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The globohomo elites are trying to normalize hunky gorgeous male model men desperately chasing after the grossest river trolls you ever did see.
disgusting trogs
Tgere are 500k Nat socs that havebeen marching for 30 years to rid of democracy and your zionist Jew generals
They look like cartoons.
Except these ugly troglodytes can escort and ask for $1000 an hour and there are plenty of men that>>475785583
will pay

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What is it with Baby Boomers and these retarded hats that they always wear in public?
I live in one of the few remaining "semi-White enclaves" in North Carolina, and it's filled to the brim with retired Boomers from Florida and other nigger shitholes that they fled from. They crowd every restaurant downtown all hours of the day, so it's difficult to ever get a table or decent service, but they all go out wearing these dumbass hats. Do they think it makes them look cool?

Every time I see some old Boomer male wearing a retarded hat I feel an urge to cause him physical harm. Get out of me state ya rich, retired, nigger-loving cunts!

Also, the boomers transplants walk around with this attitude like everyone loves them and that they're "local," but they're pretty routinely despised. They're one of the major reasons renting here is basically impossible for working people.

To me, that hat perfectly encapsulates them, it somehow connotes a completely unwarranted arrogance.
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If it weren't for WCU, Jackson County would still be relatively untainted, but even Sylva has gotten faggy in the last 4 years, shockingly so, I remember there being vacant lots in the downtown 7 years ago. The only holdouts that I can think of now are Rosman (changing fast) and maybe Maggie Valley, but I haven't been there in a while.
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how long did it take you to find the right picture ivan? I've only seen people where stuff like that when they are doing stuff like in the picture.
Mad about... People wearing sunglasses?
These Boomers probably have to go in to a Derm office to chop off a new skin cancer every 2 months from all the neglect during their youth. They're just following their doctor's orders
Kamala-faggots spreading divisiveness, /pol/ answering the real questions out there..

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There is almost none meme magic in the air for Trump, even when his assassination attempt left photos for history books. its like half of the world that memed for him before arent there anymore.
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>There is almost none meme magic in the air for Trump,

...what do you expect? that we do all the heavy lifting and he just get more richer and powerfull!

...its not longer 2016, bringing trump into office was for the lulz, ... but he isnt one of us!

when kamala gets into office, it means that the downfall accelerate, and the sooner this shit goes down the drain, the sonner it can be rebuild! ...
Please excuse me but

1) Can any of you provide any webm of a Kamala Harris sex tape? You all keep trying to imply her career is based on sex and that she has sex tapes, which is curious since nobody has ever provided any evidence of it.

2) Trump continues to accelerate his outing as the Jewish fake messiah anti-christ. No matter how Jewish you think he's acting, he will STILL continue to get worse. You think he's like a cartoon character that couldn't look any more Jewish? Just wait.

I hope that clears things up as to why he's losing people.
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Trump's trade deal with China favored China just like his NAFTA. Read it.
might be first thread this year
harris gonna change the blocks biden installed?

Wtf is happening?
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The Curse of the Couch Fucker strikes again.
Ah I'm seeing a 17% lead here for Trump. Is this a cause for celebration for Harris?
based couch fucker
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based, capped, and pasta-pilled

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And no one is stopping them, muslims won't commit any terror attack since it is a white extinction ritual, which they support.
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And some of these synagogues are also peotected with literal iron doors and hundreds of layers of expensive bricks as it's foundation
Just shows they're (you're) low IQ then.
No idea if you're lebanese or a pajeet.
First I laughed but now I'm worried....

This looks like a highschool project of mentally retarded children, no wonder the guy who directed this is brown but... compare this cringe demoralization piece with the british one....
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I thought poojeet liked jews
No they have no right to idolater facilities thats what good is

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Anyone else?
Israel shot Trump
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Nope, just you!
why does OP hide his flag?
Just you retard

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Israel shot Trump
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How the west have fallen

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East vs West.
Israel shot Trump
like a mixture of krishna/bacchus very strange
so the things that have beards, do they keep their dicks or do they chop them off?
If they do keep their dicks wouldn't that technically make them lady boys with beards?
Wasn't the Beijing one where they had a huge statue of death wearing a face mask and loads of hospital beds?
The Olympics is globalist freemason trash.

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I see Trump nearly alienating his current allies, even Europe, threatening tariffs on other economies and similar actions. It seems when he talks about allied countries, he only speaks ill of them or their leaders.
But what does Israel do so fucking well that makes U.S. candidates scramble so hard for jews cum? It's like a forced narrative of wanting their approval first.
Just look at Trump right here, he's basically groveling before them, he's being inspected. I can't imagine him doing that for Canada or Mexico, the European Union or his allies in Asia.
Can someone explain this to me?
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They are Jewish cocksuckers because Jews have money thanks to finance. There's also a religious side as many Americans are somehow convinced these mutts are the direct descendants of a people to whom the Creator of the universe allegedly appeared to in a bush.
Tldr they're traitors and/or imbeciles.
israel made trump who he is and the jews crafted his image
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>America first
>Can someone explain this to me?
He wins if he gets the Jews behind him, loses if they're against him, and has a much bigger uphill battle if they're split like they were in 2016, when most powerful American Jews were against him.
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It's mostly white people in rural areas. It's dying though. Zoomers and Millenials consider religion a style choice, like punk rock over hair metal or something.

