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225 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
> Creates tranny, insulting, degenerate opening
> Results in carpet bombing the world with red pills

This reveals them, and opens eyes
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No, they assumed that anyone reading such a statement during an era of kings and landed gentry would understand. You're reading words written hundreds of years ago in the context of our modern world that has suffered the ignominy of decades and decades of subversion and then insisting the problem is somehow not your own inability to process such a manufactured contradiction.

>a divine declaration of hope for all
>Soviet indoctrination tier
Honestly, such things make me feel sad when I read them.
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wait, so if christianity is just hippie pacifism why dont all the jew and leftists who love to preach about loving eachother are not christians?
really makes me wonder, maybe because these kikes and leftoids worship satan
jesus is a kike

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French boomer passing the torch to the new owners of France. At least they don't speak German.
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Want far right frogs?
This is how you get far right frogs.
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well when you put it like that who cares fuck the human species and the gay bullshit people care about anyway.

let the darkies inherit oblivion
I am not very well read in terms of history, but I do speak German and like it. But I definitely understand why so many people dislike it saying it sounds harsh.
However someone saying it sounds effeminate is crazy, I mean I guess as with all languages it greatly depends on the speaker.

And again not knowing much of history, but I cant imagine the entire German character being a recent invention. Are you saying the humorless clock-work German didnt exist before the Prussian system. I imagine it was always present to an extent at least in northern Germany.

And havent Germans always been considered a warlike people I have studied a bit of their mythology and learned a bit about the Germanic tribes who frequently waged war not for the sake of profit or land but for the sake of war itself. They even burned all the spoils of war as an offering to the gods. And they werent just chilling for a thousand years until second reich.


Again I dont much about history so I cant argue with you, but I hope your resentment of the German people will subside one day.
Every society has its heyday. France peaked in the late 19th century under the Third Republic. Things grow and expand, plateau for a while, and then decline and decay. France, and Western Europe as a whole, is in its stage of decay. Not to say this is good or bad, it is just a fact of history. Prepare for the death of the West as you would prepare for your own death or the death of a loved one.
>100 years old

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In this video a helpful American Shabbos Goy appears
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The noticing is worldwide and going nowhere. Kikes have no idea how devastating its consequences will be for their people in the coming decades. The hearts and minds of the world hate them, and it will be taught to the next generation of children. How many of them are there again? 15 million? Ha. Hahahahaha.
Humility doesn't apply to Jews, you gotta be humans to have it
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>American Shabbos Goy appears

The eternal Anglo appears.

The six million thing wasn’t invented until decades later.
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that was audited years later, it was accurate.
BASED if true.
Idk about decadeS but like 4-12ish years yeah, I'll see if I can find some newspaper clippings
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>the murder of six million Jews
are you sure it was only six million, wasn't it a lot more?

Seriously how the fuck am I supposed to survive when the jobs are all dead end 50 hours a week slave labor for peanuts or 6 years of brainwash camp to have the privilege of serving the axis of psychopathic corporate evil under Karen and her woke stans
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Until you find yourself in some mountains in Iran in a paper thin piece of shit Bradley and goat fuckers are about to make you eat a tandem charge RPG or two
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Your going to figure out something to do to work for yourself.
Everyone else seems to do it?
Maybe you are just mentally fragile?
Ive done my time, got the gibs to prove it.
If they call me back, it's just to fill the ranks at the ceremony where we hand the country over to whoever beat us.
I won't be fighting anywhere outside a twenty mile radius of my current location.

Stop using ZOG operating systems like Windows/Mac that monitor you and collect data about you. Install Linux to free yourself from ZOG surveillance.
>inb4 I got nothing to hide
Just say you are a slave to ZOG and want to live in the 1984 dystopia instead.
165 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
EndeavourOS is a pretty good distro I've found. Also if you're still on Windows just for games there's absolutely zero reason to stay there anymore, with proton virtually everything just works. Project Zomboid, Project Wingman in VR, Elden Ring, HOI IV, Helldivers, you name it. It all runs quite well. Requires a little bit of tinkering but being familiar with your machine is only a good thing.
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I don't give a shit. They can come for me if they want. Gas the motherfucking kikes, race war right the fuck now.
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I recommend Debian with KDE
KDE is literally Jeetware and Debian has systemd cancer.

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israeli memeflag poster: don't think too hard about the astroturfed Twitter accounts we push on your feed goy, just vote miga
I don't even need to use Twitter, I just come to /pol/ and half the posts are here already.
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55% chance
I think he used that when he got kicked off. Nothing wrong with ending wokeness though and if you support it go back to liddit where you will have the confirmation bias you seek.
>Ryan McBeth
Greasy, sweaty fuck that is trying to sell himself as Ukraine expert for 3 years now. Nice try.

