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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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I try to like natives but then I see how they live and yeah… what a pitiful group
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I'm a native noblemen.
This looks comfy. Some food, some internet, some beer. No hassle, nobody to judge me. I could happily drink myself to death in a place like this.
>government loads them up on drugs
This is a cope.
The same personality flaw that makes someone a poorfag is the one that makes him addicted to drugs and produce bastards.
>How does that explain them not inventing the wheel like blacks? Or the alcoholism?
For groups that spent thousands of years with zero interest in wheels, they sure can't seem to keep their hands off of stealing them.
Lol suckdeep got his bike stolen by a drunken redman. Indian vs indian. How rich.

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Look at that innocent black woman go!

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>”bad guy”
>even though he did literally nothing wrong
any other /pol/ approved characters?
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>fuck you for making me write this.
Harry Potter is a ripoff of Akademia Pana Kleksa like Star Wars is a ripoff of Dune. The Masons pass this crap around in the lodges and keep releasing it until it takes.
>Murdering random people
>Murders wizards just because they fucked a Mudd blood or two
>Magic isn't even generic
>Both of Hermione's parents were mild bloods yet she is the smartest witch
>Thats like if a nigger and poojeet fucked and gave birth to Kirk Douglas.
He was a fucking loser who couldn't even shoot up his school because he was such a fucking loser. Supposed to be super magical yet couldn't even bring back his nose? Even Michael Jackson's surgeons gave him a little nose.
Anyone who still thinks about Harry Potter and compares it to irl is fucking retarded and anyone who sides with the even more retarded villains is even more stupid
>Star Wars is a ripoff of
The Bible again.
Why do the Jedi wear sackcloth?
>A wannabe school shooter who wanted to start a race war against people not defined by race
Total faggot. He's like a Jew. He thought he was smart but not really thinking far beyond the next initial move.
>Scared of and killed by a fucking kid
Just like Jews afraid of Palestinian children

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Do Jews really? How could one race of people be so vile and self centered. Almost as if their own god has forsaken them.
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they are so oppressed that they always manage to get their spawns into prestigious schools and they control the media politics banks and insurance companies and if you dare to criticize them or point that out cohorts of their slaves come to their defense because they are so oppressed
Here's a really good question: who gives a shit who's been oppressed throughout history? Why is this supposed to mean anything? If anything, it probably means your people are weak and suck. Have we forgotten it's survival of the fittest? I'm not crazy here. Historical oppression literally means nothing. We all continually live in the present and present conditions are all that matter. But I ask again: who fucking cares? It seems like you're just highlighting what a shitty group of people you come from, which isn't really something you want to keep reminding people in the present since it may highlight why you were oppressed to begin with.
>Oy vey goy, stop talking about the USS Liberty and other things we've done, it's all in the past.
They're so oppressed than the entire system is rigged so you can go to jail for questioning their oppression. Truly the greatest victims ever.
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for no reason at all

As hard as it is to believe there are “men” (faggot man children) posting on this board who own no firearms no silver no robot vacuum don’t carry a knife have never pleasured a woman and don’t lift.

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silver is trash metal you can buy in banks. fuck off.
Serious people don't drink alcohol. You're ngmi.
lol poor little cunt
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>literally says I don't care about sex
>tries to shame for not doing what I don't care about
what a shit for brains
this is bait

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ngl i kinda forgot trump was shot already
slide thread

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I’ve barely paid attention to Trump and Vance, but even I can see all the heat going the VP hopeful’s way lol
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Its his mothers comment. He is pulling the female vote out from under the demons hooves.
80% are lemmings, they need leaders and representatives to follow or they just create chaos.
There's something fundamentally off-putting about Vance, he comes across as a gay, terminally online millennial who's overcompensating, everything about him is literally fake and gay.

Trump is winning no matter what, it's already decided, at this point it's just a show.
Who cares if people are "lemmings"? That doesn't make any sense in the context of Vance being another ideologue that would further erode peoples rights for his misguided and intellectually flat-flatlined beliefs. All of these people always fuck up then say, after giving themselves immunity, " I tried". If you don't give them the power that isn't even granted to them to begin with we don't have to deal with their chaos.

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>randomly shoot at rightoids
>kill a firefighter
>randomly shoot at leftoids
>kill a pedophile
What are the odds?

Why are leftoids pedophiles that contribute nothing to society?
Israel shot Trump
yeah but the republican that dies actually contributed to society. Leftists fuck children

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At last the time of the white race is over. It is time for us to pass the baton to the new human generations
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I don't see anything wrong with those. The two people the old man is passing the torch to look normal.
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they're not human
Look again; they're niggers.

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lmfao... he's not even the president, why is he doing this?
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> muh logan act
Trump is the president lol
>Netanyahu hedging his bets by meeting with all sides
>/pol/: :O
Only "babbys first election" zoomers are surprised by this. No matter who wins, Israel will not lose.
He met with Kamala Harris before meeting Trump.
>That's because she's the VP
He met with Biden even before that. No reason to meet the VP if you've already met the top dog, unless you are hedging.
But he IS the President, it's just a matter of a short amount of time.

