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So your telling me the jews can blow me up at any moment? Are the schizoids always right?
how many times are we getting the same fucking thread, nigger.

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/pol/ is always right.
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So your telling me the jews can plant explosives in random objects and blow me up at any moment? Are the schizoids always right?
god I wish jews would blow up chuds' phones so they couldn't shitpost here anymore.

Picrel is a really good point. Hopefully the global community gives these Jews a strongly worded letter to make them not be so wreckless. Think that'll happen or should I just avoid Muhammad and his pager next time I take public transport?

Do Jews care at all about unintended consequences of their trojan bombs?
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>Hezbollah terrorists are our enemies
no hezbollah flooded my country with migrants. get fucked kike
>Are we allowed to use knives?
uses white phosphorus. get fucked kike.
nobody likes you
Why is it always Israel being blamed? Sometime sthe worst enemy is your own people.
Hey man pick up your phone
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Totally targeted attack to avoid civilian casualties yet these shitskins will still cry. Despicable creatures
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Well at some point you can just stay at home or not drive if you wana be safe - stockton rush

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How do I deal with the fact that we live in an idiocracy?

When I make an intelligent statement and provide factual information I will only be seen as wirde. Intelligence is seen as something ridiculous and low by the mindless mutt hordes. The level of modern discussion only consists of superficialities like mems and the like.

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The idea for abcdef-ace a book was started between Aaron and Zuckerberg in a tobacco barn am I connecting to Facebook correctly?

The American Dream is alive and well.
Is it though?

God : its not

Satan : it’s not

>my subconscious : it’s not

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Why are leftists so anti-car?
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Because car dependency doesn't help anyone but the auto industries.

Cars shouldn't be a necessity and luxury at the same time that's fucking retarded.

A country as rich and developed as America should have a well developed public transportation system that spans the entire nation.

I don't understand why you whiny cucks are so against it. Doesn't make any sense.
Then y'all complain about gas prices, car insurance and maintenance.
>i'll defeat The Elite by consooming what they sell me but only the products that make me feel based
They are gullible rubes who are more than willing to sell their freedom, independence, autonomy, and self sufficiency for a brief feeling of smug intellectual superiority. Even if that feeling is totally divested from reality.
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>live in city
>all conveniences close by
>why cars then
>cars should go
>what you mean some people need cars?
>if me no need car you no need car
>everything must be same, like city
>country dumb, should think like me, city best!
They're a collective that needs to feel like they're honorably suffering or they start to feel guilty over their lives. They also typically aren't familiar with how lousy mass transit really is, which leads back to their feeling guilty about their privilege again.

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>Gavin Newsom accelerates off of a cliff
>puts siegetards to shame
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point taken.
Gavin Newson is Satan incarnate. So expect him to be president one day. His evil energy is really intense. Watch him speak
Mosque is just going to ignore him and sue him
California is basically a dictatorship at this point.
I hate his hair and face so much. Like he's a clone modeled after Handsome Jack from that shitty borderlands game.

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Are there any Somalians here? I need a Somalian subhuman to please go to this youtube video and download the MP3 from it. It's a song that's been SME blocked, and Somalia is the only country that has access to it.

Once again, Americans are asking blacks to perform free work for them.
As apposed to working your ass off in a Nike Sneakers sweatshop for half a penny?

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>j-jews can't kill you with a tiny batter-
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If he was wearing a cup and helmet he could have made that. You have to wrap you whole body on contact and use your shoes as breaks he did it wrong.
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if he was not on drugs he would not even try this suicide shit out..
R.I.P Earth Rocker, those chains cant bind us, free forever brother.
vaping in enclosed spaces causes nerve gas buildup

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Rumour is that three Federal Agents were at his house earlier this week, following 2 videos (now 3) uploaded this week interviewing his son John Anderson. John said Steven Anderson is guilty of domestic violence, and that both Steve and his wife are guilty of child abuse.
>John interview #1:
>John interview #2:
>John interview #3:
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Do feds do anything anymore other than go after the enemies of the Jews?

Did they ever?
Reminder that Pastor Anderson is a niggerlover and officiates interracial weddings because christcuckoldry is a Jewish death cult designed to destroy white people.
checked. Jew digits.
Very cool story. How do I subscribe to your blog?
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No wonder he hates Orthodoxy

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260 billion vs 117 billion
424 million vs 193 million
costal vs landlocked
high tech vs potato processing
California, Seattle and Vancouver vs mormons
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And they’re limp wristed faggots
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I hope the united states lasts that long but I hope there's not that many mormons. Mormonism is a false religion that many amish wouldn't be good either
That’s rural blue collar Mormons. Middle management, finance, and tech Mormons absolutely will go with the flow of corporate policy and fag your kids up in order to love all of heavenly fathers children.

