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#1 A Deliberate Invasion of Illegal Immigrants
#2 Talk About Our Border....Money for Israel's Border
#3 Foreign Wars
#4 Financing Ukraine's Pensions
#5 One-Trillion Dollars Every 100 Days
#6 The Perpetual War Economy
#7 Inflation
#8 Brian Mast Wears an Israeli Military Uniform
#9 Jeffrey Epstein, the FBI, Israeli spies
#10 Corruption and Lawfare
#11 The Obsession to Abolish the Second Amendment


This is the thread to discuss all those times where you said you would do shit but in reality you didnt do, wont do, and cant ever do shit. Mainly because youre a weak beta bitch. Maybe because youre a pussy whos afraid or your a pussy who is too comfortable but most likely you are a beta who requires some charismatic leader and societal pressure before you'll ever do shit. This thread isnt about you ever doing shit (because you wont), its not a nudge or pressure to do shit (because you wont). Its just a statement that in fact you are too weak (physically, mentally, and spiritually) to ever do shit.
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I thought the election tourists finished this board off, turns out it will be the zoomer blight. Life is funny. I wish I could leave this place. :(
>...TWDS.... T...
How did you do that, fellow kid?
>shits on reps desk
>Violent insurrection
>a threat to our democracy

Kek, you and the rest of the kikes freaked the fuck out at the mere thought of someone doing something. You are under the gun and know it, this is why you are forced to make glownigger threads by your superiors. So I warn any lib tard reading this, you will be shown no mercy. I suggest you learn how to be a nationalist quickly.
>Mainly because youre a weak beta bitch
hi fbi
You haven't snuffed yourself out by throwing yourself down upon the ramparts. Pussy. Post nose, hand with date & timestamp and then we can talk.

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Chlorine dioxide reverses the vaxx
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Chlorine dioxide (gas) is not sodium hypochlorite (common bleach, a salt).

We found the pfizer employees
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man imagine something you can inject to disinfect the blood.
>bro just drink bleach
Total Jeet Death

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I don't think a guy who worships a cuck is in any position to call me anything. You're not even allowed to judge so even your own god hates you. lol
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You're on a public forum, sweaty
Your people aren't worth saving. You may not have betrayed them but they have already betrayed you. It isn't your problem anymore, it's called self-respect.
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Sacrificing your life for some clueless bitches iphone is never a good idea.

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The Chinaman blessed me with a beautiful Chinese girlfriend and cheap products while the American man spends trillions to demonize me that I have a "yellow fever and white privilege over her" and that I should break up with her and be with a horse faced white woman in an open relationship so she can sleep with a black man especially as a roommate in the property chaos they had created, guess I'll support China
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ching chong

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why is it that literally 1/3 to 1/2 of americans are hopped up on legally prescribed speed yet they're still fat and lazy?

shouldn't america be the #1 most productive country on earth since everyone has an adderall rx?
The answer is D
Adderall people often have a habit of drinking absurd amounts of mountain dew/monster/Starbucks milkshakes all day and all of that sugar will simulate your appetite even while being on speed.

Shut it down now




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The innocence project has exonerated 197 men who were scheduled to be executed by the death penalty. They further estimate that up to 10% of the entire prison population are wrongly convicted. That’s 200,000 Americans who are being held in captivity unjustly.
The Great Reset is inevitable.
yeah right nigger
I am going to fuck your anus, and not gently either, and you are going to thank me for it
OP is a nigger

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I am the God of the White Man.

I have been known for thousands of years as The All Father, Jupiter, Zeus, and for the past 2000 years I have been mistakenly called by the name of the Jew Jesus Christ. Yet I still hear the prayers of ALL My White Children. You may call me God, the Lord God, Lord of Lords. I will answer your prayers!

I have come to set things straight for my children. My people, the Children of God, the White Race.

I the Lord your God command thee to reject the Jew who corrupts the White Race.

I the Lord your God command thee to teach your white brothers the differences of the races and the dangers of mixing with the lower animalistic human forms of which the inferior Jewish God Moloch Saturn created from the mud as a weapon against the White Race.

I the Lord your God command thee to keep control of your women and make sure they always submit to the father, husband, brother, and that the women never retain positions of authority over men. For surely as the Day turns to Night, will the nature of women destroy all of mankind if you decide to let women retain positions of authority. Shame all women who step out of line and let them know their place is at the home of their Fathers, Husbands, and Brothers making sure the next generation of White Men is ready to conquer the world. I made White Woman to be the happiest at the home, serving their Families, and producing babies. Women who lose their virginity before marriage to a man other than the one she is to be married to is fit only to be a prostitute for unmarried men and a servant of the White Mans state! White Women who race mix are worthy of death. White Women who commit adultery against their husbands are traitors of their families and nation. White Women who obey their husbands and serve their families faithfully should be praised.
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Nah bro you ruined it. She will be a woman now.
YWNBAG... Missed opportunity
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Dear Jupiter,

