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So the only kike with a legitimate excuse to wear depends gets made good?
rest in piss
You thought Ukraine "recruitment" videos were bad?
This "grandpa" is an archaeologist who was armed and in IDF uniform.
I'm not sure if archaeologists in the U.S. are armed and in army uniform.

"The chief of staff of the Golani Brigade, Colonel Yoav Yarom, allowed Israeli researcher Zeev Erlich, 71, to enter southern Lebanon to examine an archaeological site, the shrine of the Prophet Simon Peter near the town of Chamaa.
Erlich and a soldier, who was identified as Sargent Gur Kehati, 20, of the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion, were killed in the clash. Meanwhile, Col. Yarom was moderately wounded. A company commander from the 13th Battalion also sustained serious wounds, the IDF said."
Ill say the same thing i said about Ukraine. These people have no business being in a warzone.

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I dunno about you, but I'm gonna make an account and I'm gonna be reporting EVERYTHINGGG for "hurting my feefees".
I'm going to overload this son of a bitch with complaints until they learn.
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No captcha when reporting either. Oh I'm gonna have a field day.
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>I've already reported like 60 posts
Lmao they made it too easy. Stupid kikes.
did sharty do it
Bluesky? Sounds like a polish jew that likes to suck cock

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>The bizarre story of a fake carer
>Man arrested in Wolverhampton as part of major European people smuggling sting
>Children in Need chairman quits over payments to LGBT charity
>Labour has opened more migrant hotels than it has closed
>Ukraine fires British Storm Shadow missiles into Russia for first time
>King Charles finally gets to wear his banned coronation breeches
>Capt Tom's family benefitted from charity
>More tenants could be excluded from Right to Buy

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Stop calling them migrant hotels. They’re concentration camps, or ghettos. Maybe Stetl depending if they kept the Muslims out.
They're paramilitary compounds for the jihad
The fear in their eyes when a single man with a camera turns up. It's like they know what they're doing is wrong
Point being that ZOG is using foreign niggers to decide who does and doesn't get to keep a roof over his/her head.
It's a humiliation ritual but only makes me more resolute in my quest to never lift a finger on behalf of this wretched country. Who in their right mind sees a future here? Your kids/prospective kids will be a minority, your nature reserves will be decimated and the sky will remain overcast for weeks on end.
It's over.

this is why russia will win
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Can’t afford a table for a child. What are you, Muslim?
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>Indian Hindu shitskins take over /pol/ over the last few years
>pedo apologia and pedo threads become rampant
Russia would be such a great rich culture filled country if it wasnt for poor leadership.
>Be american
>See child engineer drafting designs for newest tanks
>Have immediate sexual thoughts
Just another day in muttnited states of muttmerica
Yeah, we're basically an inversion of the ancient world. Wealthier and more well off people are in good shape, whereas the poor struggle with terrible food selection. The highest density food selection are all poorfag cereal isle slop, whereas even the middle class is gradually getting priced out of good quality meats here.

guys.. are you really..?

if you don't shave your face and stop caring about your looks without applying makeup you would look like him easily at his age
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Hey! It's a tough life snorting cocaine in a penthouse in Poland
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>His people
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Zelensky is a paid actor he is a nobody

i bet my car he doesn't even decide or do shit

Just a decoy clown like that Mandarin in Iron man 3

The moment he'll get captured he will deny everything, he will say that his family being held hostage and he didn du nuffin he is just a poor thespian and shit
Yes, I believe that you are correct.
He was an actor playing the role of a teacher who became president...and then he ran for president in real life.
It would be as if Kevin Kline ran for PotUS for real after starring in the movie Dave.
The CIA is calling the shots in Ukraine. Zelensky just handles the social media bullshit and celebrity appearances.
He travels too much to be running anything. It's similar to how George W Bush was making speeches everywhere while Dick Cheney was always in a secure location. We know who the real president was. kek
Holy shit Vance looks like a glam rock star in a suit

Seems that all the successful men are raping women, could it be a sign of greatness?
High value men are just taking what they want it seems.

What do you think?
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Everybody is waiting for law and order to collapse in order to RAPEMAXX
When I was adolescent, my parents told me asexuality isn't real. Other people around that time said that asexuality was an evolutionary impossibility, since "they all died out", as in, asexual genes were selected against.

So I tried really damn hard and made myself really damn miserable by fabricating a sexuality, and I fucking hated it.
Not being attracted to women and not letting them ruin your life is like a superpower, that's why gays are successful, but asexuality would be even better since you don't have to take it in the ass now.
You might still not be immune to rape accusations thou.
It's all they have. They don't even argue political thought, cuz they'll lose, so they just throw rape and racism at you repeatedly
when is based Vance giving us free womyn?


>How about not outsourcing all manufacturing so kike shareholders can make more money?
Bro it's snowing, go outside
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isnt the EU still a thing?? cant they spare some weapons to donate??
get some balls EU, if you dont do something no one will take you seriously anymore

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>non nuclear icbm
live testing
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Kind of like non alcoholic beer....right?

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Why no plagues?
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They get hit pretty badly when major diseases roll through. India had some of the world's worst outcomes from covid-19.
Typhoid, cholera and dysentery are pretty much endemic across the country. Even cases of rabies hit close to 20 million/year.

