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The war is real, they don't need to create anything they take that money every year

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Another leaf will have to bless the thread since I'm starting it

This is political because the demons that run our politicians worship the devil. This thread is dedicated to the spiritual war we are currently engaged in.
>inb4 /pol/ is nordic or whatever the fuck
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>spiritual war
>proceeds to pray about everything
>accomplishes nothing
well done retards
ITT: self deluded morons
Certainly. The Christian church is in a pitiable state right now, at least in my country. Christianity is still very true. I still have to strain to find the humility to admit that it is the Truth, but I hope the fact that I felt the need to type another T says something to you.
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Damn, you're so smart you must be a fucking heart surgeon or something.
Thank you for that dimwitted opinion.
I don't understand what you Mean.

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>meanwhile on bizarro /pol/...
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I fucking hate you and hope you go blind in the top half of your visual field.
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I fucking love black people. The other day Jerome stopped by just to gift me a Playstation 5 and tell me his sister was single and looking for a good guy even though I'm unemployed. Said we could change each other for the better and then threw me a bag with all new adidas tracksuit and shoes. Told me to get in his fully paid off Jaguar (he's an astronaut scientist lawyer btw) said
>get in the car anon we're going to the gym
like a brother/father to me. picrel it's him
Why do people deny that blacks have the highest IQ and the biggest cocks?
What would Pol do without the great publications made by Polish flags?

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What happens when incels find out that "Self Improvement" is a scam to keep them working for free?
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>my vanity isn't vanity!
>women bad!
I just go back from a long bike ride and and then an 8 km run.

I go gym usually every single day and also swim, rock climbing, etc.

You can't stop me. If I stop I am just all those things (no wife, job, money, friends, depression, house, etc.) except then I'll also be even more miserable. Gym is something I can do, something I can control, that hasn't been taken from me yet by becoming a cripple or something. All the rest is outside of my control and completely unobtainable. Gym is all I got.
Economic sabotage.
Wait, do you actually believe exercise and fitness have no benefits beyond aesthetics? That may be one of the most terminally online things I've ever read.
People offer help here all the time, some even in earnest. 4chans is full of suggestions, ideas, and plans. Some are good, some are bad, but if you sit and listen and sift you can get some solid advice. What you want get is your hand held, your dick sucked, and all your problems taken care of for you.

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If you're against eating bugs but eat grains you're a fucking idiot.
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no, and you cant digest oats, which is why people recommend them for weight loss, they make you feel bloated and sick so youll eat less
Does oatmeal contain 0 or 9 essential amino acids though?
I love oatmeal. I usually soak the oats in water with a splash of apple cider vinegar overnight, then drain and heat.

In modern times, we aren’t preparing our foods properly which is horrible for digestion. Grains, legumes, seeds etc need to be sprouted or soaked to make it digestible.

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>Another goatis slave posts his nonsense and copies his words
There are numerous potential ill effects associated with wheat consumption.
Wheat has opioid-like substances called gluten exorphins. They dull the mind and slow down digestion. Slowing digestion down while bread passes through the intestines allows bacteria to grow, and an overabundance of bacteria could mean some will produce endotoxin which suppresses energy production.

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Any self hating jews or blacks on here? What redpilled you?
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You and others ITT could redpill many. You understand the minds of the non-white male masses. I hope you’re putting in work, but f only to influence the naive before the tranny army sink their hooks.
By listening our quality monks teach every night before go to bed. Worship holy statue of monks and gods which was a taboo in jews religion. Believe in karma and ourselves than existing of gods. Also strong believe in reincarnation and cycle of samsara . Actually i am Buddhist as much as being Taoism. Taoism is far superior philosophy in my opinion. Until it's nearly useless or impossible to use it in teal life
I am not of the race i am in. I am better. No, not even my family are of my race, they are just of the same race of the body, but not of the mind or spirit, they can't even take a glimpse at my visions.
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I'm a quarter Jewish
Never been in a synagogue, not circumcised, don't know any jews except my mom and brother THOUGHbeit
So I don't know if I count
I do have curly hair and my mom celebrates chanukah (when we remember to) but Christmas is more important

