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20-year-old Grace Rohloff was hiking the Half Dome Mountain at Yosemite with her father Jonathan. The weather forecast had said there would be clear that day, but as they approached the peak, it started to rain.

So they started to descend the mountain, but it's very steep and became slippery because of the rain. Grace slipped off and fell to her death.

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I don't get what it is with fucking white people and hiking but good on her for dying, she deserved it and I hope she's rotting in hell.
Looks like we have an edgy nigger

I'm not black or white, in fact, like many other non-blacks/whites, we hate white people more than black people.

Now stay out!
If you are spic, whites and blacks both shit on you. Pajeet? lol, no further comment needed. Gook? Better be a Jap, otherwise no Honorary White status for you, Won Hung Low.

It's all downhill from here on now.
OP mutilated xer genitals

We have no identity, no culture, no ethnicity (do you really believe that the French who post on /pol are 100% European in a country of 68 million inhabitants that has been undergoing ethnic mixing for 50 years? We are Brazil).
We are a laboratory of Wokism and the United States since 60s, I see you talking about food for example, we have no culinary identity either, no French person knows what "French food" is, MCDO is the favorite restaurant of the french and apart from that we eat Tacos, we go chinese restaurant ect, what is french food wtf ? All your "frog, beret" clichés are clichés from the 1920s perhaps. We are literally the first Western country that is an exact copy of the United States with all that follows (decadence, hippies, lgbt, blm, self hatred, woke, etc.) but without patriotism, megalomania, firearms, freedom of expression, automatics cars and individual house and we have low salaray, hight taxes and sandniggers instead of Mexicans and this, on a geography as small as Texas.

And the cherry on the cake is that no country in the world speaks French except Quebec and African countries, it is difficult to expatriate. Being French is literally being nobody, I just have 2 arms, 2 legs and I work.
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Yes, go to Provence and except Marseille everywhere is still quite charming and based. I went to Cannes last year and it was pretty pozzed, but the beaches were nice. Nice was also not bad (but had some pozzed aspects). I would recommend small villages closer to Avignon.
Tout est censuré. D'ailleurs sur notre "4chan" français (qui maintenant est plus un Reddit bis qu'autre chose), un mec s'est fait arrêter pour ses propos tenus sur le 4chan français en question, la justice ont publié son nom et prénom sur le site en guise de punition. On vit dans un dystopie, si je te dis qu'au moins vous avez la liberté d'expression, c'est pas pour rien

Et c'est pas pour rien non plus que je post sur 4chan même en utilisant google traduction
French have the baguette at least, I don’t think German people have any famous foods besides schnitzel. At least it’s not Bong food.
int has a constant French thread running, you can be racist in French there

Ok I will be honest with you
I'm actually Irish, i'm just shitposting, But in all seriousness, at least you still have your language. Ours is on our death bed. So be grateful for what you do have

for gooning to her deepfake porn.
Nice job losers. Now you can't even masturbate to imaginary shit.
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Gross fake tits
This is a dangerous precedent because it opens up the capability of false accusations to happen that would need 0 proof in a civil court, it also opens up the possibility of feds locking you up and being "unable to show the evidence"
>The Defiance Act would give victims the ability to sue anyone who creates, shares or receives nonconsensual sexually
So if it gets posted, and you save it...
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checked and literally burned orange man
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>"unable to show the evidence"

OR tossing out all images and video "evidence" because it can be proven to be easily faked.... with AI, images and video SHOULD NOT be admissible as evidence

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Are you radicalized yet? You'd better be.
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Nah, just French. Then again French Foreign Legion are supposed to be badasses, not dumbasses.
I don’t even surf.
In 2024 it might even be part of the script. It's not like anyone is actually going to do anything about it and it firmly stamps Clown World on their upside-down world spectacle. Worst comes to worst they just punish the underlings they told to raise it upside down (and give them a reward for obedience off screen.)
You need a tourist visa to enter Russia but those aren't hard to get.
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Not forgetting what they did in London 2012 and what (((they))) delivered in the plandemic. Evil is too nice a word for them.

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Drink bleach or slit your wrists you human waste
hello newfags! did you know you can reply to a thread without bumping it?
just put "sage" in the options field, and optionally in the name field (this is what people mean by "all fields")
announcing sages im pretty sure is reportable, faggot
>before guns
>before cross bows
>before swords
announcing a report is also reportable

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How do you even come back from this as a nation? I thought the USA was the Godless degenerate, holy fuck.
OP is MKUltra
MKultra red pilled

get fucked you Godless kike.
>I thought the USA was the Godless degenerate, holy fuck
Haha yeah so much for Hitler liberating France. God damn 60 years of German occupation. America was the lesser evil after all.
The bottom right looks like Miley Cyrus lmao
And OP, pic related.

