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Why are people still supporting the orange retard?
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He still forms coherent sentences to start
Because we hate you.
>if I gaslight myself into thinking he's a retard, he really is.

Your boy Biden keeps shitting himself.
>I'm going to vote for a retard to make other people upset
Yes, and I hope to see more than a few suicides.
Good luck with your dementia riden Biden

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95% of women dont even know any cocktails.
you would invite her over and she would want a BEER, like a fucking imbecile.

at this point if a woman cant make a manhattan or an aviation i just splash acid on her and chop her head off
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no on the contrary i rarely put a spoon of tequila or rum in some soda and call it a cocktail. its just for the taste, i really dont care for drinking.
i have bottles of alcohol standing for years because i want to "try" and never really drink
>my dear, when I said "bring me one too" I wanted you to bring us 3 of them.
But of course someone made a new drink in the last 60 years lmfao just none of them were female apparently

Ill fall asleep before anyone can tell me a woman that invented a new drink
name an iconic drink invented in the last 60 years

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forget "jew magic" this German guy is for real
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don't make me fucking do it!
Youre a faggot and speaking out your semen stuffed ass. You have no clue how he did it because you want anons to believe that magic isnt real and that we all should just go back to sucking jew dick and not exploring the powers of our inherent Divinity.
Well fuck you. No. Im not gonna do that.
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ok that's spooky
This, I just tested it with my hands it figured it out in no time. It's a not even that hard to learn
You are stupid. Are your fingers too fat or something?

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Uuuuh, BASED?
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>I have really gotten myself into a jam here.
It's ok fren. Just say you are italian.
This guy does it all: propaganda about Whites, Covid, Russia, and more. One-stop-shop. Scary that people like this exist and that even smart people believe thm.

>What I Cover

>I cover the origins and effects of false or misleading information (MISinformation), including lies that are spread deliberately to deceive (DISinformation). This includes errors, rumors, fraud, state propaganda and influence operations, both domestic and foreign.

>My Background

>I joined The Times in 1989 and have worked in New York, Washington, Moscow (twice), Baghdad, Beijing and Seoul, including four stints as bureau chief. I contributed to the Times coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic that won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2021. I am the author of a biography of Russia’s president, “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin,” published in 2015.
"White Boy Summer" is a race mix meme
of course, White boys should not be posting here because you have to be 18, and should have a wonderful summer season, but not at strip clubs plying unfortunates, and being loose with the coloreds.
I told u, nigger

You can only squat on Asian land for so long. Eviction is coming sooner than you think.
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> If you say China won't do shit, you must be a chink
Ok retard
definitely not. they never do shit ever
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I mean, kind of true. Chinkoid keep hyping up Taiwoooon and then do nothing about it
China does what Japan failed to accomplish in 1939 Offensive
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>Seething Jew trying to divide China and Russia by making false flag posts
Nice try Moshe

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I guess it's not as bad as eating a babysitter and griping a dog
why are ameriCAN politicians so high T?
a european sissy bureaucrat would never dare to do that.
I do more by 8am.
There's nothing wrong with eating dog.
Lol. That's the spirit.
Always a silver lining!

>China is increasingly treating a Chinese city full of Chinese people like other cities in China
Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
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You are 30% chinese yourself, it seems like you have a lot of self hatred going on
When in the past 400 years all of Europe comes together and calls you "perfidious albion" then that seriously means you are next level jewish.
It's good that China is fighting anglojewish subversion in Hong Kong. A union is necessary between HK and China for this.
Stop identity robbing, dirty hmong mongol kike hybrid.
we got jewed a long time ago and are now paying the consequences. you have seen our mistakes but still you are jewing yourselves, why? with jews you always lose.
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>Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
They are still MAD about their failed little color revolution lol.
Look at these traitors, jews and anglos like them because they are useful idiots. Under the new law these traitors are back in the shadows like cockroach they are.

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Does your town have a rainbow crossing?
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Anyone who tells their child he or she is transgender and puts them on hormones/signs off on surgeries needs to be put into an insane asylum.
careful your car may get monkey pox doing this
The kike virus hasn't reached my town yet.
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You spelled grave wrong…
>spend some time in the South and hopefully you can clean your mind of indoctrination
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A shopkeeper hung up a BLM sign and people would walk in, rip it down, and walk out with it. She left at the end of her lease. So no, theres no rainbow in my town.

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His poor debate performance was only because he was super tired and jet lagged from the Europe trip he got back from 2 weeks prior to the debate. He’s as sharp as ever!
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Now that you mention all of that, he actually did well at the debate.
What’s actually going on is that Biden is going to go on a rampage if he isn’t stopped. Just because he has dementia doesn’t mean he isn’t evil as fuck. Right now he is the biggest threat to world peace and needs to be removed
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>jet lag
>rock in my shoe
>sun was in my eyes
>alarm didn't go off
>waiting for the cable guy
>got pulled over
>damn prescription meds
>got wrong directions
>couldn't find my keys

Fuck, another fucking list.
we wuz asstrunots an sheeit tho
biden was on the news a couple of days ago, talking at some event, and he sounded amazing compared to the debate. something fucky going on, the debate is where they would want him in his best form.