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is there a single object this man did not get his bone on
lmao he's just like me.
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all this astroturfing is really funny to see, theres a dozen fucking shill threads and newfags keep bumping them, this place is truly dead.
Fucker is a real life Tek Knight
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Dude, stinging insects scare the shit out of me. Fuck nature, man.

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Why does nobody care about the Olympics anymore.
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You guys ruined it by making it so lame in 2012 :(
Brutal fpbp. Global homogenization has destroyed the Olympics, among many other wonderful facets of humanity.
Niggers BLMing, drag queens, trannies. Once upon a time it was a cool thing to watch in the morning when women’s volleyball was on, but now it’s politics and nogs nogging. Now with added fags this time. But you keep spamming 1pbtid. Herbs. I’m done pooping now anyway.
it's just gay nigger bullshit now, wrapped around a bunch of sports no one actually cares about.
i don't even watch basketball or soccer, why the fuck would i watch track and field?
Look at the opening ceremony and you tell me why.

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Did they lie to us?
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two more weeks

black men don't vote for black women,
they definitely will not vote for a larping poojeeta
They will if welfare is their primary concern
You overestimate kamala's appeal by blacks. She's a former cop and blacks didn't like her in the 2019 primary.
>welfare is their primary concern
why are democrats such racist, nazi pigs?

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is he really gay?
Depends. If you want to suck cock but no man will let you, does it count?
Worse, captured by Zionist (satanic) interests
if JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
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I doubt it, but I kind of hope so because I'd like to bang his wife.

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construit pour la BBC
his tweet gave me Aids, it's over!
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That is a logical, CORRECT response to the position this boomer kike society has put me in.

YES, I am entitled.
NO that is NOT "my problem."
It is society's problem.

Society had a responsibility to give me a non-whore, non-broken girlfriend but since they didn't provide me with one then I have no incentive to comply with any of society's demands.
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>there he is
>that's the guy that wants pussy without having a job!
that means propaganda is having an effect on you
do you still feel smart or better than the average normie?
That's useless, because every year spent working raises the socially acceptable age of your partner, unless you're Hunter Biden or Leonardo DiCaprio. Zoomer women are especially conscious of "toxic" age gap relationships and muh "groomers".

And no, I'm not a pedo, I just want a 20-25 yo woman, who's not completely worn down from the cock carousel and still fertile.

So what you are saying is thatwomenbelong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

Thatwe should votefor far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it, and vote

all adultwomenshould be in a conservatorship like Britney Spears was, until they are given away for marriage

Bride price now

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

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ho die in a gutter then

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A geriatric Frenchman passing on the torch to the new French
>goodnight, white man

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>Be me
>Go to cafe
>See really beautiful girl working there
>Order coffee
>Make small talk
>Receive coffee and go sit outside while studying
>15 minutes later she goes outside to clean tables
>Walks past me pouting her lips a little (doesn't have botox lips)
>I catch a glimpse and goon
>She finishes cleaning tables and walks back
>Looks above my head at the window behind me and checks herself out while pouting lips again
>I look up, thinking she looked at me, and goon again
/pol/ bros, what are the political implications of behavior like this? Is the west fallen or should I get her number to do my part in increasing our civilization's birth rates? Maybe behavior like that is not even a sign and I'm imagining things?
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Do they have co-ed prisons in Sweden?
Haha kek that's so based danskjävel but in reality she I don't care about her at all, I just care about my spirit. I don't think about her, I am only thinking about myself
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I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo and a Bacon Clubhouse Burger. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audio book when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered from was outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner last night and got a Big Mac combo and a 10 piece Chicken McNuggets with barbecue dipping sauce. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
Get Trained. You have about 3 months to get a physical shape and a mental condition to make arrests against anyone who is found rigging, frauding, or otherwise destroying your Right to a vote in Your Institutions.
She was so cute hot and sexy it's insane. We made eye contact from afar when she walked out of the kitchen to service me and we looked for maybe 2 seconds too long. Then she got all smiley and made the coffee, and we small talked. She was so cute but the cafe is like on the other side of the city so I need to get out of my way to go there and maybe she doesn't even work there anymore

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BREAKING: photo from Kamala Harris rally shows urine soaked seats
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That was left by a drumpf voter after seeing Kamala's got this in the bag

Fake news. This is clearly from the breadtube convention.
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Literal brat behavior
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Bump, great thread OP

How does this keep happening?
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the smartest man in the world has a learning disability? falls for conservative brainwashing without putting up a fight? kill urself lol i bet you believe in god
I was under the impression it was done without his consent.
No one “tricked” him into being a nigger-tier sex fiend and adulterer.
What makes him the world’s smartest man?
Being born as the heir of a diamond mining fortune? We’re all idiots for not having done so!
The same reason Boomers sold their contries to Jews, Technofuturism.

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now that the paris 2024 Olympic opening cerimony has confirmed we are in End Times, how long do we have?
I'm thinking could be a few decades sorry to some of u who want it sooner. Like the 2012 opening cerimony foreshadowed covid19, but since the end of the world is a bigger deal I feel like it is still some time away.

what are your thoughts annos?
Israel shot Trump
be demoralized and miserable...it's what they want and why they did it and it worked
Hapa needs to be put down

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