Anyways I grew up in a liberal area only knowing liberalism
And the contradictions and the hypocrisy of it always bothered me
And I fucking hated public school which was full of Jewish liberal bulshit
I also always found the holocaust and all the rhetoric surrounding it a bit odd
It just bothered me how uniquely sacred it was
That its de facto illegal to question (and actually illegal some places)
And yet we need to constantly talk about it and reaffirm our hatred of nazis and prostrate ourselves to the western creation mythos lest we forget it
I found the whole thing vaguely threatening and oppressive
Like everyone was constantly watching each other to catch them not worshipping jews enough or something
But of course if i was ever asked I would of course vehemently agree with all the globohomo tenets id been taught

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>(((/nupol/))) doesn't know the lore

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:

Feel free to post other links that encourage /pol/itical discussion!
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(with 8k upscale almost lifelike)
What's our prediction re the adult industry? I mean wrt real models. What kind of future do they have? Even the "real interactions" many seek on OF etc will be fake (if they aren't already).
The increase in suicide is not a coincidence. It's intentional.
That's really good
sad unfunny cunts

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>noooo greeks are brown! they're nothing like ancient gree-
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modern greeks are brown because turks moved in around 1920. retards
i have around 300 million jeet animals who do not possess free will under a spell of mass hypnosis. i can use these jeets to build a time machine, which is the plan once they've extinguished all threats. jeets are like ants, every jeet car is filled with building material. i will be marching this army through the south sahara and taking over.
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>>noooo greeks are brown! they're nothing like ancient gree-

This stereotype exists because most westerners consider these north african subhumans from Crete as Greeks
Some Greeks still have the old stock in them. Many others are foreigners who have immigrated there the last two thousand years.

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I plan on flying there and searching for the guy who did it
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I appreciate your honesty, it’s refreshing.
Honesty is refreshing. Copes are demoralizing
Cat man wont do shit
It's not bc
Simple as
If you are going to post here, faggot, make it right and post the kot or kys.

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MAGA loses again.
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>> S A I D

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Moche culture was cartoonishly hideous: Monsters raping and garrotting teenage girls, pottery depicting necrophilia, an arachnid/octopid sacrificial deity called 'the Decapitator', a creator with jaguar fangs. The Moche people of Peru worshiped a fanged spider/octopus god known as “The Decapitator” and performed brutal sacrificial rituals involving cannibalism, flaying and rape to appease him.

>Aiapæc (often written Ai Apaec, from Colonial Mochica aiapæc *[ajapʷɨk] ′maker, God the Father′), Wrinkled Face, the snake-belted figure, or the god of the mountains, is a mythical character identified in Moche iconography, and possibly the main Moche deity. According to some archaeologists, it may have been the most feared and adored of all punitive gods, worshipped as the creator god, protector of the Moche, and provider of water, food, and military triumphs

>The existence of such iconographic character was first proposed by archaeologist Rafael Larco Hoyle. Contemporary analysis have questioned that it may been a single god, instead finding several mythological characters

>The most common representation of Aiapæc is the one seen in the murals of the Temples of the Sun and the Moon, which present an anthropomorphic face with feline fangs surrounded by ocean waves

>Aiapæc was represented in several ways, depending on the period, place, and medium used. In metallurgy, for example, Aiapæc is often seen as a spider with eight legs and an anthropomorphic face with jaguar fangs. In ceramics, the divinity is often more anthropomorphic, usually with his head in his hands and sometimes with two snakes sprouting from his head. In sculpture, he is shown with a staff

>It is said that during human sacrifices, prisoners were decapitated and their heads given to Aiapæc
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>The oldest were about children being secreted away into the mountains. Y'know. Where the Ainu are. Those damned Turkish-descent "native" japs that were totally there first, no backsies. Think "emporor Jim" if you want an idea how far back japan first got screwed.
Can you elaborate a bit about this? Are you saying that Ainu were kidnapping Yomon kids taking them to the mountains?
Modern music lyrics are basically this, nothing have changed with these niggers.
Haha. Damn, dude. These are awesome.
Very interesting how a deity from the other side of the Atlantic Sea had the same archetypes as the Venusian gods of the Mediterranean/Middle East, such as having a twin brother (Shalim and Shahar), descending to the underworld (Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte) and being expelled by a major god (Attar/Ashtar/Helel Ben-Shahar).

