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Thoughts /pol/? Is it her turn?
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It's his turn.
Biden will win by massive fraud.
As always.
Media will initially be baffled by the results, but then will fall into line.
As always.
I'd be more worried about her beating him with her 11 inches.
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Imagine thinking a negress will amount to anything
that shit doesn't matter. the obama cult is too strong and obama's term was up anyway. it was against hilldawg, not obongo

>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Woman 'in pain' before death at slapping workshop

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

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>it’s going to take me some time to sell it,
>doesn't have the money from it
rookie mistake dingo
Congrats tho.
hope you get your cash money but don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

ps I was a multi-millionaire at 31 ;)
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I live in a ~150 year old terraced house and it's silent, peaceful, not creepy at all. Less creepy than my parent's house which is like 40 years old. Ghosts aren't real
>fall asleep in 10 minutes
>video is over an hour long
Not confident in their own advertising then?
should have made it 9 mins

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America peaked in this moment, can't prove otherwise
America peaked in 1776, faggot
Fuck jewish elvis
dion is better
America had no peak. It was always shit
Fuck the founding fathers

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>Fans are rejoicing as it has been confirmed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are Black teenagers when in human form

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you can still do it Le'turdre'
Pretty sure April was Mongols
nah they definitely would have raped April
Needs a bit more diversity.
Built for BTC

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You have heard of the "eating ice cream at the store" trend.

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we dont have robots yet
Giving mexican kids herpes?
We eatin good, senpai
If a nip try this he will be labelled as a creep degenerate sex deviant, but the dude is black, therefore is based.

ever been to a car factory or a semiconductor manufactory? There are robotics everywhere. CNC is a robot, hell even a 3d printer is a robot if you think about it.

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Previous: >>472888579
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32

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Probably Turkey or Greece, but most importantly what are we even classifying as corruption? Is it politicians stealing money for themselves? This is not even the worst form of corruption
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Ah shiot, you're an austrolayoian. Sorry man, I am a bit clattered it is 3am here and prime drinké time.
If they lose all power we wont be getting any new vids from their side.
aieeee new york sisters our response?

>w-w-we dont need it anyway!

>China is increasingly treating a Chinese city full of Chinese people like other cities in China
Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
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That's because your chink pay pig pays you to see what he tells you to see.
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>City still has it's own flag on 4chan

That settles it, Hong Kong is independent. Free Hong Kong. Revolution of our times. Viruses do not exist.
because the jews wanted all of china to become like hong kong not the other way around
What do you have against mongols? You're 30% part mongol yourself kek.
Did you forget to take a look in the mirror this morning?
>Revolution of our times
its a sad revolution then, really really pathedic

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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious science juices (not saline) which included a free chemical lobotomy (Long COVID brain fog) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
You realize every anti vaxxer has a different version of the vaccine in mind right?
I've heard it all kiddo.
Oh you have brain fog.
Oh you are now sterile.
Oh you have a cancer.
Oh you can't believe in God.
Oh you'll be a 5g zombie.
etc etc.
None of these things has come to pass. It's been like 3 years. Move on with your life.
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Those underfunded glowies should move into your head, I heard rent there is free and there's plenty of space.
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Vaxxies are HELLBOUND!!!

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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kikes worship lucifer, the babylonian talmud is so very similar to the gospel of Judas. Gnostics love judas' scripture and most of the gnostic bible is based on judas iscariot's writings. It's all judaeo-talmudism.
gas lighting isn't real, you made it up because you're crazy
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i know where they send these coins ;d
is NJ actually in play? I see it's really close rn
>The White House sources told NBC News that the president’s son's sudden presence at meetings has caused confusion for some White House staff, with the reaction being, "What the hell is happening?"

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how do you stay sober in this hell world we live in? why arent you drinking booze?
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i drink once a week, thats good enough for me
I realize that, he also mentioned taking tylenol in his post
>A Brit talking to anyone about healthy living

Try drinking something other than paint thinner before commenting on "mechanisms of action," snaggletooth.
>I don't wake up the following morning feeling like shit.
how much are you guys drinking?
If you get a hangover, you drank too much alcohol.
Are you guys just not capable of drinking responsibly?
I feel the same way and am astonished that so many people find it benefits them. I do not feel any benefits from drinking. Plus any drug that gives you a hangover is trash. I tried day drinking one time and it was fucking terrible. I tried drinking booze in response to a booze hangover and it was fucking ultra terrible. How do people do that?

Since I'm coming off of a three day ban for SOL posting and being "offtopic" when discussing the political aspects of Modern Monolatrist SOL worship...