When people can't afford to live in the city, they're going to move somewhere cheaper. Suddenly your city turns from an economic powerhouse into a ghetto. The only people left are the ones too stupid and too poor to move.
You sure aren't welcome in my small town. Move along.

IN THE 1930S!
When did polish girls become the biggest race mixers of europe?
I was in Warsaw last year and the 1930s version is a lot less ugly.

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Son should've runback into the instead of trying attack the gun man. Video is poorly cropped up. You could tell that he was slowly trying to move up close to him when the dude pulled out his gun

You spelled Africans wrong
You spelled black people wrong.
They disproportionally make up 80% of all gun violence in the U.S
Fucking cowardly

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why they be like that
Makes more sense when you consider US/NATO elite = Jews.
Ziggas gotta get a brake

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How much damage did she do to the trans community?
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Call them transvestites not transsexuals
No more than any other tranny. There have been hundreds exposed as gay sex predators or pedophiles. Normies just didn’t care until it was a nickalodeon actor who did it.
That's her pronounce you massive faggot.
What did this person do again, other than be a tranny that boomers and sliders are weirdly obsessed with?

He's not a Dylan Mulvaney who's being aggressively astroturfed, so why?

>We’re gonna have “yaaas slay queen” supercop as commander in chief during WW3…

We’re fucked.

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>All investigations have ceased
>No more information is being released or will ever be released
>The media has a gag order and is not allowed to even so much as mention it
>The Director of the Secret Service was allowed to exit with a golden parachute. She will never be questioned again, she will never be subpoenaed again, she will go into hiding for 6 months to a year and then show up again as some middle level executive at BlackRock.
>The Director of the FBI himself is pushing the narrative that the shooting never even happened and not a single reporter or agency will question him on it or call him out for it.
>Trump himself refuses to talk about it as he cowers in fear and cancels most of his upcoming rallies and instead opts to only do rallies indoors from now on.
>There are no daily FBI or other agency press briefings. Reporters don't even ask about it during daily White House press briefings.
>The officers who were supposed to be guarding the roof have not been identified, they will never be identified nor punished.

The Trump Assassination attempt has been successfully memoryholed
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Who gives a shit the assassin missed and trump's vp just sunk all the momentum he would have got from it. America has bigger problems right now
Everyone at my work is still talking about it and the fbi ss coverup attempts.
If he wanted to be remembered, Trump should have done a better job at getting shot. That orange sack of shit just can't do anything right.
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because it was fake and gay

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This is just embarrassing at this point. She's even worse than Biden.
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The first HIV+ presidential candidate!

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You know exactly what the word means wyrm tongue
You're not fooling me.
Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.

I never get tired of laughing that pic.
The Matrix did it better.

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Please go and actually buy a bible and read it if you're going to be self righteous about your big brain takes. You won't do that however as you're an arrogant narcissist who won't be proven wrong, even by yourself.
Saw a nickel on the floor
you literally made no argument other than
>he's saying that but it's not that!
how about you go read it lmao
Do you know what a parable is?

I thought Kamala was black?
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Is that weird Al yankovic in the middle?
I miss sargon before he got popular and sold out and adopted mainstream shit just to cover his ass. Not like it did him any favors, he just got less popular.
>I “wouldn’t” even rape you.
Any femoid will still seethe at this statement, despite being raped by every man they ever met ever 24/7/365 #believeher

Watching the mass woman moment unfold after this nonsense combined with the Metoo movement imploding on itself after thots adopted rape as a status symbol really finally convinced me to never truly actually trust what a woman says, ever.
And ofc my life got measurably better for it. Funny how that works.

So I'm supposed to believe that /pol/ supports for president a: half jamaican nigger/half pajeet, socialist, feminist, childless woman who is married to a jew?
And I'm also supposed to believe that:
>Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice
when the catalog is flooded with ActBlue spam?
Is this the low quality gaslighting that the mods are willing to throw away their last bit of credibility over?
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Don't forget she is also a giant slut whomst sucked her way to the top.
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/leftypol/ isn't /pol/ you actblue shills.
Leftyfags always shill this board when they're scared.
She's the best choice, absolutely.

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Look at that innocent black woman go!
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uhm ackhually it was self defense
Cops need to start carrying boiling water instead of guns bro
she was just boiling nothing, bigot!
Send more boiling water to Ukraine
>drop the fucking pot

retarded police command.
nobody would just drop a pot of hot water from 1.6m height in front of themself.

hard to say if the cop just played "simon says" to shot her ...

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