Will Europeans finally invest in air conditioning?
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I was thinking we should build a giant beach umbrella
We adapt, like always
it's real... but it's from jewish geo-engineering
too many fatties. we need a hotter earth to slim them down
why don't they put a giant molten salt reactor there and take advantage of the starter conditions?

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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It's perfectly fine to celebrate victories while preparing for more battles ahead.
Right not the democrats already control all their difficult pickup options, specifically both Arizona and Georgia seats and they have the majority by 1 seat. But they also hold 3 seats in deep R states that they're about to lose forever. So they will need to pick up seats in very R leaning states in the future to ever get back the senate.

And this is before even considering the fact that Nevada, where they control 2 seats, is shifting HARD to the right, very quickly. We're going to get a situation where Republicans average like 56-58 senate seats.

And this is a severe issue for them because ALL federal judges are approved BY THE SENATE. Meaning without the senate, they can never appoint a judge. Within a decade we will control every court system in the country.
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So much has happened in just the last month
reminder I am still rocking

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I'm tired of losers blaming da joos for their terrible mistakes in life.
It's tiresome.
Get over it, losers.
Yes, the holohoax is fake!
yes ww2 was a huge mistake and stupid
yes, many joos are rich and love their kids, nepotism and you are envious,
yes many joos are commies
yes, joos commited genocide on russians and created ussr and almost destoryed the whole world
yes joos faught civil war against germans in 1917
we get it, i know, but the da joos didn't make you a loser
da joos didn't make you worship a joo
da joos didn't make your parents not love you
and everyhting da joos did was with the help of willing CHRISTIANS

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pictures of jesus exactly like that existed before adam green was born you moron.
>also, a christian wouldnt tell somebody to kill themself.
why not? some times i do wish these people would put themselves out of my misery. they're annoying.

i don't keep track of which models in which infographics.
this. the so-called jews are truly the synagogue of satan
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>(((christian judaism))) is a jewish death cult and those who convert to this judaism (or any other form of abrahamism really) have renounced being White ... they're jewish golems
yep, nailed it
christians are transjewish
theyve caat down their identity and heritage and have elected to have a jewish egregore theyve never even met as their logos, which is why they have no capacity or experience with the divine. its literally a skill check which they fail.
so you just blindly regurgitate memes for an ulterior motive
got it
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so youre saying adam green is jesus reincarnated? they predicted his coming? based

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> literal stick.
>The slightly charred sticks are also the oldest-known wooden artefacts in Australia.
>The team dated one fireplace and 40-centimetre stick to around 12,000 years old, while a second fireplace and stick, which was around 20cm long, was closer to 11,000 years old.

>does anyone care what Fatima does next?
>He said Senator Payman would not be a senator "if not for the fact" Labor was next to her name.

>is Molly ded? Get the "f" key polished up and ready.
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how's divorced life lmao
I don't understand this bot that keeps saying I am divorced, I have never been married.

I won't reply to them directly so they don't get their 10 shekels for the engagement.
I remember bossman quoting some official statistic about vax vs unvaxxed hospitalisations. I felt embarrassed for him that he fell for that horseshit. He is otherwise a clever man, inexplicable that he was so easily fooled. But he was bossman, I couldn't say anything. He was kind of a prick desu, and he definitely shouldn't have been spruiking the vax in work, not his business. No refunds.
>the post ending in 1678
no need to hide from the truth, you pushed everyone away with your paranoia
My boss was desperate for me to come back and work for him, offered me a trip to the nice brotho.
How insulting

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do

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k, found this, maybe we can find some exploitables... ^-^
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Couldn't find it, so here's some baby foreskin creme.
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Just like Jesus, and Muhammad.
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i wish

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This transphobe was also denied access to her luggage which contained her thyroid medication and her mothers medication. She will never fly with United Airlines again and will be charge with a hate crime


Let this be a lesson to you chuddie bigots.
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I bet she was being a cunt about it and causing a scene
Oh look I was right

>A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items. The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.”

>Her version
Longoria did concede there was a carry-on item issue
She suggested that since her mother was not allowed to pre-board with her and her child, she wound up with extra carry-on items for the two of them
Upon reaching the aircraft door, her toddler was having a “meltdown”

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That is where you are wrong.
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Fuck off Bigot.
The name Karen is of Hebrew origin, with multiple meanings and connections to Jewish culture. Here are some interesting facts about the name Karen in a Jewish context:

Hebrew Meaning: The Hebrew word “Keren” (קרן) means “ray” (as in ray of sunshine), “horn” or “antler”, “foundation”, but also symbolically means “power”.

TL;DR: Cool it with the antisemitism

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what the fuck was this cringe shit and why does he talks like that lmao
he got brain worms from getting so much underage lib-puss
Did this guy really just debate no one?
Ignoring the idiotic OP, do you think RFK is more likely to siphon more votes away from Trump or Biden?