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Praise the lord mary jesus it's a miracle the shot and perforated ear is healed as good as new it's a pre-Christmas miracle and a sign Trump was shielded and saved by the unseen hand.
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you'll know soon enough
Why part if a grazing shot don't you understand
>Praise the lord mary jesus it's a miracle the shot and perforated ear is healed as good as new it's a pre-Christmas miracle and a sign Trump was shielded and saved by the unseen hand.
There are blood clotting first aid medications, that can heal skin, even with deep cuts, very quickly and effectively.
This stuff,


or something similar was used on my thumb tips after I sanded them down on an industrial belt sander during a University wood shop class.
The “school nurse” cleaned the gingers with saline solution, and then sprayed the thumb tips.
The skin had been sanded down to the really soft white layer underneath the skin.
The thumb tips healed back perfectly, and even way better than other skin injuries that I’ve had repaired by doctors in Emergency Rooms.

As for Trump, the injury isn’t perfectly healed as the photo shows, but at most there might be a slight “scar” and maybe a divot in the ear cartilage.
absolute cope.
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>Jew memes really are kryptonite to them

lol lmao

Migatards are something else. There must be a massive overlap with christcucks and q tards.

A FORECLOSURE in my hometown is going for nearly $300k. What's the cause of this? Chinese investors picking up all the houses? Because that's what I've heard around town. Shit, even me looking for a room for rent, it's damn near $1000 a month for one single room in a home. Make it make sense.
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We need to bring back company towns where the company you work for pays for housing. There are a few jobs that do this, but we need more. Would also help males get into the workforce and out of their parents basement.
Gas cost would be more expensive.

Honda fit gets like 28mpg and element gets 23 average. Gas matters
Honda Fit isn't that big, is it?
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offer 50k. if they don't accept move onto the next one.

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Netflix is for fags anyway
just pirate
Yes they would, Hannibal directive
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They wouldn't have missed

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what level of clownworld are we on even?
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There are definitely abused animals that would benefit from anti-anxiety meds. I mean some behaviors just don’t go away. Like my dog during a thunderstorm. If he was like that 70% of the day instead of once or twice a month I’d probably get him some meds.
If anything these meds work WORSE for humans lol
Had to put my dog down in the last year because he couldn’t eat food anymore. I took a week off to stay home and forcefeed him gruel to keep him alive but he just keep eating less and less. The whole process is so bleak. I wish I could’ve just shot him in the head to get it over with like in Of Mice and Men. I still think about how scared and confused his last moments must’ve been and tear up.
Idiots in this thread don't realise that anxiety has physical symptoms.
Aaand she's Jewish too. Checks out.
Anti fungal?

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>why yes I serve the jews how could you tell
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I knew there was something pedophilic about that planet
artist's rendering of fake planet
actually all ancient cultures have worshipped saturn, even people that had zero contact with semitic subhumans.
thats because Saturn used to be the Original Sun before the Sol capture event happened.

>literally a failed star
there is no Such thing as a "failed star", even today Saturn produces more Heat and Energy than it gets from Sol.
Its interaction with Sol reduced its output tho.
you can literally see it with your own eyes through a telescope
qrd on the shape of that storm and how did jews know what it looked like back then?

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The first two are demonstrably factual
Go back to getting fucked by foreigners. Ireland is make fools of you guys
It's getting rigged for Trump, he's going to draft you to die for israel and you will comply because you are a bootlicking pussy
Based. MIGAtards are so effeminate and whiny
>everything is rigged and unfair, everyone who doesn’t support our zionist boomer candidate is a tranny and a shill
I don't really have anything to guard so if it pops off I know which neighborhoods I'm going ape shit on first, there are onky so many fire trucks in each city

for gooning to her deepfake porn.
Nice job losers. Now you can't even masturbate to imaginary shit.
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Chevron deference is how we got here. All it takes is one lawsuit and the whole house of fake and gay cards collapses.
Better hurry and make Senate deepfake orgies. ASS TO ASS!!
>This is a virtue signaling bill
Oh, that's clear. This is just a personal crusade from AOC because it's mainly of her and she can abuse her position for personal use.
Just wondering how this and the copyright thing will interact.
Laws around the world really can't keep up with technology and the old assholes legislating have zero clue what's going on.
It's all very interesting at least.
i do wonder how much of that is humble bragging
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Saved. Will fap to this later.

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Why don't men hit on women anymore?
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>I fuck plapjack on a weekly basis.
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Based sperg. The shotgun approach has merit.
What's your setup? Where are they hidden?
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I'm a shy person by nature but I think I appear outwardly confident. I'm 6'0 tall, 168 lbs, lean, I don't slouch when I walk or sit and I don't have a smartphone so when I'm in public I tend to people watch and ogle girls that I think are pretty. I don't do it in an overtly creepy way I just do quick glances and try to see if I can tell that they know that I am checking them out.
>where have all the good men gone?
>you have to let us into your male space
>if you hit on us, it's harassment
>if you neglect us, it's harassment

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