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I wish Matt Gaetz would pay me "just because".
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who cares
>>489108234 Switzerland flag
>pay me

speaking of Getting Paid:
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>I wish Matt Gaetz would pay me "just because"
If anything a payment history like this argues against muh 'human trafficking'. You dont make 15 payments of varying amounts to a hooker. This looks more like a long distance relationship, helping his 'gf' pay her bills.

This is a retarded nothingburger, but cope harder
>doesn't spam eggplant and wet droplet emojiis in his venmo notes to his friends
you aren't venmo-ing right.
Is that really all they have lmao?
Probably for his GF or something.
Meanwhile hillary was participating in literal blood rituals and acid washing servers. lmao
If trump lets gaetz go for this its a bad start already.

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russia just deployed a tactical nuclear weapon in ukraine
the death spiral has begun
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i told you so lol
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you'll be hearing this phrase more soon
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wtf digits
who are you OP?
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saw this on telegram
looks like middle-east

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First of, there the new doctrine:


I don't know why, but file seems bugged - I had to screenshot each page to be able to translate from retard runes to human language. Maybe they don't want you to read it?

Anyway, now I know why everyone laughed at Russians: it's not just about NATO's ballistics being used in Russian Federation. No. Head of Russian Federation gives itself a right to use nukes basically whenever it wants. Theoretically, if only anyone (Ukrainians or whoever) sents their drones on what Russians consider their soil - that could trigger nukes as well. If anyone takes this document seriously, farting in Russia's general direction seems like a risky move that could start WW3.

That document is absolute nonsense and it destroys sense of statutory nuclear doctrine.

Russians couldn't stick to it, even before ATACMS attacks on Bryansk. Right now they can't go back to more reasonable version because it would make them look even more stupid.

So why did Putin sign it?

Is his bubble really that detached? Or he signed it just for lulz because he thinks Russia's credibility is done anyway?

I understand a feminine gay guy and an incel.

But why would a guy who could get girls ever want to gender transition?
Mental Disorders are illogical.
Gender dysphoria
Bad economy
>i’m attractive, i work, I’m fit,
>why don’t I have a gf
>maybe because I’m meant to be a woman
At this point I genuinely bet there’d be way less trannies if commies were in power.
What even is that?
Demonic Possession Unironically

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The results of this election(assuming they are legitimate, we don't know yet) indicate that enough people believed that the pendulum has/had swung too far to the left that they were willing to vote republican this time. That's it. It's not an endorsement of your mental illness. You're still a loser that spends his time swimming in the ocean of piss that is /pol/.
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You're still an Eglin AFB nigger seething because Trump won
Fake and gay
I didn't vote for Trump. I did in 2016.
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>Still supports Kamala even though she's now a 4c jannie
Absolute kek

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So I’d say I’m around 5% draftable due to certain conditions and my age
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You're "draftable". But, in the induction process you may be excepted. For being physically unfit and such. But you still get called up.
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I've denounced jews and the talmud for about 25 years now.
Well I'm a PhD student in physics so they'll probably put me into a skinner box to cook up some devious ideas for them
I already volunteered to fight for Best Korea so good luck drafting me NATO fags.
They will just treat you like a common traitor and shoot you like a dog

they finally openly say its a fight between them, was russia telling the truth about nato biolabs?
+15 RUB
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Yes they are and yes there were
All the more sweet how nafoid losers take a big L
Scene is set up for mass suicides of faggots
>15 RUB
thats 0.15 dollars , what i am supposed to buy with that?

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Viet Cong would literally dig entire cities underground that could hold thousands

Russians can’t even dig foxholes

You will be sent back to india
Happy 1000 day of three day SMO!

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1. It's Dnepropetrovsk and I refuse to call it by its tranny name

2. Not a nuke, fuck off
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What's for second breakfast?

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On day 1
Or even better the Trump should completely disband nato, although I'm not sure if he can.
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>lesbian cranberry sauce cult
I'm listening
Yeah, I don't think it's wise to let tou rearm again, we will if we survive make some deal with Russia to make sure a neutral zone means you don't arm up!
We still will keep an eye out for you.

Especially your elite who have ruled the world and are max commie globalist... leaving nato doesn't mean letting Germany roam about run by nazis, or by pisslamists... perhaps moohamed you may be for all I know who can't wait!
>America pulls out of NATO
>Chinese take over as the world peacekeepers
>Chinese Communism wins
Another Xi classic
Eu wants communism they'll be getting it.
With a twist it won't be the technocratic the globohomo style they were hoping for.
Imagine Germany going full on fascist. Oh that would be something... But it will never happen unless the EU can be broken down.