>Humanity’s prime angelic benefactor and bestower of self-aware consciousness and free will (Lucifer) seen without a negative filter

>Also known as Eros, Fenir the Wolf, Kucimatz, Kukulkan, Light-Bearer, Light-Bringer, Loki, Lucifer, Malak Tawus (“Peacock Angel”), Midir, Morning Star, Phanes, Phosphorus, Prometheus, Protogonos, and many other personifications...

>The name Quetzalcoatl means “the Plumed Serpent,” combining two words from the Nahuatl language of Mesoamerica, quetzal, an emerald-plumed bird, and coatl, a serpent. Among the Aztecs and Olmecs of ancient Mexico and the Mayans of Central America, Quetzalcoatl was a highly respected, ultra-wise god, one of the four sons of the high deity, Ometeol

>Quetzalcoatl, also called Kukulkan (Maya) and Kucumatz (Quiche), came from Tollan, the Land of the Sun, whose name means “Place of Cattail Reeds” or “Palace of Rushes.” Tollan was a paradisal realm and a source of all high culture in which Quetzalcoatl was king: many of its buildings were made of green stone. He is often depicted as sitting on the Jaguar Throne, holding the staff of fertility, his garments signifying the aspiration toward the divine, his father, Ometeotl, and conveying authority and a high degree of spiritual awareness

>His mission was to establish communication between Heaven and Earth, to unite humanity with the all-father, Ometeotl. Quetzalcoatl, in performing this mission, was a culture benefactor, bestowing all the arts upon humanity. He was the Lord of Healing, the Lord of Hope, Father of the Toltecs, Lord of the Breath of Life, and the radiant Lord of the Morning Star (Venus)
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>Quetzalcoatl’s name also can be interpreted as “Precious Twin,” since quetzal means both “bird” and “twin.” The twin in this case was Tezcatlipoca, God of the First Sun of Earth, Quetzalcoatl’s dark brother, whose name means “Lord of the Smoking Mirror.” Legend says Quetzalcoatl, God of the Second Sun of Water, was dethroned by machinations of his evil brother, then immolated himself. The ashes, rising heavenward, turned into birds with glorious plumage, while his heart (or spirit) soared back to Venus; afterward he was known as Lord of the Dawn and Lord of the Eastern Light

>Yet Quetzalcoatl’s triumphant return to Earth and humanity was prophesied. According to Zapotec (a tribe of Native Americans living in the Oaxaca Valley of Southern Mexico) legend, Quetzalcoatl would one day return to his heart, which he had buried under the Tree of Life in the Valley of Oaxaca. When he returned, he would overthrow Tezcatlipoca and end his 900 year rule. Zapotec belief, coupled with New Age millenialism, claimed that the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987 marked the actual return to Earth of Quetzalcoatl

>In Quetzalcoatl, we can observe the positive attributes, the culture-benefiting activities of Lucifer, the Light-Bringer, without any theological or moral filter. In Quetzalcoatl, we can see Lucifer in his pure state, without his alleged refusal to serve humanity (Judeo-Christian filter) or defiance of the gods (as Prometheus, through the Greek filter) and his punishment in either case. As Quetzalcoatl, he is at peace with both God (Ometeotl) and humanity

>Sites that registered a high degree of Quetzalcoatl veneration, such as Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza in Mexico, are likely to be Lucifer Binding Sites

