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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Love how she is the only accused of being a bad candidate but every other race was cheating. McCain drones working over time.
uh what? it would have been near instant money someone from france made over 47 million dollars because of his bets
thank you for your interpretation
It's called "bein' on the down low". It's a thing these young black boys are doin' nowadays.
>Russia says new US base in Poland raises overall nuclear danger

I’m running 2 miles a week and lifting weights. Better prepare now then die of slowness when you get drafted

expecting war by fall next year
I’ve been trying to run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes but haven’t gotten there yet. I want to join US marine infantry.
>when you get drafted
I have intention of ever being drafted
Eating my way to morbid obesity so I won’t be able to fight even if drafted.
Jacking off and doing nothing until I inevitably die by a heat seeking drone
My plan is to go to jail for refusing the draft.

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Porsche released an ad following Jaguar's horrific one. It's an improvement, but why inject a black man driving through the Scottish countryside into the ad? It seems out of place.


Explain to me why gingers are not Aryan, not white and not master race.
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Yes, they try to convince everyone that the English and the Irish are different people, supposedly there are great and beautiful Englishmen, and there are red-headed drunken stupid Irishmen, they are supposedly not English, they are Celts of some kind. Although in reality they are literally the same people.
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total ginger love
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I wish we had gingers in Japan.
no theyre not, they grew em right off of the vine like a pumpkin

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>The bizarre story of a fake carer
>Man arrested in Wolverhampton as part of major European people smuggling sting
>Children in Need chairman quits over payments to LGBT charity
>Labour has opened more migrant hotels than it has closed
>Ukraine fires British Storm Shadow missiles into Russia for first time
>King Charles finally gets to wear his banned coronation breeches
>Capt Tom's family benefitted from charity
>More tenants could be excluded from Right to Buy

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They're paramilitary compounds for the jihad
The fear in their eyes when a single man with a camera turns up. It's like they know what they're doing is wrong
Point being that ZOG is using foreign niggers to decide who does and doesn't get to keep a roof over his/her head.
It's a humiliation ritual but only makes me more resolute in my quest to never lift a finger on behalf of this wretched country. Who in their right mind sees a future here? Your kids/prospective kids will be a minority, your nature reserves will be decimated and the sky will remain overcast for weeks on end.
It's over.
A new migrant hotel appears. Throwing their doors open to protect these poor unfortunate families (single fighting age men) fleeing war torn France for a mere £9,000,000 of your money for a three month contract. I'm so proud of our country
I don't have kids and likely never will but I have a niece & nephews - I worry for them having to grow up in this country.

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>non nuclear icbm
live testing
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Kind of like non alcoholic beer....right?
let's just call it an unclear ICBM

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Based guy exposes migrant hotel

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>you’re a migrant
not at all. just bored with youtubers posting their videos in the hope of making ad revenue. these videos make me very angry to the point of rage but i cant allow them to influence me as id lose my freedom. remember southport? how many men stopped the police arresting people stood next to them? NONE. so yea, buy a fucking ad.
>these videos make me very angry
that is the point of these videos. to wake people up. the media is not showing this stuff.
UK laws literally just exist to protect the government and oppress the people lol. Trust me on this, no matter how many crimes this hotel has committed, the courts would find them not guilty.
Why is pol so racist and hates helping migrants?
All good honestly just thought you were a schizophrenic

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ok, it looks promising. but why can't you do this to israel?
No need, because the conventional shit they had already went through their "impenetrable" defenses
>A warning
A warning of what? That Russia is still afraid to use nukes after saying they would if we crossed their LE RED LINE?
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>but what about....
Why can't you?

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Ursula Haverbeck passed away ate the age of 96.
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Look, according to your logic, I should go out on the street right now and start being friends with Muhammad, who killed a couple of Russians, raped a child, and together with Muhammad we should hate Jews, whom I have never fucking seen in my city?
that is not my logic but a blatant strawman you memeflagging kike dummy
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are you? Germany never occupied all of France. your map is shit. Your data is shit.

Isnt it funny that ONLY the camps inspected by the JEWISH COMMUNISTS remain to be called "death camps", when the allies found all the other camps to be just normal labor camps.

>imagine believing lying Jewish communists
Fucking brown pro muslim faggot, answer the question
>Fucking brown

you are knowingly lying >>489109206

im not gonna entertain your strawman you memeflagging kike dumbass

My mom has suggested that we could live in Spain because it's cheaper to live there. We are mostly of German descent. I told her there is an island in Spain that is predominately German. It is called Mallorca. However I am reluctant to live in Europe because of their strict gun laws. Google says Spain has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe and it makes me terribly nervous moving to an anti-gun country with tons of Muslims living in Europe. Thoughts?
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Do euros like leafs?
You're all ugly scum anyway.
Show flag
This is why euros have been more successful at defending their cultures. Old USA culture was killed, allowing for mass immigration.

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I got banned from a free Palestine stream because I said Jewish donors control most US politicians and influence their decisions regarding Israel

"I hate Israel and free Palestine! But you better not say anything anti-Semitic!"

These people are so fucking backwards

Pic unrelated
Banned from 109 places, never his fault.
So were the Amish
Because the Pro Palestine movement isn't actually about helping Palestinians. It's just another anti-White movement. They say the problem is that Israel is "Fascist" "White supremacist" "right-wing" etc etc. But if you point out the facts you get shut down because YOU are meant to be the enemy, not the Jude
It's the same with every leftist movement. It's ALWAYS about fucking Whitey over. The moment you mention jews, you're banned
oh no no no friendly fire in the plasteline factory!
Still absolutely basking in the POC golem that backstabbed their Jewish puppet-master, makes me feel all cozy every time.

