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They're stuck with Kamala. hahahahahahah!
>Mutts will actually vote for a 11th hour swap
Truthfully I wish for nothing but the end of the empire the enuchs are retarded it's subjects are braindead
This is their way out desu. Sucks if it happens. They are rigging their third primary cycle in a row. They sabotoged a legitimate presidency for four years, then spent the next four years propping up a corpse while things rapidly got materially worse for virtually the entire world. At least a decade straight of cheating just to be derailed by their own agent gone rogue with dementia. They really deserve to take their lickings on this one but they won't, as long as they nominate somebody who white women feel obligated to vote for lest they feel racist or fascist. (You will still have to explain to your girlfriend why weaponizing the courts against political opponents is a bad thing.)
big mike 2024
So the presidential race will be man-to-man after all.

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I cry about Rhodesia everyday. Lost futures. Africa could’ve been civilized by now but those terrorists Mandela and Mugabe and the (((International Community))) forever crushed the dream. Show Boer some love.
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bizarrely we also wanted to stop minority rule in Rhodesia. I can't understand it at all. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And now Zimbabwe is a total shit hole. Member when they killed all the white farmers and then started to starve to death and wanted them back. lol.
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Okay, so we will dump all niggers in Europe to Africa, and we will get the Boers in return?

checked. there's more to white africans than just Boers mate. How about we just exterminate the blacks instead? But at this point, I think we should just take over Australia. It's large enough for almost all the whites. But then we'd have to kick out chang instead but we can probably just pay them to leave.
They were mostly british descent not boers retard

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The New Norm is THE show for conservatives. Full of humorous moments and great jokes, it's surprising that this show hasn't been banned and cancelled by snowflakes.
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>literally the same living room as American dad
same as "all in the family"

One of the funniest organic memes on pol rn
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>THE show for conservatives

Nah, this is.
just fucking bring back King of the Hill already.
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This is the same painfully unfunny sitcom format used by Game Over except the references are all to Fox News headlines from a year or two ago instead of video game titles. References are not jokes.

how mad will white roasties be that the first female president could be a woman of color
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They will be fine as long as the alimony gravy train stays as-is.

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the most popular image people have of hell is an inferno or lake of lava where god will punish people eternally. However, this is not biblical at all. hell is a translation of 'Sheol' (Hebrew) or 'Hades' (Greek) and is meant to mean 'grave'. it is not a firery inferno that people burn in, but instead a dark, shadowy, and silent realm that the spirits of the dead reside who don't attain eternal life (heaven)

The idea of 'hell' being a place of fire, lava and tortue that one goes there eternally just for not believing in God or the correct 'God' etc doesn't make sense for a God who is supposed to be 'merciful' unless that person was so extreamly evil when they lived. This was influenced by medieval art and literature such as 'Dantes Inferno'.
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But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death
Shut the fuck up Andy.
Fucking kike.
It is. Jesus talked about hell and he did used fire, flames and heat as a reference many times, ''eternal fire ''. He also talked about having a huge thirst for water, biggest thirst than anything that human can experience on Earth. It sounds like the worst possible place to be.
Bible has been corrupted in modern age to sound more politically correct, but part about hell is very clear and mentioned many times

''It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.''
You only think its fake because you’re among the people thrown in
I don't think it is fake, I think our/many peoples understanding of it is fake and perverted.

it's joever
We warned everybody. Pol is always right
Fuck yeah when is the last time a Crack head was in a position of power in DC
Last one I remember was that mayor a while back
>fucka system we firin the pipe
you know what, I'm not convinced it's a total impossibility
what if they false flag some kind of incident, claiming a MAGA lone wolf, and then Hunter is ushered in as the new candidate?
it would be like a left wing wet dream
>we can run felons, too, you know
>[rapturous cheering and applause]

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Ever since I started to imagine I'm in hell and everyone around me is some demonic creature I haven't felt better. I literally feel more relaxed. When I'm talking to some person, I imagine he/she is some higher or lower demonic creature. If someone does me bad, it's absolutely understandable cause it's all demonic creatures and I'm in hell after all.

Take the hellpill anon!
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I don't need to take a pill for that shit. I just need to look outside the window and I know this is not the reality I grew up in. At some point I died and this is indeed, hell
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Same. They can't hurt you if you can rationalize away feeling anything.
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Hell and Satanism are cringe. You have any imaginary personification to pick from, and you choose the edgy goat demon? When the one true divinity creates life, light and order?
The reason babies cry is because on some level they know they have just arrived in hell.