All those fancy exotic plagues don't have a chance to incubate before their host dies from some other disease or a train.
This. Screw them for blaming the Raj on whites. They were your own.
My fat ass thought it was a picture of cheese pizza

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Why now? Why didn't they come out 10 years ago?
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You are a silly person
Nigger you haven't fucking won shit. Kikes are still in control of the west and as long as that is the case the fate of all people of European descent is udner threat because kikes hold genocidal hatred towards all of us.
everything I said was correct
At no point did I say that the meme said these things genius. I wrongfully assumed we were having a conversation. I have been calling out kikes the whole thread, because you want to pilpul on a specific point, which now makes me a kike lmao.
>recruitment didn't increase after 911
>the antiwhite kike government wouldn't draft whites to die
People are bringing up the sign meme, but DEI actually does kill businesses and the Black Rock money is starting to run dry.

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What part of I don’t make enough money to move out or do anything with my life with any sort of job even the supposed good jobs only give you enough to barely scrape by anymore don’t they understand? I explain it and my parents just telling me to find a better job or work overtime and ignore everything I say. It’s fucking pointless. I have no fucking future and no one gives a shit beyond me still working just for the sake of it.
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Oh yes the birthing females are not always up to scratch. However the grander problem is the man-hating ultra-modern westernized masculine presenting women that never have kids, just wine and cats...
I think it's self evident why.
Cops will be in the first wave of people on the day of the rope
Watch how fast everyone you know turns on you if you dare mention this and check out for logical reasons
This is true. I have a good job and when I said that there is no incentive for guys like me to marry I just get boatloads of seethe
I hate this world

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Id like to make a thread in appreciation of all cultures, nations, and races having unique attributes, history, religion, and contributions to mankind... Regardless of the handful of neurolinguistics and other types of retards posting here, i think true anons all know that shouting nigger in a decent black persons face is what we have ever sought after as "white supremacists", "Nazis", "chuds", "Conservative leaning people", or whatever you call them. Thought people do naturally clash due to differences in race, religion, culture, or even history... The Artificial nature of hate stimulated to try to program the masses to attacking whites and only whites was atrocious and terrifying to whites and really any decent anon who was seeking the truth or to share it or improve the world knowing truths that are somewhat secret.. it is getting much better for whites and we see latinos voting for trump and even if they say that all latinos will now despise whites forever, plenty of legal immigrants agree at this point and its simple math that unlimited people cant just flow into a country... Watch as the shills become quieter and quieter, more refined and behaved or just all together vanished!
>Shouting nigger in a decent black persons face is what we have ***Never sought after as
Huge typo

am i the onl7y one who has nooticed that it is quite cooincicdental that snakes are le bad in christianity> christianity, being the most emasculating religion on the planet
>the meek shall inherit the earth
>turn the other cheek
>love thine enemy
lo and behold teaches people that aggressiveness, manliness, and the animal that symbolizes masculinity, a snake (looks like a pen0r) are le bad. whereas in non christian cultures, snakes were actually honored and venerated.

christianity is nothing more than a tool of control of the masses and a club for the rich and powerful to babble about a bunch of crap that doesnt matter anyway like 666 bad and 7 good and 12 months and 12 apostles its just a bunch of crap im sry.

respect the snake in your pants, because thats what the god(s) put there, and aint no priestly bishop who gets on his knees to drink some desert magicians blood and eat his flesh ever gonna change that
snakes are evil in christianity because a snake has both a penis and a vagina, and you can't trust someone who can literally fuck himself
thanks paulie
This pagan shit is luciferian, that's why it's bad. If you're worshipping same entities/deities as dark occultists, you're unironically doing something wrong.
That isnt even True retard. Snakes have either dick or Pussy. Not both.

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No politician talks about it.
Meds now.
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They forgot to mention that 5g towers happen to have the exact same side effects as sarv cov2. What a coincidence.

And guess what? A few years from now when they roll out 6g towers around the globe, it will cause very similar symptoms as pandemic 2.0 that will also happen to spread around the world at the same exact time.
TLDR: this is just one layer of a much larger multifaceted global agenda to enslave humanity

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America's first female president will be a Republican. She'll be a 40ish year old MILF with big tits.
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Probably going to be Trump's daughter
>America will NEVER have a female president.

Canada had a female Prime Minister; Kim Campbell in 1993. But she was booted out of parliament during the exact same year. That was back in 1993 when people still had common sense.
musk's daughter
the first female president
and the first female african president
imagine the seethe
How big we talkin, anon?
Would without a shadow of a doubt

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What if this piece of Russia went independent and was invited into EU/NATO
the name would of course have to be changed to Korolevets

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Lefty Domination By MAGA Fetish Edition

There’s even a Reddit board for them. Toppest Kek.

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That's NUTS!
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new whiteness map just dropped! why are "non-90+2"s like this?
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what the fuck? what's wrong with you?
I don't think OP is a native Czech at all, as he'd know Czechs use both 90+2 and 2+90.
The latter is actually required to correctly say fractions, like 7/32
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If youre Not Green youre literally a poser midwit, bascially plebbit the country
You just like to complicate yourselves for no reason.
I also remembered that
they often do it the german way

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That's right chud, you will forgive the pornstars, you will forgive the racemixers, and you will think that it's based to do so.
I denounce the talmud btw.

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