Please deliver absolute TKD sooner than later.
who do you think Zeus and Jupiter are? their names were derived from Deus Pater (Sky Father), they essentially worshiped the same God as Proto-Indo-Europeans

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I wont try to stir up conflict precisely because it's going to happen all on its own.
No matter how much you suck up to them it will never be enough, and they're going to hate you for the attempt.
We are not muslims
We know how to cooperate constructively with Jews

Muslims chimpout over the smallest things. They are completely unreasonable savages which is why no one likes them
>We know how to cooperate constructively with Jews
You cannot cooperate with jews, you can only be exploited by jews.
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Nigger didn't they just kill your god and burn it?
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Just found out that bongs bombed our beautiful city Kaliningrad during WW2 and completely destroyed its architecture...i think its time for some reparations Nigel
Lol where the fuck have you been for a 100 fucking years zigger
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> Kaliningrad
It looks better now.
we rebuild it

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Social media is cancer and all of it's owners and workers from the executive to the tranny moderators need to be hunted down and either gutted or put in prison for the rest of their lives
The western world is being flooded with the most vile and subversive propaganda in human history and nothing is being done about it, if you call it out you get banned and censored so the shit can keep flowing
Smartphones and the internet need to be destroyed or western civilized society will disappear just like white people
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>white people
Your government is the Israeli government you are slaves not citizens and youre not even white.
Chill out dude go touch grass or sumthin
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well, angloids?
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Are you referring to this?
>m-most of the jews died
Auschwitz max population was like 80k, when Auschwitz was evacuated over 60k people fled the soviets, even if you assume all of those were deaths, that's not a lot
>How does X affect you?
Absolutely the faggiest and retarded retort anyone passes out these days.
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but how does this affect you personally right now?
>Humanity should come together and eradicate angloids.
You're alive now because of angloids you retarded vodkanigger.

China had a chance to prove to the world that it's a moral country, by promoting edifying, enlightening educational content on Tik Tok like they do domestically inside China. Instead they have fomented civil unrest, encouraged little girls to become whores, and promoted transgender ideology to young men. It's no coincidence that all this garbage blew up to epic proportions in 2016, when Tik Tok was introduced.

Tik Tok is the worst cancer on the Internet and you can't even shit on jews there, you have to be a big fucking pussy and couch antisemitic activism as "anti-zionism" which plays neatly into jewish mitosis by implying there are good jews.
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Always believe the opposite of what jews say, ALWAYS.
It will be tied in court and some judge will cancel it
Winning political move is to not sell and let it get banned.
Angry youth + your enemy can't use it for propaganda.
The core technique (recommendation algorithm) will not be sold. The best thing jew can get is a hollow shell, a label, meanwhile the true tiktok can be accessed by vpn
The algorithm that troons kids out? Ah well, maybe the Chinese can use that on their own youngsters.

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>hitler returns
>hes African American

Wat do /pol/
Laugh when he kills himself again for being born a nigger kek
whitey genocide incoming.......

we tried to warn you.......
Hail Hitler muh nigga mayne nom sayin cuz bix nood dem jews n sheeit cuz frfr
>>hes African American

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>housing is too expens-AACK
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you have to remove it from the vanguard land within 30 days.
In fucking bumfuck Illinois? Yes a $90,000 house is unaffordable. This is bottom of the barrel shit. No jobs in the area pay well so that’s more than people there make in 2 years, and these types of houses are meant for actual poors, not middle class people who should be able to afford real houses
you will kill for these prices
OP should kill itself.
It’s like pointing to the fuckin dollar store that’s charging $3.99 for the generic version of a box of cereal that used to be 2 for $5 ago at vons or ralphs and claiming that means inflation isn’t an issue

>Why *Insert European Country* Is shifting to the right.

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And now the weather..
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
immigration disaster

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The American variant of slavery has tainted the public consciousness against recognizing less brutal forms of slavery.

Slaves in Greek antiquity were allowed to own businesses and money and even own land. The thing that made them slaves was that someone else decided how their day went. Their bodies weren't owned, their labor was.

Explain to me how the modern condition is any different from classical slavery.
>Explain to me how the modern condition is any different from classical slavery.
in practice It's not
America has crypto slavery today with the daily routines of hundreds of millions of goyim dictated almost entirely by the arbitrary whims of the financial incentive system. These people also have less access abundant resources than formal slaves ever did.

Hamas sisters...
Its over
Total kike death
What's the DEAL with trigger discipline?
I love jews
Put me on the team
didn't know sienfield was NRA... learn a new thing everyday...
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nuh uh boomer wh0's that

How long does this country have left, realistically speaking?
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Social Security will be insolvent by 2030 so around there for sure
Plus the kikes can't just print themselves out of another financial problem like the looming housing bubble so maybe even earlier
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The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows

The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn

We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
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uh oh
the first 5 i read gave be bingo
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Just stop using disgusting google chink phones. Most of them don't even get the latest software updates or security updates either. I saw some faggot with a Xiaomi phone and it had ads on the lockscreen. absolute subhumans.

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