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Jews are right, white people suck. I'm saying this as a white person. All nonmuslim people suck ass. Most whites are nonmuslim.
Most white people are nigger tier trash. The problem is jews don't distinguish between the trash and non-trash, they want to genocide every white person because they jelly about our pure blood status, while they are mixed race middle eastern/white people. This is why they are so obsessed with race mixing white people, they are race mixed white people.
Why are thousands of arabs converting from Islam to Christianity? Don't they realize they are both Noahide death cults?
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Who do you think you're fooling, Moses?

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>Plap Pill is real
That's what happens to me all the time

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But won’t ever really come to a sensible conclusion
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I'll never understand this about zigger commies.

>durr lets start socializing the nation with the most important shit that can get you killed if socialism fails again

Why? Why not start with socialized garbage pickup or water? Why not start with socialized mail? Or electricity? Why do they always immediately jump to the most important and expensive things that can get everybody killed? Let the people see the government succeed at doing something non-essential. Let the government prove it to us that they can actually run something. But no. Its always "lets socialize cancer treatm - AKKKKK IM DEAD!"

Don't forget, they were also murdering people in record numbers with those "ventilators".
>Non-emergent folks

Inceldom isnt a problem exclusive to one web forum or another, its a problem more expressed by people who live permanently online lives. We are all in the same boat here since a good 75% of us are rejects in some way, however channers can have an open dialogue about this stuff without the oppressive censorship and conditioning that other forums have.

That being said marriage was a social construct created to make secure families and have healthy children. Many gays do not actually want kids and just have casual sex. If they want children at best it requires adoption which depends on the circumstance that one is unable to or does not want to take care of a child, or surrogacy which deprives another family of the time and resources to create their own families. Both are net negatives on society.

it’s not getting any fucking better
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That hypothetical inflection point where 51% of the people vote to enrich themselves at the expense of the 49% already happened.
Imagine believing that TV drama.
That was when Trump ran as an ethnonationalist. Now he’s running as a gay jewish feminist multicultural meritocracy I’m not racist Israel First GOP cuck.
>inorganic and fake
Yes that is how election rigging works.
Get ready for President Harris.
wdym cope? I'm just saying he's scripted/rigged to win. what, you really think Trump's "deep state" has magically failed to stop him hundreds of times ... by chance?

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>builds some cool tech and capitalizes off of the dotcom bubble
>creates email for money with PayPal
>founds rocket company with the incredibly ambitious goal of making humanity multiplanetary, everyone though this was retarded at the time
>founds an electric car company when everyone thought that was retarded
>starts landing rockets
>starts selling shit tons of cars
>starts OpenAI
>buys twitter, completely destroys the brand and names it X
>in a time where White people are obsessed with killing themselves he says 'maybe we shouldnt?'
>starts Grok to destroy OpenAI
I can't even list all of this dude's accomplishments in one post.
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lol seething faggot
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he's pretty based. waiting for robowaifu

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false flag season already?
One of their vegan loons just tried to kill Trump so they have to make something up to play victim about.

so it's ok if it's not a BLM protest?
white people acted like niggers

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Once again, election results may take a while... And you won't do shit. If this happens again and no one gets off their asses, America doesn't deserve to exist.

Honestly, this headline should be pinned until inauguration as a daily reminder.

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This is the /new normal/.
funny how this only happens in the US, Venezuela and the fucking congo
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Fine fine I’ll do something Mr Glowie Fedboy
I’ll make some more memes.
>counting hundreds of millions of votes takes a while
Who fucking guessed!?
Shit thread.
Every other state but the key states Democrats can figure it out by election night. Also since when has it been a problem. Wasn't an issue 2016. Wasn't an issue when it was all paper.


“Since parents, you don’t want to raise your kids, I’m gonna start raising them,” Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood said at a news conference Friday. “Every time we make an arrest, your kids’ photo is going to be put out there and if I can do it, I’m gonna perp walk your kid so that everybody can see what your kid’s up to.”

On Monday, the sheriff’s office announced the arrest of the 11-year-old Creekside Middle School student who allegedly threatened to commit a school shooting and had a “written list of people he claimed he would kill,” authorities said.

The boy, of Port Orange, is accused of showing off “several weapons” during a video chat with friends and threatening to commit the shooting at Creekside or Silver Sands Middle School, the sheriff’s office said in a news release. Detectives were alerted through Fortify Florida, which allows people to make anonymous reports of suspicious activity to law enforcement and school officials.
This is from another article related to the incident:

The child allegedly told deputies that the threat was a joke, according to the news release.

Sheriff Chitwood said it’s no laughing matter.

“Go talk to the families who have lost a loved one in a school shooting. These little knuckleheads think it’s funny. Go talk to those parents and see how funny this is. It’s not,” he said at Friday’s news conference.

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Shitwood the Kike.

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