Previous: >>475782511
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
>A - https://files.catbox.moe/dpxgrp.png
>B - https://files.catbox.moe/tzedhq.png
>Combo - https://files.catbox.moe/eo8pur.png

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn

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KEK! The (((MSM))) in my country was attempting to make sure that we ONLY heard that bit of the conversation.
After the previous few LIBERATIONS, it's only gotten worse. Perhaps it would be better to build a big wall on the western border of Russia.

By the way... Why do so few Europeans relocate to Moscow? It would raise their standard of living a lot.
>Britain is no longer an empire yet it pretends it still is.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes
>By the way... Why do so few Europeans relocate to Moscow? It would raise their standard of living a lot.
They actually believe the CIA controlled media and NGOs in their countries.

Why would you vote Kameltoe when she wants to tax you 70% as it is. You already can't afford a bag of groceries. You'll only lose more if she wins.
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I can’t be taxed because I don’t work
Voting for mommy because it makes imbred retards seethe
If you don't work, how do you survive?
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Hate to break it to you, but 70% of nothing is still nothing.
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Bit it's the truth tho

and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
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Yep. I screwed that up. Oops. Busy multi-task canning. lol
I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.
I got a sense for it as well. in the next 10 years Tucker Carlson will be speaking his "MUH SPIRITUAL AILENS" shit. getting normie golems conditioned for it.
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The time to pick the right horse is now.

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When they say Trans Men and Trans Women, they’re saying that the gender is of the original instead of the latter which in terms in dead gendering them, isn’t it?
If you’re a trans man, technically that should imply you’re a FTM but in the poll it’s using MTF.

Trump is already winning the femboy vote.
Looks like we already are

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For that alone
I respect
the French.
You fucked up the link by adding a period
why do you have to respect the Frogs? They destroyed monarchy, created communism and homosexuality.

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Previous: >>475794178
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
>A - https://files.catbox.moe/dpxgrp.png
>B - https://files.catbox.moe/tzedhq.png
>Combo - https://files.catbox.moe/eo8pur.png

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




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As you all know, yesterday Governor Gruesome Newsom has issued an order to start tearing down all the homeless encampments. They are to either 1) Go to the shelters 2) Get drug counseling 3) Face going to prison. Today the city I live in (on this map) has started to kick out homeless from the encampments with a heavy police presence. They are starting to be very visible on all sidewalks and streets as a result. A significantly noticeable amount of homeless all over downtown in my city pushing carts and trying find somewhere to go. The city is telling them to either go use the shelters or face jail. Everyone at work is excited that these bottom feeders are having their party ended. They are given a few days to disperse and get the fuck out or they will be arrested and all their belongings will be thrown away. Enough is enough, this is 14 years in the making. Oregon, Nevada and Arizona, just warning you, you're about to get these failures of society headed your way
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Yep everyone is aware of the corruption going on at the state level. Lots of investigative journalism covering the homeless issue in CA the past decade has shown that these are all nepotism contracts awarded. If you solve the problem suddenly you're out of a job, so they have no incentive but to continue to collect the $40 billion this state has spent (that we know of) on combating the homeless drug addict epidemic
how by playing musical chairs.
The only slightly informed posts it

The dystopian future is now
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I want more prisons. But retards in SF and Sacramento voted to close the prisons. We need Bukele style El Savadorean prisons. Throw those animals in there far away from civilized society. Who would have ever thought locking up all the criminals would make your country the safest on earth??? Tough on crime works, it always has worked and always will work
Last time I saw Phoenix PD dealing with a homeless meth zombie, night sticks were involved and they were beating that rat into a fine film.
I figure Phoenix PD and the MCSO will sort the wheat from the chaff. Whatever they miss the residents will deal with.

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Press S to spit on this degenerate couchfucker's dead political career.
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You mean you’re voting for whites and degeneracy. At least be honest.
877CASHNOW nigga
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I get that you have no morals or values that you stand on. Some of us actually do. You underestimate how disgusted we were with the RNC and the Vance pick. We’re not shills. If it makes you feel better to think this is all astroturfing, enjoy.
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wtf is this timeline
it's been debooonked

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290 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
To be fair most of these comments come from kikes on a proxy
Don’t deport them, retard. That puts them closer to home, where they can pick up a gun and fight the Jews.

Fuck, this guy can’t get anything right.
Trump kept all the wars going. You fucking retards love to say "Trump didn't start any wars" but you always seem to leave out the part about keeping all the wars going.
Daily reminder Israel stole 4 nukes during Obama's term inside the US while they were being transported.
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Shoo, bot.