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previous >>465540321

▶Day: 786 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>US house of reps will vote on aid bill to UA
>Tu-22m3 bomber was shot down at a distance of 300km from Ukraine, - GUR
>15 out of 22 missiles and 14 out of 14 shaheds of the chimpout destroyed, AS WELL AS ONE Tu-22m3 STRATEGIC BOMBER, in Stavropol Krai, (first such case), at least 1 pilot dead
>Major missile chimpout, a civilian building in center of Dnipro hit, 35 injured, 7 killed (including 2 kids) so far.
>NATO partners can supply Ukraine with 6 more Patriot systems, - Scholz
>Argentina applied to join NATO as a "global partner".
>Another IRIS-T air defense battery will arrive in Ukraine in the next weeks - head of Diehl Defense
>PACE recognized Russian oil refineries as a legitimate target for the Ukrainian army, - Ukrainian People's Deputy Honcharenko
>Russia began withdrawing its troops from Nagorno-Karabakh
>20 countries have joined the Czech initiative to purchase shells for Ukraine, some participants do not want to disclose their participation, - Zbinek

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Total Zigger Death
total pidor deportation
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As expected, the recent bomber jet downing and the American congress approval for military aid has brought russhills out in force.
As also expected, the only talking points they have is recycled metodichka, that basically boils down to two topics: muh jooz, and muh trannies.
You can quickly dismiss these talking points by posting "SHELOMOVA" if they go on about jooz, and "DANEMAMI" if they go on about trannies.
But better yet is not giving them any (You)s.
An ignored russhill is a broomed russhill.
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Israel should strike Iran again.
iraqis didn't promise not to retaliate
How do we convince Israel to send more?
>day 195 of the 3 day anti-Hamas operation

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I am posting this here because I don't know where else to turn, but I must get this out and hopefully connect with someone who has been researching this. I apologize if any of my English is incorrect since it is not my first language and I have only been in the United States for a short time. There is a very real chance that the United States phone systems, power grid and all critical infrastructure will be taken down soon. I have reason to believe that a Chinese operation involving cyberattacks and a group of collaborators on United States soil will take place after being previously pushed back.

How many of you recall the leaks on here and reddit in 2020-2021 about the CNASR group and Operation Electric Rain? They were getting momentum during late 2020 onward until the individuals involved in leaking the documents were found and executed, and the operation was shelved for security concerns. There were at least 4 individuals who leaked information regarding the CNASR's activities on American soil particularly about the US presidential election aftermath, so called stingray devices at the January 6, etc. One group of individuals who are still at large was/ will be tasked with physical sabotage of United States power and communications infrastructure. There was a man who was paid by this group in 2020-2021 named Nathaniel Sergio who had a change of conviction and was one of the individuals who leaked some information. He is the one who sparked myself to investigate this and I communicated with him personally throughout 2021. He like the others, was killed, and his death was falsely called a suicide in 2022.

You may have heard of "VOLT TYPHOON" in the news lately? Sound Familiar? It is the current evolved offshoot of ELECTRIC RAIN that began in earnest years ago. There were 2 youtube channels operated by the leakers, or at least one of them Li who was a gentleman in Taiwan, also killed around the same time.

Prepare now, Grid down before November.
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>China tries to invade USA to help UN/pedoElite mercs
>Japan pulls a "fucka uuu" card where they unleash their blackOps tech and NERV weaponry - invading and razing China to the ground within 24hrs using only 10 EVA pilots/suits

The Japanese never trusted China or the USA after WW2. I have no doubt they're packing serious 6th gen weapons and more. The average Honda/Toyota is what, 4x better than 98% of it's competition?