Who was in the wrong here?

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Yeah I'm thinking it's finished.
Over, even.
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>In Summer 2024...
Biden will poop his diapey on camera and it will be loud enough for the microphones to pick up and he will make a funny face that lets everyone know that he has indeed splattered his depends. It will be very funny.
do i think a bunch of out of touch reddit types make cringe jokes that they think are clever/funny? yea boi
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So it seems. So it seems.
>Who’s really in charge?
Did you ever consider the possibility that there is no one at the wheel?
>Is this all just another sham performance and they planned this all along?
Of course. Duh.

They have to act surprised by Biden's mental incontinence or else the marks might figure out it's all a scam.

"News is for people who know professional wrestling is fake but still believe politics is real."

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how many are just rapefugees that are being made "disabled" so they can be paid instead of rioting?
1 in 4 Americans suffer from a mental illness. 1 in 4 American workers will become permanently disabled before retirement. What is the point of this thread again?
All of them, but I imagine a decent chunk of them have legitimate sub 80 IQs though. We do the same thing with nogs
The people that live in that village near Jeremy Clarkson are 100% disabled.
talking about how 1/4 people in all western countries are on government benefits. And thats an underestimation because the less crafty welfare bums are on traditional welfare. I'd say 60 percent of all people in north america are on welfare or disability.

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What does being friends mean? What is a friend supposed to do? What I am supposed to do with or for a friend? Please help, I have been called a friend and I feel absolutely nothing! What should I do? I have no emotional understanding of friendship. What I am supposed to do with a fucking friend, arrrgh? Please help!
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Hey, Jesus I love you so much! Thank you frend!
A friend also doesn't necessarily pad your ego when your shit is fucked up.
For instance, this is a /bant/ topic, not /pol/.
>>472897322 digits
sounds like you may either be suffering from a lack of experience or true autism
a friend is someone you have found trust in someone you play, travel and bond with. someone you have much in common with and share time with for leisure and convenience
it's a relationship of common interests and mutual benefit
it should come naturally
what to do and where to go
and if not you two usually move on with no hard feelings
paths diverge all the time
anyways, i hope you get it
u dont hav friends frog
Got to have friends, OP. Or you'll go completely insane. I'm your internet friend but you need to go collect those souls. Join a horse club.

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All of the UK is a shitstain now
They have officially lost their privilege to ever be referred to as human again.
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It's okay Britain NOTHING IS WHITE
Nothing short of total global Aryan awakening will stop this brown shittening of the world. It’s this or we go extinct
London is dondon
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Nice try Hindu shitskin rape rats, but we all know it's you filthy Hindu rape rats that have taken over and destroyed the UK. And the same fate is going to happen in every country unless we start slitting Hindu rape rats throats in the streets RIGHT NOW. Dead Hindus rock!
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The 2 billion strong Hindu rape rats in India are about to get a poo president in America too, and then billions more will come. 1.5 billion Hindu rape rats got green cards in 2023, more than all illegal immigration from the border combined. Smash the skulls of Hindu rat babies, exterminate the rest before it's too late. We Aryans have dealt with Hindu rape rats for thousands of years, there is no other way except extermination.

What is it with normie shitlibs and pretending books they like are "banned" when they're actually required reading in most schools?
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Boo Radley is posting here with his hand on his cock peeking out the window at the neighborhood children. The original autist.
Bo radleys - to groom a coon
Also, whenever this book actually IS banned, it is because of progressive types censoring the "nigger" word and not because conservatives are trying to hide a book about racism
Yeah looking back he was probably autistic as fuck
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Because they are lying pieces of shit that accuse others of lying.

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>Another day, another escalation
- New regime with glowie PM Dick Schoof sworn in today
- RadioGenoa doxed by Dutch Poynter media institute and raided by the police in Italy
- Employers with >100 employees of the register how they travel to work
- AIVD and MIVD glowies admit to directly recruiting journalist as agents
- No trains to Amsterdam Central due to construction, because they expect more people taking train by 2030, I wonder fucking why
- National hotline for long COVID launched, people long-term complaints after a corona 'vaccination' can also register.
- Employees of Bunq bank spied on the bankaccounts of their customers against the rules
- Months of rain, now the first warm days and the regime is announcing ‘water shortage’
- motorAnon was ‘very calculating’ in the run-up to the shootings in Rotterdam last fall. The shooting tragedy could not have been prevented by healthcare and safety professionals
- New renters law allegedly will lead to more social rent housing
- PVV cucks again, calls ‘great replacement theory’ (omvolking) a ‘nazi conspiracy’ in line what the NCTV says. They still worry about demographic change. Cowards.
- Honest homeless person that brought back a wallet containing 2000 euro gets 34.000 euro in support from crowdfunding
- Just one road ‘suitable’ for 130 km/h according to the regime
- Security measures for 59 'scientists' and university employees for their publications regarding migration, climate, Palestine conflict and vaccins