From my understanding doing what's best for each other is by definition the objectively best societal system since it requires the truth which is true no matter and you need to know it to do that unlike trading for which I have not found an innate motive beyond the personal well-being so please correct me if I'm wrong.
Outsourced social acceptance when you surpass dunbar's number
How do we know what’s best for everyone? It’s infinitely easier to be hands off and let everyone figure it out through personal interaction which leads to markets which leads to currency which leads to capitalism.
Perhaps the most ironic thing about local religion is they hate the concept of evolution but organize themselves literally like tribal monkeys and just thank God that it's functional.

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Rip GTA 6.
Can jeets even play computer games? One would assume they wouldn't have access to such sophisticated tech
This is just for translating...right?
>800 employees
>bollywood gta

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Fake and gay
Think of all the generals and heads of state that also shat their pants.
>PM! Russia just launched an ICBM towards Europe!
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They are asking us a simple question:

"Do you wish to continue to play this game of nuclear brinkmanship"

By launching ATACs into russian territory weare launching missiles capable of a first strike.

Maybe you dont get it. But that causes everyone who is part of the Russian Ballisitic Missile defence forces to be at their desks and "battlestations" drinking pot after pot of coffee, monitoring the situation and making sure this isnt a first strike. and they cant ever be 100% sure!

Right now, as we speak, I garantee you, the Russians have every bomber and nuclear submarine on "high alert" status, fingers on the triggers .... OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The launch codes have been distributed, the passwords are written right at their stations, the keys are unlocked .... they are "good to go".

all it takes RIGHT NOW is one major fuck up .... and the whole worlds nuclear arsenals will launch. because the US and China defintely have dead mans switches as well

I cant believe its come to this. We are fucking crazier then a shithouse rat.

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I love pwning NAFO troons with .mil sources.
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you spot the icbm and then shoot it down while its in space
this was the entire concept behind SDI, putting DEWs in space so that when the MIRV separated from the missle itself at the apogee of its launch profile you can either scramble its telemetry or completely disable the weapon
sure, on descent you cant really get to them but theyre incredibly vulnerable immediately post separation pre re-entry

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>isolationist ethnostate for thousands of years
>commits civilizational suicide by mass importing Indian Hindu rapejeets in the last 5 years

What went so wrong for the holy land /pol/?
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>isolationist ethnostate for thousands of years
>allies with westoids
>commits civilizational suicide by mass importing Indian Hindu rapejeets in the last 5 years
Gee I wonder what the cause was
Your stench directly offends everyone's olfactory sensibilities from a mile away
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What did Japan did to you bro? Japan is the holy land of /pol/, they were the chosen one who was going to remain pure and be an example to us when the west was jeeted and blacked beyond recognition. Anyway don't pretend like we are any better. At least the Asians don't fuck around once they've had enough of invaders.
To be fair, they got puppeted by the JewSA after WWII.

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how did a billion(s) dollar funded government organization fail to influence us
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I really like the lack of upvotes here
>how did a billion(s) dollar funded government organization fail to influence us
Their predecessors beat them to the punch. This place is basically MKUltra. Think about it. Hates commies. Hates women. Hates niggers.
Niggers and faggots are mad.

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Even with 96 years she never backed down.
The german-jewish liar media still try to smear her name but she will always be remembered as the most based woman. They couldnt break her and they never will
Who is she?
based and granny pilled.
Who? Can't you find English papers you heathen. What sort of 3rd world holds onto their language for muh culture

I assume she is a straight white Far Right National Socialist girl who has worked with Hitler before.

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Why did he do it?
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>a cover story
for what
He didn't he was a patsy for a fed op
I'm guessing the Casino owners paid a bunch of money to sweep the incident. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas kinda thing
>Why did he do it?
He didn't. It was a sting operation gone wrong. He was coerced into setting up an arms deal with foreign agents by the Feds. The deal went south and the feds couldn't do shit without implicating themselves in the massacre.
This guy's entire fortune rested on a single game that he'd mastered. He had nothing else to do and no other skills. Do I have that story right? I think he was suicidally bored. He needed a hobby. He needed people who cared about him.

If I were going to suspect anything, I'd wonder if this guy did something that got him put on a covert "harm reduction program" which limited his access to social opportunities, ultimately leading to his state of terminal alienation. I don't actually think that such a "harm reduction program" is a thing, but I wonder.

It's important though that we should recognize terminal alienation as a motive in itself. People who have been cut out of society, as this shooter was, do stupid and/or crazy things at a tremendously elevated rate. The loneliness epidemic isn't "free" - there are costs to be paid in crime, death, and madness.

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“Trump is using military for deportation he's is literally le Hitler”

What's the problem exactly? Why is the seething?
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meme flag
twitter post
useless OP
If he didn’t want illegals he could fix it by lifting the economic sanctions on Central America. He won’t though.
I'm not seething, I'm weeping for one of the greatest countries of all time to be ruled by zion Don for the 2nd time, and doubly so for the good people that voted with their hearts for an honest change and better times, instead they'll get more of the 2016-2020. When nothing happened, other than Jewish control over the "first family" expanded, nigger rappers bailed out of jail, Jew spies released.
God I wanna rape your family so bad.

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What are Russians dying for?

Really makes you think.
Sure bro
I totally belive your picture

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