Iirc they never found the alleged "homophobic right wing militia" that shot out the power in North Carolina, allegedly to protest drag shows. You'd think the FBI would be on the militia's asses but it got memoryholed after being all over MSM for weeks two years ago
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just like how they were spamming manifestos like this one before the tarrant false flag
(((deleted from pastebin)))
Grid downing is literally glownigger traitors/CCP. It's nigger tier shit that hurts innocent civilians the most. You don't need to destroy electricity to kill traitors. You simply have to apply lead to traitors (at range/from cover/as a Grey Man)
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This thread is such ridiculous retardation and fear mongering the mods should have moved it to bant already. It's garbage. lol
Here, watch this video you're one of them jumping on the bed if you take this thread seriously. Electric rain? Could you have chose a more retarded unexplainable concept than that? lmao


Great white groomers must be purged
Why are white sexpats like this
It’s literally worse then 13/50 meme
1billion whites and dying yet majority of international groomers
https://youtu.be/b1CoDVLQ-gY [Open] [Open]

https://youtu.be/EtD8W1nD3H4 [Open] [Open]

https://youtu.be/tPS1qInSJ4M [Open] [Open]

In Philippines aussies are the worst offenders
https://youtu.be/SX-52mjzsEM [Open] [Open]


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White Children are a gift.
Never be afraid to make a few more.
The only people who complain about white kids are white people, Jews & Blacks.
Looks like those antifa arrest collages.
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>Finnish women buying sex from refugee teens
Pardon me..
I have to buy some Shoe polish and get a plane ticket...
HubaHuba HUBA!
Gigty GIgty!
This image gives me a beacon of hope. I know ethnics will stab you for spare change. But they are not so depraved to "passportbro" and chomo
Nah, muslims are usually not scared at all in my experience.

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>Israeli forces are conducting airstrikes on Iranian military bases inside of Iraq, as information is coming out of heavy explosions and serious casualties being created. Some Iranian sources are claiming that US forces may be involved in the airstrikes, althought this is not confirmed. we will be covering information as it comes in live.
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QRD? i don't feel like reading the entire thread
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Remember when Trump froze Iranian assets?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
I dare you to try. You'll be stopped and israel will crush its opponent in a swift response.
Remember when John Kerry was meeting with the Iranian foreign minister after Trump was in office?

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>another $95 billion to Israel and Ukraine today
>he doesn't own silver or gold

Enjoy sucking dix for a tin of beans you brainless NPC lmfao. You had thousands of years to make the right decision.
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Fuck off and kill yourself, abbo.
>Bartering your supplies and labor has been around even longer, brainlet.
I never said that bartering would be useless.
You're the fucking retard, nigger.
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>Indeed I am
Truly our greatest ally, and the most spiritually American out of the Eurocucks.

Also, add in some laxatives and anti-diarrhea pills, too.
Why would I barter for your shiny rock? It serves me no purpose, but your wife does, or your gun, bullets, and supplies. It seems you're a cuck, so, I assume you have no relevant skills to barter with, either. You better get good at sucking or taking dick. Seriously.
You suffer from delusions as a result of your deficient two digit IQ, because you're a nigger.

stop watching porn
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keep cooming noobs. you are no different from a junkie.
Why is porn free?
So they can tempt us to jerk off then later say we're evil for jerking off.

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Previous: >>465535288
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Politico: 'Ukraine is losing, and it's the West's fault' -https://archive.today/hybjP
>Zelensky signs new mobilization law -https://archive.today/xoDSP
>Ukraine’s top commander says eastern frontline has ‘significantly worsened’ -https://archive.today/Z0uEQ
>Defected SBU officer target of car bombing in Moscow -https://archive.today/1fjMs
>Ukrainian parliament passes new mobilization bill -https://archive.today/3JGbe
>Massive retaliatory strikes against energy infrastructure & more in Ukraine -https://archive.today/rjhBm
>Actual German aid to Ukraine 10 billion euros instead of 28 billion -https://archive.today/0rARF

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because communism is a political philosophy, not a set of rigid proscriptions for how to run a government
communism says that capital should not be allowed to control government policy, so that decisions can be made in the interests of the people
capitalism says that capital should be allowed total control over the political process
we see in capitalist countries like the US, that their decisions often destroy private business, and why is that? because they're not capitalist? no, it's because they are.
china supports private industry when doing so benefits the people, capitalism only supports private industry when it benefits capital
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finally a good get
Meh, it's ok. Just dumb luck and doesn't work without looking up the op.

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