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Alleen wat ik eerder ook postte>>472875083
Heh alle respect maar waarom steeds dat nare gedoe
Doe het niet
het is tijd
what do you guys think about Rob Roos? Didnt he leave FvD and everything because they were too schizo and shit? Looking at his X account he seems like the same shit they are now

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Ukrainian need to stop
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Injured and wasn't taking care of it
Grim and disgusting, but given the nature of what maggots actually do, their presence in his wound may very well be the only reason this young man still has his arm.

Ukraine still has to stop though.
This entire war is a farce and the oligarchs on both sides should be hung from a gibbet.
The EU is a clown show and exists solely as a satrapy of the Jews using the USA as their vehicle for world domination to augur genocide upon White people everywhere.
>Injured and wasn't taking care of it
Is he retarded or blind? Nah, I don't buy it. You need to be more subtle next time Ivan.
Good call. Mags prob prevented gangrene.
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They deserve all that shit for sucking USA and EU dicks instead of being neutral.

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any ideas? I don’t speak Ebonics?
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>any ideas? I don’t speak Ebonics?
Even niggers know that people who race mix are genetically inferior.
She hit the wall 5 years ago.
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Clearly this guy hasn't seen porn
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She hit the wall far earlier than that.

wars not going to start over a fishing vessel. though it will definitely increase tensions
Well it has set a precedent, we will take what we want and you can't do shit... Also, people make up a nation, fishing vessels being the lowest of the people usually, which means they'll feel lousy about it and want something done, if nothing is done and they can't even fish in peace I think they'll doubt their government.

They would NEVER do this to even Vietnam...

China has seized a Taiwanese fishing boat near the Kinmen islands, which are under Taiwan's control. [1][2][3] This incident marks a significant escalation in tensions between China and Taiwan, as China perceives Taiwan as part of its own territory. [1][4][5] Despite Taiwan dispatching its coast guard ships to intervene and issuing warnings for the release of the fishing boat, Chinese vessels instructed Taiwan's ships not to interfere, and the Taiwanese fishing vessel was ultimately transported to a Chinese port. [1][2][3] This type of seizure of a Taiwanese vessel by China is not unprecedented, as China has been increasingly assertive in its actions towards Taiwan in recent years. [4][5]

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Reminder that almost all of the popular media you loved as a youth was made by Jews and full of thinly-veiled references to pedophilia
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>Reminder that almost all of the popular media you loved as a youth
Not even my parents were born yet when that came out. Get off of 4chan old man.
I was born three decades after it came out, but I’m not uncultured swine
>pedo music from the Mesozoic
Cry Little Sister is about having sex with your little sister.
god fucking damn it, why did you end it like that? ranjeet. you suck, nigger.

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You all laughed at me yesterday, but guess what? Joe wasn't on the show again today. They're getting a divorce and won't be on screen together ever again. Maybe not yell at your wife on camera, asshole.
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Good. I hope all these assholes never have a moment's happiness or get treated as anything other than a joke again.
how to watch
it was their morning segment the day after the debate. She was flapping her second vagina and getting panicky and he told her she was the only one being a flappy gash and to shut the fuck up.
Its ok, he fucked and killed his intern. Might as well kill this bitch too. I would actually think more of him.
it must of been hot to cheat with each other at first, but actually getting married to the whore you cheated on your wife with seems like a mistake

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No but removing the tip is jewish.
Telling people they can't remove their tip is jewish.
Please don't snip the tip.
>inflate dollar value away
>give insane minimum wage
>drive prices up for customer
>add not even a 15% but 20% tip
Yea Im gonna say go fuck yourself.
Tips are a symptom. Refusing to tip is usually jewish, though in situations like OP where the workers are not dependent on tips for a fair wage it's jewish to ask for or demand one. Allowing businesses to underpay their employees with the expectation that customers will voluntarily make up the difference is very jewish.

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