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They can't make Jill and Hunter give up.
Jill Biden thinks she's the queen of planet earth and doesn't wanna be white trash again.
Hunter knows that once daddy leaves office, he's legally fucked.
Killing Joe now would look so obvious that everyone would know the game.
None of the people in their party are likeable either. Every single person has the suave and charisma of a stump made for Home Depot as a lawn ornament.

They dug a hole in their greed and lust for power and control. Basically like a crackhead doing crack as he disintegrates but doesn't know he's disintegrating even with every sane sober person around telling him to stop smoking crack.
Karma is an ancient known phenomenon for a good reason.
Things is evwry one of their potential replacements are just as badly perceived, if not moreso, than he is.
Kumswala is an absolute dolt and everyone sees it.
Newscum is laughable and would need to hide for a full cycle because of how bad his record in California is.
Whitmer would get everything she did during lockdowns in Michigan tossed in her face.
Pritzker, Polis, and Shapiro are all jews and would infuriate the left base.
MOHAP doesn't have the political will to run, even if "her" husband begged "her".
So where's the fucking bench?
Good jobs Dems, ya dun goofed trying to out crazy each other.
I know, as I said - these are desperation moves. They simply understand that any of those candidates have a better shot at winning than a poorly reanimated corpse incumbent.

They could still hype up Newsom or Kamala in the 130 days left, and most of the dem voters would swallow it and vote for either of them.
The chances would still be slim, but no longer zero.

Plus, they want to build up a new democratic figurehead for the next election - currently there is no "big well known guys" to run for 2028
My money is still on Jeb Bush to be honest.
none of them are viable. don't kid yourself.

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We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as soon as we figure out just what that something is then my ideology will rise from the ashes and a new age of prosperity will begin!
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>Don’t ask these idiots to provide a chronology of events.
I'm not even asking for that much. I just want to know what the people who say "there is no political solution" actually expect people to do. I'm just going to quit my job, load my car up with ammo and drive all the way to DC, then shoot anyone that looks brown or jewish and hope enough other people do the same? Even January 6th was peaceful and it still ended with Ashly Babbot getting killed. If there was an actual attempt at doing something it would have just resulted in a ton of dead White people and nothing good would have been accomplished.

>theyll all dye off
without the help of whites and asians the world black population would be in the few millions, they cannot support themselves when cut off.
That is true, but my point wasn't specifically about blacks. I'm not suggesting we need to wipe-out the entire population of Africa. Simply finding the countries where the most invasion is coming from and cleansing the area completely would stop the influx of shitskins into the US. And it's something that can be done violently. Getting the asians and jews to stop supporting them is actually a lot harder than it is to just violently wipe them all out, at least on paper.
I'll risk the ban.
you know full well step two is kill Niggers and Jews; also the lgbt spectrum.
in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.

in fact, let's just call phase 2 "the night of long knives."
I've made this thread several times today and I'm still not banned. Because it's an actual conversation about politics, not just calling for total nigger death.

>in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.
What do they all have in common? I'm guessing they're all jewish.

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Retire! Leave! Go. The. Fuck. AWAY!

It's 2024 and you insufferable skeezy old faggots are STILL HOGGING ALL THE JOBS AND MONEY. Everyone so fucking tired of you shitheads robbing TWO GENERATIONS of their income and opportunities because YOU DON'T WANNA LIVE LIKE IT'S NOT 1980 ANYMORE.

Imagine a fat disgusting asshole of a person who is constantly eating and complaining and rolling around like a massive hog that got so fucking big that the farmer can't slaughter it so it keeps hoovering food and demanding more and just being A BIG GROSS AND REPULSIVE CREATURE THAT WANTS TO DRAG EVERYHING INTO ITS NASTY SMELLY SHITTY ORBIT

That's the boomers personified. Fuck every last one of you. Your work sucks. Your stories suck. You can't use computers. You don't know anything anymore and all of your advice stopped being valid after 2008. Blow ten million dicks and drive off into a big gay sunset so we can start to clean up the FAT GROSS WATERY SHIT that you took all over the floor and left behind for ALL OF US.

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>everybody born between two arbitrary dates is why my dick never gets hard anymore
You're a fucking retard. Or a Russian, which is the same, really.

ok boomer
I'd agree with you except you sound like the type of faggot who also says "Boomers never taught me anything" as an excuse for not knowing how to change your oil or cook scrambled eggs during an age of informational abundance and unprecedented access to knowledge.

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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious science juices (not saline) which included a free chemical lobotomy (Long COVID brain fog) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
You realize every anti vaxxer has a different version of the vaccine in mind right?
I've heard it all kiddo.
Oh you have brain fog.
Oh you are now sterile.
Oh you have a cancer.
Oh you can't believe in God.
Oh you'll be a 5g zombie.
etc etc.
None of these things has come to pass. It's been like 3 years. Move on with your life.

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