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Trump's gonna shut this one down so hard isn't he, especially with Elon leaping all around the White House.
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Intergalactic coon
Shitting on the moon
Just like in the new Dune
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>tfw you notice all the freemasonic image and rituals in open view

They are laughing at you so hard.
>Nobody said the N word
Some dark energy little reek

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with that flag you should be. And you deserve to be

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Where are the nukes Mr. Putin? Do you even have any that still work?
Imagine having the attention span of s goldfish
Putin is a paper tiger
He said he would nuke us if missiles from a nuclear power were fired by Ukraine. They were, from the US and UK. We're still here
He didn't say that

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and pulled out this book.
Even at age 95 they couldnt break here.

Ursula Haverbeck never showed remorse

A legend has died

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whats in the book
They don't make them like they used to.
6 trillion cookies
looks like george washington
She got nothing to lose. Everyone knows its bullshit.

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It's time to cleanse the ranks of degenerates. If you're a white and do any of the following:
>Use pills
>Have tattoos
>Watch porn or view explicit material
>Eat goyslop
>Listen to rap
>Use negro terminology
>Follow sportsball
>Follow an Abrahamic religion
>Sexually deviant
Then you're a spiritual shitskin who should gtfo of the USA.
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People have a tendency to not like traditional Christians because of their intolerance to Homosexuality and other forms of degeneracy.
USA is a "countryx" of people we made people /fuck off to/ who do all those things, Nigger.
the skinheads in this movie had tattoos you fucking fag German Nazis had tattoos US soldiers have tattoos are you retarded?
My black and trans girlfriend, whom I met whilst she gave me my first tattoo, just got home from the mosque. We finna sip on some Henny, smash on some McD’s she brought home (Love you, Boo-Boo) and spark up a blunt while we cheer on our favorite team (The Blazing Faggots) and get turnt with some XTC-laced lean while we crank up to some drill rap. Then, to wind down the evening, we’re gonna put on Assblasters 7 and fuck ‘til she’s howling at the moon.

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You wouldn't democratically elect an airline pilot.
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I was thinking about it lately.
Democracy seem to be a peace-time system where there is no critical issues, a first world system in a way.
Every time war is at the menu, the democracies suspend liberties and turn authoritarian, if temporarily, because the system is too sluggish and divided to take quick and decisive actions in time of urgency.
Career politician is a problem also, it is the cause of much of the bullshit happening in democracies.
>to depict politicians as morons in Hollywood
If the shoe fits, kick it up an ass.
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>The good thing about democracy is that everyone has a voice.
>The bad thing about democracy is that every idiot has a voice.
The only problem with democracy is that most people are retarded.
One of the reasons is genetic, low IQ monkeys and little can be done about it.
However, the other reason - and a pretty big one - is that those midwits are additionally indoctrinated so maybe Plato should have said that the well educated population (or well informed, better said) is just as if not more important.
Even a midwit will see the light when he has an access to unbiased and accurate information.
The insistence on voting for a candidate only from dems or reps is one of stupid things in America, for example.
Afaik only 8M Americans don't fall for that
Also note how a leader is supposed to likely have an unpopular opinion because he should know better than the voters but all those guys who went on Rogan (because I don't follow politics that much) are very cautious and intimidated by voters and they basically pander to voters, Tulsi is as hollow as a church bell and Trump is also a massive cuck.
bump for more quasi philosophic takes

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Do Americans not understand that by their logic all of Western Europe is communist?
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americans are retards
they have among the higest debt rates of any western country and climbing
Germany has about half of their debt
the US economy is fake and gay and the furthest you can be from capitalism
James will then simp for Elon and controlled robocars. Guaranteed.
they basically are
they gave up all of their rights and now they're being conquered by Islam
they let their treasonous leaders run amok and are now paying the price

How on Earth are normalfags tolerating this economy?

Like I SERIOUSLY don't understand how they are surviving. You can go grocery shopping on Monday and see the prices are higher by Friday

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Haha yeah, like video games right? Now, they're actually gaymes. Nobody wanted that except people who don't play games anyway and call people who do losers.
putting this in mine dooms day bunker garage next to the nigger whipper 5000
seething kike
>22 posts by this ID
Leftist leave twitter
Rightoids follow em to harass them there
See >>489085025
You are all seriously retarded
Respectable numerals

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Why do jannies suck so hard, I was getting ready to reply to this thread and it got pruned.
Same. Jannys are joyless fags.
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Why won't they hire me? I even said I'm available for 25 hours a day every day

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