arch-nemesis of the jews
KIKES *are* Amalek, because kikes are their own worst enemy. They're the worst of the worst.

When they talk about "destroying Amalek" they mean destroying the context of the label.

They can't be "the worst" if there is nothing else but them. So they destroy everyone else (starting with Angloids who are the "Best" to their "Worst") and there's no longer a "Best" or even "Slightly Better" than "The Worst". This is their "Victory over God".

Welcome to the mind of kikes.
the truth is that those who call themselves jews are actually esau/amalek who put on the garment of jacob
just as jacob did to esau to deceive their father isaac
that's why they do not fear God and commit such unholy atrocities
Every now and then one of you poles reminds me why I haven't filtered your flag yet.

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