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It is no secret that formerly Christian Europe is slowly being dominated by the Muslims. The Jews have been planning this for a long time so that they can blot out Amalek. A depressing and strange detail about this domination is how reluctant Europeans are to fight back even when they are faced with terrible acts of violence against women and children.
I am genuinely not creating this post to agitate Christians, but the Christian moral standard of turning the other cheek is what has brought Europe to its current abysmal state.
Anyone with intelligence can see this.
Muslims on the other hand have no qualms about using force to get their way. Men are not unsexed in the muslim religion the way that Christian men are (become eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven) and having wealth is not seen as shameful in Islam the same way that it is in Christianity.

To make a long story short, dominance is encouraged in Islam and passivity is encouraged in Christianity.

My theory is that all of this was intentional. The jews promoted Christianity in Europe as a means of feminizing Europeans over time to prepare them for slaughter. Meanwhile in the middle-east, the jews promoted the masculine religion of Islam that demands conquest from the men and obedience from the women.

Anyone who has knowledge about Kabbalah and the occult knows that the masculine is the active force and the feminine is the receptive or passive force in the universe. These two forces long for union with one another.

Abrahamic religion has essentially created a sinister masculine feminine circuit designed to crush Europeans.

Europe becomes hyper feminine through Christianity, this femininity attracts the masculinity of muslim societies. They mesh together as the men and the woman mesh together in intercourse (in this case the societal intercourse would be more akin to rape) and tada!
The jews win.
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>Literally the most pagan thing ever
>Oh but he was a christian though
No he fucking wasn't.
Kikeinsanitys latent influence is why you get RW accounts cuckposting like

>10 hours of black on white violence

fukkin kill me
Turn the other cheek goy
this actually makes a lot of sense. what are the counter-arguments against this, if any?
Christianity also causes white whore worship on the right (white mans most stubborn enemy), pagan societies said all white whores go to hell (hel) which shows they were redpilled on der weisse hure since early

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It's probably the most important thing anything you can do any given day.

There is a metaphysical element to life that is relevant and important. There are still many mysteries to life. The soul is real.
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It's actually "forgive us our DEBTS as we forgive our DEBTORS" but Roman Catholic church changed it because they don't want to forgive debts.
Maybe. Don't know if this is some trickery actually
If God exists he don't care.
Yeah i can't say trespasses. It feels wrong.

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I am not an insider. I am just another anon that has paid attention, noticed and conected the dots. This is where we stand:

There is a war, an occult war. Do you not see it all around you? The globohomo cabal do believe in occult forces, and do perform occult rituals for power. They sacrifice children with abortion, trannysm, human trafficking, pedophilia, manmade diseases, pharmaceutical poisons, contrived wars. They mock everything wholesome and good.

Moreover, the occult forces they worship are indeed real. All significant religions talk about the war in heaven. Angels vs Demons. Devas vs Asuras. Aesir vs Vanir. Olympians vs Titans, etc. HP Lovecraft talked about the Old Ones and the cults that want to summon them. They come from the 'stars', whatever that really means. Non-human entities.

You might have heard about UFOs. Their technology is "spiritual", in many ways we cannot fully understand. Psychic phenomena is real. Magic if you will. Many groups have tried to suppress this information for centuries. All the forefathers of space travel believed in it: Russian Cosmists, Jack Parsons, the Nazis. Isaac Newton was more interested in the Bible than he was in Calculus.
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The enemy is relentless and the battle painful, but we will prevail. Never give up, they cannot extinguish our soul.
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You guys are alright. You’re gonna make it.
I bet you were born to lead some people around you, probably in the near future.
Never forget, if you’ve gotten to this point, you have already developed a powerful internal integrity, and that will shine to others like a beacon of hope.
You already know there’s nothing that can destroy your spirit. It’s a good feel
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their goal is total dominance. they may not be able to extinguish our souls, but they can block out the light of our creator, they can block out knowledge. we cannot afford to be ignorant. information is out there, we are not nescient.
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I am not going to lie, I'm having a hard time lately. I had a lot of spiritual growth a couple years ago, maybe too much fuelled by drugs. I felt like I was making a lot of progress, but then I just fell into a pit. these last couple years have been hard.
I've been fortunate in many ways, but I've lost a lot too. and this world just feels so dark right now, it's hard to find the light.

anyway if anyone else is feeling the struggle you aren't alone. cheers for the genuine thread op
Pic related is about that. Can't recommend enough. Can be a bit too edgy for some.

Besides not wanting Trump to be president, what makes people want to vote for pic related? She is not presidential material in my estimation.
>Besides not wanting Trump to be president
They don't have a second reason to vote for her
Some will vote for her because she has to sit while she pees

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