I live in the US. As I'm sure most of you do. On one side, we have the GoP and "right" Influenced HEAVILY by Abrahamic religion and tradition, even in current year. Therefore, Abrahamic religion is currently relevant, politically, right? And on the other, the "progressive left" whos ideology and opinion of religion and history to be entirely based around mockery and repudiation of the traditional religion mentioned above. Atheism as applied becomes an "anti religion" religion in practice. Therefore, when discussing leftist politics, Atheism and anti-religious ideals ARE relevant to the political discussion. Right?

So. If both of those facts are true, why would discussion of politics or philosophy based on Solar Appreciation on a basic level be "off topic?" Especially when EVERY human being alive relies on the sun to practice civilization and politics to begin with?

Are you just scared of SOL, or what? How can the literal Sun itself be "off topic" more than the dichotomy mentioned above? Especially when discussed with calmness and practicality? How can life and light and order be "off topic?"
SOL? As in Sol Invictus? Mithraism? Tell me about this, it intrigues me
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SOL is for gay jews. How does it make you feel some Wall Street kikes took your concept of God and made it into a Jewish pump and dump?
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Related to the Roman example, sure, but specifically dropping the acceptance of imagined personification as true divinity, and presenting a third option diverging away from the current polarized dichotomy.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.

We enjoy the idea or visualizations of Helios or Apollo or Invictus, sure, but understand that the star that gives freely has no voice or face or human mind, nor does it change its works based on the opinion of mortal human beings. Neo-Paganism doesn't really describe it fully, desu. But feel free to ask any specifics and I'll answer asap!
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While Jewish people and all other racial or religious denominations are welcome under SOL's light, Solar Worship as described is NOT based on the written word or testimonials of other human beings, moreso the shared experience of humanity in general.

Also, the work of SOL and mother nature's evolution produced a majority heterosexual species, so...not gay.

▶Prev: >>472894277

▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity

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Hmmm, looks like I need to share with /chug/
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That's exactly right anon, putin needs his cattle, and they came without a second thought LMAO
тa нe тpяcиcь ты тaк пидop
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Shoulda stayed home little zoomer russnigger lmao.

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It is a sign of weak character to hate this man. It is a sign of insecurity and a lack of connection with God.

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> literal stick.
>The slightly charred sticks are also the oldest-known wooden artefacts in Australia.
>The team dated one fireplace and 40-centimetre stick to around 12,000 years old, while a second fireplace and stick, which was around 20cm long, was closer to 11,000 years old.

>does anyone care what Fatima does next?
>He said Senator Payman would not be a senator "if not for the fact" Labor was next to her name.

>is Molly ded? Get the "f" key polished up and ready.
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My boss was desperate for me to come back and work for him, offered me a trip to the nice brotho.
How insulting
[x] unemployed/able people talking about the vaxx.
>be born to indian parents
>dating a blonde uni student from the country probably one of your cousins
>aus/lol collectively shitting their pants as per usual
Feels good to be indian sirs
Im a virgin

I thought Sand Monkeys raping goats and livestock was a fucking meme

It actually happened
>I thought Sand Monkeys raping goats and livestock was a fucking meme
Haha nope, you can probably find hours of drone footage from the middle east of cunts fucking their livestock.
What was the sheep wearing? Probably something suggestive

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Why do nerds who get bullied in school usually end up rich, even millionaires, as adults? While popular kids and bullies usually end up as single mothers on welfare (if female) or in prison (if male)?
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life is not picrel, retard
i know guys who were complete assholes in school and they are doing better than our peers
The most popular kid in my highschool was picked 10th overall in the NFL draft. So... He made like... 40 million dollars at 21.
>live in a society that hands out money to smart autists who hyper focus on things
>why do nerds become rich
Let me guess, you're not rich.

Everybody has been bullied and everybody has been the bully.
Because it’s male nature to bully the less fortunate. Just like how animals pick on the runt and you better not be one of those robowaifu trannies.

It’s because you’re weak bro!

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none of them are viable. don't kid yourself.
jews going all in on Trumpstien
This means nothing. It'll all be undone at 4 AM.
I wonder if they'll be crawling towards RFK Jr at this rate.

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but there are still hand-made pepes that have become more common in the last few years, especially with the rise of "pepeology" NFTs

one pepe NFT recently sold for $275k!! and this is in a bear market where nobody is selling them.

pepe and apu memecoins have been the most successful alternative investments of the year 2024 in terms of raw % gain

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This is one of my best

I don't always share this, but when I do, I share it with my frens.

Be good to your frens. They are deserving of it.

Thoughts on this document?
Never heard of it. Qrd?
It's awesome.
>heritage foundation
aren't those the jews who gave trump that crown thing a few months ago?

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Is this realistic or bullshit?
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>spic fuentes
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are you not a larpagan?
No. It's not a binary. There's good in the Pagans and there's good in the Christians. My hope is that we can forge a new explicitly white racial religion to replace Christianity.
>Kneel before the crucifix

i'm generally on his side, but will kill anyone telling me to kneel to a religion. this doesn't go like you think it goes.

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